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2014-07-02, 09:08 PM

The small village of Falcon’s Hollow is a wild place. Nestled in the shadow of Droskar’s Crag, the people of Falcon’s Hollow are hearty and stern. Theirs is a life of hardships, broken only occasionally by a handful of festivals and the infrequent merchant caravan.
They face constant adversity from both the wilderness and the wiles of man. Wolves nip at their heels and cutpurses ply at their pockets. It is a testament to their strength that they even manage to survive at all.
—Pathfinder Chronicles


The town of Falcon’s Hollow is a rough community wholly owned by the local Lumber Consortium, Falcon’s Hollow
rests on the edge of Darkmoon Vale, a blunt, sawdust-choked stop on a winding trade route. Home to fewer than 1,500 humans and a smattering of other races, most of the townsfolk care only for the paltry coins paid for their backbreaking work and what simple comforts they can buy. A few, however, understand that what’s bad for one is bad for all, and so the community thrives on a tenacious mix of greed, debauchery, and stubborn self-reliance.

While it could never be said that Falcon's Hollow was a pleasant or safe place to live, things have become worse of late. In the past week, many of the town's residents have fallen ill, suffering from a bloody, hacking affliction. Local remedies and prayers alike have proven useless, as the town's most venerated elder just succumbed to what is being called "the wheezing death" last evening.

2014-07-14, 09:09 AM
The day has (finally) come. Flynn is to be released, again- this time with a caveat: He is to accompany Lee on an errand. Given his only alternative is exile, Flynn begrudgingly accepts. Without much further explanation, and little punishment beyond a few nights on a stone slate of a bed and a few nights slightly less hungry than usual, it's hard to feel bad for stealing that ham in the first place... Well, we'll see...

Lee opens your cell, unlocks your handcuffs and with a scowl barks, "alright, come with me!"

(Lee is standing before the local deputy, Thomas Cooper) Well, son... You think you can handle him? I don't want to see his face again without your assurance that this issue I Laurel's is fully contained, understand? Hell, I don't want to see his face either way, but since you're sooooo suuuure he's not that bad a guy at heart, YOU get to deal with him now! You better hope your instincts are as good as you think they are, or you could be in for some trouble! (He hands Lee the key to Flynn's cell) Get that no-good ruffian out of my sight, out of my jail, and Godspeed to you! Heh heh.

After releasing Flynn into your custody, you make a beeline for Laurel's "alchemy" shop.

(Lucas is speaking with his father) Well, that "friend" of yours gets out today, you still sure about this? A voluntary conditional exile is still an exile if you don't complete the condition, and I for one, don't trust this Flynn character to not stab you in the back as soon as you hit the treeline! Still, you've had your standards with the watch, so I suppose they think you're ready at least, and you've come of age. Just remember, son, there's a world of difference between a grown-up boy, and a man. Part of that is who he associates with. I won't stop you, but I don't like this. Be safe, son.

Having already said a temporary goodbye to Megan, you head to Laurel's alchemy shop, where you've been instructed by Lee to meet them, should you plan to go through with this fool's errand.

You've been up all night. All three of you have. In the brief hours before dawn, you were present when Elder Thornbalm breathed his last. The man always meant more to you than you let on, ever since he set that broken shoulder and forced you to take the bed rest you needed to heal. The man might as well have been your father, for all you've been through, but you wouldn't let yourself cry. Not in front of Kendra. She may be a woman, but she's the one who broke your arm with that cheap shot in the first place- but she has effectively taught you to never let down your guard. Still, she doesn't have to be so strict about everything. You never did see why the old man liked her so much...

Elder Stonestaff comes back into room, his eyes dark with fatigue. "Something must be done, my son. This blight is something we lack the tools to combat. While I cannot condone her professional pursuits, Laurel claims to have some insight regarding curing this disease. Go to her. See if she can help."

You do.

Your father is at work. Your mother is entertaining some manager's wife. It's the perfect time! You sneak to Laurel's apothecarium to see what these potions and such can really do. You're surprised to see many people in a line to get inside, but resign yourself to patience. After some time, standing quietly, trying to remain unnoticed, you get inside and duck into the corner.

You've been in Falcon's Hollow for a few months. You quickly made friends with the local apothecary based on similar interests combined with a lack of desire to compete. She took you on as an apprentice, and you have been VERY busy the last two weeks since the blight appeared. You're spending yet another day attempting to treat ailing patients with balms and elixirs that experience tells you won't help. It's hard to stay excited about it...

2014-07-14, 10:53 AM
Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the facade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop bearing a faded sign "Roots and Remedies." A line of more than twenty townsfolk-some with pale, wheezing children, others perpetually near tears- stretches from within the store, across most of the walkway. A burly man wearing a stained apron stands in the next doorway with a rag over his mouth, angrily shooing people from his doorstep, pushing the back of the line further into the street.

The six of you arrive on a pitiful scene. Amber and James have already gotten inside via one method or another. The other four approach at largely the same time.

Ready go!

2014-07-14, 11:42 AM
Right before they reach the shop, Lee turns to Flynn and says aloud with a hint of twang and optimism.Well Flynn, I hope I'm right about you. Certainly have have a chance to prove your worth now.

Seeing the line, Lee takes the lead and addresses the man in the apron.

We're here to see Laurel. he says with a grim look on his face.

2014-07-14, 12:02 PM
We're here to see Laurel. he says with a grim look on his face.

The large, irate man scoffs loudly. You and the rest of this trash, too! Can't ya see I'm no froofy woman mixin' false hopes in a mockery of a good 'onest shop!? 'Sides, you're walkin' about on yer own two like there ain't nothin' wrong with 'em anyhow! What do ya want with that old hoax?

'Sides, he gestures next door, to where the line stems from, she works over there! You come talk to Wilifred if you want a nice, juicy ham! I don't wan' none o' these sickly types around my meat! It's the best you'll find 'ere in Falcon's Hollow, and I won' have it gettin' tainted with no disease! Now move along, if yer not here to do business, I've enough trouble keeping the blight offa my doorstep without you dragging attention to it!

2014-07-14, 12:50 PM
Look here you son of a bitch. I was trying to be nice, but if you want a fight, I'll see that you get a fight. standing to his full height, Lee leers down at the man.
After staring for a moment, he continues in in a soft voice full of barely contained mirth, his fists clenched.

You better hope that "hoax" has a solution for this blight, or pretty soon the only thing being sold in this town will be death. Have a nice day.

Not waiting on a response, Lee turns around and heads through the other door. On the way there he politely picks his way through the line smiling as best he can.

2014-07-14, 01:13 PM
As Lee passes the back of the line, a croaky voice peeps out, 'Ey! I been waitin' fer half a hour! Why're yew so SPESHUL? and another voice follows, "Hey, my boy is DYING at home! Wait yet damned turn!!

Almost instantly, the line dissolves into little more than a mass of limbs and refuse as the people at the back of the line press forward, and the crowd erupts into jeers and yells. As the back of the line presses forwards, the front of the line frantically tries to press their way through the door. Quite suddenly, Lee, Lucas, and Flynn are pressed upon by a throng of people pressing ever forward, pressing backwards from the front, and largely- loudly- going nowhere fast.

2014-07-14, 01:20 PM
Flynn takes his time getting his gear situated before following Lee out the jail-house door. He watches passively as the butcher and the lawman exchange heated words, a smirk on his face. "Those are good hams," he mumbles, thinking back to the last time he stole several meals from that store. He then shakes his head in amusement at the overblown threats Lee levels at the man.

"I think you both need to develop a sense of humor," he says, following the big man through the crowd of sick townsfolk. "You can find plenty to laugh at when people die if you look in the right places. It's all a matter of perspective. Take me, for example: if I died while under your responsibility, many of the stuck up pricks in this hell-hole would have reason to laugh. If it happened wrong, you could even be blamed for it; then even I would have a reason to be jovial..."

Dodging an angry look from the lawman Flynn wraps his face in a wet cloth, smiling bitterly behind his make-shift mask. "Let's get this errand started so I can get out from under your thumbnail. Shall we?" he asks, gesturing for the lawman to go inside first.

Quite suddenly, Lee, Lucas, and Flynn are pressed upon by a throng of people pressing ever forward, pressing backwards from the front, and largely- loudly- going nowhere fast.

Flynn pulls his mask close, trying not to breath the same air as all the infected people around him. "Well, now you've done it!" he yells at Lee.

Turning to the crowd he raises his voice loudly over the rabble, "Hold your horses! The lawman is here to help find a cure! Back up already!"

2014-07-14, 01:24 PM
[roll0] (Untrained)

2014-07-14, 02:06 PM
Look, let's just get inside and get this started. This is only going to get worse as it spreads.

Stopping before the door, he turns around to the crowd.

Y'all know I ain't much for talking. We can help you, but if you tear apart Laurel's shop or kill the ones trying to help you, then what good have you done? The best thing you can do now is remain calm and stay out of our way so that we can solve this.

Even though it's going to fail horribly.

[roll0] Diplomacy

2014-07-14, 02:27 PM
Just as the crowd quiets down to hear what Lee has to say, Merek arrives at the scene, pushing his way through the sea of limbs.

Did no-one ever teach you wretches how to stand in line? he exclaims to no one in particular, while muscling his way through the crowd. Listen to the lawman and make way for your betters!

2014-07-14, 04:49 PM
Just enough people hear Flynn's cry and Lee's plea to give the crowd pause. Just a moment later, as voices start saying, "what do you mean, FIND a cure?! My ma said that Laurel would be able to help!" the trio slips through the door into the musty interior, followed closely, by the monk who pushes through the frail masses behind them.

The smell of burnt air and spicy incense chokes the air in the cramped, mud-tracked shop. Bunches of friends herbs hang from the surprisingly low ceiling, amid dangling pots, herb presses, alchemical apparatuses, and glassware clearly more exotic in nature. Pouches labeled with names of rare plants, jars of colored glass, and all manner of dried, preserved, or jellied animal parts fill shelves and tables doing double duty as displays and workplaces.

As you step inside, a rail-thin woman with a damp purple rag over her nose and mouth, her hair pulled back in a tight bun behind severe-looking spectacles presses in between two seated townsfolk, moving towards the door. A pot loudly bubbles over with thick gray broth near the rear of her shop as she speaks. Just what in the nine hells is all that racket? Can't you see I'm pressed beyond the breaking point here?!? Noticing their state of dress, she turns to face the trio. Is all this your doing? Can't you see these people are ill? I expect more from a man of the law, Lee. This is troublesome enough without anyone riling them up further.

You all recognize Laurel, the eccentric herbalist.

2014-07-14, 04:56 PM
Is all this your doing? Can't you see these people are ill? I expect more from a man of the law, Lee. This is troublesome enough without anyone riling them up further.

"Yeah, Lee. Way to go," Flynn snidely quips. "Hi Laurel. Word is that you can make a cure for this plague, but need someone to go fetch the ingredients. We're here to do the legwork."

2014-07-14, 05:08 PM
A cloaked and hooded figure turns from its close inspection of some small bit of preserved greenery in a sealed jar to watch as Laurel dresses down the 3 newcomers in the apothecary. Through the haze of the poor lighting and steaming broth, all one can see past the tightly-held cloak and hood is the barest hint of a smirk.

2014-07-14, 05:14 PM
"Hi Laurel. Word is that you can make a cure for this plague, but need someone to go fetch the ingredients. We're here to do the legwork."

Laurel wrinkles her nose slightly at the presence of Flynn, and glances from side to side, quickly assessing the gathered trio plus one. Word like that is exactly what gets this town into so much trouble, she sighs, slouches her shoulders and continues. I suppose it couldn't hurt. I have my grandmother's book, and I've brewed everything in it except for the final concoction. The thing sounds more like my old grandmother's hoojoo than any real medicine, but I guess it'd be worth a try? It's hard to get much worse than these folks, dying all over the place. She gestures around her at the infirm littering her shop. I mean, I guess it could kill people faster, but it's even hard to say that that'd be a downside, sometimes. Watching folks wither away is tough on the family... especially with...

So anyway, I'd have tried this by now, also, but I'm missing three of the ingredients. I know, I know, I've a whole mess of other things, but you can't just go replacing one part with another and hoping it works the same. That's a great way to puke up your liver. or, well... make someone else do it, anyway.

So I'm gonna need three things. One is something called Elderwood moss, which I haven't the foggiest clue what it is, but granny says it "ooooonly groooows on the oooooldest treeeeee in the fooooorreeeeessst." She talks pretty slow, my granny does, but she's 'round 90 years old! You would too! I mean- err, right. Moving on. The second is a specially pickled root called rat's tail, which seriously sounds like hoojoo to me. Blugh. She shudders visibly at some mental image. Lastly, I need at least seven iron bloom mushrooms. They're stunty little things that only grow in the dark, and only on metal. I hear they're a delicacy among dwarves... Can't stomach mushrooms myself. I suppose if you bring those things back, I can brew this muck up and see if it kills someone, she says with entirely too chipper an attitude.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work. These fools can't bandage a scraped knee to save their lives, much less deal with this blackscour taint!

2014-07-14, 05:33 PM
Laurel wrinkles her nose slightly at the presence of Flynn

Flynn rolls his eyes at her.

Elderwood moss..."ooooonly groooows on the oooooldest treeeeee in the fooooorreeeeessst."

[roll0] (+6 for Geography or Local, +2 for all others)

a specially pickled root called rat's tail

[roll1] (+6 for Geography or Local, +2 for all others)

Iron bloom mushrooms. They're stunty little things that only grow in the dark, and only on metal. I hear they're a delicacy among dwarves...

[roll2] (+6 for Geography or Local, +2 for all others)

2014-07-14, 05:36 PM
The cowled figure takes a few steps and leans forward when she sees Laurel begin to have an actual conversation with the three, straining to hear every word while (poorly) attempting to remain (somewhat) unnoticed.

2014-07-14, 06:54 PM
Merek finally makes it to the door, closing it behind him just as Laurel gets to naming the missing ingredients.

I see I'm not the only one reduced to grasping at straws by this disease. he says, shooting a glance at Laurel's back. Am I to understand the Watch has finally woken up to the danger this plague poses?

2014-07-14, 07:37 PM
[roll0] for Iron Bloom Mushrooms
[roll1] for Rat Tail
[roll2] for Elderwood moss

Scowl deepening at Flynn's quip, Lee barely contains himself as he listens to Laurel. Thinking quietly about what she says, he finally speaks after a few moments.

Glaring hard at the monk:
Watch your tone boy. Its grating on my ears. The way you talked to that crowd, I'm surprised they didn't riot twice. I assume you are here to help as well? If so, start by keeping your trap shut. I ain't gonna die cause you piss off the wrong group of farmers.

Turning towards Flynn. Part of the reason you are here is how much you seem to know about everything around here. Between you and me, we have to know enough to at least get started. So, what do you got?

2014-07-14, 07:40 PM
Iron Bloom: [roll0]
Rat Tail: [roll1]
Elderwood Moss: [roll2]

2014-07-14, 08:24 PM
A very petite figure with dark bronze skin and hair in hues of fiery autumn reds looks up from tending patients. Sensing a chance to travel on the horizon, suddenly she grins, hops over towards this new group, and cheerfully joins the conversation without being invited.

I bet these boys don't know the first thing about plants. And let's be honest, I'm not making much of a dent in helping around here. None of us are. But I'm great at finding things! Should I tag along and make sure they don't bring back all the wrong mushrooms?

2014-07-14, 08:56 PM
Merek looks at Lee quietly for a few seconds. You are right. I suppose I could have handled them better, but surely some semblance of discipline is not too much to ask for. Regardless, I am indeed here to help. The elders... Elder Stonestaff believes Laurel's cure might work.

2014-07-14, 09:02 PM
Merek looks at Lee quietly for a few seconds. You are right. I suppose I could have handled them better, but surely some semblance of discipline is not too much to ask for.

The cloaked figure seems to snort, and a second or two later seems to feign a cough.

2014-07-14, 09:16 PM
I'm great at finding things! Should I tag along and make sure they don't bring back all the wrong mushrooms?

Laurel looks aside to her associate. That is an excellent idea! I was just wondering how they would know what the ingredients looked anyway! Come to think of it, I'm not sure I know how the rat tail looks, though I've seen the other a time or two before. Never collected it myself, though, or I could give you better information. My ol' grandma brought in an awful lot of odd smellin' things before she went and sold her sight to that witch...

Flynn is just kicking himself. He KNOWS he knows where these things should be. It' RIGHT on the tip of his tongue! But alas, nothing pertinent comes to mind.
None of the pieces are falling together, though you feel like I know some relevant things about the rat tail root. You just can't quite place what.
You're quite certain that the rat tail root will be found in Ulizmila, the witch of the forest's hut. Rumored to be deep in the woods. It's precise location is considered either completely unknown, or simple folklore. The iron bloom does indeed have strong, widely recognized curative purposes, but you haven't the foggiest clue where to find a place like what has been described already.

Well, unless you folks have any more questions to drag me away from my patients, I'm going to get back to it. Don't be long, Kith! You know we haven't any time to waste! She turns her back to the group and begins to scoop the bubbling grey froth into glass jars, placing them sloppily on a table to her side without capping them, resulting in quite the pungent mess. She answers any further questions from the table.

2014-07-14, 09:28 PM
As Laural turns to tend to her broth, the cloaked figure steps up, clearing her throat.
I can tell from your faces that none of you have the foggiest idea where to start, so I'll do you all a solid and tell you what I know as long as I get to tag along. With that barest hint of a smirk, the figure leans gently against the wall and awaits a response.

2014-07-14, 09:29 PM
A very petite figure with dark bronze skin and hair in hues of fiery autumn reds looks up from tending patients. Sensing a chance to travel on the horizon, suddenly she grins, hops over towards this new group, and cheerfully joins the conversation without being invited.

