View Full Version : What is the most powerful enemy you've ever fought in actual gameplay?

2014-07-02, 04:48 PM
In reading about some of the most powerful characters people have built, it gave me pause to wonder:

What are the most powerful enemies your characters have ever fought?
What are the most common types of enemies your characters fight? (Bruiser, Magic User (type?), Wit-based)

What kind of enemies do you least like encountering? (And does that change based on your class?)

2014-07-02, 04:56 PM
Epic Lich wizard, optimized with Celerity Shapechange, Greater Iron Guard and contingency spells.

2014-07-02, 05:02 PM
I was the DM for this but... my BBEG is a graveknight anti-paladin. The party has a necromancer and they had recently fought a dragon, so naturally the necromancer turned the dead dragon into a zombie. Shortly after that, they ran into the graveknight. The party thought they had an ace in the hole with the zombie dragon. Unfortunately for them, graveknights have a power called undead mastery. It didn't end well for the party.

2014-07-02, 05:15 PM
3.5 Ranger/scout combo, double flawed, stacked level, movement speed of 110, Greatbow, shot on the run, many shot, sniper feats etc. This guy could cause hundreds of damage no matter where you were. You couldnt catch him, and his stealth through the rough. I played this as a PC. Then when the the group got up they had to fight him, except now he had the shade template and they were fighting him in a shadowy ruin. TPK.

2014-07-02, 05:20 PM
A Totemist Barbarian Shaman. It was in a lower levelled campaign so we didn't have the same resources available to us, but it was basically spending the battle flying around, launching its manticore spikes at us, and resurrecting Incarnum Zombies from his killed tribes people in some voodoo ritual. As an idea, we had just come from defeating the Drowned which inhabited the swamp city waters.

2014-07-02, 05:34 PM
The most powerful I've fought as a player was an Infernal abomination. Most of my DMs haven't been big min/maxers.

The most powerful I've made my players fight is probably a 20th level wizard/master specialist/malconvoker.

2014-07-02, 05:58 PM
Dragons. Yes I have been stopped by a CR 14 asian dragon on 7th level. We still nearly lost the paladin (taking damage for our retreat) and the dwarf thought it is a smart idea to cast magic stone and throw it at the angry mother whose youngling we just killed.

The dragon later destroyed our starting town.

2014-07-02, 06:09 PM
An epic level Vampire Frenzied Berserker. The DM expected us to run as we were level 10 at the time (I guess it was the BBEG). We locked it down while the warblade smashed through it's DR until the frenzy ended. When it went to escape the Sha'ir/War Weaver of the group cast gaseous form on us and we followed it back to it's resting place and killed it.

2014-07-02, 06:38 PM
What are the most powerful enemies your characters have ever fought?
My low level party fought a god. :smallsmile: In the classic Temple of Elemental Evil, we found the Yellowskull artifact, which summoned Iuz. We traded blows with him for a few rounds, and managed to stay alive until St. Cuthbert appeared and they both teleported away.

2014-07-02, 06:46 PM
Considering what we did to the nazgul... A Balrog (balor) with a couple extra templates, which we fought at lvl 14 average party level. Mind you, that was with enough characters and NPCs that we had like, over 10 people fighting it... and we should have had a tough time of it. Except the Monk was a monster that could do 1000+ dmg a hit... so the DM pulled a fast one and made it unkillable until we located the item keeping it alive and blew it up.

2014-07-02, 06:53 PM
A statless magic flying warship with an emanated anti-magic field over the entire thing, which it could still have magic inside of somehow, a magic shield barrier surrounding that, with an insta-gib main rifle mounted on its nose that ignored its anti-magic field and magic barrier.

It was a device of pure DM fiat.

I dropped an Invisible Prismatic Sphere from a scroll in its path, teleported away and watched the hole from the Prismatic Sphere wipe out a swath of destruction straight through the ship, followed by it blowing up most of my home country's crop lands in what was basically a nuclear explosion.

All of this in a steampunky "low-magic" world...at level 10. I wish campaigns I played in lasted to higher levels...

2014-07-02, 07:00 PM
My mind****ed frenzied berserker friend. I was a monk ._.

