View Full Version : [IC] Housetrapped Redux

lord pringle
2014-06-30, 09:03 PM
==> Enter Name

==> Max Celeritas

You are MAX CELERITAS and you want things done NOW, and by now you mean YESTERDAY. You are an avid consumer of VIDEOGAMES, ANIME AND COMIC BOOKS, particularly of the ACTION VARIETY. The faster the better. You thus have a love of SPEED and EXPLORATION, exploring wherever you can, PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY or SPIRITUALLY in order to KILL THE TIME. You have compiled numerous eclectic INTERESTS in order to get rid of the all the time you have your hands, venturing into PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, MEDIA, BIKING and so on to hopefully quench your impatience and destroy the TEDIUM that haunts you. In many ways you are a DILETTANTE created from the vast amounts of BOREDOM that has plagued you constantly. However some things have stuck to you: you love to read SCI-FI novels about the FUTURE and how humanity will TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR OWN DESTINY, optimistically going where no man has gone before! However you also have many books upon POST-APOCALYPTIC TALES that caution that the pride of humanity will destroy its FUTURE.

As a man of the future, you wield a LIGHTSABER as your weapon! Your current one is just a toy of course, green, in loving memory of THE LATE QUI-GON JINN. May the Force be with his soul. You also sometimes get out history books and ARGUE WITH HISTORICAL FIGURES sometimes, which always make you end up KICKING THE BOOKS IN ANGER. You secretly treasure your CUTE FROG PLUSH which you tell NO ONE about, it is your best non-online friend. In order to kill more time you have recently ordered the SBURB game which everyone else seems to getting, so why not try to kill some time more socially for a change? Your chum handle is ScienceSpeedster, and you talk as if you too much coffee! and with passion for all that you love! your practically a motormouth with the vast amounts of time you take up with your words! it just never seems to end!
Speaking of that sburb game, you got your package of it TODAY! Who knows what boredom curing adventures it may bring?
Probably none, it's just a video game. Oh, hey, Reno's pestering you.
==> Delaina Rollace
Once again, your player has neglected to write an intro. But none of that matters, since your copy of sburb is here! You've been waiting for it for days, and now it's finally here.
==>Adam Dresden

Your name is ADAM DRESDEN. After much anxious waiting, you have finally come into possession of your copy of the SBURB BETA, and you can't remember being more excited in months. Your fascination with GAMING in general is by far the most significant INTEREST you have, alongside your passion for FANTASY and SCIENCE FICTION literature of all kinds. Nearly every shelf in your BEDROOM is crammed with an assortment of NOVELS, CD CASES, and RPG RULEBOOKS, with other essential paraphernalia--including your prized set of DICE and REPLICA MAGIC WAND--mixed in for variety. Despite it being pretty much completely useless as an actual weapon, you made the decision to apply the WAND to your STRIFE SPECIBUS because it's cool. Besides, you hate STRIFE anyway--violence scares you too much. More and more often recently, you have found yourself feeling TRAPPED in the boredom of real life and wishing for EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE, but for now, the escapism of your GAMES and GENRE FICTION will have to suffice.
==>Reno Falconi
Your name is Reno Falconi, you mooks. You come from the INFAMOUS Falconi family, who is known for their connection to the CHICAGO MOB, the same one historically led by AL CAPONE. As far as you can tell however, your family is just the MILD MANNERED OWNERS OF A CHAIN OF ITALIAN RESTAURANTS. The connection is even less likely, seeing as how you live JUST OUTSIDE OF MADISON, which frankly is not that close to Chicago. But, man, do you wish the rumors were true! You’ve always really liked stories of SUIT WEARING MEN placing CEMENT SHOES on people who dared to intrude on their CRIMINAL EMPIRE. That’s why you wear PIN STRIPE SUITS and have allocated your strife specibus to TOMMYGUNKIND. So far, your NOSY SISTER, who you’ve stayed with for a while as she lives in a better school district, hasn’t noticed that you keep a HORRIBLY DANGEROUS FIREARM with you, but you go to great lengths to hide it in your sock drawer or strife deck. You don’t want a repeat of the SHIVKIND FIASCO OF ’07. You shiver just thinking about it.
Sometimes you feel like you’re just ALLERGIC TO THE AIR, when in fact you’re just ALLERGIC TO EVERY GOD DAMN THING IN THE AIR. And some THINGS NOT IN THE AIR. Because of this combined with your HYPER PARANOID AND OVER PROTECTIVE SISTER, your only real friends are your internet pals.
As a response to your INABILITY TO BREATHE, like, ever, your CONSTANTLY WORRYING AND ALWAYS SUPER ANXIOUS ABOUT YOU SISTER makes you use the EMERGENCY RESPONSE MODUS. How it works is that you have two of your cards designated as the EMERGENCY CARDS, which are always accesable. Your “LAY OFF, JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE TEN YEARS OLDER THAN ME IT DOESN’T MAKE YOU MOM AND EVEN SHE DOESN’T WORRY THIS MUCH” SISTER has placed your INHALERS and your PRESCRIPTION ALLERGY PILLS in those cards. She also password locked them to prevent you from doing something like replacing them with your TRUSTY FEDORA, which she claims would defeat the purpose of the modus. The rest of your cards operate like a QUEUESTACK, which is supposed to teach you RESPONSIBILITY. More like UNUSABILITY, AM I RIGHT?
You aren’t aware of this yet, but when you enter the session you will be the SEER OF BLOOD. You are also destined to awaken on PROSPIT.
Your chumhandle is allergicGangster and [COLOR="Indigo"]you type as if you’re in the mob, see?

What will you do?

Al Capwn
2014-06-30, 09:40 PM
==>Delaina: Pester Reno
You pester your best chum, and crush, Reno, to tell her you have the beta, and are about to install it! You are extremely excited to finally play Sburb, though you don't let it on.

2014-06-30, 10:31 PM
> Adam: Pester Max.

You roll up to your COMPUTER and pull up your CHUMROLL to see if MAX is around. Considering the BETA was supposed to be delivered nationwide three days ago, he should definitely have his copies by now. You're getting kinda tired of waiting on him, but it'll all be worth it once you finally get started...hopefully.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-02, 12:23 AM
==> Max: Answer

Um, you are being pestered by two people at once. Reno and Adam. Everyone's favorite mobster girl, and your best net bro. Which one to answer first? Tough decision to start off the day. But you have no time to be indecisive. Something has got to getting moving, no matter the direction. You decide to flip a coin, as all people do when faced with a binary decision like this. Heads for Adam, Tails for Reno.

Flip! It goes tumbling and.....Tails! Reno it is.

==> Answer Reno First.

lord pringle
2014-07-02, 06:33 PM
==>Delaina: Pester Reno
cynicalScientist began pestering allergicGangster
CS: Hey
CS: Reno
CS: Did you get your Sburb disks yet, eh?
AG: Yeah. You know science right?
CS: ..........No **** sherlock.
AG: What's the deal with this Server/Client business?
CS: How many times do I have to explain this?
CS: The servers sets up, well, the server
CS: And the client connects to it.
CS: For each client, there needs to be a server.
CS: But, everyone will have to do both, making a chain.
AG: Oh, so it's just a way to make sure you play with friends.
CS: So the current plan is You server me
CS: Max servers you
CS: Adam servers max
CS: Simple.
CS: And then I server Adam.
CS: I doubt the game's going to be good though.
CS: When GAMEBRO gives it a bad score, you KNOW it's going to be bad.
AG: Gentleman Gaming liked it, and it's the classiest rag around, see?
AG: I think it'll be great.
CS: Psssssssssssssssh
CS: I forgot to say earlier
CS: I got a suit and fedora!
CS: I thought you might like them.
CS: And they'll be very useful for my eventual meetings with big companies.
AG: Or any mooks you need to put in their place.
CS: What do you think the cane is for?
CS: Not just looking slick, but kicking some ass too
AG: It's a great look on anyone.
CS: Sure is.
CS: Damn, cains are sweeeeeeet.
AG: I'll stick with Mr. Tommygun, thank you very much.
CS: They're like magnets, but for ladies instead of metals with the opposite magnetic field.
CS: Which.... Theoretically could work using pheremones.
CS: But it wouldn't literally attract them with force.
CS: Just make it appealing to move towards it.
CS: Though, theoretically, you could make something that attracted people via whatever form of metal they're wearing, though that would be fairly unisex.
AG: ...You're on your way to invent that right now, aren't you.
CS: Are you kidding me, I did that when I was TEN.
CS: I had to STEAL my next sixteen chemistry sets because my mom wouldn't let me have one after the FBI took those pheremones.
CS: I still say they sold them.
CS: Hey~
CS: tilde why are you so close to one
CS: I'm not a nerd.
CS: I'm just smart.
AG: You're like the alpha nerd. You're so close to evolving the cool jean, but somehow so far away.
CS: Hey
CS: I've not gotten to genetically engineering clothing YET.
CS: Give me time.
CS: Also, having cold jeans kinda defeats the purpose of clothing.
CS: The idea is to keep you warm, but if the jeans are cold, they'll just keep in the cold air.
AG: You know what I meant.
CS: Plus, genetically engineering people to have natural clothing would be WEIRD.
CS: I do.
CS: You were talking about growing a pair of jeans that were the opposite of cold.
CS: Or did I miss one of your 'slangs'
AG: You did! XD I'm talking about a genetic trait for coolness.
CS: But
AG: I mean suaveness, ****!
CS: Bodily tempature changes are entirely mutations that don't get carried down
CS: Due to subjects dieing before the age of one.
AG: I mean suaveness, ****!
CS: Oh.
CS: I get it now.
AG: You crack me up, see?
CS: Well
CS: We are talking through text
CS: So no
CS: And if you believed that was serious
CS: I fear for the human race.
AG: ...Shut up.
CS: You totally did didn't you.
AG: Let's say no and pretend this never happened, capisce?
CS: Your response time i sproof enough.
CS: Is, damnit
CS: This is what happens when you spill bargain soda all over your bloody keyboard.
CS: Faygo is a harsh mistress.
AG: My sister won't let me drink stuff like that. :(
CS: Does your sister let you do ANYTHING, besides breath?
AG: Well, that one doesn't happen that often, but she lets me talk to you guys, and wear what I want to.
AG: What more do I need?
CS: I assume STERILIZED clothing
CS: On a computer that is changed daily.
AG: She rigorously cleans everything, yeah.
AG: It's pretty annoying.
CS: How do you get ANY science do-
CS: Oh.
CS: Nevermind.
AG: Speaking of which, could you help me with my science homework?
CS: .................
CS: Did you learn NOTHING
AG: I suck at Bio, okay!
CS: Damnit reno
CS: I can do your science homework THEORETICAL SITUATIONS in my GARAGE
AG: :p
CS: I made a new breed of frog yesterday.
CS: Because I wanted to.
AG: Anyway, we should get this game started.
CS: no
CS: You started me on bio
CS: Now you must listen to the tales of my frogs!
AG: ...
allergicGangster ceased pestering cynicalScientist

