View Full Version : Charismatic cleric?

2014-06-27, 04:19 AM
In one of my campaigns I'm trying to design a big bad for a small sidequest. To make a long story short, he's a charismatic cleric of Erythnul that ended up influencing a group of bandits that have revolted and taken over the poorest district of one of the most important cities in my campaign.

First of all, I'd like to know what'd make a good build for this character. I was thinking of making him a cloistered cleric using the Envy and Greed domains for him (since that's what he uses to intice his followers). I'm also thinking of putting him in one of the older age categories to make him more charismatic (and wise) but also more fragile. What other spells/feat could I give him, to increase that cowardly yet inspiring preacher feel?

Secondly, I'd like to know what'd be the best way to take him out. This campaign is in an E6 setting, and therefore rather "realistic". The charismatic cleric is active in a district that's in full rebellion and extremely chaotic (gangs rule the streets, looting is a daily occurance, the guards are afraid to enter the district and something close to a sellsword army is tasked with cleaning up the district). This man would be on his home turf and nearly always surrounded by either loyal followers or opportunists who benefit from associating with him (or both! They're not mutually exclusive traits). Of course I want my PCs to come up with their own solution, but I'd like to know what you guys would suggest so I can push them in the right direction if they can't come up with a good plan themselves.

By the way, I'm a "rule of cool" DM. If something makes no sense/is against the rules but is just plain awesome, I'm inclined to allow it.

2014-06-27, 06:12 AM
Dynamic Priest feat from Legends of the Twins - Dragonlance
Gives you bonus spells equal to your Charisma bonus instead of Wisdom, your DC's are unchanged tho.

2014-06-27, 07:10 AM
For defeating him, i see two ways:

either your players want to go headfront, and they can maybe try to underpower his cohort by working to poison them beforhand (it work also if they want to turn some of them...)

otherwise they could work in the shadow to infiltrate the cohort and try to discretly poison the cleric