View Full Version : 3rd Ed [Week 1] Which is the Playground's favorite monster?

2014-07-02, 05:40 PM
Here is the point: We all put here our favorite creature/monster, and then at the end of each day "this" post will be updated with a table containing which creature has been selected and how many people do love it. At the end of the week we will see which monster is your favorite of the selected type or subtype. Every type and subtype will be randomly selected (by me, or at the forum dice, taking suggestions from you, fellow playgrounders,) or it could be in order, we'll see if this gets crowded enough. Remember that this isn't a competition, it is just a little game, so don't try to convince others to change their choices as they have their favorite monsters as you have yours. I'm not planning to show every nickname, so I want to order it from books/sources where they are found, also I will make a top 5/10 if we reach enough votes.

This week type/subtype is:

Aberration type!

The date to finish the count will be Wednesday, July the 9th; from that point on, no vote will be added to the popularity table, but feel free to keep commenting your favorites.

The sources you can use to pick your favorite are on the list below. No creature whose entry wasn't originally of the selected type is allowed (for example: if the week's monster type is: Dragon, no Dragonwrought Kobold is available, just creatures with the Dragon type as their base creature are allowed, in this case; DW Kobold got it fom a feat.) At the same time, no creatures that obtained their subtype are allowed to be chosen (for example, Dragonblood subtype week, no dragonborn human is allowed, because human wasn't originally intended to have dragonblood subtype, but its subtype is "dragonblood" because of the Dragonborn template.)

My personal vote is aimed to the Illithid (Mind Flayer, Monster Manual, p187), damn if I love those guys. Everything that describes them on Lord of Madness just amazes me (also, Cthulhu-like dudes just: yaaaaah plz.)

Times chosen

Monster Manual, p9


Monster Manual, p25


Monsters of Faerûn, p32


Monster Manual, p89


Expanded Psionics Handbook, p9


Elder Brain
Lords of Madness, p144


Elder Brain, Thoon
Monster Manual V, p121


Fiend Folio, p64


Web (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20011215a)


Hagunemnon (Protean)
Epic Level Handbook, p196


Monster Manual, p187


Illithid, Ulitharid
Lords of Madness, p158


Book of Vile Darkness, p178


Lords of Madness, p89


Fiend Folio, p142


Lords of Madness, p168


Monster Manual V, p166


Lords of Madness, p121


Monster Manual V, p200


Monster Manual, p255


5th - Tie between Drider, Elan, Ethergaunt, Silthilar, and Spirrax.

4th - Tsochar.

3rd - Beholder.

2nd - Illithid (Mind Flayer.)

1st - ABOLETH.
http://www.creaturespot.com/storage/Aboleth.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=13177045826 01

I just want to see if I can do something this big, if it was already made before, just tell me via PM or here, and I will delete this post, I just thought of this today and didn't really checked properly if another thread like this exists. I apologize in advance.
• Any Dragon Magazine (add issue number.)
• Any 3.0 Edition sourcebook.
• Any 3.5 Edition corebook & sourcebook.
• Official online material allowed (include your link.)
• Eberron Campaign.
• Forgotten Realms Campaign.
• Legend of the Five Rings Campaign.
• World of Warcraft RPG Edition.
• No Pathfinder.
• No homebrewed material.

[Week 1] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?359801-Week-1-Which-is-the-Playground-s-favorite-monster&p=17712990#post17712990) Aberration Type.

2014-07-02, 05:45 PM
As it happens, your example image highlights my favorite aberration, which is the tsochari.

Those things are all kinda creepy. When you absolutely, positively need a wormlike parasitic mind-controlling ball o' squick...accept no substitutes.


2014-07-02, 06:11 PM

Spiders creep me out, and Neogi are especially creepy with the slavery / all creatures treated as property to be owned mentality. Had a lot of fun with my evil party, having them encounter a slave-peddler in the mold of a sleazy used-car salesman.

Trillith are actually my favorite Aberration for the concept, but they're a campaign-unique group of creatures for War of the Burning Sky, so I doubt it'd get any votes. In any case, finding out about them is part of the plot, so I don't even want to go into *why* I like them for fear of spoilers.

2014-07-02, 06:20 PM

But honestly the good old aboleth.

2014-07-02, 06:25 PM
A is for aboleth, the first monster in the manual (pg 8 to be precise)
Their fluff is amazing. Ancient, pre-god creatures that wait and think in the waters, that have gigantic stores of knowledge, and reasonable enough that one can barter with them and acquire that knowledge.

2014-07-02, 11:20 PM
First update, not that much of interest it seems, but it's only first day.

I'll update around 20hrs everyday.

As it happens, your example image highlights my favorite aberration, which is the tsochari.

Those things are all kinda creepy. When you absolutely, positively need a wormlike parasitic mind-controlling ball o' squick...accept no substitutes.


Those are interesting, especially their abilities while inside someone's body. I like them, they are of the most alienish ones (assuming they are alienish.)


Spiders creep me out, and Neogi are especially creepy with the slavery / all creatures treated as property to be owned mentality. Had a lot of fun with my evil party, having them encounter a slave-peddler in the mold of a sleazy used-car salesman.