==>Max: Respond to Reno

allergicGangster began pestering scienceSpeedster
AG: Hey~
AG: Did you get your copy yet?
SS: Heeeeeey! Reno! I'v been pestered by bother you and Adam, so I had to flip a coin to like decide which one, and it landed on tails to answer you, and yes I got it.
SS: and I hope that its AWESOME, like say, The Force Unleashed or Kingdoms of Amalur, and such, though it doesn't seem to say much about the game itself. like, its just two discs in sleeves.
AG: Great! So, apparently you're going to be servering me?
SS: and I'm like, whats up with that? who gives people a Beta without telling them what the game is, and I checked Gamebro of all things because its the only- er, yeah I guess so.
SS: -magazine that reviewed it, but didn't even stay on topic and said something about building!
SS: and I'm like, whats up with that? I like, can't even trust this "magazine" to say anything reliable, so I might as well HAVE NO INFORMATION AT ALL-
AG: This is why you need a classier rag, like Gentleman gaming! Though I guess they also gave out vague bologna.
SS: -and there is a whole bunch of shenanigans I had to go through to even get this thing from my own house! The least of which is not using the stairs at all because I wa wanted about the stairs bro
SS: and Gentlemen Gaming, can I even afford that?
SS: I mean its sounds classy and all, but classy stuff always is a little pricey.
SS: and I'm just like...
SS: I dunno, but I 'm just not sure about the price, even though I checked up on it, or have I been seeing the wrong sites about it, because the web can be unreliable sometimes because I might be lied to about whether it has a price at all...
AG: I don't think it's any more expensive than game bro, but it has it's own faults.
SS: ah.
AG: The writers still think the NES is the cat's meow.
AG: and not in a retro way.
SS: ah, the oldsters, classicists, er, grognards.
SS: I never get those people, I mean we are always blasting towards the future right, and things are always changing right? so why shackle yourself to some.... like...old thing forever and forever that doesn't change.
SS: and thus keep yourself from changing as well, and thus being unable to improve, move on to better things, as well as keep up with the times so that you don't go outdated, I mean the future is coming, always coming, you got to be prepared for it TODAY
SS: got to seize the moment, seize the day, be the moment, or you'll lose it.
AG: ... I'm going to assume you aren't talking about the mob.
SS: oh right.
SS: on't worry. somethings can withstand the test of time.
SS: like cowboys
SS: or pirates
AG: Yep! "Time stops for no man but pirates, the mob, and cowboys" -Darwin
AG: I think he said that.
SS: but even the mob in all their classiness and old-schoolness got to keep up a little y'know? they gotta get cell phones and better ways to enhance the guns.
SS: well "Carpe Diem!"- The Greeks
SS: I'm pretty sure they said that. means Seize the Day.
AG: Sounds right to me. Anyway, how are you doing?
SS: good as usual, if bored of the usual small-town stasis and what not. I mean, its nice and all, but it gets boring seeing the same little place in the middle of nowhere everyday.
SS: like, I know its peaceful, but I don't desire peace, I want action, I want risk, I want to go out and do something! anything! something with meaning! like become a cool scientist guy in the big city.
SS: this town ain't big enough for me.
SS: I need a freaking New York to contain my awesome.
SS: or a Chicago.
AG: Yeah, if you came to Chicago I could bus over to you! We could meet up!
SS: y'know, the big time, the center of the action, the main stage.
SS: and I'd be the smart scientist guy, and you'd be the cool mobster girl with the gun.
SS: and I'd be like "dammit, you meat-headed mobster, SCIENCE! waits for no one!" as I disable this bomb while you fend off a rival mobster fammily
SS: and then the opening credits of the show rolls and it ends with like "Max and Reno- together they commit crime."
SS: and then we'd recruit Adam and Delaina and we'd be like
SS: The Mobster Four.
AG: The perfect plan.
SS: going around, doing mobster in' things like....
SS: beating up mobsters that are eviller than us
SS: and being all like "we're not mobsters, we just....legitimate business men" to the police cause we're smooth liars like that.
SS: anyways, back on topic: the game.
AG: Yeah! What is it about anyway?
SS: the hell if I know. its a mystery. do you like mysteries?
SS: I mean we could try say, checking up a FAQ
SS: but come on, we're surrounded by games that tell us too much in advance
SS: maybe its a throwback to older games
AG: Yeah, It'll be fun solving a mystery together.
SS: where your not told anything.
SS: and you have to figure out things out.
SS: so, how about we forget trying to figure out, and just try it out? maybe, its meant to be tested without any knowledge of what it actually is
SS: like, they want to test our initial reactions and how much we can figure out about the game from nothing.
SS: so that when the real game goes out, they can more accurately make the instructional booklet or something.
AG: that's probably it.
SS: yeah. anyways, you said something about servering?
AG: According to Delaina, you're going to be servering me, whatever that means.
AG: Sometimes she just goes right over my head...
SS: according to her, that I'm GOING? what is she, psychic or something? can she SEE THE FYOOOO-CHOOOORREE!?
SS: Dragonball Z abridged jokes, you never stop being funny. hehe.
AG: Well she had a plan. I'm supposed to server her. And you server me and Adam servers you.
SS: but seriously, with is up with her declaring that? and plan? hm.
SS: anyways, who goes first into this? it seems that one goes after the after into the game, like our character appears in order according to her.
SS: or something, I dunno, I'm just guessing from what your saying
AG: Once again, I have no idea what comes out of her mouth half the time.
SS: yeah, speaking of Adam severing me, he is also pestering me.
SS: think I should go ahead and tell him to do that while I try getting in first?
AG: Sounds like a plan.
SS: cool, anything else? cause this Sburb with its building thing might take a while, might be one of those civilization-type games.
SS: not usually my cup of tea, I admit, but its more fun with friends.
AG: Yeah. Maybe we should get a memo going so we can all talk?
SS: yeah, like.....Team Four
SS:....Team Four......
SS: Four umm......Team Four.....something...
SS: Team Four Homes?
AG: I like the mobster 4, myself.
SS: Team Four Mobs?
SS: Team Four Mobsters?
AG: Sounds good! :)
SS: Team Four Mobsters it is! cya Reno.
AG: Bye!

==>Reno: Swoon
Oh my god, he's amazing! You grin and spin around in your SWIVEL CHAIR. You immediately go to watch dragon ball Z abridged to better connect with Max.

