View Full Version : [PF/3.X] Closest playable ooze

The Insanity
2014-06-28, 05:56 PM
I'm looking for an ooze, either in PF or 3.X, that's closest to being playable as a PC.
Note, I'm not searching for an ooze that IS playable, 'cause I know that there's probably none. I'm searching for something close, that would take minor houserules (like an Int score for example, or removing the ooze's acid touch, because it could be problematic).

2014-06-28, 06:17 PM
Thrall of Juiblex!

Wait. No.

2014-06-28, 06:28 PM
Master of Many Forms can get there at something like ECL12. There's Oozemaster... and as already stated Thrall of Jubilex. Only Master of Many Forms allows you to become an Ooze though..

The Insanity
2014-06-28, 06:37 PM
Um, I think you misunderstood. I'm not asking how to become an ooze, or how to build an ooze-like character. I'm asking for an ooze race/monster that's close to being playable, with some houserules.

2014-06-28, 06:37 PM
Awaken ooze from one of the Dragon Magazines makes an ooze playable, though it changes their type to aberration. Spell Sovereigns from Dragon Mag. 357 can awaken living spells, which are oozes, without changing their type. I once toyed with the idea of building an awakened living entangling dragonmark monk, which looked vaguely humanoid due to being a dragonmark, that entangled people whenever it punched them.

Master of Many Forms can get there at something like ECL12.

As soon as ECL 9, if you use Divine Minion shenanigans.

The Insanity
2014-06-28, 06:43 PM
Again, I am not asking how to make an ooze playable.

2014-06-28, 06:48 PM
Again, I am not asking how to make an ooze playable.

...then what are you asking? You just said "I'm asking for an ooze race/monster that's close to being playable, with some houserules."

Living spells are an ooze race that's close to being playable- as I've noted, there's even a RAW-acceptable way to give one sentience, so you don't even need to houserule that.

2014-06-28, 06:53 PM
Aberration (shapechanger)
5 HD, LA +6

The Insanity
2014-06-28, 06:57 PM
@ Werephilosopher
I'm asking the thing that's typed in my posts.
I said nothing about the Living Spell suggestion. I'm going to look at it when I have time.
It's not just about giving sentience, there's more to making an ooze playable than giving it Intelligence.

@ ShurikVch
Where's that from?

2014-06-28, 09:50 PM
Sentry Ooze (Dungeonscape) Skitterhaunt (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20021123a) Hairy Spider (Monsters of Faerun)

2014-06-28, 10:15 PM
Naw, what you're after is a Living Spell Sentry Ooze. The reason? Mental stats that let you be more than just a booger with an appetite. Living Spells have a Charisma score of 10+spell level they are based on (you'll probably want 1 to keep the ooze HD down to a minimum) and then Sentry ooze gives it an Intelligence score and a Charisma boost. It doesn't come with an LA, but then that isn't what you're after, is it?

2014-06-28, 10:19 PM
You said pathfinder is acceptable correct? What about 3rd party sources?
There is the Squole, made by Alluria Publishing.
SRD link (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/alluria-publishing/squole)
They even come with their own PrC, Slime Lord.
SRD link (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-prestige-classes/alluria-publishing/slime-lord)

2014-06-28, 11:23 PM
Orthagonel Velodrake (www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16886796&postcount=204) from Iron Chef LIII.

There's also the Fiendish Gelatinous Cube Monk (www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/eo/20060922a).

Some oozes are already intelligent:
Reason Stealer (MMII)
Conflagration Ooze (MMIII)
Summoning Ooze (MMIII)
Cesspit Ooze (Cityscape)
Assassin Jelly (WotC Article)

2014-06-28, 11:35 PM
@ ShurikVch
Where's that from? Monsters of Faerūn

2014-06-29, 05:44 AM
The Summoning Ooze (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040905a&page=5) has an int score.

It may have a bit strong abilities for a 5 HD creature:

At will summon monster (CL 20).
Fast healing 5.
Immunity to acid & fire.
Possible ability to squeeze through small spaces.

This may cause problems with your DM(I don't know for certain though).

2014-06-29, 07:52 AM
Master of Many Forms

2014-06-29, 07:59 AM
When you consider the weaknesses and difficulties most oozes would face, I'd say you could probably allow any ooze at LA+0. Their complete lack of AC and inability to wear or use any magic items save maybe a rod held in a pseudopod make them entirely reliant on a friendly caster for not-dying. The core Grey Ooze is the weakest at 3HD and Str 12, so it would be best option if you want class levels, but their acid does destroy both organics and metal. If you want to avoid equipment destruction use the Snowflake Ooze (MM3, 6HD). Cold deals 1/4 damage to objects, so anything with hardness 2 (leather) or more will survive it's touch indefinitely.

While the Gelatinous Cube gets a lot of press for it's engulf and pararalyze, most oozes focus on improved grab and constrict, so make sure you're aware of how deadly that can be before allowing large or huge oozes that will almost never fail to grapple. In order to capitalize on this, I would expect an ooze character to focus on a grappling build, though they could make use of martial maneuvers as easily as anyone else and the various healing and damage reduction maneuvers could try to mitigate their abysmal AC. Or they could go the classic "I have no chance at a normal build so I'll just be a warlock and eat the racial HD." Spellcasters with the Surrogate Spellcasting feat (Savage Species) are also popular.

As for intelligence, Sentry Ooze template (Dungeonscape) is the standard as it's meant to give an ooze Int 2 (technically it doesn't since a "-" ability can't gain a bonus, but everyone knows what they meant). The key here is that only animals are constrained to a maximum of Int 2, so a Sentry Ooze has a racial modifier of 2-10= -8 from the assigned stat. All you have to do is put an 18 there and the ooze has reached normal person smart. As a bonus, the template also shores up their Dex score a bit, though not enough to entirely negate the penalty.

I rather dislike Ghaunadan since they're not actually oozes, they just have an alternate form that temporarily turns them into an ooze, and the fluff claims that it's their natural form. . . even though it's temporary. The Skitterhaunt Hairy Spider though? Genius Gorfnab, genius. I'd read that template before and forgotten it, well done sir. The only problem (or is it?) is deciding what happens with the Infest ability. Changing bodies is cool but changing your racial hit dice like that plays havoc with any kind of level advancement, so you'd either have to rule that the character can't leave their current shell without destroying their current psyche (and dies if killed of course), or make finding new shells the actual method of advancement. The template lets you use any vermin, so one could use a Medium Monstrous Centipede or Small Monstrous Spider or Scorpion for a standard character size while still replacing the 1HD with a class level, and scorpions even have claws for grabbing stuff. Depending on who or what the ooze character is for it could be perfect or missing the point, but it's cool nonetheless.

2014-06-29, 11:17 AM
Savage Species

Gelatinous Creature template.

Int of 1, enchant with +5 for 6.

Becomes a big, dumb, oaf that wants to hug everything.

[Makes names up for everything that moves around it too! :D]

Acid damage though, so the "Everything I hug crumbles!" syndrome too.

Barbarian, for rage + use of its slam attack.

[Has constant :3 face]