View Full Version : Roleplaying A person trapped in a gender flip scenario

2014-07-01, 01:11 AM
Since I decided to stick with the character who was changed into a girl (against his will) and is stuck there for a while (mentioned in a prior thread) how should I roleplay it?

2014-07-01, 01:24 AM
Squeeze Squeeze (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKcuOzgCW1s)

I'm sorry. I just had to.

2014-07-01, 02:14 AM
Since I decided to stick with the character who was changed into a girl (against his will) and is stuck there for a while (mentioned in a prior thread) how should I roleplay it?

Tell us a little bit more about this character? What are the character's goals and path? What relationships with NPCs did it have pre-flip and post-flip? (since you mentioned Misfile, I assume part of your misadventures rely on relearning your own past with NPCs) What's the character's personality, likes and dislikes? What is their "restoration condition"? (How do they convince the universe to fix their truename?)

This character should, to an extent, have "her" course of action self-evident based on desires besides "change me back!" Their life isn't cancelled, but are they acting as if it is? (Skipping hunting trips, etc.)

2014-07-01, 02:33 AM
However you want? Growing breasts doesn't automatically change your personality. Does sex normally play a role in your D&D games?

2014-07-01, 03:01 AM
I think it should be roleplayed the same as the character was before. You're still the same person with the same role in life. Sure, reactions from others might change which might shape your personality over time, but there should be no immediate effect.

EDIT: Would it be completely inappropriate to ask what the gender of the PLAYER in question is?

2014-07-01, 04:27 AM
Depending on the group (and the fact i read your other group) i would personally play it up. Okay some drunks/jerks will hit on you, but seriously use it. Now i might be put to the firing squad for this, but play a stereotypical midevil woman. Guy gives you problems? Go play hurt maiden to the guards. Dont wanna rp some creepy/awkward moments? Find a LG member of the group(best if hes big and strong) and act like hes you're bf. should keep most npc's away from you when the mountain of metal is on your side

2014-07-01, 04:29 AM
play a stereotypical midevil woman.Pregnant or dead?

2014-07-01, 04:41 AM
Pregnant or dead?

Wielding a +5 Sandwich of Nagging as well? :smallwink:

(PS. I hope everyone understands i jest)

2014-07-01, 05:33 AM
Well, you COULD play with feelings of dysphoria, assuming your character's gender identity is solidly the same as before. It doesn't have to be anything overwhelming - just have them be a little bit hurt or saddened each time someone refers to them by the pronouns of their apparent gender. Or maybe vehement! Hell, it's fantasy. You can keep saying "I'm actually a guy, I just got cursed" and people will go "Goddamn wizards."

John Longarrow
2014-07-01, 06:35 AM
Please put a link for the other thread. That will help giving a reference to where you start.

For how to play, you have dozens of option.

1) Same as before. Right down to wearing your old cloths (complaining a bit how they don't fit right)
2) Embrace the change. New wardrobe, New outlook, Fresh Start.
3) Comedy Trope. Keep forgetting your current gender.
4) Ranma 1/2. Keep acting the same until you figure out what you can use your new "Girl" body for. Then grab a stereo type based off of your class/appearance to run with until you get what you want.
5) Dark, deep depression about your "Loss".
6) The QUEST!... To return your MANHOOD!

Those are just the things that popped into my head in the first minute. I'd suggest figuring out what will work best in your group and what you are most comfortable running.

2014-07-01, 08:56 AM
Or maybe vehement! Hell, it's fantasy. You can keep saying "I'm actually a guy, I just got cursed" and people will go "Goddamn wizards."

"Hey, baby. Sup."
"I'm actually a dude who got cursed."
"ARGH! Dammit! That's the third one today!"

2014-07-01, 08:57 AM
I as a DM once cursed my player into being the opposite gender. HE'd seriously annoyed a Jester God of Evil, and a particular line of dialogue led to the Jester God feeling that flipping his gender was an appropriate punishment. He ran with it and considers it a mark of pride, at least for now. He plans to get it changed eventually, but he's hardly going to let it get in his way.

You (the character) is still you. You've had your manhood stolen from you. Man up and get it back, or get comfy and kick ass anyways. It could be a major goal for the character, or it could just be that you will take an opportunity to change back if it comes up, but for now, whatever the original goal of the quest was is still more important to you. You're tough, you can survive being a woman if that's what it takes to save the town/kingdom/world/? Any females already in the party? Friendly female NPCs? Take the chance for some bonding time and get advice/suggestions. Did you have a best friend in the party when male? Do you trust them? Mountain of steel, like somebody said earlier. Or mass of Arcane/divine power/animal fury, etc.

2014-07-01, 08:59 AM
Disguise checks to make yourself appear as your original gender will take a -2 penalty, but considering how easy skill optomization is (and you never have to take off the disguise) you could just look the same as your old self. Anything with the power to see through a mundane disguise like that would probably also be able to see through the curse.

Personally, I would treat it as a way to get free stuff. Wrack up debts, take out credit, promise favors, sell bridges, whatever! In a year, you disappear! If they track you down anyway, tell them the curse made you do it.

Red Fel
2014-07-01, 09:06 AM
However you want? Growing breasts doesn't automatically change your personality. Does sex normally play a role in your D&D games?

I think it should be roleplayed the same as the character was before. You're still the same person with the same role in life. Sure, reactions from others might change which might shape your personality over time, but there should be no immediate effect.

These, to a large extent, depending upon the tone of the campaign.

If this were real life, suddenly finding yourself in a body not your own might very well lead to serious psychological trauma. Fortunately, this is D&D, where that sort of thing is par for the course. So as mentioned, you aren't likely to have any substantial personality changes. There may be a brief accommodation period as you get used to a new center of gravity, and possibly a new build, depending on how sadistic your DM is. Not all men have massive, thick muscles that render movement impossible, and not all women have huge... assets; a man with a slight build isn't substantially different, apart from a few key pieces, than a woman with a slight build, so adjustment time would be minimal.

