View Full Version : [IC] Guardians of the Flower Garden [Magical Burst]

Mono Vertigo
2014-07-01, 03:13 PM
It looks like a cat, but with bigger paws, ears and muzzle. A lion cub, pale, with black runes inked on its fur.
"Call me Jad-bal-ja", they say, with the soft voice of a little boy. "We've already met, remember? I'm what we call here a tsukaima. Think of me as your guardian spirit. There are more like me, but I am yours, and I hope to help you keep the world devoid from horrors and ugliness as much as possible."
They tilt their head serenely. "Sognatrice. Anima Magus. Dröm Beskyddar. Dream Witch. Promise Keeper. Mahoutsukai. Magical Girl. Those are names for what you've been allowed to become, the powers and magic you obtained, thanks to the promise we made. The world is full of invisible monsters normal people can't see, but you can defend yourselves and your loved ones, now. Kill them, kill the youma before they can enact more horrors, bring me back their Oblivion Seeds as proof of their death, and with 13 of them, your wish will finally be granted to you. Do not fear, you won't be alone in your task. More girls like you just accepted the contract. You shall all meet soon."
They lower their head. "I will meet you, too. There is one thing, until then, that you must never forget: do not let those who are not like you know about you. If they see you for what you are, if they see that your two selves are one and the same, they will turn back, they will abandon you.
Men can be animals.
Don't look back."
The cub's presence fades, and the dream becomes a numb, comforting blur.
*opening credits* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvU3ToiCRx0)


You wake up after a good night's sleep. You feel something important is going to happen today.
This is a day of May, a bright day of Spring. The school year began not long ago.
You get ready for school. Tokyo is a city of glass and steel, clear and clean. The city you live in, and that you've been tasked to protect.
The school day starts as scheduled, nothing supernatural in sight so far. You're keeping your Jewel close and safe.
Before the classes are over, what happens?

2014-07-01, 04:12 PM
She awakens alone. The house is empty and silent, save for her breath in it. She pads on slippered feet, and eats alone. She dresses alone. She prepares to leave alone when a *thump* against the side window announces Uzume's arrival in the morning.

Her heart warms a bit, but the melancholy rages on. She enters her school. <Generic City High School> looks like any height school she has been to. It feels right too. Under her feet and hands.

But her mind. Her eyes don't agree. They like to see things they shouldn't be there. Doors that are locked, doors obscured by cloud or most, or shadow, doors that vanish when you stare at them too long.

Something is wrong here, and isn't just the school. It everywhere. We have to fix it.

I can fix it.

2014-07-02, 12:56 AM
Laura got up - well, figuratively speaking. In reality, she just sat up in bed, of course, and started dressing. Pulling the uniform skirt on took some effort, but she was used to that already. Heaving herself into a wheelchait stending waitingly next to her bed, Laura reached into a bedside table and retrieved a small purple medallion on a simple string. Settling it around her neck and under the uniform, she nodded and rolled out to the kitchen. In the kitchen, way too large for a household of three, her mother was already taking a tray of buns out of the oven. Valentina Giambolli gained a few pounds over the last half a year - but anyone would say that those pound all went to the right places.
Laura smiled. Hewr parents took the incident much harder than the girl herself, she knew - dad still blamed himself for failing to catch her - that's why she had to stay cheerful, for their sake as well.

Receiving a kiss on the forehead from her mom, and grabbing a bun for herself, Laura rolled her wheelchair out and headed to school. As usual, she met Micchan - Fijiwara Mikan - about halfway to the school. Merrily chatting about yesterday's episode of a dorama, Mikan pushed the wheelchair - Laura's pride usually forced her to reject such help, but Micchan was an exception. Laura knew for a fact that Mikan helped her because she wanted to, not because she felt oblidged to - and that was a huge difference.

The classes went as usual. Their class had PE the last lesson before lunch, and Laura, who, of course, didn't have to attend, followed Micchan to the door to the changing room, finally giving her a cheering smile and whispering, "Don't let me down!" The girls were supposed to do gymnastics today, and Laura spent most of yeserday's evening at Micchan's house, coaching her friend at cartwheels - Mikan was really worried about them.

lord pringle
2014-07-03, 01:58 PM
Eri drags herself out of bed and pushes her hair into a more managable condition. She brushes her teeth in the mirror, while trying to see how to do a smile that looks natural and just like how she used to smile. She throws on her uniform and heads to school. She hangs out with her friends and boyfriend, but says enough that she might as well had not been there, as Jojo so helpfully pointed out. But him noticing coaxed out her first genuine smile of the day, though it was a weak smile. She spends the rest of her day in kind of a haze, doodling her magical girl outfit instead of taking notes.

2014-07-03, 09:06 PM
Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Nodoka slowly woke and sat up. It took real effort to get out of bed but she did so anyway, dressing, brushing her teeth. All the usual things. A routine that kept ticking. After the usual quiet and comforting breakfast with both her parents she left for school, her mind slowly slipping from the brief warmth and respite back to her usual solitude. Thoughts of a dream kept trying to surface in her mind and she tentatively tried to grasp on to them, to hold them for hope. She was someone new now. She was someone else. That's all that really mattered, she could be someone else.

The school day passed largely uneventfully as she stuck to her routine. Lunch was eaten in the back of the library, tucked away between the book shelves. Rei-san joined her and they ate in companionable silence for a while before Nodoka quietly finished and excused herself. She still didn't really know who Rei-san was, nor why she joined her for lunch so often, but it helped. She didn't feel quite so lonely with rei-san around, though she'd not yet tried to have a full conversation with her. Just the company was enough to keep her occupied, more relaxed.

Almost absentmindedly, Nodoka kept tracing a line as she brushed hair out of her eyes, a finger running along behind her ear and down her jaw. It tingled, ever since the dreams started.

Mono Vertigo
2014-07-04, 06:54 AM
Watamoto-san's history lesson today is about Western Ancient History, digresses about Plato and his Allegory of the Cave. He tells the story of men chained in front of a blank cave wall, upon which shadows are projected, originating from the fire in their back. These men, having never seen anything else, believe this to be reality. Some men, though, can be unchained and walk out to discover the actual reality outside.
That's when he starts digressing even further to talk about the trip he made 30 years ago in Greece...

Mikan nods back, smiling hopefully.
But when Laura sees her again after PE, Micchan is bruised, and has lost all confidence. Immediately, she apologizes to her friend: "I'm sorry... you really helped with the cartwheels, you really did, but-"
A small buzz is heard, as Laura's phone receives a short video by text.
"Oh no... don't look!"

Someone filmed Mikan doing cartwheels perfectly during PE, but a small ball is thrown at her while she does another one, and she falls flat on her face. All the girls are laughing at her.

Jojo, sitting behind Eri, whispers to her while she's doodling. "Oh, that's pretty", he comments with a slight accent, "What are you drawing?"

As she leaves, Rei dares speak up. "Huh, hey, Nodoka-san? If you lost something precious, but didn't know where it was, what would you do?"

2014-07-04, 01:10 PM
The warning comes too late, unfortunately, as Laura plays the video. "That's great, Micchan!" she exclaims, "I wasn't nearly as good after just one day of training-" which was technically true. Of course, Laura was four at that moment. At that moment, the clip's climax comes, and Laura bites her lip, almost dropping the phone, "Micchan... Are you alright? Does it hurt? If it does, even a little, you should go to the nurse..."

2014-07-04, 02:01 PM
The Cave.

Not a bad analogy for my life now, Miaka thinks, scrawling down notes on a small tablet approved for use in the classroom.

She compares her life to that of the enlightened man, taken from the cave. She was in the dark, ignorant of what was going on around her, oblivious to pain and suffering. And then she was given sight. She didn't ask for it, it terrified her to know that there were things like her tsukaima in the world. And if what he said was right there were worse things yet.

And of course, the last part of the allegory, the fact that those the man had spent his whole life with staring at shadows upon the wall. The fact that they would kill the man who was damaged by e sun to keep themselves in the dark, it bore an eerie similarity to the warning in her dream...

Great. The trip to Greece again. Let's just hope the lecture on the Parthenon doesn't... Too late I guess.

The class was spared the rest if the story by the tolling bells. Taking her purse, her amazing purse, which seemed to have no end of room or things inside, she headed for lunch. She has a few friends left, and hopefully she manages to find one of them somewhere around the crowded cafeteria...

2014-07-05, 07:00 PM
Nodoka paused and turned to Rei, a slightly confused look on her face. "What? Why would you do anything? It's lost, so it's gone. I suppose you could find something else?" Nodoka shrugged and continued to walk away, vaguely bemused at the strange question from a little girl.

Looking at her phone, Nodoka saw it was getting close to her next class, so she made her way back, walking sedately enough to let her lunch settle.

Mono Vertigo
2014-07-06, 04:07 AM
Nodoka, Miaka and Eri

Suddenly, you all receive on your phone a video from a classmate, accompanied with the message "just happened during PE, check it out LOL".
Someone filmed a girl, called Mikan, doing cartwheels perfectly during PE, but a small ball is thrown at her while she does another one, and she falls flat on her face. All the girls are laughing at her.

Mikan shifts uncomfortably on her feet. "I'm... I'm okay, don't worry, it doesn't hurt..."
A classmate nearby checks a message on his phone at the same moment. He laughs, then takes a double-take as he seems to recognize Mikan, and laughs even harder.
"Stop it!", asks Micchan, "It's not my fault I fell! Thanks to Laura's help, I was doing fine, it's not my fault someone-"
"What", incredulously replies the boy, "Laura? That girl here?" He points at Laura. "You got cartwheel advice from a... man, this is getting better! I have to tell everyone else!", he comments, starting to type furiously on his phone.
Mikan seems on the verge of tears, and is very sorry to have involuntarily gotten her friend involved in that personal problem.

2014-07-06, 12:44 PM
Laura can only shake her head and cling tighter to Mikan's hand, "It's OK, don't worry about anything... you did nothing wrong... but... That was mean!" she shouts to the laughing boy, "What's wrong with asking a friend for help?"

2014-07-06, 01:46 PM
Miaka was halfway through her lunch when the video was linked to her. She watched as half the cafeteria started laughing while they looked at their phones or tablets. She opted to finish her lunch before she looked at the video.

She gasped when she saw it. That isn't funny. At all. And my god, the comments...

Cripple... Katawa... Baka.... Most hilarious thing in the world...

My god... She texts Laura.

<Have you seen this thing? What are they doing? Why is this funny? And how can they say these things about it? About you!?>

2014-07-07, 02:14 PM
Slightly startled by her phone, which rarely got any attention at all, Nodoka flipped it open and saw the video attached. It first seemed fairly normal, though the cartwheel was impressive. When the ball came in and knocked the girl over however, Nodoka frowned. There wasn't really any sense or point to it. Once the video had finished, Nodoka deleted the mail, flipped her phone closed and entered her next class, checking for the fight books in her desk.

Mono Vertigo
2014-07-07, 02:31 PM
On the first, or second look, you suddenly feel detached from reality for the briefest instant; nobody around notices it. A message appears instead of the embarrassing scene, in a runic alphabet you didn't know until now that you could read: "SHARE ME AND BE COOL". All the comments have turned into "DON'T THINK".
It's not normal. It's not normal at all. The urge to obey surely isn't. This has to be some kind of magic.
Stay Calm.
- On a 15+, you resist the urge and overcome your shock effortlessly.
- On a 12-14, you resist the urge, but feel the force behind it manages to take something away from you. Take 1 Overcharge on the attribute of your choice.
- On an 11 or less, you also do something embarrassing - in this case, you obey the urge and share the link before you can catch yourself doing it. (If you were intending to share it anyway, you instead share it with someone your age you have a relationship with, and lose 1 rank in it, as they wonder what's wrong with you.)

2014-07-07, 10:36 PM
As Nodoka checked through her books, her phone in her bag caught her eye - there was a little light blinking on it. Frowning again, she picked it up and flipped it open, only to see 'Message Sent' on the screen. Confused, she checked what had been sent, and saw she'd forwarded the video to another person in class.

"What? I don't remem.." she began, before a flicker of runic forms swirled in her memory. Shuddering, she snapped the phone closed and stared at it for a while. "That's... not acceptable..."

2014-07-08, 12:27 AM
As realisation strikes Laura, she clenches Mikan's hand even tighter - then lets go immediately, realizing that might very well hurt. "Micchan", she whispers, "We need to talk where no one overhears us. I... have to find whoever shot it. It's... because of what I've told you that time..."

At that moment, her phone beeps again. Laura almost deletes the message without reading it, but stops at the last moment. It's nice to know Miaka managed to resist it too...
{I did}, she texts in response, {Don't worry, I'm fine... but I need to find whoever started it... it's for their own sake.}

2014-07-08, 08:10 AM
Miaka bites her lower lip as she reads the reply to her message. There was something wrong with the message, but when she managed to overcome the urge it suggested, she had hoped her friends had too. But clearly, that was not entirely the case.

With fingers tapping quickly overt he keypad, the reply was finished and sent less than a minute later.

<If you think you have to Laura-chan. Just let me come too, okay?

Mono Vertigo
2014-07-09, 02:40 PM

The guy opens his mouth to reply: "No offense, but-"
Which makes it a certainty that the rest of his sentence is going to be awful. Mikan already looks ready to slap him, but thankfully, the two girls have a good excuse to leave before it escalates. "... okay, Laura-chan. Kouta, just... just stop talking to us, please."

Before school is over, at some point during the day, you remember one detail of your last dream: you dreamed your tsukaima was in a nearby shrine, which is all but abandoned. If the other girls Jad-bal-ja recruited had the same vision, they might be found there as well.

2014-07-30, 06:25 AM
As they head to the roof, Laura whipers, taking care to not let anyone overhear, "That video... it's magical. It forces anyone who watches it to send it to friends... Seems some people could resist it, but... it's still bad. It's most likely the doing of a Youma... and my only clue to finding that Youma would be the one who shot the video..." it's nice Miaka-chan resisted it too, but... it's a shame I can't tell her the truth...

2014-08-03, 02:16 PM
Sometime during the day...

Oh no! I forgot my math book! I wonder... Eyeing her purse, she decides to give it a try. Looking around before the class starts to see if no one else is watching her, she thrusts her hand into her purse. She grabs ahold of something inside and starts tugging it out. At first it seems like it won't fit through the mouth of the bag, the bag just suddenly opens up, and out comes a book.

At least its the right one... Oh no! It's last years book! And my handwriting wasn't that horrible was it? It was. That's my doodle in the corner... geez. I hope I don't get called on today...


Miaka pulls out her phone.

I wonder if everyone got the same video today. There was definitely something weird about it. I should check with Nodoka too. She goes to the same school, so I could check with her too.

Fingers fly over the keypad, sending out the text in the minutes between classes.