Trillith are actually my favorite Aberration for the concept, but they're a campaign-unique group of creatures for War of the Burning Sky, so I doubt it'd get any votes. In any case, finding out about them is part of the plot, so I don't even want to go into *why* I like them for fear of spoilers.

There's no reason why you wouldn't post your full interest about Trillith, but I respect that (was that pathfinder?) Also, talking about neogi, that salesman concept seems hilarious haha.


But honestly the good old aboleth.

A is for aboleth, the first monster in the manual (pg 8 to be precise)
Their fluff is amazing. Ancient, pre-god creatures that wait and think in the waters, that have gigantic stores of knowledge, and reasonable enough that one can barter with them and acquire that knowledge.

Wasn't the Elan race overpowered?

Seriously though, Aboleth are amazing. Period.

Sir Chuckles
2014-07-02, 11:41 PM
The Elder Brain, because why not?

2014-07-03, 12:03 AM
There's no reason why you wouldn't post your full interest about Trillith, but I respect that (was that pathfinder?) Also, talking about neogi, that salesman concept seems hilarious haha.

It was funny! :smallsmile: I thought it'd just be a quick joke that the party would ignore and move on, instead they ended up RPing with the creep for a long time. Then they went to try and reach a treaty with the Great Old Master and I disgusted them with vivid descriptions of painfully (and grossly) spewing out new spawn as they talked and speaking only in mad random rambling while a bunch of negoi viziers "translated" for him.
GOM: "Gurgle bananas white cart angry flies paint feel?"
Neogi: "What the Great Old Master means is, ..."

As for Trillith...
Some basic info is that they're all created from dreams and tend to be named after emotions/ideals/concepts and have powers and weaknesses corresponding to that, and in terms of alignment and goals/motivations run the gamut. Examples include Indomitability, Deception, Balance, Desire, Justice.... For instance, Indomitability has a ton of health and fast healing and can even come back from apparent death, and is a menace in the campaign because he imparts the "not able to die" thing to those around, mauling them with abandon and leaving them to suffer without release. He's resistant to most weapons, but those made of dead once-living materials (wood, bone, leather, any natural attack from an undead, etc...) ignore his DR.
Their "natural form" is incorporeal but they can embody/possess other creatures and endow them with boons (Indomitability lets you treat a fatal blow as leaving you at -9 hp and stable instead 1/day, for example) and can be forced to take on a corporeal form using the Song of Forms (also unique to the campaign) in their presence.

2014-07-03, 12:16 AM
As for Trillith...
Some basic info is that they're all created from dreams and tend to be named after emotions/ideals/concepts and have powers and weaknesses corresponding to that, and in terms of alignment and goals/motivations run the gamut. Examples include Indomitability, Deception, Balance, Desire, Justice.... For instance, Indomitability has a ton of health and fast healing and can even come back from apparent death, and is a menace in the campaign because he imparts the "not able to die" thing to those around, mauling them with abandon and leaving them to suffer without release. He's resistant to most weapons, but those made of dead once-living materials (wood, bone, leather, any natural attack from an undead, etc...) ignore his DR.
Their "natural form" is incorporeal but they can embody/possess other creatures and endow them with boons (Indomitability lets you treat a fatal blow as leaving you at -9 hp and stable instead 1/day, for example) and can be forced to take on a corporeal form using the Song of Forms (also unique to the campaign) in their presence.

Is their statblock on that adventure?

2014-07-03, 12:46 AM
Aboleths are pretty awsome

2014-07-03, 01:11 AM
For my favorite aberration, I'd throw my vote for the ELH's Protean (which is the name I use because Hagunemnon is hard to remember). Boiling protoplasm constantly changing shape, with some fairly potent abilities to boot. Plus, hitchhiker's guide reference.

2014-07-03, 01:19 AM
I'll have to definitely say Aboleth, I just find the idea of ancestral memory, combined with forced enslavement-metamorphosis, to be awesome.

With Elans as a close second

2014-07-03, 01:30 AM
Aboleths are pretty awsome

Yep, they are.

For my favorite aberration, I'd throw my vote for the ELH's Protean (which is the name I use because Hagunemnon is hard to remember). Boiling protoplasm constantly changing shape, with some fairly potent abilities to boot. Plus, hitchhiker's guide reference.

I'm happy to hear new ones, the Aboleth is rekin' right now in upvotes (remember to myself that this is not a competition.)
And this one was unknown to me, it's nice to learn new things :D

I'll have to definitely say Aboleth, I just find the idea of ancestral memory, combined with forced enslavement-metamorphosis, to be awesome.

With Elans as a close second

Yeah, oozes as your bicycle pls.

2014-07-03, 01:39 AM
Is their statblock on that adventure?

All of their statblocks are in the adventure, yes. Well, some that I guess the campaign assumes the PCs won't ever fight aren't given stats, but mostly they're all there. Other than basic properties of the shared creature type and subtype, they're all quite different and unique.

