View Full Version : Meanest Monster you Ever Made?

2014-06-27, 03:25 PM
For all my fellow sadistic DMs out there, thought I'd check what horrors all of you have thought up. I've got two:

Paradise Bird - Small bird, completely non-threatening in combat, very pretty. In groups, their singing produces a hypnotic effect, lulling any victim that fails a will save into a pleasant torpor, and induces hallucinations of whatever they were seeing when they fell under the effects, only prettier and more peaceful. Then some of the birds peck a small hole in the target's neck and lap up the blood, for minor CON damage. Victims roll a d100, and get minor hints as to what's happening - lightheadedness, a sharp pain in their neck, a light weight on their shoulder, or a wet sensation spreading across their chest. In larger number, the DC is harder to resist.

As a side effect, the bird's don't *only* cover up their own attack - other nasty things can happen in the background, making them a favored pet for setting um ambushes or criminal activities.

Resurrection Thief
In it's pupal stage, the Resurrection Thief appears as a large but furtive preying mantis, about the total size of a dog, but with extremely thin, long limbs. They follow adventuring parties or other death-prone individuals around, until the see a corpse. They then attempt to hide themselves inside the corpse, bunching up and crawling in through the mouth when no one's looking. If the corpse is then targeted for resurrection, the thief itself absorbs all of the energy of the spell, including the power from the sacrificed diamonds, gaining a set of very powerful buffs and proceeding to attack the party - still wearing the corpse of their friend, with blade-like appendages pushing out through the limbs.

2014-06-27, 03:47 PM
For all my fellow sadistic DMs out there, thought I'd check what horrors all of you have thought up. I've got two:

Resurrection Thief
In it's pupal stage, the Resurrection Thief appears as a large but furtive preying mantis, about the total size of a dog, but with extremely thin, long limbs. They follow adventuring parties or other death-prone individuals around, until the see a corpse. They then attempt to hide themselves inside the corpse, bunching up and crawling in through the mouth when no one's looking. If the corpse is then targeted for resurrection, the thief itself absorbs all of the energy of the spell, including the power from the sacrificed diamonds, gaining a set of very powerful buffs and proceeding to attack the party - still wearing the corpse of their friend, with blade-like appendages pushing out through the limbs.

That's.....just....EVIL! But in an awesome kind of way ^_^

2014-06-27, 03:53 PM
I'm partial to the Giant Crazy Red Chicken of Swiftness. Which is pretty much what it says on the tin. The thing's move speed is pretty cheesed out, it has ungodly reflexes, all save-for-nothings (evasion, etc.) and a rust-dragon's breath attack. Basically, it enters combat, blows rust-breath everywhere, then runs out of combat. If threatened, it has a few SLAs that get it out of a bind (Dimension Door, Blink, Teleport, etc.) and a high-ish degree of Fast Healing. All of this because it swallowed the MacGuffin that the players need to get and it bonded to its gizzard. It also has a dozen or so HD of Magical Beast.

Piggy Knowles
2014-06-27, 06:17 PM
A fiendish colossal monstrous scorpion... with two levels of swordsage. Note that the colossal monstrous scorpion has 40 HD, which means that its IL was 22. Note also that seven maneuvers, two stances and two uses of the Martial Study feat meant it was able to qualify for Tornado Throw, Raging Mongoose and Feral Death Blow.

There is something supremely satisfying about seeing the look on your party's face when a colossal scorpion blasts forward in a burst of speed, picking each one of them up in turn and Tornado Throwing them fifty feet away in all different directions, then next round Sudden Leaps over the party crusader to toss out a Feral Death Blow to the daring outlaw hanging out near the back.

2014-06-27, 06:27 PM
Vengeful Angels
Telepathically linked to an individual, can turn incorporeal and invisible at will, requires planar binding to stop this from occurring, can only be killed permanently with their own blades. Also, Lawful Good but in the bad way.

2014-06-27, 06:28 PM
Lawful Good but in the bad way.

This statement confuses me. You mean Miko Miyazaki Lawful Good, right?

2014-06-27, 06:33 PM
This statement confuses me. You mean Miko Miyazaki Lawful Good, right?

I'll put it this way: they're created to be good and lawful. They are not, however, well-versed in how mortals act. They'll link to a single Lawful Good mortal. Anyone that person has a problem with, no matter how fleeting or how pointless that problem is, the Vengeful Angel will attack and kill. Soon that person, who may have never done anything wrong in their entire life, will notice that everyone around them is dying, and soon doubt themselves. This crisis of faith is all it takes for a Vengeful Angel to kill them.

2014-06-27, 06:36 PM
I'll put it this way: they're created to be good and lawful. They are not, however, well-versed in how mortals act. They'll link to a single Lawful Good mortal. Anyone that person has a problem with, no matter how fleeting or how pointless that problem is, the Vengeful Angel will attack and kill. Soon that person, who may have never done anything wrong in their entire life, will notice that everyone around them is dying, and soon doubt themselves. This crisis of faith is all it takes for a Vengeful Angel to kill them.

That doesn't sound Lawful Good. Like at all. That sounds Lawful Neutral at best.

2014-06-27, 06:38 PM
That doesn't sound Lawful Good. Like at all. That sounds Lawful Neutral at best.

They're pretty much only good due to the subtype; if they were mortals without subtypes, Lawful Evil all the way.

2014-06-27, 06:41 PM
You can be a Lawful Evil with the (good) subtype, since subtypes have little to no actual bearing on real alignment.

2014-06-27, 06:47 PM
You can be a Lawful Evil with the (good) subtype, since subtypes have little to no actual bearing on real alignment.

You're probably right, but quite frankly, when I made it, my understanding of good and evil were a little hazy.