<Nodoka, did you get that odd message, with the video link? If you have, don't open it. Its mean and doesn't do any good for anyone. Oh, and wanna meet me by the gate after school? There is a place I want to go check out. Then we can go get some tea and cake at Tirade before I have to start work, k?>

2014-08-04, 03:34 PM
Still irritated with her phone, Nodoka simply went to class and tried to keep her mind off of it. Near the end of the day a typical chime sounded from it, and Nodoka picked it back up in mild surprise before checking who it was from. Miaka. A friend.

Frowning at her phone again, Nodoka flipped it open and read the message, her eyebrows furrowing further as it was too late to avoid the previous text. At least meeting up with someone would be pleasant, and cake was always a good way to spend the evening. She typed a typical message back, < Sure. ( ~_~)/ > and finished up her classes.

When the final bell rang, Nodoka quietly packed her books away, unhooked her bag and made her way to the front gate, a slight smile on her face easing away the frown that had been there most of the afternoon. She did like cake. Maybe Jad-bal-ja would want some.

2014-08-04, 03:43 PM
Walking at a brisk pace down to the front gate after the final bell, Miaka stays away from the crowds of people. They always seem so happy. Happier than she is, at any rate. Then she spies Nodoka in among the throng of kids walking along to escape from the school grounds. Stepping up her pace, she catches up quickly and taps the girl on the shoulder.

Hey, Nodoka. Ready to go? The place isn't too far from here. An old shrine, you know the one. It's the rundown one, with all the urban legends about it being haunted and all?

2014-08-05, 04:44 AM
Peering round at the groups and cliques forming up after school as the students started to go to clubs or out with friends, Nodoka felt a little bit lonely once again, though it was a fairly common occurrence now. They all looked like they were enjoying life so much, all had purpose. It made Nodoka feel almost as if something was wrong. Maybe it was all a mask, since such happiness couldn't possibly be genuine all the time..

"Hi." Nodoka said as Miaka tapped her. Shaking herself slightly out of her reprieve, she nodded. "I'm ready, I know that shrine too. I dreamt of it actually." She hoisted her bag on her shoulder and gave a small smile for the company, beginning to walk towards the Shrine.

2014-08-05, 02:47 PM
Did you say dream?

It can't be...

2014-08-05, 09:17 PM
Nodoka shrugged and nodded. "Yes, I had a dream about this shrine. I lost my face here, and I was beautiful underneath. I was whole..." Nodoka trailed off, slightly lost in her thoughts with a wistful smile on her face, as she continued walking.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-06, 04:05 AM
The shrine is empty, as expected, and looks like no one's come in a couple decades. The kami of this place are long-forgotten. Not that many in this modern world remembers them, if they even existed in the first place.
In the obscurity, suddenly, ghostly runes glow in the air, detailing a certain lion cub's silhouette when the light fades.
"I have much to teach you, but first, have my greetings, and see who here responded to my call."

2014-08-06, 12:53 PM
After a short pause wondering if she should respond, after all, Nodoka wasn't a magical girl. But then again, she said she dreamed about this temple. So did Miaka. After weighing this over in her mind for what seemed like forever, she finally spoke up

Everyone has something to teach. And much to learn.

2014-08-06, 07:33 PM
Nodoka smiled and nodded at the cub. "Sure, teach."

She slipped her bag off her shoulder and carefully placed it on the ground before beginning to loosen up her shoulders and hips. After a few stretches, Nodoka began to limber up properly.

Turning to Miaka, Nodoka gave her a small smile. "Aren't you going to stretch out? You'll hurt yourself otherwise."

2014-08-07, 01:56 PM
No. I'm still fairly limber from gym and the walk over.

2014-08-07, 04:41 PM
"Never underestimate the importance of preper stretching!" Laura says in a mentorish tone, holding her finger up, then chuckles, "Though I'm not really in the position to say that right now, am I? Still", she turns towards Nodoka, "Need some help? Believe it or not, I was pretty flexible back in the days..."

2014-08-07, 07:56 PM
Don't be so hard on yourself, Laura-chan. Besides, you're the one helping... wait! You're here too? You saw him in a dream too?

Miaka gasps in excitement. How many more are coming? I wonder if I know them too...

2014-08-08, 03:16 PM
Nodoka shook her head with a smile. "Thank you, but I'm fine. You're quite quiet, I didn't even see you here when we arrived."

Finishing limbering up, Nodoka stretched back and put her hands on her hips, turning to look at the cub.

"So, where do we start?"

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-10, 02:45 PM
Jad-bal-ja flicks their tail. "Let's start with the basics. You know your mission is to fight the youma, who prey on humans. What I didn't have time to tell you is that a youma is a monster made from the negativity of humans: greed, hatred, obsession, and much more. It seeks to create even more of it in the soul and mind of humans, and feed from them, growing stronger. Every single one of them looks different, but you'll know one when you see one. Normal people can't see them or notice when they're attacked by one, but now you've accepted to guard the world, you can see and fight them."
Comes the question: "Have you seen a youma since we last met?"

2014-08-10, 02:49 PM
Depends. Miaka says, smoothing her skirts beneath her as she sits down on the floor. Could a weird text message be a youma?

2014-08-10, 06:04 PM
Eyes open.

Tensaiji Meian would find herself waking on the cool feeling of the bench she'd camped out at. A proper place was going to be difficult for her to come by, but she'd be fine as she was. Her hand fell to her belly, or rather the small black bag she kept tucked under her shirt. It was safe, at least. She didn't own anything, but without the cash she'd taken from her mother she wouldn't be able to survive very long on her own. Food, resources... this was all expensive, and even with her current funds, she'd run low soon. Meian let out a depressed sigh, getting up and heading off towards the school she'd enrolled herself into. It was early, but people would be open for club activities and that meant she had access to a bathroom. Spending some time cleaning up, changing into an unfamiliar uniform, and carefully doing her long white hair to perfection. A soft flick against her cheek, and a blink was enough to set herself up. Furude Meian, age 16, Class 1-C, all set and ready.

It wasn't like Meian was exactly pretending to be someone she wasn't, so much as... she was trying to hide. Of course, her given name was a bit odd, her mother had weird taste in all her daughters, after all. It just wasn't possible for the girl to respond properly to anything else. So, as she went through class, trying to quietly mingle, it was only natural she'd find her hands on that video... and the pull towards that shrine. And she'd find herself once again meekly trying to idle by as so many other girls. They were all here with a purpose, but... they didn't look at all like what Meian had been preparing herself for. Her hand moved to her chest, the light weight of the necklace she now needed for her new life would weigh a bit heavier for a moment, before the girl stepped forward a bit more, looking to the others, but resting on their guide. She'd been opting to stand, resting along the wall until this point.

"If we detected a youma, or at least an instrument of one... we just need to destroy it right? Isn't it more important to have that capability? Maybe it is because I am still new here... but I'd rather know who I'm supposed to be relying on. If there's a youma to destroy it can wait until after that, can't it?"

2014-08-10, 06:36 PM
Again Nodoka shook her head. "I don't think I've seen a youma yet." Turning to the newcomer, she regarded them impassively.

"If you're going to ask for introductions it is only fitting and polite that you introduce yourself first."

2014-08-11, 12:48 AM
Depends. Miaka says, smoothing her skirts beneath her as she sits down on the floor. Could a weird text message be a youma?

"That", Laura nods, "There definitely was something unnatural about it... not to mention, mean. I... was hoping to track its origin, but... wait!" she exclaims, suddenly realizing something, "Mia-chan, you... you're... a Magical Girl?"

She then turns to the girl she never seen before, "Hi! Name's Laura - don't worry, even though I don't look like much of a fighter, that's nothing a little magic won't fix... temporarily, at least."

Lentrax, Laura's my character :-P Yours is called Miaka, I believe :-)
Mura, just in case you missed it - I know it can be hard to insert into the ongoing game - Laura's wheelchair-bound in her mundane self, therefore her comment about not looking like much of a fighter.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-11, 06:08 AM
"That can be the manifestation of one. Youma often manipulate people with magic to do what they want. That means that humans could unwillingly become instruments of youma, so do be careful about your targets."
They keep going: "Anyway, you'll have to investigate that. Finding the original sender would help. You're in touch with magic, so you can trust your intuitions when you notice oddities. You know better than us tsukaima what is unusual here. We're just spiritual guides, not warriors, so we're not equiped either to fight these monsters directly. That's why you need to work together.
Does anybody have any question before I resume my explanations?"

2014-08-11, 06:13 AM
Meian would nod as Nodoka pushed the ice breaking onto her. She'd been trying to avoid that much, but the other girl was right. It wasn't acceptable for her to act like that, even if she was trying to get information out of her new allies. Traching foor her necklace, she'd lift it out of her top, revealing the midnight blue gem, with flowing yellow lights running through it, her most precious possession now.

"I am Furude Meian and like the rest of us, I suppose. I am a magical girl. I don't really know the limits of this power yet, so I suppose I'm still a rookie. Maybe that is something we have in common, maybe that is just how it supposed to be. If that is true, a youma is already causing problems... Then the first thing we need to do is make sure we understand each other's capabilities, isn't it? Even if we are becoming godlike beings, if we don't understand how everyone works, we'll get in each other's way. That'll get us killed, won't it?"

Meian's eyes would leave Nodoka's as she quickly averted them towards Jad-bal-ja. Guarding the world sounded glorious, but it wasn't something people did without risk.

2014-08-11, 01:33 PM
"Mia-chan, you... you're... a Magical Girl?"

Miaka smiles and half giggles as she answers. Yep. I guess I am!

She then looks over to the new girl, Meian and holds up her purse. Well, I can get nearly anything I need out of my purse!

As if to prove her point, she thrusts a hand in, her arm plunging in nearly up to her elbow. It emerges quickly, grasping a bright green apple. She then presents it to Meian with a small smile.

Apple? Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself. Tsukina Miaka! That's me.

2014-08-11, 02:55 PM
"I am Miyamoto Nodoka, a pleasure to meet you. As before you ask about us before offering explanation about yourself. What can you do with your powers? Can you, for example, send magical text messages?" Nodoka frowned slightly at how accepting everyone seemed to be, considering what such a person might be able to do. They'd just been told a youma could take on many forms, something Nodoka herself appreciated, so the form of a girl wasn't entirely out of the question.

Whilst waiting for the girl's answer Nodoka smiled at Laura and Miaka, pleased she shared something in cxommon with her friends now it seemed to be mostly out in the open. Nodoka still hadn't actually said anything confirming being a magical girl, but felt more at ease anyway.

After listening to the cub's explanation, Nodoka nodded. "Please, continue."

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-11, 05:25 PM
The tsukaima nods back. "Another thing about youma is that they hide in their own pocket dimension, fueled by their own obsession. It's called a Nightmare. Normal people are unable to notice them. In order to kill its maker, you have to enter it and find it. Once vanquished, though, like a bad dream, the Nightmare falls apart along with anything left in it, so don't stay there too long and grab the Oblivion Seeds left behind by the creatures as fast as you can. Run and don't look back."
You remember being told that with 13 Oblivion Seeds, you may have a wish granted to you, which made the tentation of signing up much greater.
"They look like crystals with runes on them. You can store them in your own gem for ease of transport. Only the very weakest youma don't hold Seeds. When you collect 13 of them, bring them back to me so I can grant your reward. The battle against youma is hard at times, but necessary, and a wish is well-deserved for your dedication."
They wait a bit, content to see the team discussing, and waiting for questions about Nightmares or Oblivion Seeds before shifting to the subject of magic.

2014-08-12, 06:51 AM
Meian's frown would mimic Nodoka's on her comment, taking the apple into her hand. She wouldn't take a bite, if this apple was really alright, that was a small treasure. It found itself casually slipping into her bag, with a slight nod of appreciation. Her attention was still focused on Nodoka for a good long while. Being accused of sending messages like that was a pretty miserable start, but there was one way to settle it, as she'd simply rise slightly, a flow of wind seeming to form about her, ruffling her skirt a bit as she hovered about three inches off the ground. Meian would turn her head back to their guide, gritting her teeth.

"I fly... but, this part is actually really important to me. These nightmares. They only exist where people are, right? Down on Earth. They wouldn't be any place that we can't reach, like the moon, or something right?"

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-12, 01:40 PM
"Indeed. Youma, and therefore their Nightares, have no reason to stay that far away from people. Why would they, when they carry around their personal fortress? Many youma hunt in this city anyway."
They frown. "Now, about these text messages... we don't choose guardians lightly. I hope you're not accusing each other without proof?" they wonder out loud, apparently confused by social cues.

2014-08-12, 03:27 PM
Miaka gasped at the last sentence from the tsukaima.

Accuse each other? Nonono. It's just something that happened at school. I'm pretty sure Laura-chan and the others aren't a youma. And I can be sure I am not either. That's such a horrible thought!

2014-08-12, 03:31 PM
With a slight smile and a nod of her head at the tsukaima, Nodoka said, "Not that I know of."

Squatting slightly, Nodoka reached in to her bag and pulled out an opened pack of travel tissues, seemingly double layered. Taking one out, she looked at Meian and inclined her head. "I can do this."

Reaching up, Nodoka dug her nails in to her forehead, piercing the skin. Without a single flicker of pain or emotion, aside from a small smile, Nodoka carefully peeled her face off to reveal a mess of flesh and blood which began to drip down to the floor. A quick and practiced hand mopped up the blood with the tissue and, as it was wiped away, Meian's face was revealed in place instead of Nodoka's. The same colour eyes. The same nose. The same cheeks and mouth.

Tilting her head sideways, Nodoka giggled slightly. "Does that help?"

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-12, 04:54 PM
Completely unfazed, the cub resumes: "Good! Speaking about magic, you found out some of the new things you can do, based on your soul and personality. No one but magic itself can decide your powers, and it works in mysterious ways.
You can do a lot more by transforming,using your jewels, to fight your enemies. You'll obtain weapons, and a disguise that will prevent anybody who doesn't use magic to recognize you.
However, you must know one thing: magic is not a mere tool, it's a force of the universe. Reality will be disturbed if you abuse it."

Beyond this introduction scene, the regular rules of Sorcery will apply. (Same if you try to do something major/that will affect somebody else.)
Enjoy showing off while you can!

2014-08-13, 01:58 AM
"Oh, that's nice", laura comments as Meian demonstrates her ability to fly, "and that's..." she adds, seeing Nodoka's own demonstration, "is cool too, but... honestly... a bit creepy?"
As the tsukaima mentions the transformations thing, she thrusts her hand up like an excited schoolgirl eager to answer a question - which Laura is, after all; "Oh, yes! I did it befeore! Here - Allez Hop!"
Her body suddenly clad in a purple-and-orange full-body thights, and with a jester's cap on her head, she jumps out of the wheelchair and, after a double somersault, casually lands on a rope stretching across the shrine grounds. She snaps her fingers, standing on a tightrope without any effort to keep her balance, and a trio of juggling clubs appear floating in the air in front of her.
"That's basically it - I can jump three stories high, I can run on a tighrope faster then I could run on the ground when I was still healthy, I can throw these clubs... and some more tricks - oh, and remember that time the school gym got decorated like a bigtop overnight? Well, that also was me, though that one was an accident..." she blushes slightly.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-13, 10:43 AM
"That's the spirit!", exclaims the cub. "Not the bigtop incident. That one is terrible for subtlety. Transforming, I meant. It brings you the strength necessary to survive youma attacks that normal people don't have. Humans have already died because of them."
They raise their head. "That gives me an idea. You haven't fought yet. We could practice a little, so you'll get a better feel of your capacities before a real emergency happens." The tsukaima walks back, deeper into the abandoned temple, away from all intrusive glances. "Those of you who wish to practice, transform and join me. You'll try to land a blow on me. Try not to destroy the shrine in the process, please."