"Ahhh!" Lucas jumps a foot at Kithlyn's sudden appearance. From his bulging eyes and the way he suddenly grips his spear, it's not hard to surmise that he's never seen a gnome before. "Flynn! Lee! Look at this! What in the-? How did-?"

I bet these boys don't know the first thing about plants. And let's be honest, I'm not making much of a dent in helping around here. None of us are. But I'm great at finding things! Should I tag along and make sure they don't bring back all the wrong mushrooms?

Suddenly her words catch up to his ears, and they abruptly turn a dark shade of crimson. Mortified, he quickly stammers out an apology, kneeling down to be on a more even level with the newcomer. "I- I'm sorry, miss, err, ma'am, err.. I didn't- I don't- I mean, I've never- hoo-boy!" Taking a deep breath to collect himself, he reaches out awkwardly for a handshake. "Welcome to Falcon's Hollow. Are you new in town? My name's Lucas. Lucas Taggert."

2014-07-14, 09:32 PM
Lee gets the impression that he recognizes the young woman in the hood, but isn't able to place it.

2014-07-14, 10:03 PM
Where in the hell... looking at the hooded figure. Just who the... his head spins as the smallest figure comes from the patient area... and then when Lucas talks he finally seems to find his tongue.YOU! pointing at Lucas.

At least I know what kind of trouble you are. Now, someone tell me just who in the hell you pointing at the hooded figure and you, pointing at the gnome are. I don't just take strangers with me when I'm looking for things.

2014-07-14, 10:05 PM
[roll0] to recognize James' character.

2014-07-14, 10:53 PM
Seeming to realize that her identity is becoming a question, the hooded figure inclines her head slightly, causing the hood to more fully obscure her face, and pulls the cloak a smidgeon tighter. You have my word that I am no stranger, but I have reason for discretion. she says softly. Once we get out of public, I'll make myself known, and her voice takes a sharp, almost haughty edge, and not before.

2014-07-15, 09:05 AM
The cowled figure takes a few steps and leans forward...
[roll0] Perception vs. Disguise
[roll1] Knowledge (Local) or [roll2] (Knowledge (Arcana)
All meant to identify this character and discover anything meaningful about her. (I do not plan to share this info in-character.)

Merek finally makes it to the door, closing it behind him just as Laurel gets to naming the missing ingredients...
[roll3] Knowledge (Local) to identify Merek and anything known about him or his monastery.

Turning towards Flynn. Part of the reason you are here is how much you seem to know about everything around here. Between you and me, we have to know enough to at least get started. So, what do you got?

"I am certainly glad this isn't going to just be you and me, then; all you seem to be good for right now is blustering and yelling. Hush up and listen a bit," Flynn says condescendingly. "I have some ideas, but nothing concrete yet."

A very petite figure with dark bronze skin and hair in hues of fiery autumn reds looks up from tending patients...
[roll4] Knowledge (Local) to identify Kith (specifically race and class)

My ol' grandma brought in an awful lot of odd smellin' things before she went and sold her sight to that witch...

Well, unless you folks have any more questions to drag me away from my patients, I'm going to get back to it...She answers any further questions from the table.

"So we are getting you elderwood moss, pickled rat tail, and iron bloom mushrooms...Where exactly can we find all of these? Do we need to talk to this so-called "witch" of which you speak? Do you happen to know where the oldest tree in the forest grows? How about any nearby abandoned dwarven mines?" Flynn asks Laurel, being careful to keep clear of the splattering gruel from her table.

"Flynn! Lee! Look at this! What in the-? How did-?"
"Lucas, get up and stop embarrassing yourself. This little lady is a gnome, probably some sort of healer helping Laurel," Flynn says to his closest friend. Turning back to Kithlyn he says, "Please excuse my clueless colloquial companion's crude composure. He's usually not this rude. My name is Flynn. Pleased to meet you."

You have my word that I am no stranger, but I have reason for discretion....
Flynn raises his eyebrows slightly, ever more curious about the mysterious stranger. "Without that hood I might be able to get a better look at her. She must be from around here somehow..." he mumbles to himself.

2014-07-15, 09:47 AM
"Lucas, get up and stop embarrassing yourself. This little lady is a gnome, probably some sort of healer helping Laurel," Flynn says to his closest friend. Turning back to Kithlyn he says, "Please excuse my clueless colloquial companion's crude composure. He's usually not this rude. My name is Flynn. Pleased to meet you."

Lucas stands up quickly, handshake forgotten, and feels his face burning. Now that Flynn mentions it, she does look like some of the halfling tinkers that occasionally came through town. Embarrassed, he punches Flynn lightly on the shoulder. "Shut up! I just forgot for a moment, is all."

2014-07-15, 11:19 AM
Folding his arms and grimacing at the hooded figure.

You are going to have to give me more than that if you expect for me to believe that A, you actually know something, B, you aren't going to try to kill us, and/or C, that you will actually be useful once this gets started. The only people here are the people you are going with, if you are going. Which, right now, is a pretty big IF. We either learn now, or you can go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. Like I said before, I'm not keen taking strangers with me on hunts. This,
pointing his thumb at Flynn
is already more than I bargained for.

Turning to the gnome he sticks out his finger towards her.

If Laurel trusts you to work here, then that's good enough for me. If she doesn't need you, well then get your stuff ready.

2014-07-15, 11:49 AM
[roll0] Perception vs. Disguise
[roll1] Knowledge (Local) or [roll2] (Knowledge (Arcana)
All meant to identify this character and discover anything meaningful about her. (I do not plan to share this info in-character.)
Flynn isn't able to quite get a decent look at her face, but recognizes the way she speaks as being from the side of town that's more formal in etiquette.

[roll3] Knowledge (Local) to identify Merek and anything known about him or his monastery.
Merek is well known, if not well liked around town. He is the last remaining initiate of the local monastery around which Falcon's Hollow was built. As more and more initiates found themselves "unable" to live up to the rigors and demands of the lifestyle, he became more and more condescending towards the townsfolk in general, whom he now considers almost universally beneath him. The monastery has fallen into a sad state of disuse, with only 4 remaining monks (other than Merek) in the village. You've heard snippets of rumors all morning that one of the elders of the monastery died early this morning.

[roll4] Knowledge (Local) to identify Kith (specifically race and class)
Kith is a gnomish inquisitor. She is relatively new to the area, but it's well known that she's an amateur herbalist and has been functionally apprenticed to Laurel in the last few weeks.

2014-07-15, 01:09 PM
You are going to have to give me more than that if you expect for me to believe that A, you actually know something, B, you aren't going to try to kill us, and/or C, that you will actually be useful once this gets started. The only people here are the people you are going with, if you are going. Which, right now, is a pretty big IF. We either learn now, or you can go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. Like I said before, I'm not keen taking strangers with me on hunts. This,
pointing his thumb at Flynn
is already more than I bargained for.

During Lee's tirade Flynn mocks him constantly, making hand-puppet actions and rolling his eyes. A moment before being referenced he stops and stands still, waiting for Lee to face away again before deliberately biting his thumb at the lawman.

After Lee is finished Flynn turns to the hooded figure and says, "Well, if I get any say in the matter, I would suggest that we need all the help we can get. While he may have never felt the need to hide his face in public, I most certainly have. Why don't you share what you know with the group; then we can determine your potential value to the company."

2014-07-15, 01:29 PM
Well, she says, I recall from my reading that rat tail root is only thought to be found in Ulizmila's hut. Unless one subscribes to the popular fiction that she (and therefore her witch's hut) are mere legend, it is sure to be found deep in the forest. I'm confident that I can identify the root if we are able to locate its mysterious housing, and from what I've seen of your faces, that makes me as necessary to this errand as any two of you. The hint of a smirk slides back onto her face, still shrouded by the folds of her hood. Furthermore, I am well versed in the art of armed combat, and my training frequently took place in the woods, so I can assure you that I am more than capable of protecting myself. You have nothing to lose by my presence, and indeed, the success of your venture to gain.

2014-07-15, 02:46 PM
Laurel turns around to face the group, prepared to begin answering Flynn's questions.
"Err... umm... Well, the elderwood mold... There's gotta be an "oldest tree in the forest" out there somewhere. Damned if I know where. The rat's tail and mushrooms are gonna be tougher... Oh! Way up north, past the forest, people say there used to be a bunch of dwarves. Right at the foot of the mountains. Everyone agrees they're not there anymore, but I bet their forges are! That's gotta be the best bet for ironbloom anywhere around here.
" At the outburst from the cloaked figure, her eyes visibly widen. "
I guess I hadn't put as much thought into it, but it seems the old witch's hut would be a decent place to look for the rat tail root, too! I 'spose I should have thought o' that myself, but it seems this secretive lady has a better eye for certain things than I do. Makes sense, I always heard is was some sorta... commonent? Competent? Err... that ain' right. com.. com... Oh bother, it don't matter what the word is, she knows where it's at, so go get it!"

2014-07-15, 03:45 PM
Hrmm, it's as good a start as any. Whatever, you can come as long as you don't try an' git yourself or anyone else killed. He grins and winks at her And we'll just see how handy you are in the woods, miss Turning around, Lee heads out the door.

Y'all better get comin' if you're comin'. Damned blight ain't gonna cure itself.

[roll0] Survival check for not getting lost and/or avoiding hazards if applicable

2014-07-15, 03:58 PM
The figure carefully navigates out to follow, keeping the hood and cloak wrapped tightly around her.

2014-07-15, 05:14 PM
Merek sniffs at Lee, and follows him out the door.

2014-07-15, 08:15 PM
Given leave to do what she loves most...to travel and find secret things, Kith swiftly packs up her backpack and rejoins the group just outside the shop. Although she knows their task is a serious one, with serious consequences should they fail, she walks with a cheerful spring in her step. As she walks, she tries to think of any places she's been where they might find these three ingredients...or the witch's house.

Knowledge: Local Does Kith have any ideas where to start their search?

2014-07-15, 08:20 PM
Head slightly reeling from his recent embarrassment and sudden influx of new personalities, Lucas rushes out behind Lee and the others. "Lee?! Flynn?! You know where we're going?"

2014-07-15, 08:35 PM
North into the forest. I think I know where that hut is, but I want to be sure before we head out. In the interest of time, I want to have a solid lead on the other two locations before we get too far away from town.

Pausing briefly to check his pack and remove his bow from its case, Lee continues.

First, we are going to stop into the lumber camp and talk to a few of the people there. They spend more time in those woods than anyone else. If anyone around here would know where to start, it would be them.

[roll0] vs Ulizmila's hut
[roll2] vs Dwarven stuff

I'm assuming there is some sort of lumber camp or headquarters that Lee would know how to get to. Unless those knowledge checks reveal something, he'll insist on heading there first.

2014-07-15, 09:19 PM
Once James' character mentions Ulizmila by name, you recall something you heard regarding the witch who lived "just south of the lake," in the woods. You also know where said lake is, and that it's not tremendously large.
In general, when you want to perform an action or skill check that involves a roll, you can type "[ roll ]1d20+whatever[ /roll ] (without the extra spaces) to make a random role through the GiantITP forum servers.

In this case: [roll0] -I already forgot the +3 more for it being a class skill, so accounting for that I've changed the results beneath- will serve for your knowledge local.

edit: You recall having heard that there was once a thriving dwarven monastery at the foot of the southernmost mountain in the Jagged Teeth- a mountain range running East/West about 4 days north of Falcon's Hollow. The mountain range forms the northern, and eventually (many miles away) western, borders of Darkmoon Vale (which is the name of the wooded region wherein Falcon's Hollow lies).

You can also confirm that Ulizmila's hut is supposed to be just south of the lake.

2014-07-16, 08:48 AM
"Wait a minute, what's the hurry? Ugh!" Flynn throws his hands up in disgust at the hurried exit of his chaperoning officer. "Laurel, we will do our best. One last thing: is this witch dangerous? What should we be prepared to face when we meet her?"

Flynn waits only barely long enough to hear the herbalist's reply before dashing out the door to keep up with the others. "What a bunch of fools, rushing into the unknown without trying to get as much information ahead of time as possible...None of them would ever last on the street..." he mumbles angrily.

2014-07-16, 09:27 AM
Laurel starts laughing uproariously at Flynn's question. IS she DANGEROUS?!? BAAAHAHAHAHA!! Have you ever heard of a witch that WASN'T dangerous?!? Of COURSE she's dangerous! My granny traded her EYESIGHT for 3 months apprenticeship! She's a WITCH, for crying out loud!

The howls of incredulous laughter follow Flynn into the street, where he has little difficulty catching up with the group.

The group makes for the nearest consortium lumber camp to the lake which serves as the source for the River Foam. Since that is supposed to be near where Ulizmila lives.


About halfway between Falcon's Hollow and the lumber camp (about a 12-hour trip at speed of 20):At the west edge of the road, a set of deep goat-like tracks leads away from the hard-packed surface of the road. The tracks appear to have been made by a creature walking upright, lead several hundred feet off the road, and approach a pair of dense thickets- separated by about 20 feet of clearing between them. From a safe distance (about 200 feet away), the tracks appear to lead right down the middle between them.

2014-07-16, 10:03 AM
As the group travels, she speaks in a quick, lively...and slightly squeaky voice... I don't think I ever bothered to introduce myself properly...I'm Kithlyn Stormspark. You can call me Kith. She looks up at the sky, and surveys the landscape around them, and flashes a huge smile. I love traveling. Isn't it just lovely? The road...the sky...the fresh air... seeing new places, meeting new people, learning new things... Just wonderful! She stops briefly to examine a perfectly ordinary looking rock and looks under it. See this neat rock?

[roll0] Is there anything ACTUALLY interesting about this random rock or under it?

2014-07-16, 10:04 AM
[roll0] stealth
Yer a talkative one ain't ya? Well, as nice to meet you, I'm Lee. I ain't really a lawman, I just help out when I can.

Pausing as she examines the rock.

I don't know about that rock, but those are tracks right there. he says pointing to the side of the road.

Odd ones too...

Following the tracks until he sees the thicket (200 feet), Lee pauses and addresses the group. Lowering his voice to a whisper...

Looks like some sort of creature that walks upright with hooves. The tracks lead between those thickets. We should move quietly and stay hidden to get into those thickets. I don't like the looks of this. I'm not sure what this could be. Anyone who thinks they can't move quietly should stay here. Any questions?

2014-07-16, 10:34 AM
Flynn watches and listens to the lively gnome, a slightly confused look on his face. After some time of her excitedly going on he says, "Kith, I have to tell you I don't think I have ever met someone quite so cheerful about so very little. If I had your disposition, I somewhat doubt I would have made it to this point in my life - I would either be happier with less or died of starvation...Either way I am pretty sure I wouldn't be figuratively shackled to Lee here," he nods in the direction of the driven lawman leading the company.

Looks like some sort of creature that walks upright with hooves. The tracks lead between those thickets. We should move quietly and stay hidden to get into those thickets. I don't like the looks of this. I'm not sure what this could be. Anyone who thinks they can't move quietly should stay here. Any questions?

Flynn rolls his eyes at Lee asking for questions and directing the rest of the group. The bard stops moving and looks around closely before doing anything else...
Bardic Knowledge regarding the description of the creature that made the traps [roll0] (Knowledge of anything besides Local/Geography - if it is Local add 4 to the result)
[roll1] Stealth - After the first round I would stop moving entirely, hoping to either take 10 or 20 on the check eventually...
[roll2] Perception - to see either the creature or find anything else to give us clues about what we have encountered

2014-07-16, 10:42 AM
[roll0] Perception. I hate doing this on a phone...

2014-07-16, 10:54 AM
[roll0] Is there anything ACTUALLY interesting about this random rock or under it?

sadly, no. But you probably would have seen it if there had been!

perception, plz

You thought there'd be something useful here, didn't you? Damned dirty bastard.

2014-07-16, 11:02 AM
Lee, and perhaps others, creep up to the edge of the thicket, using tall grass as concealment until they reach the thicket. He moves back towards where the tracks led, slightly more open, and can't shake the feeling that he's being watched.

When he gets back to where the tracks should have led, he finds nothing. Backtracking, towards the road, the tracks seem to have disappeared! Not a trace of anyone or anything passing here can be found, aside from the groups own footprints. Search as you might, you are all unable to find either the tracks again or any creatures but yourselves in either thicket or the clearing between. The whole time, a sense of being watched dominates your thoughts. After a time, you collectively give up, and head back to the road.

Strangest of all, what felt like just a few minutes must have taken hours! When you arrive at the road, the sun is much lower in the sky than it was when you left, leaving you all to decide how to make preparations for the impending nightfall (now no more than 3 hours away, while the lumber camp is still about 6).

2014-07-16, 11:23 AM
As the group travels, she speaks in a quick, lively...and slightly squeaky voice... I don't think I ever bothered to introduce myself properly...I'm Kithlyn Stormspark. You can call me Kith. She looks up at the sky, and surveys the landscape around them, and flashes a huge smile. I love traveling. Isn't it just lovely? The road...the sky...the fresh air... seeing new places, meeting new people, learning new things... Just wonderful! She stops briefly to examine a perfectly ordinary looking rock and looks under it. See this neat rock?

The smirk on the cowled figure's face slips into a vague sneer.

[roll0] stealth
Looks like some sort of creature that walks upright with hooves. The tracks lead between those thickets. We should move quietly and stay hidden to get into those thickets. I don't like the looks of this. I'm not sure what this could be. Anyone who thinks they can't move quietly should stay here. Any questions?

The cowled figure loosens a curved blade, previously hidden beneath the folds of the cloak, in its scabbard and crouches in preparation to follow into the thicket...

Lee, and perhaps others, creep up to the edge of the thicket, using tall grass as concealment until they reach the thicket. He moves back towards where the tracks led, slightly more open, and can't shake the feeling that he's being watched.