2014-07-03, 01:43 AM
I'll have to go with the Abolth also. They are just sooo awesome that I actually did an entire campaign with an abolth as a BBEG, it was a psion, an epic psion - who favored mind control of course >:)
Besides those there are the classics : the mind flayer and the beholder - both powerful and cool but less interesting to role play than the mighty abolth...

Silva Stormrage
2014-07-03, 03:30 AM
No Mind Flayer appreciation? Jeez XD.

I vote for Mind Flayer's. Aboleth's are cool and I enjoy using them but I just think Mind Flayer's work as better villains.

2014-07-03, 03:51 AM
I would say the Kython from the book of vile darkness (page 180).
They are cool and disgusting and a nice origin. Also nice is due to their different age categories and such can be encountered at a pretty wide range of party level.

2014-07-03, 03:52 AM
Aboleths. I briefly considered being a hipster, but giant fish things with a whole bunch of Lovecratian horror attached to them? Yes, yes please.

Beholders deserve an honorable mention. Their fluff isn't as interesting, but they're definitely the iconic aberrations. I also have fond memories of them from Baldur's Gate 2.

2014-07-03, 03:56 AM
Mind flayer, followed by Beholder.

2014-07-03, 04:01 AM
Aboleth, unless I can think of something better.

2014-07-03, 04:28 AM
I'll have to go with the Abolth also. They are just sooo awesome that I actually did an entire campaign with an abolth as a BBEG, it was a psion, an epic psion - who favored mind control of course >:)
Besides those there are the classics : the mind flayer and the beholder - both powerful and cool but less interesting to role play than the mighty abolth...

Yeah, well, Aboleths are quite the bawss.

No Mind Flayer appreciation? Jeez XD.

I vote for Mind Flayer's. Aboleth's are cool and I enjoy using them but I just think Mind Flayer's work as better villains.

I do appreciate those tentacles and how they born :3

I would say the Kython from the book of vile darkness (page 180).
They are cool and disgusting and a nice origin. Also nice is due to their different age categories and such can be encountered at a pretty wide range of party level.

Woah, now those are interesting O:

Aboleths. I briefly considered being a hipster, but giant fish things with a whole bunch of Lovecratian horror attached to them? Yes, yes please.

Beholders deserve an honorable mention. Their fluff isn't as interesting, but they're definitely the iconic aberrations. I also have fond memories of them from Baldur's Gate 2.

Even while aboleths are that mainstream, for a hipster... to #yolo in here and go with the mainstreamers... woah, this fishy love O: (badum tss!)
Who doesn't love Lovecraft's creations? (maybe that's why I am that into aberrations... hmm) Maybe that's why I selected Mind Flayers as my favorites (even if less powerful... Cthulhu you know?)

Mind flayer, followed by Beholder.

Beholder (and beholderkin) aren't getting any love, aren't they?

Aboleth, unless I can think of something better.

Yeah, seems legit.

2014-07-03, 05:14 AM
If not for the aboleth, I'd go with silthilar, probably.

But yeah, aboleths are my favorite.

Dr. Cliché
2014-07-03, 05:35 AM
For me it's a tie between the Tsochari and Mind Flayers.

I like the Tsochari because I love the idea of a body-stealing creature - one which can either keep the host alive and effectively 'blackmail' it, or just kill it and animate the corpse for a while. In the (likely) event that the party doesn't realise what it's actually up against, there's also decent ground for such a villain to reappear after his apparent death - having stolen a new body.

With Mind Flayers, I enjoy both their mechanics and their general design.

2014-07-03, 05:36 AM
I'd have to cast my vote on Driders. Really, I like an aberration who'll just as readily slaughter their Drow cousins as any other race who happens to be underground (gotta hate those evil Mary Sues). Illithids would be a close second.

2014-07-03, 05:49 AM
I'll have to go with Mind Flayers/Illithids. I really enjoy their fluff, the uniqueness of their culture and biology.
Aboleths are great but are basically a Lovecraftian creature, Elder Things to be exact, their background is almost identical.
Mind Flayers, except for the obvious Cthulhu-inspired face, are a lot more original.

2014-07-03, 06:00 AM
I'm going to cast a vote for Ethergaunts (Fiend Folio, pp. 64-68), who are my favorite of the various vaguely-Lovecraftian races of hyper-intelligent monsters bent on taking over the world.

2014-07-04, 04:11 AM
If not for the aboleth, I'd go with silthilar, probably.

But yeah, aboleths are my favorite.

Should I count Aboleth or Silthilar, then? This should be about your favorite (of course, we could go with both.)

For me it's a tie between the Tsochari and Mind Flayers.

I'll give two votes, I'll start doing this. Two favorites aren't bad at all.

I'd have to cast my vote on Driders. Really, I like an aberration who'll just as readily slaughter their Drow cousins as any other race who happens to be underground (gotta hate those evil Mary Sues). Illithids would be a close second.

Driders are fine, they seem aberrant enough. :smallwink:

I'll have to go with Mind Flayers/Illithids. I really enjoy their fluff, the uniqueness of their culture and biology.
Aboleths are great but are basically a Lovecraftian creature, Elder Things to be exact, their background is almost identical.
Mind Flayers, except for the obvious Cthulhu-inspired face, are a lot more original.