Once everyone's posted, I'll post a response, and the battle can start as usual (first one who posts grabs the initiative, chooses who goes next, and at the end of the round, if Jad-bal-ja wasn't offered a turn, they'll take it, and so one for one round or two). Don't worry about your Resolve - but do acknowledge that any Overcharge taken will not disappear after the practice.

2014-08-13, 01:07 PM
Meian smirked a bit, she couldn't help it. Seeing Laura so casually move around after being chair bound was one of the most uplifting things she'd seen in a good time. As the cub moved deeper into the shrine, Meian nodded, looking back to Laura, taking her gem into her hand.

"I might not be able to outperform that display, but I'll see."

Her hand whipped out to her right side, the gem having vanished into a small sphere of light, as she let the arm continue on back, creating a line of light, before suddenly whipping the arm back along the line, as her outfit burst into a flash of light, revealing her transformation, and the line of light she'd created in the motion becoming her staff. Meian smiled a bit more earnestly, as her feet touched the ground. She'd move to follow their guide into the shrine, eyes falling back on Nodoka, for a moment, as she turned away and moved ahead.

"I know I'm probably a bit abrasive... but this is all that matters to me right now. I can't accept failure in any form."

2014-08-13, 01:55 PM
As Laura jumped up and out of her chair, Miaka's breath caught in her throat. Laura was one of the few people who tried to help console her after her family was killed, and she always felt sorry for Laura trying to make her happy when she had lost so much herself.

But seeing her now... Miaka pushed a strand of hair back, revealing a jeweled hairpin. As she reached for it, a spark arced across it. Taking it in hand, her clothing began to shrink up her arms, solidifying into a breastplate, complete with traditional winged decorations. Her skirt changed into a solid looking leather, and her shoes transformed into simple sandals. Her purse had transformed as well. Enlarging into a shield of the same bronze styling, emblazoned with a large ��. Reaching behind her shield with her free hand, Miaka drew a short sword from behind it. She knew this sword. She knows everything she pulls from her purse. This one is a xiphos used by the ancient Greeks.

This should be fun!

2014-08-13, 09:43 PM
Nodoka watched the other transformations then nodded, more to herself than anything. With a series of cracks and meaty tearing sounds her out form broke off almost like a shell, flaking away in to dust as it cascaded off her. Raw flesh, musculature and blood, shone beneath before quickly congealing in to a supple black layer. Twisting her head slightly back and forth, Nodoka opened her mouth with another smile as bone poured from her mouth, eyes, ears and nose, ossifying in to a seemingly thick and featureless mask of bone covering her face and ears.

Stepping forwards lightly, she followed the others deeper in to the shrine, casually nothing how they moved and where they set their weight, trying to commit to memory their respective body language. For the first time in a while, she felt truly alive.

2014-08-14, 07:25 AM
"Sure, it would be nice to warm up a bit", Laura exclaimed, jumping down from the tightrope and landing amidst of the group, "Speaking of warming up..." she bends back literally in half, grabbing her ankles with her hands, "Told you I know a thing or two about flexibility", she chuckles, looking at Miaka, "though this body makes it all too easy..."

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-15, 05:14 AM
"Let us start."
Despite the shade, everybody can see Jad-bal-ja's slight silver glow. Suddenly, the lion cub fades, and in its place, appears a body more suited to battle; a ghostly girl in a futuristic outfit covered in runes, holding a fancy laser gun, her eyes hollow. "You get the honor of trying to hit me first", she says, her voice almost identical to the tsukaima's, but slightly more feminine. "Go ahead."

[Fight starts! The party starts at Elysium, Jad-bal-ja is at Hades, and obviously doesn't act first in this round.]

2014-08-15, 06:59 AM
Meian smirked... no rather, it was the confident smile that Cosmo Nova placed. Meian wasn't normally a very outward person. She was careful, subtle, and watchful... but she was never quite so brazen. Maybe this deal freed her of those inhibitions, or maybe this transformation made her more self centered, but the world seemed so much clearer like this. As she moved into the shrine, and saw the new form, her eyes fell back to the others. A knight.

"Toki... I guess you'll do."

The girl would spin her staff about, slamming the light end to the ground, as a synthesized voice would speak in her place. "Starbond, setup. Affiliate Two, Cosmo Nova." And her hand spun, as she twirled it twice into the air, pointing the staff at her target. "Hoshikage - Starlight Mode, charging." The head would open up, parting into prongs, as she pointed it at the psuedo-girl. A small orb of yellow light sat between them, gently growing to fill the prongs. It didn't feel strange. Maybe she was just trying to act cool in front of these people, or maybe she was deluding herself. Meian wasn't sure, but she did know that if she was going to say failure wasn't acceptable, it had to start with her. "Charged."

"You heard the man~"

Nova would giggle, as the she pushed a hand back, driving that trigger in her mind, and firing a beam of yellow light towards the girl.

Minor: Activate Link between Miaka (Primary) and Cosmo Nova (Secondary)
Major: Ranged Attack upon Jad-bal-ja-shojo~ [roll0]

2014-08-15, 12:03 PM
"Thanks for the offer", Laura smiled, twirling the club in her hand, than, suddenly, changed her mind. She dashed forward, running to about a halfway point to the girl. From there, it was a cartwheel, into a backhandspring, into a double back somersault... during which Laura dismissed her clubs and pulled out a large, toy-looking hammer from nowhere, which she, with legs spread in a straddle split, brought over their opponent's head as she landed

Minor action: move to Purgatory
Major action: Dash Strike - move to Hades, than Basic Attack at [roll0]+8, damage on hit is [roll1]

Miaka's next.

Flower Garden

Nodoka, Miaka, Meian


Laura, Jad-bal-ja


2014-08-15, 01:30 PM
Right. Go hit Jad... That's all we have to do.

Miaka runs into the next room, sword held up above her head, like she saw in a movie one time. As she runs forward, she cries out an oath, not sure of where it came from.

Darkness be swept away by the light of my blade! As she cries out, runes flare to life upon her blade and dance away to encircle the lion-cub-turned-cyborg-girl thing.

Movement to Purgatory, and putting a Hex on Jad-bal-ja. And then passing to Nodoka.

2014-08-15, 03:45 PM
With an echoed giggle, Nodoka rushed forwards, her body trailing behind her in ribbons and drips of black, almost like a series of fading ink blot after images. Reaching up to her face as she moved, she ripped the mask off to reveal yet another, this time with the vaguest hints of features upon it. Reaching back, Nodoka wound up a throw before sending the mask spinning at Jad-bal-ja, blood trailing from the inside.

Roughly halfway towards the target, the mask exploded in to a mess of pollen-like fragments, swathing the area with a light haze of bone and blood droplets.

Nodoka moves to Purgatory and uses Amplify Magic on Jad-bal-ja.

Turn passes to Jad-bal-ja.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-15, 05:21 PM
Jad-bal-ja's shoulder is hit lightly by the light beam, but hit nonetheless. When Laura approaches, however, she steps back, in a blink, a phantom that almost wasn't at that precise location in the first place. The blades and bloody pollen tear into her mist-like body as she moves, hurting her even if she doesn't feel pain.
"That's good", she says, "You are doing well, Meian. Indirect attacks will also be a precious help, as you can see. Offense isn't everything, though. Dodge."
As soon as the warning is uttered, she attempts to pistol-whip her nearby opponent, Laura, then in a swift motion, turns around, pulls the trigger, and fires at Nodoka a laser, in a strange colour between gray, blue and lavender, corroding like the salt in one's tears.

She gets 1 damage from Meian's attack, and 2 from the Hex as the new round begins.
She attacks Laura: attack is 8, damage is 5. She attacks Nodoka in the same turn: attack is 11, damage is 4. She doesn't move from her spot. (See the OOC!)
This is Miaka's turn.

2014-08-16, 02:51 PM
Right! Miaka exclaims, blade still lifted before her, though the runes had once again faded away. Let's try this! And she runs forward, swinging her sword in a pretty uncontrolled, but impressive looking arc.

Minor Action: Move down to Hades.
Major Action: Attack: Basic Attack: [roll0]+8=14. Damage if hit: [roll1]+2=4
Passing turn to Laura.

2014-08-16, 03:35 PM
Laura didn't so much dodge the pistop whip as just let it above her as she moved away from the girl with a series of handsprings. "Very well", she exclaimed excitedly, summoning her clubs again, "let's try this!" as she spinned in place, letting a couple of clubs into the air and towards the girl.
Passive defense suffices in dodging the attack;
Minor action: Bypass - move to Elysium; 1 Support (Fury) OC
Major action: Ranged attack for [roll0]+8 +1 from OC = 19, damage [roll1] +2 from OC = 4

Flower Garden

Meian, Laura


Miaka, Jad-bal-ja


2014-08-17, 07:57 AM
Nova watched as the others moved to evade. If the lesson was now defense, this was her specialty. Her hands whipped forward as she brought her staff in close, the head of it changing once again, as the prongs split apart, creating a sun design along it. "Cosmo Breaker mode." Meian would smile, quickly spining it around again, as she channeled her magical power. It would require a lot, and she let it grow from her. Her staff began glowing with the bright yellow light, as a circle of the same light appeared at her feet.

"Being hit won't matter if it can't hurt. I'll protect you guys, if you mean to move in close."

Meian is attempting to channel energy from closest star there is, the Sun, for a Solar Shroud. This shroud should wrap around all her allies in Hades. The result is a minor shield of light that surrounds them, nullifying magical damage slightly. (I'm thinking it absorbs up to 3 points before dispersing.)

Meian is taking 2 turns to help ensure success.

2014-08-17, 10:35 AM
As the beam of light corroded its way towards her, Nodoka giggled and stepped lightly sideways. Her black-clad body seemed to slam up against an invisible wall like an ink splatter, reducing most of her mass to a flat almost two dimensional plane with merely her head remaining the normal shape. With such a narrow surface area facing Jad-bal-ja it was easy to see why the beam passed harmlessly by.

Snapping back in to a fully three dimensional form, Nodoka swung both of her hands round and slammed them together twice, ink and blood splashing from the two claps. From around Jad-bal-ja the pollen almost convulsed, and splatters of ink and blood marred Jad-bal-ja's form. After a few moments hissing and sizzling noises came from them as they did their best to eat away at her form.

With another giggle, Nodoka lightly stepped forwards to join the others.

Defence of 13 enough to evade attack. Nodoka uses minor action to hex Jad-bal-ja, then uses major action to move forwards.

Turn passes to Jad-bal-ja, now with a happy 2 hexes on it.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-17, 02:59 PM
All the attacks reach their target; Jad-bal-ja's form ripples as they hit.
"You're all pretty good. Good grasp on your capacities. Your turn dodging."
This time, moving her hand quickly, she fires point blank shots in Miaka's chest and Meian's head; though these would have been deadly with a regular pistol and on normal humans, there's a lot of room left for magic to turn the tables.
But she's not done yet. The tsukaima jumps into a backward somersault and fires a deep blue beam, chilling as a lonely rainy day, at Laura. "There's more than wounds. Here's just one glimpse of what they could inflict to you."
And when she lands, she's at the other side of the shrine, her form nonetheless torn by runes and ink and blood. There's no flinching, no sign of pain or discomfort, yet there's no doubt the Hexes are effective. Lesson will soon be over.

Jad-bal-ja takes 8 damage this turn from the attacks alone, and 4 more from the Amplified Hexes. (Reminder: she took 3 damage previously.)

Close attack on Miaka: attack is 4, damage is 10 (lulz).
Close attack on Meian: attack is 9, damage is 10 (what, again?).
Binding attack on Laura (if she's hit, she's Bound): attack is 16 (didn't take in account Overcharge from damage since there's no dice explosion with these rolls. Or is there? That was the case in the previous edition, and I'm seeing no indication this changed... whatever, even if this were a real fight, you'd still have the lead.).
Finally, Teleportation to Flower Garden.
Turn goes to Laura.

2014-08-17, 11:59 PM
With a leap that looks almost as unbound by laws of physics as Jal-be-ja's, Laura barely escapes the beam, landing on her hands next to where the tsukaima girl should land soon; springing back, she pulls the hammer again and swings it upwards, adding her target's momentum to the swing's power.
Defense result 17; 1 Heart OC, Boost left 2/3
Minor: Move to Flower Garden
Major: Close Attack, Boost! 2 Magic OC, Boost left 1/3
Damage: [roll1]

Overcharge chance:

Combat tracker here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sqY_sk_S6Wt4k-x4oAoUNUlnJmt1mluU3vCvGVI02s4/edit?usp=sharing

Pass to Meian to finish her Sorcery

2014-08-18, 04:58 AM
Nova would focus on bringing the sorcery to bear, as she finallized massing the power. But... she was being targeted. Her eyes widened, as she quickly attempted to create a barrier between her and the beam, but... all her power was going towards a sorcery. The thin shield of light shattered, as the beam went right to her forehead, crashing through her and disrupting everything she was doing.


Passing to Nodoka~

Don't know if minor or moderate difficulty may have set upon the sorcery, so will leave that in Musashi's hands.

2014-08-18, 03:48 PM
Nodoka's head snapped round with an unhealthy crunch as Jad-bal-ja teleported behind her. A moment later her body revolved to match her head and she sprung towards her target, the giggling mask rattling on her head like an oversized shroud.

As she moved she continued to clap, like a child enjoying a new toy, as more inky blotches appeared on Jad-bal-ja's dress.

Nodoka moves back to Purgatory and hexes Jad-bal-ja again.

Turn passes to Miaka.

2014-08-20, 03:07 AM
As Jad-bal-ja teleports away, Miaka stumbles back for a second.

Wha-? Where did...? Looking around, she sees him reappear on the other side of the room, near where she came in.

Well, that hardly seems fair. I can only run so fast... But your darkness will not escape my light! And with that starts making her way back to the other side of the room.

