View Full Version : what's a good and cheep scouting construct

2014-06-29, 12:13 AM
With only craft construct what is a good, relatively cheep construct that you can make to scout out an area

Note that boating its thematic link and legislating you borrowings senses adds 9000 as it is....

I was considering an effigy but they only keep an animals combat feats and no skills so thats no help x.x

Need a construct with good stealth or thats invisible

2014-06-29, 08:56 AM
Expeditious Messenger (construct): diminutive size and the master can communicate telepathicaly with him at a max range of 1 mille:
(This homunculi has no stealth skill, but his size gives him a +12 on hide)

Etheral Filcher (aberration): can jump to the etheral plane, becoming invisible. This homunculi has nice racial bonus to sleigh of hand, spot and listen checks. At-will detect magic could be more usefull with some rank in spellcraft (add it through cross-class skills while upgrading it's HD (as per the craft humunculus rule in the Monster Manual). Can become Large with a total of 8 HD:

Take the improved homunculus feat, give them wings, a climb speed, more dex, evasion, thelepathy with a range of 1 mile/level, sneak attack, swim speed, skill focus, [shenanigans].

Be an Artificer, they'll be cheep to craft, in fact everything will be cheep!

Have fun!


2014-06-29, 10:15 AM
don't think I can make aberrations

2014-06-29, 10:19 AM
don't think I can make aberrations

Well, it's an homunculi, so craft construct or the craft homunculus class feature of the artificer should let you build it, shouldn't it?