We all love our Illithid Cthulhu cultists in a Call of Cthulhu D&D campaign :smallbiggrin:

I'm going to cast a vote for Ethergaunts (Fiend Folio, pp. 64-68), who are my favorite of the various vaguely-Lovecraftian race of hyper-intelligent monsters bent on taking over the world.

Woah, I had totally forgotten about the overpowered Khen-zai D:

I mean, that magic immunity and spellcasting is just grose~ They are enough strong to take over the world if they wanted to.

Yet again, day 2 and no Beholder hype nor Vivisector lovers :/
The Aboleth still is the playground's favorite, don't worry guys, we still have six days!

2014-07-04, 04:29 AM
So should we choose two creatures then?

If so, Elans are my favorite, and I'm not being sarcastic like others. What's not to love about immortal biological robots on a quest for genetic perfection. Also, they're one of the only easily playable aberrations and their racials are awesome.

Other than that, Illithids are pretty cool.

2014-07-04, 04:37 AM
Aberration is next to outsider as my favorite creature type, I love so many aberration! Khen-Zai(Definitely after reading Rip's treatment of them), Aboleths, and Illithids are my top favorite from this wonderful creature type.

Andion Isurand
2014-07-04, 05:00 AM
Silthilar have nice grafts that don't alter your outward appearance, though they are expensive.

I even homebrewed a few of my own silthilar grafts (http://magerune.blogspot.com/2011/10/new-silthilar-grafts.html) a while back.

Dr. Cliché
2014-07-04, 05:11 AM
I'll give two votes, I'll start doing this. Two favorites aren't bad at all.

Also, according to Game Theory, 'One man, many votes' is the fairest form of democracy. :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-04, 05:22 AM
They're not Aberrations by their Type, but Daelkyr are one of my favorites anyway, less for what they are themselves and more for their tinkering and the Creepiness in the Daelkyr Half-Blood race (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?323220-Creepiness-in-the-Daelkyr-Half-Blood-race). I've wanted to do something for a good while now that's less grafts and more along the sort of treating flesh like putty that they do, though. Silthilar are pretty nifty on that front as well, but I just don't like 'em as much because their design just doesn't do much for me aside from their ability to discorporate and reincorporate themselves into their base parts.

Kaorti are another Outsider that also screams Aberration to me which I like, largely because of the whole invasion from the Far Realm vibe.

Hmm. I rather like Rust Monsters despite their goofy origins and quirky nature because they've managed to actually yield some nifty things in spite of all that goofiness, though I wouldn't really call 'em my favorites... :/ Beholders also have a soft spot since they seem to actually have managed to get taken seriously a few times despite being based on a pun and having similarly goofy origins.

This is harder than I thought...

2014-07-04, 05:29 AM
Choosing one is hard - Neogi, Tsochari, Intellect Devourers...

I'll have to go for Tsochari, I think.

2014-07-04, 05:36 AM
Should I count Aboleth or Silthilar, then? This should be about your favorite (of course, we could go with both.)

Aboleth is my favorite, so I have to go with it. The part of me that likes going against the crowd for the sake of it is hurting, but that part can sod off. :smalltongue:

2014-07-04, 06:18 AM
I understand the love for illithids and tsochar, but aboleths? C'mon!

I'm tossing in a bit of love for the beholder.

I'll have to go with Mind Flayers/Illithids. I really enjoy their fluff, the uniqueness of their culture and biology.
Aboleths are great but are basically a Lovecraftian creature, Elder Things to be exact, their background is almost identical.
Mind Flayers, except for the obvious Cthulhu-inspired face, are a lot more original.

I hate to be that guy, but there's a creature similar to illithids in the Cthulhu mythos as well. I can't remember their name, maybe there's a bigger nerd about the Cthulhu mythos here than me, but they were also squid-faced and mind controlled slaves.

2014-07-04, 08:25 AM
I hate to be that guy, but there's a creature similar to illithids in the Cthulhu mythos as well. I can't remember their name, maybe there's a bigger nerd about the Cthulhu mythos here than me, but they were also squid-faced and mind controlled slaves.

Mmmh I can't recall seeing anything like that, unless you are referring to the Spawns of Cthulhu , which supposedly are the race Cthulhu belongs to, that waged war agains the Elder Things in At the Mountains of Madness and are mentioned in The Call of Cthulhu as appearing during the rituals of the cult. But as far as I recall they are only smaller versions of Cthulhu itself and don't really keep slaves or have a flashed out culture or society.

Or you may be referring to novels or works by other authors that continued to expand on the Mythos after Lovecraft died, in which case I don't consider them "canon".

2014-07-04, 11:44 AM
So should we choose two creatures then?

If so, Elans are my favorite, and I'm not being sarcastic like others. What's not to love about immortal biological robots on a quest for genetic perfection. Also, they're one of the only easily playable aberrations and their racials are awesome.

