View Full Version : Player Help Keeping my Vampire Lord Alive(3.5)

2014-06-30, 03:19 PM
I'm about to start a new campaign with some friends and our DM decided to run an undead heavy campaign. He said I can play as a Vampire with PF's +2 LA(Is it really only +2?) and then a Vampire Lord at Level 10 if I can have a good sized undead family(and am older than 100). He also said that once I hit Vampire Lord, other Vampire Lords will come after me if I get too close. I'm sure a lot of them will be a lot stronger than myself(having been vampires for much longer). So I'm coming to you all for help!

Saran Qari
Drow* Wizard(Elven Generalist Racial Sub 1) 3

Abilities(Numbers in parenthesis are before Racial Modifiers)
Str 17 (17)
Dex 18 (16)
Con 10 (14)
Int 20 (18)
Wis 15 (15)
Cha 19 (17)

* I don't become a Vampire until level 5, it's part of a curse put on my parent's.

Flaws: Pathetic(Con), Free Spirited(x2 carry weight)
Greyhawk Method(F1)
Collegiate Wizard(F2)
Precocious Apprentice(1)
Fell Weaken(3)

Arcane Mark
Disrupt Undead
Ghost Sound
Read Magic
Touch of Fatigue
Detect Magic

1st Level
Charm Person(Although I won't really need it when I'm a Vampire)
Chill Touch
Color Spray
Detect Undead
Disguise Self(No one will know I'm a Drow or a Vamp)
Enlarge Person
Mage Armor
Magic Weapon
Ray of Enfeeblement
Reduce Person
Unseen Servant

2nd level
Alter Self
Cat's Grace
Command Undead
Detect Thoughts
Eagle's Splendor
Fog Cloud
Fox's Cunning
Ghoul Touch
Mirror Image
Resist Energy
Rope Trick
Scorching Ray
See Invisibility
Spectral Hand

This is all I have so far, any sources are available. I'd love suggestions for some good spells to grab at higher levels, I do get 8 each time. Anything you guys can think of for me to change let me know.

Thanks all!

2014-06-30, 07:15 PM
What do you want your character to do?

Off the cuff I'd suggest not being a Drow, and going Sorcerer instead of Wizard, since PF Undead get Cha to Hp and Vampire Lord gets Cha to Saves, so you'd be entirely SAD on charisma and not care about anything else, but those suggestions probably conflict with your vision of the character.

Is your campaign particularly low wealth? If you can reliably get scrolls of find other wizards to copy from than collegiate arcanist and greyhawk method go from being great feats to useful but not worth a feat slot.

The general way to keep away from people stronger than you is to either make sure you're with your party, so when a vampire lord shows up to murder you you get an XP and gold packet, or keep anti-divinations up all the time and make yourself very hard to find.