View Full Version : Optimization Shield Bashing with a Two-handed Weapon?

2014-06-28, 04:55 PM
Is there any way to do it? Specifically a way to be able to do it with a Crusader's Shield Counter maneuver?

I'm playing a big brute of a character in a high-powered game that fights with a two-handed weapon and has a substantially high strength. He's got the Bear Totem Barbarian's Improved Grab, and the Knock-down and Knockback feats and will be Gargantuan or bigger in combat. I was going to give him a dip at a high level into Crusader, and I was thinking about picking up Shield Counter. With his threat range and his strength, it would let him reach out and punish one person when they attack anywhere near him every turn, not only cancelling any kind of attack, but also either grabbing them, knocking them down, or sending them flying. The catch is that it has to be a shield bash attack, and I just can't think of any way to do that while still using a two-handed weapon.

Now, I don't need the shield to give me any AC bonus at all, and I don't really care about any penalties to attack rolls. I just need to be able to bash with it. Unfortunately, I'm pretty feat starved and I can't spend any feats on this to be able to do it. I'm also pretty sure I can't spare any levels in a dip, either. However, I am a 5th level Psionic Artificer, and I can make custom items with DM approval. I'm also already using Girallon's Blessing and Arms of Plenty in a custom item with Fuse Arms, and I'd rather not lose any arms and drop my strength score to do it.

Is there a way, Or will I just have to lose a pair of arms?

2014-06-28, 05:09 PM
Have a way to gain an apendage you can use to attack with and get the Gloves of Man which allows you to wield a weapon on that apendage. So maybe make a custom magic item to gain maybe a tentacle or two, get the gloves to make them prehensile, and enjoy wielding your shield or other weapons in that set of "arms". The magic item is from savage species.

2014-06-28, 05:34 PM
Any extra arms or tentacles I'd get would also likely be fused together for more strength, though.

I just remembered about the Spare Hand magic Item in the MIC, and I suppose I can use that if there's no mundane way. I just don't really like the flavor or that, and losing two infusions from a 5th level Artificier is a bit painful, but I'll deal with it, if I have to.

I was really hoping for a mundane way, though, like some shield I've never heard of. My character relies on magic items far too much, already, and the more things I can do without magic, the better.

-Edit- Upon reading it further, it looks like Spare Hand would cost me 3 infusions to both wield the light shield AND attack with it. Unless I'm reading it wrong.

2014-06-28, 05:39 PM
You could use the shield as a two-handed weapon itself and bash with it. That would enable both shield having and two-handed weapon for power attack and the like.

2014-06-28, 05:44 PM
You could use the shield as a two-handed weapon itself and bash with it. That would enable both shield having and two-handed weapon for power attack and the like.

Thank you for the response. I have thought of this, but my character is already rather attached to his custom spiked greathorn minotaur hammer, and he's invested quite a bit of XP and GP enchanting it, already. There's just something special about a 17-20 X4 bludgeoning and piercing weapon.

2014-06-28, 06:02 PM
It seems to me that the rules for shields get caught up in the using them as armor thing. They don't really cover using them specifically as an off-hand weapon you can just strap to your forearm.

Ideally, I'd like to just use the Gauntlet Shield from Races of Stone and my hammer. Take the penalties of the shield, don't let it give me any bonus to AC, take a -2 for attacking while using it (double the -1 from a buckler), and take the non-proficiency penalties for it being exotic. But I can't find anything that would support this being possible.

2014-06-28, 11:30 PM
Dragonborn of Bahumat. Switch one of your existing feats for Dragon Tail (Races of the Dragon). Take Prehensile Tail (Savage Species/Serpent Kingdoms). This will give you two hands to grip your shield.

If you need an exotic shield, use the Dwarven Buckler-Axe. Works just like a buckler, but does not incur the -1 buckler penalty.