Minor Action: Move to Purgatory
Minor Action: Use Amplify Magic. (Double Hex damage)

And I believe we have all gone, so pass to Jad-bal-ja.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-20, 04:51 AM
Jad-bal-ja can't avoid the hammer as she lands, nor the ever-growing cloud of Hexes harassing her. It gets so thick she's hardly visible.
It dissipates suddenly, giving room to the tsukaima's original mascot form. As the harmful magic disappears in the safety of the shrine, so do any scrapes and wounds received during the fight.
"If I had been a youma, I'd be dead right now. Good job. That would also be the point where you grab the Oblivion Seeds and run", they comment with a small smile. "You do look ready. Just remember, youma have many more tricks up their sleeves, and they want you dead. This introductory lesson is soon going to end, it looks like; you're fast learners. Have any more questions?"

Didn't roll for Defense since this was last round and all.
Fight over! Hope you kept track of your Overcharge. Your Resolve is back to maximum again.

2014-08-20, 05:25 AM
The black layer coating Nodoka's body began to flake away, slowly revealing a pristine school uniform underneath. Reaching up, Nodoka ripped off her mask again, this time revealing her own normal face. A deft few folds saw the bone mask neatly transformed in to a small square wafer, which Nodoka popped in to her mouth and ate with apparent relish.

"No questions from me thank you, that was enjoyable." She walked over to her bag and picked it up, slinging it on her shoulder.

2014-08-20, 05:32 AM
"Oh yeah, was fun!" Laura exclaims, dismissing her own costume - the next moment, her legs give up and the girl falls to the floor. Hitting the floor with her fist in anger, she whispers, "Oh... sorry... could you please help me get back?"

2014-08-20, 06:58 AM
Meian's eyes widened, as her own outfit dispersed around her, and she'd fall to the ground, heaving a moment. Her hand went to her face. That had really hurt, and made her first impression being someone that couldn't handle this kind of work. While she'd made the first hit, it had been a scratch, everyone else had done the real work. Her pain wasn't really there anymore, more like a subtle phantom pain that reminded her it had once been there. So, she'd pick herself up a bit, looking over to the others, her eyes fell onto Laura. Meian quietly approached, bending down with a nod, as she turned to let her back face the girl.

"I can carry you back to that chair of yours, I'm used to it."

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-20, 07:30 AM
"Thanks for helping", says the tsukaima, "I'd have done it, but in this form, I can't do much."
The silvery white tail flickers. "Before I let you deal with that possible youma, I have one last thing to remind you. Being a Magical Girl, a Guardian, a Magus, a Witch, however you call it - it's different from being a normal human. People aren't supposed to know about that. You should't tell them. You didn't, did you?"

2014-08-20, 03:39 PM
As Miaka's armor blurs back into her school, she winces in pain and stretches out her leg. She then smiles ruefully at the girl as she is helped back into her wheelchair.

Laura-chan. The next time I say I can go without stretching, you hit me with one of those hammers, ok?

As she winces in pain, she listens to Jad-bal-ja ask his question. I haven't told anyone, and it turns out, everyone I could have told is here already!

2014-08-20, 05:46 PM
With a shrug, Nodoka shook her head. "I've told no one, and the only people who've seen are those here and anyone else who may have been secretly watching."

Nodoka nodded to the others. "It's getting late. I'll be heading home now, my parents will be expecting me. It was pleasant working together. See you tomorrow at school, we can work out how to track down the origin of the text messages then."

Waving, Nodoka turned and began to walk home, seeing Laura already had help.

2014-08-21, 12:08 AM
"Thanks..." Laura gives the girls an apologetic smile, "I... really should have think of it before transforming... and... oh", her face grows somewhat pale, "Micchan... I've told Micchan. Don't tell me... Did it happen to her because I... Micchan!" she calls to the girl they left outside the shrine.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-21, 05:00 AM
This time, Jad-bal-ja doesn't answer the question directly or clearly. "Humans will turn their back on you when they'll know you are different. They'll abandon you. They'll stab you in the back. Humans are animals and savages."
And with these words, the tsukaima disappears.
Contrasting with those words, Micchan's head peeks out timidly past the gate. "Are... are you done? I didn't eavesdrop, I promise! Is everything okay, Laura-chan?"

Those of you actively tracking the one behind the magical texts, it's time to Locate Something. For every success, you'll get hints pushing you toward what you're seeking.

2014-08-21, 07:46 AM
"No, Micchan isn't like that!", Laura exclaims, before noticing the one she addresses isn't here anymore.

The one being spoken about, meanwhile, peeks inside and Laura immediately rushes towards her - as much as the wheelchair's mobility allows. "Micchan! Sure, everything's fine - we're just been taking supplementary lessons at monster-hunting... eh, I'm thinking about visiting Ami-chan now - it was she who sent me that video... I just have to talk to her..."

2014-08-21, 07:54 AM
Meian shook her head at the gratitude, rising up once her new ally was delivered to her chair, frowning as their guide vanished, and looking to Laura as she panicked. Meian followed at a slower pace, nodding to Nodoka's own parting as well. She'd place a hand on Laura's shoulder as she began to pass her as well, shaking her head.

"Don't worry about anything like that. Humans are humans, and they might be flawed, but they are also the only thing that really matters. I'll give you two my phone... it takes me a bit to respond sometimes though. I need to... get home myself."

Meian brought out a cute little pink phone... a flip phone. It was ancient, almost depressingly. She opened it, clearly needing to turn it on and look up the number herself. Apparently she didn't do phones.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-21, 08:06 AM
Micchan frowns. "Oh... Ami? Do we... do we have to? I'd rather not go with you, I'm sorry, is that okay?"

2014-08-21, 01:30 PM
Laura nodded with a bit of relief; she actually wanted to ask Mikan to keep out of it, just in case, but was afraid it would sound rude.
"But of course!" she exclaimed, grabbing Mikan's hands and smiling reassuringly, "you did nothing wrong, so don't concern yopurself with it - dealing with weird things is my job, remember - yours is to deal with my parents if I have to stay out late!" Giggling, Laura lets go of Mikan's hands and smiles again, "I'll text you if I find something."

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-21, 01:55 PM
"Thank you! See you tomorrow at school!"

Micchan gone, Laura and whoever comes with her is free to go to AMi's place, barely 3 blocks away. Tokyo's houses and flats are pretty much all uniform, sleek and modern, but also so impersonal from the outside. Without the exact address, it'd be almost impossible to find your own home.
Here's Ami's house, only distinguishable from the neighbours' by the audible pop music coming from the inside.

2014-08-21, 02:09 PM
So, Laura-chan, should we get going? I mean, I still have to get to the café later and work, so we probably should get going.

As they reach Ami's house, Miaka seemed to revert back to being her old depressed self, though you can tell she is still happier now than she has ben for some time.

Gee. Seems kinda obvious which one we're looking for. Does she really need her music up that loud? I haven't heard music this high up since I went to that Vocaloid concert last year.

2014-08-21, 03:02 PM
On her way home Nodoka took out her phone and flipped it open. She frowned - not many people had her number, so receiving a text was unusual. Even though the text was deleted, it still had the number in the sent and received calls and texts panel, so she looked at it before sifting through her less than ample list of friends to see if there was a match or any connection.

As she got home she quietly let herself in and changed out of her uniform before starting on her basic chores, such as watering the plants and feeding the pair of cats. Where appropriate she smiled at her parents and answered their friendly questions about her day, but generally kept quiet and ruminated on the earlier fight. It had been exhilarating.

2014-08-21, 03:58 PM
So, Laura-chan, should we get going? I mean, I still have to get to the café later and work, so we probably should get going.

As they reach Ami's house, Miaka seemed to revert back to being her old depressed self, though you can tell she is still happier now than she has ben for some time.

Gee. Seems kinda obvious which one we're looking for. Does she really need her music up that loud? I haven't heard music this high up since I went to that Vocaloid concert last year.

"Sure, let's go -" Laura rolls her wheelchair closer to the front door and pushing the buzzer, "Ami-chan? That's me, Laura - we need to talk!"

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-21, 04:11 PM
Ami opens the door. "Oh, hi there! How are you? What brings you he-"
"Who's there?", asks a somewhat familiar voice: Mayu's, one of the school's haughty girl. She manages to look at the visitors. "Ami-chan, why the hell are they here? Did you invite them?"
"No! Yes. I mean-", says Ami, getting confused and irritated. "Wait for me a second, okay?"
She steps out, rubbing the sides of her head, and closes the door behind her, allowing for a civilized conversation without shouting. "Sorry about that. So, what brings you here?"

2014-08-21, 11:46 PM
"Ami-chan", Laura exclaims, "where did you get that video? The one with... Micchan? It's not your fault, I know - it almost got me too - but that's why I need to find who started it, you see?"

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-22, 04:19 AM
"Actually, I did. That was too funny to pass!", she replies, oblivious as to Laura's intentions. Meanwhile, she pulls out her phone distractedly. It radiates with magic, a fact Ami doesn't seem to notice. "You saw it, right? If you haven't, it's still on my phone..."

2014-08-22, 06:09 AM
We have seen it. And it isn't funny. It was very hurtful to Laura-chan and her friend. We know you don't want to hurt people. Just tell us who sent it to you?

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-22, 06:23 AM
"I mean, I recorded the video. I... okay, it wasn't the nicest thing to do, but I didn't mean any wrong to you two. No harm meant. Now, I had nothing to do with the thrown shoe, really, I just was messing with my phone during PE, and something happened worthy of being recorded. I always have my phone ready for stuff like that, there's always something interesting if you pay attention."
There's nothing apparently wrong with Ami, unlike her phone. You also notice the background picture, on top of the magical energy; it's a nondescript part of the city, and a blurry figure.

2014-08-22, 10:43 AM
Meian would find herself heading back to her 'home' in the city's park. Making certain eyes were off her, her body would lift through the trees, shooting up as fast as she could will it. The others could search on foot, but here was her personal specialty. Meian's eyes closed, as she carefully focused, trying to use her new 'gift' for something a bit more subtle. If Youma were creatures of magic, perhaps magic could reveal them. She didn't need the host, she needed the nightmare, that is where the Oblivion Seed would lie. So Meian crossed her legs as she hovered high above the city, trying to discern some kind of magical wavelength. Looking down still made her a bit dizzy, so she'd close her eyes.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-22, 11:00 AM
Sadly, perhaps because she's not experienced with magic yet, Meian doesn't perceive anything magical.
Instead, she hears something much more annoying: the sound of businessmen on a break gasping and trying to get a picture of her, on the roof of a tall building. Some are debating very loudly over Meian's nature. "Hey!", shouts one, leaning dangerously over the ledge, "Are you a robot, an android, or some kind of fairy or-"
With all this agitation, the young man is accidentally pushed by another witness; he loses balance, and finds himself holding on to the ledge for his life.

2014-08-22, 02:45 PM
Meian's eyes would widen as she realized her own mistake. Pictures... were not acceptable. Even in this circumstance. The girl would open her eyes, before darting up higher, hoping to get a little cloud cover, if she could reach it, and move closer to some of the residential districts of the city, where she was less likely to deal with skyscrapers... She hoped the other witnesses would save the man, but the last thing she needed was her picture ending up online.

2014-08-22, 03:14 PM
"I mean, I recorded the video. I... okay, it wasn't the nicest thing to do, but I didn't mean any wrong to you two. No harm meant. Now, I had nothing to do with the thrown shoe, really, I just was messing with my phone during PE, and something happened worthy of being recorded. I always have my phone ready for stuff like that, there's always something interesting if you pay attention."
There's nothing apparently wrong with Ami, unlike her phone. You also notice the background picture, on top of the magical energy; it's a nondescript part of the city, and a blurry figure.

"Well, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to record fun stuff... except it wasn't fun. Well, I guess it was, on some level... but it was also mean. Like, you know, pie to the face? Anyway... I really think you should delete it", Laura replies forcefully, desperately trying to think of a way to get her hands on Ami's phone. Is the magic it emits just a curse's side-effect, or can Youma actually hide inside the phone?

2014-08-22, 03:29 PM
Nodoka quickly tapped out a text to Yui Tanaka as she noticed that the usually pleasant girl had been making videos of classmates being bullied or generally embarrassed. It didn't seem like her, so was probably worth at least checking out.

Hi again. I've noticed some unpleasant texts and videos have been circling lately and you seemed to have taken a few. That's kinda unlike you, is everything ok? Pausing, Nodoka considered how such a text out of the blue may appear before deciding that it largely didn't matter. A quick press and the text was sent, leaving Nodoka to relax in her room after dinner. Looking around, she grabbed a nearby book on understanding social cues and body language and started to read from her last bookmark.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-22, 03:40 PM
Though Meian is already far when it happens, the guy does get rescued by his colleague.
Hiding in time in the clouds requires some effort, however, upon which depends her (relative) anonymity.
[Simple Sorcery or Escape challenge is required here!]

2014-08-23, 06:41 AM
Meian paused for a moment, quickly incanting, as she focused her power. It was strange, she supposed. When accepting this deal, she'd always thought that her logical perspective would be her most potent and valuable asset. Her magic, on the other hand, drew from a much more vital place. Meian channeled that emotional energy as magic, and its use drew on the things she truly cared about as a result. A quick pang of sadness ran across her face, before a stream of wind and light whirled around her, and her body darted higher than she'd ever gone before, drenching her uniform in the mist of cloud cover.

2014-08-23, 06:43 AM
Ami, while we both appreciate a good laugh now and again, have you seen the video since you uploaded it? Have you read some of the things the people have written about it? They hurt, Ami. A lot.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-24, 03:08 PM
"So that's what you came here for?"
Ami sighs, but shuffles her feet and looks at her feet. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do any harm. Since I got the knack for finding viral videos, it's really helped my popularity", as demonstrated by the presence of Mayu in her house. "I promise not to film you or Micchan. Again."

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-25, 03:25 AM
Nodoka quickly tapped out a text to Yui Tanaka as she noticed that the usually pleasant girl had been making videos of classmates being bullied or generally embarrassed. It didn't seem like her, so was probably worth at least checking out.

Hi again. I've noticed some unpleasant texts and videos have been circling lately and you seemed to have taken a few. That's kinda unlike you, is everything ok? Pausing, Nodoka considered how such a text out of the blue may appear before deciding that it largely didn't matter. A quick press and the text was sent, leaving Nodoka to relax in her room after dinner. Looking around, she grabbed a nearby book on understanding social cues and body language and started to read from her last bookmark.

Soon, the response arrives:
Did I? What the hell, you're right, but I don't remember taking them? Could there be something wrong with my phone?

2014-08-25, 04:40 AM
After pausing reading her book, Nodoka flipped her phone open and read the reply. The reply seemed to make sense.

Yeah, maybe? I know it's late, but would it be ok if I came over and had a quick look at it? A couple of upset girls asked me to look in to all this. she texted back before placing her phone on her desk and returning to her book.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-25, 05:38 AM
You know how to fix my phone? Cool! Yes, please come now.

2014-08-26, 04:04 AM
"Oh, OK", Laura nods, "just... think about the people in the videos before sending them , OK?" she asks, somewhat absent-mindedly, before snapping back on - "Oh, wait! Sorry, Ami-chan, could you show me your phone for a moment? Just the main screen, it's just... that picture of yours, where did you got it?"