When he gets back to where the tracks should have led, he finds nothing. Backtracking, towards the road, the tracks seem to have disappeared! Not a trace of anyone or anything passing here can be found, aside from the groups own footprints. Search as you might, you are all unable to find either the tracks again or any creatures but yourselves in either thicket or the clearing between. The whole time, a sense of being watched dominates your thoughts. After a time, you collectively give up, and head back to the road.

Strangest of all, what felt like just a few minutes must have taken hours! When you arrive at the road, the sun is much lower in the sky than it was when you left, leaving you all to decide how to make preparations for the impending nightfall (now no more than 3 hours away, while the lumber camp is still about 6).

The cowled figure gasps at the seemingly premature nightfall. Weren't we supposed to make it to the lumber camp before nightfall? In her confused and frightened state, her cowl begins to slip from her face as she frantically tries to get her bearings. In the brief moment before she recovers her cowl, her sharp blue eyes and shoulder-length black hair, tied back, are visible.

2014-07-16, 01:16 PM
Lee, and perhaps others, creep up to the edge of the thicket, using tall grass as concealment until they reach the thicket. He moves back towards where the tracks led, slightly more open, and can't shake the feeling that he's being watched.

When he gets back to where the tracks should have led, he finds nothing. Backtracking, towards the road, the tracks seem to have disappeared! Not a trace of anyone or anything passing here can be found, aside from the groups own footprints. Search as you might, you are all unable to find either the tracks again or any creatures but yourselves in either thicket or the clearing between. The whole time, a sense of being watched dominates your thoughts. After a time, you collectively give up, and head back to the road.

Strangest of all, what felt like just a few minutes must have taken hours! When you arrive at the road, the sun is much lower in the sky than it was when you left, leaving you all to decide how to make preparations for the impending nightfall (now no more than 3 hours away, while the lumber camp is still about 6).

The cowled figure gasps at the seemingly premature nightfall. Weren't we supposed to make it to the lumber camp before nightfall? In her confused and frightened state, her cowl begins to slip from her face as she frantically tries to get her bearings. In the brief moment before she recovers her cowl, her sharp blue eyes and shoulder-length black hair, tied back, are visible.

In response to the question, Merek looks at the sun's position in the sky, at the long shadows cast by objects around him, and at his fellow travelers, and a small smile appears on his otherwise harsh face. Perhaps this will be prove to be a real challenge after all, he says under his breath.

Louder, so everyone can hear, he says: I guess it's time to make camp. I'll take first watch, once we decide on a suitable location.

2014-07-16, 01:24 PM
At the mention of tracks, Kith stops admiring the rock and goes to see what Lee is talking about.

Odd tracks? How mysterious!

As she turns her attention toward the tracks, she addresses Flynn, suddenly much more somber in her tone. The world is full of wonders, you just have to be willing to see them. You say that with my disposition you'd likely have starved...but I think you might have learned that kindness and beauty hide in unlikely places. Grinning again, and returning to her original perky tone I do think you are very right about not being...you say "shackled"? to Lee! Still, he doesn't seem so bad! He just found something interesting, and that's something of worth in one's companions! Count yourself a little luckier for his company!

Arriving by Lee to look at the tracks, she asks And which creatures do you know of that have hooves and walk on two legs?

Knowledge: Nature [roll0] Does Kith have any idea what creature might have made those tracks?

2014-07-16, 01:28 PM

Len insists on at least an hour more of travel before stopping. After that, he will search for a campsite while still trying to move towards the lumber camp

Lee cocky an eyebrow as he checks the sun's position. Quickly turning into a scowl he mutters angrily before heading off towards the lumber camp.

We need to get as far as we can before we stop. While we rest, the blight keeps growing. And it seems that something in these woods would like to see us delayed for whatever vile reason.

2014-07-16, 02:25 PM
As the group travels for another hour, clouds roll across the sky from the north. The sparse thickets of trees become more dense, and the grasses in between more patchy. Within the hour, the road becomes little more than a footpath between scattered patches of tall grass and small, scrubby trees. The party chooses to make camp for the night not far from the path, behind a small copse of trees on the lee side of a small hill.


I will need to know who has which watches, and perception check(s) for each. When you make camp it is (approximately) 8 PM.

2014-07-16, 02:39 PM
Alright. This is as far as we can go. Eat up and get some sleep. I think Merek volunteered for first watch. We'll split the night into three watches. I'll get the final watch.

Setting his pack down he rumbles through it, pulling out a bag of rations for himself.

Anyone know a song or a story to pass some time before we sleep?

[roll0] Perception
[roll1] stealth

During Lee's watch he will attempt to sneak over to the hooded figure to get a look at her face.

2014-07-16, 03:01 PM
[COLOR="#B22222"]Anyone know a song or a story to pass some time before we sleep?

Flynn stares at Lee with undisguised annoyance on his face. "If you are offering payment for a performance, talk to me. Otherwise, you know I am only here because I have to be here..." he says before yawning and pulling out his patchwork bedroll and scrap-quilted blanket.

2014-07-16, 03:04 PM
Now who lacks the sense of humor?

Lee shrugs and continues eating for a while before finally sleeping. If no one else volunteers for a watch, he asks Lucas to take it.

2014-07-16, 03:16 PM
Nine burning hells.

With her crossbow in one hand and her curved blade in the other, the figure looks from one hand to the other as though by repeated inspection, she would find something not initially present in either. Finally, after a deep sigh and slumping of shoulders, she asks the group:

Has anybody an extra blanket or somesuch? I wasn't planning to be camping when I first set out this morning.

2014-07-16, 04:33 PM
Has anybody an extra blanket or somesuch? I wasn't planning to be camping when I first set out this morning.

Looking at the hooded woman Flynn says, "If your hood isn't warm enough, I'll trade you my blanket here for it..."

2014-07-16, 06:32 PM
Anyone know a song or a story to pass some time before we sleep?

Merek just unrolls his bedroll and blanket, sits down on them, and starts meditating. He stops at one point to eat a ration, and then continues. While seemingly ignoring everyone around him, he is quite aware of what is happening.

1d20+6 Perception check for first watch.
1d20+6 Perception check to try to catch a glimpse, through squinting eyes, of what's inside the hooded figure's hood while said figure is busy setting up camp.

2014-07-16, 07:31 PM
Kith finds a comfortable looking spot with a nice view of the night sky, sets down her backpack, and settles in to sleep under the stars.

2014-07-16, 07:51 PM
Looking at the hooded woman Flynn says, "If your hood isn't warm enough, I'll trade you my blanket here for it..."

Hmmph. I should have known better than to expect proper courtesy from this ilk., she mutters to herself before rolling her cloak about her and laying to rest.

2014-07-16, 07:57 PM
Hmmph. I should have known better than to expect proper courtesy from this ilk., she mutters to herself before rolling her cloak about her and laying to rest.

Flynn shruggs, "When you grow up on the street begging for a warm place to sleep, only to have to break into empty buildings to get out of the cold, it can leave a person less inclined to help strangers. If you were willing to give something in exchange, you might get a better response, at least from me. I have had to scrape, steal, and swindle for every silver I own; what's your excuse?" The thief doesn't finish unrolling his pack, waiting to see if the hooded woman responds.

2014-07-16, 07:59 PM
Merek just unrolls his bedroll and blanket, sits down on them, and starts meditating. He stops at one point to eat a ration, and then continues. While seemingly ignoring everyone around him, he is quite aware of what is happening.

[roll0] Perception check for first watch.
[roll1] Perception check to try to catch a glimpse, through squinting eyes, of what's inside the hooded figure's hood while said figure is busy setting up camp.

[roll2] Perception check for first watch.
[roll3] Perception check to try to catch a glimpse, through squinting eyes, of what's inside the hooded figure's hood while said figure is busy setting up camp.

2014-07-16, 08:38 PM
Flynn is right, you know...it isn't exactly like you've been the soul of courtesy yourself. I hope you haven't thought I didn't notice you glaring and sneering at the rest of us all day. I don't always choose to acknowledge when others are condescending to me...but I still notice. So if you'd like a bit of courtesy, might I suggest showing some? Sitting up, Kith looks directly at the hooded figure. Besides, you mentioned that you would actually take that hood off and introduce yourself like a proper person once we were out of the public eye. I do believe we are far enough out now, don't you? Pauses a moment, she considers her next words. I suppose you'll probably want to be hooded again when we reach the lumber camp, and that's fine, but still...it is about time you stopped toying with the rest of us. If we're going to travel together, we are all going to have to show a bit of trust. Trust us to keep your identity secret from anyone else.

2014-07-16, 09:56 PM
Lee shrugs and continues eating for a while before finally sleeping. If no one else volunteers for a watch, he asks Lucas to take it.

Lucas groans from where he is laying out his belongings, but stops quickly at the expression on Lee's face. "Yeah, ok, sure thing, Lee. Second watch."


Flynn shruggs, "When you grow up on the street begging for a warm place to sleep, only to have to break into empty buildings to get out of the cold, it can leave a person less inclined to help strangers. If you were willing to give something in exchange, you might get a better response, at least from me. I have had to scrape, steal, and swindle for every silver I own; what's your excuse?" The thief doesn't finish unrolling his pack, waiting to see if the hooded woman responds.

Lucas reaches over to shove Flynn lightly. "Now you're the one being a jerk!" He turns to the hooded figure. "You'll have to excuse him, he's always cranky his first day on parole. I, uh- " he looks down and flushes slightly as he realized he doesn't have spare supplies, himself. "I don't have anything but my bedroll, but maybe we could keep a fire going. Lee, what do you think?"

2014-07-16, 10:23 PM
Flynn is right, you know...it isn't exactly like you've been the soul of courtesy yourself. I hope you haven't thought I didn't notice you glaring and sneering at the rest of us all day. I don't always choose to acknowledge when others are condescending to me...but I still notice. So if you'd like a bit of courtesy, might I suggest showing some? Sitting up, Kith looks directly at the hooded figure. Besides, you mentioned that you would actually take that hood off and introduce yourself like a proper person once we were out of the public eye. I do believe we are far enough out now, don't you? Pauses a moment, she considers her next words. I suppose you'll probably want to be hooded again when we reach the lumber camp, and that's fine, but still...it is about time you stopped toying with the rest of us. If we're going to travel together, we are all going to have to show a bit of trust. Trust us to keep your identity secret from anyone else.

Looking furtively at the shadows on the outskirt of the fire, she exhales sharply in apparent frustration before lowering her hood to her shoulders. Fluffing the shoulder-length ponytail with a shake of her head, she turns to the group. There! The mystery is solved. she says, in evident annoyance, before sinking into a sullen silence.

2014-07-17, 05:51 AM
Lee reaches into his pack and hands his bedroll to her.
He whispers to her.

We'll talk later about what the hell you are doing out here. For now, get some sleep.

Turning to Lucas, he holds out his blanket...

Here, take my blanket. I'm fine. We'll keep the fire going as well. Let's make sure we purchase some supplies at the logging camp before we head deeper into the woods.

2014-07-17, 06:28 AM
Lee, as indicated by his actions, recognizes the familial resemblance between the young woman and the local magistrate, Thomas cooper- his direct supervisor. The rest of the group lacks the familiarity with Thomas cooper for his daughters presence to have much meaning.

2014-07-17, 07:11 AM
After some realizations and some confusion, everyone settles in for the night, except Merek, who is taking first watch. As the others drift off to sleep, he rises and quietly paces the camp to be aware of all sides, periodically stopping to place another small branch on the fire.


Just a few minutes before the end of his watch, he catches a glimpse of light on the hill above them. He can barely make out the silhouette of a canine against the even darker background of the overcast night sky. TO ARMS! He cries out, waking his companions, as two more shapes join the one already present on the hilltop, and a fourth moves around the eastern base of the hill. Wolves on the ridge! Arm yourselves! As the group rouses quickly from their sleep, howls erupt from the overlooking hills. The night rapidly explodes into the chaos of battle.

No one is surprised. I will post a map shortly depicting everyone's locations relative to the wolves. Roll initiative and indicate first-round actions. (perhaps let me place the map first) Please bear in mind- other than Merek, you were sleeping. If you want to be armored, you should either look up how much time it takes to put it on, or explain why you were wearing it overnight.

Edit: I may not be able to make the map happen from my phone. I will continue to try. I'm a bad-@$$ MF. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AgzLjavLT4zMdEMzbUw3eHBTX2h3Qnd1VG5yZEx6V3 c map, yo

2014-07-17, 07:42 AM

[roll1] attack
[roll2] crit confirm
[roll3] trip
[roll4] damage

[roll5] attack
[roll6] crit confirm
[roll7] trip
[roll8] damage

[roll9] attack
[roll10] crit confirm
[roll11] trip
[roll12] damage

[roll13] attack
[roll14] crit confirm
[roll15] trip
[roll16] damage

2014-07-17, 07:59 AM
Round 1

Moving quickly, his bow up in a flash, Lee steps forward and lets an arrow fly.

Miss Cooper, stay back!

[roll0] initiative
Move to J,16
Fire at J, 10 ( will change target if James gets in melee with one of the wolves)
[roll1] Attack
[roll2] CC
[roll3] Dmg

[Lee Anderson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=948934)
M CG Human Slayer, Level 1, Init +6, HP 11/11, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Composite Longbow +5 (1d8, x3)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
Condition None

2014-07-17, 08:40 AM
Round 1

With his back to the fire, and an excited smile on his face, Merek whips out a shuriken and waits for the nearest wolf to get closer.

Ready an Action: Wait for whichever wolf comes within 10f of me first, and throw a shuriken at it.
[roll1] Shuriken attack roll
[roll2] Shuriken damage

Merek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947516)
Male LN Human Monk (Fav), Level 1, Init +2, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 12, CMD 19, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Full Attack Action Flurry of Blows (Unarmed) +2/+2 (1d6+4, x2)
Full Attack Action Flurry of Blows (Shuriken) (25) 0/0 (1d2+4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 7
Condition None

2014-07-17, 09:29 AM
Round 1

Lucas Taggert (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=948165)
M CG Human Rogue, Level 1, Init +3, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Point Blank throw) Shortspear (3) +3 (+4) (1d6 + 3 (+4), x2)
Dagger (3) +3 (+4) (1d4 + 3 (+4), 19-20/x2)
Spear (1) +3 (+4) (1d8 + 4 (+4), x3)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition None


Miss Cooper, stay back!

(Miss Cooper?) Head still foggy with sleep, Lucas barely has time to wonder at the unfamiliar name as he leaps up, snatches his spear, and rushes to join Merek and Lee on the frontline.

Acrobatics to avoid AoOs for any movement: [roll1]

EDIT: Actually, new strategy. If a wolf is NOT in melee, Lucas will move up and throw the spear at it (attack and crit confirm rolls are 1 higher, damage is unchanged). So the prioritization of what Lucas will try to do is:
1. Move up to within 20ft and throw spear at a non-melee wolf
2. If not possible, try to flank and melee attack
3. If not possible, try a normal melee attack
4. If not possible, move close to Lee and brace against a charge

If any wolves close to melee with before Lucas goes, Lucas will move up to attack one, preferentially flanking if possible:
Attack [roll2] (+2 if flanking)
Crit Confim [roll3] (+2 if flanking)
Damage [roll4]
Sneak Attack [roll5] (if flanking)

If no wolves are in melee range on Lucas' turn, he will move to H17 (or as close to Lee as possible without blocking his shots, possibly with a dramatic leap over the campfire :smallwink:) and ready an action to attack any wolf that gets in range (with the spear braced against a charge (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html#charge)).

2014-07-17, 09:51 AM
Round 1

Flynn Sullivan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947852)
Male CN Human Bard, Level 1, Init +4, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 11, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Studded Leather Armor, Heavy Wooden Shield (+3 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Morningstar -1
Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 19
Condition None
Flynn, recognizing the last name "Cooper," turns and looks at the young woman again with fresh suspicion on his face. Realizing the danger present, though, he draws his morningstar, his shield in hand, and looks into the darkness at the approaching wolves. "So began the great epic of Belkan the brave, the greatest explorer of his day. Surrounded by wolves on a dark night, he fought them off for hours with only a torch, a camping pot, and a tree to his back!" he says, reciting the opening lines of a great drama he knew from his many hours of reading. (+1 to all allies attack/damage/saving throws vs. charm/fear.)

[roll0] Initiative
He sleeps in his studded leather armor (it is light armor and incurs no penalties for sleeping in it). His low-light vision should help him see the wolves and anything else important about the terrain.
[roll1] Perception check to get an accurate count of the wolves and see any still sneaking up on the party.
Move action - draw morningstar
Standard action - start using Bardic Performance (Inspire Courage +1) to improve everyone's attack, damage, and saves vs. charm/fear rolls by 1.

2014-07-17, 10:32 AM
Without a word, Kith leaps up, grabs her hammer, and looks for a branch to set on fire...

(1d20+5) Initiative
Kith slept in her leather armor (light armor, no penalty). Low Light Vision (gnome).
(1d20+8) Perception, looks for a branch that she can set on fire and carry.
[roll](1d20+4) Knowledge:Nature. Monster Lore (add wis modifier and int modifier to roll). What does Kith know about wolves abilities and weaknesses?
Move Action: stand from prone
Standard Action (assuming a suitable branch is found close by): picks up branch and lights it up.
or Move Action (if suitable branch is not found): move to square J19 beside Lorelei.

John - I'm patterning the way that I'm writing this out having looked at Rob's response...hopefully clearer than mud! Let me know if I need to change something in my format. :-)

2014-07-17, 10:49 AM
(1d20+5) initiative
(1d20+8) perception
(1d20+4) knowledge:nature, monster lore

2014-07-17, 12:30 PM
Round 1

Rolling her eyes at Lee's shout of warning, Lorelei moves to defend herself...

