View Full Version : "What are we going to do tonight, Brain?": World Domination in 3.5

2014-06-27, 08:36 AM
Take a hypothetical group of 4 LA+0 PCs: One is Combat-based, one is Arcane-based, one is Divine-based, and one is Skill-based. Have them inherit control of a small town's city council at 1st level, with an agenda of expansionism that ideally extends to all three of the world's known continents.

At what approximate ECL would you expect them to be able to succeed in their goal of ruling the world, if any? What do you think the fastest way to go about the goal would be, from the given base?

2014-06-27, 08:42 AM
Take a hypothetical group of 4 LA+0 PCs: One is Combat-based, one is Arcane-based, one is Divine-based, and one is Skill-based. Have them inherit control of a small town's city council as 1st level, with an agenda of expansionism that ideally extends to all three of the world's known continents.

At what approximate ECL would you expect them to be able to succeed in their goal of ruling the world, if any? What do you think the fastest way to go about the goal would be, from the given base?

Use the charismatic face of the party to gain political support, raise armies, etc.

Put on a happy face. I hate to bring it up, but . . . think about Prince Hans in Frozen. Don't let your powers of world domination become known.

In the meantime, have a caster get into necromancy and work towards creating an undead army.

This is a process, but over the course of several levels, you'll win. At level 10, they should be more than respected and strong enough to conquer the world (again, a process that will take a few levels.)

2014-06-27, 09:06 AM
Level fifteen.

2014-06-27, 09:27 AM
level 1

see pun-pun and his 3 other pun-puns.

but more seriously, any level, if they do it with an elaborate, low key, fool proof plan. that relies on the same things that have already been said.

if their parent is already king of the world, then just kill him off and succession to them.

if it is by force. then any level in which they become the highest level people in the world, or whenever they get the highest level people in the world to join with them. or at least enough of the top 1% to make a difference.

if they get the direct sanctioning and support from a top level deity, and they are not opposing a stronger deity.

2014-06-27, 09:54 AM
Depends on whoever reachers a +50 modifier on the diplomacy skill first (I recommend Bards with 1 level of Binder, 1 level of Warlock and 1 Level of Marshall) and a couple of levels in Exemplar. Use wands of Guidance of the avatar (or scrolls) and pump your social skills and UMD.

Step 1: Make people Helpful through Bluff/diplomacy
Step 2: Use repeated diplomacy to turn into Fanatics
Step 3: Move to next town
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3
Step 5: ???
Step 6: World Domination

(And if you can't figure step 5 you aren't trying hard enough)

Red Fel
2014-06-27, 10:12 AM
Take a hypothetical group of 4 LA+0 PCs: One is Combat-based, one is Arcane-based, one is Divine-based, and one is Skill-based. Have them inherit control of a small town's city council as 1st level, with an agenda of expansionism that ideally extends to all three of the world's known continents.

At what approximate ECL would you expect them to be able to succeed in their goal of ruling the world, if any? What do you think the fastest way to go about the goal would be, from the given base?

Honestly, world domination isn't a function of power, it's a function of cunning and influence. Your characters could do it at level 1 with the right skills, connections, and plans. At different levels, the mechanics vary due to limitations on ability.

At levels 1-5, you're doing it from behind the scenes. You're just strong enough to be the local hero, so use that influence to gain the trust and attention of powerful people. Scheme for them, with them, and (in secret) against them. Put them up against stronger enemies, manipulate matters so that your patron wins. As he does, he elevates you with him. If the party splits up, each member taking on a different patron, it won't be long before you've brought them all into the king's court, and you start maneuvering them against each other. As they demolish one another publicly, you and your allies will be applauded for being so noble and loyal, despite being employed by such monsters - and you'll be taken in by the king himself. Now you start working on a grand scale, pitting the king against other kingdoms, playing chess with the world, until he has absolute power across the continent. Then you take it from him.

At levels 6-10, you're no slouch. You can be a bit more direct. You're strong enough to earn the attentions of the king directly. Join the military. Rise in the ranks - you're stronger than many soldiers as-is. Manipulate events so that battles occur when (1) it's advantageous for you, and (2) disadvantageous for those in your division who oppose you. Ensure that you win, by conspiring with enemies and third parties. Ensure that you're seen winning. Ensure that those who dislike you are among the casualties. Watch your popularity as a war hero skyrocket. Become a general at the king's right hand. Then see above for what to do to a king. Remember that you're a general, a veteran and diplomat - work out relationships with other nations, including under-the-table arrangements for your own benefit, creating peace where convenient and war where nations might oppose you.

At levels 11-15, you're heroic - at least in terms of power. You can be even more direct. Become the champion of the kingdom. Slay a dragon or two. Singlehandedly stop an army. Rescue a couple of princesses over the weekend. See above for what happens when you meet the king, diplomat, etc.

At levels 16+, you're basically a god. You don't need to "take over" the world. There are spells that do that. Create your own demiplane, create a race that lives there, raise your army and sweep the continent. Bring down the literal wrath of god against those who oppose your rule. Summon armies of outsiders, cause natural disasters, pretty much just reshape the world in your image on a whim. Ignore the king; he's no longer necessary.

2014-06-27, 10:29 AM
A few levels higher than the highest-level entity with a current interest in dominating the world.

There are already people who want to take over the world. You've got to either somehow get them on your side, or eliminate them. Also, there's the matter of exercising authority. It's probably easier to get yourself crowned Emperor, than it is to make sure that the Emperor's orders are actually followed. If your authority is viewed as legitimate (i.e. you didn't usurp the previous guy or acquire your land by dirty tricks; or if you did, nobody cares about it) you'll have an easier time of that.