2014-07-02, 08:43 PM
Epic game. Ancient Red Dragon with 30 levels of Sorcerer and lots of Spell Knowledge feats.

2014-07-02, 09:54 PM
My party, via a mirror of opposition.

Second most dangerous fight: Orcus, with several archfiends providing support.

2014-07-02, 10:02 PM
Undead kraken. (Not zombie kraken. It was pretty much just a normal kraken minus SLA's.)

Soloed it. At level 7. Nearly leveled up twice. :smallamused:

2014-07-02, 10:06 PM
Undead kraken. (Not zombie kraken. It was pretty much just a normal kraken minus SLA's.)

Soloed it. At level 7. Nearly leveled up twice. :smallamused:

The level of badass you are in my mind. Sir, you win. :smallcool:

2014-07-02, 10:06 PM
In d&d a jester, a very evil jester. We where like level 1 characters we had some cool mutaitions but no magic. He had an AC of 50 unarmored....

I my guy was a knight though who could grow armor out of his body. So he couldn't hurt me no later how hard he tried he had unholy regarded demonicly hosted dex but not much str not enough to get past the damage reduction I was producing. He evenchally slipped up and jumped me and I sot spikes out in every derection......he couldn't change derection midair I hurt him: No one had done that before, he lost his cool bezerked and stabed my guy in the eyes..... X.x

In WoD that w

Tohsaka Rin
2014-07-02, 10:11 PM

Was under level 14 when I fought him.

Calculated my power attack wrong, took the full penalty to hit, but only added +5 to damage. Between a Vicious Lucerne Hammer, a casting of True Strike, and a decent charging build...

I would've 1-shot him, thanks to some really lucky rolling.

:I "No take backs" is such a lame thing for DMs to fall back on. Somebody owes me a god-corpse!

EDIT: Not literally Kurtulmak himself, just a tiny avatar. I'm still huffy over it.

2014-07-02, 10:17 PM
A stone golem. Not even joking. All of the games I join never last very long for some reason.

2014-07-02, 10:28 PM
Hit the wrong button on this phone lol

In WoD we fought an unseele troll / Balie vampire / BSD .......

Yah. That was never fun.

To make maters worce he had a klave that could cut the gauntlet and a rifle that was a BSD flesh crafted by a tazmeche that shot bale fire ....

To make maters EVEN WORCE he could summon a nexus crawler the size of Godzilla ......

To make matter DOEN RIGHT RETARDED his goal was to summon and release into this world an earthbound daemon; kill it and claim it's power for his own


We managed to brake the ritual and send the earthbound back to its prison and evenchally kill him. But it took a party of like almost ten total PC and NPC high ranking fera to do it

2014-07-02, 10:31 PM
Not literally Kurtulmak himself, just a tiny avatar. I'm still huffy over it.
Hey divine rank 0 is still a divine rank!!

You should demand you dimigodhood

Tohsaka Rin
2014-07-03, 01:59 AM
Eh, Divine Rank isn't what it's cracked up to be.

It's more fun being the underdog. Killing adult red dragon packs at level 10 wouldn't be a challenge anymore.

...Yes, that was packs, plural. It's... Kind of become my trademark. >.>;

2014-07-03, 02:16 AM
sorrowsworn demons. We killed a first one with 'only' severe but non lethal damage on our party. But just before dying, it had screamed for help… The second one killed a fellow part member. Damn him!

2014-07-03, 05:45 AM
Defiling a deity's temple has ever a small chance (up to 3% for major deities) that the deity will notice and appear.

When our heroes fought in a Cyric's temple in Raven's Bluff, our DM made a 1 over 100 on D100.
It didn't end well for our 7th level party...

The most badass enemy we defeated, though, was around 10th level, same party (yes, Cyric didn't killed us, he was... more creative :smallbiggrin:).
It was an advanced phaerimm casting as a damn 16th level sorcerer.
We did not, in fact, beat him down, but instead snatched the holy artifact he was about to sacrifice and threw ourselves in a portal (best use ever of a whip, by the way)

2014-07-03, 05:46 AM
My party, via a mirror of opposition.

Second most dangerous fight: Orcus, with several archfiends providing support.

