View Full Version : DM Help Underdark Campaign Help

2014-07-02, 05:49 PM
Hello! I'm running my first campagin (as a DM) set in the Underdark. I'll give you some basics on whats happened so far. I would love advice, tips, and ideas. This is all a learning experience for me so anything and everything helps!

The players are slaves to Mindflayers. They're ecl of 14, some are more higher ecl creature with fewer class levels, some visa versa. So far I've had them transporting brain-cattle (think zombies but not rotting) towards a Mindflayer city, begin attacked a few times on the way there, and finally competing in an arena once they arrive in the city. In the arena, their boss and a diplomat from a nearby Goblin controlled region. The diplomat aint what he seems, and they end of rescuing their boss. This is how I'm spring boarding into whatever direction my players want to go.

Party is
-Drow Ranger
-Drow Rogue
-Vampire Monk
-Three headed Ogre Fighter
-Lesser Aasimar Cleric
-And various other (who are significantly less reliable)

I've got some ideas for where to take the campaign, having each quest they fulfill hint at the antagonist of the campaign. Thanks for the help guys!

2014-07-02, 06:01 PM
First thing I noticed is that it's kind of weird for Mind Flayers to keep a vampire as a slave. Vampires are undead and thus can't be controlled by their psychic powers, how do the Mind Flayers keep the vampire character from rebelling? As far as I recall clerics are kinda rare in Illithid's communities.

Aside from that, I'm not sure what you are asking for in this thread.

2014-07-02, 06:28 PM
Well, the back story for the vamp is that he was chased underground and has struck a bargain to be a slave if they didn't send him back up to the surface.

As far as what I want in this thread, ideas. Suggestions. Things people have done for monster campaigns. Think new DM advice, but Underdark themed. Sorry for the confusion.