2014-07-03, 05:08 PM
-- dungeonMastery [DM] began pestering scienceSpeedster [SS] --

DM: Hey man, please tell me you have it now.
SS: Hey best net bro, yes I have it, you wouldn't believe what it took to get it, and sorry for not speaking to you at first, my coin told me to speak to Reno first and you know how coin flips have to be obeyed and all
SS: you flip and it doesn't matter what you want, what it lands on you do.
DM: Dude, at this point, I'm not even annoyed that you flipped a coin to decide whether to answer me.
DM: From this moment, nothing shall stand in our way.
DM: where doin it man
SS: hell yeah we are.
DM: And you know it's a momentous occasion when I'm making SBaHJ references.
DM: Dear God, I think I gave myself cancer typing that ****.
SS: we got approval from both Reno and Delaina for you to be severing me.
DM: Yeah, I remember that was the plan.
DM: From like two months back.
SS: two months- how far does Delaina plan!? I mean that girl is smart and all, but really....
SS: She can see the FYOOO-TUUUUREE....
DM: So it was supposed to be me>you>Reno>Delaina>back to me, right?
SS: but still, that is weird, cause she planned all this out two months ago? did she even KNOW about the server thing two months ago? I mean is going on with that girl?
SS: she just seems to know a lot that.....erm.....seems kinda prescient.
SS: and I'm like cool, you'll be severing me but.
SS: isn't it kinda creepy?
SS: whatever.
SS: *servering!! but still, we gotta make this happen.
DM: All kinds of hell yes >:)
SS: I think this means I'll be the first player, y'see? my character will enter first and your going to be like.....something else, I dunno....but its just my style, get in first, see whats up.
DM: I've got these discs burning up on my desk as we type.
DM: If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not wait to get into the thick of things last.
DM: I'm gonna see about rounding up everybody to do one of those memo things, so we can all keep in touch, make this more of a simultaneous venture.
DM: Nobody left out.
SS: yeah, sounds good.
DM: No reason I can't be client to Delaina while simultaneously managing things for you...
DM: In whatever way the game calls for.
SS: still kind of weird that there is no instructions for this, but hey, I guess we have to figure it out as we go.
DM: I like it, actually.
SS: yeah, too much games and life is planned out.
DM: No handholding, figure out everything for yourself, preserve the mystery.
DM: Old-school.
SS: actually get to go in blind, like a real adventure.
SS: y'know explorers.
DM: Exactly :D
DM: Except, you know, without the actual risk of violent death.
SS: yeah, videogames are great opportunities to have some adventure without y'know anyone dying y'know?
SS: I'd say "going where no man has gone before" but thats a Trekkie saying, and I'm a star Wars fan
SS: and we both know the bad blood between them. baaaad blood.
DM: And the award for understatement goes to... XD
DM: But anyway, that's enough of this chit-chat!
SS: uh-huh.
DM: Mystery and excitement await us!
DM: I'll see about getting in touch with the girls.
SS: yeah, I'll insert the disc first
DM: Sure, hopefully by the time I message you again I'll be figuring things out too.
DM: Have a little more experience to help me be a better server.
SS: think if its too hard to figure out we should go to Gamefaqs or something?
SS: does Gamefaqs even have something for this?
DM: Maybe, but that should be a last resort, always.
SS: yeah.
DM: Probably won't be much up there for a game this new, and still in beta.
SS: yeah, its probably just a demo.
DM: Anyway, onward!
DM: Talk again in a bit.
SS: kay, cya.

-- dungeonMastery [DM] ceased pestering scienceSpeedster [SS] --

> Adam: See about getting in touch with the girls.

You immediately pull up your CHUMROLL again and fire off a message to DELAINA. If she's supposed to be your SERVER (whatever that actually means), you figure talking to her is the quickest path to finally being able to sink your teeth into this GAME. Hopefully she'll deign to answer...

Al Capwn
2014-07-04, 10:57 AM
==>Delaina: Be pestered.
DM: Delaina.
DM: Delaina, are you there?
CS: No.
DM: Delaina.
CS: Yeah, I know.
CS: Tell me more.
DM: I am struggling not to jump up and down in my chair.
DM: It's like...
CS: Don't do that, you'd break it.
DM: These discs, in their envelopes, on my desk...
CS: Are you just going to gush?
DM: They call to me like the Sirens of antiquity from within their paper prisons.
DM: Okay, I'm done now.
CS: Cause if gushing is happening now, better call Betty Crocker.
DM: But seriously, we need to start playing this game like right the **** now.
CS: Me and Reno will.
CS: You have to wait.
DM: No, come on.
DM: Don't be like that.
CS: Goddamnit Adam
DM: I don't want to be the chump left sitting here watching Max and you guys have all the fun.
CS: How many timse do I have to say it?
CS: Times, ****.
DM: Come ooooonnnnnn, you can multitask!
CS: The order exists for a reason.
DM: Just do the server thing for me and play your client version at the same time!
CS: No.
DM: What does running a server even require anyway?
CS: Adam, there's **** I need to do when I get in there.
DM: Probably just means providing some kind of connection thing without actually doing anything whatsoever!
CS: Just trust me.
DM: What do you mean?
CS: Ugh
CS: When I get in, everything's going to explode.
DM: Oh, THIS again.
CS: Why do I even try with you?
DM: Come on, Delaina, I know you take this stuff seriously and all...
CS: If you're not going to believe me, then why did you seem so interested in me talking about Prospit?
DM: But from someone who claims to be so scientifically-minded, I find myself severely lacking any compelling reason to believe you can see the future in your dreams.
DM: I thought it sounded cool, the way you described it.
DM: But come on, you really expect me to believe you're psychic?
CS: For ****'s sake
DM: I'm not that gullible, Del.
CS: I can't see the future, I've been to Prospit.
CS: I've explained this so many times, is there even any point in doing it again?
DM: No, because it's clearly bull****.
DM: Or, failing that, delusion.
DM: But I find it far more likely you're trying to pull one over on me and make me feel like an idiot.
DM: That's what everyone else always seems to want to do.
DM: Listen, think about it like this...
DM: If everything really is gonna get blown up, wouldn't the optimal solution be to get as many people "into" the game as soon as possible?
CS: Damnit, why do I even TRY.
CS: The order is final, and that's that.
DM: Alright, I was out of line there, and I'm sorry.
DM: I shouldn't have gotten that worked up about this.
DM: I don't really believe you're trying to trick me.
DM: Just...look, I have to a[color=Indigo]DMit, I feel a little slighted being automatically assigned as the last person to get in on the action here.
DM: Especially considering you seem to consider it a matter of life and death.
CS: That's cause it ****ing is.
CS: If we don't do this **** right, we can DIE.
DM: Okay, sure, for the moment, I'll accept that's the case.
DM: But then why does that mean I have to be in danger for longer than anyone else?
DM: If it was a question of me being necessary to help save other people, then I'd be fine with that, but...
DM: It seems to me like you just want me to sit here twiddling my thumbs until everyone else is okay.
CS: Trust me, the order is the way to go.
DM: Alright, look, I can see you don't want to explain things to me in more detail than that, and I'm sorry I've been pressing so hard.
DM: Just...can you answer me one question?
CS: What is it?
DM: If--and I'm not saying I believe you--but IF it turns out you're right about this, and lives really do depend on us playing this game properly...
DM: Will I be helping in some way by serving as Max's server for the moment?
DM: Because honestly, I don't think I could stand just sitting here and letting people get hurt.
CS: Hang on, lemme check my server map.
CS: Yep.
CS: Reno servers me, then max servers reno, you server max
CS: And then I server you.
DM: Will it cause any problems if I at least install my server copy now and start playing with Max?
CS: That breaks the order.
CS: It has to go in order.
CS: Trust me, you'll have your hands full pretty soon.
DM: Alright, fine.
DM: If it means so much to you, I won't get involved yet.
CS: Good.
DM: Just go play the freaking game with Reno, if that's what you want.
CS: Cause we need to do this right.
DM: I'm sorry, that was inappropriate.
DM: I'm gonna leave before I say any more stupid stuff.
CS: Look, we can either ram right into this game, big **** swinging
CS: Or we can try and do it the best way we can.
DM: Sure.
DM: Whatever you want.
DM: Later.
CS: Seeya.

==>Delaina: Be kind of annoyed.
Nobody EVER listens to you when you talk about Prospit, even though it could save all of your lives!

==>Delaina: Grumble, and install beta.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-05, 10:00 PM
==> Max: Install Beta

Whelp, time to get cracking, hopefully Adam will start servering soon. Guy is a fellow adventure-seeker, but he really needs to learn to stand up and do things on his own y'know? You insert the disk right after speaking with him and begin your own installation of the game. You can't wait to start! You want to test out this thing as soon as you can! Sure, its probably not going to be good but hey at least it will kill some time and thats what matters.

2014-07-05, 10:21 PM
> Adam: Pester Max. Again.

You can't even work up the energy to slam on the "close pesterlog" button aggressively. Months of anticipation, the agony of waiting for your CHUMS to be sent their BETA copies so you could all play them together, and now you're getting left in the dust AGAIN while they get to go have all the fun. And of course MAX will just go along with everything and RENO will listen to him, like always.

You breathe a DEJECTED SIGH and pull up the page containing your CHUMROLL once more. No point causing any more fuss over it--may as well let MAX know you'll be joining in last...

lord pringle
2014-07-07, 05:18 PM
==> Delaina & Max: Install Beta
As you install the beta, you are treated to a spiffy Installation screen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wuo4uR9JpE). It's nice that the game gives you something to look at, even if it is very surreal.

