View Full Version : Optimization Help/Suggestions/Optimization with characeter

Ken Murikumo
2014-07-02, 05:21 PM
Hello, friends. First day/post here, but i've been reading up on here for a few weeks. Ok, down to business:

GM running a game: create yourself as (up to) a lvl 17 character using all PF and 3.5/3.0 cores and supplements. We have existed in the "D&D World" for 4 years so we can grow outwards in regard to magic and Su. abilities. Kind of a cheesy concept, but my first game with the group was one of these and it was damn fun. He also allows 3rd party stuff like the AEG feats book and optimized class variants found online as long as we run it by him. And a potential gestalt build.

My goal is a lvl 15/16 unarmed fighter and archer. Out of combat i'd be a craftsman (artificer and maester) as well as a skill monkey, party face, and super sneaky.

My current gestalt build is:

6 Artificer
1 Sorcerer
1 Custom class (kinda like a blue mage, learns class features by watching enemies and friends
1 Shadow Dancer (for hide in plain sight)
7 Renegade master maker


8 Rogue (PF scout archetype for charge and move auto S.A.)
7 Monk (PF Zen archer archetype to kill 2 birds with 1 stone: archery and unarmed damage)
1 Maester

Things to note:

sorcerer + renegade MM nets me a caster lvl for Maester prereq. and my spells list will consist of mostly utility spells. (but that could change depending on the feedback)
Most of you folks seem to agree that Monk is a pretty lame class, so a suggestion for a monk alternative is cool. (Swordsage seems to be a go to on here)
Renegade MM gives me a permanent Battlefist (which will be sizing) combined with the rogue-scout's auto S.A. charge, both flying kick feats, and Ascetic rogue to get get better unarmed damage, I'm looking at close to 100 damage on a charge without stats or other unforeseen technicalities.
That custom class allows me to effectively replace another ability score with my INT.
My character is going to be INT heavy, using Kung Fu genius feat for monk-zen archer.
I'm not sure if i should stick with eberron Artificer or the PF 3rd party rewrite. Infusions vs weird science.
I might dip into factorum just because INT.
I plan on getting a variation of a Gnomish steam bow to use my INT for that.

The classes have to reflect me in some vague way.
My attributes do as well.
Me in a nutshell so you can suggest classes:

I'm a blackbelt. (hence the monk)
I like to build stuff as a hobby. (costumes, props, 3ds max renders, and im very mechanical)
I'm very intelligent, very strategic, and very stealthy. (nobody sees or hears me coming until they turn around to find me doing something behind them. Scared the hell out of my boss and mother multiple times!)
I'm very articulate and well worded.
I'm also a natural at archery, but I've never fired a gun before, so gunslinger is out of the question sadly.

My stats are looking like:
STR 10
DEX 18
Con 16
INT 20
WIS 14
CHA 14
(We use a 90 point pool to build Ability scores, +2 in one stat for PF human.)
I'm also taking the "legendary" feat from AEG feats to give me an ability point every 3 lvls instead of every 4, so i'll have an additional 5 to spend.

And a few last things to take into account:

We have to be human. We can be transformed, though, as i plan to become a warforged through Renegade MM. He didn't say anything about the heritage feat, though, but i wouldn't count on it...
I would really like to keep Renegade MM because building a robot body for myself is a running joke we've had for a while.
We can only start with 2 magic weapons (1 up to +5 and another up to +9), one piece of magic clothing or armor, one trinket (ring or headband etc...) and an artifact that we have to make up.
-my artifact is an extra-dimensional mansion, where 1 day inside is 1 hr outside. I'll be able to crap out multiple magic items in effectively, either a few hours or days in game.
As far as magic is concerned, at character creation we can only have up to a caster lvl of like 6 or 7, so i cant make a powerful full/half caster yet. After we start, however, is fine.
Any and all cheese is more than welcome!

Extra cheese, please!

I do have a few feats planned, mainly crafting (25% less time/money), master craftsman (PF), and a few combat feats but there's plenty of open room. DM gives us 2 bonus feats out of the kindness of his heart...

If you guys have suggestions to accomplish this more effectively, by all means, let me know. And i can easily fudge some kind of semblance to an obscure class or two, but he'd definitely call me out if i was like an oracle + halfling outrider + cancer mage + hulking hurler or something...