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View Full Version : Player Help [ToB] Shadow Sun Ninja, how this works?

2014-06-29, 04:43 AM
I just read the Shadow Sun Ninja (ToB, p126) and it looks quite amazing and unique, like being a true ninja (I'm looking at you, CA Ninja) and doing some ninja stuff that ninjas do.

But I don't quite understand most of its interactions between its class features.

For example, the whole point on Darkness within Light (Su) is that you are effectively blind, so how can I attack enemies?

You know that while light cannot exist without darkness, the opposite is also true. By focusing your ki and closing your eyes, you view the world in a vague, shadowy form. Those also trapped within darkness appear clear and distinct before you.

Starting at 5th level, you can close your eyes and willfully ignore any other senses that confer the ability to pinpoint the location of a creature (such as blindsense, blindsight, and scent). You become effectively blinded, but you gain a special benefi t on attacks made against targets that are also blinded or effectively blinded. Against such foes, you ignore the drawbacks for fi ghting while blinded. Instead, you gain a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls and a +4 bonus on melee damage rolls against such enemies. In addition, if you have the Stunning Fist feat, blinded opponents take a –2 penalty on their saves to resist your stunning attacks.

You suffer the penalties for being blinded and deafened until the start of your next turn. The blindness cannot be negated through any means, magical or mundane, until that time. You gain the benefi t of this ability if you willingly turn off your sense of sight or if some effect, such as a blindness spell, robs you of your sight

So, here says that you become blind and deaf, how can I attack or move, of course I am not the character and I mustn't (or just really shouldn't, 'cuz I could :v) close my eyes and try to roleplay hitting everything trying to reach my figure. I know that I could go close to an enemy but how do my character know that the enemy is there?

Also, I didn't understand Child of Shadow and Light (Su) quite well, if it Dazzles (don't effectively blinds as in the SRD entry), would this work with Light within Darkness (Su) in synergy?


The creature is unable to see well because of overstimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks.

According to the Tier System for PrCs, Shadow Sun Ninja is a +1 Prestige Class (inside the Good to Great Tier), and I know that whoever made that tier list understood why it should be there (maybe just that juicy Balance of Light and Dark (Su).)

Please some explainerino to me?

Feint's End
2014-06-29, 05:20 AM
So, here says that you become blind and deaf, how can I attack or move, of course I am not the character and I mustn't (or just really shouldn't, 'cuz I could :v) close my eyes and try to roleplay hitting everything trying to reach my figure. I know that I could go close to an enemy but how do my character know that the enemy is there?

You ignore any drawback against those enemies meaning you basically close your eyes and "see" them as shiny figures stumbling around/confused/whatever. So you have no drawback fighting such enemies

Also, I didn't understand Child of Shadow and Light (Su) quite well, if it Dazzles (don't effectively blinds as in the SRD entry), would this work with Light within Darkness (Su) in synergy?

The dazzle part would not but the Darkness would. It's a 9th level spell meaning it's almost impossible to get rid of since it's an su. So as long as enemies have no way of seeing in artificial darkness or another way of seeing they are effectively blind. This won't work against many high level enemies but it's still a decent tactic

According to the Tier System for PrCs, Shadow Sun Ninja is a +1 Prestige Class (inside the Good to Great Tier), and I know that whoever made that tier list understood why it should be there (maybe just that juicy Balance of Light and Dark (Su).)

Please some explainerino to me?

They are a monk prc and singlehandedly push them into t3 territory. Do I have to say more?
Even for Swordsages (especially unarmed ones) it is an upgrade if you want that certain flavour and those are already t3.

You should note though that the PRC Tier system is not very accurate since it has too many random factors to count in. It is even more about guidelines than the regular system and IMO the +2/+1/0/etc stuff is a bit confusing since people might think it shifts the classes inside the existing tier system if using those PRCs.
Better would be a wording like "Great Improvement" "Improvement" ........... "Much Weaker". Probably in better words.

Also note that the Shadow Sun Ninja is a +2 PRC if used on a straight monk with only a dip into swordsage.

2014-06-29, 11:28 AM
It's also amazing for undead PCs. Become the party's healbot with a single level!

2014-06-29, 02:22 PM
You don't even need an undead in the party to become the healbot, either tomb-tainted soul or just use the negative energy on the ground.