Al Capwn
2014-07-07, 05:26 PM
==>Delaina: Pester Reno
Now that you have the game installed, and running, you decide to pester your server.

Al Capwn
2014-07-07, 09:29 PM
cynicalScientist(CS) began pestering allergicGangster(AG)
CS: So I installed th beta.
CS: The, goddamnit.
CS: oh, and Reno
CS: Do you believe me when I talk about prospit?
AG: ...um, not really?
AG: It's a little fishy, no offense.
CS: damnit, nobody believes me.
CS: Adam doesn't
CS: Max doesn't, you don't.
CS: Why do I even TRY with you people?
CS: I keep trying to tell you useful things that could keep us alive soon, and you all ignore me.
AG: Have you ever tried talking to somebody about this stuff? Like maybe a therapist?
CS: Damnit Reno.
CS: Fine, don't believe me.
CS: See if I care.
CS: Just install the stupid server disk and let's play this thing.
AG: I will. But if prospit starts telling you to bump someone off, don't do it.
cynicalScientist(CS) has disconnected

==>Delaina: Try not to scream.
These people are SO FRUSTRATING. Nobody believes you about ANYTHING, and now they're making JOKES at YOUR EXPENSE. This is EXACTLY why you don't go to school often!

==>Delaina: Have a bit of a cry.
It's really hurtful when they do this kind of thing... You really don't like being made fun of, ESPECIALLY after the incident when you were little.

==>Delaina: Recover from bout of problems.
You pull yourself together, and don your stylish rims once again.

==>Delaina: Go downstairs.
You decide to go down and get some ice cream and other assorted feel-good things for you.

==>Delaina: Get feel good things.
You head to the kitchen, making yourself a bowl of STRAWBERRY ICECREAM. You captchalogue the bowl, and it has the code 6635. You also captchalogue another bowl, this one with BUTTERSCOTCH CANDY. Because you LOVE BUTTERSCOTCH. It's code is 8153. You also go into the living room, captchalogueing the box of BATMAN COMICS you bought on EBAY. The code is 2209. Your mother is sitting in the living room, using the GIANT TV to play, coincidentally, a BATMAN GAME. She greets you jovially, inviting you for a hug.

==Delaina: Hug mom.
You run over and hug your mother. You love your mom. Your mom is awesome. You hug her for an appropriate amount of time, before making your excuses and heading back upstairs in a much more jovial mood then previously. You sit back down and start eating your ice cream, dropping some butterscotch in it every little while, and break out the Batman comics to read while you eat.

2014-07-08, 03:36 PM
-- dungeonMastery [DM] began pestering scienceSpeedster [SS] --

DM: So it looks like Delaina's insisting we all start playing one at a time...
DM: Which means I don't get to join in until later.
SS: whatever man, I'm already installing mine.
SS: c'mon, are you really going to listen to whatever wacko-jacko thing about seeing the future in her dreams or whatever?
DM: How did you know it had anything to do with that?
DM: Has she been talking to you about this?
SS: she has been talking about this for two months man.
DM: Yeah, I know...
DM: I just sorta thought we'd all be connecting at once.
SS: and it just seems like she is crazy bananas to me.
DM: No I agree.
SS: well then why are you listening to her then? you don't listen to crazy people, and just because a crazy person takes it seriously, doesn't mean you should.
DM: It's just...
DM: I don't know if I want to make a big deal about it, you know?
DM: I mean, she obviously takes it super seriously.
DM: And to be honest, I kinda thought you and Reno would go along with what she said...
SS: its probably just one of those weird psychological conditions where something she is repressing is showing up in her dreams.
SS: like y'know, some fear she has of her paradise being destroyed by outside forces.
SS: and her dreams show that in the form of some golden city being destroyed and all her friends being killed
SS: so perhaps she is just hiding some big irrational fear as a coping mechanism.
DM: That would make a lot of sense.
SS: even the most rational of human beings have their faults like that.
SS: I mean come on, Delaina may be good at the rational down to earth thing, but she ain't a robot.
DM: I guess...
SS: that and....bro, you really gonna let your net bro down here?
DM: What do you mean?
SS: I mean c'mon, we both know she is crazy, and we both know that this is just a game.
SS: Delaina takes things way too seriously.
SS: she has got to learn how to take it easy.
SS: y'know, but we net bros? we know to take it easy, this is a game, we should be having fun like net bros should be y'know?
SS: and right now, your kind of letting down your net bro man.
DM: So...you actually want to do this now?
SS: hell yeah.
SS: why listen to a crazy person?
SS: crazy people need to be told their wrong and shown that there is nothing to worry about.
SS: just common sense, if they're acting irrational their judgement can't be relied upon.
SS: and we're both rational guys y'know?
DM: It's not that I believe her...
DM: It's just...I hate feeling like I'd be hurting her, even if I haven't done anything wrong...
DM: It'd be the same if it was anybody.
SS: sometimes people need to be hurt to be healed.
DM: I guess...
SS: if they fear something, the only way to get rid of it, is to confront that fear, to face it.
SS: and when they finally face it, she'll see that there is nothing to worry about.
DM: Also, I'm sorta worried that if we do this, she won't want to play at all.
DM: And then we'll be down a person.
DM: But I guess having Reno as my server instead of Delaina wouldn't be too bad, even if that happens...
DM: Yeah, you're right.
DM: What's the big deal?
SS: don't worry man, your acting as if this is a serious situation.
SS: this is just a game.
DM: Yeah, she can deal with it.
SS: that and if you won't believe in yourself....just believe in the me who believes in you.
DM: Dude.
DM: You have no idea how awesome it is that you just made that reference.
SS: and I believe your not a wimpy guy who cowers at the first sight of imaginary fear.
SS: I believe, that your a brave, awesome net bro. who knows whats up, and whats really happening.
DM: **** it, let's play this goddamn game.
DM: Okay, I'm gonna pop in my server disc.
SS: nice, I think you made the right decision man, and don;t worry, I'll connect to Reno, so that you can connect to Delaina after this.
SS: we lie to Delaina, and it will be like nothing was ever amiss.
DM: Yeah, sure.
DM: She can just get the **** over it.
DM: Honestly, what's her problem?
SS: yeah, I dunno, but she really just needs to sit down and have fun once in a while, cya man! have a good game!
DM: Be ready to connect to you in just a sec.

-- dungeonMastery [DM] ceased pestering scienceSpeedster [SS] --
> Adam: Believe in the Max who believes in you.

Goddamnit, MAX is right. Where does DELAINA get off thinking she can just dictate that you get left out? Your friends aren't listening to her, and you don't have to either!

You retrieve your SBURB SERVER DISC from its ENVELOPE and stick it in your computer's DISC DRIVE.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-08, 04:36 PM
==> Delaina & Max: Install Beta
As you install the beta, you are treated to a spiffy Installation screen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wuo4uR9JpE). It's nice that the game gives you something to look at, even if it is very surreal.

==> Oooh pretty.

You look at it and hear the music of the loading screen. Just so....strange and surreal. These guys really got their design of the loading screen down. If this just the loading screen, then what will the actual game be like? Whats with the strange things they keep saying on the bottom of the screen though? "Recommending Ratchets"? "Achieving Aluminum Trowels"? "Managing Elbows"? Must be some kind of humor thing. Maybe the designers are trying to make fun of those dour program downloads that say what they're doing as they load?

After your talk with Adam you see the game finally load....and all it says is "Sburb" floating on the screen....and nothing else. No options, no game starting screen, nothing but the title. Thats... odd.

Al Capwn
2014-07-08, 04:38 PM
==>Delaina: Pester Reno.
You muster up the strength to pester your best friend.

lord pringle
2014-07-09, 02:58 PM
==> Reno and Adam: Install
Both of you install your copy of the server. You are treated to the same pretty light show.
==>Reno: Respond to chum
cynicalScientist began pestering allergicGangster
CS: Run the server.
AG: It's installing, give it a second.
AG: By the way, are you feeling alright?
CS: Are we going into this?
AG: well, are you okay?[/color]
CS: So the answer is no?
CS: Great, message me when it's done.
AG: Maybe we should postpone playing till cynicalScientist began pestering allergicGangster
CS: Run the server.
AG: It's installing, give it a second.
AG: By the way, are you feeling alright?
CS: Are we going into this?
AG: well, are you okay?
CS: So the answer is no?
CS: Great, message me when it's done.
AG: Maybe we should postpone playing till you're feeling better... I don't want your experience to be ruined.
CS: Message me when it's done.
cynicalScientist disconnected
AG: Fine. feeling better... I don't want your experience to be ruined.[/color]
CS: Message me when it's done.
cynicalScientist ceased pestering allergicGangster
AG: Fine.
==> Reno: Worry
You try and fail to avoid worrying about your friend's mental health. You pull up your chumlist and settle on Adam as being the best person to help you with this dilemma and try to get in contact with him.
==> All: Gaze at install screen
You gaze at it, and it suddenly changes. It flashes to a screen that reads "Two connections available. Select one." It's followed by two IP addresses.

