View Full Version : someone tell me a good D&D PC game

2014-06-29, 08:42 PM
tell me a good one

i have played these already by the way
NWN 1 and 2
baldurs gate 1 and 2
icewindale 1 and 2
the online D&D game

Firest Kathon
2014-06-30, 05:53 AM
There's the Temple of Elemental Evil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Temple_of_Elemental_Evil_%28video_game%29) video game, which uses a very tight implementation of the D&D 3.5 ruleset.

2014-06-30, 06:30 AM
tell me a good one

i have played these already by the way
NWN 1 and 2
baldurs gate 1 and 2
icewindale 1 and 2
the online D&D game

Then you've already played most of them.

The already mentioned Temple of Elemental Evil is missing and its quite good, although more akin to IWD then BG. Also, make sure you're using the Circle of Eight (http://www.co8.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=54) fan patches. Otherwise, playing ToEE is a very buggy experience.

2014-06-30, 06:44 AM
I actually find Neverwinter a pretty good implementation of 4E rules, and a fun D&D game to boot. Its an action RPG rather than a strict implemenation of the table top rules like Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights. That being said, I enjoy it immensely and I feel like its a fun adventure game, and the joining a group to fight badguys in dungeons is fun.

2014-06-30, 06:46 AM
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara is kind of amazing, especially with friends.

edit: And how could I have forgotten about Dungeon Robber (http://blogofholding.com/dungeonrobber/)?

2014-06-30, 11:14 AM
k, will try temple of evil with circle of 8 patch

is neverwinter good? can you multiclass in and stuff?

comet ive never even heard of the games ur talking bout

i googled Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, so its a pretty recent game. looks good i'll check it out.

and what is dungeon robber? is it a flash game?
looks pretty kewl ill try it now

2014-06-30, 07:44 PM
is neverwinter good? can you multiclass in and stuff?

It's a great game. Make sure you get the expansions. I especially liked Shadows of the Undrentide: Better story and nice features. I think you can multiclass (it's been a while) and I'm sure there are several prestige classes available.

There was also Pool of Radiance 2: Ruins of Myth Drannor, but I didn't like that one much.

2014-06-30, 11:24 PM
tell me a good one

i have played these already by the way
NWN 1 and 2
baldurs gate 1 and 2
icewindale 1 and 2
the online D&D game

Play the D&D Gold Box games, they're essential, particularly Dark Sun: Shattered Lands. Pools of Darkness goes into epic levels and does it pretty handsomely.

2014-07-01, 02:04 AM
Has anybody tried Baldur's Gate on the iPad? The reviews are very mixed so I am not sure what to make of them. I have never played BG before so this seems like a great opportunity to catch up on it.

2014-07-01, 08:48 PM
tell me a good one
the online D&D game

Er, which one? There are two: DDO and Neverwinter.

DDO: (my favorite)
based on 3.x (with 8 years of power creep) - warning don't expect to drop in with a non DDO build and expect to run to cap (much less endgame with it).
fps based combat (dodge an arrow with the mouse and it misses). Note this is somewhat nerfed (a full attack will finish if the first one connects). Seems like it started out as a fps instead of a wargame.
Located in Eberron (typically not everybody's favorite, but it fits the power creep). Note that advanced areas include the forgotten realms now.
feels like D&D to an old AD&D player. YMMV.
"the first big f2p game". So it is only free for the first few levels (I'd guess 8, but there is a bunch of content after that: note that these are D&D levels, and slow to level even from a 1e perspective).
8 years of content. Not WoW amounts of content (where would they get the budget?), but plenty of quests.
Dying. Expect any guides you find to be seriously outdated. Make sure "spellcraft and heal" are mentioned in any build you look at, and is based around the new enhancement system. I think the license expires for good at 2017 (and Turbine might have the option not to extend it that long).
Often chooses to be more D&D when choosing between "being an MMO" and "being a game of D&D". All dungeons (and pretty much any area with hostiles) are party-only instances. All voice acting is done by the dungeon master. This has been somewhat ignored in recent years (removing descriptions that used die rolls), but plenty is still left from better times.

