View Full Version : adding templates to animal companion

2014-06-30, 06:53 PM
So I'm making a level five druid, and I'm looking for any way to add templates to my animal companion through class features, feats, etc. All 3.5, 3.0, and PF material is allowed. Anything you can find me is appreciated!

2014-06-30, 06:59 PM
Well, you have the basic stuff that you apply directly, warbeast (MM II, 219) and magebred (ECS, 295). Then you've got the stuff from a more external source, like celestial from exalted companion (BoED, 42), and blightspawned from talontar blightlord (UE, 34). Those are the big ones I can think of offhand, though some can't be combined, and there might be others.

2014-06-30, 07:01 PM
You can always train it to be a Warbeast (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/warbeast.shtml). Just costs a few gold and time in-character.

Also, if you're playing Eberron, you can always take Vadalis Beastkeeper 5 to give it Magebred (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/magebred-animal), which is quite good in combination with Warbeast, and if you can net a Dire animal companion down the road, the Horrid (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/horrid-animal) template is pretty nice, although I believe it does impose a penalty to your effective Druid level for it if you add it, although it's not much of a penalty.

Otherwise, not much you can do, at least to my knowledge, other than maybe a spell or two to temporarily grant it a template or transform it into something else. You animal companion is supposed to be an ordinary example of its kind at default, so can't really add on any templates to it otherwise, unless you work out something with your DM.

Edit: Ninja'd, except on the Horrid part.

2014-07-01, 02:43 AM
Planar Familiar


2014-07-01, 02:53 AM
So templates like these hold if you turn into magical beast via arcane hielophant. If not/so, what can be added to arcane hielophant's thing?