Al Capwn
2014-07-09, 03:18 PM
==>Delaina: Figure out what's going on.
Oh, those guys are SO ****ED. They have brought upon themselves your FURY, and there shall be NO ESCAPE.

==>Delaina: Furiously pester Adam.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-09, 08:58 PM
==> Max: Flip a coin

Oh hm. two server connections? which means Reno's is already up. But...you don't which one. Your not all that versed in IP addresses and you don't remember if they ever told you which one was theirs so....time to take a chance! you get out your coin. Since you don't know which one is Adam's you decide that the top most address is heads and the bottommost, tails. Its kind of a coin flip as to which one your choose anyways, so might as well flip a coin!

You flip......and it comes up.....Tails! You click the bottom address. Hopefully its Adams.

==> Max: Prepare to play game.

You decide to prepare by rifling through your sylladex to find the best pair of orange shades in the world, answering the question of the card (when did Kamina die? Episode eight) and soon put them on. Aw yeah. You feel like taking on anything this game will try to throw at you now. You get out your (Toy) Lightsaber and do a few practice swings in your excitement- and then smash your new clock it. Dang it! this always happens. No matter how many clocks you get, they always eventually get smashed. Really annoying.

==> Max: Realize Delaina knows

Oh really? oh well. She needs to learn to chill anyways. And probably see a therapist. You get back on and prepare for the eventual ragechat coming for you. Your not afraid. You have the Kamina Sunglasses on.

lord pringle
2014-07-12, 06:05 PM
==>Reno: Consult Adam
-- allergicGangster [AG] began pestering dungeonMastery [DM] --

AG: Hey, Adam.
DM: Oh, um...hey.
AG: We've hit a crisis.
DM: Um, yeah, I guess you could say that.
DM: Wait, what are you talking about?
AG: Delaina! She's going nuts! We need to postpone playing.
DM: Yeeeeaaaaah...****.
DM: I...feel somewhat responsible for that.
AG: Oh god. What happened?
DM: Okay, so...
DM: I was just talking to her a second ago...
DM: And I was all excited, 'cause everyone finally has their copies of the beta now, right?
DM: But then she tells me she won't play it with me until everybody else has already started...
DM: And I got kind of pissy about it :/
DM: So I told Max...
DM: And he sort of talked me into starting with him right away.
DM: I mean, we're supposed to be connecting anyway, according to Delaina's order she planned out, so I didn't see any harm in getting started with that part now...
DM: Except now Delaina appears to be having a fit about it.
DM: Or so I presume, I haven't actually answered her.
DM: So...yeah.
AG: She's not doing well. We should call it off and get her to a hospital.
DM: Whoa, seriously?
DM: You think it's that bad?
AG: Bluh, I sound like my sister here, but I'm really worried about her.
DM: Well I can understand that...
DM: That was why I didn't want to go against what she said.
DM: But come on, she's overreacting, right?
DM: Besides which, what would any of us do?
DM: None of us live in Quebec.
AG: Yeah, I guess...
AG: But at the very least, we should put her on close watch.
DM: Are you sure you can't maybe, you know, talk her down or something?
DM: You know her a lot better than I do, and God forbid Max get anywhere near her right now O_O
AG: She's not talking to me. She refused to respond to me until I got the game installed. Which I do now, but...
DM: Okay, well...
DM: Should I answer her?
DM: I mean, I'm kinda terrified about it O_O
DM: And I don't know how productive it would be, you know how irrational she's been about this.
DM: Maybe we should just let her calm down?
AG: God, I don't know.
AG: Maybe she'll calm down if you talk to her?
DM: Uh...
DM: I really don't think there's anything I could say that would help :/
DM: She's obviously gonna be pissed at me right now.
AG: Apologizing wouldn't hurt.
DM: Okay, well...
DM: I guess I'll send her one message, but I'm ignoring her after that.
DM: Wait.
DM: ****, looks like Max just connected with me.
DM: Wait, what the ****...
DM: Hold on a minute, this is really weird O_O
AG: What?
DM: BRB, I gotta figure out what's going on, this is seriously freaky...
DM: Talk to you in a second.

-- dungeonMastery [DM] ceased pestering allergicGangster [AG] --

AG: Bye, I guess...
==>Adam: Check Connection
It appears that your screen has shifted to a view of Max's room.

Al Capwn
2014-07-12, 06:12 PM
==>Delaina: Furiously pester Adam
-- cynicalScientist [CS] began pestering dungeonMastery [DM] --

CS: WHAT THE ****.
DM: I'm sorry you're upset, but Max and I decided to start now, and I'm afraid you're just going to have to live with that. You're welcome to still play with us in the connection order you planned. I'm not responding any more after this. Sorry.

-- dungeonMastery [DM] ceased pestering cynicalScientist [CS] --

CS: WHAT THE ****.
CS: WHAT THE ****ING ****
CS: ****ING

==>Delaina: Prevent mental breakdown.
You begin to devour your icecream and eat butterscotch like mad, trying to calm yourself down.

==>Delaina: Pester Reno.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-12, 07:49 PM
==> Max: Do something

You grow bored of waiting for eventual ragechat from Delaina. You briefly consider wasting a few minutes on the nonsense of roleplaying that your a loose cannon Jedi who doesn't play by the Jedi Code to a Yoda plush that you have who would berate you for not following the Code and then assign you a by-the-book jedi partner and so on, but you instead look at the screen still showing a plan "Sburb" there with no options to choose from. Connecting apparently didn't do anything to it.

You try contacting Adam to see if you have connected with him. Hopefully the coin didn't let your net bro down.

2014-07-15, 04:09 PM
> Adam: Answer Max.

-- scienceSpeedster [SS] began pestering dungeonMastery [DM] --

SS: Ey! Adam, so I installed it, and was hoping the connection I chose was yours, and I sort noticed something weird.
SS: My screen is like.
SS: still
SS: like its just a big SBURB
DM: Max.
SS: and nothing else.
DM: Max, stop typing for a second.
SS: not even a freaking select scree-what?
DM: I need to tell you about something.
SS: what?
DM: But first, I have a question.
DM: Do you have a webcam set up anywhere in your room that is currently powered on?
SS: um....no....
SS: why do you ask?
DM: Because you just connected with me...
DM: And now I can see you on my screen O_O
SS: really?
DM: Looks like.
SS: ok then, prove it, what time does it say on my clock?
DM: Your clock appears to be broken.
SS: correct!
SS: which you wouldn't know if the.....mystery camera wasn't there.
DM: Okay...
DM: Can you explain to me how the **** this works?
DM: How the hell can I see you right now if you don't have a camera set up?
SS: I dunno.
SS: perhaps your not really seeing me.
SS: perhaps what your seeing is a virtual simulation.
SS: an exact replicate in the game.
DM: One way to find out...
DM: Stand up from your chair, right now.
SS: okay.
DM: Okay, I just saw that O_O
DM: This is seriously weird.
DM: What kind of game is this?
SS: Maybe its utilizing some weird new tech to scan my position, like those motion detecting things.
SS: and then replicating them in game?
DM: But how?
DM: You don't have anything like that in your room, right?
DM: It would need the equipment to actually be physically there!
SS: No, is it somehow utilizing the computer itself?
DM: There's no way it could!
DM: Without even a camera, the computer doesn't have any way of picking up visual data from its surroundings!
SS: anyways, all I can see is a big SBURB on my screen, no view of you.
DM: I guess that has something to do with me being the server, and you the client?
SS: Not even a select screen or a start or a load game or anything like that.
SS: weird.
DM: Well you're not the only thing on my screen.
SS: ?
DM: There's a GUI now.
DM: But I don't know what any of these controls are supposed to do.
DM: They all have really weird names.
DM: Phernalia registry? Alchemy excursus?
DM: What the hell is this **** supposed to be?
SS: well I have no idea about any of this, hey, maybe try controlling my digital avatar thing?
DM: Okay, hang on...
DM: No good, none of my keys are doing anything.
DM: Looks like this is fully mouse-controlled.
SS: then click on something.
DM: Okay...
> Adam: Select Max's broken clock.

