View Full Version : D&D Disney Neverland Faeries

2014-06-29, 09:25 PM
So my niece has been insisting I watch everything Tinker Bell with her. I was wondering how one might incorporate them as D&D creatures in 3.x? Would they even be worth it? Diminutive size, no flight, high Cha and Dex, low Str, each has one talent usable essentially at will(hydrokenesis, engineering, wind control, lightning, wild empathy, rainbow spray, alchemy, and minor plant growth are the main ones). The pixie dust would be tricky because by virtue of the existence of pixie dust, the faeries' only significant racial ability becomes a buyable commodity.

2014-06-29, 10:07 PM
Diminutive Nymphs with at-will prestidigitation?

2014-06-30, 07:38 AM
^ all the prestidigitation effects would have to be made permanent, not just last the typical 1 hour that comes with prestidigitation. The fairies of Pixie Hollow may not be very powerful, but they aren't messing with parlor tricks either.

As far as the issue of Pixie Dust economics, while I understand that the limitations of its availability were used as plot hooks in several of the movies, you are right in that it doesn't translate well to D&D. I would recommend reverting back to the dynamics from original Peter Pan. Here, pixie dust came from pixies. They could shake it off themselves to share with others. This would give the varies all the ability to put ranks in Craft Pixie Dust as a secondary means of income, producing a consumable that others use to fly.

They should also have ranks in Profession for their respective specialization.

Now that I've given my serious response, I just want to say that when I saw this topic posted in the forum I laughed out loud. It is so playfully silly, well, it is probably my favorite post for the entire month of June

2014-06-30, 08:29 AM
You might want to consider the Petal from MM3... they're ready made for you, except for the wings...

2014-06-30, 08:50 AM
Petals in MM3 are a solid fairy race, though they're Tiny instead of Diminutive. You could switch out their innate Lullaby and co-operative Sleep songs with other level 0 and level 1 spells for each type of fairy you want to make. Or make a series of feats like those in Complete Arcane that give a set of 1/day spell like abilities (two 0th and a 1st level in each feat). Or make them all warlocks and make some invocations to fill in any gaps (Vael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=13321110&postcount=166) has some excellent elemental invocations). Vael has hydro invocations, make engineering a class skill and add a skill bonus invocation, lightning and rainbow essences, the rest except plant growth are covered (entangle is pretty OP and I wouldn't make it a least invocation). Psionics also have some energy control and esper powers, which with their low unaugmented point costs can be spammed easily at mid-high levels. The important question here is: do the disney fairies have elemental powers because they're born with it and it's normal for everyone, or are they rare and the main characters especially skilled? If the former, it's racial, the latter is a party of warlocks or psions.

If you want them smaller you could just fiat that, but I'd reduce their dexterity by 4 to compensate (size bonus on attack and AC goes up 2, -4 dex drops them back down). This is directly contrary to the monster size change table, but that's fine if your goal is a playable race without increasing the LA further.

There's also some homebrew stats for a single member of the Shimmerling Swarm here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=9211507&postcount=1). They're written at Int 1 with the published swarm forming a hivemind, but you could just change it to base 10 instead. More problematic if you want them playable is the fine size and it's massive defenses on what will most certainly be a magic based character, but they can be familiars to normal characters just to get a fairy in. No innate magic to replace with the stuff you want though.

2014-06-30, 08:57 AM
You could certainly adapt them to 3.5. If you're making a game for your niece, though, d20 might not be the best system for it. If you want to keep the shows' tone, something more freeform might be better.

2014-06-30, 10:37 AM
Pictures and/or listed size categories for these fey in the Monster Manuals are definitely out of whack.

Petals are 'tiny', but the picture shows them alongside a regular flower... maybe a few inches tall.

Shimmerlings are described as being four inches tall, but are pictured alongside dandelion seeds and are 'fine'.

So screwy! I usually go by the picture, myself.

Oh, and the picture for the sprites shows the Nixie (small) looking at a much tinier Pixie (also small), which itself is twice as tall/big as the grig (tiny), which is a cricket centaur. Just a bit off!


