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2014-07-02, 11:42 PM
It begins with a dream.

But for the people of Aranth, it always seems to.

Literally millions of voices, calling out from all around him. Their piteous cries and angry shouts largely drown each other out. Every so often, one comes through clearly, pleas and cries, insults and threats, all around him, coming from all directions throughout the empty void of the dream.

"How could you?" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18095758&postcount=153)

"Why would you do this?" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18632764&postcount=287)

"Let us go!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18979646&postcount=473)

"Leave us alone!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18979646&postcount=473)

"I want to go home." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19279476&postcount=560)

"How could you?" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19404961&postcount=608)

"Turn yourself in!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21221004&postcount=1023)

"Please..." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22161294&postcount=1222)

"Someone help us!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23168977&postcount=13)

"How could you?" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560310-In-Dreams-to-Come-2-Back-to-the-Future&p=23396142#post23396142)

"You can't do this!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23647781&postcount=132)

"This is wrong!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560310-In-Dreams-to-Come-2-Back-to-the-Future&p=23737787#post23737787)

"Evil!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560310-In-Dreams-to-Come-2-Back-to-the-Future&p=23737787#post23737787)

"Monster!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560310-In-Dreams-to-Come-2-Back-to-the-Future&p=23737787#post23737787)

"VILLAIN!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560310-In-Dreams-to-Come-2-Back-to-the-Future&p=23737787#post23737787)



Leviath wakes up, to see the four mythical creatures he is capable of summoning standing impassively around his bed. Watching him. Staring at him mutely. Then all four vanish.

* * * * *

"That was the morning that everything changed. We didn't know it then, but that was the morning that the war began."

* * * * *

The earlybirds got the terror, the purely personal shock and fear of waking up to find a loved one missing. Parents went to get their kids up for school, to find them gone from their beds. Children came downstairs for breakfast, greeted by an empty house. Lovers and spouses awoke to feel but rumpled sheets beside them in bed. They didn't know why, what was going on. They got to know the taste of fear coupled with uncertainty.

They, one could say, were the lucky ones.

As calls came in, it started to get out. On the news, the social media sites, the web feeds. Those who woke later got the dread, the creeping horror as the count of missing rose. The fervent prayers and desperate hopes as they tried to get in touch with those they cared about. The crushing despair as those prayers and hopes came to nought. Panic ensued. For the first time in literally decades, people experienced spotty cell phone connectivity as the sheer volume of calls, texts, and posts to check on friends and family and coworkers overwhelmed the satellite networks. The streets were clogged with traffic as people scrambled to go to their loved ones, to check on them in person or just be near the ones who were left - and traffic jams were not easy to get in a world where almost sixty percent of the driving population has access to flying cars with virtually unlimited numbers of lanes.

The disappearances seemed limited to Adaros, cold comfort to its citizens. As the morning went on and the reports started to slow, the media began putting out estimates. This was Adaros, the single largest city, by population, in the entire country of Ilessia, one of the five largest cities on the planet.

And over the course of one seemingly quiet night, fully ten percent of its citizens had vanished without a trace.

All ages, all nationalities, all affiliations, and all levels of social status were targeted at seeming random. Dreamers and Sleepers alike went missing, well-established Heroes and elite SIDE agents taken from their homes as quietly and easily as newborn children. Literally millions of people, gone in an instant and without a trace.

Throughout the entire massive city, there was not a single witness.

* * * * *

Our heroes are not unaffected.

Despite numerous calls going out, and several Heroes checking in with her that morning, none of Phoenix's own team made contact, nor would any return any calls she might have made. If she checked in with other Heroes or their own friends and families, she'd receive similar information. Whatever this disappearance was, it had taken every member of her typical team of heroes but her. [Complication - A Trained Hero! +1 :smallcool: Hero Point!]

Rylan's early-morning meeting was interrupted by his son's phonecall. His wife had gone missing and his son left alone. [Complication - Joey Reader! +1 :smallcool: Hero Point!]

Harem's mother had not been in great health recently even for her, and had needed Harem (or one of her, anyway) to stay over for the past week. But when Harem got up to check on her that morning, she was gone from the bed she had barely left for the past seven days, a fact even more troubling considering her ailing health. [Complication - Responsibility! +1 :smallcool: Hero Point!]

Eric had barely gotten out of bed when his phone had rang, his mother saying worriedly that his father was neither at home nor at his lab that morning, and asking if he had heard from him. Her next call an hour later had gone clearly from nervous to panicked as she told him about the disappearances on the news and that his grandfather also wasn't returning any calls. [Complication - Missing Father! +1 :smallcool: Hero Point!]

Aaron had just gotten back on leave a couple days ago, and the plan had been for he and Simon to meet up that morning. He wasn't at the meeting, didn't return any calls, and didn't answer at his door. [Complication - Aaron Burke! +1 :smallcool: Hero Point!]

Aside from his strange dream and stranger awakening, everything seemed quite peachy for one Leviath Cinder. Everyone he knew and loved was present and accounted for. [You totally don't have any Complications! Aww-ww!]

* * * * *

It is currently noon on the day of the Disappearance. Where are you and what are you doing?

2014-07-04, 07:20 PM
Hero Corps HQ

Leviath was angry. For the start of this Disapperance, there was sadness and worry and a lot of sympathy for everyone who lost someone, but right now all of that was gone and he was simply annoyed and angry at the whole thing.

As one of the only Hero Corps faces still around, there was some agreement that he really should adress this whole thing to the citizens. And then the problem started because truth be told they were about as blind about the whole thing as everyone else.

Dreamers and Sleepers, agents of SIDE, there was no pattern, nothing in common with the targets. This couldn't be some crazy attack from the Reclaimers which is what he first tought when he heard that Dreamers had been disappearing. Of course, sleepers disappeared too and that left that theory too full of holes

Of course, he himself hadn't really had any of his close friends or hell, former fellow workers of the Cleanup or hell, even ex-girlfriends been taken.

He really needed some better investigators on this whole thing...

2014-07-04, 09:11 PM
The trip back to Adaros was a long one, constantly interrupted by messages to Rylan Reader's business number. People in the same situation as he was, begging for help to find their daughters or brothers or whoever. Didn't they think he had his own problems to deal with? It had been a few hours now, and all the Private Investigator wanted was to see his son. They had maintained several phone conversations since the first that morning, and they all seemed to go the same. Joey would confirm that he was okay, and then ask a question that his father had no answer for. What was happening? What should he do? Where was mom?

Rylan wanted to know the answers to all of those questions as much as Joey did, and with access to his estate's technology he'd be capable of, he hoped, getting some sort of information. He was close now, he knew - he'd been driving through the city for the last half hour, and outrageous traffic conditions or not, he had been making good progress towards his home street.

And there it was now, his renovated household, just around the corner. Peeling off from the web of flying cars he had been entangled in the deft driver zoomed away, touching down on the road and driving old-school towards his garage.

"Hang on, kid, I'm coming."

2014-07-04, 10:02 PM
Like many people at the time, Harem was very scared when she woke up to find her missing. No trace, the antivirals she works so hard for still in the medicine cabinets, it definitely wasn't something she willingly did. And yet, there wasn't any sign of force she could see. So of course, she worried for her own ma's health. It didn't help that some minor rioting appeared to be going on from the gathering of some similarly scared people. Some of her was actually devoted to trying to fix some of the damage from that. Her main body was heading for her job. Pretty slow day, though, since a good amount of people are just not showing up to look for family members. Maybe 5 or 6 of her were in a small group, playing cleanup from the results of said riots. Would have preffered to help stop them, but an indepent, infamous Dreamer dealing with civilians like that? Can you say "In jail with some 300 pound chick named Bubba as a cellmate"? That's not to say she's given up looking. She's just taking advantage of her powers to do so.

3 of them are busy searching her own house, looking for any minute footprint, note, just any evidence Mother may have left behind. If she was abducted, surely they must have demands?

And the rest are looking over the web and in the city. Around the town, there are Harems, in the e-cafes , the hole-in-the-wall rumor mill bars, or just hanging in the food court of a sizeable mall. Just milling about, listening and looking for any information, something that could be a good lead. So far, the searching has been relatively unfruitful. A lot of questions, not a lot of answers. Of course, the internet is ablaze with what you expect from any big crisis: politicians trying to twist to their advantage, people from every single side blaming on the opposite, crazy-off the wall conspiracy theories with a 99:1 unfounded speculation:fact ratio. All in all, excellent if you want to argue, but horrible if you want to solve anything.

2014-07-05, 06:14 AM
Hero Corps Adaros HQ - Vanguard IV Quarters

"Thank you, Mrs. Steele. I'll let you know as soon as the Corps finds out anything. Have a good day, ma'am."

Erin calmly placed the phone back down in the receiver, and kicked the corner of her desk. Every single member of Vanguard IV was missing, and not a single person had a clue. From what the news reports mentioned, the estimate was an entire ten percent of the population of Adaros, but that begged the question as to why the entirety of Vanguard IV, except for her, were taken.

It just didn't fit. There was more to this, and Erin was determined to get to the bottom of it.

For now, though, she was tired and worn out.

Erin stepped out of the Vanguard IV HQ, turning off the lights along the way, and closed the glass doors leading in, and swiped her employee card through the keycard slot, locking the place up.

The rest of the HQ was in something of a state of disarray. Every other squad and even the individual operatives were impacted somehow. Everyone had lost someone to the Disappearance, but Erin was especially affected. The Corps were her livelihood, and she had spent so much time and effort. Years spent putting hours on patrol and working on a large variety of jobs. Semesters spent on leadership courses and organizational seminars, all to be put in a leadership position. Two years spent working with Vanguard IV, and now, it was all gone.

Erin walked into the cafeteria, and grabbed a drink from the vending machine, and sat down on an empty table, flipping through her active crystal phone and glancing at the various news reports between sips of her drink.

DukeGod, and anyone else at the Hero Corps HQ, feel free to join up here, I suppose.

2014-07-05, 11:33 AM
Simon Candler

His fist hurt where he'd punched the wall.

After Aaron missed their meeting and didn't answer his phone, he'd still held out hope that Aaron was ok. After the early morning news reports, perhaps Aaron had stayed home or SIDE had called him in during his vacation to deal with the disaster. It was possible Aaron had tried to call but wasn't able to get through. Unlikely, but possible.

Aaron hadn't answered his door, but Simon knew where he hid his spare key and let himself in. His hopes died when he'd heard Aaron's alarm still going and seen the untouched coffee pot.

Aaron was gone. Dammit.

In the dim recesses of his mind, he was calmly taking notes. No signs of forced entry. No signs of a struggle. No telltale dust of disintegration. His fist still hurt.

A deep breath later, Daimon let his fist fall back to his side. Racing around town wouldn't get back Aaron or any of others that had been taken. If anything, it was counterproductive – SIDE and Hero Corps would both be mobilized en mass to try and deal with this. Priority number one had to be containment. Calm the populace and make sure that people weren't still disappearing. Even if the immediate danger was over, the panic in the public would interfere with emergency services, make it difficult to gather intelligence, and make secondary incidents more likely as people 'defended' themselves. That had to be dealt with first. Investigating the cause would be priority two. Whatever was behind this was big – no conventional forces that Daimon was aware of could pull off something like this. Widespread killings, sure, but killing people was easy. Making people vanish without a struggle and without leaving a body or any evidence was an order of magnitude beyond that, and doing it to so many targets over a single night? And keeping the capability to pull off something like this a complete secret? He didn't know who or what could have done this. It wasn't a feeling Daimon had often.

Simon shook his head, thoughts banished. He had a mission, and it was time to get started.

He left the house, locking it behind him and sliding into his waiting car.

“Initiate travel. Destination: Hero Corps Headquarters.” At the voice command, the engine hummed to life and the car lifted off, driving itself. Next, he needed to contact Hero Corps and get an update on the situation. Their main line had to be swamped with calls right now, but he knew a few private numbers of captains that he'd worked with. He needed to get up to speed on the situation.

“Initiate video call: Erin Wallace”

2014-07-05, 12:38 PM
Eric and his mother, Vivianna, had been in the park for hours now. Mostly, they walked in silence. Once in a while, mother would break down crying again, and all Eric could do was try to comfort her with promises he didn't know could be fulfilled.

"We'll find them all, mom. No one can hide so many people from the whole world for long."
"I'll find them. I have to. For dad, and grandpa."

Finally, Vivianna was ready to go home. Reluctantly, she bid farewell to Eric and headed back to her home near the park. Eric knew exactly where he would go for help. He was sure the Hero Corps headquarters would be surrounded by people looking for help finding loved ones, but Eric knew that he had to find Leviath. Even if Leviath didn't know it yet, he had to be connected to the celestial realms somehow. If he could tap into knowledge from those realms, maybe he could find everyone. It was the only thing Eric could think of that hadn't likely already been tried.

Making his way through the crowded streets, Eric looked for a place to morph into vine form without being seen. Normally, he would do so at his home or a place in the park with no one around, but in his haste he had forgotten to in the park. Of course, with the number of people who decided to walk as a result of the traffic jams, he probably wouldn't be able to find a quiet spot there, anyway. Eventually, he settled on the Spirit Gym at which he had started training once he acquired his powers. The only staff there today were the automated kind.

Technically, if anyone checked the records of who had checked into the locker rooms today, they could find out Eric had been there, but at this point, Eric felt like he needed to get to the Hero Corps fast. Gliding would be a lot faster than walking, even if he had to climb once in a while. For perhaps the first time since he acquired his powers, Eric was glad for one feature of flying cars: collision detection.

As he glided between cars, Eric found himself uttering prayers to Success, Joy, Knowledge, Balance, and Life all at the same time. And Truth for good measure.

2014-07-05, 01:26 PM
Herp Corps HQ - Leviath, Phoenix, and Eric

In Adaros, the Assembly owned pretty much every piece of real estate on the appropriately-named Dream Street. It all looked like just another residential street, but most of the houses were occupied not by wealthy families, but various Assembly businesses and offices. It lent an informal, casual air to their operations, although it was not without dignity - the houses were definitely upper-class, and there was a fair bit of spatial folding going on within them, increasing the internal size of many of the buildings and connecting most of them to each other. Hero Corps had the four houses on the outer corners of the street, all four spatially connected in several places.

It was...not the proudest day for the Adaros Hero Corps. Whether due to an odd quirk of randomness or whatever guiding intent was behind the Disappearance, the Corps seemed to have been hit unusually hard, with five members having gone missing beyond the four from Vanguard Five (including Arcanis, the Regional Commander, which was a real shame because he knew some pretty good information-gathering rituals), and not a one, aside from Leviath, having gone without losing someone close to them. Better than half of the ones remaining hadn't come in at all, despite the tragedy, most of them calling or emailing to check in, and apologetically inform the Corps of their loved ones missing and that they had to protect or be with those remaining. Although there were a couple who didn't make or return contact at all and would have been counted among the missing if WhizKid, an ACC speedster, hadn't found them at home doing a run-by search for missing Corps members.

Most of the rest were, frankly, confounded. And dealt with that by running, flying, and teleporting all over the city, seeking clues, gathering information, and of course going after old foes who they thought might be behind it (there were no less than six who "knew, in their gut" that some past villain they had battled was the culprit).

Fortunately, there were eight Heroes from other cities in the region who had been on hand to avail themselves of the powerful teleportation technology that a regional Hero Corps base offered in the protection of their cities. When the news started coming in, every last one had caught up with Erin (as the senior Hero currently active) and offered his or her services to Adaros for the duration.

Leviath was currently talking to Rachel Dons, the main media representative for the Adaros Corps as a whole (individual Heroes often had their own Agents, of course, but she was the one who handled such matters for the Corps as a group). She was just finishing her request for him to make a statement to the media. "You don't have to promise anything, or offer any new information. But people are scared. They want to see that their Heroes are on the case."

Erin's computer started playing her "incoming call" music. The screen displaying "Video Call From Simon Candler".

Eric reached the headquarters in good time. Dream Street as a whole was indeed rather crowded. Pretty much as soon as he touched down, something like a dozen reporters flocked over to him, all of them shouting over each other in a barrage of questions that basically boiled down to "Does anyone know anything?"

Reader Household - Rylan

Rylan's business phone rang fruitlessly again just as he was getting out of his car, the name Harold Brace coming up on the caller ID. Third time for that one, if he felt like keeping score.

Joey was in the living room when Rylan got home, watching the news raptly. He started when the door opened, then got up and ran over. "It's crazy Dad. They're at over a million confirmed missing. Estimating more than two...you're gonna find them, right? And Mom? You're gonna find Mom, right?" He was clearly trying to keep his cool, to not look all panicked. 'Course, even without his years of investigative work, Rylan was Dad enough to know it was a thin facade indeed.

In the background, the television closed in on...what looked like a guy completely covered in vines and vegetation. Or maybe made up of them. The reporter was sticking what looked like the "phone" device of an Active Crystal station towards the vine-man and asking "What is the Crew doing after this morning's events?"

Various Locations Throughout Adaros - Harem

The current "vibe" of the city could be best described as tense. People were scared, were shocked, were upset. Some fights, some riots, but nothing major - yet. The police and SIDE alike were out in force, and there was even some military presence helping keep the peace (Adaros had several military bases, as the city was near the border with Limbra). Probably more than that was due to the fact that the prevailing emotions were fear and sadness rather than anger...but the latter was definitely simmering beneath the surface, and certainly would warrant concern as shock started wearing off.

"You might as well head home. Ken and Beth are both missing, and half the crew didn't show up one way or another," the secretary said as soon as the main Antonie walked in. Apparently it was a suggestion she had repeated a few times so far; she said it almost monotone. Ken was the lead actor of the movie they were currently producing, and Beth the director.

Adaros Airspace - Simon

Traffic was finally letting up, at least air traffic, anyway. The car helpfully displayed the ETA at four-minutes, seventeen seconds.

2014-07-05, 09:28 PM
Harold Brace again...Rylan admired persistence, but these people who seemed to think they could just keep calling him every five minutes until he picked up were starting to come across as a bit pretentious. Nevertheless, he didn't forget the name. Perhaps they could help him, after all, but that wasn't his priority right now. Stepping in to the house he smiled as he saw his boy again, only to be hit by difficult questions.

Would he find her? Once again a query that Rylan wanted to know the answer to as much as his son. After a quick pause, he answered as well as he could.

"We're looking for them. Everybody, all around the city, is going to be looking for somebody. My job, I've decided, is to find your mother. You know I'm good at finding things, yeah?" He hoped that would comfort the boy, though to be honest he'd never been good at that sort of thing. The private investigator brought Joey with him back to the couch, and sat down to watch the...plant man. He'd watch the news for a few minutes, at least until he had a basic understanding of what everybody else knew, and then he would start going through contacts and investigating.

2014-07-05, 09:44 PM
Hero Corps HQ

Nine Hero Corps members were confirmed to be gone. That was almost a third of their accounted strength, and none of them were replaceable. The reinforcements from the region helped, but losing Arcanis was going to hit them especially hard. The rest of the Corps were occupied in one form of another. Erin couldn't help feel that there was something she was missing, with regards to this. It can't have been a coincidence that the Corps was hit this hard.

It was suspicious, but Erin was far too stressed out to be looking for clues.

Erin's phone buzzed to life with the jangle of Erin's typical ringtone. The caller ID identified the call as coming in from Simon Candler, one of the other Heroes that Erin was acquaintanced with. Erin fished out her earpiece from the side pocket of her pants, placed it in her ear, and accepted the call.

"Simon. It's good to hear from you, given everything that's happened today. What's the situation on your end?"

2014-07-05, 09:58 PM
Not that he had any problems talking to the media, Leviath was reluctant this time

"Come on Rachel, you know that's not really true. They'll want more, this time in specific everyone's been hit in some form. I can go out there and reassure them all you want, but if we really want to calm them down we're gonna have to show at least some intel

...Oh well, I suppose it's better than nothing though, we might just aswell try to reach all channels so noone misses it. How much time do you need to set it up?"

2014-07-05, 10:09 PM
Simdon Candler - Adaros Airspace

"Erin. Good to hear from you too. I'm currently en route to HQ, ETA 4 minutes. My only intelligence has been the news reports over the radio - nobody knows a damn thing for sure. I could use a briefing on the situation and the Corps' response."

2014-07-06, 12:38 AM
"Yeah, pretty understandable, I'm not entirely here myself.
Great. Now she has nothing to do but keep searching. And she's already doing more of that than is humanly possible. of course, It could just be a matter of quality over quantity in terms of info. Trying to decide what Prime should do, she debates with herself, externalizing it as a debates between herselves in a hive-mind scenario. Useful way of getting multiple perspectives on one issue.

Prime: Well, you all heard that, what should I do?
Secundus:How about joining the rest of us, obviosuly?
Prime. O.k., any idea where? We already got a finger on pretty much everything we legally can. If any bit of the general population has an idea, we'll/I'll know. (Note to self/selves, try and think of pronouns so we/I don't have to keep doing this).
Tertius: How about hanging out near Corps HQ or some IDEA places?
Fodder-one:Well, by know, you've covered the whole house, We probably don't need three people there anymore.
Rat-two:Yeah, having one switch between news channels might be good, but one can easily go into reserve, and one can head to one of those. Prime can head to the other
Tertias:Dibs on reserve, existing is a bit annoying.
Prime: I'll go to Corp HQ
Secundus: That leaves me to head to an IDEA campus.

And after this debate, Harem Prime realizes that to anyone else, she had been staring off for a couple minutes.
"Thanks for the info. See you tomorrow, then." So she exits, heading toward the Corp. Meanwhile, the situation at home changes just as planned, one leaving, one flipping on the tube, and one disappearing in a puff of blatant disregard for ontological inertia. .

2014-07-06, 09:14 AM
Eric was already uncomfortable with the amount of attention he was getting. The multitude of recording devices being thrust into his barely-visible face didn't help. He didn't know anything, and he wanted to find Leviath quickly. Nonetheless, he knew he had to say something or else they'd keep hounding him.

"I don't know any more than anyone else about this. I'm here to see if I can help finding anything out. If we gain any more understanding of what's going on with the disappearances, I'm sure someone will let you know."

As Eric tried to squeeze his way through the crowd (made much easier by the fact that he was much more malleable in this form), he wondered how much he really would be able to help in an information-gathering mission. After all, the best he had was the ability to feel things through earth, and even that was severely limited by the mostly-paved landscape of the city.

2014-07-06, 12:35 PM
Hero Corps HQ/Adaros Airspace - Phoenix, Leviath, Simon, Mandragora

Mandragora walked into the lobby through the crowd of reporters, who continued shouting questions at him but didn't impede his progress. He saw Rachel and Leviath talking as he walked in.

"If you know what you want to say, we can do it now. If you want a script, I can have one for you in-" Rachel was saying to Leviath, but she was suddenly interrupted.

All of your phones (as well as the computers in Phoenix's office...and the windshield of Simon's car...a couple windows in the Hero Corps lobby...pretty much any active crystal device in your vicinity, really) flash and blare with sudden alerts reading at Threat Level 8. Threat mapping software places the location at City Hall. There is a notice of Dreamer powers reported, eight casualties, unknown fatalities. Satellite viewing (which includes Dreamer power scanning) will be available in thirty-eight seconds. There's also an available video feed attached to the notice (if you wish to view it, open the Breaking News spoiler at the end of this post).

Alerts like this, there's usually a SIDE and police response coming up almost instantaneously. Today, it takes eight seconds for SIDE (one Combat Unit, Status: Gearing Up, ETA eight minutes; this is not an appropriate response to a Threat Level of 8) and fifteen for the police (twenty officers, Status: Moving Out, ETA twelve minutes; this is a useless response to a Threat Level of 8). If you're still paying attention to this after forty seconds, a much more appropriate SIDE response (one Battle Squadron, Status: Assembling, ETA twenty minutes) comes up.

PCs potentially aside, no Adaros Heroes note that they're en route. Two visiting Heroes do though; Treetop and Reynold Hans. ETA eight seconds.

Treetop's a fairly standard paragon, no actual nature powers; her main shtick being taking advantage of her super-strength to beat on enemies with a tree. She literally just carries around a tree to hit people with. She's a fairly new hero, kinda a big hit with the kids, and her weapon of choice does offer her some...unusual tactical applications. That said, she's still fairly inexperienced, and more martially-inclined heroes have made comments disparaging her her speed and skill, though even her detractors have to admit that she's quite capable of crushing most opponents if she can land a blow on them.

Reynold is a telekinetic, although he tends to manifest solid constructs of will rather than exerting direct telekinetic force. He's fairly experienced, but not exceedingly powerful. He dominates as a "street-level" super, but only rarely goes up against more serious threats, and his record against them is a bit more spotty - sometimes he pulls through with clever tactics, other times he just can't bring enough power to bear to overcome their defenses or withstand their attacks.

Neither have the sort of mobility necessary to reach City Hall in seconds, so they're likely making use of the Corps teleporters.

Ten Crowns Productions - Harem Prime

Barely seconds after you walk out, you hear the rapid sound of gunshots - not a few shots either, but the staccatto sound of several automatic weapons - followed by the lower roar of an explosion. And screaming. Definitely a good bit of screaming. With your keen senses you can tell that they're coming from two, maybe three blocks away.

In fact, you're pretty sure they're coming from city hall.

Reader Household/Mrs. Shrostein's Home - Rylan/Random Harem Duplicate

"Yeah. Yeah I know," Joey says with a shaky nod, trying to sound more convinced than he is.

Demi-Harem turns on the news just in time to catch the vine man's brief response to the reporters and see him walk off. The scene shifts back to the newsroom, but before the newscasters can make a bit of commentary (maybe thirty seconds after Harem Prime heard the noises), one of them announces, "We are receiving reports of an attack on City Hall! One moment, we're getting a live video of the situation..."

A man stands facing the camera. Average height, a bit slight of build but not skinny by any means. Short, straight black hair and mustache. He's wearing a dark gray suit, and is standing in a well-furnished office. You can see two people in powered armor standing behind him, with a middle-aged, red-haired woman in a suit standing between them. She appears unharmed, although she has a rather glassy, dazed look on her face. "I will be brief. My name is Harold Brace. As of now, Mayor Hendricks and her staff are my hostages. I want my daughter returned to me. Her name is Amanda. A picture of her should be appearing on your screens presently."

"To the police, SIDE, and whatever so-called Heroes we have in this city, I will happily release the mayor and her staff and turn myself over to your custody if you return her to me by midnight tonight. To whomever is responsible for this...Disappearance, if you will return my daughter safely to me, I will equally happily exchange the mayor for her. She is fifteen years old and not a Dreamer; I am sure you will agree that the mayor of the city of Adaros will be a more valuable person to have in your custody than her."

"A rescue attempt is ill-advised. Thank you for your attention."

You've heard of Harold Brace. There's not much information on him in the public record, but you know he's a Dreamer, and a fairly powerful one. He's classified as a Mage, a Dreamer who can tap into his spiritual energy directly to achieve certain supernatural effects, and can learn new such powers with extensive time and effort.

His personal powers tend to emphasize energy evocation and teleportation.

You've also heard that he was, for a time, an apprentice to Arcanis, the Regional Commander of Hero Corps in this part of the country. Although this may be a rumor caused by the similarity of their power sets.

You recognize the insignias on the powered armored goons behind Brace. They're part of the Breaker Initiative, a mercenary company that specializes in fielding trained power-armored soldiers. They're expensive, not particularly picky, and have a good enough legal team (and, most likely, connections and bribe budgets) that while several of their members have been convicted of various crimes over the years, the organization itself has never been in any particular danger, even though they've definitely been hired for illegal missions in the past. It also helps that it's usually their lower-class guys in older model armors that tend to show up for criminal stuff, while they've earned more than a few brownie points helping law enforcement, SIDE, and the Ilessian military with their elite units. That said, even their goons are capable of putting up a solid fight even in a Dreamer-scale battlefield.

The suits of powered armor you can see aren't that advanced, definitely older models. Although they do appear to have been retrofitted with jetpacks.

You notice some arcane props on the mayor's desk, most notable among them an ornate ritual athame. Taken as a whole, they are strongly indicative of tools for a magical ritual - one that involves a human sacrifice. And suddenly Brace's midnight deadline takes on an ominous new meaning...

Although he's trying to appear calm and controlled, you can tell that Brace is not comfortable. He's clearly desperate, and it's unlilely that he's really thought this all the way through. This is not a brilliant mage executing a clever plan, but a father who is freaking out and taking the first course of action he can think of to get his daughter back regardless of the risk or cost. Of course, in many ways, that only makes him more dangerous.

His understated threat, though, is just that - a threat, and empty. Well, mostly. Sure, he has significant personal power and some solid minions as backup, and his fighting force can't be weak if they were able to overpower City Hall's defenders. But he's trying to intimidate rescue forces into backing off; he doesn't seriously believe he has sufficient military might on hand to overcome a determined rescue effort.

But it's funny...if this act is as desperate and foolhardy as it appears, how did he manage to put it together so quickly? It's only been a few hours since the Disappearance, which hardly seems enough time to gather together enough fighting power and come up with a solid plan to overrun as hard a target as City Hall.

You recognize Harold Brace's face, but not well enough to place him. Given your eidetic memory, this generally means that you saw him before in some sort of memorable situation that he had at least some degree of a meaningful connection to (he wasn't just like, some guy who cut you off or something), but you didn't interact with him personally and he wasn't important enough to warrant your full attention at the time.

2014-07-06, 03:06 PM
What was that old expression about the best laid plans of mice and men again? Anyways, This one just went south. While independent and liable for damages, it doesn't stop one thing: as one with the powers to help, it would be irresponsible of her to just ignore possible trouble. Since information is probably gonna be less important than bodies, prime starts the rapid change resource allocation, several of her splitting apart from herself as she heads towards the sound, listening on the tube as it essentially gives her a sitrep.

Prime:O.k, almost all of you, back into reserve. Don't worry, you probably won't have to stay their long.
Secundus: Who's the one that isn't?
Prime:Home-zero should keep watching that tube. So far, its pretty much our best source of info. Although, this whole thing is suspicious on so many levels.
PRIME:Oh yeah, and find somewhere private to go into reserve. People are already kinda scared from people going missing in the night, It probably will make things worse to see you disappear in from of them.
Secundus: Also, we need to carry a map, you have needed us to triangulate to have any clue where you are outside of "near work".
Prime: Can it

So around the city, from alleyways, bathrooms, and dense hedge lines, some oddly identical women go missing, while several new ones spread out heading towards the apparent source of gunshots, with only one doing neither, watching for how this possibly bigger emergency develops.

2014-07-06, 08:44 PM
Erin made a rather unladylike response regarding the sudden threat level.

"Simon, I'll see you on the scene. Erin out," she said, getting up and hanging up the video call. Unfortunately, she didn't have the time to clear her drink or push in her chair, but that was trivial here.

"Activate video feed, use gauntlet UI," said Erin, mostly listening to the audio feed of what was happening. The SIDE and police response was, unsurprisingly, incredibly bad today, but Erin didn't blame them.

Erin tapped in her ETA as eight seconds, and raced up the stairs near the cafeteria. There was something of a shortcut Erin knew, given her powers. She burst through one door, leading into an empty hallway, and used her flight powers to push herself sideways, and through another door, ending up in the teleporter room.

Erin stepped on to a teleporter pad, set the destination for just outside City Hall, and flipped the switch, while mentally going through the resources they had on hand.

She had Treetop and Reynold. Depending on how keen Treetop was with the idea, Erin could light up the tree, or use it to move around Reynold's own constructs, but their options were limited until she could get a proper evaluation from Reynold. Simon would probably join them on the scene, and Erin could trust him to hold his own, but this was four people for a Level 8 situation, and they wouldn't have reinforcements for 8 minutes, at the earliest.

2014-07-06, 09:09 PM
Darnit! How had he forgotten who Harold Brace was? If there was anybody you didn't want to ignore, it was a Mage, and he had done just that to a very stressed one. As the broadcast ended Rylan stood and moved with a determined walk, something rather new to his normally nonchalant attitude, back to the garage. Then he stopped, feeling Joey's eyes holding him in place. Turning back to his son, he began consider how to best explain the situation. He couldn't possibly sit here and do nothing while the city was in danger, could he? One part of his mind told him that the Hero Corps would be able to handle this threat even with their diminished numbers, but the other part wasn't so sure. Something seemed just a little bit off.

"I'll stay if you want, Joey, but...I may or may not be partially to blame for this, and I think I should do something about it just in case. Call me whenever you feel like it, or if something important happens on the news. Browse channels, or use the technology in my office if you can work it out. I'll also see if I can get somebody to come and protect you while I'm away. I know some guys."

If only he could Mind Control through his television screen, that would make this so much easier. Reaching for his phone after receiving a response from Joey, the detective began to attempt contacting Harold Brace. If he was lucky, he could defuse the situation from here.

2014-07-07, 12:39 AM
Simon Candler - Adaros Airspace

"Right, we can discuss the disappearances later. I'll meet you on the scene, ETA 90 seconds," fired back Simon as he redirected his car to City Hall and added his response to the Hero App.

He hated being right some days. This situation needed to be dealt with before any other criminals got the idea to take advantage of the situation. If it dragged on too long, it could even embolden others. Something didn't add up about Harold Bruce either. Simon knew that he'd seen him before somewhere, but he couldn't place him. Until he could, he'd have to proceed with caution. Time to figure out the best approach.

Simon split his screen, one half watching the satellite feed while he used the other half to look for a layout diagram of the building.

2014-07-07, 10:37 AM
"I'll deal with this first, we can talk about the whole press thing later"

Leviath gets into action time but doesn't particularly run. He didn't want to rush into combat
So, as he goes he keeps an eye on his cellphone for any new developments, while adding his own ETA at around 40 seconds

As he reaches the teleporter, he sets his coordinates to 50 feet outside the City Hall

And upon arrival, he first concentrates on summoning the rainbow bird, which stays porched at his shoulder.
For as long as they were in contact, he could share senses and enjoy the better sight, thus from where he is, he looks at the soon to be battlefield

(OOC: Share senses while touching is me handwaving the small detail that technically those enhanced Senses have to come from the same point as Leviath is XD So, no bird-view for now)

2014-07-07, 07:19 PM
Realizing the Hero Corps must be short-handed right now, Eric manages to call out "Leviath, do you mind if I go with?" as the summoner heads out of the room. Eric doesn't really expect to be able to use the teleporter as he's not a Hero Corps member and admittedly has been something of an irritant to Leviath in the past, but he figures it's worth at least trying.

Failing that, Eric sighs and rushes back out the doors to once again begin the cycle of climb, glide, climb, glide. He'd be late, but at least he'd get there in time for the inevitable cleanup work.

Guess I missed my chance on this one. I was going to post again last night, but then I decided to wait until DukeGod posted again. Oh well.

2014-07-07, 09:44 PM
Simon Candler - Adaros Aerospace

As Simon drew nearer to the scene, he stuided the City Hall blueprints he'd accessed, occasionally circling a security feature or adding a note. treated stone walls, hardened plastic doors, anti-projection system, Dreamer Suppression system, mid-grade security cameras... While the building wasn't a soft target, a Dreamer level assult would have little difficulty breaching the place. The tricky part was always the hostages. The place was secure enough that any direct assault would be noisy and put the hostage at risk. So, how to best secure the hostages...

In a way, performing the situation analysis was soothing. The pre-mission pressure was still there, but it was an old friend. Familiar. He'd performed missions similar to this one countless times over the years. He was well past the point where he allowed familiarity to dull his edge, but he could feel a little of the tension from earlier in the day drain away. Just another day at work.

His hands flew over the keypad, making a copy of the building layout with his notes and sending a copy to Erin. As the only Captain on the scene, the younger heros would likely defer to her. The more info she had, the better she could coordinate the response. As for Simon, if he could isolate one of the powered armor units, eliminating the occupant and taking the suit would be the preferable way in. If that wasn't an option, he could use either an upper window or the parking entrance, but none of his options were terribly good so long as the security cameras were in enemy hands.

Simon cracked his knuckles over his keyboard. Time to fix that.

Erin will receive an email with the blueprints for the building, Simon's notes on security features (pretty much everything in the OOC thread), and some extra notes from what Simon knew of the opposition:
- Harold Bruce is a Dreamer classified as a mage. Specific powers unknown.
- The powered armors are Breaker Initiative models.

Routine Technology (if allowed) to gain access to the security cameras. Simon will take the penalty to hide his tampering.
If remote access attempt is allowed but not as a Routine, Technology: [roll0]

2014-07-08, 01:25 AM
((Everyone can probably arrive in the vicinity within about two minutes at the latest, so unless anyone really wants to rush right in, I'm gonna let convenience rule over precision; everyone arrives on scene.))

The Hero Corps teleporters were "portal style"; the Adaros teleportation room was a circular chamber with twelve doorways, two leading in from the base itself, the other ten opening to solid walls - except for three, which were currently active. Two were to other locations entirely (active crystal displays above each door read the current locations), the third opened to about a block away from City Hall (a scattering of twigs and leaves led up to that one). Treetop and Reynold were visible through it when Erin, and then Leviath, and then (if he did go that route; no one would stop him) Eric made their way into the room, hanging back around the corner of a building and trying to come up with a strategy. ((Any of you can still open a different portal if you want to arrive at a different position, though due to the anti-projection systems they won't open within or too close to City Hall itself; fifty feet actually is the limit there, so good guess DukeGod :smallamused:)).

It would not take long for the Heroes and independents to assemble in the vicinity of the building. City Hall was a big place, taking up pretty much one full side of a city block, three stories high. A fine example of solid stone architecture, with numerous large windows on the ground floor, a well-maintained lawn, and some pillars around the front door for good measure. There were four power armored soldiers standing before the main entrance.

You can see four more mercenaries hiding behind those pillars, and at least two more on the roof.