You set your SBURB CURSOR to the SELECT function and grab the first thing that occurs to you.

lord pringle
2014-07-22, 10:58 PM
==>Adam: Grab clock
You grab the BROKEN CLOCK and whoops! You nudge your mouse and the clock goes flying. At least it was already broken?
==>Delaina: Pester Reno
cynicalScientist(CS) began pestering allergicGangster(AG)
CS: Adam started playing.
CS: We need to start and get through the things we need to do FAST.
CS: Things are happening way faster now, we need to hurry.
AG: I think we should join them tomorrow. If you're feeling better, that is.
CS: No.
CS: We don't have that luxury.
CS: We need to start NOW.
CS: I'd rather not die.
CS: I like life.
AG: I think this is why we should wait... You need a shrink...
CS: Reno, I swear to god.
CS: We need to start now.
CS: Do you LIKE dieing or some cray ****?
CS: ****, crazy.
CS: Look, we need to do this **** NOW.
AG: ...If we play this, do you promise to go see a doctor afterwards?
CS: If we don't, ****'s going to start raining from the skies and destroying EVERYTHING.
CS: If there's a doctor LEFT, sure.
AG: Here, I've booted up. Try to connect to me.
CS: Finally.
CS: and done
AG: Holy ****, is that you?
CS: Yeah, that's me.
CS: Um...
CS: Okay, we need to hurry.
CS: The meteors are going to start falling soon, and if we aren't fast enough, I'll be dead.
AG: Hold on, I'm going to move your chair.
CS: ****
CS: goddamnit reno
AG: Just to prove this is happening and not just a webcam thing.
CS: that ****ing hurt
CS: Give me back my chair.
CS: NOW do you believe me?
AG: ...I think something weird is happening here.
==>Reno: Try not to freak out
You try and fail. You briefly FLIP YOUR LID before taking a breath and straightening your tie. You're sure that this is probably some elaborate webcam trick. That or the apocalypse. Either way, it's cooler than anything else at the moment.

Al Capwn
2014-07-22, 11:09 PM
==>Adam: Grab clock
cynicalScientist(CS) began pestering allergicGangster(AG)
CS: Adam started playing.
CS: We need to start and get through the things we need to do FAST.
CS: Things are happening way faster now, we need to hurry.
AG: I think we should join them tomorrow. If you're feeling better, that is.
CS: No.
CS: We don't have that luxury.
CS: We need to start NOW.
CS: I'd rather not die.
CS: I like life.
AG: I think this is why we should wait... You need a shrink...
CS: Reno, I swear to god.
CS: We need to start now.
CS: Do you LIKE dieing or some cray ****?
CS: ****, crazy.
CS: Look, we need to do this **** NOW.
AG: ...If we play this, do you promise to go see a doctor afterwards?
CS: If we don't, ****'s going to start raining from the skies and destroying EVERYTHING.
CS: If there's a doctor LEFT, sure.
AG: Here, I've booted up. Try to connect to me.
CS: Finally.
CS: and done
AG: Holy ****, is that you?
CS: Yeah, that's me.
CS: Um...
CS: Okay, we need to hurry.
CS: The meteors are going to start falling soon, and if we aren't fast enough, I'll be dead.
AG: Hold on, I'm going to move your chair.
CS: ****
CS: goddamnit reno
AG: Just to prove this is happening and not just a webcam thing.
CS: that ****ing hurt
CS: Give me back my chair.
CS: NOW do you believe me?
AG: ...I think something weird is happening here.

==>Delaina: Be wrenched from chair
As your chum begins toying with the move tool, your chair is the first victim. You are dumped unceremoniously on the floor as Reno fiddles with it. You start jumping to try and retrieve the chair, so you have something to sit on other than the box of Batman comics.

==>Delaina: Continue pestering, and begin pestering Adam

Lord Raziere
2014-07-23, 04:45 PM
==>Adam: Grab clock
You grab the BROKEN CLOCK and whoops! You nudge your mouse and the clock goes flying. At least it was already broken?

==> Max: Be surprised.

Whoa! Your clock just...moved! On its own! What in the world? Clocks just don't move on their own! This is shocking, this is inconceivable, this is.....apparently not impossible, because you just saw that freaking happen. This goes against all that you've been lead to believe. This goes against all physics you have been taught.


You need to learn more! This could be the discovery of the century. Possibly the millennium. If Adam clicked on that and thus moved it, it means they've discovered telekinesis in some form or manner! Or that the game designers did, in which case, why did they waste it all by putting it into a game rather than sharing this fantastic discovery? You have no answers. You can only continue your pesterlog with Adam.

2014-07-23, 07:26 PM
> Adam: Answer Max and confirm results of experiment.

SS: Hey the clock moved.
SS: Guess my "simulated copy" hypothesis was wrong.
DM: Okay, seriously: what in the actual **** is going on here O_O
SS: I don't know, but we just made a great discovery!
SS: or someone else did and put it in a game for some reason.
DM: Well, actually, yeah...
DM: Now I think about it, I guess this is pretty cool.
SS: since there is no logical reason for a human to do such a thing though...
SS: my only conclusion is that due to its advanced nature, it was made by aliens.
DM: I would scoff at that idea...
DM: ...if I wasn't already seeing the **** that's happening right now.
DM: Honestly, at this point, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that Skaianet has been run by some alien entity this whole time.
SS: look, discovering telekinesis alone would be a huge honking discovery for mankind.
SS: so why keep it secret? the game designers would make millions off tho tech alone rather than putting it in a video game and not telling anyone.
SS: therefore aliens, probably trying to invade us.
DM: Well even if aliens ARE behind this, it seems pretty harmless...
SS: I dunno.
SS: a bunch of teenagers with telekinetic abilities sound pretty dangerous to me.
DM: Plus, the idea of being able to monitor someone remotely without any kind of detectable hardware is pretty creepy.
SS: yeah. but if are to combat this alien invasion, we have to investigate more into tho tech to figure out their own capabilities.
DM: I guess we may as well see how deep this rabbit hole goes...
DM: This may be a little more adventure than I bargained for o_O
SS: and even if aliens AREN'T behind this, we get to share this with the world, and thus get credit for some one else stupidly not sharing it.
SS: it might just be rediscovered lost alien technology after all.
DM: Well I mean, this has been out for three days now.
DM: With the amount of hype it's gotten, we can't be the only ones playing it.
SS: hm. this is just too much mystery. the only way we'll get answers is if we continue experimenting and figuring this out.
DM: Okay, so...
DM: Let me try and figure out what everything does here.
DM: That thing I just did was using the cursor's "select" function.
DM: So if I switch to "revise"...
> Adam: Revise room.

lord pringle
2014-07-23, 09:15 PM
==>Adam: Revise room
As you stretch the cursor around, you end up moving the walls back a foot. WHOOPS.

2014-07-23, 09:57 PM
SS: Whoa.
DM: Yeah O_O
SS: did my room just expand?
DM: So it would seem.
SS: So....not just telekinesis.....
SS: but.....space-warping??
SS: or did it make more of the building?
DM: Sounds like it made some noise when I did that...
DM: Think your dad heard it?
SS: I don't know.
SS: where'd it get the atoms if it made more building?
DM: Oh, NOW he wonders about the science XD
DM: I have no idea how this works.
SS: nano fabrication tech is kids stuff compared what we're seeing right now.
SS: So.....yeah.
SS: weird.
DM: Alright, I'm looking over the rest of this GUI...
DM: It looks like there are four options available.
SS: But still where did it get the atoms? did it just...take all the mass equally or is there some part of the ocean out there that just got sent over here to become more of the building?
DM: I don't freaking know man, I'm still struggling to accept that this is even HAPPENING, much less trying to figure out the physics involved.
DM: Anyway, the remaining options are Phernalia Registry, Alchemy Excursus, Explore Atheneum, and Grist Cache.
DM: Plus one more cursor function, "deploy".
SS: Whoa.
SS: somebody was using their dictionary when designing this game.
DM: Looking over everything, it seems the Grist Cache tracks something called grist, which looks to me like some kind of resource.
DM: There are a bunch of types, but the only one currently identified is Build Grist, of which we have 20.
SS: wait build?
DM: Yeah, that's what it says.
SS: does that mean it might've been spent on the expansion? the revise?
DM: Yeah, on closer inspection, it looks like doing that "revise" thing just now actually did expend grist.
DM: We now have 16 left.
SS: ok, so at least it has some internal consistency about this.
DM: Moving on...
DM: The Phernalia Registry is full of what looks like a lot of weird equipment or something.
DM: There are three items...
DM: And I have no idea what any of these actually are...
DM: They're listed as Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, Alchemiter, and what looks like a captchalogue card.
SS: hm.
DM: Although the last one is designated "pre-punched card", which I don't really get, since I've never heard the term "punched" used in combination with captchalogue cards.
DM: It has a picture of something on it, but I can't make out what, the image is too small.
SS: odd indeed.
DM: The other two options don't seem to do a whole lot yet.
SS: ok
SS: so, its starting to sound like Age of Empires III.
SS: we have resources and can build things.
SS: and apparently move things around as well.
SS: still, it sounds like this equipment is stuff we're supposed to build.
SS: with the game.
DM: Think that's connected to this "deploy" cursor function I haven't used yet?
SS: but first, obligatory paranoia moment
SS: do anything of them look like alien weapons that could go out of control?
SS: because it could be the alien's plan to make us build their weapons and thus kill us all with self-automated stuff.
DM: Ummm...
DM: Well, the Cruxtruder looks like this sort of vertical tube thing with a valve wheel on the side...
DM: The Lathe looks like something you'd see in a wood shop, so not much suspicious about that...
DM: And the Alchemiter is this weird platform thing with what looks like a robotic arm and some sort of pedestal attached to the side.
SS: .....hm, seems safe then.
DM: Should I see what "deploy" does, then?
SS: we might as well see....
SS: don't know until we try, I always say.
DM: Expanding your room looks like it's made enough room for the Lathe.
DM: The other ones will need more horizontal space.
DM: I'll try and put that down now.
SS: okay.
> Adam: Deploy Totem Lathe.