Initiative: [roll0]

Preferred order of actions:
1) If there is a clump of wolves (2 or more) that are a safe target for a Color Spray that does NOT hit friendlies, DO EET. DC of 15, 2d4 rds Unconscious followed by 1d4 Blinded, followed by 1 stunned.
2) If there is NOT an appropriate clump of wolves, AND there are wolves circling behind, move to a position where the current "front line" prevents me from being flanked and ready an attack for a wolf moving in.
3) If no clump of wolves and no obvious attempt at being circled, move to the current melee line and ready an attack.
4) If wolves are in a staggered line, move to closest wolf and pew pew.

I didn't roll stuff, so here goes:
Attack is at +5, CC at 18-20 for x2
Damage is 1d6

2014-07-17, 01:56 PM

2014-07-17, 02:00 PM

[roll2] Lee

2014-07-17, 02:06 PM
[roll0] damage

2014-07-17, 02:17 PM


2014-07-17, 02:21 PM
Round 1:

Battle erupts around the campsite in spectacular fashion. The four wolves close with Merek and Lee, two flanking each of them. In the process, Lee unleashes a vicious blow with his cestus, severely wounding one of the wolves. Three of the wolves fail to connect while the injured one gets a bite on Lee's leg and drags him to the ground (-5 HP). Lee attempts to strike back again with his cestus, now prone, but just fails to connect.

Lucas lunges forward, neatly avoiding an attack of opportunity, and injures one of the two wolves flanking Merek, while Merek soundly connects on the same wolf with an unarmed strike, killing it. Lorelei steps forward and neatly skewers the shoulder of the wounded wolf. With a whimper, it falls to the ground. Kith grabs the un-seared end of a burning branch, runs to Lee's side, and brandishes it threateningly at the remaining wolf on that side.

there was some confusion with how to adjudicate this first round with me. I accidentally overlooked situational penalties to Merek's perception check that should have caused him to fail to see the wolves until they were literally on top of you. While you were asleep. That wouldn't have been fun, so I ran with it.

Adam: since your action didn't make much sense after the two wolves closed on you, I had you flurry of blows the injured wolf. I think it worked out well for you :-P

I still need Amber and James' actions. Kith has no trouble finding and grabbing a burning branch from the campfire, should you choose to. I hope you don't mind, Amber. That seems like what you were thinking anyway.

Map has been updated. Hit me with round 2!

2014-07-17, 04:50 PM
Round 2

Pulling her scimitar from the wolf's carcass, Lorelei turns to the next target with cold zeal in her eyes. Perhaps a trick of the light, but even her blade seems to glow...

Preferably 5 foot step to the nearby wolf if it's alive... I don't see any reference to the type of "action" the spending of an arcane point is, so I think it doesn't take an action? So therefore, if necessary I should be able to make a single move action + attack with no problems, so attack whichever wolf remains standing?

Spending 1 arcane pool point for +1 enhancement to my scimitar!

Attack: [roll0] +1 for bard stuffs!
CC: [roll1] 18-20 for x2 +1 for bard stuffs!
Damage: [roll2] +1 for bard stuffs!

Lorelei Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=953369)
F CN Human Magus (Kensai), Level 1, Init +4, HP 10/10, DR 0, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 10, CMD 15, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Scimitar +5 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Longbow (Arrows, 20) +4 (1d8, 20/x3)
(+4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 7
Condition None

2014-07-17, 05:30 PM
Round 2

Flynn Sullivan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947852)
Male CN Human Bard, Level 1, Init +4, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 11, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Morningstar +0 (1d8+1, 20/x2)
Studded Leather Armor, Heavy Wooden Shield (+3 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 19
Condition Inspire Courage +1
Flynn moves from around the tree to make a clumsy swing with his morningstar at the wolf attacking Merek. "The great explorer was surrounded, snapping jaws inches from his face. But he struck them down, one by one, till they fled, howling into the night!" he recites, his weapon coming down in time with his words. (+1 to all allies' attack, damage, and saving throws vs charm/fear)

Free action to maintain Bardic Performance for a 2nd round.
Move action to get to F17.
Standard action to attack with his morningstar ([roll0] attack, [roll1] critical confirmation on a natural 20 for x2 damage, [roll2] damage

2014-07-17, 05:30 PM
Round 2

Pulling his blood covered hand back from the now dead wolf, Lee sets himself and takes another swing at the wolf in front of him.

Damned wolves!

[roll0] (now 20)
[roll1] CC (now 20)
[roll2] DMG (now 6 with bardic performance)
CRIT HAHAHAHA....(boom goes the dynamite)

Lee Anderson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=948934)
M CG Human Slayer, Level 1, Init +6, HP 6/11, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 10, Flat-footed 9, CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Composite Longbow +5 (1d8, x3)
Cestus +3 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex, -4 Misc)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7

2014-07-17, 08:24 PM
Round 2

Having dispatched one wolf with ease, Merek gracefully twists around to the other wolf, his face remaining as calm as ever. His arms are a blur as he swings his fists at the wolf faster than should be possible.

Flurry of Blows on wolf in G16
[roll0] Attack roll 1
[roll1] Damage roll 1
[roll2] Attack roll 2
[roll3] Damage roll 2

Merek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947516)
Male LN Human Monk (Fav), Level 1, Init +2, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 12, CMD 19, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Full Attack Action Flurry of Blows (Unarmed) +2/+2 (1d6+4, x2)
Full Attack Action Flurry of Blows (Shuriken) (25) 0/0 (1d2+4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 7
Condition None

2014-07-17, 08:39 PM
End of Combat

The two wolves remaining have had enough, and turn to flee. One makes the poor strategic choice of running past Lee, who -despite still being prone- plants a rib-crushing blow to it's flank. It stumbles only briefly, and continues its flight to the east. The other wolf disappears into the darkness almost before anyone realizes it's gone. Several seconds later, a howl sounds from the distance across the hill, followed by silence- broken only by a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves.

After the party patches up Lee, the rest of the night passes uneventfully, though perhaps not comfortably. The sun rises on a slightly more ragged party than it set on the night before.

You are, at this point, about 3 to 4 hours journey from the lumber camp.

I'm going to bed. I'll update further in the morning, based on what y'all do.

2014-07-17, 08:54 PM
After the party patches up Lee, the rest of the night passes uneventfully, though perhaps not comfortably. The sun rises on a slightly more ragged party than it set on the night before.

"Lee, come here," Flynn says, a sour look on his face. "I may not like you, but that looks like it hurts. Stay still a moment..."

The bard quietly recites some words in Elven, casting Cure Light Wounds on Lee. [roll0] points of damage healed.
By the music of the spheres, be mended.

2014-07-17, 08:57 PM
Sheathing her blade, Lorelei smirks at Lee. I told you I could handle myself. Noticing his bloodied leg, her smirk fades into a frown of modest concern. Are you all right? I saw the wolf drag you down, but hadn't yet seen that he made your leg rather than just cloth. Stepping back to let Kith do any healing she might feel appropriate, Lorelei re-sheathes her blade (still close at hand), and makes ready for the night.

2014-07-17, 09:40 PM
"Lee, come here," Flynn says, a sour look on his face. "I may not like you, but that looks like it hurts. Stay still a moment..."

This scratch? I've done worse to myself sha....OOOOOAAAA Lee gasps as the healing sweeps over his leg. Looking at the newly formed tissue, Lee smiles.

Ya sure have a funny way of showin' yer dislike. Thank ye.

Sheathing her blade, Lorelei smirks at Lee. I told you I could handle myself.

Ya killed a half dead wolf that was busy gnawing on my leg. Not exactly a glowing endorsement of skill. standing up, he walks around on it a bit. After a few stretches he lays back down and yawns. I'll deal with you in the morning. We should sleep while we can.

2014-07-17, 11:04 PM
Ya sure have a funny way of showin' yer dislike. Thank ye.

"Yeah, just don't mention it...really..." Flynn says. "Is anyone else hurt? If not, I am going back to bed..."

When no one speaks up, he does just that.

2014-07-18, 09:11 AM
After the party patches up Lee, the rest of the night passes uneventfully, though perhaps not comfortably. The sun rises on a slightly more ragged party than it set on the night before.

Lucas is unusually quiet and contemplative as they eat breakfast and break camp the next morning. As they are almost ready to go, he speaks aloud, "Does anyone else wonder just why those wolves attacked us? Wolves are hunters - they try to pick off the weak and the sick whenever possible. I've never heard of a pack attacking an armed group head-on like that." He shivers a bit, wondering if this is somehow connected to the Blight...

2014-07-18, 09:40 AM
In the hour or two following the wolf attack, howls can be heard periodically, one always fainter than the last, until they are heard no more for several hours before daybreak.
The sun rises on a slightly more ragged party than it set on the evening before.[/SPOILER]

You all wake, no worse for wear, and after a brief breakfast and necessary preparations, break camp and head back to the road (spells used will count for the previous day- any necessary retraining is done).

Once on the road, the journey to the lumber camp passes uneventfully. As you travel, the woods become much thicker very quickly, and before long very little daylight breaches the canopy overhead.

Just before mid morning, you come across an ugly scar of stumps cut into a dense stand of proud darkwood trees. A few moment later, five sturdy lookin log buildings- a bunkhouse, meal hall, office, barn, and small smithy- come into view around a corner of densely packed trees. Numerous wide carts and sleds line the side of the barn in a row three deep amid the sawdust-covered clearing.

Five surly-looking men with unkempt beards and more-wicked than necessary lumber axes look up at your approach. Oy! Will'em! Lookit what the bitches dragged in! The loud man, thickly built and a few inches taller than the other woodsmen approaches, speaking as he does and coming to a halt about 10 feet away. Exac'ly wat in th' hell 'ryou doin' on 'ficcial grounds? I aughta hav'ya 'rested fer disturbin' the operations! Nao git lost afore I git ya lost! He hefts his axe menacingly while the men behind him crack their knuckles and glare angrily.

[roll0] intimidate

You are intimidated by the group, and gain the shaken (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/glossary.html#_shaken) modifier for: Adam, 2 rounds; Ian & James, 4 rounds; others, 3 rounds.

2014-07-18, 11:24 AM
Momentarily taken aback by the less-than-warm welcome, Lorelei recovers a measure of composure but remains silent, looking to Lee for a response.

2014-07-18, 01:36 PM
Oy! Will'em! Lookit what the bitches dragged in! The loud man, thickly built and a few inches taller than the other woodsmen approaches, speaking as he does and coming to a halt about 10 feet away. Exac'ly wat in th' hell 'ryou doin' on 'ficcial grounds? I aughta hav'ya 'rested fer disturbin' the operations! Nao git lost afore I git ya lost! He hefts his axe menacingly while the men behind him crack their knuckles and glare angrily.

Cocking his head slightly, Lee grins.

I guess your right. We should leave. Lee turns around and begins to walk through the group back down the road. Of course, when it comes to light you're the reason the entire town of Falcon's Hallow gets wiped out to a plague and you don't have anymore workers to cut the lumber, how do you think your boss is going to react? he says as he pauses after about 10 feet.

2014-07-18, 02:22 PM
Cocking his head slightly, Lee grins.

I guess your right. We should leave. Lee turns around and begins to walk through the group back down the road. Of course, when it comes to light you're the reason the entire town of Falcon's Hallow gets wiped out to a plague and you don't have anymore workers to cut the lumber, how do you think your boss is going to react? he says as he pauses after about 10 feet.

Merek stands back, quietly amused at Lee's negotiating strategy, trying not to let his worry show.

2014-07-18, 02:29 PM
Five surly-looking men with unkempt beards and more-wicked than necessary lumber axes look up at your approach. Oy! Will'em! Lookit what the bitches dragged in! The loud man, thickly built and a few inches taller than the other woodsmen approaches, speaking as he does and coming to a halt about 10 feet away. Exac'ly wat in th' hell 'ryou doin' on 'ficcial grounds? I aughta hav'ya 'rested fer disturbin' the operations! Nao git lost afore I git ya lost! He hefts his axe menacingly while the men behind him crack their knuckles and glare angrily.

Of course, when it comes to light you're the reason the entire town of Falcon's Hallow gets wiped out to a plague and you don't have anymore workers to cut the lumber, how do you think your boss is going to react?[/COLOR] he says as he pauses after about 10 feet.

His heart racing, Flynn watches as the lumberjack and Lee verbally spar. Seeing an opportunity he chimes in, saying, "How do ya know we ain't heah on 'ficcial business, yah gits? Don' be daft, try usin' yah head instead o' yah hurgmp!" Mimicking the accents of the lumberjacks the bard makes no effort to hide his disdain, in spite of the size of the big men.
[roll0] Bluff to show no fear in the face of the intimidating men
[roll1] Intimidate to demoralize the lumberjacks with the insult to their intelligence
(My skill checks include the -2 from being Shaken already.)

2014-07-18, 09:48 PM
His heart racing, Flynn watches as the lumberjack and Lee verbally spar. Seeing an opportunity he chimes in, saying, "How do ya know we ain't heah on 'ficcial business, yah gits? Don' be daft, try usin' yah head instead o' yah hurgmp!" Mimicking the accents of the lumberjacks the bard makes no effort to hide his disdain, in spite of the size of the big men.

Lucas glances alarmedly at Flynn as he taunts the lumberjacks. Great, he thinks, another situation where Flynn's big mouth gets him- and me!- into a world of trouble.... Nonetheless, he moves to stand beside his friend in an attempted show of solidarity. As the seconds tick by the spear tip slowly descends in his grasp until it is pointed just above the men's heads...

2014-07-18, 11:18 PM
The leader looks somewhat shocked, and takes a slight step backwards. With an appraising look, he speaks up again. What's this codswallop about a plague? Ain' nobody 'roun' here come up sick wit' nothin'! Yer makin' that up just to scare me! We ain' gon' get pushd roun' in our own camp! Get 'em boys!

Meanwhile, two of the other lumberjacks take a few steps backwards before outright fleeing around the nearest building (the bunkhouse), while the other two glance back and forth between the ringleader and the group in front of them, before one of them steps forward and puts a hand on the loudmouth's shoulder.

Shaddup, Eric. Go fine sommat else to cut yer jib on. Cain' ya see that's the monk youngling? I don' reconize none tha others, but if he's way out here, sommat might really be up back 'n town.

He turns and addresses the party, as the taller (and apparently more fool hearty) man storms off loudly. Don' mine 'Ric too much. 'E done got jiggered and whupped all over las' week fer some fool stunt wit bossman's mule. Damn fool ain' got haf a clue wot's good fer 'I'm an' wot ain'. Naow, tell me summore 'bout this plague you done mentioned. What makes yew think wekin 'elp you anyhow? The last sentence is punctuated by the sharp thud of an axe plunging into a stump, as Eric furiously lays about with his axe.

2014-07-19, 12:12 AM
As the big lumberjack turns and more level heads prevail, Flynn takes a step back and breathes deeply, trying to steady himself. "We had better be able to get a good idea where to find all this stuff from talking to these bullies," he mumbles, before turning back to the new speaker.

"We may be on a fool's errand, but Laurel, the herbalist in town, needs some ingredients for a potion she thinks can cure people of this plague going around. Several people have died already, and most of the town is pretty sick. Do you, or does anyone else here, know where we can find any of these things?" he asks, counting off with his fingers. "1. The oldest tree in the forest? It has some moss on it we need...2. The witch, Ulizmila lives somewhere in the woods too. We need to find her...And 3. A dwarven mine, or smithy, or something of the like in the mountains? There is a mushroom that only grows on metal that Laurel needs, and it is common amongst dwarves, apparently..."
[roll0] To influence this lumberjack to be cooperative (improve his attitude towards us).

2014-07-19, 08:34 AM
The new face of the lumberjacks looks at you with distrust plain in his eyes. Look I don' know nothin' 'bout any o' that nonsense wit' witches and the like, but I ain' 'boutta get myself in trouble fer not bringin' sommat te foreman would wanna know. Foller me an' I'll take ya to 'im. Now make sure you call 'im mister Trookshavits. 'E don' take kinely no one who ain' givin' 'im 'is due respet. If anyone 'roun 'ere knows what you's talkin' 'bout, it's 'im. Come on, then.

Now that he's the focus of your attention, it's clear this man walks with a fairly heavy limp. He moves surprising quickly for a handicapped man, and Kith has just a little bit of trouble keeping up with him. Without looking back to see if you're following, he walks directly across the clearing towards the low office-looking building. Twice in the clearing, he looks up towards the treetops on either side and makes an odd hand gesture. At the eastern and western edge of the clearing, there appears to be a man on a small platform suspended several dozen feet off the air. The platforms are cleverly disguised, and difficult to spot without knowing where they are in the first place.

The man walks through the door of the building, past an empty desk, muttering Dam fool ain' never where 'es 'sposed ta be. Gonna get his fool self kilt someday. He politely knocks on a closed door to the right and after a few seconds opens it. With what appears to be deliberate effort, he cleans up his speech dramatically (though still not perfectly). I 'ate to bother you, sir, but we've got a handful of travelers who say they're on some official errand from the magistrate. I thot they might should talk to you. Here they are, sir. With a meaningful glance, he ushers you into a small office and steps out, quietly closing the door behind you.

The slightly plump man with shoulder length black hair and a piercing gaze looks up just briefly before returning his gaze to some papers at his desk. Without looking back up, he addresses the party: And what exactly is it that you want? I'm a busy man, be quick about it!

2014-07-19, 08:53 AM
Leaning over to Flynn I'll let you do the talkin'...


2014-07-19, 11:33 AM
[roll0] Perception (without the shaken modifier)

Inside the office, Merek stands to the back. After briefly sizing up the foreman, he diverts his attention to the inside of the office. This foreman does not appear worthy of all the deference his workers are giving him, Merek thinks to himself.

[roll1] Sense Motive on foreman - is he just grumpy, or is he hiding something?
[roll2] Perception on office - anything out of the ordinary, that would explain his workers' fear of the foreman?

2014-07-19, 12:51 PM
Leaning over to Flynn I'll let you do the talkin'...

