View Full Version : Who do you hate?

2007-02-26, 02:26 PM
Ok, I had a thread like this a little while ago, but I want to make a few distinctions for this one.

1) You say a SINGLE famous person who you despise. Like, truly loath (preferably for no specific reason:smallwink:).

2) No repeating people over and over again (i.e. paris hilton, ashlee simpson, etc.)

Now let's get hating!

Martin Sheen. The guy can't act, and the only reason he is at all famous is because of his father. Hes a pompous jack-wad who thinks hes sooooo great, when really, hes one of the most annoying people on the planet. GAWD I hate him.

2007-02-26, 02:44 PM
Mmmm... don't really hate anyone. Tom Cruise irritates me, though. Your basic pretty boy "actor" who... um, doesn't act.

2007-02-26, 02:45 PM
Martin Sheen. The guy can't act, and the only reason he is at all famous is because of his father.

Do you mean Charlie Sheen, or maybe Emilio Estevez, Martin's kids? Martin's parent's weren't actors.

2007-02-26, 02:48 PM
It would be easy to name some dimwitted blonde or talentless slob who slept his way to the top (Hint: Name starts with K, ends with FED) so I've got to think of something fairly unconventional....

Ah, screw it. It's early in the thread so I'll take an easy one.

Bill O'Reilly. You only have to watch this guy's show for five minutes to realise he all but has "pompous jackass" stamped on that bald head of his. He won't tolerate an ounce of disagreement from anyone, shouts down his "guests" (they're more like sacrifical victims) and cuts off their mic if they start to refute his points. He's responsible for such wonderful terms as "Islamafascist" (this makes about as much sense as Islamacommie, which was the one I would have used) and being a general right-wing hack who poses as an "independant."

This clown of a man really has no idea how rediculous he is. He has set himself up as the "adversary" of, not other pundits, but a COMEDIAN (Jon Stewart) who doesn't even pretend to give an unjaundiced view of the news. How sad is it when you're supposedly a serious news pundit, and your archrival has a show that comes on after Crank Yankers?

Of course, left-wing baiters like Micheal Moore and Al Franken are just as bad, but I guess we only get one.

2007-02-26, 02:57 PM
It would be easy to name some dimwitted blonde or talentless slob who slept his way to the top (Hint: Name starts with K, ends with FED) so I've got to think of something fairly unconventional....

Wait, who?

2007-02-26, 03:11 PM
Obnoxious voice: "I try to live a serene, compassion full existance thank you very much".

2007-02-26, 03:15 PM
Ernest Hemingway!!!
Hills Like White Elephants
The End of Something
The Sun Also Rises

2007-02-26, 03:17 PM

2007-02-26, 03:30 PM

Wow, that erudite commentary is enough to make my eyes, brain and hope for mankind all bleed at once.

2007-02-26, 03:30 PM
Ernest Hemingway!!!
Hills Like White Elephants
The End of Something
The Sun Also Rises

Missed the hidden meaning, I take it? Trust me, most critics gave Hemingway withering reviews at first. And now, well, you know.

For me, I can't stand Ann Coulter. She's a snobbish twit whose career is based on spitting acid at anyone who disagrees with her.

2007-02-26, 03:32 PM
I am the rising star of this board.

2007-02-26, 04:16 PM
Steven Segal. Do I really need to say why?

2007-02-26, 04:18 PM
Voice of the Wampinator: This thread appears to have little, to no, constructive or debatable value.

Its usefulness as a thread is thus thrown into dispute and for it, and other's safety, will be locked.