Oh, wow.

Mandatory viewing for you then! (http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Role-Playing/Humor/Your%20Character%27s%20Too%20Powerful/)

Also, this image.


2014-07-03, 06:39 AM
Hm. The Phane Psion was pretty terrifying. The amount of time****ery that thing is capable of even without Psion-levels is just absurd and when you add epic Psionics to the mix you have no clue what's going on anymore when you fight it. The fight's just randomly reset, that thing appears and disappears basically at will with multiples being summoned one turn and none being present another it's pretty unclear when to fight it (and it summons copies of the party members too). Its Psi Crystal was apparently out of timestream at a ready to Forced Dream if necessary. Yeah, epic is epic but that thing was seriously absurd. No, we did not manage to kill it. It was pretty unclear how actually we died but I think we were deleted from the timestream somehow at some point.

2014-07-03, 06:47 AM
my DM uses a pantheon of 8 "good" and 8 "evil" gods that he designed himself.

it used to be 8 "good" gods only. and each campaign we play in his world has the rise of one of the evil gods hidden inside it usually (even if we play at level 1-6).
in a level 10 campaign we did we were literally a linchpin in the rise or failure of 2 new evil gods. we did not know this. and we ended up fighting one of them.
now in d&d gods are stated. but we are all in agreement that that is a stupid idea. and therefore his gods were unstated and way more powerful then any d&d god. it was lucky that we didn't want to kill us. since all our failures just seemed to help him.
but we nearly killed him. and that was a close one.

2014-07-03, 07:10 AM
Relative to character power level at the time, or in terms of absolute abilities/numbers?

In a campaign that went post-epic and had tons of very high-powered homebrew, we fairly regularly fought things where the power-scale would look out of place outside of something like Team Solars or the Immortals Handbook. In that campaign I measured my hitpoints in terms of the number of times I could self-resurrect in a battle. Taking a few 10k hits without dropping was a matter of course in late-game battles, and the party's average total DPR was in the 50k range.

That said, by far the most tactically difficult encounter of that campaign wasn't one of the 6-digit hitpoint monstrosities, but was a solo arena fight against a fairly squishy animated spellbook that had access to 3.5ed metamagics (reduced), Abrupt Jaunt, and at-will casting of pretty much any spell from 3.5ed and 2ed D&D. So basically a wizard duel with an enemy who had spells that make 3.5ed stuff look balanced. That was probably the most tactically complex fight I've had.

But as far as the most overwhelming fight, as far as ratio between enemy power and PC power, it was probably in a oneshot of Crypt of the Devil Lich. The pregens were pretty used up by the end when we got to the second-to-last room, and we got a pretty bad hit from the opening move of the dracolich in that chamber (a bunch of negative levels all around). Since it was clear we were TPKing against the dracolich, we darted for the far door and triggered the end boss fight while the dracolich was still around. So basically a TPK with an extra helping of TPK on top just because we wanted to see that last room. Well, at least thats probably the biggest disparity as far as enemies that we were in theory supposed to be able to beat.

2014-07-03, 08:44 AM
We once fought a level 35 shade sorcerer, chosen of shar. Pumped with some of the nastiest/broken 3rd party stuff, she was toying with us. We were at the time my level 30 wiz (posted in the other one of these threats) and a level 29 paladin. We had been targeting Shar temples for some time for raiding, and then she was sent to stop us... and teach us a lesson not to mess with the dark lady. We barely made it out alive.

2014-07-03, 09:21 AM
I've fought alot of tough monsters, from rulers of their own layer in the Abyss, to Night Hags with Leadership and their entire host of followers and cohort, aspects of Immortals in Mystara...

But I will say that the one who gets the award is The Mighty Scorch of Thunder Rift. Mostly because it was a battle that had such an emotional impact for the PCs, and it was long, hard, full of planning and tricks, desperate attacks and some crazy stunts, and the party barely survived. The battle took like two days in-game, because Scorch was a sneaky bastard who buggered off and snuck back in later to finish the battle.

2014-07-03, 09:28 AM
Average party level: 9 1/2. Encounter: Tarrasque, 2 Balor, 5-6 smaller demons, and an erupting volcano.

