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View Full Version : Stars over Katseeni- Group B IC

2014-06-30, 09:10 AM
This is the IC thread for Stars over Katseeni Group B.

The first scene starts in the Shadow Den, an underground (both meanings) hiding place for thieves in the city of Gassar.

Introduce yourselves and interact. Feel free to add detail the location as you see fit, within reason. I will start the plot around 9:00 EDT, assuming there are no delays on me returning to my computer.

2014-06-30, 11:15 AM
The smell. The ever-reaching smell of life. So vibrant and full and disgusting. And they didn't know. They had no idea how vile their mere existence was polluting the air with their taint and their stench. There would be a place for all of these filthy heartbeaters yes but that could wait. Wait until they thought they had a glimmer of hope to escape then crack they die and the blood flows free and the smell goes away and they don't make noise anymore because they are dead. Yes that would do nicely but it needs to happen later not now. Now is for more important things like meeting with supposed allies who knew nothing and could offer very little to keep them alive.

A rat skitters by. A crack and a tentacle shoot at it and the tentacle has sharp things on it and the rat dies its heart shredded as the tentacle pierces the soft flesh before returning to the source of it. It curls under the robes of a man holding a staff, leaning against the dry stone wall. The room had gotten much warmer when he entered, though any inquiry was deflected. Another tentacle shoots out and stabs a fly before retreating just as quickly. The man clicks his staff on the ground, a few grains of sand shaking loose, then speaks in a calm, echoing voice that seems just out of sync with itself.

"We are to be working together, yes? Then we had best know what to call one another. I am He Of The Sands, The Desert Ancient, and The Sandstorm. I have lived ten thousand lifetimes, seen empires crumble to dust and be forgotten from history. What do you fleshbags bring to the table?" He turns to everyone as he speaks, flaring his nostrils as he gazes into the eyes of those around him.

Testing out a writing style for this guy, hopefully it works out.

And if you aren't immune to Mind-Affecting (as I hope you all are), DC 29 Will to realize that it isn't normal for humans to spawn tentacles that stab creatures perfectly when they aren't looking at them, or for someone who looks perfectly human to say 'fleshbags'. For those curious, Octodad has the same effect on him.

2014-06-30, 06:38 PM
No eyes greet the man from the farthest corner from the door. Instead points of blue light stared back from empty sockets. The thing that floated there would be barely noticeable if not for the flurry of tomes circling it, a dozen quills dancing on their pages, writing by some unseen hand. In the center of the books was the shape of a man, both there and not there. His form is whispy and transparent, and where flesh would be there was only old bone, with a glint of emerald visible in his teeth and hands. The robes cast lazily over his form succumbed to the ages long ago, and while they were clearly once luxurious garments, time had it had it's way with them. On his brow is perched a crown of solid iron.

Despite the pests and rodents lurking everywhere, none seem to come near the creature. The flies that would otherwise pester him seem to drop out of the air, and the rats simply stop moving and collapse.

Thousands of voices speak in unison in a horrible cacophony of noise. Men and women, young and old, even accents of a hundred different races are barely audible. Some voices are pained, others joyful, some screaming, some crying. The grating sound resolves itself into understandable speech, against all logic. "We were once called Ardurn, the Seeker. Are we now Ardurn, who had sought? We have been freed from the tyranny of physical shells for eons, and all the knowledge of the scholars of all generations since our creation dances in our minds. We have existed for millennia, and our combined years are innumerable. We have graced the highest archmages with our touch, and now they know purpose. What do you bring, creature who disdains the flesh yet has not freed itself from the shell?"

2014-06-30, 07:15 PM
A dog sits upright by the table, but it is no tavern mutt. A horrible intellect is apparent in the wide wet eyes set in it's stubby face, and besides, what normal dog is as big as a troll? It looms over the table with powerful muscle evident beneath the thick, grungy, matted, black fur

"I am the Black Dog of the Autumnal Circle" The hound says quickly, flashing yellowed serrated teeth "Call me Dog. I am a druid who serves the cycle of death and the end of things"

2014-06-30, 07:22 PM
A creature that looks like a rather large salamander stands atop the table, not even reaching a whole one and a half foot in height.Despite its relatively modest appearence, it belies its own unusual nature. Wings like that of an angel stained with soot lie upon its back, and its skin is a pale, corpse-like shade, with the veins below its skin that can be seen where the robe does not cover are pitch black, like something poorly embalmed.On The right foreleg, a small, metal glove is worn, seeming oddly non-reflective for its impeccable condition. It speaks without moving it mouth at all, speaking in a more ominous sounding tone in the heads of those present

"If I must introduce myself, call me Sliwyrm. I have several other titles, but they are used relatively exclusively by slavering cowards who would pray to me on altars of obsidian. Never even are accurate depictions, either. I'm a creature that turns things into ends."

A bit curt, especially compared the grandiose speeches the others have given so far. But it seems appropriate enough, as a god of the unseen death and, apparently, the youngest present.

Immune to mind-effecting, save is so high I could pass that on a 1, and can re-roll and 1s on saving throws. I notice, but don't care.

On a related note, Mindsight feat here, so if everybody would be so kind as to state their intelligence and creature type in a spoiler.

2014-06-30, 07:36 PM
PM'd ya. That yellow is grinding though.
Also I can automatically determine all active magical effects, but I don't think we need to make everyone's daily buff lists public knowledge, yeah?

2014-06-30, 09:48 PM
A cloaked figure steps out of the shadows cast by a staircase and approaches the party

"I am he who walks in the shadows, Nightmare-weaver,and fate-sealer but you may call be Rhandir" A telepathic voice Whispers in the minds of the group

The figure seems to blend into the darkness of the den making it impossible to distinguish the appearance of the figure besides the cloak.

Rhandir has mind-sight too

2014-06-30, 10:13 PM
This is one of the downsides to hidden sheets: saying what can and cannot be determined about you.

Not there. I am immune to detection by Mindsight. It lists that specifically.

While I'm at it, I can sense you in a weird way if you either A. Have a heartbeat or B. Have a maximum age.

2014-07-01, 12:08 AM
"Too many who speak of the end of things for Our tastes. We focus on Our new beginning. Fate has gathered Us here, but We will choose Our destiny."

Heartbeat? Maximum age? If I was an epic level caster and hadn't circumvented those "problems" I should be stripped of my class levels.

2014-07-01, 04:17 AM
Magical Beast with INT 27