Note, however, that I qualified the above: "depending upon the tone of your campaign." In a "serious" or "realistic" campaign (ignoring any "role of women" arguments about so-called realism), your character might be annoyed, or might want to be changed back to normal, but otherwise would be the same person.

In a wacky campaign? Shenanigans abound. Yes, Ranma and Misfile are good examples (although the former involves the ability to switch back and forth almost at will). You can play up gender archetypes, joke about having new hygiene and biological functions, and yes, if you feel particularly crass, you can remark repeatedly about your new chest-based parts.

The challenge to wackiness, however, is making it funny. Commenting about your chest once or twice is worth a chuckle. Doing it constantly is irritating. Making a single remark about having to deal with certain monthly cycles may be worth a yuk; constantly harping on it isn't terribly funny, and is likely to come across as a bit misogynistic. So, there's a line.

But, yes, roleplay points: The character is the same person s/he's always been, the same way that a Druid in Wild Shape is the same person. Except the Druid has claws and fur now, and there's a good chance this character doesn't. If you want to go for comedy, play it lightly; overdoing it is not only trite and tired, it may offend. Take the plot hook and run with it; either embrace your new gender or seek to fix it.

2014-07-01, 11:11 AM

The character in foundation's prior thread.

2014-07-01, 01:24 PM
Well I spent a few minutes on google and came up with some possible scenarios. Any or all of these could apply, depends on your character though.

This isn't my body.
A mild form of dissociative disorder. He no longer views his body as his own, and will become careless and indifferent towards it. Resulting in putting himself in harms way more often than he normally would, or going absolutely crazy with grafts.

This isn't me.
Effectively your character is transgender, and like many transgender people might strive to transition to a more suitable body type. He will act and dress as a man, and self identify as one.
Perhaps he will start chugging potions of alter self, to feel like himself again, even if only for a few minutes.

I’m still me.
In response to his perceived emasculation his insecurities will lead him to turning his macho mode to eleven. Picking fights wherever he goes, aggressively pursuing women to reassert his manhood. Even if he normally would never do such things.

I can’t be me.
Society often frowns on transgender people, some go against the grain to transition while others, understandably, are not strong enough to do so. Unlikely for a mighty adventurer, but maybe it is all too much for him and he accepts his new gender assignment, potentially leading to a deep depression.

Don’t look at me.
His perceived mutilation is actually very likely to cause PTSD, along with feelings of shame and anxiety. Maybe potions of invisibility?

Disclaimer: I’m not a trained psychiatrist, this is just a rough guess based on various loosely related Wikipedia pages. Do whatever you want.

2014-07-01, 01:43 PM
"Hey, baby. Sup."
"I'm actually a dude who got cursed."
"ARGH! Dammit! That's the third one today!"
"I'm not picky"

Fixed that for you

2014-07-01, 08:11 PM
Well I spent a few minutes on google and came up with some possible scenarios. Any or all of these could apply, depends on your character though.

This isn't my body.
A mild form of dissociative disorder. He no longer views his body as his own, and will become careless and indifferent towards it. Resulting in putting himself in harms way more often than he normally would, or going absolutely crazy with grafts.

This isn't me.
Effectively your character is transgender, and like many transgender people might strive to transition to a more suitable body type. He will act and dress as a man, and self identify as one.
Perhaps he will start chugging potions of alter self, to feel like himself again, even if only for a few minutes.

I’m still me.
In response to his perceived emasculation his insecurities will lead him to turning his macho mode to eleven. Picking fights wherever he goes, aggressively pursuing women to reassert his manhood. Even if he normally would never do such things.

I can’t be me.
Society often frowns on transgender people, some go against the grain to transition while others, understandably, are not strong enough to do so. Unlikely for a mighty adventurer, but maybe it is all too much for him and he accepts his new gender assignment, potentially leading to a deep depression.

Don’t look at me.
His perceived mutilation is actually very likely to cause PTSD, along with feelings of shame and anxiety. Maybe potions of invisibility?

Disclaimer: I’m not a trained psychiatrist, this is just a rough guess based on various loosely related Wikipedia pages. Do whatever you want.

First piece of legitimate roleplaying advice I got from this thread. Thank you. Sorry for taking so long to link the other thread, though.

2014-07-01, 09:59 PM
First piece of legitimate roleplaying advice I got from this thread. Wow, thanks for the appreciation.

2014-07-01, 10:35 PM
Learn to be grateful to people trying to help, and be more polite please? <- to thread starter

2014-07-01, 11:33 PM
Learn to be grateful to people trying to help, and be more polite please? <- to thread starter

Apologies. I'm sorry for being rude. I was more or less miffed about the "squeeze squeeze" comment. But I did ask for roleplaying advice, hence the title placard. I usually appreciate individual tales, though, so thanks anyway.

2014-07-01, 11:52 PM
Is all good. We ARE trying to help, even if what we offered or said didn't seem useful to you. Though I think you are allowed to be miffed if insulted or disgusted by comments regarding your question. Just be careful not to answer in kind.

2014-07-02, 12:31 AM
The early pages of the web comic Misfile may be a good place to get inspiration.

2014-07-02, 07:48 AM
One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet: Does your character have any attitudes towards or regarding women that don't amount to "Like men, except the round squishy bits are bigger and higher up?" If so, then s/he may feel the need to either conform to them or consciously rebel against them. Either way it's a learning experience waiting to happen (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0250.html).

On a side note, in future cases of unwanted attentions, try this line: "You are aware that I'm armed, yes?"