2014-08-26, 04:35 AM
Sure, I'll come over. Nodoka texted, before getting up and heading downstairs.

"Mum, dad, I'm just popping round to a friends quickly, she wants some help with class work." she called out. After a few moments an ok was called back with the usual request to stay safe, and Nodoka headed outside. Quickly looking up a map on her phone, Nodoka set off at a brisk walk to Yui Tanaka's house.

It didn't take very long before she was at the door and, after a deep breath and a moment to fix a smile, she rang the bell.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-26, 04:39 AM
"Last week. I was walking with Yui, and we stumbled upon a cool performance... thing... err..."
She struggles to remember while handing the phone. "... I know it was cool because I took a pic but I can't remember at all what it was about. And even then, there's nothing on the picture, see? It's just the street. Must have been something fast-moving."
Her eyes and the screen light up for a second. "You should check that thing out, seriously. I can show you where it is."

2014-08-26, 06:32 AM
Theres nothing there... But I can show you where it is....

Yeah. I think you should show us, Ami. That looks pretty awesome to me. Loudly you mind if I asked a couple of others to join is too? They would love to see this.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-26, 06:55 AM
Ami nods, the strange expression still on her face. "Hey, Mayu! Are you coming with us? You should, I have to show you something", she shouts inside.
Mayu turns off the music, and stare, bewildered, at the other girls.
"You're not staying? What's going on? Actually, you know what? I don't care, it's getting late. We'll listen to the new album another day. See ya."
Grumbling, she haughtily leaves Ami's house with her stuff, not even looking at Laura and Miaka.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-30, 05:17 PM
Yui opens the door, already holding the phone. "Oh, good! Thanks for coming! I'll let you take a look. Do you think it could have a virus, or something?"
The main screen picture is a photograph of an unidentifiable blurry figure in the street. "Do you know the girl in the latest video? I know I didn't do it on purpose, but I'd like to apologize to her.

2014-08-31, 12:17 PM
When Ami gives her okay, Miaka pulls out her phone and sends a message to the other girls.

<We are heading out to a place where we think the Youma could be. Don't know exactly where it is, but I will keep you updated on our trip, k?>

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-31, 03:44 PM
Ami leads the Magical Girls to a wide street behind the local mall, usually used as a shortcut by shoppers. Part of a wall, turned into a gate leading to who-knows-where, glimmers with magic.
As soon as they arrive, Ami stops, hypnotized; completely absorbed by her phone, unresponsive to external stimuli, she browses videos on Internet, only stopping occasionally to take pictures of the gate.

2014-08-31, 04:35 PM
Nodoka looked at the phone offered to her, and frowned as she tried to place which street it was. After a few moments she flipped through menus and changed the background picture to something innocuous.

"I do know her, and I can pass on an apology, that's not a problem. I've already spoken with her and she's doing okay, just upset." After fiddling with the phone slightly more, Nodoka handed it back. "This should be ok, just let me know if something odd happens to it again please?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Nodoka resolved to try and head for the street in the photo. A slight beep caused Nodoka to open her own phone and, upon seeing the message, she nodded to herself.

Mono Vertigo
2014-08-31, 05:10 PM
"Great! Thanks a lot. Can't wait for next time, at the club."
Nodoka recognizes the street in the picture; it's right behind the local mall, and used as a shortcut by many shoppers.
On the way, she receives a new text. It's from a number that doesn't exist - all in runes, and in the same alphabet, the message reads "WHO ARE YOU GO AWAY".

For accepting Yui's requests, you get to try to Bond with her.

2014-08-31, 05:54 PM
With a last nod and smile at Yui, Nodoka heads off. Once round the corner, she breaks in to a brisk jog. When her phone goes off she has a glance at the message and briefly pauses. Quickly she tapped a reply and sent it.

I'm a new friend. Hi, new friend.

A rather empty smile spreads across her face as she breaks in to a much faster sprint towards the street. It was time to meet someone new, and another chance to feel alive.

2014-08-31, 11:47 PM
Looking at the gate, Laura clenched the armrests of her chair as tight as she could, leaning forward slightly. Here - right here - was the source of evil that spread around the city... that hurt her friends. Laura wasn't stupid. She would wait for everyone to gather here before charging into a fight. But not a moment longer.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-05, 05:34 AM
Beyond the gate lies a whole world, that has nothing in common with the real one beyond a gate leading back to it.
It's a colourful place, plastic and flat, faintly dark safe for spotlights following each of the girls without fail.
Here and there, there are human-sized rectangular portals, framed like videos; they seem to lead to other parts of the Nightmare.
For all the bright, saturated colours, there is the very uncomfortable feeling of being watched.
And the watcher reveals itself very quickly, 30 meters away: at first, the silhouette looks like a three-legged insect, but as its screen turns off, it's revealed to be a living antique camera from the 19th century, with a huge modern smartphone screen for a lens. The dark hood behind lets out a burst of hot smoke with every step.
At the youma's side, two smaller ones crawl quickly like praying mantises.
All the screens show at once a message in runes: "ARE YOU THE NEW FRIENDS?"

You start at Flower Garden, the youma and its two minions are at Abyss. Minions get their own turn as well as the youma itself; which means there are 3 enemy turns.
As usual, Magical Girls go first.

2014-09-05, 06:32 AM
So, it was this... this thing... that harmed Micchan... and who knows how many others... barely able to control her righteous wrath, Laura dashed forward. The spotlights probably were supposed to unsettle visitors; for Laura, though, the effect was the opposite - standing in a beam of light on the mostly dark stage gave her a sense of familiarity. "Let me show you something worth recording!" she exclaimed, creating a club for each step she took - and throwing them, not at the creaature, but in a high arc to the spot somewhere in the middle between them. Two clubs, four, six... and then, a quick carwheel, into a handspring, landing on her feet again and jumping straight up, spinning, catching each club as it flew right into her hands and, this time, sending them right into the Youma... and its minions.

Minor Action: Bypass to Purgatory; 1 Support (Fury) OC for a total of 2;
Major Action: Blast Strike against everyone in Abyss; Attack [roll0]+8=16, Damage [roll1]; 1 Attack (Magic) OC for a total of 3.

Pass to Minion should any survive, or to Nodoka otherwise.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-05, 06:57 AM
Each club hits the minions square in the screen; they crack and vanish in tiny explosion. They leave nothing behind; they weren't full-fledged youma.
The main monster looks like it's going to be hit as hard, but at the last second, it flexes its insectoid legs and ducks it.
The screen reads, taunting, "YOUMA DODGES ASSAULT LIKE A NINJA
Defense: [roll0]+3
Explosion: [roll1] Right, defense offers linear defense reduction. EDIT: I am not a smart GM.
As the minions are destroyed, this is Nodoka's turn.

2014-09-05, 05:42 PM
Looking at the youma, Nodoka began to giggle with sheer unadulterated joy. Swinging her arms outwards she started laughing up in to the sky, her form bleeding away to reveal the black inky skin and bone mask beneath.

Whipping a hand forwards towards the youma, she called out "Yes! We're the new friends!" and she slammed her hand downwards, her whole form rippling as it collapsed to the ground in a shimmering puddle of black ooze, the bone mask floating atop it. A streak of inky gore sprung out from the puddle and raced ahead, before both aspects of the black morass rose upwards, both revealing Faceless once more. Identical. Pristine.

Clapping her hands in tandem with herself, Nodoka continued to giggle and dance with glee as a cloud of murky bone dust and ink blotched it's way in to existence around the camera.

Overcharge 1 to attack to use a minor action on Marionette, placing it at Purgatory. Second minor action to Amplify Magic on the youma.

Passing turn to the new friend youma.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-05, 06:08 PM
The youma twists around and manages to take a picture of itself. It appears to upload it...
And bam! 4 flashes, and 4 minions appear.
Then, it turns toward Laura and tries to photograph her, leaving a charred circle on the ground where its flash lands.
Two minions move forward, and do the same to Nodoka's replica.
Portals still float all along the Nightmare.

The youma makes 4 more minions.
It attacks Laura at Purgatory: [roll0]+4, damage: [roll1]+1 (+1, +2 again because Overcharge).
Minions' turn next.
2 stay at Abyss with the youma and don't act, 2 move to Hades and attack the Marionette if it's not already down: [roll2]+4 (+6, +4, +4), [roll3]+4. Each successful attack causes 1 damage.

Explosion: [roll4]

Miaka goes next.

As a note, in case that wasn't evident, the portals are Escher Doors.

2014-09-05, 06:22 PM
As the little cameras turn to take a picture of Nodoka's closer form it spins round and claps happily, a flash skimming it and burning a hole in the ground behind it. The second, however, hits the marionette dead on and she explodes in to a mess of ink and gore as her form is obliterated.

2014-09-08, 12:35 PM
Friends? Yeah, probably not.

In the blink of an eye, her clothing shifts into bronze armor. From behind her shield, a sword appears, slim and lightning fast.

In another eyeblink, Miaka was away. Running full tilt toward the youma, she lift's her rapier up and points it at the youma. Runes flare up as she shouts out, Cleansing light!

I don't think there is anyone left to pass to who hasn't gone yet, is there? If there is, I pass to them. If not back to Laura.

Moving to Elysium, and placing a hex on the Youma.

2014-09-08, 01:50 PM
Totally just realized that there are 3 Witches in this party. I thought for certain we had one Knight.

Meian scowled as she looked at the mess that was becoming this nightmare. Her hand moved out, as her staff fell back. Twirling it once behind her, she'd focus power outward... and up. Her staff let loose a flow of bright light, creating an orb above them, before Meian pull the staff forward, and sent the orb crashing down, ready to explode in an array of magical light.

"Starlight Nova!"

Battle Sorcery Roll: [roll0]+10

Meian will be attempting to deal damage to everything in the Abyss, effectively acting this out as Sorcery created Finisher, I believe that is Moderate Difficulty, don't know if she gets any benefit from keeping to theme or not. Those rules were very unclear.

Passing back to Laura.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-08, 02:55 PM
New round. Youma takes 1 damage from the Hex.
Sorcery fails. Meian gets 1 Overcharge on her Support attribute, and 1 Minor Distortion of that same attribute to be acted out during her next turn, or, if not possible, as soon as she exits the Nightmare. Distortion: [roll0]
(Good news: rules are unclear over whether that spends any preexisting Overcharge or not, so I'm ruling it does. And you get the Overcharge first, so if you had low Overcharge to begin with, you're already getting rid of it.)
This is NOT the youma's turn, only an update. This is Laura's turn, as announced.

Meian's orb sizzles and disintegrates before touching the ground. Her own skin feels like it sizzles slightly, from the failed spell.

2014-09-09, 07:44 AM
Laura dodges the flash with a series of movements so fast you can't really trace them - the only thing that remains in one's mind is a resies of still poses, some of whick look hardly compatible with a default idea of a human skeleton, the end result of those movements being that Laura ends up even closer to the camera than before. Turning her back towards the nearest minion, she tosses a couple of clubs over her shoulders and, still without looking, catches them as they rebound from the being's casing.
Minor: move to Hades
Major: attack Minion.
[roll0]+8 attack;
[roll1] damage.
Explosion chance:
Pass to Meian

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-09, 12:45 PM
The minion of the youma explodes pathetically as the last club rebounds off it.

Minion #1 killed! Remain #2, also in Hades, and #3 and #4 in Abyss.

2014-09-11, 12:47 PM
The girl growled as she saw her magic fail her, she would refocus, reforming the orb. There were just too many enemies to wait now. Watching the orb of light take to the sky again, Meian pushed forward and let it go hurtling back down.


[roll0] + 10

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-12, 05:42 AM
This time, the orb is set ablaze, tiny star, and the explosion caused by its collision with the monsters is a small nova, smoke-light iridescent light dancing around the small crater.
The minions are completely obliterated. As for the biggest youma, it still stands, smoking, in the middle of a star-shaped crater. Suddenly, the screen cracks, and ether bursts out of it, flooding the battlefield in an instant. The young girls will find it harmless, but relive somebody else's memory...

You're watching a computer screen, which is showing you your own account on a famous video sharing website. You've almost reached one million viewers. People all around the world love what you do.
You stand up. Beside the faint blue light of the screen, which betrays the mess in the room and the presence of an old pizza box in a corner, your world - your apartment - is bathed in obscurity. It could use some cleaning - but what for? Nobody bothers visiting you. You don't care. Not when there are so many strangers who love you.

When the memory dissipates, the Nightmare has changed slightly. The darkness at the edge is populated by pairs of inquisitive eyes. They're not real, you know it, they're disembodied eyes that don't belong to anybody, yet they watch.

There's just one camera minion left. The spotlights all center on Laura for an instant, following silent orders by the master of this place; this is the cue for the minion to dash at her and explode.
As soon as the smoke dissipates and the damage is revealed, the spotlights focus each on a different girl again.
And now, this is again 4 magical users against one wounded monster.

Youma takes 6 damage (that'd normally be 1d6 but when you roll high enough for an Extreme check you deserve the extra damage).
Minion Explosion! Attack on Laura: [roll0]+4, damage: [roll1]+1
Explosion (dice, not minion): [roll2] Dice didn't explode.
There is no minion left. Youma is still at Abyss.
Turn goes to Miaka.

2014-09-13, 03:56 PM
Running full tilt toward the youma, Miaka lift's her rapier up and points it at the youma. Runes flare up as she shouts out, Cleansing light!

2014-09-13, 04:22 PM
With a graceful pirouette, Nodoka clapped once more and yet again fell in to a puddle of ink, splitting apart and dashing forwards before both puddles reformed.

As the second form melted up from the ground Nodoka giggled and dropped to her knees, reaching up and ripping off her mask with an agonizing wail. Surging upwards she threw it overarm at the youma, droplets of glistening ink and blood trailing behind in an arc before the mask flew close and detonated in to a series of serrated, wicked looking barbs and shards of bone, shredding the area where the youma was standing.

With a burst of energy the second form of Nodoka reached up and took hold of the edges of her mouth, ripping it apart sideways as she vomited forth a torrent of viscera and murky darkness, splashing the youma's position with a vitriolic surge before she collapsed to the ground trembling with rage and fatigue. With a glint in her eyes as her bone mask reformed she began to laugh, out of breath. A sharp faltering sound, utterly devoid of mirth.

"All friendships may come to an end..." she muttered, as both Nodoka's clapped their hands together bringing a caustic cloud of bone dust and ink in to being around the youma, corroding it's form.

Minor action to form Marionette at middle location for 1 overcharge, putting Nodoka at 2.
Major action to Ranged Attack from Marionette, boosted for 3 overcharge and +2 damage for a total of 24 to hit, 9 damage and another overcharge. Free action to inflict for another overcharge to add bleeding condition to youma.

Total overcharge at 5.

Pass turn to Nodoka, new turn.

Major action to Ranged Attack from Marionette for a total of 39 to hit, 10 damage and another 2 overcharge.
Minor action to Hex Youma.