Neverwinter: (the other one)
based on 4e.
same old MMO play.
Located in the forgotten realms (Neverwinter).
f2p. Quite free to play, I never did find myself needing to cough up, or quite sure where I'd have to cough up. This left me worried, and expecting to have to pay for various respecs. I'm pretty sure the costs are known by now.
Dying. As far as I know, the servers are on, but it isn't looking good.
User generated content. No idea how well this turned out, but it was its best hope.
Hard to tell if D&D is under all that (part of that might just be 4e).

Obviously, I am suggesting that if you only visited Neverwinter, you try rolling up a character in DDO*. If you tried DDO, I'll let Neverwinter fans convince you, I bounced off of it myself.

* note that pre-made characters are pretty gimpy, but its hard to find good current characters (especially for beginners). You might try just about anything, with the understanding that you will simply create a new character and mail any good loot to the new character.

2014-07-02, 05:57 AM
Neverwinter: (the other one)
based on 4e.
same old MMO play.
Located in the forgotten realms (Neverwinter).
f2p. Quite free to play, I never did find myself needing to cough up, or quite sure where I'd have to cough up. This left me worried, and expecting to have to pay for various respecs. I'm pretty sure the costs are known by now.
Dying. As far as I know, the servers are on, but it isn't looking good.
User generated content. No idea how well this turned out, but it was its best hope.
Hard to tell if D&D is under all that (part of that might just be 4e).

I'll correct that one, Neverwinter is much like DDO in that it is a 3rd Person action game, in fact much more than DDO is, or ever could be. You want to avoid an attack, just back up or move sidways. I have a dwarf fighter and a drow ranger (I tried a wizard as well, it was fun but works better in groups which can be a bit touchy to find in some areas). The game does a very, very good job of modelling D&D 4E, but I think that its recognisably D&D to anybody even tangently familiar with the game. I mean it has elves, dwarves, swords and shield, you stab orcs in the face (or shoot them with magical attacks).

2014-07-02, 10:17 AM
So are any of those games turn based in combat (and maybe with a combat grid)? Because I played Neverwinter Night 2 and the fact that that it was real time make it not seem very d&d-ish for me (and I tend to prefer turn based games).

Also are htere any game where you play more than one character (i.e. play a party or at least 2 characters)?

2014-07-02, 07:47 PM
That's how the old Gold Box series worked. There's an in-depth write up (a review, not a LP) of the first game starting here (http://crpgaddict.blogspot.com/2011/05/game-57-pool-of-radiance-1988.html), although it does cover the entire game (so spoilers).

2014-07-03, 02:02 AM
Shadowrun returns is pretty amazing, but I never played the pen and paper so I can't comment on whether or not it's a good adaptation

2014-07-03, 02:28 AM
I've heard good things about Divinity: Original Sin (http://store.steampowered.com/app/230230).
It's not dnd-based mechanically, but from what I've seen and heard it captures the spirit of pen and paper rpgs well

2014-07-03, 06:06 AM
So are any of those games turn based in combat (and maybe with a combat grid)? Because I played Neverwinter Night 2 and the fact that that it was real time make it not seem very d&d-ish for me (and I tend to prefer turn based games).

Also are htere any game where you play more than one character (i.e. play a party or at least 2 characters)?

In theory Neverwinter Nights, and NWN2 are both turn based you just have to turn on the options to pause the game between actions, since without doing so the characters will just do what they did the last turn until given a different command. Both Baldur's Gates are the same, although actually setting the game to pause is more obvious.

Temple of Elemental Evil is a straight up D&D 3rd Edition conversion with a fully turn based game. It doesn't have a grid, but it does enforce movement rates and what a character can completed with any given set of actions. It does a decent job of preserving the action economy of D&D, but it also doesn't have the higher levels so it maxes out at around level 10.

2014-07-03, 07:54 AM
Shadowrun returns is pretty amazing, but I never played the pen and paper so I can't comment on whether or not it's a good adaptation

I snagged this during the Steam Sale and can't wait to try it! Maybe I'll end up getting into Shadowrun.

2014-07-05, 05:17 AM
My personal favourite CRPG is Co8's Keep on the Borderlands (http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-keep-on-the-borderlands/downloads/keep-on-the-borderlands-100) mod for Temple of Elemental Evil, and it's turn based. :smallcool:

2014-07-06, 12:04 PM
One of the most important things Co8 does for ToEE is expanding you up to level 20. It's only slightly less important than improving the bug situation.