Al Capwn
2014-07-30, 10:16 PM
==>Delaina: Continue pestering Reno
AG: What the **** is happening right now?
CS: I don't know, but stop ****ing with my chair already!
CS: That **** HURT\
AG: I needed proof!
CS: I spilled my friggin ice cream EVERYWHERE.
AG: Alright, I can drop some things. Where should I put them?
CS: First, expand the room if you can, so we can fit them all in here.
AG: Should I waste my grist on that? Or is enlarging free?
CS: Costs a bit of grist.
CS: Do the things cost grist?
AG: No those are free. Some aren't, but they need grist I don't have.
CS: Then enlarge the room, then toss down the free ones.
CS: Quick like, we don't have much time.
AG: I'll get on that, Don Bossysuitpants.
CS: Well, that made my room big.
CS: Hooooooly crap that's way bigger.
AG: I hope we don't need grist for anything else...
CS: Aright, toss them down.
AG: Move, I don't want to crush you.
CS: There's plenty of space, put it over there.
CS: My desk isn't in the way.
AG: And dropped.
CS: Aright, what did you just drop?
AG: I dropped the totem lathe, alchemiter, and cruxtruder. These names are such bologna.
CS: Aright, lemme undo the Cruxtruder
CS: There we go.
CS: The floating thing is a kernelsprite, I'll do that later
CS: The blue thing is an uncut totem.
CS: We need both of these.
CS: Wait, ****, I don't have a card.
AG: I'll drop that.
CS: Now gimme a sec to carve the totem.
AG: Wait, what's that timer?
CS: Wait, what timer?
CS: Oh.

==>Delaina: Multitask and start pestering max.

lord pringle
2014-08-07, 03:29 AM
==>Adam: Deploy Totem Lathe
You plop down the massive device with a large thump. You wonder if Max's DAD notices all the NOISE.
==>Reno: Inspect Timer
You see that the timer only has 4 MINUTES AND 9 SECONDS on it.

Lord Raziere
2014-08-07, 06:21 PM
==> Max: Answer Delaina

cynicalScientist(CS) began pestering scienceSpeedster(SS)
CS: ****
SS: Science!
SS: I mean isn't this awesome!?
CS: Shut
CS: Shut the **** up
SS: we just discovered telekinesis AND creating matter!
CS: Shut the **** up.
SS: or transmutation
CS: Do you want to live?
SS: dudette, chill.
CS: Do you want to live?
SS: live? oh no not that "we're all gonna die" bull again.
CS: ****ing
SS: look just because you have been having dreams doesn't mean they're related.
CS: The timer's already counting down, and everything I said has been true
SS: you know this, its just correlation.
CS: Yeah, of course
CS: Just like you to deny EVERYTHING to the goddamn LAST
SS: oh come on, your the one who is constantly going:
SS: "oh but that wouldn't work in real life" or "but that would have these problems here" and such.
SS: and now that we discovered outright MAGIC
SS: your all like "oh noes the apocalypse is coming"?
CS: And everything ****ing lines up
SS: and I have no grounds to be skeptical in return?
CS: For once goddamn listen
SS: ok then, how in the hell is a ****ing game, albeit one with matter creation and telekinesis, possibly connected to the apocalypse?
CS: Creating and altering matter in a different STATE makes sense
CS: But causing large scale destruction is TOTALLY WACK?
CS: How high ARE you?
SS: Look, I just SAW Adam telekinesis my broken clock into the wall then expand my room, hard to deny those things are there.
SS: but all this being connected to the apocalypse? that apocalypse by itself is plausible, it could happen at any time, from a gamma ray burst or whatever.
SS: but how is it related to this game?
SS: there doesn't seem to be a connection.
CS: I don't ****ing know, there just is
SS: and your dreams told you this?
CS: And if we all die because of you two idiots...
cynicalScientist(CS) disconnected
SS:......Delaina? you DC'd.
SS: waiting...
SS: huh must be a really bad DC. or she is trying to pull a fast one on me. oh well.
SS: on with the experimentation!

==>: Max: Inspect Totem Lathe

You jump back a bit at the thing appearing before you. Interesting. You decide to pull out and put on a labcoat (answer: to protect oneself during the experiment) a pencil (answer: graphite) and a notepad (answer: paper) out of your Sylladex so that you may take notes. SCIENCE! is being done after all, and you need to scribble down what you can as fast as possible. It seems to be a long thing, much like.....a sowing machine? what does it do? there is a bunch of valves and whatnot....and someplace to place things upon, perhaps a cylindrical sort of thing? horizontally? interesting.

weird big sowing machine
lots of valves

Truly these are notes that will make scientific history. But you must learn more. You contact Adam, clearly your missing something, something cylindrical from what you can observe...

2014-08-09, 02:40 PM
> Adam: Answer Max.

SS: Hey, Adam, it looks like we need a cylinder to insert inside this....uh...sowing machine thingy
DM: You have anything in mind?
SS: I'm not the one with the toolbar that conjures up the weird machines. perhaps one of the other ones is a cylinder?
DM: Well, the Cruxtruder is sort of cylindrical...
DM: Assuming these are all the same size, the tube on top looks about the right diameter for the lathe.
SS: Hm. But there is more machine than that?
DM: The rest is this sort of pedestal thing. It looks like basically just support for the tube.
SS: Hm. weird. conjure it up then. I think we might be handed a puzzle as the first level of the game
DM: Alright, but...
DM: There's not nearly enough space in your bedroom for this :/
DM: Should I put it somewhere else?
SS: That is a problem.
DM: It's your place, you know where the best place for stuff would be.
SS: Hm, well, probably put it next to the fireplace. don't mind the... taxidermic mom in there....
DM: Umm...okay, if you say so O_O
DM: Here goes nothing...
> Adam: Deploy Cruxtruder.

Al Capwn
2014-08-10, 11:11 PM
==>Delaina: Have conversation with Reno
AG: Umm. We have a problem.
CS: Everything's skippy up here.
AG: Well, there's a timer on the thingy. And it's counting down real fast.
CS: Wait, what?
CS: ****, that changes things.
CS: Doesn't matter, I need to do something, fast
AG: We've got like 4 minutes left!
CS: Aright, I've stuck the totem in.
CS: Let's hope this works.
AG: It better!

==>Delaina: Do everything you said you were doing
You proceed to remove the carved totem from the Totem Lathe, and place it in your sylladex, giving it the code 66235. You then move to the Alchemiter to create what you need.

==>Delaina: Be answered by Max
While all that is going on, you talk to Max. As usual, people don't believe you about explosions, even though everything is lining up perfectly with what you said. You get rather frustrated, but calm yourself with some nice, soothing butterscotch as you move to your Alchemiter. The thought occurs to you that your mother is most likely going to die due to entry to your session, but you quickly think of other things.

lord pringle
2014-08-16, 06:03 PM
==>Adam: Deploy Cruxtruder
You plop down your cruxtruder. It lands with another mighty THUD.

Lord Raziere
2014-08-16, 06:13 PM
==> Max: Go to Cruxtruder

You go out of your room and GRIND down the stairs banister on your skateboard again. You were warned about the stairs bro. You still take that warning to heart.

==> Max: Examine Cruxtruder

You zoom over and examine the tubey-thing. You take notes on it:

Tubey thing
has valve on it.

You then turn the valve, not knowing what will happen.