Other than that, Illithids are pretty cool.

I think the jokes about Elans is that they really don't look very... aberrant. While they may be different on the inside, they are so near-humanoid, they don't even get full aberration traits. I missed the part about them being robots, though.

2014-07-04, 12:16 PM
I'll throw my vote in for the Spirrax, from MM5. Gargantuan all-consuming nautiloids with adamantine shells.

2014-07-04, 12:32 PM
Beholder. Aboleth and Illithid are good choices too.

2014-07-04, 12:50 PM
Not seeing much love for the Beholder??

Well the good old giant floaty head of MADNESS definitely gets my vote. Gotta love at will antimagic fields.

(to the OP: this is a really cool thread idea, looking forward to next weeks!)

2014-07-04, 02:37 PM
They're not Aberrations by their Type, but Daelkyr are one of my favorites anyway, less for what they are themselves and more for their tinkering and the Creepiness in the Daelkyr Half-Blood race (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?323220-Creepiness-in-the-Daelkyr-Half-Blood-race). I've wanted to do something for a good while now that's less grafts and more along the sort of treating flesh like putty that they do, though. Silthilar are pretty nifty on that front as well, but I just don't like 'em as much because their design just doesn't do much for me aside from their ability to discorporate and reincorporate themselves into their base parts.

Kaorti are another Outsider that also screams Aberration to me which I like, largely because of the whole invasion from the Far Realm vibe.

Hmm. I rather like Rust Monsters despite their goofy origins and quirky nature because they've managed to actually yield some nifty things in spite of all that goofiness, though I wouldn't really call 'em my favorites... :/ Beholders also have a soft spot since they seem to actually have managed to get taken seriously a few times despite being based on a pun and having similarly goofy origins.

This is harder than I thought...

Hmm... It's not about which one is the best, though. It's about which do you like more, of course you may love the Daelkyr and the Kaotri, but this isn't the outsider week :/

Also, I'm not seeing you very convinced about Rust Monster or Beholder. Don't break your head, take your time, still 5 days to go.

2014-07-04, 03:24 PM
Might I suggest the Elder Brain of Thoon?

Edit: forgot to mention that the entire mind flayer of thoon section from MM5 is pretty cool

2014-07-05, 04:10 AM
Might I suggest the Elder Brain of Thoon?

Edit: forgot to mention that the entire mind flayer of thoon section from MM5 is pretty cool

I don't see why not, I mean, Thoon creatures are pretty cool in both their origin and abilities ;)

Edit: Yeah, love everything about that (also the image where the Mind Flayer of Thoon consumed an ordinary Illithid's brain *u*.)

As an update, it seems that the Aboleth is the most loved aberration between the playground up to today, four more days are left, go! Mind Flayers!!

2014-07-05, 04:58 AM
I love Mind Flayers and their Flying Spaghetti Monster fluff

2014-07-05, 05:51 AM
I totally dig the Gutpuppet (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20011215a) as far as bodysnatching Aberrations go. They give me the creeps...

2014-07-05, 06:56 AM
My favorite aberration is the Mind Flayer.

2014-07-05, 10:06 AM
Well, if we're adding cutesy pics of abberations now, behold this beholder:

Dr. Cliché
2014-07-05, 10:10 AM

Kill it!

Kill it with fire!!!

2014-07-05, 10:34 AM
Well, if we're adding cutesy pics of abberations now, behold this beholder:
I approve of the direction that this thread has taken.
http://www.mikerayhawk.com/images/beholder.jpg (http://www.mikerayhawk.com/fantasy.htm)
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/325/e/a/Baby_Beholder_by_CoyPowers.jpg (http://coypowers.deviantart.com/art/Baby-Beholder-104104758)
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs35/i/2008/239/b/c/Illithid_by_Spidoodle.jpg (http://spidoodle.deviantart.com/art/Illithid-96147947)

2014-07-05, 02:26 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned the will'o'the wisp so far. Well, my vote goes to those cute, invisible-but-shiny balls.

2014-07-05, 02:34 PM
If voting for one, the beholder. If voting for two, the aforementioned plus the aboleth.

2014-07-05, 03:51 PM
I totally dig the Gutpuppet (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20011215a) as far as bodysnatching Aberrations go. They give me the creeps...

Do you know of a picture of that thing? I couldn't find any with my low-skill Google-Fu.

Well, if we're adding cutesy pics of abberations now, behold this beholder:



I approve of the direction that this thread has taken.
http://www.mikerayhawk.com/images/beholder.jpg (http://www.mikerayhawk.com/fantasy.htm)
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/325/e/a/Baby_Beholder_by_CoyPowers.jpg (http://coypowers.deviantart.com/art/Baby-Beholder-104104758)
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs35/i/2008/239/b/c/Illithid_by_Spidoodle.jpg (http://spidoodle.deviantart.com/art/Illithid-96147947)

This was originally to have fun, telling our favorites, adding this kind of stuff isn't harmful at all. (maybe psychologically, but it's okay for now...)