Joey did not look happy for his father to be going into such an obviously dangerous situation, especially with his mother already missing. Nonetheless, his answer was, "I'm old enough to stay home alone!" Brave lad.

Rylan got an answer on the third ring. "This is Brace. Do you have her?"

City Hall has good security; not so good that you can't circumvent it, with all your training, but doing so undetected will take either time or luck.

You are able to routine it; I don't consider you rushing since you're doing this while your car flies itself, but the 30 fails due to the penalty for keeping undetected. So you could routine it again and get it done sloppily, or try to roll, but if you attempt the roll and fail it you'll be locked out of the system.

2014-07-08, 05:08 AM
Rylan lived very close to City Hall, and figured he would arrive there before his conversation with Brace was over. In fact, the trip would be even shorter than usual; he planned to park some distance away, allowing his appearance to be more subtle than driving right onto the scene. His call was picked up just as he was moving back out of the garage, and Brace had only one question for him. This time, finally, one that the private investigator had a clear answer for.

"No, Brace, I don't have your daughter. I'd just like to talk about how I can help you find her. It's what I do," Rylan said into the phone. Assuming he wasn't hung up on, he immediately continued. "I lost my wife to the Disappearance this morning, and I can fully understand what you're doing. In fact, I'm almost impressed at how efficiently you set this up. I know a lot about people, and I can tell that Amanda was a very special girl...somebody you cared about very much. But surely this isn't the way to get her back? You're an intelligent man, I'm sure, so think about who could have possibly taken your daughter. If it was a human force that took her, whether it was IDEA or the police or a pack of criminals, we know that they must have been both powerful and malevolent. Why would any such faction care about the Mayor? It's unlikely such a hostage is of any importance to them. On the other hand, if the Disappearance or whatever other thing that took your daughter is of cosmic nature, then...well, then taking the Mayor hostage is even more pointless. It wouldn't care about her.

"You're free to correct me, but I don't see a situation where any potential captor of your daughter is going to be swayed by a hostage, even if they are of significant importance. Millions of people are gone...if whatever caused this event has any interest in Miss Hendricks, it would've just taken her overnight with everybody else. There are far better ways to go about this. I can organize a meeting, as I do with any client, and organize a more subtle and efficient way to find the one you've lost. It's not just me, either. Despite your actions today, I'm sure many people are willing to help you locate her. And those people, your allies, are the only ones that you're having a negative impact on with this hostage attempt. So you're only hurting your chances of finding Amanda by going through with it. Please, Mr. Brace, let me help you."

By now Rylan was capable of seeing City Hall, and could tell he was about forty seconds out. He had taken the road route instead of flying in an attempt to lay low, and once again peeled off from the road to park in a small shaded area. There were hardly any spaces left - it had only been a couple minutes since the situation had been announced, and yet there were many people on the scene already. Killing his car's engine, the detective was one block away from his destination building.

Persuasion [roll0]
I'm not expecting to talk Harold down and end the event, of course, but Rylan is going to try just because he has the opportunity. Maybe I'll manage to make him doubt himself.

2014-07-08, 12:45 PM
Brace scoffed some at Rylan's compliment on his efficiency. "This was not what I...ah, what does it matter?" Brace replied solemnly. "And yes, I am aware of that. It doesn't matter now. I am committed. If there is even the slightest chance that this course can get my daughter home safe, I must see it through. And that also means I must keep this line open to whoever might have her."

There was a moment's pause, and then in a yet more somber voice he added, "But Mr. Reader...however this goes, I will take it as a kindness if you will find my daughter and get her home safe. Goodbye."

The call beeps off.

((Your Persuasion check keeps him from immediately hanging up on you! :smallbiggrin: There is another benefit or two it earned you though, which may be apparent later.))

2014-07-08, 09:00 PM
I'm assuming that Eric goes through the portal as I write this, since it was his first option of a choice

"Alright, people, let's get started on this," said Erin, using a beam of concentrated fire to draw a rough diagram of City Hall on the side of the building, using the blueprints provided by Simon as a rough guideline.

"Gestalt, keep an eye out on the front entrance. Report if you see anything unusual. Anyways, we'll try the peaceful approach first, but if that doesn't work, we'll want to move in. We can wait for the SIDE team, but this is something we should deal with quickly. This," Erin gestured, pointing at the front of the building, which had four circles and X's, representing the pillars and mercenaries respectively. "is the main entrance to the building. X represents the mercenaries, and the O indicates the pillars. It's going to be somewhat problematic to attack frombthat angle, as the pillars act as cover for the mercenaries. We should be receiving an update from the same person who sent the blueprints for the building, probably with more information on the mercenaries' layout.

As for the building itself, it's fortified quite well. The walls are treated stone, the windows are made of bulletproof glass, and there's an anti-projection field up over the whole thing. If I'm not wrong, this model also includes a nullification field to cover the other non-Projection powers. Mind control and shapeshifting are included, but not things like Gestalt's summons.

From the looks of it, the cameras can pick up on who is a Dreamer, but not what their powers are. There are also alarm systems covering the main entrance. Unsurprisingly, it's not going to be easy to enter, and any loud means of entering are going to be detected.
As for the mercenaries, Simon - the same person who sent me these blueprints - tells me that they're from the Breaker Initiative. Powered armor mercenaries, but I suspect that these are their lower-end suits. Not that they should be trifled with, though, since we don't know what their loadouts are. For the sake of argument, let's just treat them as having older OUT-SIDE suits.

Now, if no one has any questions, I need to know what everyone is capable of, then we can put together a proper plan. Treetop, I need to know how proficient you are with other close combat styles, and Reynold, I need to know the capabilities of your telekinesis, including the strength and how it functions."

2014-07-08, 09:39 PM
"There are other close combat styles?" Treetop answered with deadpan voice and a confident grin. She got more serious though and said, "Yeah, I can hold my own just fine with other weapons, or no weapons, if it comes to that. I've found that having a big ol' honkin' tree to hit people with," she shook hers for emphasis, a few leaves falling from its branches, "gives me a few more options though." She thought about it for a moment and added, "To be fair, it is a little unwieldy indoors."

Reynold was much more sober about the whole thing. He gave a slight grimace when she asked about his telekinetic strength. "I went through one of those DAE tests about a year ago, they pegged me at about three-thousand pounds. Which I thought was pretty high, but considering the guy asked if I was really in Hero Corps..." he shrugged. "I'll admit, I don't usually go toe-to-toe against powered armor. I was more thinking to help with the scouting, but it looks like we've got that covered. That aside, I'd probably be most useful to you in a support position. I can throw up some pretty good barriers. Precision's more my game than raw power. Like...I can put out enough force to throw up a solid wall or dome or something, but it takes a lot of focus. But I can throw up some smaller shields over someone and just catch bullets for them, send them right back at the shooter, that's no problem."

2014-07-08, 09:43 PM
Rylan arrived on the scene quickly after parking, jogging the last block to City Hall and coming to a stop just in time to hear one of the outside group discussing their barrier power with the rest. So they were working out what they had access to. Gliding into the conversation as he had learnt to do over years of investigation, he said nothing. Somebody would notice him and address him, and then he would say what he had to say. It was a non-aggressive way to initiate with a group of strangers. He realised he was somewhat out of his league - these were heroes with, judging by the way Ms. Fire made her tactical map, a lot of power. Still, he was a Dreamer too, right? Indeed, as he waited to be addressed the man looked over to the four armored soldiers at the entrance.

Randomly choosing from the four, he selected the one on the far right. What could be on the mercenary's mind, detective Reader wondered...

Let's try to use Mind Reading on the fourth armored soldier. Subtle 2, as QD knows, so it can't really backfire unless they have some really good detection gear.

Opposed Check [roll0]

2014-07-08, 09:59 PM
Eric gets himself into full-on Mandragora mindset. He's only been in a few situations that have required actual combat, and his strategy has always been to wrap up as many foes as possible. He knew if he was going to be any help in this situation, he'd have to be taking orders from Phoenix. While it did excite him a little bit to be taking orders from a celebrity, he knew it was time to be serious. He'd rather not get himself killed before he could officially join the Hero Corps (an intention that was increasingly coming to the fore of his mind, now that he had more reasons).

"Mandragora here. I am capable of extending my vines over 100 feet and keeping targets wrapped up for extended periods of time. Failing that, I can use my vines to apply a resin that will slow and eventually immobilize targets. Basically, I'm good at holding things still. I am somewhat skilled at close combat as well. I can also climb just about anything that's not a sheer surface, and photosynthesize to heal myself as long as I remain in the sun. Just don't ask me to touch any computers," Mandragora explained. He hoped the more experienced Phoenix would be able to find a use for him.

Mandragora took another look over at Treetop, and felt somewhat saddened to see the mangled tree she carried with her. Putting aside his lament for the plant, Eric started thinking of what he might be able to contribute to the effort. He'd likely be wrapping up the guards at whichever entrance ended up being the safest to take in.

2014-07-08, 10:33 PM
Simon Candler

As Erin neared the end of her improvised briefing, a car broke out of traffic and parked itself not 10 feet from the gathering of heros. Before it had even come to a stop, the door swung open and Simon hopped out. Of average height and wearing a button-down shirt and kahkis he looked a bit out of place in the gathering of meta humans, but he strode purposely toward the group as though he had all the right in the world to be among them. Although he was middle aged, he was leanly built and well muscled. His hair and beard were cut short in a military style and he carried himself with a stiff posture that declared his military background. He glanced over the map Erin had drawn as Treetop and Reynold outlined their powers.

“Simon Candler. Former OUT-SIDE” he directed at the group, as though that were all the explanation that were needed.

He turns to the map, pointing as he reported.“Captain, the data I sent you is out of date. I hacked the building's security cameras. They have a small army in there. I counted 8 power armor units on the roof, 4 additional units out front that aren't marked, and patrols of 2 on each side of the building. Civilians are being held here, with 4 powered armor units guarding them. There is at least one merc stationed in the security hub, most likely 2 since they seem to be sticking with team procedures. . The private rooms including the Mayor's Office don't have cameras, so there may be more I missed. That means at minimum we have 23 hostiles in the building. I couldn't get admin access to the cameras, so they're also still operational. We can probably force our way in, but it will be noisy and has zero chance of escaping detection. It will put the hostages in danger. For other entry options, the anti-projection field generator is located on the first floor, if we take that out then we can use the Corps' teleporters. Otherwise, can anybody tunnel?”

2014-07-09, 12:23 AM
Rylan was glad to see Simon, a familiar face, and a confidence boost; the man was a Sleeper, and even he had managed to show up. There was no reason for the detective to be worried about himself. He spoke up after Simon stopped.

"However we get to the anti-projection field generator, we're on the worst side to do it," He said, relaying the information he was receiving from the guard. "It's closer to the back, which is also less guarded than this side. I can get more information, too, limited to what the guys at the door know. Perhaps their loadouts?"

He realised he hadn't introduced himself to the rest of the group, but Simon probably knew the extents of his skill set - he'd vouch for the detective. Looking back at the guards, he frowned. The answer to his second question was...intriguing.

2014-07-09, 06:02 AM
Thanks to the decision to walk everywhere on foot, one of the harems was the last to arrive at this party of those who are already here. Fortunately, laws of narrative causality allow her to be just late enough so as to not need crap explained to her specifically. So she tries to offer her contribution to the plan. "I might not burrow, but I can even the numbers bit. Theres a good 15 more of me about here. I could act as a first wave of chaff, soaking shots while you heavier hitters take potshots at them. Or a distraction, if you find alternate entrances. Even if individually I'd be easy to subdue, they would still have to devote some amount of resources to getting all of me. That's people that aren't firing at hostages or you guys."

2014-07-09, 05:25 PM
"Right now I can have any one person struck with lightning, effetively move around any object made out of a magnetic metal, possibly make a mess out of persons's control of their own body and with some luck even disable technology. Though according to necessity of the plan I can accomodate to almost any approach"

And just as he speaks, Leviath uses his still enhanced senses to organize things, with an imaginary grid quickly covering his sight

Control of his creatures was based upon his own concentration after all, and while usually just pointing at something was enough to aim, for lightning strikes more specific coordinates were necessary

2014-07-09, 06:41 PM
Erin makes the necessary modifications to the map, following along as Simon comments, and takes everything in as the others give her a breakdown on their powers.

"Alright, so here's how we're going to do this. Our mission is the extraction of the hostages that Brace has inside. In order to facilitate this, we need to take out the anti-projection device. To that end, we'll be splitting up into three teams for Phase One of our operation. Mandragora, Treetop and Gestalt are in Team One. Simon, Mr. Detective here and Reynold are in Team Two. The duplicator and I are going to be in Team Three.

Team One is support. Your mission is to back up Team Two, and get them to the anti-projector room safely. Mandragora, you should primarily act as a disabler, while Treetop and Gestalt can be the primary offense. Gestalt, I'm appointing you as the captain of Team One. Treetop and Gestalt, use the tree to block up the back entrance.

Team Two's objective is twofold. One is going to be disabling the anti-projector device. The second, solely for our mystery friend here, is gathering intel on the mercenaries' plans. Reynold, you'll be providing protection for them. As a note, try to not destroy the projection device, but just disable it to the extent that it can't be used. Simon is team captain for Team Two.

Team Three is our distraction. Brace will likely assume that I'm leading the assault, so our duplicator and I will be buying some time and drawing attention away from you guys.

Phase One concludes when the anti-projection device is down. When. that happens, the team captains need to ping their locations on the mission profile.

Phase Two is retrieval. I'll open up portals back to Hero Corps, and we use those to strike. That way, they can't track our movements. From there, we go and grab the hostages. We'll likely have to deal with resistance, but if we act as a team, it shouldn't be much.

It should be around this time that SIDE arrives, if we act immediately. At that point, when we successfully retrieve the hostages, that's when Phase Three happens. Phase Three is cleanup. We coordinate with SIDE, and take out whatever remaining hostiles. If SIDE isn't here by that time, then we can do it ourselves.

Finally, remember to communicate and work together.

Does anyone have any questions?"

2014-07-09, 07:15 PM
Mandragora found that, in spite of the dangerous mission lurking ahead, he couldn't help but chide Treetop about her choice of favored weapon.

"Couldn't you have picked something less... alive to use as a weapon?" Mandragora found himself blurting out to Treetop. "Do you know how old that tree was? Do you know how long it takes for it to grow to that size?" With a bit more of a pointed, accusatory tone, Mandragora continued, "Did you even bother checking whether something was living in it before ripping it out of the ground?" At this, he indicates a knothole in the tree where some small bird or animal could easily have been living at one time.

Before he could stop himself, Mandragora found himself listing off a laundry list of animals that could potentially have taken up residence in the various parts of the tree without a casual observer even noticing.

Expertise (Nature) (10 + 20 = 30)

Mostly to know the approximate age of the tree, what might have been living in it at the time it was plucked, and what likely WAS in it (if anything) when it was plucked. I sure hope this thing isn't an ancient/rare tree....

2014-07-09, 07:31 PM
Reynold considered the plan for a few moments before nodding. He was a bit concerned about the risk that Erin was taking upon herself and the duplicator, but trusted Erin to know how great a force she could take on.

Treetop didn't have any complaints either. Or, not when Erin described the plan itself. She blinked in surprise at Eric's vehement defense of the previous state of her weapon. "It's a tree..." she responded defensively. "No, I wasn't paying attention to how long it had been standing around being a tree. I was too busy thinking about how much better I could save actual lives with it than I could hitting bad guys with my fists! Seriously, this is probably the most accomplished tree you'll ever meet! How many trees do you know whose resumes include things like 'crime fighting' and 'stopping dangerous Dreamers' and 'pretty much anything other than standing around in the dirt'?"

With a huff she looked to Erin. "Can I be on someone else's team?" she requested, clearly annoyed.

Enjoy your :smallcool: Hero Point!

2014-07-10, 01:03 AM
Simon Candler

It wasn't a bad plan. It wasn't perfect, but then it never was. If they could work together, it had a decent chance of working.

Simon couldn't quite keep the scorn from infecting his words. “Save your tree-hugging for later, Greenhorn. Both the hostages and your teammates' lives are going to be depending on you. We can argue about trees later. ”

His attention shifted back to Erin. “Captain, what you're proposing is an assault, not an infiltration. I see a few issues. The hostiles have someone stationed at the security hub and I wasn't able to disable the security cameras. The mechs also certainly have radio communication. Bruce will know that we're attacking within moments of our strike regardless of a diversion. His likely responses will either be to move troops to intercept us or threaten the lives of the hostages, possibly the Mayor unless we back down. If that happens, are you prepared to continue the assault?” There was a lot hanging on the question. Losing the Mayor would be a symbolic defeat for the Corps and would make it harder to calm the populace.

But if the captain got cold feet mid mission it could get them all killed.

2014-07-10, 04:41 AM
Erin's left eyelid twitched, and the temperature in the area may have just gone up a degree or two.

But Erin needed to be calm. As much as bickering, in the face of such a crisis, irritated her, she needed to keep her cool. She takes a single deep breath, and folds her arms, looking at Eric.

"Simon is right. If you two have a problem, save it for after the mission," she said, glancing at Simon.

"And you're right. It is an assault. We delay Team One and Two's movement until Team Three has attracted the attention of the mercenaries. If Brace has access to any of my mission debriefs, he'll expect a trick of some sort. The cameras and the back patrol should be moving to intercept me when you move. If he doesn't fall for it, the duplicator and I take out his side patrol and we move on to the back. If he does want to execute one of the hostages, there's a high probability that he'll address us somehow. That means his attention is focused on us, That's why the duplicator is coming with me. It isn't perfect, nor is it my best strategy, but half of this team is made up of people I haven't worked with. I'm going with what I think is right, but if anyone else has any constructive feedback or ideas to make this go smoother, give them now."

2014-07-10, 05:53 AM
"Well, here's an idea, since you're asking; once I'm done probing the soldiers, I can set up a telepathic connection between all of us. It'll let us all remain in mental communication even after we split up, but it's possible that the technology Brace has set up will block me. I know that whatever they've got is enough to at least partially resist my Mind Reading, but after a few tries I should be able to force my way through it. So we might have that, and we might not." After mentioning his potentially useful ability, Rylan once again focused on the connection he had made with the guard out in front of City Hall.

Considering his options, he developed another question to ask.

I'm making an IC post anyway, so I figured I'd put my third question here.

"What are your battlesuits equipped with?"

2014-07-11, 12:10 AM
Simon Candler

Simon grunted in acknowledgment. The captain hadn't really answered his question, but it she'd made up her mind. A good soldier knew when to follow orders.

He shook his head at the detective's suggestion, his words professional but not unkind. “Rylan, if you have to focus on forcing a mental link through the nullification field, you won't be able to concentrate on the mission and we'll have to worry about protecting you.” It surprised Simon a little to see Rylan being so open about his powers. Usually the man didn't like to advertise he was a Dreamer. No matter.

He shifted his attention to Erin. “Captain, I suggest we leave one of the duplicates back here with my car. It still has open access to the security cameras and the enemy isn't likely to shut me out. The duplicate can use my spare communicator to radio enemy movements to the squad leaders so we can react to the enemy's movements. I'd also like to request exchanging Treetop for Reynold. The anti-projection device is in a secure room and we may need a Heavy to force the door if we want to get through quickly.”

2014-07-11, 02:24 PM
"Another score against telepathically hooking up: Doesn't really work well on any of me. I'll try and see if one of me can keep an overlook from the car, but keep in mind none of me/we/I are very good at anything above the basics." She seems to give some hand signs towards a distant area between buildings, as if signaling the relevant info. Unnecessary, but it avoids too many questions. One who former job was to stay at home and keep a watch instead appears, heading back towards the car, still with the job of keeping tactical info up-to-date.

Secundus:You people getting all this?
Prime:Loud and clear.
Home-zero: Should I be part of the distraction, or the one in the car?
Tertias: Hmmm...Prime would probably be more secure in the car, but that would cause us to take longer to get back into the fray. Plus, its leaves her more defenseless, since she won't have the hero backup.
Prime: So Go into the car, I'll keep splitting up.

From home, a women on a couach dissapears, reappearing in an alley near city hall, where she's already moving towards a car full of useful information.

2014-07-11, 08:09 PM
"Keeping the duplicator on hand to coordinate us is a sound choice. Thanks for catching that, Simon. As for switching Reynold for Treetop, it is a possibility, but I chose Reynold for multiple reasons. First, he's more precise than Treetop, and telekinesis is versatile enough to cover both offense and defense. Second, in the event that the projector device needs to be disabled manually, Reynold's telekinesis aids in that regard.. Third, and most importantly since the issue just got raided, I want Mandragora and Treetop to learn to work together. Put aside your differences today for the sake of the people here," said Erin, turning to look at both Mandragora and Treetop and folding her arms.

"If I hear back from Gestalt that this squabble of yours actually interferes with the mission, you're both going to regret it. As the field commander, I actually have the power to see this taken all the way to court. Do not try my patience. Do I make myself clear?"

Erin didn't raise her voice while addressing them, but the two of them could definitely tell that their little antics earlier had clearly ticked her off.

2014-07-11, 09:48 PM
Treetop got a hopeful look at Simon's suggestions, but it faded when Erin spoke. For just a moment, she looked like she might say something argumentative, but apparently she was smarter than that. "Understood, Captain," she responded respectfully.

2014-07-12, 11:13 AM
At the rebukes from the leaders, Eric managed to catch himself and restrain his dream-induced concerns. It wasn't very often he'd lash out like this, even against people who demeaned Deionism. He'd have to apologize later when the situation didn't demand that he be Mandragora.

"Yes, Captain." Eric managed to say calmly.

"Urgh, what's going on with me? I never thought the whole nature aspect of my dream would manifest like this. It's always just been about understanding nature and living with it, until this." Eric thought to himself. "I wonder if any other dreamers have had progressive attitude changes like this. I might have to look into it once this is over. If only my dad were still here so that I could check if there's been any IDEA research into it."

"There is one other thing I didn't mention that might be able to help." Mandragora began. "I can't burrow, but I can feel through the ground. Accurately, too. Do you think it's worth a try, Simon?" Mandragora looks around for any patches of grass through which he might be able to feel under City Hall.

2014-07-13, 12:57 AM
Simon Candler

"If you need to be on natural ground, I don't think it will be practical," retorted Simon. "Gather any intelligence you can while we cross the lawn, but we can't linger in the open."

"Here is the plan for the infiltration team: After Team 3's distraction, we hit the back door. Leviath, you said you can shut down electronics with your lightning. Assuming the two hostiles behind the building don't move, hit them. Preferred outcome is disabling their suits without a fight. If you can't manage that, then frying their communicators will prevent them from radioing our numbers back to command, frustrating their response. Consider the security camera and rear door alarm as secondary targets for the same reason. Members of Team 1 & 2 without enhanced mobility will approach in my car, everyone else will rush the door. Priority is quick elimination of active hostiles. Treetop will breach the door and we'll enter the building."

"If the enemy doesn't respond, we proceed as a group to the room containing the anti-projection device and disable it. If practical, we'll blast any security cameras we encounter to prevent the enemy command from learning the size of Team 1 & 2 for as long as possible."

"If the enemy responds aggressively, it will likely be by allocating troops from the other sides of the building or the roof. If so, then the corridor immediately after the rear door is a solid chokepoint. We can't afford to get surrounded and we may be able to buy time effectively by leaving a team to hold that point while the remainder of the team proceeds to the target. I'll make the call after we breach the door. The wild card at play is how many hostiles are stationed in rooms without cameras; we'll likely need to engage them en route to the target. Rylan, I need you to confirm the enemy's force size asap. Any questions before we move out?"

2014-07-13, 07:42 AM
Erin nodded with approval at Simon's plan. It was sound, for the most part, and took advantage of the team members' individual strengths. She wasn't so confident that Gestalt could prevent Treetop and Mandragora from tearing each other apart, but at least Treetop knew not to push things.

"Team Three will move to act as the distraction. We will approach from the left side of the building, and proceed to eliminate targets. Our first priority is the hostiles on patrol, followed by the ones on the roof, and finally, the ones on the front. We can't cover all angles, so the right side is our lowest priority. Once the front group moves in on Team Three's position, then I'll give the signal for Teams One and Two to make their move. If Team Three manages to clear out the opposition before the device is disabled, we will move to the back and reinforce Team One. Simon, I need to know where the targeting computers on the suits would be, to make taking them out easier. I'm going to contact HQ, to try and get someone to act as operator for the teleporters. Their job is to extract us once Phase One is clear, and from there, we begin Phase Two. Give me a quick minute to make a call, and then we can get started."

Erin steps away for a second, taps on the active crystal interface on her gauntlet, and sends out a call back to Hero Corps HQ, available to anyone that was able to take a call.

2014-07-13, 01:10 PM
"This is Rachel," came the answer after two rings.

2014-07-13, 06:50 PM
Erin was relieved. Rachel Dons wasn't a Hero, but at least Erin could count on her to get things done. Whether or not she knew how to operate the teleporters was a different story, but they could walk her through that.

"Rachel, this is Phoenix. I've got a small team near City Hall, and we have a plan of action to retrieve the hostages, but it's going to require some help from someone over at HQ. What I need you to do is head over to the teleporter room, and figure out how to get them working. Then, when I call you, I'll send you three coordinates. I need you to simultaneously open three portals to those locations. Can I trust you to do that?"

2014-07-13, 06:57 PM
There was a long breath at the other end of the line. Then, "Yeah, I got it. Heading there now. Good luck."

2014-07-15, 05:16 PM
Erin thanked Rachel, disconnected the call, ans turned to the rest of the group.

"Alright people, let's move out!" she says, turning to the diagram on the wall and adding extra scorch marks over the whole wall to hide their planning.

2014-07-15, 09:03 PM
Mandragora moves nervously toward Simon's car for the infiltration. He prays to the Drive for success to calm his nerves and keep his thoughts off of the confrontation with Treetop. Of course, in this case, success meant more than saving the mayor - it also meant finding Harold Brace's daughter. Brace may have been playing the part of supervillain right now, but he was still a father worried for his daughter.

Along the way, Mandragora instinctively searches out patches of grass to feel through, just in case there is any useful information to be had from the underside of buildings or the movement of the subterranian animals.

2014-07-15, 10:10 PM
Simon Candler

"You heard the captain. Lets roll." He suits his own words by reaching into his car, withdrawing a sleek-looking pistol from a door compartment and slamming in an energy pack with practiced speed. Before he'd finished loading the gun, Simon reached out through his neural link. The car let out a low hum and burred. A second later, the hum had stopped completely and the car faded from view. Only the interior of the car was visible through the open door. "Load up or get to positions."

With that, Simon broke into a light run, drawing short at the corner and cautiously peered around. Spying plenty of cover, he made his way forward, careful to keep hidden as he approached the edge of the green. He'd get as close as he could before taking aim. Hopefully Guestalt's lightning would eliminate the targets, but if not then he'd be in a position to play clean-up.

2014-07-16, 01:03 AM
Treetop couldn't really fit her weapon into Simon's car, and wasn't exactly the stealthiest sort. Rather than following around the building and closing, she leaped up to a relatively nearby rooftop, to get a decent vantage point where she could leap to the attack when Teams 1 and 2 made their move.

Reynold followed after Simon, floating along a couple inches above the ground and sticking to cover. Neither they, nor Simon's car (or any of the heroes within it) appeared to be noticed as they moved around to the back of the building.

Phoenix, on the other hand, was. The two mercenaries on the side of the building readied their weapons. Anyone in the car would see on the screens Simon had left up that the mercenaries on the roof were also moving to that side of the building.

But Phoenix was the faster...

Phoenix, Mandragora, and Simon are on turn. I'm working on the assumption based on previous discussion that Harem is following Phoenix, and that Gestalt and Rylan are in the car with Mandragora and...I dunno, was Harem Prime in there as well? Regardless, although you three aren't on turn yet, feel free to post to clarify your positions and roll Stealth if you're not taking Simon's car. I figure as combat time begins you're all within one-hundred feet of City Hall on your targeted side (but feel free to specify a greater distance if you prefer).

And if I've misinterpreted who's where or doing what or whatever don't hesitate to say so.

2014-07-16, 03:50 AM
Erin hovered in mid-air, her flaming simulacrum of a sword in her right hand. She was hoping that she'd been spotted, and that's exactly what had happened. Not too surprising, really, given the giant flaming wings extending from her back.

Still, she needed to play her part. She needed to be a solid distraction and hold their attention here.

And she knew just how to do it.

"Hey, bucketheads, over here!" she shouted, as she shot towards the two guards on patrol and struck the nearest one with the flaming blade.

Free Action: Swap to Sun-Forged Saber

Move Action: Fly to the nearest opponent.

Standard Action: Attacking with Sun-Forged Saber. Attack Roll:[roll0]

If the attack hits, it's a DC 25 Fortitude Save against Damage and a DC 20 Will Save against an Affliction (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated).

Move-by Action: Fly away from the enemies. Erin is going to keep far enough away to where they can't engage in close combat, but close enough to where aiming and firing just isn't feasible.

Somewhere around 50-75ft., really.

2014-07-16, 10:22 AM
A harem that isn't prime is in the car, and is going to stay their to keep overwatch of the situation as it develops. Meanwhile, Harem Prime and the rest are following on rooftops, making use of cooperative athletics to make their way and try and get a drop on the enemy. Lack of super-movement means it'll take her a bit. Routine team checks would out both stealth and acrobatics at 33. Seeing everyone else moving, Most of the harems get moving, as well, helping each other make their way from above, trying to not cause a stir too soon.

2014-07-16, 06:51 PM
Gestalt, sends his bird into the air as he enters the car. No more enhanced senses. Wouldn't particularly matter much aniway

He focuses on the squares he had seen before. He couldn't see them now, but he had viewed them enough that he could imagine them, pretty much exactly as they were based on what coordinates several landmarks had and extrapolating from there.

2014-07-16, 09:25 PM
Mandragora remains in the car, awaiting the signal from Phoenix. He readies himself to sprint to his position, keeping a close eye on the guards he would soon be restraining.

2014-07-17, 12:12 AM
The far side of city hall had an expanse of lawn, leading up to a parking lot. Simon and Reynold crouched behind a couple of the cars, Simon's own floating silently above. The two guards patrolling the back didn't appear to notice them. Simon lined up his shot, while Reynold began to focus his will, preparing to defend them from incoming attack.

The mercenaries at the side of the building didn't even have time to get their arms up before Phoenix was upon them. Her blade sheared through the first mercenary's suit cleanly, cleaving into the other. Its path was redirected just enough that it struck the second flat-on, not penetrating the suit, but still hitting with enough force to drop that mercenary senseless.

As Phoenix flew back, the mercenaries on the roof leaped to her side, their jumps assisted by their suits' jetpacks, propelling them easily across the distance. Four landed in crouches, the other four standing behind them, and they took aim with military precision. They didn't seem aware of the Harems ninjaing their way across the rooftops, focusing on Phoenix and firing a disciplined barrage of short bursts.

Simon Aims at one of the rear mercenaries. Reynold will raise a Force Shield over himself and Simon (Defending and using his Deflect on Simon), but I forgot to post that before I did my initial post so I'll just have to roll for it later.

The eight roof mercenaries take Move actions to get to the side of the roof.

Four use their Standard actions to Aid the others:

The other four fire, resolving as a pair of Team Attacks:
[roll4] Receives +5 from Aid and misses anyway with a natural 1.
[roll5] Receives +2 from Aid, hitting.
[roll6] Receives +2 from Aid, hitting by two degrees for +2 Damage from Multiattack.
[roll7] Receives +5 from Aid, resolves as a Team Attack granting +5 from Teamwork, just enough to add +2 to the above.

Phoenix, roll a DC 23 Toughness vs. Damage and a DC 27 Toughness vs. Damage.

Current Status:
Phoenix: Normal (pending attack results). Position: Left side.
Rylan: Normal. Position: Back, Simon's car.
Harem: Normal. Position: Left side, rooftops (Stealth 33).
Mandragora: Normal. Position: Back, Simon's car.
Leviath: Normal. Position: Back, Simon's car.
Simon: Normal. Position: Back (Stealth 29).
Treetop: Normal. Position: Rooftop.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Back (Stealth 20).

Left Mercenaries: 0/2.
Front Mercenaries: 8/8.
Right Mercenaries: 2/2.
Back Mercenaries: 2/2.
Roof Mercenaries: 8/8.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-07-17, 07:28 AM
Erin grits her teeth as the mercenaries on the rooftop move to intercept her. She needed the duplicator to get into position, and help her out over here, otherwise she would probably get overwhelmed.

Erin spun around, trying to avoid the bullets, but several of them managed to hit. There weren't any critical injuries, but moving too much didn't seem like a good idea.

Well, she could always slice apart the suits at range, but doing so under fire was tricky.

Dismissing her sword simulacrum, Erin pointed her right index finger at the mercenary furthest to the right, and began to draw a line across the mercenary's chest. Just as her hand began to move to the left, a thin beam of focused orange fire erupted from it, following her movements.

While she unleashed the beam of flame against the group of soldiers, Erin tapped the earpiece in her left ear, and issued a single order: "Move!"

Current Status: -2 to Damage checks, Dazed until next turn.

Free Action: Swap to Searing Beam.

Standard Action: Attack with Searing Beam. Since it's technically an Area attack, it's a DC 20 Dodge check to half the effect, and a DC 25/20 Toughness check against damage. The actual attack is also Precise, Incurable and Subtle.

Takedown: Gradually move to the left with the attack, taking down the mercenaries one by one.

2014-07-17, 08:55 PM
"Let's go for a spin, buddy," Rylan said as he eyed one of the two mercs guarding the area behind City Hall. He wished he didn't have to be so open about having powers, not to mention having to use them like this, but this situation was above the private investigator's normal comfort zone; he wasn't just going to sit in here and hope for a lucky shot with his gun. Hell, from what he'd found out about those suits of armour, he probably wouldn't even be able to shoot through them.

So instead he went directly to his most effective power, and tried to take over his target's mind from a distance. There were only two back here that he could see from the car, so if he could get one to attack the other, they would hopefully take each other out. His body stiffened as he focused on the power, losing his ability to react to outside stimulus as everything started to disappear, save for his mind and that of his chosen foe.

Using Mind Control on one of the mercenaries. If Rylan can tell which one Simon is aiming at, he'll go for the other one. If he can't, then...whichever one is on his left.

Mind Control check to get past the Anti-Projection Field: [roll0]

DC 20 Will Save if it gets through, and Rylan is now Vulnerable for one round, which doesn't really mean much from the safety of the invisible car.

2014-07-17, 09:25 PM
Seeing the many people gang up on Pheonix, Harem continues with the acrobatic shenanigans just a little for a dramatic entrance.

"Hey, how about you guys pick on someone in your own numeric category?"

With this, all of her drop down from the roofs, Running at the gradually-thickening melee. While her own force had little ability to deal with this kind of armor, never underestimate good teamwork. Her own unit splits into two groups, each taking a different armored man. Tactics are near-identical: a larger group try and hold them, expose weakpoints, while a smaller one tries to bash said weak point. In this case, probably the underside of a helmet, those still need to have some space for a neck to move.

Against two non-injured men close to Pheonix. 1 Will target with a grab, while 3 assist. Then, 1 will attack unarmed, again, with 3 providing aid. This is per person targeted, using up all the 16 Harems accounted for (not including the one crammed in the car).


2014-07-17, 09:32 PM
At the command from Phoenix, Mandragora leaps out of Simon's car, vines flailing. He uses his broadleaf gliding to descend into range of the mercenaries. He watched closely for any signs of one mercenary turning on the other as he descended, having heard Rylan's quip. Suddenly, much of his foliage extends from his core as all of the longest strips of foliage on the side of his vaguely-humanoid form lash out at one of the mercenaries at the back of the building, wrapping around his position like a slithering anaconda.

Move action: leaping (really falling) out of the car, gliding forward.

Standard action: Using an unarmed strike (120-foot reach) on one of the mercenaries, preferring whichever target Rylan is not mind controlling, if I can tell.
Attack roll: [roll0]. If it hits, a DC 25 Toughness toughness vs. the damage.
If the attack hits, Fast Grab gives me a chance to grab: A DC 25 Strength or Dodge check (using all vines gives me +5 bonus to the grab, as if using a team check)
Of note: due to Improved Grab from the extra limbs, I am not vulnerable while grabbing, and Improved Hold imposes a -5 penalty to Escape rolls made by targets I've grabbed.

2014-07-18, 08:57 PM
As the battle commences, Gestalt targets one of the power armored soldiers in the backline. His allies probably couldn't reach them so easily. By simply focusing on one of their position, he thinks of the command, and camly leaves the car

Not long after, lightning comes down striking the coordinates of the soldier

Lightning Strike!
Move Action: Just walking out of the car, no need to rush
Standard Action: Attackin with the Lightning Strike power, that's Damage 6. Additionally, anyone in contact with the target gets zapped too cause it's Contagious!

Attack Roll: [roll0]

2014-07-18, 09:44 PM
Phoenix's target managed to get its hands up to ward off the beam. Its suit was damaged, but it managed to withstand her attack.

The nullifier over the building resisted Rylan's psychic powers, but the investigator's will was too strong for the technology to suppress. The mercenary put up a stiff resistance, clearly well-trained to resist mental attack...but not well-trained enough to overcome Rylan's potent compulsion. The mercenary suddenly stood stock still as Rylan took complete control of his mind.

Harem's sudden acrobatic arrival caught the mercenaries off-guard, but they were still trained soldiers in high-tech suits of armor; even outnumbered two to one, they managed to fend off the Dreamer and her duplicates.

Mandragora's vines wrapped quickly around his target, crushing the steel suit like a beer can in several places. Sparks and smoke burst from the suit, which fell immediately inert.

Gestalt's lightning bolt crashed down on the roof, but he didn't have a clear enough shot from his vantage.

