View Full Version : A cleric of Jergal, the Lord of the End of Everything.

2014-06-29, 05:21 PM
I am trying to build a PC from storyline up. I am having some trouble with the mechanics though. I

I want to be a cleric of Jergal. They keep records of all those deceased and my mission is to end those who have extended their lives thru unnatural means (lichdom, ect)

I am completely new to diving magic and dont know where to start. I know I probably want to be an Aasimar. And one of my domains has to be one of Jergals (death, fate, law, suffering, runes, repose) and my other domain can be anything as long as it fits the theme.

When it comes to playstyle, theme, other domains and PRCs I am clueless. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

2014-06-29, 10:38 PM
This is the sort of open-ended question that handbooks are good at answering. Have you read the one for the cleric? (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1238)

2014-06-30, 12:04 AM
This is the sort of open-ended question that handbooks are good at answering. Have you read the one for the cleric? (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1238)

I have read that guide, and althought it helps with the cleric basics, it doesnt really address the theme I am going for.

2014-06-30, 01:16 AM
What do you mean? There's a link in the guide to another guide that rates every domain in Jergal's portfolio, it gives rundowns on several PrCs that can fit your concept (Contemplative and Divine Oracle are good for the fate angle, or you could focus more on being anti-undead), there is an analysis of cleric spells to help you learn about being a divine caster... It doesn't say much about Jergal specifically but all the mechanical pieces are there.