Shining Wrath
2014-06-27, 10:48 AM
Is this planet in Tippyverse where there are godlike wizards behind every bush (or, every bush is a polymorphed wizard waiting to strike)? Epic levels.

Is this planet like Eberron, where level 10 is impressive? As soon as they get to 5th level spells plus a little. 10 or 12.

2014-06-27, 11:16 AM
Blarney Stinson (wow, a whopping 2 references in the name :smallyuk:)
CG Half-Elf bard 2/marshall 1/Warlock 1/binder 1/Cleric 1/

put an 18 in CHA, rest in int>wis>>str=con=dex

So thus far we have (in 6 levels):

feat: Noble Born (1st), Negotiator (3rd), Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (Marshall), Complementary Insight (lvl 3)

domains (make up an ideal or something that incorporates charm and community): Charm Domain (boost Cha with 4 1/day), Community domain (calm emotions 1/day and +2 diplomacy) (both in SpC)

Invocations: Beguiling Influence
spells known: Fleeting Fame (cantrip), Amplify (1st), Ray of Hope (1st),
spells prepared: competence (orison),

Auras: Cha bonus Aura:

So, let's count shall we?

6 levels so max ranks gives us: 9 [9 skillpoints]
synergy(+complementary insight): bluff (+3), Intimidate (+3), Sense Motive (+3): +9 [15 skillpoints]
Cha mod to skill: +4
Aura: +4
Beguiling Influence: +6
Skillfocus: +3
Negotiator: +2
Domain: +2
Half-Elf: +2
Take 10 (Naberius; binder1)

So that's a stationary 9+9+4+4+6+3+2+2+2+10=51 -> Boom! Nailed it already!

but Wait! there is more! we can boost ourselves should we get some negative modifiers should the DM hate us:
+4 Cha equals a +2 cha mod, +2 echoed by the aura
Fleeting fame (Bard 0th) +2
Ray of hope +2 (morale on all actions)
Amplify (gonna start preaching on a soapbox! hear ye! Hear ye!)
Competence: +1

Now we are at 51+2+2+2+2+1= 60. lvl 6 you got your build to do the 6 steps I laid out before. Tell you what, you will be quite the charming fellow

And you haven't even touched your WBL yet.

Start Preaching, get followers, rule the world. You will be absolutely worthless in combat though until you gain Divine Ranks.

2014-06-27, 06:27 PM
What methods are they using? Any economic ones? Most of the really broadly multiplicative and massively parallel methods of this come up at maybe level 8 - 12 or so.

On economic methods:


2014-06-27, 06:46 PM
Looking through the responses thus far, I'm not clear on whether "from the given base" was factored into several of these.

2014-06-28, 12:30 PM
Looking through the responses thus far, I'm not clear on whether "from the given base" was factored into several of these.

well, I did provide a skillbased one, and as long as you keep pumping up your CHA, you can just pretty much keep preaching until people's disposition towards you keeps increasing. By then it's a game of reach lvl 5 (leave the 2nd bard level for last) and pump up that diplomacy like a used car salesman trying to sell a second hand Fiat Multipla (which would be desperately).

2014-06-28, 03:04 PM
Honestly, world domination isn't a function of power, it's a function of cunning and influence. Your characters could do it at level 1 with the right skills, connections, and plans. At different levels, the mechanics vary due to limitations on ability.

No, a level one character that rises above his station gets ganked. Gather info check, oh hey, your disguise skill is maybe +15, time to die, lordling.

2014-06-28, 03:05 PM
well, I did provide a skillbased one, and as long as you keep pumping up your CHA, you can just pretty much keep preaching until people's disposition towards you keeps increasing. By then it's a game of reach lvl 5 (leave the 2nd bard level for last) and pump up that diplomacy like a used car salesman trying to sell a second hand Fiat Multipla (which would be desperately).

Could you clarify how you felt that providing a single build addressed the question I posed of how the team might go about the goal by a certain level? I realize in hindsight I should have included "outside of TO," but thought the specifics indicated more of a PO scenario than some responses have read into it.

2014-06-28, 04:20 PM
Could you clarify how you felt that providing a single build addressed the question I posed of how the team might go about the goal by a certain level? I realize in hindsight I should have included "outside of TO," but thought the specifics indicated more of a PO scenario than some responses have read into it.

well, first I thought at how to achieve world domination at low(-ish) levels, to which the obvious answer is diplomacy. I'm aware that it is broken, however, I hardly think the build I posted is TO. I haven't used any recursion tricks, neither have I been using all resources towards a single goal: you still have WBL and some other skillpoints to put towards other things. The build doesn't have a lot of attack power (unless you use fractional bab which would give you a couple of points towards that). For the rest carry a crossbow or a staff and go to town. For other party members I could imagine that you would need some protections or some such. When using the build I posted it's not very important what other means you possess.

Other options include the whightapocalypse, killing everyone and carving out your little kingdom for yourselves. This could be done as early as you can make enough wights to slowly but surely create more spawns. charming everyone (Arcane), Divine I have no idea (unless you get Guidance of the avatar and do the Diplomancing trick another way)

or you could be strong enough to kill everyone within sight (combat, spiritlion totem barbarian with shocktrooper and so on?), conquer the city (for help get some leadership or get mercenaries).

yet another option is to steal the crown jewels (should those have some law effect that the person possessing the crown jewels be the ruler of the nation), to which end a couple of rogues would be awesome.

As for the town at lvl 1, get gather information high, bluff high, intimidate high and blackmail politicians into giving you more and more power to play with. It's not so much exciting, yet very effective.

Ultimately I chose the build I linked because to me it seemed like the best way to do it in a reliable fashion and with a relatively unique build. (also, giving speeches is an excellent way to earn roleplaying XP). sorry if I didn't live up to your idea of the spirit of the challenge.