2014-07-05, 03:58 PM
Tsochari definitely makes my top 3 Aberritions prbly tied with the Beholder (its just classic man) but come on guys, the Ulitharid. Its a Mind Flayer on all the 'roids

2014-07-05, 04:15 PM
I'm torn between Aboleths and Mind Flayers. My favorite part about these aberrations is how being what we consider 'evil' actually is natural to them, and they have no reason to respect our rights or lives. They provide interesting perspectives on the world and life.

Mind Flayers for how human they are (Sort of), but with the unusual twist of their entire existence exemplifying how life lives at the expense of life (They don't give a **** about 'sapient rights', because doing so would require them to forsake their own rights to life and propogation)... and I was about to complain about the whole brain imagery overload... but then realized it's actually entirely justified. Something I'm curious about is whether they actually deserve their "Evil" alignment, if we look at the world from an Illithid-centric viewpoint (Namely, the need to kill and enslave sapient and sentient species they consider beneath themselves to survive and propogate and flourish, just as humans need to kill, enslave, and eat plants and animals we deem to be beneath our lives to survive, propogate, and flourish).

Aboleths are ancient beasts that just don't give a **** about anyone anymore - they've been there, done that, seen everything twice. They make elves seem shortsighted and narrow-minded. Why should they care about individual sentient life as any more than interesting curiosities any more than we care about individual bees, flies, fireflies, spiders bacteria, or other short-lived creatures?

2014-07-05, 04:20 PM
Definitely Deepspawn


2014-07-05, 04:23 PM
Definitely Deepspawn


I now know what my number 4 favorite aberration is.................. i also know what my party is gonna fight next :smallbiggrin:

What book is that beauty in?

2014-07-05, 04:56 PM
Tsochari definitely makes my top 3 Aberritions prbly tied with the Beholder (its just classic man) but come on guys, the Ulitharid. Its a Mind Flayer on all the 'roids

I also love Ulitharids, big ol' tentacle hype~

I now know what my number 4 favorite aberration is.................. i also know what my party is gonna fight next :smallbiggrin:

What book is that beauty in?

I just found that beauty at Monsters of Faerûn, p32.

2014-07-05, 05:07 PM
I'll give my vote for Beholders.

While Mind Flayers can infiltrate and cause paranoia, and aboleths can bend minds, and warp forms, Beholders don't strictly need pawns or conspiracies, or even all that much knowledge, to be overpowering. Plus, if they ever united they could well be the D&D equivalent of Daleks. And that's always a bad thing.

2014-07-05, 05:13 PM
I'm gonna go with the tried and true Beholder. It's flavorful, powerful, intelligent and one of the quintessential D&D monsters all in one package.

2014-07-05, 06:17 PM
Hmm, yeah, I think I'll go with Beholder followed by Illithids.

2014-07-05, 06:34 PM
I now know what my number 4 favorite aberration is..................
What book is that beauty in?

The monster appears in Monsters of Faerun and also in Lost Empires of Faerun. The assigned CR of the monster is higher in LEoF and the monster has been rebalanced a bit. (higher armor, lower SR, rebalanced stats, etc.)

2014-07-05, 07:35 PM
The Aboleth, all day. Love the scary psionic mind-controlling remembering-everything fish monsters.


2014-07-05, 08:01 PM
The Aboleth, all day. Love the scary psionic mind-controlling remembering-everything fish monsters.


Scary... Really scary...

2014-07-06, 01:39 AM
Stuck between the Beholderkin Overseer, and the Gibbering Mouther..
But I gotta say, the absolute winner for me, is Fiend Folio's Rukanyr!

2014-07-06, 02:00 AM
Stuck between the Beholderkin Overseer, and the Gibbering Mouther..
But I gotta say, the absolute winner for me, is Fiend Folio's Rukanyr!

I got somewhat confused, but shall I assume that your favorite would be the Rukanyr?

2014-07-06, 02:55 AM
I gotta go with the classic mind flayer. There's just something about the psychic evil dudes who eat your brains. Maybe it's the cloak, like what they wear. They're just really cool!

2014-07-06, 04:09 AM
I got somewhat confused, but shall I assume that your favorite would be the Rukanyr?

I had been torn, but only because I forgot the Rukanyr was an Abberation. The other two are nice seconds, but yes, the Rukanyr wins the prize in my book. The reflexive sunder, the attacks/round, that scream, that freakin gnarly tail club, and the whole fluff about essentially being Far Realm tanks, I love it. I practically built a campaign around the buggers.

2014-07-06, 04:33 AM
I had been torn, but only because I forgot the Rukanyr was an Abberation. The other two are nice seconds, but yes, the Rukanyr wins the prize in my book. The reflexive sunder, the attacks/round, that scream, that freakin gnarly tail club, and the whole fluff about essentially being Far Realm tanks, I love it. I practically built a campaign around the buggers.

To be honest, I didn't know about these guys before you mentioned them, 9 attacks in one round, a scream that affects gear and else, omg that is so damn good, also enough aberrant to be a favorite, it seems like an aberrant choice. :mitd:

2014-07-06, 04:57 AM
For aberrations, I'll go with the Beholder. Classic, and very dangerous for its CR.

