View Full Version : Dorf Centric Campaign

2014-06-25, 11:43 PM
Just some thoughts I'm kicking around for a campaign I'm working on, world and history generated using Dwarf Fortress (http://bay12games.com/dwarves/).

As it is generated from DF I did plan on using a lot of DF type details with it. One of which being that Wizards would not be a thing. The world is simply too young for anyone to have had time to study Magic and teach others. Sorcerers will still exist though as they're magic is entirely innate. Also i have a particular hate for the versatility of Wizards(when you're god, why bother adventuring?). And I was thinking of capping spells at level 6, and drop bards down to level 4.
Implement the idea of Fighter Levels counting as Initiator Levels. Also might eliminate their dead levels by giving them a feat on every level instead of every other.
Create(or find) as much of a variety of dwarves as there are elven races because elves are cannibalistic hippies.
Probably port over some stuff from Pathfinder like the rage powers(i might even try and stick barbarian and fighter in a blender and hit puree) and alchemists as they fit better with the theme. Or would it be easier to start with Pathfinder stuff and bring in 3.5 stuff?
Thats all I have for now. Any other thoughts?

2014-06-26, 11:14 AM
Or did I post this in the wrong section?

2014-06-26, 01:58 PM
Just some thoughts I'm kicking around for a campaign I'm working on, world and history generated using Dwarf Fortress (http://bay12games.com/dwarves/).

Well, you'll need necomancers. Both horde leading and stealthy ones that like to sneak in and animate entire burial grounds in one go. Weaponized magma is a must. Minecarts are fun and can be used to launch the magma. Trap corridors and rooms with hundreds of war dogs are a thing.

Playing around in adventure mode reveals interesting things, mega-beasts often live at shrines and collect tribute. I got a 300 pound feather off a flying worm that spat ice once, and it only had that one feather for some reason.

2014-06-26, 02:34 PM
Alright, so include a lot of Monstrous NPCs templated out the wazoo to simulate forgotten beasts. And I was thinking of swapping around the damage values for greatsword and greataxe.

2014-06-26, 03:43 PM
I'm actually running a 3.5 Dwarf Fortress campaign myself. We've been at it for about 2 1/2 years, and my PCs just cleared the millenia-year-old ruins of Boatmurdered. My thoughts:

Is this adventure mode or fortress mode? If fortress mode, put a lot of thought into the mechanics of building the fort. DF is much more granular and complicated than your players will probably be into.

Low magic settings throw off monster CR, because the monsters are calibrated with spellcasters in mind. Be careful not to overmatch your party.

If your players don't play DF, keep the number of DF references and "in-jokes" to a minimum.

Dorf PCs tend to end up with gargantuan hp pools because the race features and prc options encourage CON-stacking even more than usual. At 10th level, I have multiple PCs with >110 hp.

2014-06-26, 04:54 PM
I was mostly going to just use it to make the world and history rather than actual game play. And I was going to adjust the CR accordingly to accomdate the slower and lower level magic.

2014-06-26, 05:13 PM
Will the king be named... Ganondorf?

2014-06-26, 05:18 PM
No, the king will be Cacame Awemedinade Monípalóthi. Maybe Obok Meatgod for an evil one.

2014-06-26, 05:49 PM
Right then. You want to play a pretty straight D&D game in the DF setting with some DF tropes and in-jokes.

Races: dwarves, humans, elves, goblins, kobolds, and beast men.
Templates: vampire, lycanthrope, zombie, skeleton, mummy.
Classes: all mundanes, NPC classes, necromancers.
Tropes: nations ruled by gods, demons, or adopted descendants (I've seen dwarves ruled by kobold queens and kangaroo demon kings), weaponized magma, trap halls, dangerous wildlife (vultures attacking the wood cutters), mega-projects, and randomized demons and mega-beasts.
Jokes: mermaid farms, kitten culls, useless artifacts (a balsa wood mace that threatens with spikes of cloth and is engraved with images of cheese) that are worth 50,000 dorfbucks, attack carp, dwarves trying to farm Hell, minecart launched infantry troops.