DM was surprised when we booked it, seeing as how his DMPC's magic reality-altering arm could have taken care of them (if he didn't get hit), and he thought we'd use it.

This because he wasn't sure how to balance encounters, given that our high op lvl 11 wizard could somehow change into a dragon with higher stats than an average great wyrm, while the rest of us (artificer, alchemist, vampire cleric, vampire barbarian, rogue, monk) had maybe 3 pieces of magical gear between us (nothing higher than a +1)

2014-07-03, 12:18 PM
I think the worst I have had to fight was a custom Great Wyrm Red Dragon inside the heart of a volcano while surrounded by its fire immune kobold minions and half dragon spawn. Nothing more fun than having a dragon dispelling all your buffs while kobolds lob debuffs and SoS at you. Then having half dragon brutes try to grapple you out of the air to take a lava bath.

That fight made all of us find our "F*** It!" Buttons. We novaed our butts off and still barely managed to come out alive. Felt so satisfying to see the carnage unfold on that dragon when we finally mopped up his little buddies.

Also it made me hate Crafted Contingencies...with a passion greater than that use to forge Mjolner.

2014-07-03, 02:12 PM
Relative to character power level at the time, or in terms of absolute abilities/numbers?

Relative to character power level at the time. What was your most difficult enemy?

Ken Murikumo
2014-07-03, 02:34 PM
I recently pit my party against a custom class monk. Her class allowed her to mimic Class features and race traits, simply by observing them. The party consisted of all custom classes/races too, it was the hook for the campaign.

They're all lvl 11-12ish, and each single class has the power of an optimized gestalt. She only had a few abilities like abundant step, d10 plus INT damage, and flurry of blows to start.

The zinger was she attacked first with a fiery ki strike against the damage dealer who is some kinda quasi unarmed pyromage who absorbs fire (inspired heavily by Natsu from Fairy Tail).

Now this guy has like 4 different fire aura like attacks that do over 50 damage/round, and deals 50-300 damage on a good hit but its all energy. My monk could absorb all of that straight to HP, so whatever damage the party dealt was healed 2x or 3x over just by engaging the pyromage. The party simply could not defeat her because she used her first attack to learn how to absorb fire and used the pyromage as a healing totem. And she bluffed the party by "trying" to dodge his fire breath attacks, so they had no idea.

In short she defeated all of them simply by using that one ability against the pyromage. Though, she didn't want to kill them, simply learn their abilities, paid them moderately, and left.

2014-07-03, 02:52 PM
My own character after it grew too powerful (seriously, genetic modification rules for D20 Future should never be allowed for players. DM USE ONLY!) and after the DM took it over.

Good times.

2014-07-03, 04:21 PM
An epic level Vampire Frenzied Berserker. The DM expected us to run as we were level 10 at the time (I guess it was the BBEG). We locked it down while the warblade smashed through it's DR until the frenzy ended. When it went to escape the Sha'ir/War Weaver of the group cast gaseous form on us and we followed it back to it's resting place and killed it.

How the frak did a group of level 10s take down an epic Frenzied Berserker?!?

Edit: Oh, and the strongest enemy I've fought was a Grey Elf Spellstitched Demilich Elven Generalist Domain Wizard 5/Incantatrix 10/Spellguard of Silverymoon 5/Archmage 5/War Weaver 3/Metamagic Spellshaper 3/Lich 4. Dude was impossible to take down, but he wasn't evil, just mischievous. In fact, he probably helped us more than he hurt us, but when he did he royally fraked our plans up.

2014-07-03, 04:23 PM
How the frak did a group of level 10s take down an epic Frenzied Berserker?!?

A bag of marbles?

2014-07-03, 04:34 PM
A bag of marbles?

Are those marbles actually miniature Spheres of Annihilation?

2014-07-03, 10:22 PM
My players are going to eventually be heading up against Kyuss, which will likely be the biggest threat they've seen. Personally it would likely have to be the Cleric at the end of City of the Spider Queen (after being re-statted to actually be...well...a threat); but it's been so very long I don't even remember the NPC's name. When the fight opens with Destruction, and contains multiple Miracle's, you know you're on a good level.