2014-06-30, 01:20 PM
A shimerling would be fairly accurate if I kept the pixie dust as their source of magical powers. I could just make a fey only bonus feat to use pixie dust so you would still need a faerie to apply it. That wouldn't conflict with the movies much and still keep it limited. Of course altering the petal would be easier despite not being as in line with the movies. Technically the Disney fairies are fine sized, but diminutive is a little more playable, maybe make them the only other creature with slight build.

Edit: @Oddman80 I am glad it amused you. It was really just a thought I had to keep myself from being bored.

2014-06-30, 11:24 PM
Ok, so I went with Shimmerling renamed to Neverland Fairy, normalized the mental stats a bit and lessening the Dex so it is just -10 Str, +6 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha with the Dust Magic ability. I combined dust keeper and tinker fairies because of D&D's lack of useful technology incorporation.

Dust Magic: Neverland Fairies are born with one of eight talents and the ability to utilize pixie dust. These abilities function as the spells and abilities of the same name and use the wielder’s HD as their caster level unless otherwise noted.

Pink: Entangle single target 30ft ranged touch and Sprout at will
Orange: Ray of Light, Fire Flash, and Prestidigitation(heating only) at will
Amber: Learn Language:Animal(as forest gnome), Wild Empathy
Green: Allows the use of Dust Alchemy and adds HD to Knowledge Engineering, Profession Siege Engineer and Craft; constantly active
Cyan: Mage Hand on water only and Downpour with concentration up to HD rounds on a 5ft square at will
Indigo: Electric Jolt and Sonic Ray at will
Purple: Wings of Swift Flying and Bull Rush as a 10ft line at will
White: Ice Slick 5ft, Icewalking, and Prestidigitation(cooling only) at will

Pixie Dust: Pixie dust is an alchemical creation that grants supernatural abilities corresponding with the dust magic colors above with the addition of blue and gold. Only creatures with the Dust Magic ability may use pixie dust. It takes a move action to draw a charge of pixie dust(free with the Quick Draw feat) and a standard action to use its ability. All pixie dust is 100g per charge with a DC 20 alchemy check to create colors other than blue and gold. One blue and one gold charge are consumed in the creation of two charges of one of the other dust colors. Half of this cost is added to the 100 base cost totaling to the 200g cost. Blue and gold dust is made solely by incantations which are safely guarded secrets(increase research DC by 15 for non-fairies).

Blue: Slow Fall and Overland Flight
Gold: Slow Fall and Hummingbird(replace Con with Will, 10ft height instead of 1ft, 1hr duration)

Golden Pixie Dust Incantation

Effective Level: 9th
Skill Check: 3 Know Nature, 3 Know Arcana, 3 Alchemy DC 29
Failure: The tree Awakens as a hostile NE creature and pursues the caster until one of them is dead.
Components: V, S, B, F, XP
Casting Time: 9 hours
Range: touch
Effect: Creation of a Pixie Dust Tree
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This incantation turns a fey cherry tree into a pixie dust tree. It retains all of its previous properties but also produces ten golden pixie dust charges every day at the cost of one blue pixie charge every month. This incantation requires an enchanted fey cherry tree(5,000g min) as a focus and target, may only be performed by a fey, and has an XP cost of 1000. The backlash component is exhaustion.

Blue Pixie Dust Incantation

Effective Level: 9th
Skill Check: 5 Know Nature, 4 Know Arcana, DC 20
Failure: The moonstone causes blindness in a 20ft radius and casts Searing Light at 3d4 casters.
Components: B, F, XP, SC, T
Casting Time: 90 minutes
Range: 20ft cone
Effect: Creation of a Blue Pixie Dust
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This incantation creates 36 charges of Blue Pixie Dust. This incantation requires 150 secondary fey casters to be present and may only be performed during a blue moon(once every 2-3 years). It requires a perfect moonstone(80g) crafted into a masterwork club(300g) as a focus for the light of the moon to hit the stone at a 90 degree angle on its accent into the sky. The Backlash is exhaustion of all casters, the XP cost is 1000, but may be split among the secondary casters.