Looking at the rest of the group a bit uncomfortably, Flynn steps forward. "Greetings, Mr. Trookshavits. A plague has hit Falcon's Hollow. Several people have died, more are sick. The herbalist, Laurel, thinks she can help with an elixir, but she lacks the ingredients. We are trying to get those ingredients for her," he says rather formally. "First we need to find the oldest tree in the forest. There is a moss that grows on it that she needs. Second, there is a strange herb that needs to be prepared a particular way; we think the witch Ulizmila may be able to help us, but we aren't exactly sure where she is. Finally, there is a mushroom that only grows on metal. It is common in dwarven strongholds, forges, and mines. Can you direct us to where any of these three items might be found?"

Diplomacy [roll0] to improve the attitude of the foreman.
[roll1] Perception

2014-07-19, 03:40 PM
Lorelei silently listens to the exchange, but her eyes are flitting around, keeping an eye on potential entrances to the room...


2014-07-19, 06:18 PM
Looking at the rest of the group a bit uncomfortably, Flynn steps forward. "Greetings, Mr. Trookshavits. A plague has hit Falcon's Hollow. Several people have died, more are sick. The herbalist, Laurel, thinks she can help with an elixir, but she lacks the ingredients. We are trying to get those ingredients for her," he says rather formally. "First we need to find the oldest tree in the forest. There is a moss that grows on it that she needs. Second, there is a strange herb that needs to be prepared a particular way; we think the witch Ulizmila may be able to help us, but we aren't exactly sure where she is. Finally, there is a mushroom that only grows on metal. It is common in dwarven strongholds, forges, and mines. Can you direct us to where any of these three items might be found?"

The surly-looking man behind the desk looks up from the paper only briefly as Flynn begins talking. With a slight smirk, he acknowledges your usage of his "proper" title, before his eyes fall back to the paperwork in front of him, and by all appearances he ignores you entirely. As Flynn comes to the question, he looks back up slowly, and meets Flynn's gaze appraisingly.

After a very long 6 or 8 seconds, he tilts his head slightly and speaks slowly. I have no idea what any of the things you've mentioned could possibly refer to. After an even longer 4 or 5 seconds, he begins to smile broadly and continues. However, I think I do know someone who might. Give me just a moment. He rings a bell which hangs on a hook on the side of his desk. After a VERY long 20 or 30 seconds, his demeanor hardens significantly. Seemingly begrudgingly, he lifts his moderate bulk from the chair, and slowly prowls around the desk to the door of his office. Excuse me for a moment, please, he says flatly as he steps outside. A few moments later, you hear another door outside his office slam. The silence in the room is oppressively deafening for a few minutes.

2014-07-19, 06:49 PM
At the eastern and western edge of the clearing, there appears to be a man on a small platform suspended several dozen feet off the air. The platforms are cleverly disguised, and difficult to spot without knowing where they are in the first place.

"Um, did I say something wrong?" Flynn asks quietly, a bit confused by the man's reaction. "And did anyone else see those platforms at the east and west ends of the clearing? What is going on here?"

The bard takes a moment to turn towards the door, listening against it to try and hear any sign of what is going on outside. If/when he hears someone approaching he steps away again, trying his best to do so quietly.

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2014-07-19, 07:40 PM
Lucas shifts uncomfortably in the relatively crowded office. "He said he doesn't know anything. What if no one here knows about any of the items? I'm starting to think coming here was a bad idea..."

2014-07-19, 07:56 PM
Flynn faintly hears the sound of a man on a tirade. Angry yelling is punctuated by the sound of flesh striking wood and wood striking flesh. This continues for several minutes.

Were something akin to scouts posts. If your perception check (for the previous roll) beat a 20, you could see their bows and tell that they were behaving as guards on watch (with a very small post) would.
This man is not accustomed to being disobeyed or being talked back to. He probably considers himself to be overly important, and is unhappy about being disturbed.

Nothing looks particularly out of place for a working man's office. Several sheets depict orders and quotes and business transactions.

Some time later, the sound of footprints can be heard approaching the door. Without any other warning (Flynn moves back aside safely), the door opens again (into the room), and Mr. Trookshavits walks back in, carrying himself like a peacock on parade. Please pardon that interruption, he says, lowering himself back into his chair. My staff is... woefully inept at times. I would like to expect a change of behavior from my secretary, but experience has convinced me that any hopes would be fruitless. Regardless, the man you want to speak to should be on here any moment.

Within a few seconds, a knock is heard on the door. Come in, Trookshavits calls, and the door opens. In walks the most unkempt man you've ever seen, it looks like he's had neither a haircut nor a shave in probably years. His clothes are patched more frequently than not, by coverage, and he walks with a gnarled oaken staff at his side. Shockingly, when he opens his mouth, nearly perfect speech comes forth. You wanted to see me, boss?

Trookshavits introduces Milon Rhoddam, his most experienced woodsman, repeats Flynn's statement, very nearly verbatim, and focuses his appraising stare at the man.

Well, you ladies and gentlemen have maps of the area, yes? No!? He looks shocked out of his mind to hear otherwise. Well here, this is a start. He pulls a small end-table from under the window unto the center of the office, where all 8 of the people gathered can see it, and draws a long and thin rolled parchment from a small bag which runs the length of his thigh. After unrolling the parchment, he indicates some points on the map drawn on it. This is a map of damn-near the entire Darkmoon Vale. For starters, I can assure you despite whatever you may have heard in town that all of the places you've mentioned most certainly exist. Ulizmila's hut is here. An abandoned Dwarven monastery is here. and there's a particular tree, deep in the northern half of the forest which has a clearing well-nigh half a mile around it. It's got too big a canopy for anything smaller to take root. That's gotta be your oldest tree in the forest. That one's right about here. He punctuates ever "here," with a small "x" mark with a charcoal stick. The witches hut and dwarven monastery locations marked align with what Lee and Kith recalled of the area. Now, I have to warn you. These woods are not to be trifled with. As you can likely tell from my dress, you are gonna stand out like a sore thumb. I'd be careful, were I you. None of those are places that most folks go willingly. Nothing much to be had there, and plenty to be lost, if you catch my drift. He turns to face Trookshavits. Anything else you wanted, boss?

The two men have a brief dialogue: In fact, yes there is. This monastery you mentioned. What are the odds that it might have stores of valuables? Well, if I had to guess, probably pretty good. Wonderful, that will be all. As Milon leaves, Trookshavits turns back to you.

So, you have what you needed, yes? I am a man of business, and as you can tell, an honorable one at that. Select few, I think, would give you what you want before asking a favor in return, and my request is fairly light. If you find anything that you would describe as a dwarven historical artifact, I'd like you to bring it to me. I've always had a weakness for ancient culture, and would be thrilled to see what is there, but sadly cannot leave my post here. Just keep it in mind. Now, unfortunately, I truly am a busy man. If there is nothing else?

He leaves the question hanging, and nods politely as you file out. The chair behind the desk in the first room is now inhabited by a slim, unhappy figure, nursing what appears to be a rather fresh black eye. He glares at you angrily, but says nothing as you leave the building.

2014-07-19, 08:20 PM
The chair behind the desk in the first room is now inhabited by a slim, unhappy figure, nursing what appears to be a rather fresh black eye. He glares at you angrily, but says nothing as you leave the building.

As he passes, Flynn mouths, "Sorry!" to the man at the desk.

Once outside, Flynn happily let's someone else take the lead, walking in roughly the middle of the group. As soon as it wouldn't be too strange or threatening he takes out his shortbow and an arrow and keeps a vigilant eye on the forest as they travel towards their first destination.
If I can, I would prefer to at least take 10 with Perception checks throughout our trip today (for a 17). If that isn't really kosher, my modifier is +7 for any rolls needed.

2014-07-19, 08:43 PM
[roll0] To not get lost.

As they exit the office, Lee takes the lead once again. As they exit the camp, he steers them towards the north.

Seems like to me, first place we should go is the Witch's Hut. Then make a line west through the north part of the forest to the tree and then the monastery.

Looking around for objections, he keeps the party at a brisk pace through the day.

2014-07-19, 09:26 PM
[roll0] vs DC 10 to Aid Another on Lee for following the road.

Lucas walks near the front with Lee, occasionally halting to confer about directions or argue about which bend in the road to take.

At one point he drifts back in the group and addresses himself to the strange monk who has become their companion. "So... Merek, right? I've seen you around town before, I think, but I don't think we've ever really spoken. I'm Lucas. If you don't mind my asking, what brings you out into the wilderness chasing after some mystery ingredients?"

2014-07-19, 09:48 PM
[roll0] vs DC 10 to Aid Another on Lee for following the road.

There is no longer a road. Sorry for the confusion. The road exists for the sake of travel between the town and the lumber camp. At this point, you've set out on a (mostly) northward bearing. Be thinking about how you want to cross/go around the lake/river. http://s12.postimg.org/3t6ejqhjh/Darkmoon_Vale.png
"A" is the lumber camp. "B" is an approximation of where the party first encounters the water. "C" is the witches hut. "D" is the elder tree. and obv. the dwarven monastery is just that.


The party has no trouble sticking to a NNW course, on track to reach the water's edge early the next morning. Come nightfall, you find yourself without a particularly good place to make camp. There is no road, and the ground has largely leveled out. You are deep in the forest, so finding a tree to camp under is not troublesome, and neither is finding good firewood, but it takes some time to finally decide precisely where to do so. Just before you decide to make camp, you hear the unmistakable sound of loud and drunken frivolity.

Upon closer inspection, it appears that 3 of the woodsmen (likely in the service of the camp you left this morning) have managed to bring sufficient ale on their patrols to get well and truly hammered. They do not even remotely notice anyone attempting to stealthily scout their camp. They have a moderately large fire burning. One of them is in and out of consciousness, usually just long enough to take a swig from his wineskin. The other two are laughing loudly, singing louder, and regularly throwing more wood onto the fire than it even remotely needs to keep burning.

2014-07-19, 10:19 PM
Upon closer inspection, it appears that 3 of the woodsmen (likely in the service of the camp you left this morning) have managed to bring sufficient ale on their patrols to get well and truly hammered. They do not even remotely notice anyone attempting to stealthily scout their camp. They have a moderately large fire burning. One of them is in and out of consciousness, usually just long enough to take a swig from his wineskin. The other two are laughing loudly, singing louder, and regularly throwing more wood onto the fire than it even remotely needs to keep burning.

Raising an eyebrow quizically, Flynn looks at the party and silently motions with his hand in a slashing motion across his neck as if to say, "Nope, not interested..." before turning back and sneaking away from the drunkards' campsite.

2014-07-19, 10:56 PM
Nodding in agreement, Lee follows Flynn back out and looks for a spot far enough away to no longer hear the men. He sets up a small cooking fire so that it is hidden by the trees from the direction the woodsmen were.

Just use my bedroll and blanket. I've been through worse. he says handing both to Lucas and Lorelei respectively.

I'll take first watch tonight, Merek get second, Lucas 3rd. We'll keep rotating between the watches each night.


2014-07-19, 11:02 PM
[roll0] vs DC 10 to Aid Another on Lee for following the road.

Lucas walks near the front with Lee, occasionally halting to confer about directions or argue about which bend in the road to take.

At one point he drifts back in the group and addresses himself to the strange monk who has become their companion. "So... Merek, right? I've seen you around town before, I think, but I don't think we've ever really spoken. I'm Lucas. If you don't mind my asking, what brings you out into the wilderness chasing after some mystery ingredients?"

Merek takes a long, hard look at Lucas, and says: I'm here because my training is complete, and ... Look, I'm here because of the plague, same as anyone, OK? That's why we're all here, right? And now that you mention it, you're right, we've never really spoken...

2014-07-20, 11:57 AM
Nodding in agreement, Lee follows Flynn back out and looks for a spot far enough away to no longer hear the men. He sets up a small cooking fire so that it is hidden by the trees from the direction the woodsmen were.

Just use my bedroll and blanket. I've been through worse. he says handing both to Lucas and Lorelei respectively.

I'll take first watch tonight, Merek get second, Lucas 3rd. We'll keep rotating between the watches each night.


Merek follows Lee and Flynn back. These drunk woodsmen are not worth the trouble. He grunts an assent to having second watch, unrolls his bedroll and blanket, making sure it's not to close to anyone else's, and lies down.

2014-07-20, 01:09 PM
Merek follows Lee and Flynn back. These drunk woodsmen are not worth the trouble. He grunts an assent to having second watch, unrolls his bedroll and blanket, making sure it's not to close to anyone else's, and lies down.

During his watch, Merek paces around the camp, eating a ration. The previous night's wolf attack, and the strange lumber camp, seems to have unnerved him ever so slightly.

[roll0] Perception check for 2nd watch.

2014-07-20, 08:47 PM
Just use my bedroll and blanket. I've been through worse. he says handing both to Lucas and Lorelei respectively.

Lorelei gives Lee a faint smile and brief nod of thanks before setting her blade in easy reach from the blanket.

2014-07-21, 09:52 AM
Upon reaching the lumber camp, Kith suddenly stops her traveling chatter, and looks a bit troubled. During the entire encounter with the bosses and woodsmen of the camp, she watches warily and maintains her silence. Once they leave, Lee's "brisk pace" is a bit more than a gossip pace for her...leaving no time to stop and admire all the pretty things along the way. When they stop for the night, she's truly tired, and gratefully curls up comfortably on the ground to sleep after nibbling on a ration of food and some sips of water.

2014-07-21, 03:51 PM
After backtracking and settling in for camp some distance from the inebriated woodsmen, the group has no trouble throughout the night. Shockingly, as you all are breaking camp just after dawn, the three woodsmen stroll into sight, heading in the direction of your camp. All three appear somewhat uneasy, and as you watch, one pitches into the underbrush and heaves loudly, before jogging slightly to catch up with his unaware companions.

If ignored, they will stumble past the camp sight without noticing you. They are that hung over. If you care to speak with them, you may do so. Otherwise, feel free to move further north.

Be thinking about how you plan to cross/go around the lake/river.

2014-07-21, 04:04 PM
Watching the woodsman deal with his violent sickness, Lorelei's characteristic smirk shifts into a disgusted sneer.

2014-07-21, 04:09 PM
After backtracking and settling in for camp some distance from the inebriated woodsmen, the group has no trouble throughout the night. Shockingly, as you all are breaking camp just after dawn, the three woodsmen stroll into sight, heading in the direction of your camp. All three appear somewhat uneasy, and as you watch, one pitches into the underbrush and heaves loudly, before jogging slightly to catch up with his unaware companions.

Lee signals to be quiet by placing his finger over his mouth.

2014-07-21, 05:54 PM
Lee signals to be quiet by placing his finger over his mouth.

Flynn looks once more at the drunkards, a curious look on his face. "Shouldn't they have sobered up a bit by now...?" he mumbles as he quietly moves a bit closer for a better look.

[roll0] Stealth to get close enough to see the men better without being seen or heard.
[roll1] Perception to see anything more interesting about the men, particularly why they are still so inebriated.

2014-07-21, 07:07 PM
Lee signals to be quiet by placing his finger over his mouth.

[roll0] And filler just in case

2014-07-21, 08:24 PM
Still somewhat unnerved by yesterday's encounter, Lucas crouches as he moves over to Lee and Flynn. "hey, those are the same guys!" he whispers in a shocked tone. "should we ask why they've come out this way? maybe they remembered something they wanted to tell us?"

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2014-07-21, 08:40 PM
Merek's disdain for the men is apparent. So these are the hard-working men Falcon's Hollow depends on? he says, under his breath, quiet enough that they won't hear him, but loud enough to make it clear what he thinks of their current ability to notice anything other than themselves.


2014-07-21, 08:47 PM
As you watch, the first man to vomit catches up with his companions. One of the other two stumbles briefly before falling to his hands and knees and dry heaving for several seconds. He tries to wipe his mouth with a sleeve, and ends up collapsing in a heap, breathing heavily. The first man looks down to him, and falls down beside him, in what seems like an effort to check on him. He too stays put. The third man, the only one still standing doesn't seem to have noticed the other two, but rather is holding himself up on a nearby tree.

At second glance, you notice that none of the men are carrying any of their equipment. The two on the ground continue to breathe heavily- visible from several feet away.
You can tell that the third man's eyes are wandering aimlessly, failing to track any nearby movement. His gaze is probably not noticing anything.

2014-07-21, 09:04 PM
Lucas starts as the first woodman falls to the ground, and then jumps up in alarm as the second one collapses. "hey-H-Hey!" Calling out, he waves his arms overhead as he rushes out from cover to attract the men's attention. "Are you alright? Are you sick? What's going on?!"

2014-07-21, 09:07 PM
Lucas starts as the first woodman falls to the ground, and then jumps up in alarm as the second one collapses. "hey-H-Hey!" Calling out, he waves his arms overhead as he rushes out from cover to attract the men's attention. "Are you alright? Are you sick? What's going on?!"

Lorelei hisses at Lucas, If they are sick, you could catch it from being too close to their stinking bodies.

2014-07-21, 09:15 PM
The man leaning against the tree looks vaguely in Lucas' direction, shifting his balance. After stumbling a few steps, he falls to the ground on his way towards Lucas. He crawls forward, seems to be mouthing something. You can't hear anything from more than 10 feet away. He stops crawling forward, and lies on the ground breathing. His lips continues to twitch silently.

In a faint, rasping voice, you hear the man begging for help. Please... the drink... poi... poi... sssonn... help...

The other two men don't respond to Lucas' call at all.

2014-07-21, 09:20 PM
Lucas rushes forward but pulls up a few feet from the man, hesitant to get too close, and drops to one knee to hear him better...

"POISON!" Lucas leaps to his feet. "He- he said something about a drink, and poison! Lee, can't you do anything to help him? We have to do something!" Lucas looks around frantically, in great distress over his own uselessness in the situation.

2014-07-22, 07:14 AM
Flynn stands up from his hiding place and looks around. "Someone poisoned them? I wonder if they are still around..."

