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View Full Version : Magical Item: Gemstone of Knowledge (PEACH)

That Lanky Bugger
2007-02-26, 12:53 PM
Gemstone of Knowledge

Gemstones of Knowledge are items which have been enchanted to allow a Wizard or Sorcerer to use beings trapped with the Trap the Soul spell to fuel the creation of magical items, instead of their own essence.

A Gemstone of Knowledge contains 100 XP for every HD of the creature contained within. Should the last 100 XP of the creature within the gemstone be drained, the gemstone disintegrates and the creature is obliterated: Not even a True Ressurection can bring them back. If the creature be released via the destruction of the gemstone before all XP has been drained from it, every 100 XP drained from the Gemstone of Knowledge results in one permanent incident of level or HD loss (as appropriate).

Gemstones of Knowledge are typically fueled by Demons or Devils summoned from the lower planes and then bound within the gemstone until used up, though evil wizards and sorcerers have been known to enjoy using their captured foes as fuel.

Strong Conjuration; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Trap the Soul; Price 250 Gold per HD of the creature contained (does not include the cost of the gem required for Trap the Soul);

This is a formal writeup for something I allowed my Sunday group to find in a Lich's tower after they fought. It seemed like something an evil lich might dream up. The party released the creature inside without checking it's alignment and as a result now have a pet Bearded Devil (which is now 2HD, Small-sized and lacks any Special Attacks or Qualities).

2007-02-26, 04:35 PM
and as a result now have a pet Bearded Devil (which is now 2HD, Small-sized and lacks any Special Attacks or Qualities).

That sentence is made of awesome.

That Lanky Bugger
2007-02-27, 01:01 PM
I think the party's Wizard (who currently lacks a familiar) is planning on making it his familiar as soon as he gets back to his tower (where he has a Helm of Opposite Alignment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/cursedItems.htm#helmofOppositeAlignment))... Though I'm going to have to think up a unique ability for him.

2007-02-27, 02:42 PM
Seems kind of similair to the Soul Gems from the Elder Scrolls

That Lanky Bugger
2007-02-27, 02:47 PM
I've never actually played The Elder Scrolls... What do Soul Gems do?

2007-02-27, 03:15 PM
I've never actually played The Elder Scrolls... What do Soul Gems do?Pretty much this. You cast Soul Trap on an enemy, capture its soul in a gem, and use that as the power source when crafting a new magical item. The stronger the foe, the more potent the power source; it requires a very strong foe to create an always-on effect or to create an item with enough charges to unleash powerful short-term effects.