View Full Version : The home stretch - Ninja/monk in need of final touches

2014-06-27, 10:26 PM
My group and I will be playing the last story arc (chronologically speaking) of the game we've been playing for the last couple years and in preparation for it, characters are being adjusted.

So here's the deal: My ninja/monk needs 3 whole feats (27, 30, 33). Along with these feats comes a limited budget of 100k.

She's Monk 14 and Ninja 10 (plus 10 newly acquired racial HD of dragon), all ready set up with Robilar's gambit, ki smite and karmic healing, along with unorthodox flurry/aptitude weapon cheese to wield her sword. She has an AC high enough to just straight up avoid most attacks and enough damage to drop most targets in a round.

My question is, what would you do to finish up a character like that?

2014-06-30, 10:23 AM
10 HD of Dragon?

If your Dragon HD comes with a breath weapon - Meta-Breath Feats? Give your sneaky striker some options...

If the Dragon HD comes with wings - some aerial feats that might work too

And just for giggles...Infinite Deflection and Exceptional Deflection - now, anything with ranged attack (touch or otherwise) is deflected if one hand is free... If you use one handed weapons combine with Glove of Storing for instant storing and retrieving. By the wording of Exceptional Deflection you can deflect anything with a ranged attack...including mountains...