View Full Version : TV Help me remember a buddy cop show

2014-06-29, 05:06 AM
What the title says. There's this buddy cop show I used to watch as a kid that I can't remember much about so I come to the Playground hoping someone can tell me what it was.

So, this was early-mid 90s and the two protaginsts were a down to earth black cop who was (I think) the older of the two and a white guy who was much flashier and unconventional. The white's cop name was Chase or Chester or something. I can also vaguely recall one of the supporting cast: a nerdy tech/forensic guy who the white cop often made fun of. As I recall it, it was more action than comedy, with lots of explosions and car chases shootouts.

And that's about it. You're probably thinking "sounds like Lethal Weapon" and yes, it does. In fact, it's possible I'm mixing bits of Lethal Weapon into my memories of the show and, since I was pretty young then, I'm probably misremembering stuff anyway. Help please?

2014-07-01, 10:09 PM
Dangit, I know the one you are talking about, but I can't remember the stinking name. I'm sorry!

2014-07-03, 04:26 PM
Swift Justice?

2014-07-07, 02:56 PM
Another 48 Hours?

Nick Nolte plays as Cates. The name sounds like kind of like Chase. I think the sequel came out in the early 90s.

Facts checked. Yeah. Wikipedia says it came out in 1990 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Another_48_Hrs.), so that may be a little too old. But when I think of quintessential buddy cop films, I think of 48 Hours and its sequel.

I don't watch much tv, but I like research, so I went to TV tropes to find all the buddy cop shows they had to offer. Here's the list I found.
Live-Action TV

Alarm für Cobra 11
Alien Nation
Almost Human
The Andy Griffith Show – although not a cop show per se, included since two of the show's leads – Andy and Barney – were law enforcement officers, their work figured into many of the plots and they often worked together.
Ashes to Ashes
Black and White, an award-winning Taiwanese Series from 2009.
Cagney & Lacey
Car 54, Where Are You?? was one of the first Buddy Cop shows, and the first TV police comedy.
Common Law
Dalziel and Pascoe
Dempsey and Makepeace
Due South
Golden Boy
The Good Guys
Hawaii Five-0
Houston Knights
Keen Eddie
Life on Mars (2006)
Life on Mars (2008)
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Miami Vice
Subverted big time in Moonlighting, where the two leads absolutely cannot stand each other. At all. They argue with each other in Every. Single. Episode (that they appear in; the episodes where they either don't appear or appear for little while, are the only exceptions). The worst part? In later episodes, they possibly start having feelings for each other (or possibly not)...
New York Undercover, notable for being the first police drama on American television to feature two people of color in the starring roles.
The Professionals
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)
Rizzoli & Isles
The Sentinel
Slightly averted in that only Jim is a cop. Blair is an anthropology student who's studying Jim's superhuman senses as part of his thesis, although he ends up helping to solve a lot of crimes as well (mostly by coaching Jim on how to best use his senses).
Simon And Simon, although it's more of a "buddy detective'' show.
Sledge Hammer!
Starsky & Hutch
TJ Hooker
White Collar
Peter is a top FBI agent in the White Collar division. Neal is a former con man and forger who was caught by Peter several times and now helps the FBI track down people like him.
Spoofed in a Conan O'Brien sketch, which paired the extremely tall Conan with the extremely short Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich as buddy cops. Reich informing a perp "You have the right... to be my bitch!" was possibly the Crowning Moment of Funny.
Spoofed in the Les Nuls sketch "Magnum Choucroute." Talk about mismatched: one of the cops is actually a jar of sauerkraut.
Community parodies this in "The Science of Illusion" when Annie and Shirley become temporary campus security guards. They end up getting into an argument about which one of them should be the By-the-Book Cop and which one should be the Cowboy Cop despite the fact that both of them are equally suited to both roles, and Genre Savvy Abed, who is following them around, ends up invoking a whole load of tropes based on this.
In Noah's Arc, the movie Wade had written appears to be one of these (based on the lines we overhear and what Wade and Noah discuss).
Also parodied on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson—Geoff often refers to his idea for a cop show called Bone Patrol with G.P. and the Fergs.
Parodied on MADtv with the "Seven Buddy Cops" sketch, which is a massive crossover starring Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy, Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson, Tommy Lee Jones, and Will Smith giving shout outs to all the buddy cop movies they starred in while trying to solve the case of the dead prostitutes on the orders of Da Chief. Even Mel Gibson and Danny Glover (aka Lethal Weapon's Murtaugh and Riggs) make a cameo.