2014-07-04, 04:33 AM
Relative to character power level at the time. What was your most difficult enemy?

That'd be the two-last-rooms-at-once of Crypt of the Devil Lich that I mentioned. Basically an optimized meta-breath using dracolich plus a high-level caster against a party of 4 poorly optimized and exhausted Lv16 pregens. TPK without it even being close.

2014-07-04, 06:40 AM
The most challenging encounter my players have ever faced is a deep pool of water sitting in front of a cave.

A deep pool of ordinary water completely thwarted an attempt to party on into a dragon's lair.

More seriously, my players were particularly frightened by Harrod, a 10th level Feral vampire cleric, who was the personal bodyguard of Mathiades, a bard lich. Harrod didn't require armor. Harrod didn't require much of anything other than his claws and teeth after CoDzilla buffs. I had to throw an NPC in the way to keep them alive, in the end.

2014-07-04, 07:03 AM
We were playing in a high level 3.P game, and we came to the end of that particular adventure, to come up against the Avatar of a God who was trying to come back. Very unpleasant...

He was throwing out like 20-30 unavoidable damage each round of combat... and that was not even part of his actions. Nearly died in that fight...

2014-07-04, 07:48 AM
I've fought alot of tough monsters, from rulers of their own layer in the Abyss, to Night Hags with Leadership and their entire host of followers and cohort, aspects of Immortals in Mystara...

But I will say that the one who gets the award is The Mighty Scorch of Thunder Rift. Mostly because it was a battle that had such an emotional impact for the PCs, and it was long, hard, full of planning and tricks, desperate attacks and some crazy stunts, and the party barely survived. The battle took like two days in-game, because Scorch was a sneaky bastard who buggered off and snuck back in later to finish the battle.

Scorch was a red dragon without spellcasting abilities.

2014-07-04, 08:37 AM
The BBEG of one campaign was an epic level werewolf vampire wizard/fighter/eldritch knight. His weapon of choice was his glasses (don't ask). He also had a homebrew template that made him invulnerable to many spells. As such, his CR is not official, but the GM estimated him at around 35 or something.
The party played several groups of NPCs in order, all of which had a reason to kill the BBEG. Of course, they all failed, but they did manage to decrease the number of spells he had left.
Then, the party attacked. They were only level 15 or something, but they were all buffed and magicked up by more powerful magic from another source. We still almost lost. But it. Was. Awesome.

Mr Adventurer
2014-07-05, 08:08 PM
Half-fiendish Tarrasque wearing a Headband of Magnificence +6. Watch out for that caster level 48 Blasphemy!

One round later, we fought the ZOMBIE Half-fiendish Tarrasque wearing a Headband of Magnificence.

Neither version lasted for more than one round, but that game was ridiculous .

2014-07-05, 08:31 PM
My shadowcraft mage was last standing in a few fights. Straud was hard. A group of liches and fiends on orcus's plane, and hit the mirror of opposition once. Dm made a group of witch hunters to track me that were hard as well.

A Tad Insane
2014-07-05, 10:02 PM
That damn crab.
On CR.

We won because of three lucky 20 on our part, five unlucky 1 on the dm's part, glitterdust and falling drow cadavers (long story) And our Archivist still died.

2014-07-05, 10:15 PM
A Huge Ancient Blue Dragon, at level 13, who opened with a programmed illusion of. . . himself, which we fought and killed, having never thought to make a Will save.

2014-07-06, 01:40 AM
I'm not sure.

My group's usual DM is fond of putting us up against overbuilt, underplayed, homebrewed epic creatures. It's very difficult to gauge actual power level when you can see the shadows of what might be pulled punches and he won't share the character sheet.

The one I think was the most powerful was the CR 47 greatwyrm with homebrewed spontaneous caster class levels while the party was level 8. The greatwyrm had 6 CR 18~26 dragons as minions. We should have all died miserably to ranged bombardment before we ever saw combat...

Instead, well... the DM didn't underplay it as bad as he could have: The dragons told us two seasons ahead of time they were coming, and the DM seriously underestimated what a Kobold Trapsetter and an optimized Ranger w/ Favored Enemy Dragon could do as a team in that amount of time with a wealthy NPC helping them ignore WBL for a while.