Total overcharge at 7.

Youma is now hexed, amplified hexed and hopefully bleeding, so 4 wounds with luck on activation.

Pass turn to Youma.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-13, 05:03 PM
The monster only manages to move after the horrific attack. Colours polarized by the devouring acid and dust, like a messed-up negative of a photograph, barbs planted everywhere over its body, it drags itself out of the disgusting pool.
Startled, it only manages a runic display in inverted colours - "!!!" - before the screen splits in two and liquid crystal, as well a memory from somebody else, pour out, like blood from an open wound.

You're in the bus, whispering to a teen - a classmate. You agree to his latest idea. You only have time to pull out your phone before he punches in the head the traveler sitting in front of him, shouting the memetic catchphrase of the week. Fortunately, the bus has just reached a stop, so before the driver or the few other travelers can react, or before you even think of checking if the victim's okay, you've already left the bus, running and giggling.

Getting desperate, the youma looks rapidly at each of the Magical Girls - but can't find a proper target. Half of its screen - the half that hasn't broken down completely - displays incoherent characters, like a swear.
It settles on the closest human target: Laura. Bang, it flashes at her, burning a circle. In addition, it takes a genuine picture: Laura's, in the position she was caught at the moment of the flash, but as her mundane self, without any costume.

No need to say, the youma was hurt hard.
Still doesn't move from Abyss.
Attack on Laura: [roll0]+4 (Explosion, so this total check is a 16), damage: [roll1]+1
Explosions: [roll2]
If it hits, Laura is also hit with a Seal preventing her from using any magical talent until the end of the next round.
Speaking of which, Laura also goes next; how hard Laura is hit might buy the monster some time.

Quick turn list:

2014-09-14, 12:39 AM
Laura was ready to evede anything the minion could throw at her... but self-sacrificial explosion proved a bit too much. Human shouldn't be able to survive that at all... but, thankfully, Laura currently wasn't human, and got away with a couple of bruises and tears on her costume. By the time a monster was ready to strike again, she recovered enough to leap away from the blast just in nick of time, downing her inflatable hammer on the youma as she did.
Move to whereever Youma currently is, melee attack:
Damage [roll1]

In case Youma is still alive, pass to Miaka

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-14, 05:47 PM
Squeak, goes the hammer, striking the monster much harder than its sound might make it seem.
Miaka rushes forward, and takes advantage of the youma's distraction to strike. She pulls out a small, lightning-shaped sword from her bag, and throws it, hopefully straight toward what's left of the screen.
Her target has good reflexes left, however, and much like at the start of the fight, it ducks, avoiding the blade just barely.

Miaka's attack, benefiting from Follow Up on Laura: [roll0]+1, damage: [roll1]+2
Youma's Defense: [roll2]+3
Explosions: [roll3]

Meian's turn, after which a new round begins.

2014-09-15, 02:54 AM
Meian sighed happily as her spell actually displayed its true power, but with it being this wounded... the girl grunted, as she flung her staff to the side again, the metalic head reshaping again, creating some kind of depression on a metal block as bright light flew out, a sickle shaped blade of light turning the staff into more of a scythe. Meian would simply vanish, as she appeared next to the youma, her weapon raised as she moved to cut through the monster.

- Meian is using Teleport, making her Heart Overchage 4.
- After which, Meian is using a melee attack of [roll0] + 6

Damage Roll: [roll1]+2



Mono Vertigo
2014-09-15, 04:51 AM
The youma doesn't move. At all.
Suddenly, and slowly, the upper half of the creature slides along a diagonal cut, and falls with a thud.
The lower half kneels down on its three legs.
Both halves dissolve into a black goo, and from the puddle, emerges a beautiful crystal, ornamented with runes (i.imgur.com/SzSHF.png).
At this moment, the Nightmare starts trembling. The eyes go out, like stars in the morning, one by one, in the darkness. The spotlights flicker and go out. The rectangular portals fall off and shatter.
Run, and don't look back.

Youma's Defense (probably gonna fight, but you never know): [roll0]+3
Explosions: [roll1]

Youma's dead! Congratulations! You have very little time each to take the Oblivion Seed and leave through the gate. Gate is closest to Flower Garden. Seed is at Abyss.

2014-09-15, 07:26 AM
Seeing the Youma fall, Nodoka barked out a quick command to herself and her body in purgatory rushed forwards as fast as it could, snatching the crystal in front of Meian before spinning on the spot and grinning at her. "Lets run!" she said, before sprinting back to Nodoka.

As she reached herself she didn't stop running, her form slamming in to herself like a stone hitting the surface of a pond and sinking within in. As the ripples came to a stop the single form of Nodoka neatly stepped out of flower garden and back in to the real world, holding the crystal tight in her hand.

"We should leave this weird place before it disappears guys. I've got the crystal, so lets go!"

2014-09-15, 10:20 AM
Laura dashed towards the Nightmare's exit. She did spend a bit more time than necessary watching the dimension crumbles, but still managed to somersault through the portal at the last moment before it closed. Once outside, she leaped towards Miaka and hugged the girl tightly, "We did it! We did we did it we did it!" she repeated again and again, refusing to let go af her grasp... until, a bit later, something caught her attention... "Where's Meian?" she asked, with a mix of surprise and accusation in her voice. The next moment, Starlight Jester's costume dissipated and Laura silently fell to the floor.
In case Miaka isn't currently available, substitute Nodoka; Also, I'll up my Fury to 4 and swap Defense - Fury (4), Support - Heart (7)

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-15, 10:51 AM
Miaka manages to run without wasting much time, allowing Laura to hug her as soon as she leaves.
Meian, however... she crosses the distance by flying. But she gets distracted by the show of the crumbling Nightmare, much like Laura, only she does the unthinkable and turns back, to watch the youma's location, still marked by the star-shaped crater last time they checked.
What she sees there, her teammates won't know. What they know is that the Nightmare makes a very low, grumbling, chilling sound when it collapses for good, and the gate disappears, along with Meian.
Miaka tries to help Laura up while still watching the vanished gate's location expectantly.

Nodoka, once the Nightmare is gone, starts hearing whispers. Some are more distinct: "I'm glad you didn't leave me back there." "It's too bad the little monsters killed me before I could do my big thing, but good thing I can be killed over and over, right?"

Ami has not moved since they went to fight the monster. But the phone she's staring at hypnotically cracks at the same time the Nightmare collapses; the background picture flows out, mist-like, from the screen, and leaves the phone purified from magic and youma influence, as well as its owner.
The girl blinks. Her eyes regain a spark of life; she looks up at the party. "... wasn't I at my house a moment ago?"
Then, she looks down again. "WH-what happened to my phone?! Oh no!"

Another whispers comes up for Nodoka, hindering her comprehension of what Ami's saying. "There's more than one you. There's more than one me."

2014-09-15, 11:16 AM
As Ami looks down at her broken phone Nodoka quickly shed her transformation, the black inky shell fragmenting upon the breeze. In her normal clothing she tilted her head and began to smile, hearing the whispers all around her. For a fleeting moment, she didn't feel alone.

Nodoka took two quick steps forward towards the mist as it dispersed from the phone and bent down as if to pick something up, moving her face through it. Inhaling quietly, yet insistently, Nodoka tried to take in as much of the mist as possible. If such a thing could give her company then it was worth any price Nodoka could think of. Nodoka murmured under her breath, "I wouldn't leave you. Friendships break and mend all the time, right? I'd like you to stay a friend."

Hearing the last whispers as she stood straight, Nodoka nodded to herself. "Yes, there's always a better me out there. I can be better. If there's more of you, we can meet again, friends..." she whispered, before beginning to walk off in a dreamlike state. As she moved she looked down at the crystal in her hand and giggled quietly, before putting her hands in her pockets and beginning to hum a jaunty tune.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-21, 03:28 PM
Ami looks at the girls with more confusion in her eyes. "... see ya at school?", she suggests more than she states, and leaves in a hurry, back home.

Jad-bal-ja appears just as Ami vanishes out of sight, fading into sight. "I do not sense any more negative influence here, the victims must be free now. Good job, Nodoka, Miaka, Laura."
The tsukaima sits down, and asks what sounds like a rhetorical question: "Meian. She looked back, didn't she?"

2014-09-21, 07:00 PM
[Kaihoko's Apartment]
In the Tachibana Apartment Complex, there is one suite unlike the others. This lone room is unique because it is occupied.
The Tachibana Complex isn't up-to-date like the rest of the city, but they never bothered to take it down. On the outside, it presents a pretty face, or at least an inoffensive one. On the inside, it mostly looks... empty, of course. Sterile and dark and empty, but for one room on the ground floor.

In this room, there is... not a whole lot.
One narrow bed. One table. A tiny bathroom tucked away in a nook. A sink, stovetop, and microwave. A mini-fridge. A small closet.

It's kept neat, but mostly because there's so little here in the first place---and when something is all you have, and you shouldn't really have it in the first place, you cherish what's there. Clothes washed by hand are hanging up around the room to air-dry, not having a washer or dryer, clean but worn and faded. Among them is a distinct lack of school uniforms---she hasn't the time. Her powers may keep her with electricity and running water, but they don't put food on the table, nor money in her pocket. For that, she has to work. Work or beg or both.

Of course, it doesn't help that she has... another set of responsibilities.

Kaihoko stares out the window. There are two luxuries she has in this world---the radio she scrounged and her sketchbook. Right now, she indulges herself in the former, the latter laying blank in her lap. She has to think before she draws anything---every page is precious. Every page must be filled entirely before she is allowed to move on to the next.

Somehow, she doesn't feel like she'll have much time to draw for much longer.

2014-09-24, 06:33 AM
Laura casts a look at the tsukaima, as if questioning, what does it have to do with anything?
Then, slowly, gradually, the understanding seeps in. "No... No! It can't... Why?.." and Laura, who never cried as a kid, who managed to keep her smile and comfort her crying parents while the doctor explained she's unlikely to ever walk again, Laura bursts into tears.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-24, 06:48 AM
At this moment more than before, Jad-bal-ja looks more like a plushie than an actual animal. Their expression doesn't change, their black eyes still look up at the girls. Miaka starts crying too, and asks: "How can we get Meian back?"
The cub replies as such: "Nightmares are Hell, you are Orpheus. Meian is not alive anymore."

Make a Stay Calm challenge. On 14 or less, you run away. On a 11 or less, you take 1 Heart Overcharge.

Whatever Laura does next, she sticks just long enough to hear the tsukaima say: "I'll look for new teammates."

2014-09-24, 07:25 AM
Intermission: this night

The room is dark. An empty wheelchair stands next to the bed; on the bed, a girl lies, clinging to the pillow, still weeping, though there is no more tears. One phrase echoes in her mind, again and again, I'll look for some new teammates. She met one new teammate today; barely an hour later, she lost her... forever. That isn't right... It shouldn't happen... I can't let it happen... never again... she whispers, slowly filling herself with determination.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-26, 12:12 PM
Miaka is the only one left with Jad-bal-ja.
Wiping her tears, she tells them: "I'll need some time to deal with that. I can't... I can't imagine she's already gone. There's no secret clause about being forced to fight youma all the time, is there?"
"No, there isn't. But if you do find a youma by chance, remember the evil it's causing."
And this being said, the last Magical Girl goes home.


Takako, Laura, Nodoka, Yui and Kaihouko dream tonight.
Shortly before waking up, whatever they were dreaming about, they remember the shrine, and the silver lion cub. Another shape stands near, that of a synthetic girl, her silver smile leaving no doubt about her inhumanity.
"You know where to find me, and each other. Let's all meet."
Everyone's consciousness drifts away from the shrine, as if strolling down the street. But as the state of wakefulness starts grasping the teen girls, they notice an enigmatic graffiti on a wall, whose urgency and sharpness contrasts with the blurry dream:

It's the start of a new schoolday, mercifully the last before the weekend.
Tsukaima having pragmatic concerns, they only expect to see the teens they contracted with after the school- or work-day. Everybody therefore has some time for friends, family, or themselves before the duty of a Magical Girl calls.

2014-09-26, 01:03 PM
"Bwaaaaaaaa." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeimWF4H6OM)
Yui stretches and yawns, lazy in the warmth of one of the day's first sunbeams. She's an early riser, but not a quick one, and in the early morning haze the remains of the night's dream rapidly evaporate. She lounges around and sketches a bit, and all she really knows is that somehow, she feels an immense sense of satisfaction and contentment. A burden has been lifted, a question has been answered, and she may not know what it is anymore, but she feels somehow validated nonetheless. Yes, it's a good morning for Yui Shizuka.

She appraises her reference images, and frowns a bit. She's getting a bit tired of BLAME!. She'll have to remember to raid Naota's manga collection again later on. But over all, things are shaping up. Her lines are crisp, her anatomy is solid, and everything she draws seems to carry a narrative. Chains... she's gotten better at drawing those.
The alarm blares, snapping her out of art mode. She reaches over, and it shuts up the moment she touches it. Frowning, she inspects it for damage, but after fiddling with the settings a bit, nothing seems wrong with the device. Yui shrugs and goes about the business of getting ready for school.

Halfway into breakfast, her mother passes through the kitchen, flashing her a slightly worried little smile on the way to Naota's room. She raps on his door, and a few minutes later he shuffles into the room, unkempt and groggy beyond reason. He mumbles unintelligibly, and begins his breakfast in silence. "Hey, Naota," Yui begins, but notices the time. "...It can wait, gotta run." Naota murmurs his agreement and staggers out the door a minute later. This day, he shall be the one with toast hanging out of his mouth on the way to school.

Luckily, the two of them take the same train, so there'll be plenty of time to talk about manga on the way there.

2014-09-26, 01:20 PM
[Kai's Apartment]
Kai sits up, rubbing her eyes. She'd know Eo anywhere, the tsukaima girl's china-doll smile and tangerine-sugar voice unmistakable. But who had those girls been? Other magical girls, probably, given the... other tsukaima. The cub, she didn't know about that one.

Crawling out of her sleeping bag, she stretches and stumbles into the shower. She has a job to get to, of course---she works as much as she can at a hobby shop not far from the local high school. And for that, she must shower and eat and be presentable.

Coming back out, she juggles the trio of eating, drying her hair, and getting dressed. She gets by on not especially much food, so breakfast isn't exactly anything she can dawdle over.
Glancing at her gem, she sighs. She likes quiet days. Working in the shop, enviously gazing at the students who walked by after school---they got to go to school and learn and have friends, with parents and real homes.
Then again, maybe this will give her something to take her mind off that. She can only hope that, should she have to deal with the other girls, they won't mind her too much.

2014-09-26, 01:41 PM
It isn't the easyest morning for Laura, but she can't let her parents worry, and so she gets up and gets ready in time... as she rolls out to the street, she finds Mikan already there - very worried and even, it seems, a bit angry Mikan. "Why didn't you call! Worse, your phone was switched off all evening! How many times do you think I called you!"