Treetop landed before the door immediately thereafter. With both mercenaries in the back down, she wasted no time hammering the door hard with her trusty tree. Reynold narrowed his eyes in concentration. A rippling, translucent pair of giant hands appearing around the tree, adding force to the blow.

With the primary targets down, Simon fired for the security camera.

Up on the roof, the mercs were well and thoroughly inundated with opponents in close quarters. The energy that had been going to auto-loading their guns went back to powering rapid action, and they started hammering on Harem's duplicates with blows powerful enough to send them flying!

You feel the two sets of heavy feet on the right side of the building leave the ground. You also feel a sort of ripple in the ground from the front, the backwash of more jet packs taking off, but since the mercenaries themselves were on the building's...porch? Dais? Not entirely sure what the right word for it is, actually, but in any case, you can't tell exactly how many took off, but you know at least some did.

Since you stayed in the car, you can see through the security feed that four mercenaries entered the hall from the mayor's office and are flying through the building, with Brace behind them, not at top speed but still quite fast. These four also have somewhat bulkier suits, with a silvery metal trim.

Move: Leap down to the rear of the building.
Standard: Tree Smash on the door. All Out Attack for 5, Power Attack for 5, Finishing Attack Damage Object at [roll0]. Door's Toughness if she hits: [roll1] vs. DC 37. Smashed Open

Move: Get closer.
Standard: Use Force Grasp to Aid Treetop's attack at [roll2].

Move: Get closer.
Standard: Shoot the camera. It does not stand a chance.

Standard: Attack the various Harems with Servo Strength. 50% chance that the first attack targets the real Harem. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Strength DC 18 or be launched off the roof, resulting in a 30' fall (which would be Toughness DC 19, but with your high Acrobatics you're almost sure to reduce it to 0, so ignore that one).
[roll3] [roll4] Miss (but it was going after the real Harem, as it happens)
[roll5] Hit
[roll6] Miss
[roll7] Hit
[roll8] Miss
[roll9] Hit
[roll10] Hit
[roll11] Miss

EDIT: So, four duplicates have a DC 23 Toughness and DC 18 Strength check to roll.

Current Status:
Phoenix: 2 Bruises. Position: Left side.
Rylan: Vulnerable this turn. Position: Back, Simon's car.
Harem: Normal. Position: Roof.
Mandragora: Normal. Position: Back.
Leviath: Normal. Position: Back.
Simon: Normal. Position: Back.
Treetop: -5 Dodge/Parry this turn. Position: Back.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Back.

Left Mercenaries: 0/2.
Front Mercenaries: 8/8.
Right Mercenaries: 2/2.
Back Mercenaries: 1/2. One Controlled by Rylan.
Roof Mercenaries: 8/8.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-07-18, 10:37 PM
"Damnit" Gestalt thought as his bolt missed the target. For all the experience he had doing this, aiming a lightning attack never got any easier. They didn't had this kind of time, and the suits woud pile up now that everyone was moving. He hated taking chances so early in a fight, but it was time.

So, he brings Raptor Attack back into sight, he'd need it to be closer for this one. He has it stay close-ish to Phoenix. Heh. They sortof looked similar enough. Aniway, it was close enough now, time for the hard part. First, he moves closer to the door, taking cover near Treetop. Finally, finding himself secure enough, he starts the joint effort with his creature of draining all energy of the powered suits. And can't help, but whispering it as the whole thing activates (or fails miserably)

"Eletricity Restriction"

Move Action: Walk to the door, staying close to Treetop if possible, either of Reynold or Mandragora otherwise
Standard Action: Use Nullify power, targeting the roof. It's a 30-feet burst area, so I think I catch all of them?
Power Check [roll0] resisted by their Will or Effect Rank of the suits I guess. Whichever is higher
(this is where all fails)
Not bad actually!
Also, I kinda changed my color. The last one was hard to make out from normal text

2014-07-18, 11:41 PM
Now that the duplicator had the mercenaries' attention, Erin could easily take them down. Erin took a deep breath, and flew straight for the mercenary that had deflected her beam. Mid-flight, she extended out her right hand and reformed the flaming blade. Using the momentum from her flight, Erin delivered a spinning strike and aimed to take down that mercenary, and make short work of the other mercenaries.

Move Action: Fly to the rooftop.

Free Action: Switch to Sun-Forged Saber

Standard Action:Attack the rightmost mercenary with Sun-Forged Saber.
Attack Roll: [roll0]

If the attack hits, it's a DC 25 Fortitude save vs. Damage and a DC 20 save vs. an Affliction (Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated).

Takedown & Move-by Action: Move and attack the remaining rooftop mercenaries, if this applies.


2014-07-19, 12:04 AM
Winning the mental battle with his target, Rylan grinned and kicked the car door open, hopping out after one last glance at the security feed.

"Heads up, Brace and the four mercenary captains have left the mayor's office and are moving somewhere fast!" He yelled out to the group while simultaneously sending a mental ping to the armored mercenary he was controlling.

"Oh, and another thing; once the anti-projection field goes down, Brace can send for twenty more troops. That's all I know, for now."

That wasn't quite true. He hadn't yet mentioned that this attack was a little less improvised than he would have thought, but he felt that sharing too much information in the middle of the fight would simply distract his allies. Instead he disappeared, seemingly vanishing from sight as he removed himself from the senses of everybody in the area. The detective would probably still show up on the mercenary's maps, but if they wanted to waste time trying to hit something they couldn't actually see, that was fine with him. He moved to join the other members of Team Two, though they likely wouldn't know he was with them.

Move: Get out of the Car
Free: Control Armored Mercenary*
Free: Activate Mental Invisibility
Move: Move towards Simon and Reynold

*Mercenary's Actions:
Chaos time.
Move: Jetpack onto the roof, where he can be seen by the mercs up there.
Standard: Fire at ALL of the roof mercs using Multiattack. Using Accurate Attack if possible, all the way to -5 if he has the relevant advantage. I'm not looking to hit/hurt them, just get attention.

2014-07-20, 10:14 AM
Mandragora quickly released the incapacitated mercenary. He didn't think it would have been so easy, but he was glad the man didn't get much chance to struggle.

Taking note of the feet leaving the ground from the mercenaries on other sides of the building, Mandragora yells "Mercenaries from the front and right of the building incoming!" He prepares to head into City Hall through the smashed-down door. First, however, he takes a moment to consider how long it might take him to reach the roof and help out the others.

2014-07-20, 12:59 PM
Simon Candler

Simon had several subjective minutes to think as he raced to the open door, gun in hand. The operation had barely started and already it was on its way to devolving into a brawl. It made him not for the first time miss OUT-SIDE's discipline.

He took Rylan's shout in stride, thinking through possibilities. The news that Brace had even more mercs ready to be gated in was a surprise. Did Brace have access to teleportation tech like the Corps', or was he able to open Gates himself with magic? More to the point, Brace had decided not to bring his full force with him to start with. Either the missing mercs were guarding something, there was some other part to Brace's plan, or Brace had made an amateurish tactical mistake. Simon hadn't anticipated Brace abandoning the Mayor's office at the first sign of fighting either. It made him all the more certain that there were factors at play that the Corps wasn't aware of - assuming your opponent was a fool was a great way to get killed. Even so, having Brace in the field created more options. But there was no time to convey all that to the rest of the team.

Instead, Simon just tapped his communicator as he ran. "Ground Team, everyone inside! Captain, Brace has abandoned the Mayor's Office on the third floor. If you can secure the roof & punch a hole in the ceiling outside the office, Team 3 can secure the Mayor while Ground team can secure the other hostages. Then we converge on Brace. Your orders?"

Move inside the building.
If there is a security camera on inside of building covers the entry way, shoot it. Attack [roll0] , DC 23 Toughness.
If not, double-move.

2014-07-21, 12:49 PM
Harem feels a bit cut off as some of her drop. One is flat-out K.O, one's fine, and the others aren't looking their best. Instead of taking the time to have them climb up (not counting the one that can't), Harem instead ends their existence, with them dissapearing only to come back as the prime splits back into them. Of course, the 5 that can't do much are made up for by the rest continuing their (admittingly ineffective) assault.

Prime: cease sustaining the 4 hit duplicates (free). Feel Watered Down to re-create 4 suplicates from the roof (full-round, effectively).
New Dupes: Move to go into difffering spaces, as quirk requires (move).

Other 11: All are gonna gang up on two targets. 1 grapples, with 2 assists, one attacks with 2 assists. And for the other one, one grapples with 2 assists, while another attacks with 1 assist.


2014-07-21, 10:29 PM
At Simon's command, Mandragora abandons the thought of climbing the building; it would take far too long in any case. Without further hesitation, he dashes into the building, grabbing the sides of the doorway with several of his vines to better propel himself and control his motion.

Mandragora also pondered what would make Brace abandon his position on the top floor. Surely he didn't intend to join the brawl? The Deionist concept of a mage (which Eric seemed unable to separate from the reality) was typically fragile without the direct intervention of protective spells. Even then, they were supposed to be less durable than other combatants. Not wanting to underestimate his opponent, Mandragora asked a quick question of Simon. "How much do you know about the kinds of powers Brace wields? Can I keep him from using his powers by keeping him still?"

Move into the building with Simon. Crush any cameras Simon doesn't have time to shoot (if any). Otherwise, double move.

2014-07-21, 10:40 PM
Gestalt's electrical surge ripped through the armored mercenaries on the roof. The one nearest the center of the blast immediate fell eerily still as it suit went entirely inert. Sparks, smoke, and a whole lotta cursing came from several others as the blast knocked their weapon systems offline.

Phoenix's target weathered the blast though, and it met her directly with a well-trained guard. Several more scorch marks marred the mercenary's armor, but it didn't fall.

Rylan's new minion soared up over the roof and opened fire, spray-and-pray tactics that were made much deadlier with the assistance of targeting computers. It hit as often as it missed, and though bullets bounced off of Phoenix's target without much harm, three others took incapacitating shots to core power and computer systems. Rylan himself vanished as he approached the building, his powers remaining too great for the nullifier to overcome.

The mercenaries continued fending off Harem's attacks without much trouble, but their struggles started taking on a more desperate speed as the ones they were able to knock away were quickly replaced.

Teams 1 and 2 made their way into the building, Simon taking out the hall camera without slowing. Keeping tabs on the security feed through his neural link to his car, Simon could see Brace and the mercenaries with him coming at speed in their direction, as well as the movements of the other mercenaries as they flew around the building; two of those in front entered the building and went to group up with the four guarding the hostages, four flew up above the battle on the roof, and two flew over the roof to join with the ones who had been patrolling the right side of the building to investigate what had happened to the troops stationed in the back. Brace and his team came into the hall pretty much at the same time that the heroes did.

Simon's continual access to the cameras, however, would give them a chance to organize against the incoming enemies.

The mercenary that Erin has been attacking strikes back, leaping to delve her a crushing punch from above. The other one that still had its weapons active fired on the compelled mercenary. The other two work to distract the duplicates as best they can.

The four mercenaries flying over the roof open fire on the Harems in rapid, disciplined bursts.

The four mercenaries who landed out back start firing coordinated bursts on the two rear-most heroes.

The four captains with Brace start shooting at the two front-most heroes.

Brace himself simply stares, his glare sweeping over the group, full of anger and frustration and unbending focus. And those who meet the warlock's gaze for too long would find their minds plagued by strange thoughts... be walking on sunshine, apparently.

Reynold is using Force Crafting to summon up a barrier. Treetop doesn't have a target on her turn, so she'll Defend at [roll0]. Both also move to join the others entering.

Erin's target attacks her with Servo Strength at [roll1]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Acrobatics or Athletics DC 18 vs. being knocked prone. Hit (and I swear if it had managed to crit I'd have totally upgraded it to non-Minion on the spot. I mean, I'd have given you a Hero Point for it of course, but still, would've done it, no question).

The other active merc fires on the controlled one at [roll2]. If it hits, he rolls [roll3] Toughness, DC 23+Multiattack. Incapacitated

The two Nullified mercenaries each Aid attacks against one of Harem's duplicates at [roll4] and [roll5]. They'll apply to the first and second attacks made against her.

The four mercenaries flying over the roof fire on the Harems, each Multiattacking for four, subjecting all of them to a shot. The [roll6]th attack is on the real Harem. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage.
11 hits, real Harem is missed.

Teams 2 and 3, the round structure isn't quite granular enough for you to have really been able to act on the forewarning your tactics should have given you (their speeds are high enough to reach you in a move action, but even so, you'd be able to see them coming). Resultantly, you may choose your marching order now, allowing you to functionally decide who among you gets attacked by what. Remember, Treetop is currently Defending. Reynold is currently Vulnerable due to his Force Crafting. You may also choose whether he places his Force Crafting in front of or behind the group; it will provide +5 Defense from Cover.

The two characters in back each take a Team Attack at:
[roll23], [roll24]
[roll25], [roll26]
Damage DC 23+Multiattack+Team Attack.

The two characters in front each take two separate attacks at:
[roll27], [roll28]
[roll29], [roll30]
Damage DC 23+Multiattack.

EDIT: So, these'll vary, but most likely a hit with some multiattack to one of the characters in back, maybe a hit to front char 1, and probably two hits perhaps with multiattack to front char 2, but we'll see.

Finally, unless Brace fails to beat the Nullifier ([roll31] vs. DC 20), all six of you have to make a DC 22 Will save vs. an Entranced, Compelled, Controlled Affliction. You may also make a DC 22 Dodge check to avoid his gaze enitrely, but for the two in front, if you do so and do not have other means of perception or Uncanny Dodge or something, you'll be Vulnerable against the mercenaries shooting at you. The two in the back get a +5 Circumstance bonus to this Dodge check, since they're most likely not looking in Brace's direction for long. Reynold's Force Crafting is Subtle, so it doesn't offer any protection against this effect. EDIT: My dice, ladies and gentlemen!

Current Status:
Phoenix: 3 Bruises, Staggered, Prone. Position: Roof.
Rylan: Normal. Position: Back.
Harem: Normal. Position: Roof (one clone Back, Simon's Car).
Clones: 8 Normal, 3 Bruised, 2 Bruised and Dazed, 3 Bruised and Staggered.
Mandragora: Normal. Position: Floor 1, Back Hall.
Leviath: Normal. Position: Back Entry.
Simon: Normal. Position: Floor 1, Back Hall.
Treetop: 1 Bruise. Position: Back Entry.
Reynold: Vulnerable this turn. Position: Floor 1, Back Hall.

Rear Mercenaries: 4/4.
Roof Mercenaries: 1 on Ground, 2 Nullified, 4 Flying.
Ascended Mercenary: Normal.
Captain 1: Normal.
Captain 2: Normal.
Captain 3: Normal.
Captain 4: Normal.
Harold Brace: Normal.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-07-24, 01:20 AM

This wasn't a good situation. They'd been surrounded in the hallway and their retreat was cut off. He considered smashing into the troops outside with his car but discarded the idea. Treetop and Leviath would have to handle them Simon had Brace and his Captains to deal with. As bad as the Captains' guns were, with the entire team grouped together in the small hallway, if the mercs started using their grenades they'd make short work of the team. He needed to neutralize those grenades as well as the mage.

"Vines, grab Brace and bring him over here!" He yelled. If the plant-man reached around the shield and dragged Brace over to them, the Captains would think twice about blowing up their client.

If Mandragora is successful at grabbing and pulling Brace into their group:
Power Attack Brace with Nerve Strike (Toughness): Attack [roll0], Toughness DC 26. Fortitude DC 21 vs Weaken (Toughness). Crit Threat
Move Action Trick (Redirect), taking 10 on the Deception check for 20-5+10 = 25. Simon will place himself between Brace & the nearest Captain. If the Captain attacks Simon and Misses, Simon pulls out of the way and the attack hits Brace instead.

If Mandragora does something else or fails to pull Brace in, shoot the minions outside. I'll include rolls for Takedown. Toughness DC 23 for all.
Attack 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 3: [roll3]
Attack 4: [roll4]

If any of the Captains use their grenades, I'll spend a hero point on an instant counter to shoot it as Nullify. Attack [roll5], Damage +8. Will only do this against the first grenade this round.

2014-07-24, 09:24 PM
"I'm on it!" sounded Mandragora's voice from beneath his tangle of green. It was a good plan, isolating the main target from his captains. Admittedly, Mandragora hadn't thought of it. It seemed sticking with Simon could be good for his wits, and if that proved to be the case, probably his health as well. With a practiced reach and some deceptive snaking, Mandragora reached his viny limbs around the invisible barrier he was pressed against to nab Brace before the mage could try anything else.

Standard: Reach around the force barrier with vines to grab Brace.
Unarmed attack: [roll0] DC 25 Toughness check vs. damage and a DC 25 Strength or Dodge check to avoid being grabbed if the attack hits (using all limbs for the grab bonus).

Move: If the grab is successful, yank Brace back toward the barrier (I figure it's a move action because it specifies you can drag grabbed targets with you when you move; correct me if I'm wrong). A Strength resistance check vs. the same Grab DC as above (or DC 20 if the extra limbs team bonus doesn't apply to this part of the grab) to resist being pulled behind the barrier.

If I can somehow manage all of this, Brace is in a pretty bad spot.

2014-07-24, 10:14 PM
The hit knocked Erin to the ground, but she wasn't out for the count just yet. She heard something from her earpiece, but the ringing inside her head meant that she only heard bits and pieces of what was being said.

Regardless, she knew she could trust Simon and the others to deal with the situation. She had to handle this person in power armor first.

Erin spun her legs, sweeping herself back up into a standing position, just as she had practices so many times before. She readied her flaming blade, and struck out with a single, vicious sweep of her blade. Almost instantaneously after her blade finished moving , however, her momentum shifted, and the blade changed, adopting an almost white-hot color.

Erin launched a second attack, thrusting with her sword, in an attempt to take out the man in the power armor.

Extra Effort + Hero Point: Extra Standard Action.

First Standard Action: Attack Not-Minion #1 with Sun-Forged Saber.
[roll0] vs. Parry

If the attack hits, DC 25 Fortitude save vs. Damage, DC 20 Will against an Affliction (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)

Free Action: Switch to Nova Saber.

Second Standard Action: Attack with Nova Saber.

If the attack hits, it's a DC 25 Parry save vs. Damage, and DC 20 Will save against a Weaken Will 10 effect

2014-07-25, 02:43 PM
Phoenix seemed to be having a slightly tough time taking care of them all. Well, at least some of them had lost their weapons

So, he tries to take two rabbits with one stone. Using magnetism, Gestalt takes a hold in one of the power armors flying and attacking Harem and with a quick jerk of his head, sends him flying against the non-minion

Free Action: Keep Sustained Power Nullify
Move Action: -
Standard Action: Move Object in one of the minions flying above the roof. And then throwing him at the non-minion. Originally I was gonna use these throwing attacks with heavy metal things but Power armor users work nice too
Ranged Attack[roll0]

2014-07-25, 07:50 PM
Before he could get in to City Hall, Rylan was forced to stop as he heard bullets fired behind him. Turning around to see four more mooks, he raised an eyebrow (not that anybody saw it) and focused his powers again.

Heck, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just as before he attempted to take control of one of them , and use them against their allies. With that done he slid through the door, ready to catch up with the others.

Standard Action: Mind Control one of the four minions shooting us in the back, making me Vulnerable again.
Move Action: Get to the door, move inside City Hall with the others.

Effect Check for Mind Control [roll0]

2014-07-27, 02:06 AM
As Mandragora's vines closed on Brace, glowing tattoo-like runes suddenly appeared on his skin, and Mandragora could feel some sort of barrier under his vines. It began to "soften" under the pressure he exerted, but Brace narrowed his eyes and spoke a...well, word was the closest thing to it, although it didn't seem to involve any recognizable phonemes so it's kinda hard to say. The symbols flashed with arcane power, forcing the vines away.

Simon let fly a perfect shot, dropping one of the mercenaries. His next few shots struck true, but failed to penetrate the target's powered armor. rapid series of shots, bringing down three of the mercs in the rear.

Phoenix's foe couldn't keep up with her sudden rapid assault. The suit withstood the first blow, though the sheer force of it rattled the mercenary. The Nova Saber was another story altogether though; that blade could cut through pretty much anything, and the mercenary was already off-balance from the first attack. The blade cleaved right through.

Gestalt's target managed to avoid the electromagnetic attack the Rainbow Bird launched its way, and Rylan finally began reaching the limits of his power against the building's Nullifier, his attempt at breaching the next mercenary's mind fading into psychic static.

Treetop went for the three remaining mercenary out back, leaping in and spinning her tree in a wide, sweeping arc with all her strength. The sheer momentum of the blow carrying the tree around for a second sweep shortly thereafter. The mercenary went flying away, and did not return.

With the barrier in place, Reynold focused on strengthening his own telekinetic armor while holding it in place. One of the captains, however, was not apparently down, advancing to smash a fist hard into the forcefield. Reynold flinched back, not hurt, but his concentration shattered from the psychic backlash as the mercenary shattered the telekinetic barrier with a single blow!

Brace turned his glare onto Simon. "I take it you're the leader of this little ensemble, then? You should have heeded my warning, boy. I Promise you Death!" he snarled, his voice pure venom. There was a power in those words, and they would echo in Simon's head and vibrate through his body.

One of the captains took that as a cue, aiming at Simon at firing a barrage of bullets his way. A second took shots at Mandragora, and the third fired a grenade behind the group.

The mercenaries outside did appear to notice Rylan, one even point its gun at him, before visibly hesitating and turning it to another target. They (or any that withstood Treetop's attack, anyway) would begin firing for the summoner and the tree-wielding paragon.

Up on the roof, the remaining fully active mercenary went at Phoenix with a hard punch, while the other two came at her from either side, more in an attempt to restrict her movements than in any effort to cause real harm themselves with their weapon systems disabled. The four in the air continued firing down on the Harems.

Li'l bit of fluff for you, but that curse of Brace's? That's pretty much one of the most vile curses you can speak according to Deionists. Not only is it directly taking the name of the Promise in the cause of Death, but symbolically, it's like saying "As long as both of us live, I want death to continue existing in the universe if for no better reason than so it takes you, personally." Hugely, hugely Negative.

Just so you know, the Nullify here is functionally Sustained, so your Mind Control is out while you remain in the area. Once you leave you can use it fine, but it will cut out again if you return for roughly a day. Your other potentially susceptible powers can still be attempted until they themselves are Nullified; it's not Simultaneous, basically.

Move: Leap among the mercs out back.
Standard: Spinning Sweep. All three have to roll Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Strength DC 18 vs. Move Object. Dodge DC 18 for half. WARNING: Anyone within 15' of Treetop at the start of her next turn will also/again have to roll these saves due to the Cloud Area.

Dodge: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2].
Toughness: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5].
Strength: [roll6], [roll7], [roll8] (since their Servo Strength is currently inactive).
#1 Incapacitated. #2 resists. #3 gets batted a few hundred feet away, but will come flying back in with its move action.

Free: Maintain Force Crafting.
Standard: Defend at [roll9] (counting being Vulnerable).

Captain 1:
Move: Get adjacent to the Force Crafting.
Standard: Finishing Attack the Force Crafting with Servo Strength, Power Attacking for 5. [roll10], Toughness DC 33 Damage Object.

FC Toughness: [roll11]. Destroyed!

Standard: Warlock's Curse at Simon. This attack is Perception Range. Fortitude DC 22 vs. Impaired+Vulnerable/Defenseless+Disabled Affliction.

Captain 2:
Standard: Firing machine guns at Simon at [roll12]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage.
EDIT: Man, wasting the potential opportunity of Brace's curse with a natural 1. Someone's not getting a bonus...

Captain 3:
Standard: Firing machine guns at Mandragora at [roll13]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage.

Captain 4:
Standard: Grenade Launcher at the party, although Treetop is out of range. Opposed check against Simon's reactive counter of 22 (I figure you can use attack roll for shooting a projectile out of the air) is [roll14]. If it beats the counter, everyone takes DC 23 Damage, with a DC 18 Dodge check for half. EDIT: Yep, beats the Counter. Dodge and Toughness all around!

Reynold: Dodge [roll15]. Toughness: [roll16]. Resists

Rear Mercenaries: (any who survive Treetop's attack)
EDIT - Move: #3 flies back to the battle.
Standard: Machine guns as a Team Attack, Multiattacking Treetop and Gestalt.
[roll17], [roll18], [roll19]. If at least one hits on its own merits, others get +5 to contribute from Teamwork.
On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Team Attack = DC 25.
EDIT: And I managed to not only forget to have them roll separately (which doesn't really matter, dice are just as random, but being consistent is nice), but also to forget to roll Treetop's Toughness here in case of hits. :smallsigh:

Nullified Roof Mercenaries:
Move: Close with Phoenix.
Standard: Aid the active roof mercenary.
[roll20], [roll21].

Active Roof Mercenary:
Move: Close with Phoenix.
Standard: Attack Phoenix with Servo Strength at [roll22] (+Aid). On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Strength DC 18 vs. being launched from the roof. Hit (just barely a hit thanks to the Aid actually).

Airborne Mercenaries:
Standard: Machine guns on the Harems, again all Multiattacking for 4, this time also All Out Attacking for 2. Harem Prime will be the last attack roll, others are in order from most to least damaged clones (so the Staggered ones first, then Dazed, etc). Hits are Toughness DC 23.
All three of the Staggered ones are hit, the Dazed ones are missed, one of the Bruised ones is hit, five uninjured ones are hit, Prime is missed.

Current Status:
Phoenix: 3 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Roof.
Rylan: Bruised, Dazed this turn, Vulnerable this turn. Position: Rear hall.
Harem: Normal. Position: Roof.
Clone 1: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 2: Incapacitated.
Clone 3: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 4: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 5: Bruised.
Clone 6: Bruised.
Clone 7: Incapacitated.
Clone 8: Bruised, Dazed this round.
Clone 9: Normal.
Clone 10: Normal.
Clone 11: Normal.
Clone 12: Normal.
Clone 13: Normal.
Clone 14: Normal.
Clone 15: Normal.
Clone 16: In the car! Also Normal.
Mandragora: 1 Bruise, Dazed this turn. Position: Rear hall.
Leviath: Bruised, Staggered. Position: Rear hall.
Simon: Bruised, Staggered, Impaired+Vulnerable this turn. Position: Rear hall.
Treetop: Bruised. Position: Back.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Rear hall.

Roof Mercenaries 3 Ground (2 Nullified), 4 Air.
Captain 1: Normal.
Captain 2: Normal.
Captain 3: Normal.
Captain 4: Normal.
Brace: 1 Bruise.

All PCs are on turn. Harem may act twice this round.

2014-07-29, 11:02 PM

Simon grit his teeth. It kept them from shaking from the dark energy wracking his body. He forced his body to keep moving in defiance of the warlock's curse.

While fighting off the curse, Simon re-evaluated the situation. Brace was using his magic to soften the party while letting his minions gun them all down. It was a textbook strategy, but Simon had to admit that his forces were reeling. It was time to change the equation. Brace seemed to have solid mystical defenses, but his mercs' armor hadn't proved as effective so far.

“Vines, on Brace. Everyone else, silence the guns.”

Simon narrowed his eyes at Brace as the warlock made his threat. “Ha! Tougher men than you have tried, coward,” he spat. Simon widened his stance, assuming a familiar fighting pose. As he did so, he felt the last of the energy from the warlock's curse vanish. “Lets see what you and your lackeys can do.”

Taking a Defend action. Active Defense for the round: [roll0]
Hope that I managed to goad everyone into using attacks that require attack rolls.

At end of round, recover from Warlock's Curse. Roll in OOC.

2014-07-30, 10:04 PM
The explosion from the mercenary's grenade left Eric in a bit of a daze in addition to the pain he was now experiencing. Plant matter does not hold up very well to high temperatures or suddenly impacting the floor with great force. Nonetheless, Mandragora knew that he had to undo the damage Brace had done to the Promise with his curse of Death. With a conviction he could only find when battling for the sake of the greatest Positive Outcome, Mandragora yelled, "I Promise all of us Life! Even you, Brace!"

Once again, Mandragora reached for the mage, lashing and writhing his vines along the way to surround Brace in vegetation. If he could keep the mage still long enough for the rest of the group to knock out the mercenaries, it might just give them a chance to calm the man down.

Standard: Grasp at Brace again.
Unarmed attack: [roll0] DC 25 Toughness check vs. damage and a DC 25 Strength or Dodge check to avoid being grabbed if the attack hits (using all limbs for the grab bonus).

2014-08-01, 02:24 PM
Leviath didn't like the way things were going. That grenade almost took him out. There was no escape now, they had to take out all mercenaries and brace himself. He trusts the people inside, but rushes the elimination of his own targets outside

Most importantly, Phoenix was in some trouble herself, so he lashes out at the power armor users. Without bothering to subvocalize, he says the coordinates outright to help himself, leaving just enough of his mind to keep the nullify effect ongoing

"First target, X56, Y13...Second Target, X62, Y13"

Using Extra Effort two gain another standard action, used on another attack.
Free Action: Keep that Nullify going
Both Standard Actions: Attack the mercenaries going for Phoenix, the ones trying to immobilize him


2014-08-01, 04:01 PM
Hmmmm....This power armor is hard to crack.Even cooperation is failing to do much against them. Good thing that's only a minor part of Herems' job. All of her are doing the main one, acting as a bullet sponge, far more admirably. Though admitingly, some of her is a bit failing, having fallen in combat. Fortunately, like earlier they are replaceable. No tactics like human-wave tactics!The law of large numbers will be in our favor eventually!

Prime: let clones 7 and 2 disappear. Full-round to re-create them.
Rest: assault 2 troops, normal split of grabbing and then attacking.



As round 1, now with slightly more assistance




2014-08-01, 06:08 PM
A grenade exploded right behind him, threatening to kill Rylan right then and there. Dive rolling forward, he quickly removed himself from the immediate blast radius, reducing the damage he would've taken from the explosive to a manageable level that shook him, but didn't seriously hurt. Hearing Simon's order, his attention moved to the captain who had fired the grenade.

Focusing to overcome the suppressive force of the nullifier, Rylan attacked the captain with a jolt of mental power, flooding his mind with information that would ignite his pain receptors to convince his body that it was being hurt.

Standard Action: Mental Blast on Captain 4

Effect Check [roll0]

If that beats the DC, he takes DC 25 damage, Will-based, Subtle 2.

2014-08-01, 06:49 PM
Erin brings her elbows up in a defensive stance, and digs her feet into the ground. Her mind flashes back to the practice sessions with Alabaster, and this really wasn't that much different.

Erin weathers the attack with quick deflecting motions, as she took the hit, but pushed most of the force away from her body. It was difficult, considering the state her body was in, but she successfully managed it.

"Really? Two on one against a lady? Your parents never taught you manners?" taunted Erin. Normally, she would advise (and actually abstain) against taunting - as it was generally considered bad form - but she did just take down the powered armor trooper that was giving her lots of trouble.

In response to the attack, Erin swept up her blade to cut through the attacking soldier on her left. If the attack did manage to bisect the soldier, then she'd continue the motion, moving onto the one on the right.

Standard Action: Attack with Nova Saber. [roll0] for the attack check. If it hits, they have to make a DC 25 Parry save vs. a Damage effect.

Takedown is going to be used to affect the other soldier if applicable.

Current Status: 3 Bruises, Staggered
Hero Points: 1

2014-08-01, 11:18 PM
Mandragora's assault continued to wear at Brace's protections, although the runes once more prevented the hero from getting a firm grasp on him. Rylan's psychic blast was unimpeded by the Nullifier at all, but the mercenary captain was able to grit through the assault by sheer force of trained will.

The Rainbow Bird's lightning bolts arced across the power armored mercenaries. Their armor conducted the electricity well; a benefit in that it more easily arced from one to the next, a hindrance in that it all got directed away from their bodies. The flying soldiers were getting fairly close to dismissing Harem as a mere distraction...until a group of her clones swarmed over the merc fighting Phoenix and managed to hold him down and wrest his helm away, one of them knocking him out cold with a hard blow once his head was exposed. Phoenix herself dispatched the remaining two on the roof with her Nova Saber, and took to the air to get at the flyers, although her target's tactical computers had enough time to analyze her approach, its defensive algorithm's keeping her third target inches ahead of her blade.

Rather than forego her weapon, Treetop leaped into the air to assist Phoenix, swinging her tree wildly at the flying mercenaries...and they saw it coming a mile away, kinda all moving back to just let her sail by harmlessly like in the cartoons. Reynold appraised the battle warily, ready to raise a shield over one of his allies at need.

Brace misread Simon's stance, thinking it signified continuing vulnerability from his curse, not the ready defense of a man with all the time in the world to watch an attack approaching and dodge it effortlessly. Brace's hands flashed rapidly through complex motions, hurling a series of energy bolts for Simon, and every one missed their mark. The captain who had already been firing at him continued to do so, and the other two that were back with Brace turned their own guns on him as well, a disciplined, coordinated burst of automatic weaponry that he effortlessly avoided. The closer mercenary, keeping aside of the line of fire, went at Mandragora, striking at him with a hard punch, but Reynold's shield came up and blocked the strike, although the mercenary managed to keep his own fist from repelling right back into his own face through main strength.

The flying mercenaries scattered, each picking a hero and firing, although Phoenix's target would instead strike back with a powerful punch, aiming to send her right back down to the ground.

Move: Leap at the mercenaries.
Standard: Attack with Tree Battery at [roll0], Toughness DC 27+Multiattack ([roll1]). If it drops, Takedown:
Attack: [roll2]. Toughness: [roll3].
Attack: [roll4]. Toughness: [roll5].
Attack: [roll6]. Toughness: [roll7].

Standard: Ready an action to use Force Shield. If an ally would be hit with an attack, their Defense will be replaced with [roll8] for the rest of the round, and any attacks that miss will be reflected. Prioritizing the most injured ally about to be hit.

Standard: Eldritch Bolts at Simon, at [roll9]. Toughness DC 27+Multiattack on a hit.

Captain 1:
Standard: Attack Mandragora at [roll10]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Acrobatics or Athletics DC 18 vs. Trip. Hit. Reynold's Readied action triggers. Miss. Reflected.

Captains 2-4:
Standard: Machine Guns at Simon, at [roll11], [roll12], [roll13]. They'll resolve this as a Team Attack, so if one hits, the others get +5 to the attack from Teamwork. Toughness DC 23+Multiattack+Team Attack on a hit.

Flying Mercenaries:
Move: Scatter.
Standard: Attack a hero.
Phoenix: [roll14]. Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage, Strength or Flight rank DC 18 or be smashed to the ground and take damage from a Distance Rank 2 fall (Toughness DC 23). If you take damage from the fall you also end up Prone. Hit
Treetop: [roll15]. Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage ([roll16]). Bruised and Dazed
Gestalt/Rainbow Bird: [roll17]. Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. Hit
Harem: [roll18]. Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. This attacks Clone #[roll19], with a 16 being the real Harem. Harem Prime Hit

Current Status:
Phoenix: 4 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Air.
Rylan: Bruised. Position: Rear hall.
Harem: Bruised. Position: Roof.
Clone 1: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 2: Normal.
Clone 3: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 4: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 5: Bruised.
Clone 6: Bruised.
Clone 7: Normal.
Clone 8: Bruised, Dazed this round.
Clone 9: Normal.
Clone 10: Normal.
Clone 11: Normal.
Clone 12: Normal.
Clone 13: Normal.
Clone 14: Normal.
Clone 15: Normal.
Clone 16: In the car! Also Normal.
Mandragora: Bruised. Position: Rear hall.
Leviath: 2 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Rear hall.
Simon: Bruised, Staggered. Position: Rear hall.
Treetop: 2 Bruises, Dazed this round. Position: Back.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Rear hall.

Roof Mercenaries: 4 Airborne (Pending).
Captain 1: Normal.
Captain 2: Normal.
Captain 3: Normal.
Captain 4: Normal.
Brace: 2 Bruises.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-08-03, 11:39 AM

As the Brace and his mercenaries unleashed a veritable barrage of bullets and magic bolts at Simon, the commando somehow dodged every shot. His movements weren't super-human, but it seemed that he was able to track each line of fire and avoid it. When the Captain attacking Mandragora spent a precious moment keeping his own attack from being repelled back at him, Simon pounced on the opening by stepping in close and striking nerves and weak points in the armor.

Amid the storm of attacks, Simon could see through the camera feeds that his team was scattering, chasing the few remaining rank-and-file mercs outside. So far him, Reynold and Mandragora were holding their own Brace and his Captains, but they were still at a disadvantage. He needed Treetop and Leviath to join the fray. "Ground Team, Rally to me! Focus on Brace's squad!"

Unarmed Attack (Nerve Strike (Toughness), Power Attack 5): [roll0], on hit Toughness DC 26 31 vs Damage, Fort DC 21 26 vs Weaken (Toughness) Crit Threat
Move Action Trick (Redirect), taking 10 on the Deception check for 25. Simon will place himself between other Captains 2-4 & Captain in melee. If Captain (lets say #2) fires his guns at Simon and misses, redirect attack to the captain Simon is in melee with.

2014-08-03, 04:30 PM
Mandragora almost flinched at seeing the captain shoot straight at him, but was relieved to see the shot ricochet off an invisible barrier back at its owner. He attempted to snatch up Brace once again, twisting the vines already hangin near the mage to get a better angle on the grab. It was frustrating that those runes could keep the strands away as well as they did, and if this kept up much longer, Mandragora would try an alternative tactic. Nonetheless, he wasnt about to give up just yet, and tried to efficiently wrap Brace's hands to his side.

Standard: Lash vines at Brace.
Unarmed Attack: [roll0] DC 25 Toughness check vs. damage and a DC 25 Strength or Dodge check to avoid being grabbed if the attack hits (using all limbs for the grab bonus).