[roll0] to see anyone else that might be watching this scene.
"If they are vomitting everywhere, they are probably dehydrated. They may not be able to keep down anything, but we need to see if some water helps," Flynn says, taking out his waterskin and gently putting it to the lips of the men, one by one.

2014-07-22, 07:43 AM
Flynn stands up from his hiding place and looks around. "Someone poisoned them? I wonder if they are still around..."

Flynn is unable to see anyone or anything else observing the scene.

"If they are vomitting everywhere, they are probably dehydrated. They may not be able to keep down anything, but we need to see if some water helps," Flynn says, taking out his waterskin and gently putting it to the lips of the men, one by one.

I am going to treat this as a heal check to treat poison. If you prefer to roll yourself, don't look in this spoiler :-p [roll0]

The man is unresponsive until a small portion of the water actually trickles into his mouth. He the greedily drinks as much as you will let him, struggling to not choke himself in the process.

2014-07-22, 12:24 PM
[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Heal (untrained)
[roll2] Survival ( if needed)

At the mention of someone possibly watching, Lee readies his bow and takes a look around. Handing Flynn his water skin, he starts searching for the bottle they were drinking from., following the tracks back to their camp if needed to find it.

2014-07-22, 12:39 PM
you also do not notice anything threatening. You have no trouble finding the camp- their fire is still burning brightly in the early morning mist. You can just tell- based on smell that there is a moderate quantity of arsenic in the largest of the canteens- they must have passed it around over night.

When you return, you help Lucas to provide basic care to the woodsmen.

[roll0]first to collapse
[roll1]throw up

Within about 10 minutes, two of the three woodsmen are beginning to show improvement. Their breathing has slowed to a more regular rate, and color is seeping back into their faces.

The first man to collapse has been almost completely unresponsive. His lips worked briefly as water was poured across them, but he wasn't able to drink much, and to all appearances threw up what little he had ingested a few minutes later.

The second man to collapse (the one who threw up loudly some 20 minutes prior) has rolled away from his companion, and is now sleeping fitfully.

The least-affected man is now sitting, back against a nearby tree, what's left of a waterskin in his hand. Every few moments, he takes another small swallow. I... Cannot than you enough. I thought for sure we would die here, abandoned by our gods... his now focused gaze falls on the man still breathing heavily. Perhaps Aaron will, yet... Gods, please... He pleads with surprising fervor for a few moments before opening his eyes and focusing on you. I know you have already done so much... Please, don't let him die... he closes his eyes, and appears to succumb to exhaustion, as a few tears trickle down his cheeks.

2014-07-22, 01:29 PM
They passed around a bottle of arsenic for some reason. Kith, you have experience with these sorts of things, is there anything to be done?

2014-07-22, 01:40 PM
"POISON!" Lucas leaps to his feet. "He- he said something about a drink, and poison! Lee, can't you do anything to help him? We have to do something!" Lucas looks around frantically, in great distress over his own uselessness in the situation.

Lorelei's disgusted sneer fades into a modestly concerned expression. Poisoned? Out here in the woods? She looks down, brows furrowed in thought. Unless all three of them were in agreement upon a decision to eat something poisonous, they must have taken the poison with them from camp. But who in the camp would want to poison their own laborers?

2014-07-22, 04:36 PM
As he ministers to the men, trying to get them to sip the water without choking and monitoring their responses, Flynn asks them, "From where did your poisoned ale skins come?"

2014-07-22, 05:26 PM
The man propped against the tree opens an eye at your query. The.. uhhh... the girl... she was... gone... this morning...

2014-07-22, 07:32 PM
"Th-the girl??" Lucas stutters in his haste to get the words out. "What girl? I didn't see any girl yesterday! Sir, what girl are you talking about?!" Lucas looks around wide-eyed at his companions for any confirmation that they've seen this person. His gaze rests for a long moment on Lorelei, considering...

2014-07-22, 09:47 PM
"Drinking ale from a girl...typical," says Flynn. "I am not sure what more I can do for these poor fools. We have all of Falcon Hollow dying behind us, so we cannot really hang around to nurse them back to health. Besides, arsenic is bad stuff, but as long as they don't drink more they may be over the worst of it..."

Flynn makes it a point to get every one of the men enough water that they can breath and then leans them all against trees to keep them upright as they sit. "I lack any talents regarding poisons, and unless they tell us more I don't know what else we can do...besides not take ale from strange women that is..."

2014-07-22, 11:11 PM
Lucas looks around wide-eyed at his companions for any confirmation that they've seen this person. His gaze rests for a long moment on Lorelei, considering...

Lucas' inquiring gaze is met by a steely glare from Lorelei.

Dolt, I have been with the party the entire way from Falcon's Hollow, with watches set across the night hours. Slander me not with the blame for these fool's condition.

She turns and glares fiercely at nothing in particular.

2014-07-22, 11:32 PM
"Drinking ale from a girl...typical," says Flynn. "I am not sure what more I can do for these poor fools. We have all of Falcon Hollow dying behind us, so we cannot really hang around to nurse them back to health. Besides, arsenic is bad stuff, but as long as they don't drink more they may be over the worst of it..."

Flynn makes it a point to get every one of the men enough water that they can breath and then leans them all against trees to keep them upright as they sit. "I lack any talents regarding poisons, and unless they tell us more I don't know what else we can do...besides not take ale from strange women that is..."

I agree. Time is of the essence, and we have little to spare. Let us do what we can and move on. Merek shares some of the water from his waterskin.

As for this mysterious girl, is she perhaps connected to the witch we are looking for? Actually, has anyone heard anything about this witch, other than that she lives in the woods? Is she inclined to be friendly to strangers?

2014-07-23, 04:58 AM

After several minutes of struggling, the first man to collapse finally coughs wetly a few times and begins to drink some water on his own. Shortly thereafter, he too starts breathing slower, and falls into a slightly fitful rest.

The man leaning against the tree seems to waken slightly as Lee succeeds at getting the collapsed man to drink some. He smiles weakly, and between long breaths, manages to speak a few phrases. I have a... question, friends. How do you... plan... to cross the lake?

apologies for ugly phraseology. Hopefully this makes more sense.

2014-07-23, 09:42 AM
Lucas looks away from Lorelei's adminitions, flustered. "I- I wasn't accusing you! I was just looking around and the man said a girl and- you're a girl..." he finishes lamely.

[roll0] to learn anything about the lake and common ways of crossing it (barge, ferries, bridges, etc). Gotta run to work, so assume Lucas shares anything he learns!

2014-07-23, 09:53 AM
Flynn looks at the man quizzically, "You are welcome...friend. We hadn't really decided how we were crossing the lake. Is there a dock with a boat or something that we can use?"

The young thief looks a bit shocked at the man's kind words, and takes more time than he had originally planned making the three poison victims more comfortable, even splitting a ration with them, warning them, "Eat this slowly, in small amounts at a time. If you feel sick again, try to keep it down, but even if you can't, sip some clean water afterwards. Oh, and lay off the arsenic-laced ale..."

[roll0] Knowledge (Local or Geography) for ideas on how to cross the lake.
This is likely one of the first times anyone other than Lucas has called Flynn "friend" - it hit him pretty hard for it to come from a stranger with such sincerity.

2014-07-23, 10:04 AM
Flynn looks at the man quizzically, "You are welcome...friend. We hadn't really decided how we were crossing the lake. Is there a dock with a boat or something that we can use?

The man laugh/coughs weakly, and slowly chews a tiny bite of the ration. After several long seconds, he swallows, takes a sip of water and breathes deeply for a few seconds. There is certainly something, though a dock would never survive the summer floods. We've a small cache hidden on a hill near the lakeshore, which includes a few rations and a small skiff. I doubt you'll be able to fit more than four at a time, but it'll save you more than a week's time traversing the lake, or perhaps worse, looking for a fjord. The river foam and her mother are unforgiving at times... Fortunately it has been a tame spring, rowing across should pose no real threat.

If I may ask, what brings our saviors this far north into the woods? There is not much out here but wilderness and danger... Surely the lake itself holds no great appeal. He smiles briefly. Though, to be fair, the fishing's nice...

2014-07-23, 10:06 AM
As for this mysterious girl, is she perhaps connected to the witch we are looking for? Actually, has anyone heard anything about this witch, other than that she lives in the woods? Is she inclined to be friendly to strangers?

Lorelei scoffs at the monk. I think we can safely say she is not friendly to strangers. she says, smirking.

Lucas looks away from Lorelei's adminitions, flustered. "I- I wasn't accusing you! I was just looking around and the man said a girl and- you're a girl..." he finishes lamely.

Lorelei rolls her eyes.

2014-07-23, 12:17 PM
We've a small cache hidden on a hill near the lakeshore, which includes a few rations and a small skiff. I doubt you'll be able to fit more than four at a time, but it'll save you more than a week's time traversing the lake, or perhaps worse, looking for a fjord. The river foam and her mother are unforgiving at times... Fortunately it has been a tame spring, rowing across should pose no real threat.
"Is the lake dangerous? Leaving people behind and taking two trips wouldn't be too bad with a safe place to wait, but if there are dangers in the area perhaps we should consider other options..." Flynn says, gently questioning the man.

If I may ask, what brings our saviors this far north into the woods? There is not much out here but wilderness and danger... Surely the lake itself holds no great appeal.
"We are on something of an errand. There is a sickness going around in Falcon's Hollow, and we are trying to get the ingredients for a cure. The herbalist in town thinks she can make something work, but she needs something from the witch in the woods, some moss from the oldest tree in the forest, and some 'shrooms that grow on metal. You all wouldn't happen to know anything about those things, would you?"

2014-07-23, 12:28 PM
The man thinks for a long time before responding. This time of year, the lake is usually fairly nasty. So far, it's been tamer than usual, so you might be in luck. As for other dangers, they wouldn't send out regular patrols if there wasn't anything to ward away, now would they? It hasn't been all that long since the kobolds were driven into and then out of these woods. They still creep down from the mountains from time to time. Not usually anything armed and prepared folk couldn't handle, though. Rarely more than a half-dozen.

As for the rest of that stuff, I'm afraid witches, old trees, and mushrooms are well out of my purview.

I must thank you again. Give me an hour to rest and I'll show you to the cache with the skiff. It's well hidden, or I'd just tell you. Heh, Aaron can't even find it without help, and the poor boy's been there half a hundred times... He chuckles softly for a moment before closing his eyes to rest for a time...

2014-07-23, 01:12 PM
He chuckles softly for a moment before closing his eyes to rest for a time...
Flynn is unusually caring as the men sleep, taking his bedroll and blanket and making sure they are reasonably comfortable, making sure they have water when they show signs of thirst, and generally nursing them for the next hour or so.

When about an hour has passed he gently wakes the man who spoke, saying, "It has been an hour...friend...Do you feel well enough to show us this cache now?"

2014-07-23, 01:27 PM
He yawns widely, and looks at the sky for a long moment before responding. I certainly do not feel well, but truth be told, I've traveled in worse condition. My legs aren't broken.... He stands up slowly, stretches slowly, gets his bearings and walks over to check on his friends. After covering them with his cloak, he removes a small piece of parchment and scribbles on it for a moment. Then he rolls up the parchment and slips it into one of them men's hand. There. I am as prepared as is reasonable, given the circumstances. They will be fine until I return. Seeing as I'll be your companion, at least briefly, allow me to introduce myself. I go by Steven. That's Edrick, and that's Aaron. Shall we?

The group sets out northward, and Steven has no trouble maintaining the best pace Kith can hold, while guiding the group to the right place.

2014-07-23, 09:37 PM
As the party comes into view of the hidden skiff, Lucas turns to Steven. "Thanks, uh, Mr. Steven." Walking down to the boat, he peers inside and examines all around it. "You said it seats four? So then that's, uh... four across while two of us wait here, then two come back in the boat with two waiting on the far bank, then the last four to the other side. So, how do we do this? Who stays here, who stays there, and who comes back on the boat?"

2014-07-23, 09:47 PM
The rest of the morning, and trip to the cache pass uneventfully, aside from amiable conversation. As you crest a small rise, Steven leads you into a narrow gully, almost entirely hidden from view by overgrown underbrush. About 50 feet down, a small cave opening is further hidden from casual view. Within is a skiff large enough for four (2 by 2), with six oars, and three small barrels of what must be foodstuffs. As you exit the cave, portaging the skiff, Steven pauses. My friends will be waiting, and it aches me to leave them unprotected so long already. Just down this gully here is the water's edge. Take your time and paddle gently and you shouldn't have a problem. Thank you again for all you've done. All I ask is that you tie off the skiff above the water when you're done. It's be a shame to lose 'er in a late-season flood. With that, the man turns and heads back up the gully and out of sight around a bend.

His description proves true, about 150 feet further down the gully, it opens into a small creek bed mouth at the edge of the water. Your view is largely still blocked by trees crowding the exit of the small tributary.

6 people, 1 four-seater. Now what? You're in a small bay of sorts, mostly surrounded by trees and roots. The opening into the lake is right in front of you, and you can see it's a long way to the other side. Likely more than an hour of paddling, possibly 2. One way.

Once you decide who is going, in what order, make strength checks. The person(s?) rowing back needs to make a second strength check and a constitution check.

2014-07-24, 12:22 AM
Flynn looks at the little skiff and the lake, none too thrilled. "Well, I think I am probably best used with my bow, protecting us from anything that might show up. I probably need to stay with Lee, and he is likely to be helping guide us across the lake," he says, clearly unhappy with the small size of the little dingy.

2014-07-24, 06:24 AM
Thinking for a moment...

No Flynn. It is high time you had a chance to prove yourself. After that incident with the woodsmen, lets just say I'm givin' ya a chance. 'Sides, you look like you'd have a hard time paddling twice... he says as he eyes Flynn's arms.

We'll cross twice, Merek and I will go back and forth. Flynn and Lorelei will go first, and then Lucas and Kith.

He gets into the boat and turns around with a hand out to help the next person in.

[roll0] Survival
[roll1] Str
[roll2] Con

2014-07-24, 09:54 AM
Lucas nods at Lee's instructions. As the others depart across the water, he sits by the bank with Kith. "So, uh, what's it like? The world outside of Falcon's Hollow, I mean. I hear stories from the traveling merchants, sometimes, but you've actually been there! Is it as dangerous as they say? What about monsters and fantastic creatures? What's your favorite place you've visited?" Lucas listens in childlike wonder to the wandering gnome's tales of life on the outside.

2014-07-24, 09:59 AM
Lorelei eyes the boat with undisguised distaste on her face, but grudgingly accepts help getting into the skiff and makes herself familiar with the oars.


2014-07-24, 11:48 AM
Shrugging, Flynn gets inside the boat, his shortbow and quiver close in case he needs them, and gets settled.


2014-07-24, 12:29 PM
[roll0] rollin

2014-07-24, 04:36 PM
Outside Falcon's Hollow?? Well...there's all sorts of places! I haven't seen near as much of it as I would like to, really. I did spend a long time at home with my parents, who live in a city. You know what's weird though? It's said that clerics of Desna never get lost...but I did. Not kidding! I've been lost for what seems like forever, and I have no idea which city my parents are in any more. It was a neat place though. I guess it was dangerous, but I don't usually remember things that way. Most people don't look down often enough to notice me, you know? When I left...hmmm...when was that? I don't remember. But when I left, I just started walking one day, going wherever my curiosity took me. Staring at plants along the way I decided that they were really fascinating, so I started studying them. And they ARE really fascinating! There's just so many of them, and so many shapes, and so many colors, and so many things they can do... Ummm...places I've been. I think you'll have to ask a more specific question! But I think it may surprise you how many places would remind you of your home. Humans generally seem to want the same things everywhere. They like their lives to be boring, predictable, comfortable, safe... Not really what I prefer, mind you...but you humans can be really odd... Plants are really much more interesting, if you ask me!

2014-07-24, 04:59 PM
My favorite place? Tough question!! I like so many things and so many places. Mountains are very interesting though. I'm looking forward to going to that dwarven ruin up by the mountains. Mountains are just so incredibly BIG!! Rather amazing, truly! You just don't believe how big they are until you encounter one.

2014-07-24, 05:10 PM
As for monsters and creatures...I think I can safely say that I've never encountered any creatures any more out of the ordinary than myself. I guess for you that may include a few strange things, as you DID seem very startled to meet a gnome! There are plenty of wild beings in the world, and mostly they want what you want...to be left in peace to do your own thing. Unless they think you should be their next meal. That is a sticky situation, for sure. Definitely not my favorite. Those wolves the other night, for example. So, ummm...define what would constitute "monster" to you? Then I'll let you know if I've seen any.

what kinds of creatures has Kith encountered in her travels on her way to Falcon's Hollow? (1d20+2)

2014-07-24, 05:12 PM
[roll0] knowledge check on what kinds of creatures Kith is familiar with.

2014-07-24, 07:49 PM
Realizing that they look like the two best suited for the task, Merek assents to Lee's instructions. During the trip, however, his eyes make it clear that rowing is beneath him.

[roll0] First Strength check
[roll1] Second Strength check
[roll2] Constitution check

On their way back, Merek strikes up a conversation with Lee. A mysterious time-jump, a wolf attack, and now arsenic poisoning. Do you think this is connected to the plague?

2014-07-24, 07:58 PM
I am not sure. But it certainly seems that something is working against us. he says between strokes.

I mean, all those events occurring to a group that just happens to be curing a mysterious plague? If it is a coincidence, I would be suprised.

2014-07-24, 09:01 PM
So, ummm...define what would constitute "monster" to you? Then I'll let you know if I've seen any.

Kith's question stops Lucas short, and he scratches his head as he thinks about how to answer. "Uh... you know, monsters. Things like dragons and ghosts and talking fish-people, I guess... that's a tough question, actually..."