They literally flew into a wall of resetting exploding alchemy traps simulating various elemental types of CL10 Fireball, Giant Rocs dropped spellstoring (Enlarge Item) fireproof cold iron nets that were marked with weeks worth of exploding runes (Here, get entangled in this 44 gigaton net!), backed up by giant rocs trained and buffed to carry and throw gargantuan boulders at dragons, The ranger himself shooting off Oathbow acidic burst arrows, some NPCs firing Siege weapons while our melees did their thing, etc.

It was a messy battle and killed all our melee, but our ranged managed to get away with a few HPs when the last dragon ran away rather than risk death to the unknown. (I'm still not sure if this was the DM sparing us, or a realistic and healthy reaction to watching your greatwyrm master and five brothers turned into pulp over the course of one minute. It was probably both.)

We've actually fought several gods before in a single battle, but that was with epic characters, a smaller HD gap, and much less optimization. This was, probably the single largest power gap we faced, and we have no idea how we were "supposed" to beat that encounter. The DM probably didn't, either, given the cracks in his poker face every time he looked at his dragon army's character sheets in the IRL weeks before the battle. I'm more than certain quite a few things were fudged on our behalf, to say nothing of how we got to ignore WBL for a while.

The Insanity
2014-07-07, 04:57 AM
My whole party (there was 5 of us). I won.

2014-07-07, 12:58 PM
My whole party (there was 5 of us). I won.

Just because Im curious, what was the party composed of class, level and build wise? :smallsmile:

2014-07-07, 01:04 PM
My old DM used a great wyrm to railroad our level 7 party, but there was technically a fight! The most powerful altogether, though, was an epic-level wizard who had been fused with a lesser deity. His force of will, somehow overwhelmed the deity, giving the BBEG total control over his new powers. TPK.

Fun fact: The wizard could fire rays of every energy type simultaneously. I have know idea if this was a spell, or DMBS, but I bet it looked awesome!

Shining Wrath
2014-07-07, 01:13 PM
Most powerful: Lady Vol of Eberron. The level 20 version, not the level 12 one. I grabbed her, won my grapple check, and threw her off the airship.

She got better.

I much prefer fighting not-magical foes because "magic can do anything" and anything is subject to far too much interpretation.

2014-07-07, 01:25 PM
Most powerful: Lady Vol of Eberron. The level 20 version, not the level 12 one. I grabbed her, won my grapple check, and threw her off the airship.

She got better.

I much prefer fighting not-magical foes because "magic can do anything" and anything is subject to far too much interpretation.

Wait. She has wings with 30' average flyspeed even without magic. What does throwing her off an airship accomplish?

2014-07-07, 01:38 PM
The scariest, and probably coolest, thing I had to fight was basically a giant mechanical beholder but instead of eye stalks it had dragon heads with crazy cool breath weapons. One turned you younger, and others did negative levels and other fun things. There was a disintegrate head. Also the eye was a laser cannon of doom that also killed active buffs. Also it had majestic presence.

The Insanity
2014-07-13, 10:33 AM
Just because Im curious, what was the party composed of class, level and build wise? :smallsmile:
Crit-fisher Warblade, buffer Cleric, Sorcerer (primarily blaster, I think, didn't see him cast many other types of spells), Factotum/Chameleon.
Don't know builds, we don't share our sheets (we like the surprises). It was 20th level.

2014-07-13, 12:55 PM
We fought a strange mixture of Megaman's Gutsman and an Eva Unit. It threw giant pillars. That's just about it.

2014-07-13, 04:24 PM
Techincally? A CR 30something (though CR's kind of fall apart that high) Evil God of time/death.

But he was a caster god and lost initiative, so he totally didn't have enough HP to actually get a turn.

Fought one of the Dragon Kings of Darksun, he was much harder. He almost won, despite being distracted by his Epic Ritual Spell (that we were there to stop, naturally). The Wizard had to basically twiddle his thumbs since the SR was too high for him, the cleric was reduced to healing (neither had much in the way of support magic handy), and the Baddie opened the fight by buffing himself with some Psionic Power that reflected melee damage. Was not a pretty fight.