Move: If the grab is successful, attempt to drag Brace next to Simon for potential misdirection. A DC 20 Strength check (25 if the grab bonus from Extra Limbs applies, as mentioned before) resists.

Mandragora did wish he had some way to directly nullify those runes, but for now, keeping Brace still was probably the best thing he could do to keep him from tossing more of his bolts.

2014-08-04, 09:36 PM
Leviath couldn't make his way to the ground team. His legs were shaky and he basically just lying on the wall.

The roof would stop him from bringing in any lightning into the fight either

Thankfully, one of the best abilities in this situation was still definately usable. Everyone was rather cramped inside, which was bad because of all the grenades

But it was also good, because he could hit them all. Thus, he stops to affect the mercenaries outside and instead puts his eyes on Brace's captains

With a quick jerk of his head as command, Raptor Attack enters inside the Mayor Hall flying, practically getting in Brace's face. Leviath blows all the air in his lungs out and with it imagines his own exhaustion leaving and takes a deep breath. Wouldn't do a damn thing, but could convince his mind for time enough, as his bird once more starts sucking all energy towards it. His mind clear, Leviath puts all of his new breath into the power shout!


So, I'm stopping the Nullify the mercs outside, and instead starting a Nullify action targeting "Brace". Well he's the epicenter of the burst aniway


2014-08-07, 05:24 AM
Erin took the blow from the flying mercenary, and dropped down. She did, however, use her flight capabilities to break her fall, and landed with a crunch.

This was getting very, very annoying. She was injured, to the point where it was interfering with her ability to fight properly. She shouldn't be fighting like this, but there were lives on the line. She couldn't let something like that hold her back.

Erin grit her teeth, and pushed aside the pain radiating through her body, as she had done so many times before. She braced herself against the ground, and launched herself at her opponent, striking once more with the white-hot blade of her sword.

Provided her opponent fell before her, Erin would continue the onslaught, and dismiss the sword with a sheathing motion.

Hero Point + Extra Effort: Extra Standard Action!
No More Hero Points!

First Standard Action is converted into a move action, where Erin flies up to the mercenary that attacked her.

Second Standard Action: Attack the mercenary with Nova Saber.
[roll0]; If it hits, DC 25 Parry vs. Damage, DC 20 Will vs. a Weaken Will.

Takedown and Move-by Action will be used together to fight the other troops.

Free Action, taken only if Erin takes out at least two mercenaries: Switch to Stoking The Flame.

2014-08-08, 01:01 AM
Simon closed and struck with deadly precision, precise strikes to joints and weak points giving him access to vulnerable wires and chips. The armor lost most of its power, and computational damage caused its sealing mechanisms to go haywire, causing several pieces to fall away, leaving easy targets.

Brace was a bit quicker to charge power into his protective runes this time, just barely managing to block Mandragora's attack outright.

Gestalt's attack crashed down on the mercenaries. The lead captain, already having severe armor trouble from Simon's assault, cursed lividly as her weapon systems went down. The one who had been focused on Simon likewise found its gun suddenly clicking empty as the matter generators lost power. The other two managed to dodge outside the area of the burst.

Back outside, Phoenix charged in hard once more, but the mercenary had the high ground and enough time for its tactical computers to get a measure of her speed and angle of approach. Even so the mercenary managed to avoid her blade by only the narrowest of margins.

Treetop leaped back over the building per Simon's orders, though her injuries caused her to stumble some on landing and couldn't get fully into the fray just yet.

Reynold, well, he wasn't one to fight fair. He watched for opportunities and took them when the presented themselves. So he pounced on the one offered by Simon, hurling a semisolid bolt of telekinetic force at the first captain.

Brace...actually stared in shock a moment as Simon avoided the hail of bullets that had come his way. Mandragora's words drew his attention though. "Let me give you hint, mutant: they don't exist!" His words would fill Mandragora, not with doubt, but with a sick feeling of doom as the power of his curse fell upon him.

One of the captains in the back fired for Mandragora. The other two joined with the one up front, all three attacking Simon en masse, the two with their weapon systems disabled trying to hedge him in so the other could land a solid hit.

Up in the air, Phoenix's target let fly a barrage of bullets and flew up higher, getting another two hundred feet of altitude. The other three flew down to the rear, opening up on Gestalt, Reynold, and...well, one of them aimed for Rylan, but adjusted after a split-second's hesitation to fire for Treetop instead.

Move Action: Dazed.
Standard Action: Leap back to the rear.

Standard Action: Force Bolt at Captain 1 at [roll0], Crit 15+. Toughness [roll1] vs. DC 21. Bruised and Dazed

Standard Action: Warlock's Curse on Mandragora. Will DC 22 vs. Impaired+Vulnerable/Disabled+Defenseless Affliction.

Captain 1:
Standard Action: Aid Captain 4 at [roll2]. Two Degree Success - +2 Bonus

Captain 2:
Move Action: Close in.
Standard Action: Aid Captain 4 at [roll3]. One Degree Success - Improves Bonus to +5

Captain 3:
Standard Action: Machine Gun at Mandragora at [roll4], Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. Hit. DC becomes 25 if Will fails against Brace, 30 if it fails by two degrees.

Captain 4:
Move Action: Close in.
Standard Action: Attack Simon with Servo Strength at [roll5]+Aid. Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Athletics or Acrobatics DC 18 vs. Trip. Just hits thanks to Aid.

Move Action: The one fighting Phoenix flies up 200'. The other three fly down to the back yard.
Standard Action: Machine guns.

Phoenix: [roll6], Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. Miss
Gestalt: [roll7], Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. Hit
Reynold: [roll8], Toughness ([roll9]) DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. Miss
Treetop: [roll10], Toughness ([roll11]) DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage. Hit. Resists.

Current Status:
Phoenix: 4 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Air.
Rylan: Bruised. Position: Rear hall.
Harem: Bruised. Position: Roof.
Clone 1: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 2: Normal.
Clone 3: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 4: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 5: Bruised.
Clone 6: Bruised.
Clone 7: Normal.
Clone 8: Bruised.
Clone 9: Normal.
Clone 10: Normal.
Clone 11: Normal.
Clone 12: Normal.
Clone 13: Normal.
Clone 14: Normal.
Clone 15: Normal.
Clone 16: In the car! Also Normal.
Mandragora: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall.
Leviath: 3 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Rear hall.
Simon: 2 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Rear hall.
Treetop: 2 Bruises. Position: Back.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Rear hall.

Mercenaries: 1 about 300' up, 3 in back yard.
Captain 1: 2 Bruises, Staggered, Weapons Nullified, -6 Toughness.
Captain 2: Weapons Nullified.
Captain 3: Normal.
Captain 4: Normal.
Brace: 2 Bruises.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-08-08, 10:09 AM
It seems like a good amount of the melee has been moved. One of the closer ones has flown out of reach, while the rest have moved down to the yard. Thus, unable to fly, Harem resorts to chasing down the ones who are now on lower ground, bringing the one-women riot to them (before they start taking potshots at her again).

1st:Move over to where the 3 mooks are.

2nd:Split up my normal grapple-attack between 2 of them.


2014-08-08, 11:09 PM
As Brace's curse took hold of Mandragora's mind, he began to feel real dread for the second time that day. The warlock's words echoed in Mandragora's mind, keeping him occupied enough for the captain to fire a decisive shot into the core of the mass of vines. Now afflicted by a terrible feeling of despair, Mandragora focused his mind and body on recovering.

In his mind, Mandragora cried out to the Truth to guide him on the path of right. "Brace could use right in his life even more than I," thought the vine man. With one last prayer to the Drive for Success, Mandragora focused on breaking free from the curse.

Move: Staggered.
Standard: Recover from Staggered condition (+2 to active defenses until next turn).
End of turn Will resistance check to remove the curse: [roll0]

2014-08-09, 09:17 AM

As the 3 mercenaries closed in around Simon, even his fighting skills were not enough to completely avoid all the grabbing hands and enhanced punches. Still, he managed to avoid what might have been a crippling body blow by twisting so that the attack instead merely grazed him.

Even in the middle of the fray, Simon was still calmly assessing everything in the combat thanks to being able to access the building's cameras. Erin was tough, but her injuries were starting to pile up. She needed help. Simon didn't dare send anyone away from the melee below, but he could give her just the information she needed. Harem's swarms had also consistently shown that they lacked the power to punch through the mercs' armor, but they had proven great at hindering their targets and Treetop had no trouble with their armor if she could land a hit. Those two could be devastating if they emulated what the Captains were attempting with Simon. They all just needed the right push.

"Harem, help Treetop handle the hostiles at the rear. Their targeting and defense algorithms are the same as in Simulation 14 at HQ."

With that, Simon launched a flurry of strikes at the already injured Captain, every move brutally precise.

"I don't know what Brace is paying you, but by now your men are getting wrecked. It can't be worth losing the rest of your men. Stand down." Simon doubted they could talk down Brace, but his mercenaries might not be willing to die for his plan.

I've realized that Staggered does not go away at end of round. Going to be fixing that.
Trying to communicate the mercs' Dodge/Parry score from Assessment to the rest of the party. If anyone wants to use Routine attacks on the minions, you should now know exactly how much to Power Attack / Defensive Attack / Etc for.

Standard Action: Recover from Staggered. +2 to Active Defenses
Extra Effort: Attack Captain 1. Unarmed Strike (Power Attack 2): [roll0], DC 23 Toughness (+Multi-Attack) on hit.
Move Action: Trick Captain 4, Deception 25. If he attacks Simon and misses, Hit Captain 1 instead. (If Captain 1 is incapacitated by Simon's attack, Captain 2 instead)

2014-08-09, 04:00 PM
Brace just scoffed. "Defeat or surrender both lead to the same conclusion - a very long time in prison. I suggest we win, fight on!" the warlock demanded, and the mercenaries did not falter.

2014-08-10, 02:33 AM
Erin was battered. Her attacks had missed, but luckily enough, her opponent was unable to hit her. Still, things were getting dangerous. At times like this, what she needed to do was to hold her ground and recuperate.

And that was exactly what she did. Dismissing her blade with a sweeping motion, Erin began drawing upon the ambient energy around her, using it to heal her injuries, while clearing her mind with the exercises that she had used since she was a rookie in the Corps.

Free Action: Switch to Stoking the Flame

Move Action: Staggered.

Standard Action: Recovering from Staggered. +2 to my active defenses.

Current Status, as of the end of the round: 3 bruises.

2014-08-11, 03:18 AM
The mercenaries continued managing to keep Harem mostly off of them. The battered captain went down under Simon's attack, while Mandragora caught hold of his own attacker. The armor held for the moment, but with the servos down to power its gun's ammo-generator, it couldn't resist the hold, and got yanked hard into melee - a bad place to be while bound in vines. The feeling of doom lifted as his spirit fended off the curse.

Gestalt continued directing his summon to restrict the electricity in the area, attempting to further disable the mercenaries, but the suits were able to withstand the surge.

Rylan took a shot at the captain Mandragora had bound, aiming to take it out before it could escape, while simultaneously lashing out with his mind at Simon's foe, assaulting the captain with a burst of psychic agony. The armor withstood the shot decently, although it took some damage, but the other captain shrieked and clutched his head in pain.

Treetop moved to assist Harem, hammering on the mercenaries with fast, brutal swats of her oversized weapon. Two of them managed to avoid her assault, but the third was crushed beneath the tree.

Reynold, concerned for Mandragora after Brace's curse, turned his powers to his defense, summoning up whirling shields of telekinetic force.

The mercenaries outside finally had a chance at a clear shot. The remaining two took to the air, getting about a hundred feet up, and launched grenades upon the duplicator and the paragon, both firing in synchrony. The fourth one continued firing at Phoenix.

Seeing his curses not proving effective, Brace let fly a flurry of eldritch blasts at the Rainbow Bird that was hampering his troops, aiming to blast it out of the sky. He fired past the heroes and mercenaries in his way with precision a sharpshooter would envy despite the speed he threw the bolts at, and even with the ferocious assault, his protective runes glowed brightly. The bird managed to dodge most of the shots, but the last one caught it solidly...

Mandragora's foe engaged his servos and struck wildly at the vine-man, trying to force him back enough to escape. The force of its attacks was reflected back upon it by Reynold's shield, damaging his armor, but Isaac Newton apparently came through for the mercenary, knocking him free of the vines. The fourth captain managed to recover enough to keep hammering at Simon, but the former soldier circled, shifted, dodged at just the right moment, and allowed the captain's punch to slam his ally, knocking him to the ground. The second, with weapon systems still down, fell back to stand before Brace, guarding him against attack...as best it could from its newly prone position (yes, their tactical computers have algorithms for defending a subject while flat on your back, captains get the cool toys).

Gestalt (NPC'd this turn): Electricity Restriction on the Captains. Will DC [roll0] vs. Nullify and DC 13 vs. Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated Affliction. Captain 3 and 4 will lose weapon systems, Captain 2 will lose computers.
Captain 2: Dodge: [roll1]. Will: [roll2]. Resists
Captain 3: Dodge: [roll3]. Will: [roll4]. Resists
Captain 4: Dodge: [roll5]. Will: [roll6]. Resists
EDIT: Ah, right, I forgot that particular little flaw of this whole "NPC the characters who haven't posted" idea. I will almost certainly roll at least one natural 1 and have to feel guilty about it afterwards :smallannoyed:.

Rylan (NPC'd this turn, double play):
Round 1: Magnum Pistol on Captain 2. This resolves as a Finishing Attack since he's Defenseless. [roll7]. Toughness ([roll8]) DC 25+Multiattack 30 vs. Damage. Bruised
Round 2: Mind Blast on Captain 4. Will ([roll9]) DC 25 vs. Damage. Bruised and Staggered

Treetop: Tree Battery on Mercenaries, Multiattacking for 3.
[roll10], Toughness ([roll11]) DC 27 vs. Damage. Miss
[roll12], Toughness ([roll13]) DC 27 vs. Damage. Incapacitated
[roll14], Toughness ([roll15]) DC 27 vs. Damage. Miss

[roll16], Toughness ([roll17]) DC 27 vs. Damage. Miss
[roll18], Toughness ([roll19]) DC 27 vs. Damage.
[roll20], Toughness ([roll21]) DC 27 vs. Damage.

Reynold: Force Shield on Mandragora at [roll22].

Air Mercenary: Machine Gun on Phoenix at [roll23], Toughness DC 23 vs. Multiattack. Miss

Rear Mercenaries: Grenade Launcher on Harem and Treetop. However, they will resolve as a Team Attack. Dodge DC 20 for half, Toughness DC 25/21 vs. Damage.
And forgot to roll for Treetop here but she takes another bruise.

Brace: Eldritch Bolts on Gestalt, Defensive Attack for 2. [roll24], Toughness DC 27+Multiattack vs. Damage. His Precise Attack Advantage negates the Cover Gestalt would otherwise be receiving for the rather cluttered front line. Hit. No multiattack.

Captain 2: Aid action on Brace at [roll25], boosting his defense against the first attack against him this round. +2 Bonus

Captain 3: Attack Mandragora with Servo Strength at [roll26]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage, and the Move Object will attempt to knock Mandragora away from him, functionally an Escape at [roll27]. If that doesn't free him, he will attempt to Escape with a move action at [roll28] (both attempts include -5 for Improved Hold). If he misses, his attack is Reflected back on him by Reynold at [roll29] (Toughness [roll30]), which resolves as a Finishing Attack since he's Defenseless. Miss. Reflect Hits. Bruised due to auto-crit. Escape succeeds with a natural 20.

Captain 4: Attack Simon with Servo Strength at [roll31]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Athletics or Acrobatics DC 18 vs. Trip. On a miss, he is Tricked and the attack resolves on Captain 2 (Toughness: [roll32], Acrobatics: [roll33]). Miss Laughably. Totally forgot to roll a secondary attack roll, but rolled offline and it hits. Resists damage. Tripped. (And I think I'm gonna rule that since the actual effort of Aiding kinda has to occur in the general vicinity of the attack, the -5 from being prone applies. Not that it changes the result, but maybe the ruling will come up later and I'll forget it and do the exact opposite and someone will remind me and they'll get a Hero Point.)

Current Status:
Phoenix: 3 Bruises. Position: Air.
Rylan: Bruised. Position: Rear hall.
Harem: Bruised (Pending). Position: Roof.
Clone 1: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 2: Normal.
Clone 3: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 4: Bruised 2, Staggered.
Clone 5: Bruised.
Clone 6: Bruised.
Clone 7: Normal.
Clone 8: Bruised.
Clone 9: Normal.
Clone 10: Normal.
Clone 11: Normal.
Clone 12: Normal.
Clone 13: Normal.
Clone 14: Normal.
Clone 15: Normal.
Clone 16: In the car! Also Normal.
(All but 16 Pending)
Mandragora: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall.
Leviath: 3 Bruises, Staggered (Pending). Position: Rear hall.
Simon: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall.
Treetop: 3 Bruises. Position: Back.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Rear hall.

Mercenaries: 1 about 300' up, 2 about 100' above back yard.
Captain 2: Bruised, Prone, Weapons Nullified.
Captain 3: Bruised.
Captain 4: Bruised, Staggered.
Brace: 2 Bruises, +2 Defense this turn, another +2 Defense against first attack this turn.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-08-11, 08:58 AM
Erin let out a deep breath as she felt her strength return just as the bullets whizzed past her.

Time to finish this, thought Erin, as she extended her hand and summoned forth the white blade of fire that had been dismissed moments before.

Without another word, Erin launched herself at the mercenary, blade poised to impale the mercenary. Provided the assault killed the mercenary, Erin would turn to the other mercenaries in the air.

Free Action: Switch to Nova Saber.

Move Action: Fly up to the mercenary shooting at Erin.

Standard Action: Attack with Nova Saber! Let's settle for a routine check (result of 20) to take out the mercenary; If the attack hits, it's a DC 25 Parry save vs. Damage and a DC 20 Weaken Will save.

Takedown and Move-by Action are used to attack the other mercenaries. Likewise, I'll be using a routine check against the other two.mercenaries.

2014-08-11, 10:00 PM

Simon wasted no time in exploiting the opening he'd gained by turning the Captain's attack against his own ally. As the surprised mercenary hit the ground, Simon bore down on him with a series of kicks, trying to slam the captain's head against the ground.

"Vines, keep the other Captains off of me!"

Standard: Attack Captain 2 (Prone, Power Attack 5) [roll0]. DC 26 Toughness
Move: Trick Captain 2 (DC 25). If he attacks me and misses, redirect to Captain 4.

2014-08-12, 08:50 PM
Mandragora found that binding up the captains was much easier. It was those darn runes. He'd have to see if those had any significance outside of Brace's dreamer power. Brace may be a powerhouse with his bolts and curses, but with the captains gone, he'd have a hard time keeping up with the heroes.

"Fate, guide my Purpose!" cried Mandragora as he reached once again for one of the unhindered captains.

Standard: Lash vines at a presently-unhindered captain.
Unarmed Attack: [roll0] DC 25 Toughness check vs. damage and a DC 25 Strength or Dodge check to avoid being grabbed if the attack hits (using all limbs for the grab bonus).

Move: They're probably already all clumped up. But if not, pull. A DC 25 (all limbs) Strength check resists.

2014-08-14, 02:43 AM
The fighting had turned brutal. More than half of Harem's clones were down and bleeding after the grenade, and Gestalt passed out as his connection to his summon abruptly shattered. But Phoenix's devastating assault laid the remaining three mercenaries low, while Simon and Mandragora double-teamed the second captain, leaving its armor broken and useless. A flicker of uncertainty crossed Brace's face, but his eyes narrowed with resolve and he raised his hands, aglow with eldritch power to continue his assault.

Her clones had absorbed most of the force and all of the shrapnel from the grenades, but Harem was still reeling from the impact. She and three of her clones stumbled towards the rest of the group, while three others who had weathered the attack better followed Treetop's lead per Simon's suggestion. The latter hastened not for the thick of the fighting, but over to Gestalt, shaking him awake with the help of the clones.

Rylan took another shot for the most heavily injured captain, Reynold simultaneously launching a cohesive bolt of telekinetic force at it. The bolt cracked the armor and the bullet took out its power core, leaving another captain inert.

The remaining captain fell back, pointed his gun, and joined Brace in raining heavy fire on Simon and Mandragora. Simon dodged every shot and blast, although he could feel the heat of a couple near-misses from Brace. Mandragora was struck solidly by both.

Prime and the three Dazed clones just move closer to the battle.
The three non-Dazed clones follow Treetop and Aid her.

Move Action: Get over to Gestalt.
Standard Action: Attempt a Treatment check to Revive Gestalt (DC 15): [roll3]+Aid. Revived

Standard Action: Shoot Captain 4 in a Team Attack with Reynold at [roll4]. Hit. +5 Multiattack.

Standard Action: Force Bolt at Captain 4 in a Team Attack with Rylan at [roll5] (+5 for TA boost). +5 Team Attack

Toughness [roll6] vs. DC 30. Incapacitated

Captain 3, Captain 4, and Brace:
Standard Action: Machine Guns on Simon and Mandragora, Multiattack for 2, All Out Attack for 2. The Captains resolve theirs as a Team Attack.

[roll7], [roll8] (+5 TA), Toughness DC 23+TA. Miss
[roll9], Toughness DC 27. Miss

[roll10], [roll11] (+5 TA), Toughness DC 23+TA. Hit
[roll12], Toughness DC 27. Hit. +2 Multiattack (DC 29)

Current Status:
Phoenix: 3 Bruises. Position: Back/Air.
Rylan: Bruised. Position: Rear hall.
Harem: 2 Bruises. Position: Back.
Clone 1: Incapacitated.
Clone 2: Bruised.
Clone 3: Incapacitated.
Clone 4: Incapacitated.
Clone 5: Incapacitated.
Clone 6: 2 Bruises.
Clone 7: Incapacitated.
Clone 8: Incapacitated.
Clone 9: Incapacitated.
Clone 10: Incapacitated.
Clone 11: Bruised.
Clone 12: Bruised.
Clone 13: Incapacitated.
Clone 14: Bruised.
Clone 15: Bruised.
Clone 16: In the car! Also Normal.
Mandragora: 2 Bruises (Pending). Position: Rear hall.
Leviath: 4 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Rear hall.
Simon: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall.
Treetop: 3 Bruises. Position: Rear hall.
Reynold: Normal. Position: Rear hall.

Captain 3: Bruised, -2 Defense this turn.
Brace: 2 Bruises, -2 Defense this turn.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-08-14, 10:59 PM
"Thank you" Leviath says to Treetop as she awakes him. And Harem's clones he guesses
Seems like someone had taken his bird out...He wasn't sure if his creatures needed time to recover, but either way, it was best to change to something else. So, with a deep breath, he summons Iron Knight instead

As the clank of metal warns him of the arrival, before the armor has time to say a word, he directs it into the fray

The giant figure will probably have some difficulty to get past the door

Either way, he makes damn sure to stay behind it this time. Let's see Brace dealing with this one

Oh, and he should protect Simon too
"Craftiezel, guard him!"
"Yes, my lord. AEGIS! My allies will fear no attack!"

Yay! I'm back
Changing my array to Iron Knight, I was planning on changing for some time, but then I got staggered and the bird was just the most useful in those conditions. It still really is, but I'm gonna get taken out again if I use it

Free: Changing Arrays
Standard: Deflect on Simon
[roll0] for new defense

2014-08-16, 08:32 AM

Simon was a professional. He wouldn't smile, but his team had the advantage and the enemy was falling back. They couldn't get careless, but now was the time to press the advantage and finish the job. The next step was to cut off their retreat - Brace had been able to move remarkably quickly to get down to the first floor so quickly and Simon's team lacked the same mobility if Brace decided to run.

"Reynold, cut off their escape route! Harem, cover him! This ends here!"

With that, Simon charged, keeping low to the ground. Reckless, leaping charges were for amateurs. As he closed the distance, he felt Gestalt's glowing shield materialize around him. As he closed in with Brace, his look was positively wolfish. Under the protective cover of the shield, Simon's strikes lost their careful restraint as he cut loose

Move: Move to melee with Brace/Captain
Standard: Attack Captain w/Nerve Strike (Toughness) (Power Attack 5, All-Out 5): [roll0]. DC 26 Toughness vs Damage & DC 21 Fort vs Weaken(toughness)

2014-08-16, 09:41 AM


Simon abruptly shifted away from the captain and turned his flurry of attacks on Brace himself. Those defensive runes had so far protected him, but when faced with a hard target, the first thing to do was break down that target's defenses.

:smallcool: + Extra Effort: Attacking Brace with Nerve Strike (Fort) (PA 5, AOA 5) [roll0], DC 26 Toughness vs Damage, DC 21 Fort vs Weaken (fort)

2014-08-16, 06:30 PM
Mandragora's tough, barky skin was thankfully able to withstand the captain's shot. Against Brace's barrage of bolts, however, he was somewhat more vulnerable. A solid hit to the chest briefly knocked the wind out of him, and it hurt as well. He knew he had to get to the sunlight to recover soon, or the assault would wear him down.

For the time being, he could reach the captain and Brace from the sunlight leaking in through the entryway. He would head there, then get back to grabbing.

Move: Dazed.
Standard: Trading in for a move action to move to the sunlight in the building's entryway

2014-08-16, 06:55 PM
"Mercenaries on the top are down. Simon and Gestalt, what are your current statuses?" said Erin, holding one hand to the earpiece she used for communication in the field.

Talking is a free action!

2014-08-17, 11:21 PM

"Engaged with Brace at entry point!"

2014-08-18, 03:22 AM
"Roger that. Phoenix out."

Erin turned around mid-air, and maneuvered her way towards the rear, using her flight capabilities less for actual flight, and more for a controlled acrobatic descent, as she'd trained to do so many times. Once she was in the hallway, this changed to what more-or-less amounted to propulsion-assisted parkour, using the walls and ceiling to maneuver her way through the site of battle.

Erin launched herself from the ceiling, sweeping outwards with one hand as the white blade of fire returned in her grip. She made eye contact with Brace for a brief moment, before swinging her blade downwards, using her momentum for a vicious strike.

Move Action: Fly to Brace.

Free Action: Switch to Nova Saber.

Standard Action: Attack Brace. [roll0]; If the attack hits, it's a DC 25 Parry check vs. Damage and a DC 20 Will save vs. Weaken Will.

Current Status: 3 Bruises

2014-08-19, 12:24 AM
The remaining captain's powered armor began breaking away under Simon's assault, and Brace's runes began to waver, forcing him to take a moment to concentrate to maintain his defense.

They stabilized just in time to keep Phoenix from skewering him. The runes deflected the weapon aside, keeping it from cutting Brace's skin, but doing so took yet more energy that the warlock did not have to spare.

"Any time," Treetop replied, and she advanced to the front lines, taking a hard swing at Brace.

Reynold and Rylan were quick to capitalize on the opening Simon had provided, firing bullet and force bolt at the damaged captain. Reynold's attack cracked open another piece of the armor, allowing Rylan to drop the captain with a precise shot.

Harem advanced, but with the front lines rather crowded, she didn't bother pushing ahead. With every step she took, though, one of her existing clones vanished, and a new one split off, at the same pace but a slightly different angle, so that by the time they entered the hall, the full force of them were standing in a battle-ready formation.

"Alright, hold, HOL-," Brace was interrupted there as Treetop's fist smashed into his face, although his runes absorbed most of the force. "Blast it all HOLD! I would negotiate terms!" he demanded, holding his arms above his head.

The remaining captain ceased fire immediately at Brace's words, although he still stood ready, a grenade slotted and aimed at the group.

Move: Get to the front.
Standard: Attack Brace unarmed at [roll0], Toughness ([roll1]) DC 23 vs. Damage. Bruised.

Standard: Force Bolt on the captain at [roll2], Team Attacking with Rylan at +5 from Teamwork. +5.

Standard: Shoot the captain at [roll3], Team Attacking with Reynold. Hit. Multiattack +2.

Captain's Toughness: [roll4] (DC 27). Incapacitated.

Move + Standard: Advance and resummon.

Standard: Defend at [roll5].
Free: Offer surrender.

Standard: Ready an action to use Grenade Launcher if the heroes press the attack.

Current Status:
Phoenix: 3 Bruises. Position: Rear hall (front ranks).
Rylan: Bruised. Position: Rear hall (mid ranks).
Harem: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall (back ranks).
Clone 1: Normal.
Clone 2: Normal.
Clone 3: Normal.
Clone 4: Normal.
Clone 5: Normal.
Clone 6: Normal.
Clone 7: Normal.
Clone 8: Normal.
Clone 9: Normal.
Clone 10: Normal.
Clone 11: Normal.
Clone 12: Normal.
Clone 13: Normal.
Clone 14: Normal.
Clone 15: Normal.
Clone 16: In the car! Also Normal.
Mandragora: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall (entry).
Leviath: 4 Bruises, Staggered. Position: Rear hall (entry).
Simon: 2 Bruises. Position: Rear hall (front ranks).
Treetop: 3 Bruises. Position: Rear hall (front ranks).
Reynold: Normal. Position: Rear hall (mid ranks).

Brace: 5 Bruises, Defense 23 this turn.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-08-19, 02:41 AM
Even after Brace surrendered, Erin didn't lower the blade of white fire. Instead, she raised the blade, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Negotiation? Sorry, Brace, it doesn't work like that, especially after you took hostages. You're coming with us. Order the mercenaries to release the hostages, and tell them to surrender peacefully. Or, I suppose, the rest of your mercenaries get to go through what happened here and on the rooftop. Do I make myself clear?"

2014-08-19, 05:21 PM
"Of course, that is the only realistic outcome for this situation. But my men go free. Or I can give the order for them to execute the hostages. The choice is yours," Brace's reply was a steady mix, of grim determination and pragmatic resignation. His voice was calm and polite, perhaps even dignified, but with a chilling lack of emotion as he voiced the alternative to his demand.

2014-08-19, 05:51 PM
Erin gave Brace a level stare. She wasn't going to be intimidated, but asking for the mercenaries' freedom was unusual.

"Or, by virtue of you even threatening lives, I can cut you down right now. As it stands, Brace, you have a chance of seeing your daughter after we figure out what happened. You do this, Brace, then I have to explain to one girl why her father died. Do you want that, Brace?" asked Erin, her right hand tightening around the blade of flame.

2014-08-19, 06:45 PM
"And risk the lives of a few dozen innocent people? Just so, what, you can add a few more goons to your arrest list? Somehow I doubt it. Let's be reasonable. You've got your villain," he spat the word with disdain. "Apprehended the big bad Warlock. There's no reason to escalate the number of people who get hurt here."

2014-08-19, 08:35 PM

"Whoa there, spitfire," Simon cut in, growing alarmed at the Captain's threats. Whether they liked it or not, Brace could still order his men to execute his hostages at any time. He looked the Captain in the eye. "There are already enough kids in this city without parents today. There are more kids whose parents are still in the building. Lets end this here."

The old soldier turned to Brace, still on guard. "Brace, we can talk, but SIDE is already on its way. Here are my terms: you order your men to leave their suits at the front of the building and retreat. We can't promise immunity from SIDE, but Hero Corps doesn't pursue them. You also cancel the contract you've got for the two squads in waiting. You'll stand trial, but we won't point the Assembly lawyers at your men."

2014-08-20, 02:46 AM
Brace's brows raised slightly when Simon mentioned his reserve troops, clearly taken somewhat aback.

And also clearly annoyed and concerned. His hesitation is just a touch too long; you can tell he's trying to figure something out. And apparently failing to do so; before he speaks, you see a flicker of resignation cross his features, and you notice his voice sounds just a bit deflated.

"Permit me to open a gate for my forces to ensure they are safely conveyed from the area, and you have a deal. You may take whatever precautions you wish against me using it myself or calling in further aid with it. I trust such a matter will be trivial to such an assembly as yourselves."

2014-08-20, 12:00 PM

The old soldier didn't respond for a moment, weighing the risk of the warlock's request against his apparent resignation. If Brace was trying to fool them somehow, the soldier didn't see it. "Done. Call off your men."

2014-08-20, 09:35 PM
Relieved to see that Brace had finally given up, Mandragora took some time to relax and recover in the sunlight. He figured it would be best to let the professionals handle the negotiations - he could only get in the way.

While listening to the conversation, Mandragora cautiously kept an eye on the situation, ready to grab Brace if he tried anything funny.

2014-08-20, 11:52 PM
Brace gave a short nod, speaking into presumably a commlink, "This is Brace. We are surrendering. Release the hostages and stand down. Everyone who is still active, gather up everyone who are unconscious or whose armor is disabled. Get everyone gathered outside, then remove your armor and prepare for tele-that is an order. It is not up for debate. Yes, I understand I will lose my deposits." he looked at the heroes with some exasperation and muttered, "As if I hadn't lost them already at this stage." Then again to the commlink, "Assemble in the rear parking lot. And move quickly, we have a limited window of opportunity here. Be there in one minute unless you want to be dealing with SIDE. Brace out."

2014-08-22, 12:21 AM

As Brace radioed his men, some of the tension left Simon. It wasn't that he trusted Brace; the soldier didn't, but he did trust that Brace didn't have a better option. "Harem, secure the hostages and sweep the building."

Simon stepped aside, opening a path for Brace, addressing the Captain as he did. Simon was sure there would be a conversation later about going over the Captain's head. Later. "Phoenix, one of us should go check on the Mayor while the other takes the team and oversees the withdrawal. Your call."

2014-08-22, 01:12 AM
"Either one is equally important, but I'll trust that you can handle the withdrawal. Keep a close eye on them, and I'll send a situation update to SIDE," said Erin, nodding to Simon and heading off in the direction of the Mayor's office. She wasn't using her flight capabilities, however, as providing SIDE with a mission update was difficult enough when typed with only one hand.

2014-08-22, 02:39 AM
Harem nods to Simon, heading further into the building to escort the hostages out...and as they go, the duplicates start disappearing, one by one, until only the real Harem remains to blend with the crowd and get out of the area before SIDE arrives and the bureaucracy starts. SIDE acknowledges Phoenix's report and gives an ETA of about a minute.

It doesn't take long for the mercenaries to assemble; eight in total still in their armor, with two others unarmored and sporting injuries. The armored ones gather up their disabled comrades and captains, following Brace as he heads to the parking lot. Reluctantly, and with some prodding from Brace, they remove their armor as well, and the Warlock opens up a portal that leads into some large warehouse. No one is within (or at least, not visible from the portal), and the room it opens to doesn't have any features that would serve for identification.

"One of you send for my lawyer. That is my final order for your unit; upon its completion, consider our contract terminated," Brace said as the now-unarmored mercenaries filed through the gate. He closed it behind them.

"Well," he said, crossing his arms and looking Simon's way. "I do hope you have some plan in mind for getting our people back, because you managed to shoot both of mine to pieces. I assume your Regional Commander wouldn't have the stomach to perform the ritual that I had prepared, but in case he grows a sense of scale before midnight, the components are all in the mayor's office."

Up in that office, Mayor Hawkens was standing behind her desk, a laser pistol aimed only-somewhat-shakily at the door when Phoenix walked in, but when she recognized the Hero she gave an audible sigh of relief. "Did you get him?" she demanded, first thing, and she sounded more angry than afraid.

The sound of sirens could be heard, in the distance but rapidly closing.

Victory! Everybody gains a :smallcool: Hero Point!

Now that you've had a chance to see how your characters work in battle, you may take this one more opportunity to make changes to your character sheets if you wish. This will be your last chance to do so until you gain PP at the end of the first adventure.

LoP, you can make adjustments up until your first battle, and you'll get a final opportunity to do so after it as well. You can feel free to bring your character in as SIDE arrives if you want, or you can hold off until the next scene, whatever suits you.

And if anyone has any comments/critiques/suggestions/whatever about the game so far, now's as good a time as any to let me know in the OOC. Likewise, this post covered a bit of general wrap-up stuff for the sake of keeping things moving, but if anyone wants to take an action "during" this time rather than after it, feel free to do so.

2014-08-22, 03:01 AM
Erin nods, and takes another step into the office. "We got Brace, ma'am. He's being held by the members of my task force as we speak, and ordered the other mercenaries to stand down. SIDE should be on scene within a minute, but the fighting is done. All that's left now is to account for the hostages and for SIDE to handle the processing and clean-up. Is there anything you need, now that this situation is over?"

2014-08-22, 08:58 AM
"Wait, Brace? What was the ritual you were planning on?"

2014-08-22, 10:43 PM
Mayor Hawkens nodded, putting away her gun. "No. The people he took hostage, were they harmed?" she asked, walking briskly from the office and heading for the stairs.


"It was designed to-" he began to explain, but halted himself. "Hmm. No. If you want to interrogate me, I do believe it will be on the record and with my attorney present, thank you."

2014-08-23, 01:55 AM

"Suit yourself, but you might want to consider making friends. Its half after noon and there's no way you had time to close a contract with the Breaker Initiative this morning. So either you had some other op in mind and changed it at the last second, or you had prior warning of the disappearances. Either way blows a hole in your defense as a distraught father. Refusing to cooperate is only going to make it worse." Disinterest in his tone didn't keep him from watching Brace like a hawk, hoping the warlock would give something away.

His tone softened. "That, and we're already on a mission to find your daughter and the rest who vanished. Sharing anything you know will only help us find her sooner."

If relevant, Insight [roll0] to read Brace's reaction. Persuasion [roll1] to appeal to his self interest & love for his daughter to convince him to share anything he knows about the disappearances.

Also want to see if I can determine whether he reacts more strongly to keeping his own hide out of jail or appealing through his daughter.

2014-08-23, 02:46 AM
Whatever he might have been feeling, Brace kept a studious poker face, and spoke as if they were discussing the weather. "Oh I will be quite happy to talk with you - once I have received legal counsel."