Some time later he leaps up to wave at the figures of Lee and Merek rowing back towards them. When they arrive, he helps Kith up the side and into her seat and then hops in himself, ready for the long trip back to the other side.

[roll0] s'right :smallcool:

2014-07-24, 09:58 PM
Lee, Merek, Flynn, and Lorelei traverse the lake northwards with no real problems. After just under an hour, they reach the far bank where Flynn and Lorelei quickly disembark while Lee and Merek begin rowing back to the southern shore. They make great time with less weight and steady rowing; the return trips takes even less time. They arrive back on the southern shore around 2 in the afternoon.

need to make a perception check.

Kith and Lucas join the group in the skiff, and they head back to the north end of the lake, where Lorelei and Flynn are waiting. I need strength checks from you (if you want to assist in rowing, and potentially make the trip pass slightly faster)

2014-07-24, 10:13 PM
Perception: [roll0] Plus filler lah-dee-dah

2014-07-24, 10:21 PM
Flynn looks distinctly uncomfortable around Lorelei. Drawing his shortbow and putting an arrow to the string, he watches the surroundings closely for signs of anything hostile.


2014-07-25, 07:21 AM
Flynn and Lorelei disembark into a small copse of trees, close to the lake. Most of the northern edge of the lake has between 20 and 40 feet of grass and scrub where the soil is not rich and deep enough to sustain full sized trees bordering it. As the sound of the skiff being lapped by the waves fades southward, the area around the lake becomes eerily quiet. You hear the distinct sound of a small animal whimpering in pain, somewhere to the east.

I will need another perception check.

If Robert posts something about moving eastward, and you follow, I will need another perception check. After a few moments, you begin to clearly hear the sounds of a whimpering forest creature. (The distance causes the sound to be heard by you, the perception check is something else.)

2014-07-25, 10:08 AM
"Do you hear that?" Flynn asks Lorelei quietly, looking to the east. "It sounds like an animal crying." He steps slowly in that direction, eyes and ears alert for anything in the tall grass.


2014-07-25, 10:37 AM
"Do you hear that?" Flynn asks Lorelei quietly, looking to the east. "It sounds like an animal crying." He steps slowly in that direction, eyes and ears alert for anything in the tall grass.

Rolling her eyes, Lorelei readies her crossbow and cautiously follows Flynn, being sure to stay several feet away from any brush big enough to hide something dangerous.


2014-07-25, 10:52 AM
After moving about 30 feet east, you see a small fox caught in a steel trap, in a clearing another 60 feet ahead of you. It is clearly in some pain, and bleeding slightly.

2014-07-25, 11:54 AM
Lorelei relaxes significantly. Ah, just some native wildlife. Her eyes narrow after a moment's thought, and she wonders out loud, But who would set a trap this far out? Her eyes widen slightly. Maybe we're closer to the witch's lair than we thought!

2014-07-25, 04:02 PM
But who would set a trap this far out? Her eyes widen slightly. Maybe we're closer to the witch's lair than we thought!
Flynn continues to look around for a moment before replying, "Why would a witch need to set traps at all? This is probably the work of a woodsman of some kind, not a witch."

If he sees nothing, the bard gently sits down near the fox and does his best to be nonthreatening while looking at the trap closer. "I am not one for seeing creatures in pain, but whoever set this trap did so for a reason. Is fox safe to eat? Maybe they plan on selling the pelt..."

Two checks, one to look around for signs of whoever set the trap, and one to inspect the trap closer. If I can determine how to release the fox, I would like to learn that too (what the DC for Disable Device is, for example).
[roll0] to see signs of the trap-setter
[roll1] to check out the trap
[roll2] Charisma check to appear nonthreatening to the fox

2014-07-25, 04:14 PM
[roll0] I'm sure I'm not all that helpful on the skiff, but I would try!

2014-07-25, 05:59 PM
The steel trap is a fairly simple clamp. Treating the roll to check the trap as your strength check, you easily pry the claws apart, and the fox hops free. At the same time, a heavily-fletched arrow whizzes by your head, thudding solidly into the soil behind you. You look up just in time to be attacked by a pair of overly-large rooks with jagged beaks and oily black feathers. (3 damage total, 2 hits)

[roll0] init
[roll1] hawk init

[roll2] bow
[roll3] bow CC



Begin combat
Unfortunately, due to timing, Flynn and Lorelei will be facing this encounter without the rest of the group. The pair in the boat is too far away to make a difference, and heading in the wrong direction anyway. Initiative and round 1 actions, please

The map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgzLjavLT4zMdEMzbUw3eHBTX2h3Qnd1VG5yZEx6V 3c#gid=0) is updated. The arrow came from the wooded area immediately north, another perception check is appropriate :-P

2014-07-25, 10:13 PM
I am not sure. But it certainly seems that something is working against us. he says between strokes.

I mean, all those events occurring to a group that just happens to be curing a mysterious plague? If it is a coincidence, I would be suprised.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with that impression. Let's keep our eyes open, you and I. If something is working against us, I expect wolves and arsenic won't be the last obstacles in our way, Merek sighs.

2014-07-26, 04:40 PM
Init: 19
Perception to find where the arrow came from: 18
“it game generally to the northeast of where Rob is”
Readied action to bow attack nearest hostile that’s out of melee with Flynn

Rob gets hit by arrow for 5HP

Rob: Free action to drop prone
Shout “We’re not here to fight!”
Diplomacy check: 9
Healed for 6
Perception of 22

My readied action: Attack (13, miss)

Hobgoblin: miss

Me: Arcane Point to +1 Longbow
Attack: hit
Damage: killed

Rob: Crawled, Pointed at hobgoblin, healed for 1

Bird: hit for 1

Hobgoblin: misses

Rob tries to move, incurs AoO -> hit for 1

Me: Miss bird

Bird hits Rob for 1

Hobgoblin left

Rob tries to move, Bird misses

Me: Shoot bird, miss

Bird: attacks Rob, hits for 1

Hobgoblin: Attacks me for 4

Rob: Failed Acrobatic attempt, hawk attacks: -2

Me: 5 ft step to north, attack bird, Miss

Bird: Move to attack, hit for 2

Hobgoblin: Misses, falls asleep into the open space in front of it.

Faun: walks through clearing to N of me

Me: Drop longbow as a free action, Draw weapon as move action, Attacking bird, miss

Faun: moves to flank bird

Bird: attacks me for 1

Me: Arcane point to +1 (swift), Attack, hit for 3, killed the bird

Rob: Stabilized

2014-07-26, 04:41 PM
The faun smiles, bowing low to the ground. I couldn't help but notice that you two appeared to be having a rough time with that hobgoblin. Good thing I came by when I did!

2014-07-26, 04:53 PM
Sense motive check: [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana to recall things she might know about Fauns if appropriate: [roll1]
Knowledge: Nature is untrained, but would be [roll2]

2014-07-26, 05:02 PM
it's +23... come on.

You don't notice anything unusual about the creature's mannerisms. She seems to be perfectly sincere.

edit: and, uhh... Fauns aren't satyrs. They're similar, but not the same.

2014-07-28, 10:08 AM
The faun smiles, bowing low to the ground. I couldn't help but notice that you two appeared to be having a rough time with that hobgoblin. Good thing I came by when I did!

Lorelei tries to stifle her confusion, but says Indeed, your aid was timely. A few more shots and that hobgoblin might have finished me.

Seeming to remember Flynn's condition, Lorelei steps over to inspect his condition. Shaking her head at the scrapes on his body, she stoops down to notice that his breathing continues. Poor fool. He's lucky he's still breathing.
Lorelei's face blanches, and she continues, ..and I suppose I owe my continued breath to you. Thank you, friend. She turns in the direction of the faun. Might I know your name, to thank you properly?

2014-07-28, 01:03 PM
The faun grins impishly. You might, but you certainly won't learn it that easily! she says with a wink. Oooh, your friend here took that pretty roughly, didn't he? Let's see if we can't patch him up a bit.
That's better! Well, I had better be off then! See you later!

With that, the faun skips over to the hobgoblin, bends over him, and whispers and incantation. They both disappear.
You gain 5 HP. In the moment before the faun disappears, she looks at you and you lock eyes. For a brief moment, her green eyes black-out completely, and you would swear you see horns erupt from her head and tentacles from her hands. A voice enters your mind: Don't worry, pet. You'll have ample opportunity to thank me properly later. She grins wickedly at you for an instant before disappearing.

2014-07-28, 01:09 PM
The pair of boat-rowers reach the southern shore, where Lucas and Kith have been waiting, chatting amicably. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Kith does not succeed to help with the rowing much, and the final leg of the journey takes somewhat longer than the first two did. The four arrive on the northern side of the lake just a few hours prior to nightfall.

2014-07-28, 01:13 PM
The faun grins impishly. You might, but you certainly won't lien it that easily! she says with a wink. Oooh, your friend here took that pretty roughly, didn't he? Let's see if we can't patch him up a bit.

That's better! Well, I had better be off then! See you later!

With that, the faun skips over to the hobgoblin, bends over him, and whispers and incantation. They both disappear.

Lorelei blinks, clearly nonplussed, before moving over to inspect Flynn. How are we feeling?

2014-07-28, 01:49 PM
After dragging the skiff out of the water Lee begins to look around.

Now where in the hell did those two get off to....

Looking around, it isn't long before her finds the tracks and comes upon the Lorelei and Flynn.

Everything alright?

2014-07-28, 02:12 PM
Flynn remains on the ground for several long minutes, lying back and staring up at the sky as his breath returns to normal. Looking to Lorelei he says, "I am conscious, though not at all happy about how that whole thing went down. Thank you for trying to get the birds off me. Perhaps next time - if there is a next time - you can manage that a bit faster?" His face shows a combination of embarrassment and frustration. "I say that not to be rude, but simply to say that being nearly pecked to death is not my favorite experience so far this trip..."

When he stands he picks up his dropped bow and arrow and stumbles to sit against a tree facing the lake. "Do you mind standing watch for a bit while I try and recover a some more? I could really use a little nap..." he says. Regardless of her answer he then falls asleep, waiting for the others to arrive.

Opening one eye at Lee's question Flynn answers, "Hmmph. I've been better. We were ambushed and probably would have both died if not for the timely rescue of a rather two-faced faun. I won't be moving again today except to eat, relieve myself, and go back to sleep. If you want to hear more, talk to the magistrate's daughter - she was at least conscious for the entire fight." He then closes his eye again and quietly returns to sleep.
Anyone who looks closely at Flynn will see that he is still rather badly wounded (4/8 HPs). He would accept magical healing, of course, but is not the type to ask for help so readily.

2014-07-28, 02:34 PM
Flynn remains on the ground for several long minutes, lying back and staring up at the sky as his breath returns to normal. Looking to Lorelei he says, "I am conscious, though not at all happy about how that whole thing went down. Thank you for trying to get the birds off me. Perhaps next time - if there is a next time - you can manage that a bit faster?" His face shows a combination of embarrassment and frustration. "I say that not to be rude, but simply to say that being nearly pecked to death is not my favorite experience so far this trip..."

Lorelei glares at him I was doing as much as I could, without running out into the open and making myself another target for that damnable beast! Perhaps next time I'll stay hidden in the bushes and leave the birds be!

Lorelei scoffs and retreats to put her back against another tree, waiting for the others.

2014-07-28, 02:43 PM
Looking back and forth between Flynn and Lorelei, Lee looks confused for a moment, before realization grows across his face.

Faun huh. Well, by the looks of ya, we ain't going anywhere. I'll set up camp and maybe get some fish out of that lake.

[roll0] to fish/ scavenge food

2014-07-28, 03:31 PM
Upon reaching the clearing, and hearing the story of what happened, Merek tut-tuts at Flynn, and helps Lee in setting up camp. Once Lee turns to fishing, Merek drinks some water and a ration, and then goes to offer the same to Lorelei and Flynn.

I'll take third watch.

2014-07-28, 03:33 PM
Upon reaching the clearing, and hearing the story of what happened, Merek tut-tuts at Flynn, and helps Lee in setting up camp. Once Lee turns to fishing, Merek drinks some water and a ration, and then goes to offer the same to Lorelei and Flynn.

I'll take third watch.

[roll0] Perception check for third watch

2014-07-28, 08:56 PM
"Flynn! Did you really see a faun? You lucky-!" Lucas stops short when he close enough to see his friend's wounds. "Hey, you're hurt! Lee! Kith! Do we have any bandages?!" Kneeling at Flynn's side, Lucas starts fussing over the wound.
[roll0] (<-- well I'll be a monkey's uncle o.0)
vs DC 15 to help a la Long Term Care (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/skills/heal.html#_heal), or vs DC 10 to Aid Another if there's (hopefully) a more competent healer present.

After seeing to Flynn as best he can, Lucas follows Lee to help forage for supplies, and volunteers to take the second watch.
[roll1] to Aid Another on Lee's foraging/fishing

[roll2] for the watch, if needed

2014-07-28, 08:59 PM
"Flynn! Did you really see a faun? You lucky-!" Lucas stops short when he close enough to see his friend's wounds. "Hey, you're hurt! Lee! Kith! Do we have any bandages?!" Kneeling at Flynn's side, Lucas starts fussing over the wound.
Flynn only barely reacts to Lucas' efforts, mostly groaning with annoyance at being woken up. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't even a really nice faun...It would have been nice to have you here, pal," he says before yawning and going back to sleep.

2014-07-28, 10:15 PM
With Lucas' efforts, Flynn gains double the normal healing for the night's rest. Lee successfully catches several large catfish from the lake, and neatly roasts them over a small fire.


The night passes uneventfully, and the dawn breaks on the 4th day since the group left Falcon's Hollow. The oldest tree in the forest, as marked on your maps, is about half a day north/northwest of where you are now.

2014-07-29, 07:06 AM
Well, we should be getting near this "oldest tree in the forest". No use wastin' daylight, pack up and lets get movin'

After they pack, Lee points Lucas in the direction of the tree, and then hangs back a bit to walk along side Lorelei.

Look, I ain't sayin' ya not capable. You certainly pulled Flynn out of a hole, what I'm sayin is...we need you to be careful. If you die, your father is going to raise all hell on those of us that make it back to town. We have lives there, and they'd be as good as done with your corpse. Lee stairs at her intently.

2014-07-29, 10:45 AM
Look, I ain't sayin' ya not capable. You certainly pulled Flynn out of a hole, what I'm sayin is...we need you to be careful. If you die, your father is going to raise all hell on those of us that make it back to town. We have lives there, and they'd be as good as done with your corpse. Lee stairs at her intently.

Lorelei stiffens as Lee addresses her. I can assure you that I have more than enough reason to prefer life to death. If it gives you some measure of comfort, I'll be sure not to follow Flynn into any more suspicious clearings to render aid to the wildlife. Besides, she continues, seeming slightly less affronted, If we find ourselves in a situation that warrants your concern for my well-being, you very well may need my blade to ensure that you make it back to Falcon's Hollow to face my father at all.

Rubbing the spot where the arrow nicked her side, Lorelei grows pensive for a moment. All that aside, I had more excitement than I had bargained for yesterday. Perhaps some caution is in order.

2014-07-29, 11:00 AM
Just before the group sets out, the fox kit which had been hiding the night before limps towards them. It appears to be curiously inspecting the group from as close a distance as it feels safe. Its tongue is lolling out the side of its mouth, and you can plainly see clotted blood on its hindquarters.

2014-07-29, 12:27 PM
Shortly after rising Flynn makes his way over to Lorelei. "Thank you again for your help yesterday. Here, let me help you a bit in return," he says before gently touching her side where the arrow wound is. Mumbling quietly in Elven he casts a healing spell (for [roll0] HPs) to help knit the wound closed more fully.

Seeing the fox return, Flynn is at first annoyed at its presence and then sympathetic to its obvious wounds. Sitting down near it with his back turned he beckons it over with a scrap of the catfish from last night. Should it get close enough he quietly casts another spell, healing it in a similar manner to how he healed his companions ([roll1] HPs healed).

2014-07-29, 12:28 PM
[roll0] to approach the fox without scaring it and heal it. Circumstantial bonuses for offered food and non-aggressive stance perhaps?

2014-07-29, 01:37 PM
The kit tentatively limps forward and gobbles down the catfish, and then jumps about 3 feet when his leg is suddenly healed! He proceeds to scamper around the clearing, hopping about and bouncing around like crazy, before scampering back up to Flynn, and crawling up close to him, belly to the ground. He nuzzles Flynns hand briefly before resuming his jubilant running about. The fox appears to largely ignore the party, with the exception favoring Flynn and eating small scraps from his hand as the party completes their morning preparation.

2014-07-29, 02:13 PM
"Thank you again for your help yesterday. Here, let me help you a bit in return," he says before gently touching her side where the arrow wound is. Mumbling quietly in Elven he casts a healing spell (for [roll0] HPs) to help knit the wound closed more fully.

Lorelei's eyes briefly widen as she feels the flesh knit itself together. Probing the area, her face seems to reflect her grudging appreciation of the healing.

The kit tentatively limps forward and gobbles down the catfish, and then jumps about 3 feet when his leg is suddenly healed! He proceeds to scamper around the clearing, hopping about and bouncing around like crazy, before scampering back up to Flynn, and crawling up close to him, belly to the ground. He nuzzles Flynns hand briefly before resuming his jubilant running about. The fox appears to largely ignore the party, with the exception favoring Flynn and eating small scraps from his hand as the party completes their morning preparation.

Lorelei eyes the fox and Flynn with one eyebrow raised in a bemused smirk. It looks like you made a friend yesterday.

2014-07-29, 05:52 PM
Lorelei eyes the fox and Flynn with one eyebrow raised in a bemused smirk. It looks like you made a friend yesterday.
Flynn shrugs, still somewhat amused at the antics of the little guy himself. "I hear that once you name an animal you are doomed to give part of your heart to it forever...But is it a boy or a girl? That sort of thing should matter, I think."