2014-07-13, 05:12 PM
Power is relative and dependant on the context.

There is a point when an ancient dragon, ridden by an epic level wizard is not a powerful enemy.

Even lower level encounter against people with mind control abilities can certainly be a powerful enemy. Let's put it this way: If my character is the perfect killing machine, you really don't want him to change sides after one unlucky Will Save. At that point the guy who has been effortlessly slaying the enemies of the party is suddenly fighting against the party.

This has happened a few times to characters I play and it has made me more worried than any other type of enemy. I guess this is what they mean when they say you are your worst enemy. :smalltongue:

2014-07-13, 05:53 PM
Azathoth at a D&D 3.5 CoC Campaign.

Yes, it was hard. Pretty hard. So damn hard.

2014-07-13, 06:26 PM
I've actually been in a game where we went up against the Tarrasque.

2014-07-23, 10:11 PM
I was dm and added a powerful lich that had an anti magic shell permanently on his throne. A lich can not be hurt by non magical means. He could not cast spells but couldn't be hurt either.

2014-07-24, 12:45 AM
I was dm and added a powerful lich that had an anti magic shell permanently on his throne. A lich can not be hurt by non magical means. He could not cast spells but couldn't be hurt either.

You're lucky that your DM didn't give it the Initiate of Mystra (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Initiate_of_Mystra) feat.

2014-07-24, 12:49 AM
we went up against an asmodeus type character as the BBEG.

Lord Haart
2014-07-24, 01:27 AM
I've had a character fight a genuine railroading killer DM (think DM of the Rings, only with diarrhea rolls every morning) in his own game and survive with her freedom and sanity (what little she had of it to begin with, give or take) relatively intact (the other two survivors — the campaign had started with more than fifteen characters, with more joining/replacing the fallen as it went — both became demon-enslaved NPCs). Yes, the DM was openly intent on killing her off.

Erik Vale
2014-07-24, 02:56 AM
In DnD. A level 8 party member as a level 5 accompanied by 2 level 4s... We won, but I almost died.
New to playing IRL, so not much I've fought.

In Heroes. What I think would be considered a adult red dragon as a group of what would be the equivilent of 6 level 10s.... And a bunch of NPCs that couldn't do anything other than die.
My build ment I didn't do much damage, but I did save a character from falling into the lava by teleporting to him, grabbing him, and teleporting back... Only for him to jump on the dragon again :smallsigh:
I usually fight tanks so am pretty tanky. I've only a OK damage output but I handle the wands and magic, and give our party [well, up to 6.4 tons as of last upgrade, so often NPCs and other things] the ability to travel about 50K/H over any terrain in a medieval setting, so we can be almost everywhere important at once.... My character's going to set up a shipping company if he settles down.

Relative to character power level at the time. What was your most difficult enemy?

Oh... In that case. Ambushed by a bunch of Orcs that were their hero-equivilents [so about level 8] in higher numbers. All with high-damage armor peircing weapons so our armor was near-useless... I don't know how we won.

2014-07-24, 04:59 AM
Party recently fought a Vampire and a Glabrezu (or however you spell that) at level 7. Well, ok, we held off a glabrezu while some of us slaughtered the cultists that were engaging in the summoning ritual that kept it summoned.:smalltongue: I about **** my pants when the damned thing teleported next to my wizard[had already used up my invisibles and my bonded object's 1/day spell :smalleek:]. Luckily he targeted the Vamp archer [party member, not opponent] next to me that had just done a lot of damage(including at least one crit) with rapid shot the previous round. That was a cool fight :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-24, 09:05 AM
A level charop 23 party (the game was not using Epic Spellcasting). There was a Cheater of Mystra, an Infinite Counterspeller, a vanilla Psion, an AoO Reach Fighter with a silly Beastland Ferocity item, and a Rogue who HIPSed and threw rocks at us from crevices in the ceiling.

2014-07-24, 09:22 AM
Hmmm, last game I threw a restatted semi OP Grazzt at the party after giving him divine rank 5 and some nifty toys. Three hours of fight later we called it a tie and they gated out.