2014-07-06, 05:29 AM
Do you know of a picture of that thing? I couldn't find any with my low-skill Google-Fu.

Yeah sure. They look somewhat like this.

2014-07-06, 11:59 AM
To be honest, I didn't know about these guys before you mentioned them, 9 attacks in one round, a scream that affects gear and else, omg that is so damn good, also enough aberrant to be a favorite, it seems like an aberrant choice. :mitd:

I'll take that as a compliment!
They're quite excellent. Slap some Kaorti clerics on them, and send them in.
Add some Skybleeder for air support, and it makes a good siege team.

2014-07-06, 04:26 PM
I totally dig the Gutpuppet (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20011215a) as far as bodysnatching Aberrations go. They give me the creeps...

What a shame there's no mechanics to actually allow you to use - that would be an ace form to take through Alter Self.

Killer Angel
2014-07-06, 04:34 PM
I'm torn.
But Mind Flayer is on top.

2014-07-06, 04:37 PM
Mmmh I can't recall seeing anything like that, unless you are referring to the Spawns of Cthulhu , which supposedly are the race Cthulhu belongs to, that waged war agains the Elder Things in At the Mountains of Madness and are mentioned in The Call of Cthulhu as appearing during the rituals of the cult. But as far as I recall they are only smaller versions of Cthulhu itself and don't really keep slaves or have a flashed out culture or society.

Or you may be referring to novels or works by other authors that continued to expand on the Mythos after Lovecraft died, in which case I don't consider them "canon".

I'll tip my hat to you, then, and assume I'm referring to later-published works that are not canon.

2014-07-06, 05:52 PM
Mine would have to be the Elan from the %PH :D I have a tanky psion right now using one > w <

EDIT: Have just read the rest of the thread, what's with all the Elan hate? :<

2014-07-07, 01:20 AM
Mine would have to be the Elan from the %PH :D I have a tanky psion right now using one > w <

EDIT: Have just read the rest of the thread, what's with all the Elan hate? :<

Don't really know, just following the stream :v

2014-07-07, 09:00 AM
Mine would have to be the Elan from the %PH :D I have a tanky psion right now using one > w <

EDIT: Have just read the rest of the thread, what's with all the Elan hate? :<

Don't really know, just following the stream :v
The hate on Elans is mainly their access to one of the higher OP tricks. With how polymorph works, an Elan can become a beholder, allowing entry to Beholder Mage. Things just get igly from there.

Dr. Cliché
2014-07-07, 09:05 AM
Definitely Deepspawn



How could I forget about about Deepspawn? :smalleek:

Oh well, I know what my #3 pick is. :smallwink:

2014-07-07, 10:37 PM
The hate on Elans is mainly their access to one of the higher OP tricks. With how polymorph works, an Elan can become a beholder, allowing entry to Beholder Mage. Things just get igly from there.

I don't know how that would work, though.

Sir Chuckles
2014-07-08, 12:33 AM
I don't know how that would work, though.

Polymorph into Beholder.
Put out Antimagic eye.
Gain a Level.
Put level in Beholder Mage.

2014-07-08, 12:35 AM
Polymorph into Beholder.
Put out Antimagic eye.
Gain a Level.
Put level in Beholder Mage.

Wow, yeah, but if that's the case, is every race capable of doing that? I mean, polymorph isn't exclusive to Elans (I am not seeing it, sorry :smalleek:)

2014-07-08, 12:50 AM
Illithid! There is no other option. Classic, horrifying, powerful, well written (usually), and they look like mini-Cthulhu's! How can anything else beat them?

2014-07-08, 01:08 AM
And, at the 5th day, we see that both the Aboleth and the Illithid are the most voted (why would that be?) Still two days to go and we'll see which aberration is the favorite of the playground.

As an update, I'll add another vote because I forgot to do so like two or three days ago, it is aimed to the Vivisector (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM5_Gallery/106351.jpg). I find these guys interesting and they seem pretty good for their CR (also, theme!)

2014-07-08, 05:32 AM
Wow, yeah, but if that's the case, is every race capable of doing that? I mean, polymorph isn't exclusive to Elans (I am not seeing it, sorry :smalleek:)

Maybe they mean it's more permanent because Elans are already aberrations? Or something? I'm not seeing it either.

EDIT: If we get multiple votes, Illithid is my ne%t favourite!

Dr. Cliché
2014-07-08, 05:57 AM
Wow, yeah, but if that's the case, is every race capable of doing that? I mean, polymorph isn't exclusive to Elans (I am not seeing it, sorry :smalleek:)

Perhaps he meant Alter Self?

Killer Angel
2014-07-08, 06:19 AM
Illithid! There is no other option. Classic, horrifying, powerful, well written (usually), and they look like mini-Cthulhu's! How can anything else beat them?

Right now, I'm writing an adventure with a fat illithid, which is a manically depraved gaoler (strange experiments and this sort of morbid things)...

2014-07-08, 07:37 AM
Is cthulhu an acceptable answer?