Al Capwn
2014-08-20, 12:12 AM
==>Al: Make overly long post
==>Delaina: Prototype current cane
You throw your current cane into the floating orb, and turn the sprite into a green and white cane, looking rather stylish.
==>Delaina: Equip new cane
You quickly captchalog it, equipping it to your strife deck. The item is entitled the"Sburb™ Kernel Kane".
==>Delaina: Swing Kernel Kane
You swing it around, and it seems to accelerate slightly just before the end of your swing. You almost destroy your nearby dresser by accident on the last few swings.
==>Delaina: Stop nearly badly damaging furniture
You decide to stop swinging dangerous weapons near furniture, a sound idea that you really should have thought of earlier.
==>Delaina: Get extra cane
You proceed to walk downstairs, to get an extra cane from your stash, in case of cane emergency, like say, Able.
==>Delaina: Hide new cane from mom
Your mother appears to have vacated the premises, so your attempted hiding of the glowing green cane that comes up to your waist and is nearly as thick as your arms is unnecessary. Not that it would have worked anyway.
==>Delaina: Be annoyed at Mom's disappearence
You sigh in annoyance, as this will make it much harder to find her after you enter your session.
==>Delaina: Notice cane is making excessive noises
You finally realize that your cane is actually jittering, and spouting completely random words. You decide to grab the replacement cane fast.
==>Delaina: Grab cane
You grab a cane from the box sitting in the corner. It's a very large box. You break quite a few canes, don't you?
==>Delaina: Return to room
You return to your room with the Kernel Kane, and tape it to your bed frame with gorilla tape.
==>Delaina: Get idea
No, you can not crossbreed frogs with other frogs to create a new universe. That's stupid.
==>Delaina: Get better idea
No. That's terrible too. That's horrible, evil, nasty, and down right MEAN.
==>Delaina: Prototype Gentry
You prototype your sweet, innocent, fluffy, loving, sweet, loving, and did I mention innocent kitty Gentry with the Kernel Kane. You monster.
==>Delaina: Talk to Canetrysprite
Delaina: Hey Gentry, how're you lil buddy?
==>Delaina: Oblige
You oblige Canetrysprite's requests to the best of your ability, and end up with the green cat lying across your legs, purring away happily as you skritch Canetrysprite's ears.
Delaina: Better now?
Canetrysprite: Yes, much better.
Delaina: You wanna go to sleep?
Canetrysprite: Yes please.
==>Delaina: Help
You place Canetrysprite on your bed, and return to pester Reno.
==>Delaina: Keep talking to Reno
AG: You have like one minute left! What just happened?
NC: I just prototyped things, ****, hang on
NC: Okay, real quick
NC: The ball is a sprite, i prototyped it twice, made canekitty
NC: Now i need to break this
NC: Seeya on the other side
AG: Wait what? Where are you going?
NC: can't talk, gimme a sec
==>Delaina: Finish entry item
You craft your entry item, staring up as orange streaks start pelting down from the sky. Your entry item is a leg bone, about your size.
==>Delaina: Break
You smash the item over the lip of your dresser. It snaps neatly in two. The last thing you see before entering the session is Reno's last message. AG: Jeez, fine, you're a crazy dame and you like ignoring your friends.
You made a post that was far too long. Nobody read it, and everyone who did hated you. Good job.

lord pringle
2014-08-24, 07:35 PM
==>Max: Open Cruxtruder
You twist the valve on your cruxtruder and out pops a STRANGE METAL CYLINDER and a FLASHING BALL OF LIGHT. The timer begins counting down from 8 minutes and 26 seconds.
==>Delaina: Enter
As you break your BONE, there's a bright flash of light and as your eyes adjust to your new surroundings, you find yourself under an alien sky. Your cat floats over to you and it's shell splits into two parts which both fly away. It then nuzzles against you.

Al Capwn
2014-08-24, 08:41 PM
==>Delaina: Enter
As you break your BONE, there's a bright flash of light and as your eyes adjust to your new surroundings, you find yourself under an alien sky. Your cat floats over to you and it's shell splits into two parts which both fly away. It then nuzzles against you.

==>Delaina: Talk to Canetrysprite
Delaina: Gentry, I'm going to need your hitting abilities right now.
Canetrysprite: I understand Delaina. A quick pet before though?

==>Delaina: Pet
You quickly pet your Cat, now your kernel sprite and weapon. You are well and truly a monster.

==>Delaina: Equip Cane
You equip the boring old cane. Nothing interesting about it.

==>Delaina: Smile evilly
You decide to crack a rather maniacal smile. For what reason, you have no clue, but it felt appropriate.

==>Delaina: Go downstairs
As you exit your room, you spot a black carapaced creature with a cane standing in the hallway towards the stairs! He advances towards you, swinging the cane around over his head!

==>Delaina: Strife!
You enter strife with the creature as soon as you see it. Your strife theme begins playing, and you grab your cane.
She brings the cane cracking down on the imp's head, sending him reeling for a second, before flipping it quickly, and smashing him under the chin with the handle. While he's reeling, she presses her advantage, using the handle to sweep the imp's feet out from under him, before flipping it back over and smashing the end into his face. He promptly pops into grist.

==>Delaina: Collect Grist
You collect your hard earned grist! The imp, a Shale Imp, dropped three kinds of grist! The blue hued Build Grist, the identical but purple Shale, and the black liquid-y grist Oil. You pick them up, and decide to pester Reno.
NC: Ex****ingscuse me?
NC: Sorry, miss goddamn picky
NC: I was a bit busy NOT DIEING.
NC: Sorry that got in the way of a goddamn CONVERSATION.
AG: Well you need to fill me in!
NC: Don't you remember?
NC: I've tried for the past six ****ing MONTHS to fill you people in
AG: For example, where are you?
NC: But you people never LISTEN.
NC: Jesus CHRIST, Max doesn't even believe me when all this **** is going down
AG: Okay, I'm sorry.
AG: Why is the sky burning?
NC: On your end?
NC: Meteors.
AG: Oh. Naturally.
NC: Wait, ****, those're already on you?
NC: Goddamn those idiots
NC: Where's the lowest and most protected from the sky place in your house?
AG: I guess it's my tornado cellar. But there's no wifi down there.
NC: Shouldn't matter at this point, I don't think.
NC: I'm on an alien planet billions of lightyears from my nearest internet company, but I'm talking to you.
AG: But I need to connect with Max and that's going to be hard when my computer doesn't work.
NC: Reno, if you don't trust me right now, you could be dead before you CAN connect with Max.
NC: You have to trust me.
AG: Damn it.
AG: If we really are all supposed to play the game, won't I be fine?
NC: Ah crap, wait, that won't work.
NC: What's the safest with internet?
AG: Um... I guess the tv room.
NC: Go there.
[color=green]NC: You need to be as safe as you can from meteors.
AG: Alright, I'm heading down.
AG: Oh crap, my sisters trying to
allergicGangster disconnected.

Lord Raziere
2014-08-24, 10:47 PM
==>Max: Open Cruxtruder
You twist the valve on your cruxtruder and out pops a STRANGE METAL CYLINDER and a FLASHING BALL OF LIGHT. The timer begins counting down from 8 minutes and 26 seconds.

==>Max: Captchalogue

You pick up the red cylinder. Clearly the thing you need. However...there is 8 minutes and 26 seconds on the clock. Meaning this level is timed! You have to hurry. You may not believe in Delaina's nonsense, but you do believe in finishing timed levels. Wait what is that flashing floating ball thing? Its annoying. You captchalogue a newspaper then eject it from your Sylladex at the pesky orb, hoping to swat it out of the air like a fly.

==> Max: Be surprised.

Suddenly the floating ball becomes NEWSPRITE. Now its a floating red newspaper that spouts out nonsense words that you can't understand. What in the world is this? You back away, but it follows you. Oh no. Its like a lost puppy and it has imprinted on you. Run Away!

==> Max: Run Away

You dash past the stairs- you never took the stairs upwards anyways- and quickly dash out the door, the Newsprite following you all the while, you then turn to the left, run up the fence which you then jump onto the roof over the front porch. You then zoom over to the left window, open it and jump into the "archeology room" that your Father has. You never liked this place. A bunch of old things that might've once been interesting are now nothing but relics, you never got why he is interested in them. You zoom out of the room, knocking over one of the many priceless vases that you of course care nothing about and breaking it. oh well.

==> Insert Cylinder

You insert the cylinder into the long weird machine. Now what? You press a button, but the words "ERROR: PUNCHED CARD MISSING" Ok. You need something more. You decide to contact Adam, because you clearly need more things. Oh and the Newsprite followed you all the way here. How annoying.

2014-09-09, 06:14 PM
SS: Hey.
SS: Adam, um, I kind've got the tube thing I need to insert....but I think I'm missing more the puzzle, as in all the other machines.
DM: Um, okay, I'm sort of freaking out about that timer thingy...
DM: I think the best thing would be to just deploy everything I've got.
DM: Should be easy to figure out once everything's in play, right?
SS: hopefully.
SS: we only got like ten minutes on this clock, so...
DM: Alright, still got the Alchemiter and this punched card...
DM: I'll put down the former first.
SS: just put it where there is space.
DM: Roger, hang on...
> Adam: Deploy Alchemiter and Pre-punched Card, preferably without breaking anything.

Lord Raziere
2014-09-12, 01:20 PM
==> Max: Hurry!

You captchalogue the pre-punched card then put it into the long-sowing machine thing, which turns the Cruxite cylinder into....this weirder cylinder. what is that supposed to be? a decorative thing? You captchalogue it anyways, ask Adam where he put the Alchemiter, then go ZOOMING off as usual

==> Max: Reach Alchemiter

Why, it is in the stupidest part of the house of all: your dead mother's room of mosaics and pointillism. You hate being in here, but it has to be done. You find the place to put the.....Cruxite object.....and put it on there. and as you look up you see a meteor heading right towards you! The object is scanned and suddenly a crimson grave rises out of the Alchemiter's pad, and off of it falls a red skull.

==> Max: Enter

You look back and forth between the meteor and the skull, your instincts telling you to run, to live, there is no point in dying for some game. But you know full well that you'll die anyways if the meteor hits. There is no running. No matter what you do, you would die. Unless....Delaina was right....but you can't know that.

Screw it. If your going to die, might as well be with a bang.

You run up to the skull and smash it on the floor, breaking into pieces.

Carpe Diem!