"Sorry, Micchan", Laura replies softly, reaching for the hug, "These videos... they won't hurt you again, I promise. They won't hurt anyone. We took care of it yesterday... but... Meian... she didn't make it..." Laura, again, almost starts crying - luckily, they're already some way from her house by this time.

2014-09-27, 12:11 PM
Nodoka stretched as she woke up, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror across the room. The little gem pendant around her neck brought a smile to her face - every since absorbing the seed it had been pleasantly warm and comforting. Nodoka even thought she could just barely hear the whispers from last night, and it was hard to feel alone with friends whispering to her. Her mind slipped to the words she'd heard, that the entity hadn't really gone away and could come back and she hummed happily to herself as she got ready for school. That fight had been exciting, and it was nice to start stretching herself and seeing what she could do in actual combat. The dream seemed to linger in her mind, and it filled her with excitement to think there would be another chance to go after a youma. The white girl with a smile had seemed pretty friendly, so there was that to look forward too as well. After getting ready she headed off to school with a spring in her step.

When she saw her acquaintances and friends, Nodoka greeting them with an intensity of cheerfulness that worried some and impressed others according to how they felt her usual demeanor was. Her whole morning and afternoon were cheery as she was warmed by her pendant. During the fight she didn't know if it was because the youma liked pictures and social media, but everything had seemed sharper, more in focus. The colours had been far more vivid and the dust and shrapnel in the air had set the senses tingling. If she could feel like that then she'd be willing to do whatever the tsukaimas asked. It seemed like an incredible trade. During the day she followed her usual routine and ate lunch alone, enjoying the breeze that felt slightly softer and the food that tasted slightly stronger. She was deeply enjoying herself as she leant back on a chair and stared up in to the sky, smiling.

2014-09-27, 01:21 PM
Takako's eyes snap open a moment before her alarm goes off. She pads through the pre-dawn darkness of her spotless bedroom over to the adjoining bathroom; only there does she flip on the light and flash herself a groggy smile in the mirror. Her long hair looks like it was styled by a beauty-school dropout. Who was also a tsunami. By the time she's showered, brushed her teeth, wrangled her hair into its its normal silky straightness, done her careful makeup, and gotten dressed, the sun is well up. On her way out the door, she grabs the lunch she packed last night from the fridge, as well as a pair of tangerines for breakfast.

There's some new road construction on her normal route to school, and the detour sends her right past the public library. For a moment, she considers going inside and re-checking their newspaper archive. Maybe she had badly misinterpreted something last time she was here. After all, it had been right after that youkai, so she'd been all stressed out... but no. For one thing, the windows are haunted-house dark; there's no way the library is open this early in the morning. And for another, she has already checked and re-checked, and that damn obituary is as real as she is. She doesn't want to get obsessive. Still, though, the idea nipped at her brain--and hadn't Eo promised that her life would get less weird?

Ugh, Eo... Takako is not looking forward to spending a precious Friday afternoon with a little robot girl who doesn't understand the concept of personal space. At least it seems like there'll be other girls there this time, so the tsukaima won't focus exclusively on her...

"Hi, Takako! I didn't know you came to school this way!" And speaking of being creeped on...

"Oh, good morning, Emi. You're right, I usually don't. I just wanted to try something different this morning, I guess." Like hell she's telling the younger girl any information about her normal route. That's tantamount to admitting where she lives, and she dreads the day Emi finds out that bit of information.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-28, 06:07 AM
Naota, as expected, is still finishing his toast by the time they leave home. Trains are so punctual that being just one minute late is already too much, but fortunately, they make it.
They discuss about manga. "Hey", he asks eventually, "Have you read Attack on Titan yet? It's about ugly zombie-like giants, the Titans, who harass what's left of human civilization, and humans try to fight back. But it's kinda desperate because the Titans are really strong, and they don't even know what the world looks like beyond the walls of their city, so maybe there's no point fighting to reconquer what's left of Earth. I just read the first volume at a friend's place. What do you think of that?"

Micchan worryingly puts her hand on Laura's shoulder. "The videos... they... Meian? What happened with Meian?"
A short silence. "You want to talk about what's going on... or not?"
Despite her compassionate gaze, she also looks confused, and eager to get an answer.

"It's cool I stumbled on you today! We could walk together to school whenever you want! I don't like walking alone, it's boring."
Emi perks up. "You doing something after school? I'm not, so can I come with you?"

2014-09-28, 11:51 AM
"I... I really want to talk to someone", Laura sighs, "But... I'm afraid... we... aren't supposed to talk about magic... What if... what if that video targeted you because I told you about who I am? What if... if I tell you more... what it something even worse happens to you?"

Laura takes a pause, "But, I really need to talk to someone, Micchan... that video, you see. It was a monster's doing. Cursed to make people who see it do mean things... we tracked that monster yesterday, four of us, and we defeated it. Destroyed it. It wasn't even that hard, or dangerous..." Laura forcesd a weak smile, "But, you see, when you destroy a monster... it's realm, it's lair, it collapses. And if you don't get out in time... And Meian... She took too long..." again, a sob, "And now, she'll never get out... Jad said... that's the one who gave us powers, Jad... he said she's no more..."

2014-09-28, 10:39 PM
Naota, as expected, is still finishing his toast by the time they leave home. Trains are so punctual that being just one minute late is already too much, but fortunately, they make it.
They discuss about manga. "Hey", he asks eventually, "Have you read Attack on Titan yet? It's about ugly zombie-like giants, the Titans, who harass what's left of human civilization, and humans try to fight back. But it's kinda desperate because the Titans are really strong, and they don't even know what the world looks like beyond the walls of their city, so maybe there's no point fighting to reconquer what's left of Earth. I just read the first volume at a friend's place. What do you think of that?"

"I think it sounds right up your alley," says Yui, "and I'll check it out, but I disagree. That's all the reason in the world to fight back. And what's more, I think that's exactly what they'll do. The story wouldn't work if everyone just gave up." They had little debates like this from time to time. "They may be wrong. That could happen. But they'll fight, whether it's right to do it or not. And you know why?"
"Why's that?"
"Because it sells more volumes that way."
Naota looked wearier than usual. "That's not a very satisfying answer."
"But it's the truth."
"You know what the truth and 250 yen will get you?"
"What's that?"
"A bad cup of ramen from a vending machine."
"That's not very satisfying."
"It's the truth."

And so the conversation went on, until the train arrived at their stop.

2014-09-28, 11:24 PM
Kai arrives at the Akagi Hobby Shop, punching in her timecard under the strict eye of Mr. Maki and getting a stern nod. He appreciates her diligence and knows she lives by herself.

She puts on the shop apron and sees some high-schoolers walking by on their way to school. She's so jealous of them... but she tries not to show it.

2014-09-30, 10:35 AM
Takako's smile tightens--if she had been less in control of herself, it would've been a wince.

"I ended up going further out of my way than I meant to, so I don't know how often I'll come this way, but I'll try to let you know when I do," she replies. "I can't do anything tonight, though. My parents want me to come right home and work on homework." That isn't a lie, at least: Takako's parents would always prefer she stay in and study.

As they walk, Takako gradually quickens her pace. Being in a one-on-one situation with Emi is not her idea of a good time, and she wants to get it over with as quickly as possible. Emi's a year below her in school, so they don't have any classes together, at least. All I have to do is avoid seeing her after school, so she doesn't follow me home...

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-30, 01:54 PM

"That's harsh! At your age, your parents should give you more freedom."
She's bitten that hook, fortunately, but there never quite seems to be enough of them to throw at her... "How old are you, by the way? You look older than me!"


The day goes by quietly.
Safe for...
Half a hour before the end of her shift, a lone high-schooler distinctly grabs a product inside the Hobby Shop and tries to leave without paying.


"Now, now... Laura... Laura!"
Micchan doesn't know how to react to that. They never tell you what words you should say when these things happen. Then again, they are not supposed to happen.
"You... huh... you..." She struggles to find the right words. "Is... is it something that could happen to you too? You didn't tell me it was so dangerous... is there... is there something I can do?"

Naota might not be entirely satisfied by the conversation, but he nonetheless says he's going to check out the rest, having been convinced by his big sister's speech. [Having both gained some insight to each other's mindset, you can try to Bond.]

2014-09-30, 02:06 PM
[Hobby Shop]
Kai notices right away and swallows, trotting after the errant student. "E-excuse me!" She stammers a little, but tries to hold strong. "The register is this way." That's right, don't cry thief right away---not that it isn't obvious, but if you do that, they'll just bolt. Imply that somehow, it's an absent-minded mistake, like pushing a pull-door. Haha, what a silly mistake, not that you were intending to steal that, of course.

Then again, they might still bolt now.

Mono Vertigo
2014-09-30, 02:16 PM

And of course, the student, a shy-looking girl, panics and does bolt out.

2014-09-30, 11:38 PM
"You're doing more than enough just by being here, Micchan", Laura holds her friend's hand tight, "just by having someone to talk to... That's really important, you know - and, well, I knew it would be dangerous when I signed for this job, you know - but don't worry. I'll never get lost in the Nightmare - after all, I know there are people who are dear to me waiting for me to return. You would be waiting, right?" she smiles, "And I'll make sure no one gets lost again, too. I thought of a way."

2014-09-30, 11:42 PM

And of course, the student, a shy-looking girl, panics and does bolt out.
Kai curses under her breath, pelting after the girl! Dammit, why'd she have to run? Running should not be happening!

2014-10-01, 05:55 PM
Naota might not be entirely satisfied by the conversation, but he nonetheless says he's going to check out the rest, having been convinced by his big sister's speech. [Having both gained some insight to each other's mindset, you can try to Bond.]

I will.


Mono Vertigo
2014-10-02, 05:31 AM
Yui Tanaka arrives, disturbing Nodoka's tranquility.
"Oh, hi." A short silence. "I don't know if you remember the stuff going on with my phone. Well, it's solved, my phone broke down. Still, thanks about it."

"I'll be waiting for you, of course. What's your plan to avoid losing more people? Are Nightmares like mazes, or something?"

The girl runs up to a group of students at a corner. But she trips and falls down. When she does, the other students scatter away, like roaches.
Seeing everybody's left, she sits up and raises her hands apologetically, holding up the toy she'd taken. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't call the cops!"

2014-10-02, 07:32 AM
[Street Corner]
Kai takes the box, looking it over to see if it's been damaged. She looks at the girl and for a moment, her jealousy crests over her like a wave threatening to sweep her away. This girl has so much that she can never have, and here she goes trying to steal.
But she lets it go and just sighs. "Please don't do that again."

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-02, 12:05 PM
The girl sobs. "I-I won't."
She takes off her glasses and wipes her tears. "Th-they dared me to, b-but I failed. Now th-they won't allow me to make any f-friend."

2014-10-02, 12:47 PM
The girl sobs. "I-I won't."
She takes off her glasses and wipes her tears. "Th-they dared me to, b-but I failed. Now th-they won't allow me to make any f-friend."

Kai bites her lip and swallows. "I... I'm sorry, but if they dare you to do things like that, they're the wrong crowd to be around." She pulls out a worn but clean handkerchief, offering it to the girl.

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-02, 12:56 PM
The girl takes the handkerchief. "Th-thanks. But they're the p-popular students. Th-they decide pretty much everything at school, and now th-they must think you've already called the cops and I'll sp-spill the beans about their involvement."
She blows her nose. "You've gone through enough t-trouble because of me. I should just buy th-that thing. I'm Umi. What's your name?"

2014-10-02, 01:08 PM
The girl takes the handkerchief. "Th-thanks. But they're the p-popular students. Th-they decide pretty much everything at school, and now th-they must think you've already called the cops and I'll sp-spill the beans about their involvement."
She blows her nose. "You've gone through enough t-trouble because of me. I should just buy th-that thing. I'm Umi. What's your name?"

Kai blinks. Perhaps there's things she's not missing out on... ah well.
"Well... I'm sorry. I just hope there are other students who don't listen to them." She looks at the figure, an SHF Figuarts Kamen Rider Orga. Very nice for those in the fandom. "You don't have to, it's alright, I'll just tell Mr. Maki that it was an accident. And.. I'm Kaihouko." She smiles a little.

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-02, 01:56 PM

"Th-thank you again, Kaihouko. I hope I'll see you again."
Umi runs off in turn, leaving Kai with the Kamen Rider figure.
Mr. Maki's head is peeking out the door. "What's this about a thief? Let's put things back into place before other customers arrive."
[You can try and Bond with Umi.]

2014-10-02, 02:16 PM
Kai turns and shakes her head. "It was just a mistake, Mr. Maki." She smiles, returning with the figure and putting it back in place. "Not even a scuff on the box..."

2014-10-02, 02:20 PM
"The Nightmares... they're different, I suppose - I only was in one myself you know... but the important thing is, they start to break down as soon as the youma dies. That means, we're safe as long as it isn't dead...we'll just beat the youma, and then everyone would head to the exit; and then I'll quickly finish the youma and dash to the exit. That way, no one would be late..."

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-02, 03:14 PM

"It's so hard believing this is all true. I mean, of course I believe you, but I wouldn't believe myself if I said it. Anyway, I guess that's a good plan? But it must be even more dangerous, for you."
Micchan sighs. "If there were more... people like you, it would be easier, maybe. What do you call people like you by the way? Magical Girls, like in the manga?"

2014-10-02, 07:57 PM
Nodoka nodded. "Oh no problem, it wasn't that long ago so I still remember. It's a shame the phone broke though. Did you want to go get another?" Smiling, she took her phone out from her bag. "I still have a pretty old one too, so I'd be happy to come along and get a new one myself if you'd like the company." Looking up at Yui, Nodoka took another bite from her food and shuffled to the side in case she wanted to sit down.

2014-10-03, 01:26 AM
"According to Jad, our predecessors were called many thing over the years", Laura smiles, "But yes, these days we are mahou shoujo, just like Sailor Moon and PreCure. And, well, it's exactly because it's dangerous, that's why I am the one who has to do it - that might sound arrogant, but if I can't run away from something, than no one could", she chuckles, "Heh, how about that - tonight, I'll show you what Starlight Jester is capabale of!"

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-03, 02:13 PM
"Really? Thanks! I thought I'd have to buy a new one."
Yui sits down. "Ever done that kind of thing? I mean, bully someone just to get a reaction? I used to be like that with my little sister when I was young, but when she started complaining about the same thing happening I school, I realized how much it sucked being that kind of person."

"Can I? I can't wait to see it!"
Her genuine smile becomes a little sad. "It's too bad I can't tell anyone else. You'd deserve the praise, and they'd stop saying awful things about you", she says, referencing the wheelchair, "And that Meian would be remembered by people who knew her. But I made that promise, and I won't break it."
Micchan is serious about this.
[You can Bond.]

2014-10-03, 05:10 PM

"That's harsh! At your age, your parents should give you more freedom."
She's bitten that hook, fortunately, but there never quite seems to be enough of them to throw at her... "How old are you, by the way? You look older than me!"

