View Full Version : turning into a full ragon

2014-06-28, 11:24 PM
i know there are classes and prestige classes that can either give you the half dragon template (basicly) or allow you to turn into a true dragon for a limited time, oh i almost forgot the epic level feats that allow druids to turn into them as well.

what i am wondering is if the ability to turn into a dragon from the initiate of draconic mysteries prestige class qualifies for any feat that may increase the time in dragon form for a longer period of time or up its size category or qualify for any other cool feat?

i am just curious because i am thinking of making a character that wants to take levels into that class (for flavor mainly but as well as to turn into a dragon) but i do not have any specifics yet really.

2014-06-29, 12:22 AM
Multiple uses of the level 9 shapechange spell make changes that are predominate that move you in the derection of a true dragon one spell at a time till you get there

2014-06-29, 12:25 AM
i know there are classes and prestige classes that can either give you the half dragon template (basicly) or allow you to turn into a true dragon for a limited time, oh i almost forgot the epic level feats that allow druids to turn into them as well.

what i am wondering is if the ability to turn into a dragon from the initiate of draconic mysteries prestige class qualifies for any feat that may increase the time in dragon form for a longer period of time or up its size category or qualify for any other cool feat?

i am just curious because i am thinking of making a character that wants to take levels into that class (for flavor mainly but as well as to turn into a dragon) but i do not have any specifics yet really.

You mean like Dragon Disciple (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/dragonDisciple.htm)?

2014-06-29, 12:28 AM
My bad level 8 polymorphism any object

First change into a half dragon your size
Then change into a creature of dragon size and rype
Finally change into a true dragon

Blam you are personally a dragon

Edit .. or dip a class that gives you the draconic subtype and save paying for the first cast

2014-06-29, 12:44 AM
thank you, i will definitely look into those options if/when i progress with this character idea.

2014-06-29, 01:15 AM
here is the spell


It would cost 800 gold to get this cast on you.....

so if you take a dip into a class level and spend 1600 of your starting gold you can start the game a true dragon with out having to worry about the LA... >.>

Though if I was a GM I wouldn't allow that

2014-06-29, 01:45 AM
heh thank you indeed, i doubt i can use it as a starting point but i might be able to talk the dm into allowing it later on down the line.

2014-06-29, 02:03 AM
All you would have to do is find a metropolis with a level 8 caster in it.

2014-06-29, 02:49 AM
Alternatively, if you want something that actually works without an overly creative interpretation of the rules (that will likely get a book thrown at you), 10 levels of Mortal Hunter allows you to transform permanently into anything that is mortal, so long as you have a piece of flesh from the creature in question. It is, however, 3.0 and requires you to be an outsider of evil alignment.

2014-06-29, 02:56 AM
Thats hardly a creative interpretation of the rules.

Repeativly casting that spell to make small changes for a perminate change is rather common.

It takes up spell slots and can't be done on the fly.

And it can't change something from plant/animal/meneral to another catagory.

EDIT looked up mortal hunter 3.5 they can transform into a true dragon permanently at level 8 if they have the flesh of a dragon.... but they turn into a clone of that dragon basically and it's still a continual affect that can be dispelled (by will or by dispel affect)

using polymorph any object that way is permanent permanent... can't be dispelled... there is a reason it's level 8 lol

2014-06-29, 03:00 AM
Thats hardly a creative interpretation of the rules.

Repeativly casting that spell to make small changes for a perminate change is rather common.

It takes up spell slots and can't be done on the fly.

And it can't change something from plant/animal/meneral to another catagory.

And it can (and will) easily be dispelled, leaving you back to square one.

(There are those that believe that two castings of PaO make it undispellable. My bad if you weren't meaning that in your post)

2014-06-29, 03:06 AM
lol seams we are both wrong and they both can be dispelled XD

2014-06-29, 03:14 AM
blah.... there must be a non dispellable way to change your race....

a ritual maybe?

2014-06-29, 03:19 AM
lol seams we are both wrong and they both can be dispelled XD

Mortal Hunter's transformation isn't dispelable (but it will go away in an anti-magic field) just like Druid's wild shape. It's not a spell, it's a supernatural ability.

Speaking of Druid, at character level 12 (not necessarily druid level 12) you can wild shape into a small or medium dragon with the dragon wild shape feat. And complete with all extraordinary and supernatural abilities (but not spells and spell-like abilities). At that point you should be able to spend all day as a dragon, complete with energy immunities and breath weapon.

2014-06-29, 03:28 AM
blah.... there must be a non dispellable way to change your race....

a ritual maybe?

There's rituals in Savage Species for that. They're pretty expensive though and you get the full LA of the dragon you turn into, making them rather undesirable.

2014-06-29, 03:51 AM
What about wishes?

My guess is he wants the true dragon race type for class or abilites.... other wise the draconian and half dragon subtypes would be just fine for anything.

2014-06-29, 04:27 AM
Couldnt you just mind swap with a dragon? Im afb but i think theres a 9th level psion power that lets you put your mind in somethings body

2014-06-29, 09:41 AM
Honestly, I'd just play a druid and obtain draconic wild shape at 12th.
Wild shape lasts HOURS at a time, and you can do it multiple times. Initially, just choose reptilian shapes, snakes, saurians and the like, and then transition into dragons.

2014-06-29, 09:57 AM
They do have an alternate use for a wish spell in Savage Species... The one casting the wish wishes for the creature/character to be the new race. Then they make a spellcraft check for each special ability and so on that the new creature has. If the wisher rolls well, you can get everything on the new creature's stat block.

People argue over whether or not the 'Polymorph Any Object' spell can work when cast on a creature more than once to get a permanent effect all the time. The arguments usually come out in favor or not working that way because the spell keys the duration off of the 'original state' of the target.

2014-06-29, 01:53 PM
Honestly, I'd just play a druid and obtain draconic wild shape at 12th.
Wild shape lasts HOURS at a time, and you can do it multiple times. Initially, just choose reptilian shapes, snakes, saurians and the like, and then transition into dragons.

Another note is that Dragon Magic mentions "Drakken" creatures, which are just normal creatures that have a draconic ancestry that breeds true. So you could always wildshape into a Drakken version of a normal creature(although you should probably have the Dragonblood subtype to justify that). You could also transform into a Phynxkin (http://urda-wagon.wikidot.com/phynxkin)(that one is just an example of a Phynxkin companion, but can't find any other stats for them) if you need a specific animal.

If you really just want to run around and be a Dragon and not care about much else, although it takes a while to bring online, Wildshape Ranger 5/Master of Many Forms 10 lets you Wildshape into any type of Dragon you want for hours at a time. More viable if you can take Draconic Wildshape then retrain it after Master of Many Forms 10.

2014-06-29, 02:17 PM
Doesn't the dragonborn template qualify for your initiate class?

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-06-29, 02:55 PM
Doesn't the dragonborn template qualify for your initiate class?

Most of the prestige classes in the Draconomicon require the character to be of the dragon type or a true dragon (those dragons with age categories and some other qualifications). The dragonborn template/race only gives the dragonblood subtype, which is not enough to meet even the first, less strict qualification. People with the subtype can take feats that require the dragon type, use dragon-only magic items, and even suffer penalties from things that only hit dragons, but it does not allow for them to take dragon-only PrCs.

However, dragons can ride their merry way into anything that requires the dragonblood subtype without any other prerequisites, making for some crazy not-quite-one-way street shenanigans. Not sure if this qualifies for a dysfunctional rule or not.

EDIT: I misread Races of the Dragon. Dragonblooded people only get access to [dragonblood] feats, not feats that require the dragon type.