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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Vampyre [Prestige Class]

Milo v3
2014-06-29, 01:37 AM
Earlier today I was asked to make a Prestige Class based on a picture as a challenge type thing so here it is:



"Ashes to Ashes."

When undead become a threat to a city or township, it doesn't take long for dead bodies to be burned rather than buried. Some necromancers take advantage of this, bestowing power upon the mage... if they're corpse is set alight. The requirement of death makes this path a risky option, but some say the rewards are worth the risk.

The steps required to follow this path are relatively simple, understanding the fundamentals of arctronic thermodynamics, internal necrotics, and evocational conversion.

Feats: Energy Substitution, Tomb Tainted Soul
Skills: Knowledge (arcane) 8 ranks
Spellcasting: Must know or be able to prepare, animate dead and spell with the Fire descriptor of at least third level.
Special: Cannot already be undead.

Class Skills
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually)(Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

Hit Dice: d12

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells
Ash Children, Pyreborn
+1 level of existing spellcasting class
Feed the Flames, Final Embers +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Smoking Skull +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Crematorium +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Eternal Torch +1 level of existing spellcasting class

Weapon Proficiencies: Vampyres gain no proficiency with any weapon or armour.

Ash Children (Su): When a vampyre casts a spell that creates an undead creature, he can use rubies rather than onyx gems as the material component. Any undead created in this way, are immune to fire damage and all their natural weapons deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Pyreborn: The primary trait of vampyre's is there reanimation upon being set aflame. If the vampyre's corpse is set on fire after dies or dies from being set on fire, the flame immediately fully engulfs the body turning it to a pile of black ash. On the next midnight, the body of the vampyre will be reformed from the spot where it turned to ash, at full health except that it's type has been changed to Undead and gains the Fire subtype.

The appearance of his reformed self is as normal, unless he is in the radius of bright illumination produced from a burning corpse (undead don't count for this). While touched by this light, it looks like his body is horribly burnt all over.

If the vampyre becomes an undead through any means other than this ability, he gains the fire subtype. A vampyre cannot take further levels in this prestige class until he possesses the undead type.

Feed the Flames (Su): As a standard action, a second level vampyre can set an adjacent corpse or mindless undead you control on fire to restore yourself. This heals 1d12 points of damage per class level and destroys the target. This ability can't be used on corpses or undead that are immune to fire damage.

Final Embers (Su): If a creature dies within a hundred feet of a 2nd level vampyre, he can spend an immediate action to make an ranged touch attack from that corpse that deals 1d6 fire damage per class level. The range of this attack from the corpse is 30 ft, and it deals Hellfire damage instead of fire damage if the dead creature was evil in alignment.

Smoking Skull (Su): A 3rd level, the vampyre can expend a standard action to burn off your flesh and release a cloud of necrotic smoke. This smoke extends 50 ft. from you, and every living creature in the cloud must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + class level + charisma modifier) or take 1d6 strength damage. Any attacks made that pass through this smoke have a miss chance of 20% per ten feet of smoke it must pass through. This ability leaves you looking like a skeleton until you use Feed the Flames, in addition, you cannot use this ability again until you do so.

Crematorium (Su): With 13 hours work, a vampyre of fourth level can select a number of consecutive 50 ft. square areas per level to be considered his crematoriums. If a corpse that isn't immune to fire damage is brought into the area, is immediately ignited and turned into a skeleton. Skeletons created in this way are not automatically under magical control. A hallow spell counters this ability as if it was unhallow. A vampyre can only have one crematorium at a time.

Eternal Torch (Su): When a vampyre of fifth level is destroyed, it reforms at it's crematorium. This ability can occur up to once per week.

Milo v3
2014-06-29, 01:42 AM
Ok... For some reason it doesn't post anything after the hit dice... This is annoying....

EDIT: Ok, partially fixed it... By posting the bits it wouldn't show outside of What you see is what you get mode.... Eh... Formating will be fixed in a bit I guess....

2014-06-29, 12:25 PM
Love the effect of the corpse light! But maybe True Seeing should reveal the burnt form as well? And what's happening when the vampyre appears as a skeleton - are they showing their true form? Why is that different from their burnt form?