2014-06-27, 06:49 PM
Ocean Giant with Half Clay Golem template and 2 levels in Fighter which used a harpoon of suck and nets. Has the following immunities: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, and pretty much infinite SR

Edit: Did I forget to mention that they fought this in the open waters far far away from shore, and that the ocean giant had a ranger buddy using Binding arrows so they couldn't just teleport away.

2014-06-27, 09:05 PM
Another one I made that was less mean and more annoying was Storm Crows (if you get the reference, congrats) they'd show up in flocks and while they weren't that powerful (CR 1/2), each one boosts the others, similar to bardic music. One time I had an epic campaign fight 300 of them at once. The end result wasn't pretty.

2014-06-27, 09:10 PM
Another one I made that was less mean and more annoying was Storm Crows (if you get the reference, congrats) they'd show up in flocks and while they weren't that powerful (CR 1/2), each one boosts the others, similar to bardic music. One time I had an epic campaign fight 300 of them at once. The end result wasn't pretty.

Storm Crow has always been OP

Jeff the Green
2014-06-27, 09:26 PM
We'll, I built the Leanansidhe. Casts as a sorcerer (though only from enchantment and illusion), and forms what are essentially Faustian pacts. Bond to her and you gain massive bonuses to saves, mental stats, creative ability, and enchantment and illusion. You also take a negative level to begin with and another one each month. And they can't be removed. You don't necessarily have to know the ramifications of the pact when you enter it, and the only way to get out of it is to find another lover the Leanansidhe likes better. Also, regeneration overcome only by cold iron fey-bane weapons—or not at all if her lover's nearby.

So yeah, she's deadly twice over. If you meet her without a lover and you're a bard or have Craft ranks, she'll try to get her fingers into you—and all it takes is for her to ask you to be her lover and you saving yes (and then a ritual involving lots of sex). Or you could encounter her with her lover and be fighting a very scary, nigh-invincible fairy and a super powered bard (or artificer, or similar).

2014-06-27, 09:41 PM
We'll, I built the Leanansidhe. Casts as a sorcerer (though only from enchantment and illusion), and forms what are essentially Faustian pacts. Bond to her and you gain massive bonuses to saves, mental stats, creative ability, and enchantment and illusion. You also take a negative level to begin with and another one each month. And they can't be removed. You don't necessarily have to know the ramifications of the pact when you enter it, and the only way to get out of it is to find another lover the Leanansidhe likes better. Also, regeneration overcome only by cold iron fey-bane weapons—or not at all if her lover's nearby.

So yeah, she's deadly twice over. If you meet her without a lover and you're a bard or have Craft ranks, she'll try to get her fingers into you—and all it takes is for her to ask you to be her lover and you saving yes (and then a ritual involving lots of sex). Or you could encounter her with her lover and be fighting a very scary, nigh-invincible fairy and a super powered bard (or artificer, or similar).

My PCs would probably just go, "Worth It".

2014-06-29, 02:54 AM
An orc with a cursed book that everytime he dies, one creature randomly makes a Will Save or automaticaly die and become the orc, full hp.

2014-06-29, 12:50 PM
The Bloodmage Vampire Quartet I made for the off-month campaign I ran to buy our DM time to prepare his next campaign since we ended the previous one early. My group said they wanted to fight zombie hordes and vampires, so I gave them that in spades.

They were four vampires with different pre-vamp base classes, with houseruled entry into PF's bloodmage and custom accessories of move action Knight's Transposition keyed to the same accessory worn by another vampire. (They basically each had three trinkets to let them swap places with each other as needed.) I took away their suggestion/mind control skills and told the players "when you fight vampires, it's going to be a FIGHT. I don't want to do any of that mind control crap."

They used stealth, sleight of hand, and illusions to sneak around the partially abandoned necropolis the PCs were lost in, preying on the surviving humans, storing the excess blood with the bloodmage class features. The base sorcerer had used Sculpt Corpse with the base rogue offering aid another disguise checks to make them all look identical.

The way the fight would go was they'd wound the "vampire" who fought them with sorcery only for him to "magically heal to full health" then suddenly start using feints and duelist stunts, then "full heal" again and go berserker rage, then "full heal" one more time and start using items like smoke sticks to start landing sneak attacks. Once he was wounded, he'd swap back to the sorcerer again, who had since full healed, who would go nova, immediately followed by the fightery duo jumping in the room to cover him, before finally the rogue slipped in and started sneak attacking. The tanky ones would transpose with the rogue or sorcerer if they were being focused on. If they split up and fought as individual fights, it was going to go to grapple checks and tank refilling.

It was meant to show them the teamwork they NEVER use. I expected if they blew it (somehow) it would be the kind of TPK they talked about for months. (they'd been complaining for a long while that they never ever die.)

My players, of course, upon first encountering one of these vampires (the rogue) only to lose it in a chase thanks to subterfuge (the sorcerer caught their attention from the opposite side of a valley using a cantrip, they thought the vampire had teleported.), promptly abandoned the chase to go to the underground black market to sell loot and got themselves killed in the underground fight ring I made the mistake of mentioning as flavor. The solo fights were fair, the players just fought too many of them out of greed. This coincided timing wise with when the DM was ready to start the next campaign, and so the vampire quartet went as a mystery that nobody cared about the answer to.

2014-06-29, 02:18 PM
Malakoth, the Half Farspawn 8 headed Hydra Lich Cleric (5 levels)

Malakoth was actually a fusion of two enemies the party had fought earlier and as such he "cheated" as he got a second standard action each turn to cast spells or use one of his SLAs. My players actually really enjoyed the fight as it was the most challenging solo boss fight we've ever had.

Edit: my condolences on the unfortunate results of that fight, those vamps sounded awesome. Could you PLEASE send me their builds as id love to throw my party at them.