View Full Version : DM Help First Session Help

2014-06-30, 02:29 PM
This is not my first session as a DM, but it is the first of a small number of sessions with a small group. Lvl 3 Figher & Alchemist. I really just need some ideas to engage the players with that would be relevant to their relationship. The Alchemist being a traveling apothecary selling fake potions and concoctions and the fighter being his hired muscle to make sure things go alright.

Any good hooks or encounter ideas?

2014-06-30, 02:47 PM
Sounds to me like the "Fake potions" bit could catch up to them and put them into some situations where they'll only really be able to survive by being loyal to one another above all else.

Being imprisoned in a cell together and having to get out, for example. Bonus points for Shadowrun 64-esque plots built in.

Subaru Kujo
2014-06-30, 03:38 PM
This is not my first session as a DM, but it is the first of a small number of sessions with a small group. Lvl 3 Figher & Alchemist. I really just need some ideas to engage the players with that would be relevant to their relationship. The Alchemist being a traveling apothecary selling fake potions and concoctions and the fighter being his hired muscle to make sure things go alright.

Any good hooks or encounter ideas?

To put it simply, things don't go alright.

As far as how things don't go right, it could be several street thugs demanding protection money from the pair, causing them to have to figure out how to get out of paying it (which I'd assume they would). It also could become enough people figure out that the potions aren't working the way they advertised, and the punishment for false advertising is less that satisfactory for the group.

Obviously, there needs to be a way out of both of these situations, and the solution should have both players doing a very important thing in the execution of said plan.

2014-06-30, 03:39 PM
Selling fake potions doesn't seem like the most honorable profession so if the pair are not disinclined to working for a BBEG, perhaps they sell one of these said potions to a man in the BBEG's network of evil doers. While attempting to escape the city before anyone realizes they have been duped, they run into some travel troubles, (ie, broken cart wheel, lame horse, etc.) allowing the duped bad guy to catch them. The duped baddie wants more than just his money back, and being evil himself has you dead to rights, but the BBEG maybe present and he sees the potential in the two of them and offers to "buy" their debt to the original baddie from him. Then after some grand show of power, (ie destroying the bad guy they duped with no effort or whatever will awe your players) he explains that they will be doing some work for him or else they will meet the other guys fate. Then you can send them on whatever weird strange jobs you want. As long as you regularly show off how bad ass the BBEG is that they want to get out from under is, they are inclined to keep working for him till they get to the point where they think they can take him. Then maybe as an enterprising pair they take over said BBEG's criminal network, Heisenberg style.