Rylan's voice manifested in Simon's head. ~Based on the guy I read, Brace hired these guys two weeks ago, and apparently has been in negotiations with them for a month. I just tried to get a read on Brace, but the guy's disciplined. I can't get through.~

2014-08-23, 07:05 AM
"Actually, ma'am, we haven't. The rest of my team is watching over Brace as we speak, and I'm the only one away from the scene. The first person my second-in-command and I agreed to check up on was you. Or rather, we agreed to check on your office. Before I do a sweep of the building, do you have any idea where the others might be held?"

2014-08-23, 11:52 AM
"I wasn't aware he had hostages until you mentioned them," she answered, although it became a moot point as they reached the lobby, where they could see the Harems escorting the last ones outside.

2014-08-25, 12:26 AM

The soldier grunted. Brace had a good poker face and if he wasn't going to talk without a lawyer, then that was that. Happened all the time. "Alright, if that's how you want it."

2014-08-25, 09:45 PM
The sirens were plain to hear now, as SIDE arrived. It was the first Combat Unit; eight agents and two power-armored captains, each group of five in an ACV - an Aerial Combat Vehicle, basically a flying van that forgot it wasn't a tank. One ACV landed out front on the street, the other in the rear parking lot.

Since Erin had already informed them that the enemies had been neutralized, they simply landed and got out. Four of the agents headed into the building to clear it, going about the process with professional efficiency and not saying anything to the heroes aside from maybe a quick identity check. The other four went to get statements from and assist those former hostages that hadn't already left the scene. The captains, on the other hand, made their way to Simon and Erin respectively, the former securing Brace with power-dampening cuffs, while the latter's first move was to confirm that the mayor was alright. The warlock didn't resist, and the mayor assured the captain that no effort needed to be spent on her account.

The captain near Erin asked, "Anything you can tell us?" with the usual professional courtesy she got from SIDE.

The one by Simon asked, "Are there any other suspects?" She was clearly looking over the discarded suits of powered armor, although her expression was hidden behind her own armor's full helmet.

2014-08-26, 11:13 PM

"Affirmative. Brace contracted approximately 50 soldiers from the Breaker Initiative. About 30 of them participated and the remainder were somewhere off-site. The mercs that participated in the attack have withdrawn - Brace here surrendered and released his hostages on the condition that we allow his men to go. The powered armors were theirs. They left their suits behind as part of their surrender. We're turning them over to you for processing."

2014-08-26, 11:35 PM
"There are actually several oddities that have showed up. First is how Brace managed to get mercenaries here in such short notice, especially with the chaos caused by the Disappearance. Second is the fact that he took one of the most fortified civilian complexes in Adaros with surprising speed. It doesn't add up. There's way more to this than just the hostage situation, but what, I'm not sure. Aside from that, well, you'll probably want to get someone to clean up the roof."

2014-08-27, 02:28 AM
"Alright then, we'll get to the processing. If there's anything else, let us know," the captain near Simon said, before taking Brace to one of the ACVs.

"I see. We'll have Brace processed by tomorrow morning. If you and your team want to be there when we interrogate him, you're welcome to." On the whole, SIDE was savvy enough to know that "There's way more to this..." meant keeping the Heroes in the loop was an Almost Certainly Good Idea.

And I'm pretty much out of plot for this scene. If you guys want to discuss matters among yourselves or talk more with Brace or the SIDE agents or the mayor or whoever, feel free. Let me know if/when you're good and I'll move things forward.

2014-08-27, 10:13 PM
With everything wrapping up around City Hall, Eric decided to tie up a loose end that had been bugging him during the operation. He carefully made his way past the investigators and SIDE agents toward Treetop, intent on balancing some of the pain from earlier with a little joy to tilt the Heart a little more toward its good side. As soon as Treetop finished giving statements to the investigators and was far enough away that not everyone could hear, Eric approached the young heroine.

"Uh, Treetop. About the stuff I said before we started the operation about your tree... I'm sorry about that. Sometimes when I get into the mindset I need to use my powers, it sort of... takes over. Can you forgive me?" Eric reaches out his right arm, transforming it from vine into regular appendage as he does so, and offers it to Treetop.

2014-08-27, 11:34 PM

"Of course." Simon watched as SIDE took Brace away. If he was going to try anything it would have been before now, but there was no reason not to be careful. "There is one more lead to follow up on. Brace mentioned something about a ritual and I need to talk with the Captain about it. I'm going to find her now, come with and we can wrap this up."

At the officer's reply, Simon headed back into the building to find Phoenix. It didn't take long to find the Captain in the lobby along with the mayor and another SIDE officer. "Captain!" he called as he approached.

He must have looked odd, surrounded by SIDE officers, the mayor, and the brightly costumed Phoenix wearing his now torn button-up. The soldier chuckled at the idea. "I apologize for interrupting, but before SIDE arrived Brace mentioned a setting up a ritual in the mayor's office. He didn't say much else, but he implied that he believed it could bring back his daughter. Did he have anything set up when you arrived? And Mayor Hawkins, did Brace say anything about his plans before we arrived?"

2014-08-28, 02:27 AM
Treetop gave a casual laugh, shaking Eric's hand. "Hey, no worries man. I was a bit more defensive than I needed to be myself. We're cool." She thought for a moment, and added, "Although if you think your powers are affecting your personality, you might want to talk with someone about it. That kinda stuff can be pretty serious."

"I have to keep an eye on the suspect. Captain Waller should be inside though, you can talk to him about it," the outside captain replied.

The mayor blinked once at the sudden question, but schooled herself quickly. "To be honest, it's all kinda hazy. I remember hearing the gunfire and the explosion, two of the guards coming to escort me out...he came flying up the stairs. I remember his eyes...I got a good look at his eyes and then..." she trailed off with a shrug. "All I can really remember after that are the orders he gave me. Those are vivid. Stand here. Sit down. Be quiet. Don't move. The rest is a blur."

2014-08-28, 02:39 AM
Erin waits for the Mayor to finish before giving a somewhat professional shrug.

"I'm not too sure, honestly. There were books, papers, some plastic bags and a few bottles. If they didn't look out of place, I might have confused them with the mayor's property. That, and there was a knife on the table. I'm not really equipped to tell you what exactly the materials would do, but we could look through the Regional Commander's notes and puzzle out what they do."

2014-08-28, 07:03 AM
Eric was glad Treetop was taking this well, but he felt the need to got just a bit futher for the sake of the Heart. "Maybe I should talk to someone about it. But first, let me just do one thing for you."

With a little bit of concentration and effort, Eric was able to call on the effect he needed from his plant side. He wrapped his vines gently around Treetop's favored weapon, and gave it a little bit of life. Enough for the wood to start looking healthy, and even leaves to sprout from its renewed branches. Though somewhat fatigued from his efforts, Eric couldn't help but admire his work.

"It won't live very long out of the ground, but this should make the wood a little more resistant to warping for a little while and also reverse some of the damage it has taken from bashing villains' faces. It should allow you to use it for a little while longer, at least."

Using a little bit of Extra Effort to breathe some life into Treetop's tree as a Power Stunt. Let me know if I have to actually define the specifics, but I was thinking something like an plants-only resurrection Healing or some such.

2014-08-28, 11:47 PM

"And if the Regional Commander's notes aren't enough, I'm sure SIDE or the Assembly can put us in contact with someone who can make sense of the ritual. I'm concerned about Brace saying we'd managed to blow holes in both his plans."

2014-08-29, 01:47 AM
Treetop looked at the revitalized tree with some shock. "That is...really cool," she said with a bright smile. "Thank you, Eric."

2014-08-30, 06:54 PM
SIDE finishes securing and processing the scene in good time. They collect all the evidence - including the powered armor and the components on the mayor's desk - for processing. Officially, the job of Heroes is done - but some words to the effect that SIDE wouldn't particularly mind if any Heroes elected to investigate the matter further were said in conveniently close proximity.

City Hall was officially closed for the rest of the day, although as she and the few staff members who were still on scene left, there was a bit of talk about a ceremony for their rescuers.

There were no further incidents that day, giving the Heroes time to attend to their own tasks, conduct their own investigations, or take some time for themselves or with those close to them - or those that remain, in any event.

The next morning, around 8:00 AM, formal invitations are extended to any heroes who wish to be present for Brace's interrogation.

You all have some time to do whatever - plot stuff resumes at eight the next morning. If you all want to post generally what you're doing and where you end up at that time in a single post, that's fine and I'll resolve anything you do as part of my next post. Alternately, if you have more elaborate things you want to do, we can do some individual back-and-forth scenes and once they're all largely resolved timeskip whatever time remains. Either way works for me, but I'd prefer to go with a majority decision.

2014-09-03, 08:59 AM
It had been a busy day. After the rescue, Gestalt went on the television to do his part on talking about the disappearances. There were of course a number of Reclaimer on scene, something that left Gestalt rather annoyed and only by sheer luck didn't the whole thing devolve into an all-around brawl.

Still, the next day, he showed up for Brace's interrogation, without any disasters having been caused

2014-09-03, 10:47 PM
Following the events at the City Hall, Eric needed some respite. When he was done answering questions for the SIDE agents, he headed off to find an unobserved place to change back into his human form before walking to the local Deionist temple. He wasn't surprised by how many of the parishioners who were praying there today. Silently, he found a place to takes some time off for prayer. For the first time in a while in his otherwise-uneventful life, Eric prayed for Balance rather than Chaos in the Nature. The last thing Adaros needed right now was more craziness.

Before he would go back to his own home at the end of the day, Eric decided to pay his mother another visit. On the way, he pondered the possibility of joining the Hero Corps. The taste of action he'd had today reminded him how capable he was in actual combat. In addition, with much of Adaros's Hero Corps missing, they would need some new members to keep up with the inevitable tide of problems that would arise in the wake of the Disappearance. Eric would put that off for now, however, as he focused on comforting his family. He realized he hadn't even thought to check in on his friends during the day, either.

Eric was not interested in attending Brace's interrogation. Nonetheless, he endeavored to meet up with the others who had been involved to see if there was any more he could help with.

2014-09-05, 10:12 PM
The rest of Erin's day was, simply put, hectic.

She returned back to the Hero Corps HQ, and spent the rest of the day in Arcanis' study, comparing the Regional Commander's notes with various case files and communicating with SIDE about the materials found in the office. All of that was between answering calls from various Assembly agents filing their own reports on the incident at City Hall.

What she finally pieced together was surprisingly disturbing, but Erin compiled all of her notes into a single folder, setting it aside to bring along for the interrogation. The Captain of the now-defunct Vanguard Five left Arcanis' study just past midnight, and didn't bother leaving the Hero Corps HQ to return back to her apartment.

The next morning, Erin was present at the SIDE facility, ready to witness Brace's interrogation with the research that she'd compiled.

2014-09-07, 02:43 PM

As night fell, Simon was doing housework.

After the mission, SIDE had granted Simon access to the database of the missing that the agency was compiling. He'd spent the rest of the day investigating – analyzing the data, checking with his contacts in SIDE and OUT-SIDE and keeping close to Hero Corps HQ in case there was another attack. He'd come up with nothing in the end – there had been no more alerts and none of his contacts had any leads.

As evening came, he drove back to Burke's house and let himself in. He busied his hands by cleaning the house and preparing it for the absence of its owner. Whatever had happened to the vanished, they weren't going to be back any time soon. The most Simon could do for his friend now was to make sure his home was clean when he returned.

The home was also catalog of memories. Sports games, parties, work, awards, mementos that reminded Simon of years gone by. Simon picked up each memory, examined it, and then put it away in his head. A thought occurred to Simon that perhaps this trip was less about doing something for his friend and more about grieving, saying goodbye to the one true friend he'd had for many years.

The thought was ridiculous. Daimon had no friends. A close friend was a liability, a weakness for others to exploit. All that time 'hanging out' with Aaron had been a job, building credibility for his alias in case someone decided to go digging. Still, the thought wouldn't go away.

He was still pondering when he heard a quiet 'pop' and rustle of cloth behind him.

“About time you showed up,” he growled.

Even wearing a simple blouse and pair of jeans, the young woman behind him was beautiful. She had the supple build of an athlete and mischievous eyes. Daimon wasn't fooled though – he'd seen her kill while wearing that look. In fact, he'd helped train her before his current assignment. Despite her age, Spectre had already become a respected IN-SIDE agent.

The mischievous grin became a pout. “Darn it! One of these days I'm going to get the drop on you.”

Daimon stopped rearranging the fridge and turned to face her more fully. “You still have a long way to go. You need to compensate for the air you push aside you leave your ghost form. Shall we get down to business?”

“Alright. Intel says that IDEA is organizing a think tank to address the Disappearances. They don't have a final list yet, but they're inviting some of their big assets to it. There's chatter that Paradisia is dispatching a Protector group to Adaros -”

“Which unit?” Daimon cut in, clearly disturbed by the news. He'd gone up against several Protector groups over the years. He'd eliminated most of them, but they were never to be underestimated. The last group he'd gone up had included a Dreamer who could sense nearby people's presences and could recognize individuals once identified. Her group had proven frustratingly difficult to escape from, and the latest intel said she'd increased her range to a few hundred feet. Daimon had met her wearing a different face and name, but she'd be a major risk if she identified him in his role as Simon.

Specter held up a hand, “Hold on. Its just chatter that hasn't been confirmed yet. We'll keep you posted. Anyway, SIDE, the Assembly, and the Reclaimers aren't making any moves behind the scenes. Intel has been pouring over SIDE's database of the missing. They want your thoughts on the data before you hear their conclusions.”

“Its random,” he replied instantly. He'd been carrying out analysis of the database using his neural link all night. “Not just someone trying to make it look random, either. I couldn't find any patterns among the victims. At least, at first. There is only one anomaly. None of the victims were foreigners. Not a single non-citizen was reported as missing. From this I conclude that the Disappearances weren't caused by an unexplained phenomena of the Dream. It might be related to the goals of the perpetrators, an oversight, limitation of the weapon, or a red herring. I'm not sure which.”

Spectre chuckled. “You just won me a bet. One of the new recruits to Intel didn't think you'd catch that foreigners were missing from the victims. He'll learn.” She turned serious again. “That's about it. The Reclaimers are having a field day even despite the Assembly playing up your rescue operation. Intel thinks their public opinion is going to be up by double digits.” Spectre turned quiet for a moment. “Out of curiosity, why did you let Brace surrender, anyway?”

Daimon knew what she was asking. When Brace had attempted to surrender, Daimon could have remained silent. Phoenix's threats had backed Brace into a corner with no way out. If Daimon hadn't stepped in and Brace carried out his threat, there would have been an uproar over the team sacrificing innocent lives in order to cut down Brace. Phoenix would have taken the worst of it, and as the team member who voiced objections to the plan at the beginning, Simon would have looked great in the post incident report. The odds were decent that the the incident combined with Hero Corps loss of personnel would have landed Simon a promotion. One he needed so he could advance his investigation of the Assembly. It was the logical choice. Except for the hostages.

Daimon exhaled heavily. “I knew what was at stake, but Simon wouldn't have kept quiet. Hes too much the soldier who would never leave a man behind. Simon wouldn't have escaped blame either, and if his image took a hit it would cause problems with OUT-SIDE as their representative. The risks weren't worth the uncertainties. Are there any new orders from HQ?”

Spectre nodded along with his explanation. “Nope, no changes to the mission. HQ just wanted to establish contact in the wake of the incident.”

Spectre turned away. “Anyway, time for me to be off.” When Daimon didn't respond, she simply faded from view. Although the door didn't open, Daimon knew she was gone. Her ghost form let her fly though solid matter.

Daimon let out a quiet sigh as he bowed his head against the fridge. The truth was that despite the danger and difficulty of the mission, Daimon had been finding himself deeply content to play the role of Simon. Fighting the good fight in a worthy cause. Negotiating for the hostages' release had been the right thing to do. He'd meant it when he'd told Phoenix there had been enough lives lost today.

He shook his head. Those thoughts and ideals belonged with someone who had the luxury of ignorance.

Simon went back to cleaning his friend's apartment and analyzing data.


The next morning, Simon showed up at the SIDE facility early to the interrogation. He took a seat in the waiting room, browsing news sites on his active crystal.

2014-09-07, 03:32 PM
That night, you are plagued by nightmares. First-person visions of death and destruction, you watch as people are cleaved in twain, as cars are shattered into ruin, as buildings burn down. Vision after vision of destruction and carnage throughout a long, restless night. The series of dreams end in blackness, and you hear a coarse, hissing voice say in an echoing whisper, "They were not ready...were not ready...not ready... Are you...are you...are you...?

As you are on your way to the temple, you bump into a woman in her late thirties. She's moving along at a quick pace and not apparently watching where she's going and just kinda crashes into you as you're both turning a corner. But amidst the normal polite apologies and such for this kind of occasion, she looks you dead in the eyes and says, "Next time we meet, ask me how Carl is doing. It's important!" She then rushes off around the corner.

She couldn't have been out of your sight for more than a second or two. Nonetheless, there's no trace of her.

Yesterday has been busy for you since early afternoon. After the attack on City Hall, SIDE agents brought forty suits of powered armor in for processing. As their main consultant in Dreamtech in general and robotics in particular, the job fell to you. You know that the official word is that SIDE is supposed to be focusing the majority of its resources on finding the people who have disappeared and keeping the peace among those who remain. Nonetheless, the attack on City Hall has sparked the anger of many in the organization. They don't plan to let the mercenaries that supported the attack get away with nothing more than a loss of gear, and you've been told in so many words that if you can find enough evidence, they want to prosecute the Breaker Initiative as an organization for this. It won't be easy; the Breaker Initiative has wealth, connections, an army of lawyers, and they're pretty thorough about insulating their leadership from the illegal activities of some of their members. But then, those illegal activities aren't usually a direct attack on a government building, and they don't usually leave forty suits of powered armor in the hands of the foremost robotics specialist that SIDE can field.

This morning, you've been requested to witness the interrogation of Harold Brace, the mastermind behind the attack. Word is that some of the heroes who neutralized his forces will be present, so you will also have the opportunity to speak with them about the attack to collect more information.

((Just with your first day of work, you're able to come up with a positive ID on twenty of the mercenaries whose suits you have. Your investigation also bears some additional information; go ahead and ask up to four questions OOC regarding the attack and I'll provide the answers if it's at all plausible you could have found them)).

Phoenix, Mandragora, Gestalt, Simon, Annabelle

You all arrive for the interrogation. The SIDE agents take you into a large room with several active crystal screens looking into various interrogation rooms. Brace is on one of the screens, sitting in the simple chair at the table, still manacled with power-dampeners. His attorney is also present. She's sitting beside him, though neither are speaking at the moment. Both of them have neutral looks on their faces.

There are a few technicians in the room with you, as well as a SIDE agent, who greets you and introduces himself as Captain Waller. (Introduces himself to Mandragora and Gestalt, anyway; it's the same guy Simon and Phoenix spoke to back at City Hall, and Annabelle knows him already. Technically Daimon does too, not that Waller knows that). "I'll be conducting the interview. If there's anything you think I should ask him, just speak into the screen. I'll do so as soon as I can work it in. If any of you know or notice anything I should be aware of, please let me know. Is there anything in particular you can think of before I go in?"

One of the technicians stands and heads for the door. "Anyone want a snack or something to drink or something?" he offers.


It's been a day since the Disappearance. You woke up the day before to find your daughter just...gone. No trace. Since then, you may or may not be aware, depending on if you've been following the news, of the attack on City Hall. Where are you now, and what are you doing?

You receive a :smallcool: Hero Point for the Complication of missing family.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-07, 05:56 PM
"Why haven't I heard of him, Captain?"

Doctor Annabelle Colt kept her eyes focused on the crystal screen, and the face of Howard Brace. She took a few seconds before turning her chair towards Captain Waller, her ACC resting on her lap unused. "It's not urgent, but it's bugging me. He has the money to hire forty-odd Breaker Initiative goons on a moment's notice, the audacity to storm the mayor's office in the midst of the worst emergency situation we've ever seen, and he's a Dreamer with unknown personal powers and some kind of mysticism-based philosophy. He should be notorious; a key player in the Assembly, IDEAs Occult Research branch or whatever he's a part of. Why haven't we heard of him before?"

The Technician's words draw Doctor Colt's attention to the assemblage of Heroes who've entered the room. They have likely noticed the Doctor first: a somewhat irritated looking woman in a labcoat with gently tanned skin and light brown hair, resting within a black metallic chair: unlike the others within the room. The scientist nods to each of the heroes in turn, shakes her head at the technician, pausing for a few seconds to study him more closely before looking down to her ACC. Tapping it, Anna brought up the basics of her report, ready to share if need be, as she started to narrate the relevant part of her findings. "The suits were brought in via transporter. All forty, and within the day. They were brought online just before the attack started: one hour of time active, give or take. They weren't waiting around in the desert for an opportunity to present itself, or kept in a warehouse downtown. This was probably improvised to take advantage of today's events. If you can find out the location they were transported into, and a time, I can chase that up. That much energy consumption has to have left a trail.."

Taking 10 on that Technology check to have run the trace through the suits. Won't access the files, if that's even possible, just want to know where they're located, so we can get a warrant.

Did I mention that Annabelle has Contacts? :smallwink: She's going to start making calls to any members of the judiciary interested in rushing a warrant through for SIDE. They've got the suits linked conclusively to a big noticeable crime, establishing who was in command seems like an important detail. Something worthy of a Warrant. [roll0] Persuade.

2014-09-09, 04:03 PM
"If you learn the answer to that, be sure to let me know," Waller responded dryly. "Only information we have on him in our system is basic civilian identification, and an anonymous power registration that we're pretty sure is him under the codename "Warlock". And even that just lists "magic" for his power. Whoever he is and whatever his deal is, he's gone through a lot of trouble to stay out of the public eye."

2014-09-09, 11:23 PM

That doesn't make any sense. People left trails behind. It was staggeringly hard for a person to hide their history in this world of Dreamtech. When Simon's own attempt to find out Brace's background had failed, he'd figured it was because he'd only had a few minutes to look. Hiding from SIDE was a different matter. Brace would have had to deliberately erase his trail, but if he'd had the skill for that then he should have been able to kick Simon out of the security feeds at City Hall.

A thought struck. If Brace were working for the right circles, it wouldn't be hard to have his history hidden. All spies did, and it would explain that nagging feeling that he recognized the man from somewhere. Trying to recall where he'd seen Brace before suddenly seemed much more important.

But he couldn't share any of that with the team without blowing his cover. Moreover, he reminded himself, Simon was a soldier, not a spy. He'd never had formal training in Intelligence work. But perhaps he could plant the idea in someone else?

"Look, even if we only have the PI's word for it, I've worked with Rylan before and his word is good. We know that Brace started negotiating with the Breakers a month ago. I agree that the op seemed improvised, but that doesn't answer what he was planning before."

"Captain, I don't understand. Are you saying that Brace managed to erase his history? How many groups are there that could pull that off?"

2014-09-09, 11:47 PM
"It's not that he erased his history, it's that nothing in his history is particularly noteworthy, at least not that I've seen," Waller clarified. "Sure, we have information on stuff like where he went to school, when he got divorced, that sort of stuff. But where he acquired the money to fund this sort of operation? Hard details on what his powers are capable of? Anything resembling a clue to the decision-making process that leads to attacking City Hall because his daughter was one of the millions of people who vanished yesterday? Nothing. He has no arrest records, we haven't found him showing up noticeably in the media, and he doesn't seem to have any connection to any major organization that we could find."

Just to make sure I'm not giving the wrong impression here. Generally speaking, I assume Investigation, Expertise, and similar checks are looking for largely relevant information. I might slip some world-building and character development info in there too, don't get me wrong, but as a rule of thumb, assume any given Investigation, Expertise check, or so on probably reveals various miscellaneous details, but it's all stuff that, being a skilled investigator, you followed up on, found to be irrelevant, and summarily ignored.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-10, 12:13 AM
"Someone this powerful, you'd expect to see in IDEA or the Assembly. Perhaps sunning himself as a Paradisian ambassador. Not living a life of quiet obscurity."

Doctor Colt has returned to her ACC, waving her existing report to one side and opening a new document. A profile of the mystery mage seems like something they could use during this interview. She looked up towards Simon, head tilted. "Did you get any sense of him from your confrontation? Something that could serve as a starting place for us to analyse him?" Her gaze lingered with the former agent, whilst her fingers twitched over the crystal board. There had to be something of note on this man. Somewhere.

Quellian, if possible, I'd like the basics on Brace. You just shared the basics; divorced, with a daughter, but sometimes that info's useful. :smallwink:

[roll0] Investigation roll, this time trying to actively find information on this guy.

2014-09-10, 02:05 AM
"Well, before we dive into that realm of discussion, I'd like to bring forward some new evidence, says Erin, opening her briefcase and handing out several reports to everyone at the meeting.

"This is what I looked up on the materials found in the Mayor's office yesterday. Cross referencing what I know with Arcanis' notes and other case files, he would need, and I quote from Arcanis, to 'sacrifice a person of power, in their place of power' for whatever ritual he was planning. In this case, that would have been the mayor. There are two things I'm curious about, given the circumstances. First, what did Brace hope to accomplish with his ritual? Second, where exactly does someone like Brace learn something like this?"

2014-09-10, 02:13 PM
"Alright, I'll see what he will tell us about that. Anything else?"

Gonna have Waller go in and start interrogating tonight, so if there's anything else you guys want him to ask in the initial post, let me know.

2014-09-11, 04:37 PM
I just realized I totally forgot you did that computer check. You are able to trace the logs to a Breaker Initiative server in their Adaros branch.

Waller makes his way into the interrogation room, taking a seat opposite Brace and his lawyer. "You're a difficult man to learn about, Mr. Brace," he said.

"Thank you," the warlock replied.

"Dreamer like you, plenty of power, lots of control. Few of us here are surprised we haven't heard more about you. Not the easiest thing in the world for a Dreamer like you to avoid the spotlight for so long."

"I am aware. Can we get on with this, please?"

"Not always the best play, either," Waller continued as if Brace hadn't spoken, but still as calm and cordial as you please. "Guy like you could have pretty much anything you wanted. Most folks would fall all over themselves to get someone like you on their side. So what I'm wonderin' is, why you put so much effort staying out of the public eye."

Brace opened his mouth to reply, but his attorney cut him off with, "Is this at all relevant to the matter at hand?"

"It could be. I'm just trying to get a proper picture of your client in my head. See if he's the kinda guy I want to help out."

"Really?" Brace asked, with just a slight quirk of his eyebrow. His voice didn't even rate as distrusting - it went straight to sarcasm.

"Why do you think we're even talking? You went on live television to announce your stunt. You were apprehended at the scene. You fought Heroes. Six security guards died in your attack and you're on the hook for every one of them as first-degree murder. I've got you on terrorism, kidnapping, resisting arrest, more counts of Hostile power use than most SIDE agents process in a year, and enough lesser crimes to wallpaper this entire building. I figure we'll try to throw in a treason charge just to give the lawyers something they actually have to think about."

"And the thing of it is, Brace, Dreamer as powerful as you, you're tough to properly secure long term. Takes a lot of time and money and effort to make sure your powers stay clamped down and set up contingencies in case you find a way around it. 'Specially for a ritualist like you. DES will have a lot of work to do if we're supposed to keep you locked up. We've got plenty enough on you to nail you with the death penalty and no particular reason not to. So, you can either give me a reason, or you can give me some last words to tell your daughter when we solve this Disappearance. Take your pick."

"I didn't say I would refuse to cooperate with your investigation."

"Good then. So, why go through all the effort to stay off the grid?"

"My privacy is more important to me than material and political gain."

"And yet, you were able to field four full units of Breaker Initiative mercs. That had to run you quite a bit."

"As you yourself have pointed out, I am a powerful Dreamer and an accomplished ritualist. Acquiring such funds is a trivial effort."

"Fair enough. Here's what confuses me though: BI's not exactly a rapid response force. You couldn't have assembled a team like this in the time between the Disappearance and your attack. So...what's a private guy like you doing with a company of power-armored mercs on standby?"

"That hardly seems relevant to the current investigation."

"If you had foreknowledge of the Disappearance, it's the most relevant question I can ask," Waller said with steel in his voice.

"If I had foreknowledge of the Disappearance, my daughter would not have been anywhere near Adaros!" the Warlock actually raised his voice there, and even wearing the power suppressors, the lights in the room dimmed just slightly for just a moment.

Waller glanced around the room for a moment and raised one eyebrow. "Perhaps not. But it still doesn't explain why you had them."

"I was planning to travel abroad and wanted protection."

"Forty mercenaries isn't a protection detail. It's an invasion force."

"I know it's difficult for a Non-Dreamer such as yourself to fully comprehend the differences in scale between someone like you and someone like me," Brace retorted coldly, "but you may rest assured that I hired precisely as much protection as I felt I would need to ensure my safety in the event of something that could meaningfully threaten me in the first place."

"Very well. Tell me about the ritual. We have evidence to suggest your plan was to sacrifice the mayor."

"Do not answer that."

Brace gave what would have looked like a helpless shrug if it weren't for the momentary flash of contempt on his face. "Alas, trade secrets. What I can tell you is that is was a divination ritual that, I believe, would have located the people who had vanished."


"By physically seeking out my daughter wherever in the world she may be while simultaneously drawing to the surface of every living mind in Adaros any subconscious insight that might have been relevant to the Disappearance and scanning and processing their thoughts instantaneously in an effort to come to an accurate conclusion."

Waller...actually fell silent for several seconds, before finally getting out, "You're kidding."

"I am not."

"The Breaker Initiative. I want the names of the mercenaries you worked with, the person you negotiated with, and any files or records you have of the transaction."

"No. You do not seem to understand what is going on here, Captain. I am not answering your questions out of fear for my life. The alternative of spending it powerless in a cell is not particularly appealing to me, and I fully understood that losing it was a possible risk for taking this course of action. I am not here to help you make a case against the Breaker Initiative. I am answering your questions because that is the only option left to me for getting my daughter home safe. Now, can we please discuss the matter at-"

And Brace's tirade was interrupted by alarms and warning lights going off throughout the building. In the room with our heroes, the technicians quickly changed several of the screens to show camera feeds throughout the city and even outside the building.

It was a full-scale assault. On every screen was a vision of some section of Adaros under attack! Huge, armored medieval knights stomped down the streets wielding enormous swords and spears, cleaving hapless civilians and vehicles. Shards of ice and blasts of arctic wind rained down from rooftops, cast upon the city by women that were a study in whites and blues. In the sky, multicolored birds swooped around at speed, discharging blasts of electricity, causing flying cars to suddenly crash as they passed near. One screen showed the front of the SIDE building, where several agents were firing their rifles at a flipping dragon the size of a bus, their bullets bursting into harmless ash mere feet from the beast, before it loosed a tremendous blast of flame from its mouth that burned several to a crisp and left three running around screaming and on fire.

Several of the technicians were staring at the screens in shock. But not everyone. One guy, perhaps a bit more up to speed on local Dreamers and Heroes, wasn't looking at the screens.

He was staring, eyes wide with horror and confusion, straight at Gestalt.

"How could you?" he asked dumbfoundedly. Honestly, it didn't sound like an accusation. There was too much uncertainty, too much confusion. It was the question of a guy who had managed to put two and two together, but somehow came up with five.

It was also the exact question, the exact voice, the exact intonation, that Gestalt remembered from his dream on the night of the Disappearance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17714335&postcount=1).

I hope running through the interrogation in a post doesn't throw anyone off too much, but I figured in case I can't post while I'm gone it'd be far more evil better to leave you with an infodump and a cliffhanger than, you know, the answer to a single question or something.

Brace is lying about the trip abroad.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-12, 02:18 AM
Annabelle's gaze focuses mostly on Brace throughout the interview, frowning as the conversation seemingly progressed again and again outside of the Captain's control. Waller knew how to deal with the traditional scum they got in here, punk kids with fire powers who thought they were invulnerable. But 'Warlock' was proving to be different. Harold Brace was calm and collected, bar a few moments in which his veneer slipped. This was a man used to getting his own way. A typical arrogant Dreamer, only with passionate self-confidence replaced with a more cold certainty. Anna had barely seen the man speak a dozen words, and already she was starting to dislike him. Quite impressive, really.

And then, the outside world descends into chaos once again. Doctor Colt glanced up at the screen, her gaze impassive and measured until they showed the exterior of the SIDE building. The Good Doctor's grip upon her arm rest. Less from the danger, more from the fact that these... entities were willing to attack SIDE agents. Whatever was going on here, that crossed a line. The technician's words cause her to gaze towards Leviath briefly, curious as to the intent of his statement, before speaking into her ACC, dismissing that question for the moment. "Captain, you might want to see this."

It's the work of a moment to route the feeds through into the captain's personal unit; a split screen effect showing each of the main threats currently being broadcast through SIDE's internal systems. Anna's eyes lingered on the mystical terrors a few seconds longer before continuing. "I can continue the interrogation for you, if you want to come outside and help co-ordinate. I can narrow down the technical questions about the ritual at least." Her words are calm, but hopefully Waller can grasp the implication behind them. The timing on this suggested Brace was being targeted; either for breakout or assassination. They needed to get whatever they could out of the man, now. Because they might not have another chance.

[roll0]: Insight
[roll1]: Investigate, Well Informed check on Gestalt. After that glare, Annabelle cares enough to try and remember what she knows about him
[roll2]: Investigate, Well Informed check on Arcanis. Anna doesn't know who that is offhand, but if she's heard of them before, that'll give her an upper hand. And no, she's too proud to just ask Erin ;)

2014-09-12, 12:20 PM
Gestalt reads Arcanis's files. It was rather weird seeing what he had on such a things as rituals involving sacrificing other people. For all that they caught villains with shady stuff Heroes would end up with just as much shady knowledge of such things sometimes, if only because it was necessary to be ready for when someone tried to use those. Still, he didn't know much about magic. It seemed weird as far as Dreamer powers went. Magic was like some kind of universal power a number of Dreamers had acess to through their powers.

But who was he to talk about weird Dreamer powers. His was right there along with Magic as far as weird went. Brace's interrogatino proceeds uneventfully

"Well, I guess he is right as far as protection goes. We could take out a good deal of those Breaker Initiative squads and were in a good position to deal with the rest. Plus Brace himself"

And then THEY came.

Gestalt stares at the screen positively dumbfounded. Impossible. Just impossible.
His monsters were...loose and rampaging. But how? There were TOO many. Whenever he summoned then they never disobeyed, never...what was he thinking? He didn't summon then, they didn't exist. They were just expressions of his power. Subconscious creations of his variety of powers and the only way he knew of using them

Yes. That is what they were...

2014-09-14, 12:28 AM
Simon watched with a mix of respect and disgust as the interrogation proceed. Despite Captain Waller's best efforts, Brace wasn't the least bit rattled. He clearly recognized the consequences of his plan and reduced them to just a cost of doing business. Simon had to grudgingly respect him for it.

But the man also saw himself as something different, better than everyone else. He didn't even blink at the mention of the dead security guards or using the mayor as a sacrifice, like their lives had no value. It was Dreamer arrogance. The kind that made him dangerous. He needed to be locked up.

Then the alarms went off and the video feed came up.

For just a moment, Simon stared at the impossible scene. Gestalt had never summoned that many creatures and they were all over the city. His gaze snapped over to Gestalt. Could he have concealed his true power all this time? No, not with his mouth hanging open like that. Something else was behind this. He had no idea what it could be, but it didn't matter. There were people in danger. Simon got out of his chair, deliberately unhurried. Even if he had no idea what was going on, he couldn't let it show.

Simon swept his head around the room at the rest of the team, still gaping at the monitors. "HEY! Heros, what are you doing sitting around? The city is in danger. Lets move." Simon frowned at Dr Colt's words, the subtext perfectly clear. "True, this could be a ploy to draw us away from Brace, but it also might have no connection. We need to stop these creatures from causing any more damage. If anything happens here, contact me immediately."

2014-09-14, 06:10 PM
Brace raised an eyebrow at the sudden alarms sounding throughout the building. "Sounds serious. I'd be happy to help if you'd like," he offered, holding up his manacled hands.

Waller didn't even deign to respond, just stood and hustled out, pulling out his Active Crystal handheld as he did so. He was already watching the feeds Colt had sent when he opened the door to the room, just in time to hear Simon's words. "Yes, whatever you can do, please hurry. I have to help mobilize our forces and gear up," he said, before starting down the hall at just short of a run.

"It looks like the heaviest fighting is happening in our general vicinity, within three blocks or so," one of the technicians said, somewhat dazedly.

"That we can see, anyway," another one added.

Annabelle recognizes the name after just a moment. Arcanis is the codename of the Regional Commander of Hero Corps in this area. He himself is a powerful mage and accomplished ritualist, and has done quite a bit of work worldwide fighting dangerous Dreamers in general and magic-using Dreamers in particular.

I don't really moderate Well Informed on other PCs. Generally speaking, at the level that Annabelle got, "anything on the character sheet that is at all known to the outside world" is usually what can be assumed. But getting pinged by Well Informed from a fellow PC is a good excuse to write up some extra flavor text if you want to :smallsmile:.

2014-09-14, 09:38 PM
Brace's arrogance was a little disturbing to Eric. What really got to Eric, though, was Brace's display of a lack of thought for the life of anyone other than himself and his daughter. How could he live with such disregard for others? For a moment, Eric contemplated the things Brace had said during the battle. That horrible curse, and something about they don't exist.... Eric quickly dismissed the thoughts and continued to listen to what Brace had to say beneath the arrogance.

When the video feeds came on, and Eric couldn't help but quietly utter "So much Pain. So much Death." Whatever realm Gestalt pulls his summons from was clearly spilling over into Adaros. Judging by the look on Gestalt's face, the dreamer was clearly not behind the attack, but if these creatures attack people indiscriminately, they couldn't have come from one of the good realms. That discussion would have to wait for later, though. Without a further word, Mandragora stood up to rush outside with the others. This scale of catastrophe would require everyone's hand.

