View Full Version : White Mage Arcanist Archetype

2014-07-02, 05:48 PM
So, in the Arcanist blog post (http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lg93&page=5?Advanced-Class-Guide-Preview-Arcanist#238) they announced a couple of interesting things, one of the most notable of which for me was that there is apparently an Arcanist archetype called the White Mage that can spend points from its Arcane Resevoir to convert it's spells into healing spells. They also revealed a new exploit called Suffering Knowledge that will allow the Arcanist to temporarily learn any spell he fails a save against.

So what I'm getting from this is "Yay, another new arcane healer" and "Square Enix probably shouldn't ever find out that Pathfinder now allows you to play White Mages, Blue Mages, Bards who look suspiciously like Red Mages, and Dragoons".

Any thoughts on the new Arcanist announcements? Anyone put in much play time with the class during the playtest phase?

2014-07-02, 06:44 PM
Thus far theory builds only, but it sounds semi-hilarious.

2014-07-02, 06:48 PM
and Dragoons
Who gets to jump into low orbit?

Any thoughts on the new Arcanist announcements?
Quick Study is kind of hilarious. Archetypes sound fun.

Anyone put in much play time with the class during the playtest phase?
I did. It's pretty fun. The exploit progression gives a depth of class features that always felt lacking from the other arcane spellcasters (I never really understood why WoTC and Paizo both felt that giving arcane spellcasters stuff other than spells was a no-no. Paizo fixes this a bit but still).

It ends up being really strong though, not having the wizard's spells prepared or the sorcerers' spells per day ends up being pretty counterbalanced by their versatility (especially with that quick study). It's definitely very fun... but also very, very, very powerful.

2014-07-02, 07:13 PM
Arcanists can already heal a bit with infernal healing. It's not as useful in combat, but healing isn't anyway.