View Full Version : Rules Q&A Persistent Spell and Freezing glance

2014-06-28, 09:48 PM
Freezing Glance from frostburn seems like it should be persistable as it gives you a gaze attack and you are the subject, the text is not personal or fixed for persist but the actual effect seems to be. So, can I persist this? I feel like I am actually the target so personal should have been in the description but the target field in the description was intended for the its effect on others so as not to give you a blanket gaze attack that affects many people. What does the playground think?

Enchantment [Cold]
Level:Sorcerer/wizard 6
Components:V, S
Casting Time:1 standard action
Range:Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration:1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw:Will negates
Spell Resistance:Yes
Your eyes become wintry tombs that
destroy the spark of life in those who
you meet your stare. Each round you
may target a single living creature. It
must make a Will saving throw or be
frozen in place.
Frozen creatures cannot move,
attack, cast spells, or defend themselves; they are considered immobile,
losing shield and Dexterity bonuses
to Armor Class and taking a further
–4 penalty to Armor Class. Frozen
creatures are entitled to an additional
saving throw if attacked, but this
provides no immunity to the gaze. A
creature that has been immobilizing
with a freezing glance,then restored to
motion after an attack, can still be the
target of the same freezing glance in a
later round.
Though the gaze attack ends
rather quickly, frozen creatures
remain immobile for 1 minute per
level. In some cases, this can cause
serious damage through exposure to
the elements.

2014-06-28, 10:42 PM
Seams it can be to me

2014-06-29, 05:42 AM
Bonus Question: What action type does the gaze attack take up a round or is it free?

2014-06-29, 06:03 AM
That spell cannot be persisted. The range is neither personal nor fixed. It is Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). That such a spell can be cast on the caster as well as any other living creature within range, does not make the the range personal.

2014-06-29, 10:21 AM
op missed that x.x