2014-09-14, 09:59 PM
Erin watched the monitors and the interface on her gauntlet with practiced concentration. Simon's shouting didn't help, but the plan had taken shape by then. Erin stood up, and the others (at least, anyone familiar with her) would see that she had the "Erin has an idea" look in her eyes.

"Mandragora, you're with whatever SIDE can muster. Steer clear of the dragon, but try and slow down the knights. Simon, you're with him. Provide cover fire and give him the tactical support he needs. Gestalt, I need to know the full capabilities of your summons, but otherwise, we'll be going after the birds and witches. We'll need support from the air, and their lightning strikes and the ice provide too much of a risk. Everyone ready?"

Inspector Valin
2014-09-15, 12:32 AM
Anna nodded to Simon, before sighing at the mage's comment as the door to the interview room swung open. "Stay there, Brace."

With a gentle hum, Annabelle's black chair brushes past Waller, moving into position within the interrogation room. She placed her ACC down upon the table, before nodding to the Warlock and the lawyer. Her manner was crisp, direct and professional: as if the change over between her and Waller simply hadn't happened. "Doctor Annabelle Colt, SIDE consultant. You said you hired the Breaker Initiative members as bodyguards." It wasn't a question, just setting the stage for her next comment. Anna tapped the crystal screen, temporarily bringing up her own report on the suits in an overlay, and turning it over so Brace could see it. "The suits we recovered weren't designed for that. Stripped down armour, jetpack retrofitted for manoeuvrability. Either BI gave you older models to save on their overhead, or you're not being honest about why you hired them. Because they're designed for rapid response work."

The Doctor paused at that, watching Brace, her expression neutral. There were legitimate explanations for that point, but showing their knowledge helped establish that SIDE was a group you should respect. After giving that information a few seconds to sink in, she turned to a second topic, retrieving her ACC and setting it to standby mode with a button press. Now Annabelle's focus was on the mage, and nothing else. "Does your ex-wife know about Amanda?" A humane first question. She had custody, but he presumably still had some rights. If she'd been staying with Brace on the night of the Disappearance, that could make the timeline of inventing the ritual make more sense.

And could also mean she found out her daughter was missing by watching the news recap of your little stunt.

2014-09-15, 07:27 PM
Leviath follows after Erin and starts talking. He never made it a point to keep his powers secret, only his identity

"Right powers...Dragon, fire breath and intense heat aura. Witch, ice projectiles, freezing wind, concealing mist. Birds, lightning strikes, eletromagnetic control, capacity to stop technology from working and they can mess with your nervous system if their claws can touch you. Knight, mostly, skill with weapons. Magic reflecting shield. You can see their weapons, big swords and spears. Also, they have chains but those don't see much use. Oh, and they can summon two archers, but those aren't really strong"

He stops soon after listing it all

"Do you...do you think I should summon...or should...should I ask to borrow some equipment?"

2014-09-15, 11:43 PM
"If you haven't practiced with a firearm you'll be as much a danger to us as them," Simon replied as he followed the team out.

"You'll be more effective if you can figure out how to banish these things instead. If you can't do that, try and communicate with them. Figure out how they all got here. If we have to fight them all one by one, we're going to lose a lot of civilians."

Simon didn't reply immediately to the Captain's question, focusing his attention elsewhere.

Simon will use the neural link to start his car (I'm assuming its parked somewhere outside), engage the cloaking device, and activate the Dreamer Radar. I'm looking for the number of enemies, their deployment, and if there is anything unusual that I can detect about them.

2014-09-16, 03:48 PM
Outside is...chaos as the heroes arrive. SIDE agents, primarily DES-SIDE security officers, are engaged with several of the creatures in front of the building. Three knights are on the ground, one going after a pair of civilians, one heading for the SIDE building itself, and one smashing parked cars. A dragon up in the air is making strafing runs on the SIDE defenders. A pair of ice witches are on the roofs of two of the buildings across the street, exchanging flurries of icicles with SIDE shooters. Two rainbow birds are flying above the fray, calling lightning down at pretty much anything that moves.

Despite the sounds of battle and screaming and nearby gunfire, you manage to make out the knight who is going after the civilians say in a deep, satisfied-sounding voice, "There you are..."

As you arrive outside, you feel a strange sort of connection to these creatures, similar to the link you have to your own, although not quite the same. Still, it's possible you could exert control over these creatures.

((As a temporary Alternate Power of your Summons, you may automatically impose the Controlled status on one of these creatures of your choice for as long as you concentrate on it (a standard action each round) and it remains within your line of sight.))

One thing you notice immediately is that the summons don't ping your Dreamer detector at all. While they may or may not be the result of a Dreamer powers, they themselves are not Dreamers.

You also detect that the two civilians being chased by one of the knights are both Dreamers.

Enemy Group: [roll0]
Phoenix: [roll1]
Mandragora: [roll2]
Gestalt: [roll3]
Simon: [roll4]

Any PC who beats the enemy group may act immediately. It looks like Annabelle isn't immediately joining combat, so not rolling for her (you remain outside of combat time and may post freely).

To represent the assistance of SIDE during this fight without me actually having to figure out how many there are and what they're doing, each round you may each choose to receive one of the following benefits. Each character may receive each benefit once during this combat.
+5 to a single attack roll due to Aid actions.
+5 to Defense against a single opponent due to Covering Attacks.
+5 to a single Toughness-resisted Damage, Fortitude-resisted Affliction, or Will-resisted Weaken DC due to Team Attacks.
Ignore a single targeted attack that hits you before rolling a resistance check due to an Interposing agent.

Current Status:
Phoenix: Normal.
Mandragora: Normal.
Gestalt: Normal.
Simon: Normal.
Annabelle: Normal.

Knight 1: Normal.
Knight 2: Normal.
Knight 3: Normal.
Witch 1: Normal.
Witch 2: Normal.
Bird 1: Normal.
Bird 2: Normal.
Dragon: Normal.

These enemies are not Minions.


Brace only shrugged at Annabelle's assessment of his mercenaries. "Sometimes the best defense is a good offense."

His eyes hardened when she asked if his ex-wife knew about their daughter. "Of course she does. What does that even have to do with anything?"

Inspector Valin
2014-09-16, 05:21 PM
Doctor Colt's eyes can't quite resist a twinkle at that reaction from Harold. Not as angry as he'd gotten in his conversation with Waller at points, but the simple fact told her enough. 'She knows', rather than 'I called her'. Amanda had likely been with her mother, which meant Brace had heard by phone. Which... was yet more evidence that the man was not to be trifled with. Expression neutral, professional, the Doctor nodded her head. "Your family situation matters to you, Mr. Brace. And before we move onto matters you want to talk about, SIDE and I would like to learn more about the mage Warlock, and what led you to this point. Everyone likes to know who they're dealing with, after all."

It was growing easier to keep her manner calm now. Doctor Colt nodded to Brace's attorney before beginning to address the man himself again. "You're a man who values his obscurity, as you've said, Mr. Brace. Your life records seem to reflect an unimportant every man, personal life, a little social media, but not much, a scattering of friends. And yet, you hired no less than forty bodyguards, out of your own pocket, and all clad in bulky noticeable power armour." The Breaker Initiative logo started to spin on Annabelle's ACC before transitioning into sample video of BI suits in action. All staged for potential buyers to show the Breakers as strong, efficient and powerful. Anna grinned across at Harold. "Leave aside the question of subtlety or armour configuration. The Breakers aren't known for working pro bono. You paid them, Mr Brace. And paid for a lot of them. That's not the act of a regular Dreamer with no known enemies taking sensible precautions. That's the act of a man with something to fear. Something specific. And denying that wastes your time as well as ours"

Anna kept Brace's gaze as she concluded her point; calm, collected and completely certain of herself. The fact was indisputable, and Brace was too intelligent to try, arrogance aside. She tapped a few times upon her ACC, before looking back up to Harold. "I hope you appreciate that magic is the most likely cause of the Disappearance? Conventional matter transport technology, operating on this scale, would require an unparalleled use of energy, not to mention highly advanced targeting systems to pick out individuals remotely across such a wide area. A dreamer with specific powers that function in this way, whilst technically possible, seems overly convenient." 'A Dreamer did it' was Doctor Colt's least favourite answer to any question like this; easy to throw at almost any phenomena, and hard to disprove. Yet Colt and the following phenomena have given her a better one. She meets 'Warlock''s gaze directly. "Magecraft, however, is unbound by those limitations as I understand it. Energy would still be required, but it could be managed far more efficiently than through technology. And a ritual based around such an effect... that would take design, research, but it would be doable, correct?"

The question was academic; Anna was fairly sure of herself, but she spared Brace a glance before continuing. "So, shortly before what was likely the most powerful ritual witnessed since the founding of IDEA's Department of Occult Sciences, we have discovered a hitherto almost unknown mage who keeps himself to himself and yet has managed to acquire a vast amount of money. And we've learned he decided to hire no less than forty battle ready mercenaries, apparently for his own protection." Chuckling gently to herself, Annabelle looked across towards the captive mage. "Why, Mr Brace? And please don't tell me 'holiday' again. It was a bad enough lie the first time."

... Well, with the way Annabelle's luck goes, I'm kinda scared to roll. But... even a 20's got a chance, right?

[roll0] Persuade
[roll1] Insight
[roll2] Expertise: Law Enforcement (not sure if this'd help in Interrogation, but thought I'd take a shot at it)

2014-09-18, 02:42 PM
Brace does seem to get just a bit less standoffish as Colt brings up the possibility of a ritual. "I suppose a ritual would make a certain amount of sense, but even the one I was attempting, while similar in scale, was a vastly less powerful effect, and still carried...prohibitive costs. Yes, theoretically, what we have witnessed could be the result of magic, but such a feat of ritualism...while I would not call it impossible, I cannot imagine how it could be done secretly. Magic on that scale should have had side effects, omens, something that even a layperson could detect, let alone people like myself or Arcanis."

Whatever rapport Colt had established, however, evaporated at her later insinuations. "You think I had something to do with this? Preposterous! And as far as why I had my mercenaries...let's say I was planning an attack on the Reclaimers. No, on SIDE itself. No, better, on Hero Corps!" his voice was thick with sarcasm. "I have already given you my explanation, and repeating the question will not cause me to change it. You may either accept the answers I give you, or cease asking me questions. To do anything else is a waste of time, and while mine may no longer have much value and I don't particularly care about yours, Ms. Lake here values hers quite highly."

Once again, you are certain he's just trying to cover up his true intentions as far as the mercenaries go, but you're equally certain that words alone aren't going to convince him to give you the straight answer there. He does, however, sound genuinely insulted that you seem to think that he was involved in the Disappearance, and he seemed to be truly trying to be helpful when providing suggestions about the Disappearance as a ritual theory.

Your Persuasion check did briefly improve his attitude. Him feeling insulted by the insinuation about being involved kinda cancelled it out, but at the end of the day he's no less helpful than before.

I don't believe there's anything immediately relevant an Expertise (Law) check can give you here, but if you have specific questions on the subject ask away.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-18, 03:33 PM
It took some effort for Annabelle to retain her cool at her suspect's short tempered reaction. He'd jumped to the same conclusion Waller had; that this was an accusation. For a man of such intellect and power, Harold Brace could be extremely pig headed when he chose to be. Surprise, surprise. Taking a deep breath, Dcotor Colt leaned forward, looking into the manacled mage's eyes directly, her gaze glacial, and her own tone none too friendly. "I do apologize. I try to take care with what I say. Did I accuse you of being involved in the Disappearance, Mister Brace? Can your attorney cite where I said that? What words I spoke that even implied it?"

No, the mage was putting words into her mouth. Probably the words he expected to hear. Sighing, the Doctor leant back in her chair, resting her arms upon the sides. She remained silent for a few seconds, letting the man cool off before starting to slowly talk again, a little more honest calm returning to her now. "I can believe your original Breaker Initiative contract was for a bodyguard force. BI's main officials likely wouldn't sign up to 'attack the Mayor's office' for love nor money: no payment would be worth the scandal." Anna's eyes twinkled a little at that, the thought of high ranking Breaker suits panicking over the footage was somewhat amusing. Still, not the matter at hand. A second's distraction gone, the Doctor returned her gaze to Brace. "Bodyguard is the simple, logical answer, so I'll accept it for the moment. But follow that scenario through. You were scared of some individual or group, moving against you or your family. You are a mage, you deal in magic, so presumably this bogeyman of yours is magical in nature. And whilst you are worried about some shadowy danger, one of the greatest disasters in Illesian history occurs. In your city. Targeting amongst others, your daughter."

Doctor Colt let silence linger for a second at those words, before tapping on her ACC again, bringing it out of sleep mode. Her eyes didn't leave Brace. The implication of her words should've been even more obvious than before, but ritual demand she spell it out. And it should help to underline her point. "Unless you can provide testimony to the contrary, my assumption would be that whatever force you were afraid of is either responsible for the Disappearance, or at least connected to it. And thus your refusal to elaborate on your dealings and situation turns into wasting our time and denying us information about a major suspect." Anna tilted her head slightly, appraising the fallen mage a little. "If that's an impossibility, then explain why. But I'd like to know what force had agitated you to such a degree, and have a rough assessment of their capabilities and goals, so SIDE can form its own opinion on the matter. That way we can move past this, and focus on our shared goal here. Getting those people back."

And making sure whatever charges that're thrown against BI stick. As satisfying as it would be to pin the mercenaries to the wall, the Disappearance was the larger issue here. And if Brace had some connection to it, even if the mage didn't realize as much, that took priority

2014-09-19, 08:31 PM
Mandragora rushed outside with Simon to confront the otherwordly foes. The carnage was a terrible sight to behold, but Mandragora's attention was focused on the knights who were chasing the civilians. Praying "Angels of Life, guide my hand!" Mandragora heads for the knights. Though he wanted to take down the birds (or better yet, the mages), they were unfortunately too far out of reach.

Move: Move closer to the set of knights.
Standard: If he can move close enough to the three Knights to grab at least one of them, reach for as many as possible with vines. Apply a -1 per target reached. If only one, single-target multiattack applies.
Unarmed attack roll: [roll0]. On a hit, a DC 25 Toughness save vs. damage and a DC 20 Strength or Dodge check to avoid being grabbed.

If Mandragora isn't close enough to lash at anything, I can automatically make the DC 15 Athletics check needed to increase my speed. I could also have just asked how close I was to them in the first place and avoid all the ifs... oh well.

2014-09-20, 12:38 PM
Brace does seem to calm down some, and in fact, the good doctor's suggestion...actually seems to take him aback some. There's a new look of contemplative consideration in his eyes, and a silent look is exchanged between he and his attorney. It takes him several seconds to compose a response, the gears in his head almost visibly turning. "Dreamcatchers," he finally said. "I was concerned about Dreamcatchers. And while I did not believe the two connected...in retrospect, this would be precisely the sort of thing I would expect from that group. My advice to you would be to investigate the IDEA chapter in Adaros." His voice remains fairly composed, but you can hear a hint of eagerness underlying the cool monotone. Eagerness and hate.

You also still feel that he isn't being entirely forthcoming, but whatever information he's withhold, he clearly deems too important a secret to give up. At the very least, he does seem to truly believe that investigating IDEA would be helpful.

I'm not going to be hustling the combat along since my posting schedule is still somewhat out of whack, but Simon and Phoenix still have turns this round.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-20, 04:54 PM
"Heh. I hope you're telling the truth, Mr. Brace."

Annabelle chuckled to herself, letting her hands fall away from the ACC at that thought. It was tempting to dive upon the concept of Dreamcatchers; a group easy to hate, opperating in the shadows, full of arrogance and contempt for the rest of humanity. Still... that look in Brace's eyes was not lost on Doctor Colt. Smile fading swiftly, the roboticist nodded, regaining her professionalism "The basic idea would fit. A group combining vast power and deep secrecy, a lack of ethics and a strong experimental ethos. If you want me to actually start looking heavily into IDEA though, I'm going to need more than just the abstract idea. Any Dreamcatchers in the area at this point will be in the Chapter's most classified facilities. I'll need good reason to try and request a warrant broad enough to search the area properly. Something showing that the Adaros chapter could be involved in less than legitimate activity."

Doctor Colt frowned, considering the matter. This was not her case officially yet, but it was growing more tempting. And an investigation into IDEA's intellegencia would be very much her area. The consultant met Brace's gaze, contemplating the mysterious mage. "More direct testimony would be a good start. Do you have reason to believe the Dreamcatchers were engaged in some kind of magic based research project? That they're active in Adaros? Or that they might be responsible for the current attack?" The latter point probably required explanation. Anna tapped upon her ACC, calling up the feeds she'd linked to Waller, and turning the device around to Brace and Ms. Lake. The sight is not a pretty one. "A collection of creatures normally summoned by the hero Gestalt. These, however, are not under his control, and are currently assaulting the area around this facility. Power replication in that way suggests Dreamcatcher technology to me, but that is just academic speculation. Not evidence."

Just to check, SIDE scans anyone entering their facilities for Dreamer powers, right? And there's a power suppressor active right now in the interrogation room?

[roll0]: Well Informed on IDEA-Adaros. Focuses of the local chapter, major personalities, politics, ect. Annabelle probably doesn't like them much, but that doesn't mean she won't know about them. :smallwink:
[roll1]: Well Informed on the Dreamcatchers
[roll2]: Expertise: Dreamtech on the idea of a device replicating another Dreamer's powers like this. Is it doable, and are there known prior examples of that?

2014-09-20, 05:27 PM
Brace's jaw clenched, a momentary display of anger and frustration. "I have no evidence of present Dreamcatcher activity in Adaros. It is only a hunch based on what we have seen thus far." He perused the display of the attack going on outside without any particular emotion, nor did it prompt a verbal response, although the lawyer glanced away.

Yes, this room is under a Nullified, and Brace himself is wearing a Suppressor. And yes, SIDE has loads and loads of Dreamer power detection technology.

The IDEA chapter in Adaros has scientists of all major departments working there. Their focus somewhat emphasizes military technology, as they are primarily funded by and in fact based in the largest of the city's three military bases. The head of the chapter is Doctor Charles Merrik.

Aside from the basic general knowledge of Dreamcatchers, you are aware that there was, at one point, a Dreamcatcher cell in Adaros. They were neutralized by SIDE several years ago after an extensive undercover operation. The details are classified, although you have sufficient security clearance that you could access it if you wish.

As far as duplicating Dreamer powers, IDEA has actually had marginal success along those lines. By and large, such successes are only partial, coming with significant limitations, risks, and/or side effects. What few know, although you have managed to stumble upon, is that there have been some occasional results that led to what to all tests appear to be stable artificial powers - which, among other things, do not show up to Dreamer detection technology or otherwise operate as "Dreamer" powers. These things are incredibly rare, and while they have individually occurred, have never been successfully duplicated or in other ways mass-produced. Likewise, they have only been personal physiological powers - even the crude partial successes have never duplicated a power as complex and blatantly supernatural as summoning. To duplicate a power like Gestalt's, especially on this scale, would be a feat of Dreamtech decades or even centuries ahead of IDEA's wildest successes in this field.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-20, 06:11 PM
"That's... unhelpful."

The emotional response again. Colt raised an eyebrow, but made no comment, her attention turning towards her ACC. Bringing up the keybord mode, the doctor's fingers flew across the screen, tapping away at some set of notes or another. Soon enough she spoke again, still typing but studying the mage at the same time. "What gave you the impression Dreamcatchers have been active in Adaros prior to the Disappearance? You must have had some basis for hiring your mercenaries. You don't strike me as a man who jumps at shadows, and even the most paranoid people would baulk at BI's general price tag. Whatever led you to this is something we can use, even if it's not direct evidence. Otherwise all we have is your word."

With the push of a button, Anna's message was sent, the full text never displayed on her screen, but crystal clear to the official on duty down in the archive. Classified file request. Black/TL6: Orpheus. All documents and media associated with the operation require review; potential connection to suspect Brace. I'll be down to examine them as soon as the alert is over. Doctor Colt had her own theory about Warlock now, and the answers might just lie in SIDE's records. If he wouldn't give her the specifics, she'd have to find out for herself. At least the man seemed to be telling the truth, when he deigned to speak at least.

My worry was Lake. :smallwink: That glance suggested telepathy to me.

2014-09-21, 02:37 AM
Erin watched the mayhem unfold and nodded as Mandragora moved against the knights.

"Gestalt, I'm going to go up against those ice witches. If you can, help us out, otherwise, marshal the civilians to safety," said Erin, flying off a short distance to take cover near the SIDE agents exchanging fire with the witches. Erin takes aim, and fires, letting loose a single precise beam of fire at the nearest witch.

Move Action: Fly and take cover with the other SIDE agents.

Standard Action: Searing Beam against the nearest Ice Witch. Using the once-a-round thing for +5 for my Toughness based Damagr. It's DC 20 Dodge for half effect, and DC 23/30 Toughness.

2014-09-21, 01:33 PM
Simon whipped out his gun and charged after Mandragora, calling over his shoulder. "Got it. Leave the Knights to us."

He slowed up as Mandragora's vines lashed out and wrapped up two of the knights. The old soldier took aim, firing for one of the few gaps in the immobilized Knight's armor.

Move Action: Move closer to Knights with Mandragora
Standard: Shooting at Knight 1 (the Defenseless one). Power Attack 5. Attack [roll0], DC 35 Toughness

2014-09-21, 05:52 PM
Mandragora closed with the knights, vines lashing around them. The one who had been heading for the SIDE building, more alert to actual threats, struggled through the vines that got around it, tearing free of them before they could so much as dent its armor. The one busy hacking at cars was entangled, and its armor began to crush. The one going after the civilians was bound completely, its armor crumpling around it, offering easy openings for Simon. A quick shot of his laser gun finished the knight, which vanished into thin air.

The ice witch that Phoenix had targeted managed a surprisingly acrobatic dodge, avoiding the beam as well as supporting fire from the SIDE agents.

The nearest knight closed with Mandragora, slashing at him with its huge zweihander, though he was able to fend the attack. The other one struggled futilely against its bindings.

The witches swiftly incanted "Lluvia de Cortaplumas!" and a barrage of icicles launched from both their hands, straight at Phoenix. She was able to dodge most, though one struck home.

Up above, the rainbow birds shrieked. One of them swooped down towards Gestalt, striking at him with talons charged with electrical energy before flying back into the air, discharging a tremendous burst of electricity straight into his chest. The other one flew over the group, and there was a crackling humming in the air as the bird passed by, absorbing the energy of all nearby electronics.

The dragon dove upon the heroes even as the birds winged away, belching flame over all three on the ground as well as several nearby SIDE agents, although the knight attacking Mandragora was also caught in the expansive blast of flame.

Knight 1: Incapacitated.

Knight 2:
Move: Dazed.
Standard: Escape at [roll0] (after Improved Hold) vs. DC 20. Failure

Knight 3:
Move: Close with Mandragora.
Standard: Attack Mandragora with Zweihander at [roll1], Crit 15+. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage. If the Toughness save fails to beat DC 18, a Weaken Toughness also applies. Miss

Move: Nothing of importance.
Standard: Lluvia de Cortaplumas on Phoenix as a Team Attack at [roll2] and [roll3]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Team Attack+Multiattack vs. Damage. Single Hit

In addition, due to your Heart of Fire Complication, this attack is treated as having a Linked Weaken to your Phoenix's Might Array, and damage you sustain from it cannot be regenerated by your Stoking the Flame power. Facing your elemental vulnerability during this battle awards you a :smallcool: Hero Point.

Rainbow Bird 1:
Move: Close with Gestalt.
Standard: Shocking Grasp Gestalt at [roll4], Crit 15+. On a hit, Dodge DC 18 23 vs. Fatigued+Impaired+Vulnerable/Exhausted+Disabled+Defenseless Affliction.
Move-by Action: Ascend once more to about 300' up.

Rainbow Bird 2:
Move: Get within 30' of the group on the ground.
Standard: Electricity Restriction with a Nullify check of [roll5]. All three of you, make a Dodge check, DC 17, to reduce the check result by 4. Then roll a Will save against the Nullify result. If your save fails, any electricity-powered Equipment you possess (mainly Active Crystal Computer Stations, but also Simon's laser gun off the top of my head) is rendered useless. Due to the additional vulnerability of Equipment compared to Devices, a failure will leave such gear non-functional until it can be repaired or replaced during a bit of downtime. (If you don't have any such gear, ignore this).
Move-by Action: Ascend once more to about 300' up.

Red Wyvern:
Move: Fly down towards the heroes/various SIDE agents.
Standard: Firebreath in a 120' long cone. Simon, Gestalt, and Mandragora, you all get DC 18 Dodge checks to halve the area effect, followed by DC 19/23 Toughness checks vs. the Damage.

Current Status:
Phoenix: Bruised.
Mandragora: Normal (Pending).
Gestalt: Normal.
Simon: EQ Nullified.
Annabelle: Normal.

Knight 1: BANISHED!
Knight 2: Bruised, Immobile, Vulnerable.
Knight 3: Bruised, Dazed next turn.
Witch 1: Normal.
Witch 2: Normal.
Bird 1: Normal.
Bird 2: Normal.
Dragon: Normal.

Brace's face showed frustration, but he nonetheless replied, "I'm sorry. I don't have any evidence to give you. Call it a hunch."

A response to Annabelle's request came shortly. Request received. We'll process the necessary paperwork, it should be ready within the next couple hours. Normally for a request like this from someone with Annabelle's security clearance, even for documents this highly classified it'd be half an hour at most. But given how thin SIDE was currently stretched, the amount of resources focused on the Disappearance, and, ya know, the full-scale attack happening at that very moment throughout the city and in particular right outside...yeah, delays were to be expected.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-22, 02:41 AM
Annabelle frowned, but slowly nodded. There were two main possibilities for why Brace would think that, and be certain enough in his thoughts to hire mercenaries, and neither would be something the man was likely to reveal casually to law enforcement. Continuing on this line of questioning was inefficient, and thus, better discarded. She tapped the incoming message away; that would be ready for her later. "All right. Let's leave it there for now. We still have other things to talk about."

With a motion, Doctor Colt brought up the replicated magical materials. She frowned: this whole business remained a long way from her forte. But... magic was simply a form of science, essentially. Energy manipulation of specific forces towards a given end. Approaching it on that basis, she could work with it. And on that basis... "The ritual. Why go for an effect of that scale?" It was the question that'd been lurking in Anna's mind since Brace first described his intended sollution. Frowning, the roboticist looked up from the material towards the errant mage. "Your objective was to locate your daughter. The Disappearance in general was a secondary concern. Wouldn't simply finding her have required far less power? What was your intent with the mind reading effect?"

2014-09-22, 03:06 AM
"Ah," Brace's voice took on an entirely new timbre, a casual, even relaxed sort of semi-smug pride as he discussed his magic, like a college professor giving a lecture on his own research. "To use the detection alone would indeed have been far more efficient, but also less likely to succeed. Such a spell is, of course, a form of Projection, and as such would be easily countered by various forms of security measures. By working it into a greater ritual, however, it has a better chance of penetrating lesser forms of anti-projection defenses."

"Of course, anti-projection technology has evolved to the point that I couldn't rely on that, and it is safe to assume that anyone capable of action on this scale has access to the finest such defenses. With direct detection an unlikely prospect at best, I moved on a more probable one. I needed a projection that would circumvent such technology. Using mind reading to collect information from people who were not so protected was the solution I came to. Of course, given the general lack of knowledge of the Disappearance, one assumes that any useful intelligence on the subject would have been subtle. It is unlikely that there was a single individual who had the answer but simply refused to share it (and even if there was, that suggests a level of capability and desire for privacy sufficient to likewise expect anti-Projection defenses). However, by using a spell that operated on a large scale, I could not only access a much wider breadth of information, but perform a rapid analysis and compare bits and pieces of information against each other to come up with a much more cohesive picture of what actually happened that night - and, hopefully, an answer to where my daughter is and how to get her back."

"Admittedly, there was also a practical benefit to seeking out information on the Disappearance as a whole. It was not improbable to assume that had I succeeded, the benefit of saving ten percent of the city's population might have earned me a pardon for any necessary...unpleasantness that was required to achieve that end. A long shot, I'm sure, but while I may have accepted the repercussions of my actions, that does not mean I should not take steps to mitigate them where possible."

Inspector Valin
2014-09-22, 09:55 AM
Doctor Colt straightened her labcoat a little, suddenly feeling slightly cold. This was the Brace she'd seen before. A fellow academic, friendly and happy to talk his theories through, but all that matched with the arrogance and assertiveness of a powerful Dreamer. One who was willing to talk about killing the mayor in that calm, confident way. She nodded, trying as hard as she could to give nothing away, to not show weakness. "A dangerous gamble."

Anna spent a few seconds rallying her thoughts. This was science at its core: ignore the terminology and specifics. Take that approach. The consultant nodded to herself, before tapping on her ACC, starting to take notes. "So you needed the ritual to be powerful to have the best chance at penetrating any anti-projection defences; technological or mystical. That much makes sense. But what gave you the mayor's office idea?" Doctor Colt tilted her head, studying the mage curiously. Was she missing something? "Adaros was full of terrified people this morning. If you'd simply announced what you were doing, you could've rallied a hundred panicked people to assist, praying intensely for their loved ones to come back. In fact, why didn't you just storm a spiritual energy plant? It'd still have been a crime, but no risk of direct harm to individuals. Temporary power disruption wouldn't help Adaros' situation but it'd probably have caused less chaos than an assault on City Hall."

2014-09-22, 10:06 AM
The lawyer was opening her mouth, but Brace didn't seem to need the warning. He gave just the hint of a smirk as he smugly replied, "Why, I do believe you are assuming a relation. My intentions for attacking the mayor's office were made clear in my broadcast: to incentivize either those responsible t return my daughter, or the people who are supposed to be protecting us from this sort of thing to resolve it quickly. I'm certain I have no idea why you would think my attack on the mayor's office would have anything to do with my ritual."

Inspector Valin
2014-09-22, 12:35 PM
"Beyond the fact that you'd brought your ritual components along to your 'kidnap the mayor' stunt, and had set them up in her office, ready to go?" Anna chuckled, though inwardly the nonchalance of Brace's tone was starting to worry her. Does he seriously think he's going to get out of this?

It doesn't matter. SIDE hold all the cards here. With a motion, Anna withdrew a neatly stapled report from the side of her chair. Gesturing outwards, a technician came into the room, withdrawing it to make an additional copy. Anna looked between the two figures, smiling. It was good to be a step ahead, even if she hadn't read the report as thourghly as she should've yet. "Analysis of your ritual, intent and operation. Compiled by Erin Wallace of the Hero Corps, by cross referencing your materials with archival notes and Arcanis' personal records. Naturally, SIDE are going to verify it ourselves, but at a glance..." The Doctor trailed off at the end, as the technician returned, nodding her thanks to the assistant before passing an additional copy to Brace's attorney, and placing another before the mage himself. "Well, here are the facts as we've determined them. Is there any point in this document that you disagree with?"

2014-09-22, 08:51 PM
Gestalt ran out of the building. He wouldn't be able to keep up et all

The creatures outside were clear on his mind. Even as Mandragora destroyed one of them he felt the link be snapped as he disappeared

And then, that same link warned him as one of them approached. He could recognize the bird's shriek. He could guess what was coming. With a quick jolt, he found a way to watch as the bird went stragiht towards him and slipped away from the claws

However, in his distraction he forgot about the other approaching creature and found himself surprised as flame started to consume everywhere

Unable to get away, he took cover and braced the heat aswell as he could. It didn't harm him. Time for a counterattack before anything happens.

So, before the dragon has time to fly away, he closes his fist and makes a jerking motion sending dominance through his link. The wyvern, stops and looks toward Gestalt. They stare at each other and Gestalt keeps trying to take control

It's not until he makes a donward motion wiht his hand, and the wyvern lowers his head that he smiles

"I can control them"

Gestalt changes his hair and visible eye to a bright red. Hopefully the other's won't take this as sign that he is the one being controlled, but rather of who is Gestalt currently commanding

Breath fire upon those witches, wyvern he sends the order. He was pretty sure Phoenix was immune to fire...

2014-09-22, 10:33 PM
As the first Knight faded away, Simon wore a satisfied smile. It didn't last as one of the Rainbow Birds plummeted at him. Simon dove for cover, trying to avoid the electrical burst that was sure to follow. It wasn't enough.

As the tingling sensation washed over him, he heard a flash of static from his comlink before the line went silent and his vehicle's display disappeared from the corner of his vision. One look told him his laser had also been fried. "Dammit."

He allowed himself a moment to plan his next move. He should have advised Phoenix to target the Rainbow Birds first. Their electrical bursts were enough to render most of SIDE's equipment useless and trying to move agents around the city by car would be a death trap so long as those birds were around. It was also possible they could knock out the building's systems if they were allowed too close. They had to be taken out first or SIDE would be useless. Phoenix was the only one on the team effective at aerial combat, but he couldn't reach her with his comlink down. He'd have to find another way. For the moment, the Knights were the only targets he could reach.

Despite the effectiveness of his first shot, he knew Gestalt's Knights weren't easy to take down. They were...

A thought struck Simon. If another agent suggested it he'd have thought them insane, but the chains of logic seemed sound. And if it didn't work, he wouldn't be any worse off.

At Gestalt's outburst, Simon looked over at the summoner. "Then keep the Birds busy. SIDE is going to be useless if they keep knocking out their weapons. We'll handle the Knights on the ground."

With that, Simon charged the Knight that was bearing down on Mandragora. The Knight had shown it was capable of speech. That implied it was capable of thinking. The creature's had the form and abilities of Gestalt's Knight, so why wouldn't it have the Knight's honorable personality as well?

"Hey! Leave the plant alone. I am Simon Candler, Hero of Alderos and Protector of Illesia! I challenge thee to a duel!"

Move Action: Move to the Knight attacking Mandragora, between the two if possible.
Standard: Defense Action. Defense [roll0] for the round.

2014-09-23, 01:32 PM
Brace began perusing the documents, but his gaze snapped up to Annabelle when she explained their pedigree. "Compiled by Erin Wallace by cross-referencing with Arcanis's records?" he demanded in disbelief. "Am I correctly inferring, then, that Arcanis is one of the people who disappeared?"

Also, I realize I forgot to roll Knight 3's defense vs. the wyvern breath that it got caught in. I did so off-line, and while it managed to pass the Dodge check, it got a 1 on Toughness, so it took a Bruise and Daze.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-23, 01:59 PM
Doctor Colt managed a thin smile. "That would be a question for Hero Corps, not SIDE. Unless Arcanis is your family member, we're not allowed to disclose that information."

Still, Harold was taking this seriously. Annabelle frowned, meeting Brace's gaze. Her first thought was that the mage would use Arcanis' absence to discredit the evidence. But... no. He wouldn't be that direct about a potential ploy. The Doctor tilted her head, considering the matter before finally speaking up. "Why do you ask?"

Does Annabelle know Arcanis has disappeared? The information is probably not being widely shared, but something as important as 'The Leader of Hero Corps's local chapter disappeared' seems like something she might just know automatically. Her initial well informed check didn't give her it, but since she was just wondering 'who is that', I'm not sure it would. (She does have Eidetic Memory if that helps)

2014-09-23, 06:14 PM
"Because Arcanis is the only other mage in the city that I know of who I consider competent enough to perform the ritual properly," Brace replied, frowning in consideration.

Yeah, you'd know it. Sorry, I have trouble keeping straight what I've posted openly and what I've posted in PMs/spoilers, so I'll occasionally gloss over information that one player has thinking that all the players have it.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-23, 06:49 PM
Annabelle paused at that, mildly bewildered for a second. The concept honestly hadn't even occured to her, though it should have. Of course, that's what he wanted. Someone else to perform the ritual. Someone to validate him and his design. If the Disappearance was solved by his ritual, arrest didn't matter. Nothing mattered. He would be proven right, and be able to face death with an infuriating self satisfaction. "I was right." his ghost would chuckle. "No matter how heavily they loathed me, it was my actions that saved this city. My power. Not theirs.

Doctor Colt shook her head ever so slightly, smile drifting away into a deepening frown. "You're getting ahead of yourself, Mr. Brace. Vastly ahead of yourself."

Anna leant forward, resting her head upon her hands for a second as she rallied her thoughts. That done, the doctor looked directly towards Brace, tone calm and professional. Detatched. She was a woman of science,stating logical facts, nothing more. "Knowledge of your ritual's existence, assuming Ms. Wallace's report is accurate, would be a major threat to public order across Adaros at a difficult time. Many people have grown highly emotional over their missing loved ones. Your rite is complex but calls for one key component: the sacrifice of 'a person of power, in their place of power'. If even that much information was made known, how many amateur hour magicians do you think are going to try replicating your plans with their line manager? Their schoolteacher?" The white-coated doctor waved a hand in irritation, a little of her true feelings breaking through the façade. "Yes, that's not scientific and of course it won't work. But people are scared, and "the big bad wizard with all those power armoured mercenaries was going to get it to work. That's why Hero Corps stopped him.". Emotional people leap to conclusions, Mr Brace."

Doctor Colt's voice had grown cold as she continued. On her screen, a feed of one of the ice witches careening through the sky mirrored her feelings rather nicely. The roboticist paused briefly, looking between Brace and his lawyer before continuing. "In the interests of public safety across Adaros, and the prevention of further panic, my present view is that all of your ritual material related to the rite outlined in this report should be declared highly classified and sealed within our archives. It ensures that copy-cat cases will not be possible, and minimizes the risk of other mages attempting to follow your example." The doctor looked down towards her ACC. Slowly, she begun to type, still talking as she went. "I am seeing very few reasons not to follow this course of action. If you have a counterargument however, by all means speak, Mr. Brace. I am listening."