Looking at the kit carefully Flynn says, "Boy...hmmm...how about "Pilip?" Do you like that name?" He turns to the kit, holding out some more fish and saying, "Pilip," as it comes over to see its response.

2014-07-29, 10:15 PM
"Pilip better start pulling his weight around here if he's gonna be eating all our rations! Lucas teases Flynn. "You're looking better, at least," he nods at Flynn's bandaged wounds. Turning, he addresses the rest of the group, "Well, I'm ready! Lee, what do you think - another half day till we reach the tree?"

2014-07-30, 10:04 AM
Upon seeing Flynn, Kith goes directly to him, and rather than digging in her bag for bandages as Lucas suggests...casts a healing spell on him as he rests.

[roll0] Since we aren't in combat I assume the spell succeeds (eventually). The roll is for number of hit points restored.

After healing Flynn, Kith assists Lee with setting up camp.

The next morning, Kith grins when she sees Flynn making friends with the fox. I think this new friend suits you, Flynn! You're not near so jaded as you would have anyone believe! With a burst of renewed enthusiasm, she walks and occasionally skips along as the group travels.

2014-07-30, 11:56 AM
The kit continues to frolic playfully with Flynn.

travel and next encounter post will happen this afternoon when I get home. Feel free to RP as much as you want in the meantime.

2014-07-30, 01:21 PM
Upon seeing Flynn, Kith goes directly to him, and rather than digging in her bag for bandages as Lucas suggests...casts a healing spell on him as he rests.
Looking up when he feels his body recovering, Flynn thanks Kith, saying, "Whew, that feels better! Thank you." A puzzled look crosses his face then, and he continues, "I know how that works for me, but how did you do that, exactly? The mending the wounds back together...?"

The next morning, Kith grins when she sees Flynn making friends with the fox. I think this new friend suits you, Flynn! You're not near so jaded as you would have anyone believe!
Grumbling a little, Flynn then laughs at himself a bit. "My life hasn't been very easy, but I do understand friendship and gratitude. There just haven't been many people who have shown me either before," he says, gesturing at Lucas. "He is really about the only person in town who has ever had my back. While not the smartest, Lucas is a good guy. Maybe someday I could be more like him in that way, who knows?"

2014-07-30, 07:47 PM
The journey northward passes uneventfully. The party makes good time; at midmorning the arrive at the small tributary, indicated as a landmark on their map. About an hour later, the dense trees and thick brush of the forest give way, parting seemingly in respect for the titanic darkwood tree that dominates the following clearing. Several times taller than the local temple's steeple, the obviously ancient tree reaches into the sky with branches like giant's arms. At its base, roots thicker than a man's waist plumb the earth, spreading outward and down for several feet from the central trunk. Its limbs are broad and strong, its bark thick and so richly colored as to almost be black. The massive thing feels less a tree and more a cathedral of leaves and branches.

The clearing is roughly ovular, about 180' from north to south, and 110' west to east. The massive trunk in the center of the clearing is at least 30 feet in diameter, with low easy to reach limbs extending in every direction.

2014-07-30, 08:15 PM
Flynn whistles and says, "Whoa. That's a big, old tree. So, what exactly do you think this moss looks like?"

He cautiously looks around at the clearing, taking the time to visually explore everything he can see before moving closer to the tree itself.
Taking 20 (for a 27) if I am allowed, with the understanding that distance may prevent me from seeing something significant. Once we decide to move inwards I will continue to keep a very wary eye out for any sign of something unusual/dangerous.

2014-07-30, 09:11 PM
Lorelei shrugs at Flynn's question. Moss is moss, right?

Crossbow readied, she follows him from a modest distance, looking as she goes.

If taking 20 isn't allowed, [roll0]

2014-07-30, 09:12 PM
Flynn whistles and says, "Whoa. That's a big, old tree. So, what exactly do you think this moss looks like?"

He cautiously looks around at the clearing, taking the time to visually explore everything he can see before moving closer to the tree itself.
Taking 20 (for a 27) if I am allowed, with the understanding that distance may prevent me from seeing something significant. Once we decide to move inwards I will continue to keep a very wary eye out for any sign of something unusual/dangerous.

Big indeed. Once he gets over the sheer size of the tree, Merek turns away and notices Flynn's cautious surveying of the clearing. Looking for more wildlife to pick up, Flynn? Almost dying once not enough for you?

Merek does, however, do the same, and only very cautiously approaches the tree, scanning his surroundings constantly.

[roll0] Perception check, looking for anything suspicious in the treeline, the clearing, or on the tree itself.
[roll1] Stealth check when approaching the tree.

2014-07-30, 09:27 PM
Lucas carefully approaches the tree with the others, spear at the ready.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2014-07-30, 09:41 PM
Kith's eyes go wide as they enter the clearing, clearly impressed. When everyone else stops, she keeps walking towards the tree that looms above her. She pauses for just a moment, looks back at Lucas, and says You asked me about things I'd seen on my travels...if I'd ever encountered any noteworthy creatures. I've seen some neat things...but this...THIS is amazing!! Beaming from head to toe, she turns back to the tree and keeps walking closer, her head tilted up as if to drink in as much of the sight as possible. She keeps talking, but seems to be talking to herself. I wonder how old this tree IS, exactly...or precisely what species it is...I need a closer look at those leaves, the bark. Oh wait! I can't forget to see if there is any moss growing on it. We really need that moss. I wonder if the moss has any other properties that we don't know of yet. Or why it only grows on this tree...is there something unique about it aside from how massive and old it is? Hmmmmm...so many questions... Great Desna, what a sight!

perception check...does anything unusual stick out to her as she stares at the tree? [roll0]
knowledge check, profession...what conclusions does she draw to her own questions as she studies the tree, based on her knowledge of plants? [roll1]

2014-07-30, 10:25 PM
Quickly catching up to Kith, he puts a massive hand on her shoulder.

woa woa woa little one. Don't just start running in front of us because your curious. There will be plenty of time for that later.

Lee steps slightly in front of her.

If its safe, you'll have time to study. Until we are sure, stay behind me and keep your eyes open!

[roll0] Perception

2014-07-31, 11:04 AM
Looking for more wildlife to pick up, Flynn? Almost dying once not enough for you?
"Pilip is good enough for me, though getting him was more painful than I care to think about," Flynn says, not allowing his attention to be drawn away from his dedicated scanning of the clearing. "Anybody see anything to be avoided?" he asks to the party in general.

2014-07-31, 11:12 AM
On the slow approach towards the tree, no one notices anything out of the ordinary, except a gigantic tree.

You came in from the south, where the clearing is widest. The branches extend about 60 feet from the trunk, in your direction. You do not yet see anything you would describe as moss.

2014-07-31, 01:16 PM
Lorelei casts a sharp look at Kith, and Lee before *psst*ing to get their attention. Let's keep to the brush on the edges and circle the clearing... I've had one too many encounters from rushing in already.

Eyes peeled (and focused on the edges of the clearing), Lorelei continues her circle of the area...

2014-07-31, 01:40 PM
Let's keep to the brush on the edges and circle the clearing... I've had one too many encounters from rushing in already.
Flynn nods silently and follows her around the clearing's edge. Stopping for a moment, he holds a single finger up to his mouth and looks at Pilip, trying to will the kit to be quiet too.

Continuing to take 20 on Perception (for a 27) if allowed. If not - [roll0] Perception check
[roll1] Stealth check
[roll2] Charisma check (Bluff, Handle Animal?) to encourage quiet from Pilip

2014-07-31, 01:50 PM
The group silently passes around the clearing, with no sign of danger. About a quarter of the way, you can begin to notice quite a bit of vibrantly green moss growing on the northern side of the trunk.

2014-07-31, 04:21 PM
"Let's walk in from the north, where we saw all that moss," Flynn quietly says, still nervous about open clearings. "Kith said she can recognize the right moss - someone walk with her while I help cover you from behind..."

2014-07-31, 05:08 PM
Lorelei nods at Flynn, returning her longbow to her back and almost lovingly draws her scimitar from its sheath at her hip. She wordlessly walks up to stand by Kith.

2014-07-31, 07:38 PM
Merek nods and moves to Kith's other side. A shuriken suddenly appears in his hand, as he says The three of us should be fine. The rest of you watch our backs, and look out for your own while you're at it.

2014-07-31, 08:34 PM

Please place your characters on the updated map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AgzLjavLT4zMdEMzbUw3eHBTX2h3Qnd1VG5yZEx6V3 c) in your marching order, furthest forward on the red line somewhere. Protip: you aughta roll initiative, too.

2014-07-31, 08:41 PM
Initiative:[roll0] And filler just in case

2014-07-31, 08:52 PM
Rob: 19(+4)
Starnes: 22(+6) Delayed 'till Rob
Adam: 18(+2)
Amber: 16(+5)
Ian: 13(+3)
James: 8(+4)
[roll0] 7 initiative
[roll1] 3 initiative

[roll5] - grapple



[roll15] - grapple



AC to be determined.

2014-07-31, 08:53 PM
I just guessed on some placement, based on what made sense to me. Feel free to change it, folks.

2014-07-31, 09:50 PM
[roll0] and also words

2014-08-01, 05:56 AM
I've got a bad feeling about this... Lee says as he knocks an arrow.


2014-08-01, 09:14 AM
[roll0]Initiative roll

2014-08-01, 04:22 PM
[roll0] initiative roll approaching the moss patch

2014-08-01, 04:26 PM
can Kith tell from this distance if this is the moss they need? what can she discern about it from here? profession skill check [roll0]

2014-08-01, 05:19 PM
can Kith tell from this distance if this is the moss they need? what can she discern about it from here? profession skill check [roll0]

From this distance, all you can tell is that there's a darker green patch against the near-black of the bark.

2014-08-01, 05:34 PM
Surprise round

As the party passes underneath the overhanging boughs of the tree, two large serpentine figures with dragon-like heads and two muscular fore-arms jump from the limbs above, crashing down atop Merek and Lorelei. Lorelei takes 7 damage (4+3), and Merek takes 11 (6+3+2). The first wyrm engages Lorelei in a grapple, while the second fails to get a hold on Merek.

1st round actions, go!

2014-08-01, 06:51 PM
Round 1

Flynn Sullivan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947852)
Male CN Human Bard, Level 1, Init +4, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 11, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 (+1 vs. Charm/Fear), CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shortbow (20) +3 (1d6+1, 20/x3)
Studded Leather Armor (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 19
Condition Inspire Courage +1

"Look out!" Flynn yells as the serpentine creatures come crashing down. "Standing strong against the wyrms, the great host fired arrow after arrow into the beasts' hides, the men's prayers echoing up to their gods in the face of such terrible foes!" he recites inspiringly as he moves into position for a better shot.

Standard Action to activate Inspire Courage +1 to the party for +1 Attack/Damage and Saves vs. Charm/Fear.
Move action to get in the best position for a clear shot with his shortbow next round.

2014-08-01, 07:28 PM
Round 1

Standing strong against the wyrms, the great host fired arrow after arrow into the beasts' hides, the men's prayers echoing up to their gods in the face of such terrible foes!"

You bet your ass we did! he yells while moving to a better position to start doing just that...

Delay to post Flynn
Move to O,14
[roll0] (+1 Inspire, +1 Point Blank Shot = 23)20/3x crit
[roll1] CC
[roll2] (+1 Inspire, +1 Point Blank Shot = 9) Piercing Damage

2014-08-01, 08:04 PM
Standard Action to activate Inspire Courage +1 to the party for +1 Attack/Damage and Saves vs. Charm/Fear.

Flynn's initiative beats everyone except Lee. Please adjust die rolls accordingly. (Lee can delay, if he chooses).

2014-08-01, 08:35 PM
Round 1

Lucas Taggert (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=948165)
M CG Human Rogue, Level 1, Init +3, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 16, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Point Blank throw) Shortspear (3) +3 (+4) (1d6 + 3 (+4), x2)
Dagger (3) +3 (+4) (1d4 + 3 (+4), 19-20/x2)
Spear (1) +3 (+4) (1d8 + 4 (+4), x3)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition None

"And don't forget the spears!!!" Lucas yells as he darts behind one of the creatures and aims a vicious blow with his spear!

Move up, flank if possible, and attack.
(With the current map position, Lucas can get to H15 and flank enemy T2 without incurring an AoO, for example)

Attack [roll0] (including +1 Inspire Courage and +2 flanking)
Crit Confirm [roll1] (threat on 20 for x3)
Base Damage [roll2] (including +1 Inspire Courage)
Sneak Attack [roll3]

If necessary, use Acrobatic to avoid an AoO from movement: [roll4]

2014-08-01, 09:11 PM
Round 1

Lorelei shrieks in a mixture of confusion and pain, frantically trying to get out of the limbs of the creature entangling her...

Escape artist check to escape the grapple: [roll0]

If successful, move 10 feet away and spend arcane point to empower weapon with +1

Lorelei Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=953369)
F CN Human Magus (Kensai), Level 1, Init +2, HP 3/10, DR 0, Speed 30 ft
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Scimitar Ranged +1 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Longbow (Arrows, 18) Ranged (1d8, 20/x3)
(+2 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 7
Condition Grappled
Bardic performance (+1 atk/dmg, saves vs. charm/fear)

2014-08-01, 09:53 PM
Round 1

Merek (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947516)
Male LN Human Monk (Fav), Level 1, Init +2, HP 1/12, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 12, CMD 19, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Full Attack Action Flurry of Blows (Unarmed) +4/+4 (1d6+4, x2)
Full Attack Action Flurry of Blows (Shuriken) (25) 0/0 (1d2+4, x2)
(+2 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 7
Condition None

Merek barely recovers from the creature's surprise attack, the pain from his heavy wounds making it difficult to think. Nevertheless, his training takes over, and his fists lash out at the creature.

All rolls include the bonus from Flynn
Flurry of Blows (unarmed) on the creature that attacked me
[roll0] Attack roll for first blow
[roll1] Damage roll for first blow
[roll2] Attack roll for second blow
[roll3] Damage roll for second blow

2014-08-02, 10:35 AM
Kith reaches over to Merek after the wyrm strikes him, trying to get a hand on him for long enough to heal him. After casting her spell, she sneaks around Merek, avoiding getting close to the wyrm. She steals a look at the wyrms, then looks pointedly at the moss on the tree.

Cast Cure Light Wounds on Merek [roll0]
Move to F15

2014-08-02, 10:39 AM
Kith reaches over to Merek after the wyrm strikes him, trying to get a hand on him for long enough to heal him. After casting her spell, she sneaks around Merek, avoiding getting close to the wyrm. She steals a look at the wyrms, then looks pointedly at the moss on the tree.

Cast Cure Light Wounds on Merek [roll0]
Move to F15

I left out a roll. I rolled the hit points gained if my spell succeeds, but forgot to roll to see IF it succeeds. I am assuming I add the number from my Heal skill to this. Here we go: [roll0]

2014-08-02, 02:35 PM
Round 1

Flynn steps to the side, angling for a target, and begins an epic tale of derring-do to inspire his teammates. Lee dashes out of the melee, but turns back and plants an arrow into the flank of the beast on Lorelei (9 damage). Merek plants a solid strike to the underside of the jaw of the creature in front of him (9 damage), but cannot plant his second such strike. Kith steps up and heals Merek (+3 HP (no need to roll concentration checks for positive spells)), while Lucas slips behind his target, and just fails to penetrate the thick hide of the beast. Lorelei deftly wriggles free of the creature's grasp and steps backwards out of melee.

The first tatzlwyrm, angered by the arrow, turns and charges Lee! It pounces upon the slayer, and connects with its bite attack (4 damage), but fails to wrap up the burly man or connect with either swipe of its claws. The second attacks the monk once more, failing to connect with its bite and one claw, while scoring a glancing blow to the monks midsection with the other rake (2 damage).

T1 has -2 AC due to charging, and is at 13 HP
[roll0] bite hit
[roll1] CC
[roll2] damage
[roll3] grapplefail

[roll4] rakemiss
[roll5] CC
[roll6] damage

[roll7] rakemiss
[roll8] CC
[roll9] damage

T2 is at 13 HP
(1d20+5)[14] bitemiss
[roll10] CC
[roll11] damage
[roll12] grapple

[roll13] rakehit
[roll14] CC
[roll15] damage

[roll16] rakemiss
[roll17] CC
[roll18] damage

Round 2:

2014-08-02, 02:57 PM
Round 2

Flynn Sullivan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947852)
Male CN Human Bard, Level 1, Init +4, HP 8/8, Speed 30 ft.
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 11, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 (+1 vs. Charm/Fear), CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shortbow (20) +3 (1d6+1, 20/x3)
Studded Leather Armor (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 19
Condition Inspire Courage +1, 2/8 Rounds of Bardic Performance Used
Flynn continues to tell the story of the great Battle of Dragonsfall while waiting for Lee to move away from his opponent. The moment the lawman is out of melee Flynn fires his shortbow at the worm, saying, "The sky was black with smoke and arrows, the fiery breaths of the dragons choking out the sun. Archers fired shot after shot at the enormous creatures, their leaders charging into battle from the backs of their mighty steeds!"

Delay my turn till after Lee attacks and moves.
Free action to maintain Bardic Performance (Inspire Courage +1)
Move action to get into a better position as necessary to help everyone stay in range of Inspire Courage and to get a clear shot on T1
Standard Action to attack T1 - [roll0] attack with shortbow, [roll1] critical confirmation on a natural 20 for x3 damage, [roll2] damage

2014-08-02, 04:15 PM
Round 2

Made ya mad did I? hehehe stepping back, he fires another arrow.

5 foot step, (P,14)
[roll0] 20/x3
[roll1] CC
[roll2] Piercing DMG
Lee Anderson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=948934)
M CG Human Slayer, Level 1, Init +6, HP 7/11, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Composite Longbow +5 (1d8, x3)
Cestus +3 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
Condition None