If not, aboleth. Those things are badass and I always wanted to use one really well!

2014-07-08, 07:48 AM
Aboleths for villain masterminds, Beholders for combat. Nothing quite like a Beholder with a lair full of dominated trolls attacking the party from above inside of its trap filled cave.

2014-07-08, 09:02 AM
It is because Elans are Abberations, making the Polymorph a permenant effect.
While a human can certainly do the trick, it will only last so long, whereas the Elan need only cast it once.
I wish someone who fully knew the trick would stumble in and explain it, cuz I only know the premise and can't fully answer your questions.
I don't think people actually hate Elans (i think theyre pretty dang cool actually), they're just poking at the options they have. Mainly cuz Beholder Mage is WHACK.

I made this:
They explain it fully.

2014-07-08, 09:37 AM
Good old Drider Spider :D

With the Drider you can make everything better

2014-07-08, 09:38 AM
I'm going to throw in my vote for Aboleth, even the score between these enigmatic beings and the Braineaters.

Can't wait for Undead week.

2014-07-08, 09:41 AM
Personally, I'm excited for dragon week, only because there are so many bamf dragons

2014-07-08, 09:57 AM
We normally play quite lowlevel low-op games. I like the hound Archon because it has spell resistance, teleport, scent and darkvison.
I like to use it to control the casters in the group.
It's not the coolest monster by far, but it is quite handy.

2014-07-08, 10:08 AM
We normally play quite lowlevel low-op games. I like the hound Archon because it has spell resistance, teleport, scent and darkvison.
I like to use it to control the casters in the group.
It's not the coolest monster by far, but it is quite handy.

Well, you clearly didn't read the OP...

2014-07-08, 03:07 PM
Can't wait for Undead week.

Interesting, very interesting.

Personally, I'm excited for dragon week, only because there are so many bamf dragons

See, I already done doing the table, which I would roll secretly. I just add the Dragon type and the Undead type.

2014-07-08, 03:31 PM
I'd be excited for Construct week, if I didn't think everyone would say Warforged.
Outsider would be interesting though.

2014-07-08, 03:49 PM
I'd be excited for Construct week, if I didn't think everyone would say Warforged.
Outsider would be interesting though.

Outsider ought be divided into a few different types... there's soooo many of them, the far realms ones, the neat little familiar ones, the elemental ones... and a lot of really cool uniques:
Thor, Eludecia, Amodeus...

2014-07-08, 05:40 PM
Outsider ought be divided into a few different types... there's soooo many of them, the far realms ones, the neat little familiar ones, the elemental ones... and a lot of really cool uniques:
Thor, Eludecia, Amodeus...

True, true. I imagine they'd be broken into subtypes then?

2014-07-08, 05:53 PM
True, true. I imagine they'd be broken into subtypes then?

The week's favorite X is divided on Types and Subtypes, not in both. If in "say" next week, Outsider type is chosen, the list would be very big, awesomely big. So I'll try to do an especial exception to types as big as the Outsider, thanks for pointing it out.

2014-07-08, 06:12 PM
Interesting, very interesting.

Well it is my favourite Type. My top three are Templates, but number 4 is hella fun to use on unsuspecting players.

See, I already done doing the table, which I would roll secretly. I just add the Dragon type and the Undead type.

You didn't have those Types ready to poll?

You did remember the game's name being Dungeons & Dragons at the time, right? Right? :smallfrown:

2014-07-08, 07:00 PM
You didn't have those Types ready to poll?

You did remember the game's name being Dungeons & Dragons at the time, right? Right? :smallfrown:

Kinda, but I felt at first that maybe Dragon woudln't atract too much atention. I've changed my mind now. :smallwink:

2014-07-08, 11:05 PM
Right now, I'm writing an adventure with a fat illithid, which is a manically depraved gaoler (strange experiments and this sort of morbid things)...

Well...that's different.

Is cthulhu an acceptable answer?

If not, aboleth. Those things are badass and I always wanted to use one really well!

Cthulhu is closer to an illithid.

Can't wait for Undead week.


Personally, I'm excited for dragon week, only because there are so many bamf dragons

Time Dragon.

I'd be excited for Construct week, if I didn't think everyone would say Warforged.
Outsider would be interesting though.

Astral Construct and Valkyrie (ToB version). Done and done.

If Astral Construct isn't allowed then Wax. Warforged is third.

2014-07-09, 02:49 PM
Today the thread has come to its conclusion.

The top 10 will be revealed at the afternoon, and the next thread will start tomorrow.

Thank you very much for participating in this social project.

2014-07-09, 03:17 PM
For Humanoid week, heads will roll.

2014-07-09, 04:12 PM
For Humanoid week, heads will roll.

Thought the same.

2014-07-10, 07:06 AM
kython received so little love...

2014-07-10, 08:39 AM
Astral Construct and Valkyrie (ToB version). Done and done.

If Astral Construct isn't allowed then Wax. Warforged is third.

Nah man, Nimblewrights and Clockwork Horrors.

2014-07-10, 09:09 PM
kython received so little love...

Yes, and they are actually pretty awesome.