Well, rolling doesn't generally work out for Annabelle. Buuut...

[roll0] Intimidate roll. Anna's deadly serious here; unless Brace can give her a serious reason not to do this, that's what she'll do. Either directly, or just reccomending as much in her report. SIDE would still have the ritual to draw upon elements from if need be, but any attempts to replicate the whole thing would become a lot more difficult with the law in possessionof all the materials.

All that said, she is willing to work with Brace. But on her terms, not his. This should make that clear.

2014-09-24, 03:14 AM
Brace's face flushed with anger. As he opened his mouth to retort, the attorney set a hand on his arm and said calmly, "You do not have to respo-"

"Shut up! It doesn't matter! None of this," he gestured broadly at the interrogation room, "matters in the least!"

He fixed a hard glare on Dr. Colt. "Yes, the ritual required such a sacrifice. Is that what you wanted to hear? Your layman Hero managed to piece together my components successfully. Good on her. Congratu[Yikes!]lations! It doesn't matter. The first agent was entirely correct. You can land whatever sentence you want on me. You've probably already decided what it's going to be. I very likely have very little time left. Stop wasting it!"

"One thing matters now, and that is getting my daughter back home to her mother unharmed. My ritual is the most likely means of doing that. Do you deny it? Yes, of course, keep it out of the hands of worthless amateurs who wouldn't know a divination from a divisor, but [Again!?] find someone who can cast it! Or just let me! You can execute me on the spot afterwards if you so desire. But let me save my daughter first!"

Inspector Valin
2014-09-24, 04:48 AM
Doctor Colt simply sat there, impassive, watching closely as Brace continued his tirade against her, and his situation. Exactly what she'd expected. The wheelchair bound consultant met the mage's glare impassively, waiting politely for him to finish. Let rage spend itself; everything Brace said was being recorded anyway. Once the mage had finished his entreaty, Anna remained silent for a few seconds longer before bringing her hands up from her ACC. No further notes were needed at the moment. Instead she simply raised an eyebrow towards the errant ritualist. "A hypothetical question, Mr. Brace. Don't feel obliged to answer."

Annabelle crossed her arms, looking towards the mage, her expression carefully neutral. "Had you considered consultation before casting the ritual?"

The doctor's words were calm, relaxed. Another intellectual theorizing a little about her colleague's actions. But the undercurrent is starting to grow a little cold"You clearly improvised it. And under those circumstances, it's an impressive design, I have to admit. But by that token, I'm assuming you didn't have the time frame or inclination to run your plans past any other mages in the community. As you said, the only other figure you trust with something as powerful as this is Arcanis, and he's been inaccessible since the Disappearance."

Anna's eyes narrowed, her tone growing sharper. Whatever respect Brace had built from her, if any, had fallen away at this point. His insistence on his ritual being used was all too familiar to Doctor Colt. And all too contemptible, personal circumstances aside. "If you'd offered your expertise to IDEA or SIDE, we could've likely found an alternate means of powering the rite. We have resources you lack. You might have been able to save your daughter already, along with everyone else caught up in this. But you decided to proceed on your own. That your skill and power would be enough, and that any price was entirely worth paying. Regardless of your motivations, you are in this position because of your own arrogant short-sightedness, Mr Brace. Just like most Dreamer criminals. And you are less able to help your daughter because of it."

Now the two of them had both had the chance to vent. Or in Anna's case, to make her counterpoint. She met Brace's gaze in silence for a short eternity, before sighing. This did neither of them any good, in truth. The roboticist turned her eyes downward once again, reactivating her computer. "Give me the names of everyone you dealt with directly at the Breaker Initiative, and full details on what your contract entailed. An explanation of how you talked them into the City Hall attack would be helpful. That will conclude my business here, and I can start taking a more in-depth look at your ritual. To see if there's any portion of it that I can adapt with S.E. Manipulators into something usable." Doctor Colt is no longer looking at Brace, but the mage can see a smile starting to develop on her face. "Magic these days is ultimately another scientific field. Any magical effect can be replicated with technology, in theory. I'm willing to investigate the possibility at least."

2014-09-24, 11:45 AM
"Absolutely n-" the warlock began.

"Mr. Brace. Stop," Ms. Lake interrupted. "My client does not wish to provide such information. It will take more than a promise to look into a course of action that may very well be the best chance anyone has of retrieving our lost people to get him to change his mind. I think, however, that we can agree that the real priority here is the Breaker Initiative. Throughout the attack, there is no denying that my client did his best to minimize casualties. The deaths that occurred were because the mercenaries used excessive force, and my client ensured the survival of the hostages even when harming them may have been tactically advantageous. The sole exception was the mayor, who despite whatever plans my client may have had was not killed or even physically harmed."

"I propose the following: you convince the ADA to offer my client a deal. Concurrent sentences for all crimes committed, with the deaths of the security guards treated as second-degree murder. In exchange, my client will tell you everything you wish to know about his dealings with the Breaker Initiative. The deal can be contingent on successful prosecution of the mercenaries, if you want. He will also agree to provide whatever supernatural assistance he can in solving the Disappearance under SIDE's direction. You get the people you're really after and a useful resource for dealing with the larger problem at hand, my client receives a reasonable sentence and can continue working on trying to help his daughter. Everyone wins."

"I have already-"

"You have already made it hard enough for me to do my job. These mercenaries are not worth your life."

Your check beat Lake's by two degrees. By her mind, the deal you offered isn't really in Brace's interests, but neither is it really opposed to them either. So it's enough that she won't speak out against it directly, but not enough to get her to push for you outright. It's also enough to get her to make clear what she would need you to offer to get her to push for you.

As it stands, you still didn't beat Brace's check, so he's offering nothing. If you accept the counter-offer, that will get Lake on your side to boost your result, which would make it a one-degree success and get something out of Brace. Alternately, you could try a Hero Point reroll or some other tack.

Inspector Valin
2014-09-24, 01:40 PM
Annabelle's eyes narrowed. She followed Ms. Lake's argument as she made it, but once the lawyer was done, the consultant turned back to the captive mage, frowning. "So, this is how it is, Mr Brace? From 'I will do anything to save my daughter' to 'how dare you ask me for information'?" The Roboticist sighed, shaking her head before turning back to the attorney, the battle outside raging in the corner of her eye. Having SIDE agents put themselves in the line of danger to allow this conversation to continue was... frustrating.

The doctor tapped upon her ACC screen, eyes not leaving the lawyer. "I'm not in the mood to barter, Ms. Lake. That's the DA department's job. I agree, however, that the Breaker Initiative should be our focus for the moment. Along with the question of where responsibility for the deaths lies." She gestured towards the computer. "Testimony has your client in field command of the mercenaries. They were operating in accordance with his plan. The extent of his management of the squad during that time is unclear however. Primary co-ordination could've been handled entirely off-site by Breaker officers. This would naturally change the nature of several charges, and call into question Mr. Brace's responsibility for the deaths."

The recap likely wasn't necessary for Lake, but best to ensure she's on the same page. Anna leaned back in her chair, nodding to the lawyer. "If we want to try and establish how much or how little control Mr Brace had over his men, we need the communications log. That's stored on BI's servers, not in the armour units themselves, and thus is currently inaccessible to us." Doctor Colt tapped her ACC again, before gesturing outwards. "I've already requested a warrant for the information. Once it comes through, all files related to this attack will be forwarded to you. If you want to make a few calls to try and expedite it, it could help clear the question up. I don't see it as something that would hurt your client. Though you might not be making friends with the Initiative's legal department"

2014-09-24, 09:58 PM
As Mandragora deftly dodged behind a nearby car to take cover from the dragon's fire breath, a thought occurred to him. It might be useful to have one of the mysterious otherworldly creatures captured - encased properly in resin - to interrogate, or at least study. Mandragora noticed that the knight who had swung heavily at him was dazed by the fire breath. While Mandragora held onto the knight he had caught up in his vines already, he reached another vine toward the dazed and singed knight.

Before even reaching his target, the vine was secreting and ready to spread a thick, sappy resin on the unsuspecting knight.

Free: Maintain hold on knight.

Standard: Binding Resin on the nearby knight (-3 Power Attack)
Binding Resin attack: [roll0], DC 23 Fortitude to resist progressive affliction (hindered/immobile/paralyzed)

2014-09-26, 03:46 AM
"Providing you with information on the Breakers does nothing to help my daughter," Brace retorted.

"But it might help you," Lake said. Then to Dr. Colt once again, "I doubt there is much I can do to expedite a SIDE warrant, but I won't stand in the way of it. Perhaps it would be best to reconvene once you have had a chance to acquire the audio logs and the current crisis has been resolved?"

Inspector Valin
2014-09-28, 04:17 PM
Anna sat there for a few seconds, looking between Brace and his lawyer. As irrational as it sounded, she wasn't comfortable ending this interrogation. The sirens in the background proved a vivid reminder of the attack that'd started very soon after they'd initiated the interview. A part of her suspected that leaving now would ensure Brace's escape. And yet... she had no justification for drawing the interview out. She'd identified points for further investigation; all she could do was press Brace, and that really wasn't her job. She was just here to get information, the next few pieces in the puzzle. Better to be diplomatic until she knew just what the mage was hiding.

Anna nodded, placing her ACC back into the compartment in the side of her chair. "I agree. At least now we know where the situation stands. Though I think you might prefer to wait until the alert is over before leaving the building, Ms. Lake. As I said, the attack is still ongoing, and focused around this area." She nodded her head, first to the lawyer then her client. "We will talk later, Mr. Brace. And I'm sure Captain Waller will want to have a few words too." Seemingly content to conclude the matter there, Doctor Colt placed her hand down to the side of her black chair, the strange device humming slightly as it propelled her swiftly from the room.

Business again now. the good Doctor looked towards one of the technicians, gesturing with her off hand back towards the box. They needed to run a full diagnostic, ensure Brace remained secure until personnel could be spared to take him back to his cell. As she looked up however, Anna saw one of the Thunderbirds descending towards the screne, before the camera feed finally cut away.

There was a moment of silence at that, a chill spreading over the room. If these creatures were packing EMP effects, they could do serious damage further inside the facility. Wiping out records, deactivating security... if the prison's power nullifiers went down, a riot could start in minutes. And the exterior personnel had just been left with S.P. weapons only to try and take the attackers down.

Well. All hands on deck, as they say.

Doctor Colt looked down to her side for a second, where her old silver pistol still rested; an antique, carried more as a personal affection than a weapon. But a weapon it was. Decision made, and with a final gesture upon her control pad, the Doctor's chair pivoted about and started to speed through the abandoned building, straight towards the entrance. It'd been a long time since the building had gone through an emergency this drastic. The exterior would likely be more than a little dangerous, a high number of mystical threats, but good agents were risking their lives out there. The least she could do was fight alongside them, and the Hero Corps, to try and drive the enemy back. The danger did not scare Doctor Colt.

The possibility of the birds nullifying her chair's propulsion technology was legitimately frightening, however. But there was no other option within the time frame. Chance would have to decide the matter.

Yep, Anna's going to go get involved in combat. :smallwink: Quellian, your call on when she shows up; she's not going to bring major power to the party, but she should be able to help out with Team Attacks at least.

2014-09-29, 07:21 AM
Lake nodded in agreement; trying to leave the building at the moment would have been suicide, and she knows it.


The dragon obeyed Gestalt's orders, flying up above the witches and loosing its fiery breath upon them, one throwing up a barrier of ice to ward the attack aside, though the other was too slow and severely burned as a result. He had no need to worry about Phoenix, since she had been engaging the witches at sufficient range that the dragon could easily avoid her. The...building that the witches were standing on was not so lucky, though, and caught fire! Screams could be heard inside!

The knight that Simon had challenged indeed turned to him and raised its sword in a sort of salute...which left it nicely open to a sucker-punch from Mandragora, the plant-man's vines catching the knight firmly and encasing it helplessly in resin, rendering it helpless to fight or escape.

Annabelle made it outside, and with her perfect memory and keen senses noticed...something strange. The battle was not as far along as she had seen on her ACCS. She could clearly see two SIDE agents who she had watched die still firing at the enemy. It was oddly disorienting.

Phoenix set her sights on the birds, but the now-burning building had to take priority. Having little fear of fire, she flew in to rescue the people inside, trusting the others to deal with the monsters.

The knight that Mandragora had merely bound continued struggling against his hold. Nonetheless, its shield shone with light, and a mystical barrier appeared to surround one of the Rainbow Birds.

For some reason, the witches didn't turn their attention to the several-tons of angry dragon breathing fire on them. In fact, they instantly focused their attention on Gestalt...but not with lethal intent, the two of them reaching out for him and calling out, "Congene!" summoning up a sphere of ice around him. If he could not escape it in time, it would cut him off from the battle - but worse, it would block his line of sight to the dragon, freeing it from his control!

The protected Rainbow Bird swooped down at Doctor Colt, her flying chair indeed making her an obvious target for its powers. It hungrily attempted to absorb all nearby electricity before swooping back up. The other one stayed in the air, calling down a bolt of lightning on...the paralyzed knight, the lightning arcing from the knight to Simon and Mandragora, but missing both.

You get the feeling that the Rainbow Bird isn't actually smart enough to try to neutralize the captive knight; it's just trying to catch both Simon and Mandragora in the blast. If anything, it trusts the knight to withstand the blast.

You also get the hunch that the witches probably aren't themselves smart enough to have fully worked out Gestalt's means of controlling the dragon. Certainly not enough so to override basic combat instincts to go after the giant flipping dragon[i] that is breathing fire at you. If anything, it seems like they were forewarned of exactly this sort of situation…

Gonna go ahead and take Phoenix's turn in...such a way that she's also conveniently occupied for the time being, since I know Generic is having some RL delays. Generic, feel free to post as you can, but Phoenix can be assumed to be working on rescuing people from the fire otherwise, so no pressure.

In related news, it appears that Gestalt has suffered a bit of an Accident. You get a :smallcool: Hero Point for the Complication.

Annabelle, you managed to collect a good bit of information from Brace and opened the way to potentially get even more. You get a :smallcool: Hero Point for the social encounter. In normal circumstances, there wouldn't really be any logical way for Annabelle to join the battle after that much talking, free actions or no. But A) it's better to not leave players on the sidelines when you don't have to and B) as Annabelle has now seen, these do not appear to be [i]normal circumstances :smallamused:.


Move: Fly up above the witches.
Standard: Fire Breath both witches. Dodge DC 18 for half, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage.
Witch 1 - Dodge: [roll0]. Toughness: [roll1] Resists
Witch 2 - Dodge: [roll2]. Toughness: [roll3] Bruised and Staggered

Knight 2:
Move: Attempt to Escape at [roll4] after Improved Hold. Fails
Standard: Deflect for Rainbow Bird 1 at [roll5] after Improved Defense.

Rainbow Bird 1:
Move: Close with Annabelle.
Standard: Electricity Restriction at [roll6]. Annabelle roll a DC 17 Dodge check to reduce the DC by 4, then a Will save against the Nullify result or your electronic equipment is Nullified until you get some downtime to repair or replace it.
Move-by Action: Fly back into the air.

Rainbow Bird 2:
Standard: Lightning Strike at Knight 3, Routine Check to hit with an 18. Knight resists at [roll7]. Bruised and Dazed
Contagious + Feature: The bolt arcs to Simon and Mandragora. If you are hit, roll a DC 23 Toughness save vs. Damage.
Simon: [roll8] Miss
Mandragora: [roll9] Miss

Standard: Both attempt to entrap Gestalt in spheres of Created ice. Make two DC 18 Dodge checks. If you fail either, you're caught in a sphere of Toughness 8 ice and you lose line of sight and line of effect to the battle, ending your control over the dragon.

Current Status:
Phoenix: Bruised.
Mandragora: Normal.
Gestalt: Normal.
Simon: EQ Nullified.
Annabelle: Normal.

Knight 1: BANISHED!
Knight 2: Bruised, Immobile, Vulnerable.
Knight 3: Bruised, (Dazed), PARALYZED!
Witch 1: Normal.
Witch 2: Bruised, Staggered.
Bird 1: Normal.
Bird 2: Normal.
Dragon: Controlled.

2014-10-01, 09:11 PM
Gestalt rolls easily out of the first sphere, but the second almost closes up before he manages to make his way out of it. He manages to keep the dragon in his eyes at all times, and doesn't lose control.

However, he had seen how dangerous those witches were.

Thankfully, a way to counteract it was easy enough. He just hoped he was right about all of it

While the dragon is still in the air, he has it close in and attack the witches with its claws. He tries to make it so the aura doesn't hit too many of the walls. And then quickly has the beast fly back to him

And, holding his breath, and ordering it to stand still he touches the creature's scales with his arms, seeing if it doesn't turn to ash or is burned by the heat aura emanated. If it isn't he climbs on the back, as he so often does with his own summon

2014-10-05, 09:30 PM
The chaos was only just beginning, but Mandragora was already almost out of nearby targets. Of course, it didn't help that most of the enemies were either flying or way up on top of the buildings. Rather than wait for the birds to come down to his level, Mandragora decided it would be for the best to take the last entangled knight out of the picture with his resin - it seemed effective enough on the other. He exuded the resin from the vine with which he was grappling the knight while thinking over the possibilities.

Mandragora decided it would be a good idea to ask Simon for a bit of tactical advice. Asking a professional would likely work out better than depending on his lacking knowledge of situations like these. "Simon, I'm going to trap the last knight in resin. Do you have any suggestions about what I could do afterwards? I can't exactly scale the burning building to get to the witches now."

Free: Continue holding the grappled knight.
Standard: Apply resin to the grappled knight using the vine with which I'm already holding him. A DC 20 Fortitude save vs. progressive hindered/immobile/paralyzed affliction.
Move: Maybe find cover from the birds or something?

2014-10-05, 11:40 PM
Simon barked out a laugh. He hadn't expected Mandragora to exploit the knight's salute, but he couldn't argue with the results.

"I'm leaving the Knights to you," he called to Mandragora as he sprinted for a nearby SIDE officer who'd been knocked out. "Try to keep one alive so we can interrogate it later. Next priority is the Birds." He inspected the agent's sidearm. It was a firearm, meaning it would be immune to the Bird's EMP blasts.

"So long as they're in the air SIDE has no air support. If one of the Birds dives try and grab it and hold it still. I'll see if I can get its attention."

He loaded the pistol and took aim at a Thunder Bird, compensating for the distance. Simon fired.

Making use of my +5 to Toughness DC from SIDE.
Move: Acquire pistol
Standard: Aim (+4 via Improved Aim)
Extra Effort: Fire at Rainbow Bird without Knight's shield. Attack (10 +4 aim -2 distance)[roll0] miss, Toughness DC 30 (15 + 10 + 5 SIDE)+ multiattack.

2014-10-08, 01:14 AM
Following Gestalt's command, the dragon swooped upon the witches, attacking both with its burning claws before flying back down to the summoner. One of the witches managed to dodge, but the other one was savagely clawed and dispersed back to the aether. Gestalt was able to mount up without problem.

The knight that Mandragora had bound couldn't escape the resin, but it was not yet thick enough to impede a creature of its size. The vine-man got behind a car; it wouldn't provide much cover from the indirect fire of the rainbow birds, but would make it harder for the witches to hit him from their angle.

Simon fired on one of the birds along with several SIDE agents. The hail of bullets blew the creature into a spray of feathers that promptly faded away.

Annabelle started firing, not really aiming to hit so much as to limit enemy movement in hopes of pinning something down for Simon to finish off.

The bound knight continued struggling against Mandragora's hold, and using its shield to defend the remaining rainbow bird.

The witches invoked their spells with shrieks of fury, hurling a barrage of icicles for the three heroes on the ground even as the flames on the roof began testing their magical wards.

The bird called down lightning on Gestalt, and if it hit, the bolt would conduct through him to potentially zap the dragon as well!

Standard: Aid Simon at [roll0] (with Teamwork). +5 on Simon's next attack roll

Move: Fly into Close range of the witches.
Standard: Attack with Burning Strike, Multiattacking for 2. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Fortitude DC 18 vs. Impaired/Vulnerable Affliction.
Witch 1: Attack: [roll1]. Toughness: [roll2]. Fortitude: [roll3]. Miss
Witch 2: Attack: [roll4]. Toughness: [roll5]. Fortitude: [roll6]. Incapacitated
Move-by Action: Fly down to let Gestalt mount up.

Move: Escape at [roll7]. Fail
Standard: Deflect for Bird 2 at [roll8] (this time remembering range penalty).

Standard: Both attack with Lluvia de Cortaplumas, All Out Attack for 5, Multiattack for 3 as a Team Attack against Simon, Mandragora, and Annabelle. Mandragora has +2 Defense from Cover. On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Team Attack.
Simon: [roll9], [roll10]. Miss
Mandragora: [roll11], [roll12]. Miss
Annabelle: [roll13], [roll14]. Hit

Standard: Lightning Strike at Gestalt at [roll15]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 28 vs. Damage, and it arcs to the dragon at [roll16] (DC 23). Crit to Gestalt. Hit to the Dragon.
Move: Fly around.

Current Status:
Phoenix: Bruised.
Mandragora: Normal (Pending).
Gestalt: Normal (Pending).
Simon: EQ Nullified (Pending).
Annabelle: Normal (Pending).

Knight 1: BANISHED!
Knight 2: Bruised, Immobile, Vulnerable.
Knight 3: Bruised, (Dazed), PARALYZED!
Witch 1: -5 Defense.
Witch 2: BANISHED!
Bird 2: Defended.
Dragon: Controlled.

2014-10-10, 11:17 PM
Simon shifted his aim, lining up his shot on the remaining Rainbow Bird. "Anna, what assets does SIDE have that can get us on the rooftop after we clear the skies? We can't engage the witches from here."

Simon let out a breath and took aim at the remaining Rainbow Bird. One of the SIDE agents chose that moment to get lucky and score a hit, causing the bird to wobble in the air. Simon took the opening and fired a burst of rounds.

Move: n/a
Standard: Fire at Rainbow Bird. [roll0] Crit, DC 25 30 Toughness + multiattack

2014-10-12, 06:10 PM
Determined to keep the knight still so that he could have a chance at the birds, Mandragora swung several more of his tendrils at the restrained knight to paralyze it once and for all.

Free: Keep holding the knight.
Standard: Binding Resin with Power Attack at -5.
Binding Resin attack: [roll0], DC 25 Fortitude save vs. progressive hindered/immobilized/paralyzed affliction on hit.

Inspector Valin
2014-10-14, 01:43 PM
Anna frowned at Simon's question, drawing close to the ex agent as she gripped her pistol tightly. That EMP strike had been far too close for comfort. The roboticist scowled up at the remaining Rainbow Bird, before turning to the ex agent. "Not my department. Something's wrong though."

The scientist's mind flashed briefly through the scene as she'd exited the building. Similar to what she'd expected, but... she shook her head, meeting Simon's gaze as best she could a second time. "I was watching the fight on the monitors. This... had happened already. The fight had progressed further, or differently. Either we were being sent a very elabourate false feed, or there's some kind of temporal disturbance between here and the building."

Neither possibility was certain enough for Anna. She needed to investigate, but... first things first. Agents under fire. The Roboticist glanced around her at the remaining SIDE agents, grinning slightly grimly. At least this meant there was time to try and save a few more lives. Gaze turning back towards the bird, Doctor Colt beckoned to her surrounding colleagues. "Do any of you want to let that thing take any more of your gear offline? All hands, target the bird. Fire on the Hero's mark" She gestured to Simon, bringing her pistol up and smiling. They'd lost some of their laser weaponry, but they were SIDE. They were still more than a match for this thing.

Team Attack time! Yes, Anna aided it last turn but I'm pretty sure she can also make a joint attack if Simon delays his action (And... come on. This would be cool. :smallwink:)

[roll0] Team Attack (+5 for Teamwork, +5 for SIDE agents bonus from Anna) Anna's Damage is 4 IIRC; less than Simon (especially with that crit) but she can still help. +2/+5 to that last damage.

2014-10-15, 03:48 AM
Mandragora's resin continued to creep over the remaining active knight. It kept struggling, but any cracks it made in the hardening sap quickly filled in. Soon, it too was locked in amber.

Several SIDE agents who had been busy keeping some more distant foes under fire and out of the immediate fray turned their attention to the remaining bird at Annabelle's words. A hail of bullets went up from the agents, Annabelle, and Simon, blasting the avian to ectoplasm.

But not before it got the chance to fire one last bolt of lightning at Gestalt, a powerful bolt that crashed down on the summoner...and was intercepted by an agent who came running to protect the Hero who seemed able to exert some influence over these creatures. The agent went down, smoking and spasming, but Gestalt was spared the blast.

With one foe remaining on the field, Gestalt directed the dragon back into the air and had it breathe, a focused jet of flame bearing down on the witch even as she tried to invoke one more barrage of ice shards upon Simon.

And the birds went down right on time - more agents came pouring out of the building from several exits, including half a dozen ACVs and a solid two-score agents in powered armor. Which...was actually a fairly rapid response from SIDE, although that made sense if time was indeed passing faster in the building. With the battle here all but won, the SIDE agents moved out to protect the city.

Good news! It looks like the military's getting involved! You spot two mechs towering over some buildings in the distance (mechs are to the rest of the military basically what Hero Corps is to SIDE - a whole heck of a lot of concentrated power that can get up, running, and into the fray fast when needed).

You hear something in the air above. A very slight humming, almost like a motor whose sound has been dampened to near silence.

Gestalt continues Concentrating on controlling the dragon.
Move: Fly up.
Standard: Fireblast on the remaining witch at [roll0]. On a hit, Toughness ([roll1]) DC 23 vs. Damage. This attack has a Secondary Effect. Resists

If the witch survives, she'll fire more ice at Simon at [roll2], Toughness DC 23+Multiattack CRIT DC 28 vs. Damage. She'll also have to roll Toughness ([roll3]) vs. the now Damage 2 fires (DC 17).

Phoenix: Bruised.
Mandragora: Normal.
Gestalt: Normal.
Simon: EQ Nullified, Bruised, Dazed 1 round, Fatigued.
Annabelle: Normal.

Knight 1: BANISHED!
Knight 2: Bruised, PARALYZED!
Knight 3: Bruised, PARALYZED!
Witch 1: Too Lucky For Words, but otherwise Normal.
Witch 2: BANISHED!
Dragon: Controlled.

Inspector Valin
2014-10-15, 01:18 PM
Doctor Colt was almost revealed at the approaching roar of SIDE ACVs rolling out. Almost. Her eyes were still fixed on the agent who'd taken the hit for Gestalt, lying there upon the tarmac. Not the first agent to fall today, or the first requiring treatment, but this man was at risk right now. And the paramedics were not anywhere close just yet.. Teeth gritted, the doctor's chair cut through the air swiftly as the power armoured re-enforcements started to surge out from the main complex. Disengaging the hover mode with a touch, Anna leant forward, cradling the stricken man's head with one hand whilst starting to detach his body armour with the other. The chestplate remained smoking, the black carapace melted from the blast. She'd need to look for electrical burns, check the officer's heart rate... standard first aid procedure, she didn't have the tools to do anything more than that.

It took a little effort, but soon enough the chest-plate was off, along with one of unnamed agent's gauntlets. External burns weren't too bad, scorched skin, nothing Annabelle hadn't seen before. His pulse was unstable though. Fading. Gritting her teeth, the Doctor hoisted herself from her chair, lifting herself down to the ground, over the agent. Face grim. Anna leant over his now exposed chest, hands cupped, pressing downwards, again and again...

Finally, the agent's pulse stabalized, and the good doctor allowed herself a spot of satisfaction. Smiling grimly, she met the fallen man's closed lids, stage-whispering to him with a twinkle in her eye. "Stupid, Officer. You're supposed to let the Hero get hit by the lightning bolt. That's what they're there for." Task accomplished, Annabelle turned back towards her chair, grunting slightly as she pulled herself upwards. Not exactly pleasant, but this was a warzone. Anna's gaze turned back towards the skyline, frowning slightly. So much was happening at the moment. Bringing her chair backwards, she glanced towards the ex agent and the two heroes at his side. "Is there anything I'm missing about this situation, Simon?"

[roll0] Treat Injury to stabilize the injured soldier (Improvised Tools)
[roll1] Perception, as per request.
[roll2] Technology. What's that class of Mech capable of, why is it usually deployed?
[roll3] Expertise, Military: Who has the authority to deploy those things outside of martial law?

2014-10-17, 12:30 AM
Simon blinked.

If there was some kind of time warp over the battlefield, it was a big deal. Just the mass summoning alone was a staggering display of power. Adding a Temporal Distortion on top of that was beyond impressive - it was stunning. Publicly or secretly, there was no organization on the planet with access to that kind of power. Time Control was an exceedingly rare Dreamer power - there were no registered Time Controllers and he didn't know of any unregistered ones. IDEA had a team dedicated to researching time manipulation headed by Dr. Winters, but the last he'd heard it wasn't remotely close to functional. Either some organization had made a ludicrous new breakthrough or there was a new player in the picture. One that could be a deadly threat to Illesia. The world's balance of power would change overnight.

But he couldn't say anything. For all his training, Simon was still a soldier. He didn't know anyone's dirty secrets or have an instant grasp of politics. Simon had an enemy in front of him and a time warp he could do nothing about. He'd solve the problem he could do something about first. Until HQ told Daimon differently, his mission hadn't changed.

The old man stopped shooting to look over at Anna. "A temporal distortion? You mean there's a time warp out here? I thought that was impossi-" The ice shards ripping into his arm cut off his reply. He reacted nearly instantly, throwing himself out of their path before any more shards could bury themselves in him.

That's what you get for not playing bloody attention!

Simon tested his arm and found that although it was painful, he could still move the arm. His tactical gear had prevented the worst of the damage. He raised his gun and sighted in on the remaining witch. His gun barked, adding to din of SIDE agents focusing on the last remaining foe.

He paused after firing his quick burst, refocusing his sights. He frowned as he overheard Annabelle as she tried to treat the wounded SIDE agent. "Heros" or not, when it came down to it Gestalt and himself were just as fragile as any of the SIDE agents. He hated seeing any of the agents hurt, but SIDE agents were assets that could be replaced if it came down to it. Gestalt's abilities could not. It was a relief to see the man breathing again, but his choice had been noble, not wrong. Still, this was a warzone. It was neither the time nor place.

He studied the battlefield as Anna glanced at him, his reply crisp and confident once again. "I don't think so. We aren't ready to counter a time warp. Focus on securing the area first. No matter when they do it, if the goal is to attack SIDE then they'll still need to deal with SIDE's defenders. SIDE HQ is probably protected from the warp by the Dreamer Nullification field, and Hero Corps HQ is also protected. We can use the Teleporters to move around the city, and if something happens we can get back here without delay. Once we secure the city, then we can worry about who set up a time warp and how they did it." He gave Annabelle a sidelong glance, noting that here electronics seemed to have survived the Bird's EMP blast. "Would you considered joining us for this op? We'll need rapid contact with SIDE to coordinate our response."

Standard: Shoot at Witch. [roll0] Crit, Toughness DC 25 30+ multiattack

Daimon is really surprised and rattled by the news of the temporal distortion. Anna has a high enough insight that she might be able to tell from his reaction that he knows more than he's sharing. If you want, we can roll insight vs deception (DC would be 30 since I'd take 10)

2014-10-19, 12:32 PM
Unable to reach any further targets, Mandragora decided it was time to ease the pain of the SIDE operatives who had been out here to stop the attack from the beginning. Though some were beyond hope, those whose injuries could still be healed were the ones Mandragora focused his attention on. Looking around for the most grievously injured SIDE agent, Mandragora reach out his vines, and unleashed his healing embrace.

Move: Get to the most grievously-injured yet still living SIDE agent.
Standard: Embrace of the Woods restorative healing. Healing roll: [roll0].

2014-10-20, 02:28 PM
Gestalt flinched once the lightning came. He was expecting to be struck himself, but it seemed a SIDE agent had somehow been fast enough to get in the way. The doctor who was with them seemed to be taking care of him, so he quickly resumes to the fighting

It seemed the city would be safe enough aniway. He just needed to do away with the last witch. Gestalt orders another fire breath on her

2014-10-21, 02:42 AM
With Annabelle and Mandragora tending to the injured, Simon and the active SIDE agents still in the immediate area rained bullets upon the witch, injuring her badly. The dragon swooped down to breathe more flame upon her...just as Phoenix burst back out of the building to go at the cryomancer with flaming swords. There...was very little left.

Yeah, there is absolutely zero point to drawing this out any longer :smallamused:.

Everyone gains a :smallcool: Hero Point!

There also wasn't much rest to be had, as before the heroes could so much as regroup, a loud, commanding voice sounded over the area.


The voice had a strange, distorted, echoing quality that made it difficult to tell exactly where it was coming from.

But your senses are keen enough that you can tell it's coming from, well, thin air, about eighty feet above street level and fifty feet up the street from the SIDE entrance.


It also made it hard to really make out too much about the speaker.

You can make out enough, though, that you feel an odd sense of familiarity.


Definitely a male. The distortion might have been due to whatever projection or cloaking device or whatever it was was allowing it to come from otherwise empty air.

The SIDE agents still nearby had their weapons at the ready, but pointing at the ground since they didn't have a target. They looked rather confused.

Actually...if you didn't know any better...you'd swear it almost sounded like...Simon.


Inspector Valin
2014-10-21, 01:25 PM
Doctor Annabelle Colt paused, looking up towards the voice. She had... honestly never heard that one before. People occasionally suffered delusions or psychoses upon becoming Dreamers, the onrush of power had the potential to unbalance already vulnerable minds. But she'd never before heard of a Dreamer... this insane before. Mad enough to call himself a time traveller and demand someone's arrest for non-existent crimes. This was the sort of figure the Reclaimers invented to justify Dreamer paranoia: loud, bombastic and completely insane.. And why on Arath was his voice so damned familiar? The Doctor scowled, briefly to herself. This was going to torment her later. She almost recognized it.

It didn't matter right now. SIDE were recording this, hopefully. She could listen to it later and work it out. Right now, they needed to make sure this lunatic didn't get what he wanted. Which appeared to be Gestalt's head on a plate. Well, whoever this was believed they were law enforcement. There was one easy way to deal with this that might just lead to a peaceful resolution. Looking to the agents around her, Anna shook her head. "No. He's under arrest for crimes against the present first. And our new friend will be too at this rate."

A tap on her chair brought the good doctor up next to the hero again. Anna looked up at the suddenly mortal seeming hero impassively, her words quick and decisive. She knew what she was doing. "Leviath Cinder. These creatures have caused mass destruction and injury, and assaulted government personnel. They also correspond to your Dreamer ability. No other known party within Adaros can replicate that. On these grounds, and with the authority invested in me as a senior officer of SIDE in a crisis situation, I am placing you under arrest. You do not have to say anything, but it may hurt your defence if you do not mention or request something that you later rely on in court."

Hopefully the Hero would have enough intelligence to work out her intent rather than cause a fuss. Without another word to Gestalt, Annabelle nodded to a pair of sargents, both of whose squads stood close by, as colloected and calm as ever. "Delta, Kappa, take Mr Cinder in. Find him a cell in high security if there is one. Where our invisible friend can't get to him. The rest of you, a vigilante just threatened a man in our custody. Raise weapons. Target is elevated fifty eight degrees from ground level, eighty feet out in a straight line. Your range should be twenty four point seven five meters from this mark, approximately. He's probably in a vehicle so listen for the engines and be ready to adjust your shots." Looking sideways to the two grounded heroes, Anna muttered under her breath. "Simon, Mandragora. Be ready." Whatever this was could well turn nasty. Fast.

Doctor Colt's own pistol was swiftly raised towards the estimated position, a rough guideline for the few shellshocked agents unable to calculate firing angles mentally that quickly. She let it rest there for a few seconds, her point hopefully made before withdrawing it, and bringing up her ACC, starting to scan the area's wireless frequencies. She didn't look up from it as she called out towards the unseen observer, voice dripping with contempt. "If you have any actual legal authority, Time Hero, present it. Otherwise Cinder's ours. And you can go back to wherever you came from rather than making threats."

Longshot, but... this guy is in a vehicle. He's transmitting sound out from it. If there's any active comms going to or from the stealthed position, Annabelle wants in. She'd dearly love to hack the vehicle itself but has a suspicion this won't be that easy. Still, anything she can get would be appreciated.

[roll0] Technology

2014-10-21, 02:52 PM
The level of security on the network is incredibly advanced. To say there's a "flaw" in it would be unkind, but that oddity where it doesn't have a physical origin...well, most technicians, even top-rank IN-SIDE infiltrators, would only find that strange and disorienting.

But you're Doctor Annabelle Colt, DreamTech specialist. Strange and disorienting technology that breaks the laws of physics is what you do. You do...something...really cool that completely exceeds your GM's ability to techno-babble (I think my techno-babble caps out at DC 35 :smallamused:) and the voices play through your comm.

"-I'm here, but the bad news is, it already started," says a male voice.

"That's alright, the first couple attacks got put down easy enough. It's the next-" a female voice begins, before falling hastily quiet.

"We still connected?"

"Quiet. You're being overheard."

"...I secured this line myself. I've got a trace up, no one got through. I don't even think they have technology that could get through."

"And I am telling you that she can hear us."

Now, there wasn't any distortion here. You could hear both voices clear as day.

And the male, clearly, was Simon Candler.

And the female? Well.

The female, just as clearly...

...Was you.

Now, you can of course reveal this immediately to the party...

...Or I can offer you a shiny new :smallcool: Hero Point to keep it quiet while everyone else gets a chance to post so I can spring my own reveal.