Takako can't help but let out an undignified snort of disbelieving laughter. Did Emi seriously just call me old?

"Yeah, I'm 16 already. Basically a Christmas cake." She says it teasingly, but sort of hope that Emi will be so mortified by the unintended insult that she'll go away. They're quite near school now, and Takako would rather not be seen being all buddy-buddy with her little stalker.

2014-10-04, 01:18 AM
"Oh, they don't really bother me", Laura smiles, "I have friends I can trust, and that's much more important than what some people who have no idea are saying.".

Bond: [roll0]

2014-10-04, 09:07 AM
Tilting her head to the side slightly, Nodoka pondered the question before shaking her head. "I understand what you mean, but I've never really done that myself before. Rather than trying to get a reaction, I merely ignored people. It worked pretty well, but people tend to spread stories." Nodoka shrugged. "If you don't respond to them, the stories can sometimes get out of hand."

Suddenly smiling brightly, Nodoka stretched upwards and clicked her fingers then neck from side to side. "I think break is going to end soon. Did you want to meet outside the school gates after last period? I don't have any clubs today."

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-05, 04:10 PM
"Christmas cake? Ooh! I meant, you look more confident, more adult - well, mature, like, as in not immature, and I'd like to be more like that and huuuh my class is going to start soon, I gotta go! See you!"
That seemed to work pretty well.

"Yeah. That's the worst part, the stories that get told afterward. I'm also kind of trying to ignore people now. Apathy has its perks."
Yui smiles back. "I don't have any club either, so... see you later?"
[You may Bond.]

The rest of the day goes smoothly.
Posters hang near the school and in the streets. An European-looking student smiles bashfully between some text:

Disappeared [2 days ago]
Please call..."
She studies at the same school as Nodoka, Laura, Takako and Yui.

The tsukaima must be at the shrine, as predicted by the dreams. Maybe you'll meet new people there today?

2014-10-05, 04:34 PM
Kai, done for the day, sets off for the shrine. The posters of the girl make her pause; she looks pretty. She must be very scared, though, lost in an already unfamiliar country.
Kai hopes someone finds her.

2014-10-05, 04:42 PM
Nodoka smiled and nodded at Yui, standing up and packing her lunch away. "Sure thing. It'll be good to chat more about the literature club as well, it's been a while actually. See you later!" Humming pleasantly to herself, Nodoka headed back to class and generally had a largely uneventful afternoon. As she went to meet Yui at the school gates after the last class, she saw the missing girl posters. Frowning, she took out her phone and took a quick picture of the poster. Maybe the girl was missing due to a youma...

Nodoka suddenly immensely brightened up, as that meant possibly meeting another new friend. Nodoka nodded to herself and resolved to see the tsukaima later. Seeing Yui outside the gate, she raised a hand in greeting and smiled again. "Hi, ready to head off? I've had my eye on a new smartphone for a while."

2014-10-06, 09:13 AM
Takako takes a circuitous route to the shrine, partially because Emi following her now would be even worse than Emi following her home, and partially because she's still not eager to see Eo again. On her way, it seems like she passes a million of the missing girl's posters. All those identical eyes staring at her...it's a little creepy, honestly. Still, she takes one off a telephone pole and slips it into her backpack. Maybe Eo would know something about it.

She hesitates at the entrance to the shrine. All her life, she'd heard that it was haunted, and she'd never been a brave enough kid to go in on a dare. She's a little embarrassed to still be so anxious about going in--she'd seen way worse things than ghosts by now, and even survived a fight with one. While she works up the nerve to enter the gate, she pulls out her phone and pretends like she's texting, just to avoid looking like a scaredy-cat.

2014-10-06, 10:10 AM
Yui pauses for a moment, seeing the poster. She frowns... bad things sometimes happen to foreigners. Especially teenage girls. She should look into it. Halfway to the station, she takes a moment to enter the contact information into her phone, but before she can, it all comes back to her. The dream she had this morning. The wish, the tsukaimas, the girls, the shrine. Of course, she remembers now. She's already taken it into her hands.
Naoto notices that she's stopped, and looks back. "Are you ok, Oneesan?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I just remembered I have something to do. You mind if I stay behind a while?"
Naoto shrugs. "Do what you want."
"Good." Grinning with newfound zeal, she breaks away from her current route and heads off to the shrine on a small road, breaking into a run as soon as she's out of Naota's view. I'll get you out of this, Greenfield. This is my resolve.

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-08, 07:54 AM

"Were you looking for those phones that are like tablets in their own right, or something more compact? Or - oh, another missing girl... I heard there was a 'Mary' at school. It must be this one. There aren't tons of Marys in Tokyo."

@Everybody at the shrine:

As usual, it's a peaceful, if not welcoming, place. Nobody ever comes here; nothing interesting to do, nothing left to pray to that anybody believes in, nothing but imaginary ghosts.
It's therefore always a surprise when people come - and never old or lone ones, always groups of teenage girls, like today. All of them are coming here with a purpose.
And two presences, looking not quite real in the shadows: a silver-furred cub with black runes over its body, and an orange girl with an equally silvery smile.
"Thank you for coming", they say as one.

2014-10-08, 04:19 PM
Kai recognizes Eo immediately, but the cub... he's it's new. And so are these girls...
She glances from each one to the next, eyes enviously flicking over their school uniforms, and then to her own clean but faded and worn clothing. Swallowing, she squirms and forces herself to speak.
Um... h-hello.

2014-10-08, 09:57 PM
Kai recognizes Eo immediately, but the cub... he's it's new. And so are these girls...
She glances from each one to the next, eyes enviously flicking over their school uniforms, and then to her own clean but faded and worn clothing. Swallowing, she squirms and forces herself to speak.
Um... h-hello.

"Hey, no need to be nervous," says Yui. "I think we've all seen each other before."
And that's the weirdest part, she thinks. Something like this is a secret, but everyone here knows about it. There's no need at all to explain. It's surreal.
"So, who else is new here? I'm Shizuka Yui, and you," she indicates the girls that fought the Youma "look like you know each other. I assume you've been here already. What are we in for?"

2014-10-09, 12:00 AM
For Laura, it takes some more time, but she still heads towards the all-too-familiar shrine. After all, it's the only place she can think of to meet Nodoka and Miaka... and she needs to tell them about her plan.

Needless to say, she does find the gathering rather surprising... surely speaking openly in the presence of someone you don't know is dangerous, but, given the location, and the presense of tsukaima... "Hi everyone! Eh, I take it everyone here knows about Magical Girls at least? Anyway, eh, Nodoka-chan, Miaka-chan, next time... next time, I'll deal the finishing blow; you have to escape first, because... because I would never let what happened to Meian-chan happen again!"

2014-10-09, 12:42 AM
"Escape? Escape what? And who's Meian?" Yui's eyes narrow. The silence until this latest girl came bumbling in was long and tense. This isn't a Gantz-type deal, is it?
"I was told about a wish, nothing more. If lives are on the line, I'd like to know about it."

2014-10-10, 04:36 AM
Nodoka tilted her head and pondered for a bit. "I'm not averse to a tablet-like thing, but I think a normal sized smart phone would be best for me." When Mary was mentioned, she nodded. "Yeah, not the most common of names. If anyone would be likely to go missing then it stands to reason it'd be someone possibly less used to this country."

After shopping for a relevant phone and chatting with Yui for a while, Nodoka politely took her leave for the evening. "See you tomorrow at school, I'll be going on ahead. I still have a couple of shopping chores to finish before I get back home." Waving at Yui, Nodoka made her way to the shrine, taking a number of unneeded turns and alleys on the off chance Yui tried to follow her.

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-11, 05:23 AM

"See ya."
Yui doesn't seem to try and follow Nodoka, or she got lost trying to.


Miaka stays withdrawn. "Sorry, I won't join you all for this. Well, not yet. I'm going to need some time alone until I feel ready to come back. It's... it's complicated for me."
"That's part of why we decided to join toe forces of both our groups", adds the mascot. "I'm Jad-bal-ja".
"Eo", says the girl-shaped tsukaima.
The cub speaks again. "If you are not careful, you are going to face great dangers indeed. You don't take youma lightly, and you don't look back when a Nightmare collapses."

2014-10-12, 11:44 PM
"I understand, Miaka-chan... it's really hard to face... I... I probably wouldn't want to do it myself anymore, but... someone has to make sure no one looks back. Don't worry, Miaka-chan... I won't let anyone die... again."
Nodding to herself, Laura turns towards the new girls, "So... it seems we're in it together - my name's Laura, what's yours?"

2014-10-13, 07:18 AM
Kai blushes, swallowing, and glances down.
I, um... I'm Kaihouko Godai, nice to, um... meet you all.
I'm sorry about your friend.

2014-10-13, 08:01 AM
By the time Takako reaches the shrine, other girls are already clustered around it, and she curses her tardiness. If my parents knew I was late to such an important engagement, I would be in so much trouble, she thinks, then smiles at the absurdity of the thought.

"Hello," she says when she reaches them. Some of the girls look vaguely familiar, like people she's passed in the hall but never actually spoken to, and they look so glum that the smile drains from her face. "I'm sorry I'm late, Eo. What have I missed?"

2014-10-13, 04:56 PM
Practically skipping up to the shrine, Nodoka saw the group of girls, some familiar, and raised a hand in cheery greeting. "Hi guys, and new faces too. Are we going to find another youma? Maybe something to do with the missing girl right?" Giggling, Nodoka twirled in place, absentmindedly holding her pendant as she looked at everyone. Coming to a stop facing Eo, Nodoka raised a hand in greeting to her.

"Hi, I'm Nodoka. Your face looks interesting."

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-15, 09:14 AM
Eo leans toward Nodoka. "So's yours! I like that nose", she replies, poking Nodoka's before hopping and skipping toward the other humans.
"Greetings! Those of you who don't already know me, I'm Dawn Cataphract Vicereine! You may call me Eo for short, I was told it's a mouthful, even though it's just words, and they don't really take any space. So, heh, Takako, Kai, Yui, you've not done a lot of fighting and investigating yet, but that's gonna be fixed, with the help of Laura and Nodoka. Lotsa active youma these days. Jad-san and I are feeling there's one in particular today in the city, and we saw that paper thing, that poster about a missing girl, so it may have something to do with it. As you know, we don't know very well how your world works, so we wouldn't know how to investigate in details, and beside, we can't fight youma ourselves, so that's where your work begins."
She smiles widely, flashing a silver crescent. "That's too bad, because I have the prettiest smile out of all of us, and it would be so stylish if I could fight!"
All the while the orange tsukaima talks, Jad-bal-ja calmly sits and nods.

2014-10-16, 08:06 PM
Turning to the others, Nodoka tilts her head with another bright and slightly mask-like smile. "So, I know what Laura can do. What can the rest of you do? I throw masks."

With a slight bow, Nodoka shivers and begins to dig her fingers in to her face, tearing away the flesh to reveal a white fully head encasing bone mask underneath. Fleshy ripping noises and sharp cracks ripple from her body as the outer layer sheds off to reveal slick gore and fibrous flensed muscle that rapidly discolours and congeals to a dark inky black. Standing straight, Nodoka spreads her arms out to her sides and giggles.

"This is what I look like. How about you guys?"

2014-10-16, 09:20 PM
Yui's jaw looks like it's about to fall off.

2014-10-16, 10:07 PM
Kai stares, quivering anx looking liable to faint or vomit. "Wh... what? What... what are you...?"

2014-10-16, 10:22 PM
With a giggle that sounds like a young child's, Nodoka twirls slowly on the spot, flecks of ink and congealing blood dripping from her outstretched hands. "I'm a magical girl, like all of you if you're here with a tsukaima, right?" Raising her hands to her mask, she takes on a slightly shocked pose, hands either side of her mouth on her cheeks as the bone mask itself reforms to look like a pretty close replica of Yui's shocked face.

2014-10-17, 12:05 AM
Laura lets out a quiet "oops" and rolls forward. "OK, in that case, let's talk our powers, everyone - allez hop!", she shouts, trying to distract the newcomers at least a bit. Nodoka's magic... takes some getting used to, as Laura can attest. Transforming, she jumps to the rope crossing the shrine, "Me, I'm mostly jumping around throwing clubs at bad stuff. Or hitting it with a mallet, you know", she adds innocently, twirling on her toe like a ballerina - still balncing on the tightrope.

2014-10-17, 10:54 PM
Relieved that the transformations aren't all the same, Yui speaks up. "I don't know for sure what I can do, but let me try something..." She pulls out a string of pearls. They've been around ever since the night of the dream, and she can't recall ever purchasing them. They aren't really her style anyway. But the rest of them seem to be tied to jewelry. Maybe...

She reaches back, and it unclasps instantly. As she holds it up, the enamel begins to... run down the string, accumulating at the centre and hanging precariously. It soon becomes clear that it isn't entirely fluid, though, and as it drips along itself the substance extends, taking the form of a key. Hmm. Might as well play this to the hilt. Key in hand, Yui strikes a ludicrous pose, face set in grim determination. "Henshin!" She flails her arms around like a madwoman, violently guided by the key in her hand. "Revolutionary Girl Zenshin!" In a dramatic gesture, she raises one arm into the sky and thrusts the key directly into her heart.

It turns of its own volition, and her clothes fall off, revealing an entirely different outfit underneath. A mustard-yellow flapper dress, accented in black with black elbow gloves, striped knee-high stockings, low-heeled black riding boots and a pair of pearl earrings. The seams of her former clothes burst in the air, and chains explode from the remains of the former garments, snaking around Yui until they find their way to her hand, merge, and take the form of an oversized steel flail. Meanwhile, the string on which the key hangs suddenly reaches up and fastens itself back around her neck, and she twirls as it blossoms into a feathery black boa, clasped in place by the enamel key. A core of amber seems to surface from within the key, and Yui strikes a final pose, flail at the ready.

2014-10-18, 07:31 AM
Kai swallows, but decides as lomg as everyone’s doing it...

She pulls out a ring, holding it out in front of herself. "Henshin." She almost breathes the word more than says ot as the ring expands and passes over her. The faded and worn clothes disappear, replaced by a black frock coat, slacks, and vermillion waistcoat.

Mono Vertigo
2014-10-21, 03:23 PM
The tsukaima watch on with some amusement, or at least the faintest smile. Eo in particular walks around the transformed girls, tilting her head on the side to see every angle of their costume.

2014-11-01, 06:19 PM
"Hey! Knock it off!" Yui blushes a bit, squirming and covering herself as well as she can manage. "I didn't sign up for this ridiculous get-up! Anyway, I think I get it now. We're magical girls. Pretty obvious, really. We make a wish, we get phenomenal cosmic power and... this." She tugs the hem of her dress. "So I guess we're supposed to fight something? What Nodoka said about that missing girl intrigues me, and I want to find out what's happened to her."