No, I am not above bribing players with Hero Points to service my own sense of cheesy melodrama :smallbiggrin:.

Inspector Valin
2014-10-21, 03:30 PM
Reading a modern transmission with no frame of reference for its code or points of origin was an.... interesting task. Even many military grade experts would've deemed it a flat impossibility under field conditions: too little data to work with. This wasn't radio, this was data flying through the air with no starting point or end. You might as well have tried to read a message written on water. With time and dedicated interception equipment, possibly, but alone with a basic console's wireless detector? Impossible. As impossible as transmitting without a source in the first place.

Doctor Annabelle Colt laughed at this idea. She had to deal with Dreamers and theoretically impossible technology for a living. This sort of challange had been her occupation for years now, and the good Doctor long ago honed the art of impossibility to a science. No base reference, no point of origin, no point of reception. But there had to be a two way transmission in effect, no other scenario made sense if the unseen speaker was any more than an unruly Dreamer. (and if that's all he was, why did this mysterious network exist at all?) Thus, two waveforms existed, and had one point in common. The Agent's theoretical position. Both sides of communication would come to a point there, incoming and outgoing, either if this was the site of his cloaked vehicle, or... science forbid, an actual time warp. Either way, assume twin waves, run them through traditional transmission models with a few slight adjustments... and she had a wireless network. After that all Anna had to do was crack the transmission. Which was good, to be sure, perhaps one of the hardest she'd had to deal with in a while, but not unbeatable. Soon enough she was through into the comm line, the mysterious voice clear to her now, and a second...


The Good Doctor pauses for a second, blinking slightly, her unseen earpiece feeling strangely sore. What she had heard.... made no sense. It was a literal impossibility. It defied order, logic, the laws of physics and most of all the bounds of known psychological behaviour. And yet... in terms of alternative explanations, she was at a loss. A few theories popped through her head but none seemed truly plausible. Perception filter? Someone making the voices fit my frame of reference? But how could that be transmitted through an audio only format? With the instigator seemingly unaware? Very few Dreamer powers were that good. An audio false flag, some kind of voice modulator? Possibly, but if so, it was exceptional. Far beyond conventional Dreamtech.

Or there's the simplest possibility. Anna smiled to herself sardonically at that. Oh how the mighty have fallen if so.

Doctor Colt did not look around. She did not react further. She didn't believe this herself, there was no reason to worry the Heroes or her fellow agents with this information, or to give the strange duo less incentive to keep talking. Resuming tapping a second later, the good Doctor started rerouteing the recording to her internal servers at Colt Manor, segment by segment. Later. She'd test these voices later, see just how close a match they were, or if the technology was as fooled by Dreamer powers as her ears had been. For now, there was still the immediate issues to worry about. SIDE, through her, had lain down the gauntlet to the Time Agent and his unseen supervisor. The next move was his. And it was going to prove a very, very interesting one.

QD, trying REALLY HARD not to give anything away with Anna's reaction. I like Hero Points. :smallbiggrin:.

2014-10-21, 04:53 PM
Shocked at the order to arrest him, Gestalt by mere instinct orders the dragon to rise. Of course this one wasn't his, but it still answered to his control so it raises a few feet in the air, flapping its wings and raising a lot of dust.

Thankfully, he catches himself before ordering something like an attack. Content at just staying up in the air, he tries to stall for time

"Wait. Let me try to find a way to banish this guy first"

Choosing however not to do that just now, and rather keep it aloft and thinking

Is this for real? Me? Arrested? What should I do? Turning myself in isn't entirely that unreasonable. Even if I am being framed there should be a way to prove innocence. But then again maybe I should run and prove myself...

Still not making any attempt at banishing his mount, Gestalt has a quick run-down of what he knows about Illesian law on this situation, in his head.

Knowledge (Illesian Law)

and if necessary, Deception

2014-10-21, 11:52 PM
Simon looked down the gun's sights with narrowed eyes. Something didn't add up here.

The stranger's claim to being a time traveler was impossible, but that didn't mean much. The Disappearance, attack, and time warp were all impossible too. The bounds of the "impossible" were being pushed outward all the time. Didn't mean he was going to trust the stranger, but he'd be a fool to rule out the chance that the stranger was what he claimed.

But if he wasn't a Time Traveller, he was still someone that needed to be taken seriously. From the confused looks on the SIDE agents, the newcomer wasn't showing up on their scanners. The cloaking technology needed to fool SIDE's scanners was a closely guarded secret - only covert ops and elite military - and Simon himself - had access to it. The newcomer could have gotten it from another source, but at best that made him a lunatic with access to some serious tech. If he really wanted Leviath, SIDE wouldn't be able to stop him. Doubly so if he was from the future.

For that matter, if really wanted Leviath, why arrest him now? He was surrounded by fellow Heros and SIDE agents who would certainly resist. The military had even deployed across the city. Why not just snatch Leviath in the night instead of in the middle of a battle? He could literally pick any time he wanted to run the op. Unless he couldn't. Perhaps there were constraints on what times he could be sent to, or there were accuracy issues. Or perhaps the newcomer was on a timer? Those were ideas worth testing.

Or the newcomer was exactly when he wanted to be. He'd announced his presence to the entire area rather than try and resolve the situation quietly, which meant he wanted to be seen. For that matter, he'd chosen to distort his voice even though it probably wasn't necessary. Even through the distortion, the voice sounded so familiar. If the newcomer was on the level, showing his voice might gain him some credibility. There might be good reasons to hide his voice, but it certainly didn't help his case. Perhaps the goal wasn't to arrest Leviath.

Simon lowered his gun and turned to Annabelle. He had to respect her quick thinking, but her solution couldn't last. At best, the newcomer arrested Leviath when SIDE released him. At worst, the newcomer was a lunatic or on a time limit and decided to go through SIDE to get to him. "Thanks for what you're trying to do," he replied, loudly enough that the nearby agents could hear. "But let the Hero Corps take this one. Look at your agents - our newcomer isn't showing up on their scanners. The cloaking tech to do that is high military. Either this guy has his hands on some impressive tech or hes playing on the level. Besides, unless you plan to actually bring charges we'll be doing this again tomorrow when you release Leviath." And we won't be in as strong a position then.

He shifted his gaze over to the empty space where the newcomer's vehicle hovered. He'd lowered his gun, but he'd never moved to unload it. "But she's right on one thing. If you have any legal authority, time to present it. I'm willing to talk, but we have a city to save and zero time for games."

2014-10-22, 09:31 PM
To say the least, Eric was confused. Voices speaking from empty space was an understandable occurrence in a world full of Dreamers, but the claims made by the voice raised far more questions than they answered.

It said it was arresting Leviath for crimes committed against the past. Did it mean the past as in prior to the current time, or just prior to its own time, if it is from the future as it seems to imply? If it does mean crimes against a time prior to now, does it mean the Disappearance? Leviath has the power to summon creatures from another realm, but he can't summon just anyone... or large numbers of people at once. If the visitor means the current crisis, that makes a little more sense, but brings up a whole new set of questions.

Why doesn't the visitor from the future just arrest Leviath in the future? Maybe he is too powerful there for them to do anything. But if Leviath gains some kind of crazy power later, can't something be done in the present to stop it?

As that thought struck him, Eric started believing that could be the key to resolving whatever crazy things were going on. If the Hero Corps could protect Leviath from whatever it is that causes him to gain such insane power in the first place, they could prevent the crimes the voice was speaking of. But wouldn't that cause the stuff to not happen (or have happened) in the first place? "Time Manipulation sounds confusing. Glad I didn't get a crazy power like that."

Last but perhaps most importantly, even if Leviath does gain vast, world-changing powers, what would cause him to bring about the Disappearance or this massacre against the city? Eric didn't know Leviath that well, but so far he was a good person. Perhaps it is power itself that corrupt him? Or is there an enemy from the infernal realms who is the true foe?

2014-10-23, 02:39 AM
The SIDE agents raised their weapons in the direction Anna indicated, some more precise than others.

There was a shimmer in the air, and...what looked something like an ACV appeared. It wasn't quite the normal Aerial Combat Vehicle design though. Not quite as bulky, sleeker, and the propulsion generators normally visible on the bottom weren't present.

"I'm coming down to talk!" the voice said, still clearly distorted even though the cloaking had been disabled.

A circular hole spiraled open on the bottom of the vehicle, and a man dropped down, moving more slowly than gravity should have allowed for. Several of the agents bristled slightly, a couple doing outright double-takes, as he landed.

It was Simon. Or sure as anything looked like him, anyway. A bit older maybe, but not to a great degree. Maybe a decade-ish? He was wearing a dark blue uniform that didn't match any organization anyone here had ever heard of, and a badge that looked something like a police shield with the numbers 05:23 etched into it. Also a belt that had some sort of Active Crystal buckle on the front.

One of the nearby agents said, mainly to Annabelle, "No Dreamer powers detected. I don't think it's a shapeshifter or anything."


"Command code six-seven-tango-delta-three. Confirmation word: Butterfly," he said as he walked over towards the group. "I'm legit."

Several of the SIDE agents immediately lowered their weapons, quickly followed by some others whose HUDs were currently either smoking or removed. A couple kept them trained on the other Simon regardless.

The code is basically for undercover agents to identify themselves if necessary. Since you have Eidetic Memory, you don't need to check a computer or HUD to know that it is the correct code for this location, day, and time.

While this is something Daimon knows, it is not information that Simon would have access to.

The code is basically for undercover agents to identify themselves if necessary. Since you have Eidetic Memory, you don't need to check a computer or HUD to know that it is the correct code for this location, day, and time.

Also you've got your :smallcool: Hero Point. And my thanks for the discretion.

"Look guys, the city's still under attack by a bunch of storybook creatures. How about you attend to that while I talk to the Heroes, huh?" he suggested. The agents seemed inclined to do so. "Leviath, you want to come down here, please?"

If you guys want to try to convince the agents to stick around, it's a DC 20 check with an appropriate interaction skill.

I...suppose now's a good time to bring up, any "future versions" of your characters that you may or may not encounter during this campaign should be taken to be NPCs like any other. They may not act the way your character actually would in any given situation, and the cumulative effect of many such potential choices could leave them with quite different personalities as of the time they're "from". They are in no way meant to represent a direction I expect, hope, or plan for your characters to take.

Which is...also my excuse for any egregious mistakes in their writing, characterization, or tactics that I may make while playing them. Except when I do such things intentionally as a subtle clue to plot-relevant information. It is, of course, entirely up to you to determine which is which :smalltongue:.

That said, Simon, you receive a +5 Circumstance bonus to Insight checks against Future Simon, considering he's, well, you.

Inspector Valin
2014-10-23, 03:36 AM
Anna didn't look up as Simon made his way towards the group. Why bother faking surprise at something she'd already worked out? This was either the genuine Simon or someone who'd gone a long way to look like him. Absently, she waved a hand towards the agents remaining at SIDE's central entrance. "Additional squads, disperse. The vigilante is right, you've got a city to protect. Delta and Kappa remain, someone needs to take Cinder into custody once he's done up there." And take care of Future Simon, if need be. The man seemed to have a strange relationship with secrecy; most of what he'd done was extremely blatant for a supposed time traveller, but she hadn't missed the implications of his earlier words and secure comm transmission. This man had something to hide

As the strangely dressed man reached them, Annabelle nodded towards him, expression neutral. "Congratulations. Your memory is still good. But given the time control technology you've both demonstrated, and claimed by implication, a code proves very little. You have the potential to intercept that. And you don't appear to be wearing a SIDE uniform." Looking up from her ACC, Doctor Colt chuckled at the Time Agent. The situation was somewhat amusing. She glanced between the two men, both looking so very similar. "You actually managed to change career again, Simon? What happened, did that Hero Corps pension fall through?"

[roll0] Insight against Future Simon and whatever he's going to say next. Persuade to keep two squads of SIDE agents on hand is an auto-success.

2014-10-27, 12:28 AM
"You know me," Simon answered with a grin he didn't feel. "Always looking for new challenges. Old guy like me's gotta keep himself busy."

The newcomer's hadn't proven anything. He hadn't demonstrated Time Travel, just that he had a car with a cloaking field and a hatch. There were plenty of ways he could be faking his appearance. It was possible that he was a shapeshifter using something to fool the Dreamer Detection devices. Reconstructive surgery would also do the trick without even needing Dreamer power involvement. Or he could be a robot using a flesh mask in Simon's shape. Or perhaps someone else managed to recreate artificial dreamer powers? But that couldn't be it. Rees, Aldrich, and Kaas were all dead.

Or it could be exactly what it looked like. The newcomer had the right ID code to identify himself and it put Daimon in a pickle. Sure, with the right sources the newcomer could have intercepted the right code, but Daimon's connection to IN-SIDE was still top-secret. The newcomer had already come dangerously close to exposing him. Hopefully the others took it to mean he'd become an undercover agent some time in the future and didn't consider if that was already the case. She might not know it, but he owed Annabelle a favor. Still, he needed to confirm the newcomer's identity. Some trivial detail that would be hard for anyone else to know.

He shifted his gaze back to the newcomer, his gun pointed down but still very much in hand. "I dunno what the butterfly code is about, but in elementary school I had a favorite book. What was it, and what was my second favorite passage?"

2014-10-27, 05:19 PM
The SIDE agents followed Annabelle's orders, leaving two units with the Heroes. Some of them moved to ensure the perimeter was secure. A couple kept weapons trained on Future Simon, and some aimed up at Leviath and his dragon.

Future Simon thought about it for a moment. "I'm not wearing a SIDE uniform because I'm not SIDE. I can't get into the details, but here's what's important: I have sufficient jurisdiction here that I was provided with an accurate SIDE command code."

He glanced at Simon and replied, "Birds of Aldonis, the entry on the red-headed woodpecker. Want me to tell you what you're thinking next? Or maybe guess a card?" There was some frustration in his voice. "Look, guys, I appreciate that you're dealing with something outside the norm even by the standards of SIDE and the Corps here. I'd love to sit down with you for an hour and put all your questions and concerns to rest, but inane as I'm sure this sounds, I don't have that kind of time. And frankly you all have more important things to do right now than deal with me. I need you to trust me when I tell you this is for your own good. Leviath! I will ask you again, come down here and come with me! Peacefully."

You can't discern anything in what he's saying to indicate that he's lying.

2014-10-27, 05:42 PM
"I'll go with you once you actually provide an explanation that sounds reasonable. You can't just tell me you're arresting me for something I will or may have done in the future.

Goddamnit, Simon. That's it, I'm turning myself over to actual SIDE here thank you very much"

And with that Leviath tries to actually dismiss his dragon, and stand close to SIDE. Or Annabelle. He wasn't sure he trusted Simon not to convince himself

2014-10-27, 06:34 PM
Simon holstered his borrowed weapon. "That won't be necessary."

The newcomer was right, of course. Knowing the details of his childhood book preferences didn't necessarily prove that it was him. It was possible that someone with time travel technology could have anticipated the question or gone back in time himself to find the answer. But even if he'd done so, that kind of detail wasn't easy to pick out, and he'd need to know Simon's real identity. It wasn't certain that was him. But it made the possibility that it was an impostor more remote. Or it made the chance that it was the real him more likely. Not too likely to trust completely, but too likely to ignore.

And that didn't touch on the possibility that it was the real him, but the real him had been compromised.

He didn't take his eyes off his future self even as he raised his voice to address the entire assembly. "Everyone relax. Its me."

He didn't have the time? So he was on a timetable. Either something was about to happen or his time travel had a time limit.

"So if you're short on time, tell us what you're here for. I doubt its simply to arrest Leviath. I'd have done it when we weren't in the middle of an attack."

Insight [roll0] to read future Simon & whatever he says next.

Inspector Valin
2014-10-27, 11:05 PM
"I was already sure it was you, Simon. That isn't comforting."

Anna glanced between the past and future Simons, shaking her head and grinning quietly as she looked down towards her ACC. A few taps of the keys, and she's concluded her work, looking back to the Time Agent with a sceptical glint in her eye. "Now, you. You're.... a time traveller. Who doesn't have the time to talk." Sighing at that statement, Doctor Colt placed a hand briefly to her forehead, smiling thinly to herself. "Yes. That makes sense. Today is the day of sense. I completely believe you and your foolish statement that contradicts every kind of logic."

Leaning back in her chair, the Doctor took a deep breath, meeting the Time Agent's gaze before gesturing to Future Simon. "Well, let's start with my corrections to you from the top. You want to have jurisdiction here. But our law doesn't recognize that time travel exists. You've got no legal authority, and wouldn't even if you were from Future SIDE. Not on our books, not our man, you don't exist. Code or no code, you've just confirmed that you're not authorized for anything." The good doctor chuckled to herself for a second, before gesturing behind her towards the remains of the last battle. "Plus, I have very clear reasons to arrest Leviath. Creatures corresponding to his dream power type just rampaged through the city. If we didn't arrest him now, we'd be a laughing stock."

Glancing back as Gestalt moved to her side, Annabelle turned to the Hero, nodding briefly in appreciation. That was a legitimately selfless act, and something she can appreciate. "We'll clear you, Cinder. I don't believe that you're guilty of the attack. But people at large will blame you, and putting you away for a bit will calm nerves. Without some clear explanation as to how else this could've been accomplished, it's hard to justify leaving you at liberty. Perhaps we can work out some kind of Hero Corps custody deal."

A thought for later. Done with Gestalt for the moment, Anna once again turned towards Future Simon, eyebrows raised. "Back to you, and I have another question. The obvious one. If you are short on time, why didn't you come back an hour ago, walk in here, and give us some actual information on what was about to happen?" She had a feeling she knew the answer to this one, but there was no harm in letting the Agent spin his tale. From lies, truth is born.

2014-10-27, 11:45 PM
"You're making a couple incorrect assumptions. Really, a single, giant one. You seem to think that because I came from the future, I can freely travel to any point in time from any point in time, stay for as long as I want, and do whatever I want while I'm here without fear of repercussions. Without getting into too much detail, by the logic you're using, because Mandragora there has 'plant powers' he should be able to exert unlimited control over any and all forms of vegetable matter throughout the planet, and doing so won't cause any biological or climatological repercussions to the rest of the world. Yeah, I'd love to have been able to come back an hour ago - or a week ago! - and given you all the information you need to make sure this and a dozen other things don't happen. Sorry. Can't."

"What I can do is come here now, and make a single change that I know will only have a positive repercussion on the future. And that change is taking Leviath with me." He looked up as a squad of five military jets zoomed overhead. "Now my window is closing and I've spent all the time I had in my 'convince my friends to trust me' budget. So either recognize that I am trying to help you and hand him over..."

And in the moment between one heartbeat and the next, his gun was in hand and pointing Leviath's way. The SIDE agents were all aiming their weapons back at him now, code or no code. He didn't seem to care. "Or I bring him in by force. Choose."

You're quite confident that nothing he's said is strictly false, but you can tell he's definitely dancing around some things. There's plenty that he's not telling you.

More importantly, he's dead serious about the bringing him in by force part. You get the sense that he doesn't want to, that he's actually kind of disappointed that it's come to this, but that won't stop him from doing it. And despite the force arrayed against him, he's supremely confident that he can pull it off.

You do, however, get the feeling that the gun itself is probably a bluff. He doesn't want to kill anyone here. Although for a martial artist of Simon's caliber, that doesn't really mean much.

Inspector Valin
2014-10-28, 01:23 AM
Annabelle snorted in derision at the Time Agent's supposed anguish. "Don't lie, Simon. All you've told us is how 'important' this is. You haven't tried to explain a single thing."

The Doctor's attention though is more on the small device in front of her, in truth. She expected little from the inscrutable spy, but there... she held a rare opportunity in her hands. It was rare that something impressed Doctor Colt, but some small part of Annabelle was almost giddy at the implications of the situation set before her. Time travellers, legitimate future technology. Even if it was likely based on Dreamtech, it was here, within her grasp. The odds were long, but she'd already taken the first step once this whole mess started. She had a foothold into something truly spectacular. if she could work out a few difficult questions...

But then, Simon withdrew his pistol, pointing it straight at Gestalt. And whatever positive spirit Annabelle had found froze over swiftly. The doctor looked up, meeting the ex-SIDE officer's gaze with a glare of total and utter contempt. The Simon of her time had his faults, but to threaten his former comrades, and the life of a likely innocent man was something that Anna never would've expected of him. Her voice was as cold as her eyes. "If you honestly think pointing a gun at a man in custody is going to help your case, you're not the man I took you for."

The good doctor doesn't draw her gun, however. This was too serious a situation to take a gamble, but... she could use what resources she had, and try to make a bet with those. Placing a hand to her earpiece, Annabelle started to sub-vocalize into it, transmitting an audio signal along the secure frequency she'd hacked earlier. That conversation swiftly done, Anna looked towards the two sergeants, nodding to the pair. They'd fight this out if they had to.

And from some distant speaker, that voice emerged, loud and clear after a little amplification.

"Safe time travel would require near impossible levels of testing. Reaching that plateau within twenty to thirty years is impossible. Your approach is not scientifically sound. You have grown sloppy, Doctor Colt. You are using a Dreamtech approach: the technology appears to work, so it no longer requires further testing. Hope as a substitute for knowledge and practical understanding. I hope the shiny new job at IDEA was worth your integrity, Doctor."

"Rest assured, I have no intention in following in your footsteps. Now go away, and stop disappointing me."
Hope this isn't too much of a stretch, but Annabelle did gain access to that signal. One audio transmission on it before it's shut down seems reasonable.

[roll0]Deceive to try and trick Future Annabelle into doing something stupid! Like yelling at her counterpart over the comms and thus distracting Simon, opening a second channel to Annabelle's ACC somehow (and thus giving her a direct line to the future that would be helpful with that whole hacking thing.) Any bonuses for going up against herself/the value of surprise? Annabelle does have a bit of a tendency to argue her side of a case rather than let it go, let's see if the future one is the same.

Also [roll1] Initiative. Annabelle won't strike first against Simon, but she will absolutely let the SIDE agents open fire. Simon's too dangerous to take chances with.

2014-10-28, 06:35 PM
Something still bothered Eric. "You may not have much time to explain, but if something does happen to Leviath that would cause him to do all kinds of crazy time crimes, wouldn't it be better to tell us about it and let us try to stop it? There has to be some kind of trigger or process that sets it off. Don't you know what it is? Can't we stop it? And wouldn't that be a lot less disruptive than coming back here yourself and fighting us about it?"

If Eric could do something to stop Leviath from turning into a monster, he would do it. He also came up with another interesting theory. "Besides, if future Leviath were to get his hands on present Leviath, couldn't things get a whole lot worse? And isn't that easier if he's with you?"

2014-10-31, 12:36 AM
Simon knew himself too well. He could tell his future wasn't lying, but there seemed to be plenty he wasn't saying. That wasn't anything new. Simon and Daimon had both been part of missions with only need-to-know information. And future him hadn't been lying about having a limited window. So, did he trust himself? He could tell his future self didn't want to fight - and it wasn't because he didn't think he could win. It made it easy to believe that he was still doing whatever it took to keep Illessia safe, even if it meant arresting a friend. And his future self had been there, fought whatever it was that had prompted this mission. If this is what future him had decided was necessary, then he should help himself.


Simon was military. He'd never abandon a squad member.

And Daimon just couldn't trust himself.

Simon stepped forward, putting himself between himself and the group. The rest of them didn't get it. He was here on a mission. Annabelle's insults wouldn't stop him. He wouldn't have tried a high pressure tactic like pulling a gun if he had time to answer more questions, either. If he had intel he wanted to share, then he didn't need a prompt.

Daimon had already considered how to fight any of his fellow Heros if it came down to it. Phoenix would be vulnerable to cryo weapons. A bullet in Annabelle's hoverchair and another to disarm her would take her out of the fight. The list went on. Whatever his first move was, it would take someone out of the fight. The best way to stop himself was to cripple his ability to fight.

There was no point in trying to trick himself - he'd remember his own tricks. This fight would come down to execution. He chose a simple combat stance and surged forward.

Attacking with Nerve Strike(Fort) (PA 2). Attack [roll0] On hit, DC 18 Fort vs Weaken (fort) & Impaired / Disabled / Incapacitated Affliction

2014-10-31, 01:35 AM
Future Simon was about to respond - although with words or bullets lasers was tough to say - when his past self came at him. Fast. He was moving instantly. In fact, sooner than instantly. It was most obvious to Simon's hasted perceptions, but the others could probably notice it if they were paying attention - he started moving his free hand a fraction of a second before Simon even started moving, the rest of his body slightly after that.

Springing back, he was a hair too slow to avoid the sudden strike. Simon knew it. Everyone could see it. But it passed through empty air nonetheless as he tapped that high-tech belt buckle, and vanished into thin air. He reappeared behind his past self.

Annabelle's message didn't receive any reply.

Your attack hits. Or is about to, anyway. Future Simon teleports away from it as a reaction.

So, I have good news and bad news! The bad news is, you're facing a blatantly overpowered ability that has no right to exist in an actual RPG!

The good news is, it's functionally an X-trait, so you all get a :smallcool: Hero Point for having to put up with it.

Annabelle and Phoenix are still on turn. Annabelle, your Deception check wasn't high enough to provoke a response from Future Annabelle.

Even knowing what to look for, you do not perceive even the subtle signs of tactical shapeshifting in response to your attack.

2014-11-04, 02:13 AM
"Fire at will!" Annabelle ordered, floating her chair off to the side a bit to clear her line of fire and letting loose with her carbine. Her aim was true, she caught Future Simon perfectly mere instants after he reappeared...but it didn't seem to matter in the least as he just tapped that buckle again and vanished once more.

The agents were capable, but it would take more than merely capable to pose a legitimate threat to him. As a support force, they might prove detrimental enough to require neutralization, but they were fairly spread out and he didn't want to shoot if he didn't have to. Leave them for now.

Annabelle was a skilled strategist, but her raw power was limited. She could potentially be a threat once they started organizing and coordinating, but their uncertainty as to his full capabilities in the opening moments of the battle would limit her effectiveness. A priority, but not an immediate one.

Eric was his biggest concern. His ability to curtail mobility was a real threat. His healing powers would make keeping the rest of the team down difficult. Would have been the top priority, but he was also the hardest target. His plant form was non-humanoid, making him a tough target to bring down, a fact only exacerbated by his regenerative powers. Focusing on him would take too long. Best to circumvent him.

Leviath was vulnerable. With the dragon dismissed, he had not yet had the chance to summon a new minion. Now was the perfect time to take him out, then worry about getting him away.

This time he appeared by Gestalt, manifesting with his fist already coming for the summoner's face. He attacked with a rapid flurry of hard blows...but after the first two strikes, he just kept hammering away, blow after relentless blow. This wasn't Simon's usual polished kata, or even a rapid assault intended merely to quickly neutralize a target. This was years of rage being unleashed with truly excessive force.

The SIDE agents maneuvered to get clear lines and fired, disciplined and coordinated. Future Simon's full attention was focused on his relentless attack, there was no way he could dodge them all...but once again, a flick of his wrist that started instants before the agents fired and he was fifteen feet away, unharmed, but at least forced away from Gestalt.

Move Action: Float her chair off to the side some so real Simon isn't right in line past her target.
Standard Action: Shoot at [roll0], Toughness DC 19. Hit. Target Teleports from the attack as a Reaction.

Future Simon:
Move: Close with Leviath.
Standard: Attack with Unarmed Strike, All Out Attacking for 5, Power Attacking for 5, at [roll1], Crit 16+. Toughness DC 30+Multiattack vs. Damage. EDIT: ...Aw heck, sorry man. Crit. Total DC is 40.

SIDE Agents:
Standard: Start firing at Future Simon. Four will perform Aid actions to support the other four.
Aid: [roll2]. Attack: [roll3] (+2 Aid). Toughness DC 20+Multiattack. Miss.
Aid: [roll4]. Attack: [roll5] (+5 Aid). Toughness DC 20+Multiattack. Hit thanks to Aid and All Out Attack. Target teleports away as a Reaction.
Aid: [roll6]. Attack: [roll7] (+5 Aid). Toughness DC 20+Multiattack. Hit thanks to Aid and All Out Attack. Target teleports away as a Reaction.
Aid: [roll8]. Attack: [roll9] (+5 Aid). Toughness DC 20+Multiattack. Miss.

Current Status:
Phoenix: Bruised.
Mandragora: Normal.
Gestalt: Normal (Pending).
Simon: EQ Nullified, Bruised, Fatigued.
Annabelle: Normal.

SIDE Agents: 8/8.

Future Simon: -5 Defense this turn.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-11-05, 08:08 AM
Leviath down. Eric hated that the future Simon wasn't answering questions anymore. The anger in Simon's attack was something Eric hadn't seen in the Simon he knew, and it was clear that Leviath must have done some truly terrible things in this Simon's future to have inspired such rage. Nonetheless, it was clear that now Simon himself was falling to the Heart of Rage. This had to be stopped before this future Simon could be consumed by the negative forces. Yet Mandragora couldn't do anything to the visitor if Simon could simply teleport away from attacks.

Mandragora knew he had to act fast to prevent Simon from landing a finishing blow on Leviath. The green tangle stretched out his lengthy vines, and held them gently over his friend. He called out "Promise of Life, restore my friend!" Nature sprung into action to massively accelerate the healing processes in Leviath's body.

Move: Move closer to Leviath (if necessary)
Standard: Embrace of the Woods (Restorative Healing). [roll0]

Inspector Valin
2014-11-05, 04:05 PM
Annabelle kept her silver pistol levelled at Future Simon, but refrained from firing again. No point unless she wanted to test the limitations on his teleportation device. Instead, the consultant turned her attention to Simon's strange device. She didn't have the technology here to properly analyse it, but Anna had seen her share of teleporters over the years. Conventional ones had strong limitations. They required a lot of energy, a large machine, ect. This device on Simon's wrist was ahead of conventional teleporter tech, but it was still based on it. She had an option hovering in the background, but Doctor Colt was loath to take it. What could they do offhand to shut the teleport bracer down?

[roll0] Technology to try and understand Simon's Teleportation power. If this is supposed to require indepth devices, Annabelle is limited to a -2 due to improved Improvised tools. Her bonus can't drop below an 18 for this AFAICT

Inspector Valin
2014-11-05, 05:10 PM
Anna's eyes narrow upon the gauntlet, her own pistol still in hand. For a moment, it looks like she's about to try and shoot Simon's hand off, but soon enough she barks an order to the men behind her. "Squads, disperse!" The words are spoken with absolute confidence, Doctor Colt's eyes not leaving Simon, her carbine leveled at the Time Agent. The consultant was starting to grin: she had a lead now. The odds on this impossible battle were starting to close. "He needs to predict your shot to teleport. No more combined fire arcs. All officers, take up dispersed positions, provide independent fire. He can't track all of you."

Punctuating her point, the good doctor fired off a few swift rounds from her own pistol. One more variable for Simon to try and track. She looked to the newly rerisen Leviath, frowning. "Gestalt, can your Thunderbirds manage a precise strike? A small scale EMP would disable him immediately."

[roll0] Attack, Toughness DC 20

2014-11-05, 09:21 PM
"I don't think so, no. It'll just hit everything within 30 feet. Eletricty isn't really my strong point. Also, it's not really powerful. I'm guessing whatever tech he has might resist it, but so can SIDE's gear. Or enhanced senses? I can cover us all in mist, if we're supposed to hamper his attention."

2014-11-06, 03:19 PM

The letter telling you of your sister's disappearance had only arrived this morning. Reynold Hans had brought it to you. Reynold isn't from Adaros, but he's been here the past couple weeks to make use of the teleportation technology of the Hero Corps Regional Base located here. After the Disappearance, he pledged his aid to Adaros for as long as the city needed it. He's already proven himself once for the city, assisting several Heroes and a couple Independents retake City Hall and rescue the mayor yesterday when it was attacked by the "Warlock", Harold Brace.

He's also been showing you the ropes at Hero Corps and working with you on developing your powers. His powers are similar to yours, telekinesis (though he tends to manifest visible constructs of force), but in application are pretty much the complete opposite. His raw power is low, but he's highly skilled in the use of what he does have.

So when, only about half an hour after you received the letter, barely even enough time to process it, the city came under attack by a small army of mythical creatures that apparently appeared from thin air, he went to you. Reynold's a "street-level" super. Powerful indeed compared to mundane criminals, but his track record with full-on superpowered beat-downs is spotty at best. He knows better than to wade into a battle of this scale without some serious oomph backing him up. And he also knows that one thing you have is a lot of oomph.

The two of you have been making your way towards the SIDE headquarters. Reynold recognized some of these monsters as the same sort of creatures as respond to the summon powers of the Hero Gestalt, another member of the team who defeated Harold Brace. The team had been invited to attend Brace's interrogation that morning, and while Reynold himself had elected not to go, he suspected that's where he could find Gestalt and, hopefully, get some answers.

You're coming within a few blocks of the headquarters when two civilians, a young man and woman either barely or not yet in their twenties, come running past you from a side street...pursued closely by one of the huge knights and ice-throwing witches that have been attacking the city.

Complication - Relationship: Emily Greene-sister. +1 :smallcool: Hero Point!

2014-11-07, 10:57 AM
Not bad, Annabelle, but not enough. While it disturbed him to see how easily she'd ordered him killed, he had to deal with it later. He needed to fight himself first. Annabelle's plan wasn't bad, but their opponent had already been starting his teleportation before an attack was launched. He wasn't reacting - he was anticipating. Catching him unawares would be difficult, but there might be another way past that belt buckle.

"We don't need to beat him," he called as he pivoted and lept to Leviath's side. "Just run out the clock. Leviath, EMP his car!"

It was a calculated risk. Even if Leviath's emp was weak, it would threaten the vehicle and the equipment onboard. At minimum that meant the fleet of sensors and communications built into it, but it wasn't impossible that the vehicle hosted Future Simon's time travel device. Future Simon probably couldn't afford the loss, if for no other reason than leaving behind the tech onboard would alter the past. He had to incapacitate Leviath before he could manifest a thunder bird. And Simon would be ready.

Simon took a breath and prepared his counter. Future Simon seemed to need to touch his belt buckle to trigger the teleportation. If he could get a hand on it he'd deprive the agent of the defense he'd relied on so far, but to do that he'd have to land his strike the instant Future Simon landed his.

He couldn't help but smile at the wager.

Move: move next to Leviath.
Standard: Ready Action: If Future Simon uses a melee attack on a target in Simon's range, attempt to Grab Future Simon's belt buckle at the same time as Future Simon's attack lands. Attack: Unarmed Strike (Power Attack 5) [roll0], DC 21 + multiattack Dodge vs Grab

2014-11-08, 06:10 PM
Leviath begins to wonder which was best. Aim at Future!Simon and possibly end it right there or go for something that he could actually possibly hit

Well, in the situation it seemed that low risk was gonna pay more.

Thus, with a quick motion that summons his bird to his arms, and just as quickly raises it high so that it can fly
Of course that DID leave himself defenseless but...it seemed Simon had some kind of plan at least?

He turns his attention away from the situation down here and chooses instead to help Raptor Attack with the EMP.

"Eletricity Restriction!"

Here we go again
Power roll 1d20+3[/roll]

2014-11-08, 06:23 PM
Dodge for half (DC 13): [roll0]

Power Rank (using its Flight rank to represent the overall strength of its engine) to resist, but as Equipment if the car fails to resist it loses all function, even against a non-Simultaneous Nullify (DC 17 or 15): [roll1] EDIT: Well...well...well...

2014-11-08, 06:59 PM
Though Future Simon's attacks hit hard, Mandragora was there, healing Gestalt moments after. Before he could continue his attack, Annabelle was firing at him, a well-placed enough volley of shots that there was nowhere to dodge to. He still predicted the attack though, and was gone before the first bullet left her gun, reappearing half a dozen yards back from the group.

As his past self made his suggestion, he coolly tapped out a command on his belt. The car began moving and recloaking...

...Too slow! Even as the car vanished to the senses, the Rainbow Bird appeared and sucked all the electricity from the area. Interesting bit of information from the future: they haven't replaced electricity as an energy source. The car reappeared and dropped like a stone.

The connection you're tapped into to the future goes white noise.

Well. That complicates matters.

Neutralizing the entire group may now have to become a consideration. Attacking Leviath remained a viable option on its face; the Rainbow Bird didn't offer much in terms of personal defense. However, with past him there, ready to try and block off his teleports, he'd be forced to choose between risking his best defense or landing the blow. Doable, but complicated.

Annabelle was the more vulnerable target. Also the one he could least afford getting access to the tech in the car. Dropping her would also have the advantage of taking out the acting leader for the SIDE squads, which wouldn't hurt, although SIDE agents had enough initiative that it would only do so much.

And in either case, it didn't matter at all if Eric was there to heal them. Dropping him hadn't become any easier, and with the car down, his easiest option for keeping him out of the sunlight if he did manage to bring him down quickly enough was shot. To make real headway, he needed the plant-controller's healing powers occupied. But the only way to do that reliably...

For just a moment, a look of indecision flickered across Future Simon's face.

Then he frowned, narrowed his eyes, and said, "I'm sorry Eric. I didn't answer your questions did I?"

And giving Mandragora a firm glare, he turned and started firing at the SIDE soldiers as they spread out per Annabelle's orders, saying with each pair of shots a short, grim answer, "Nope. Nope. Evidently not. Nope. Can't see how. Nope." Every shot was perfect, anticipating their dodges to plant half his shots right into the agents' collarbones - incredibly tricky shots that would prove instantly debilitating, but not fatal. It was a show of the exceptional precision and control that the agent from the future possessed.

Which made it all too glaringly obvious when he put the other half of his shots right in his targets' lungs, injuries that would be quickly fatal if left untreated.

Future Simon:
Attack the SIDE agents with his Laser Sidearm. Routine Attack, Power Attacking for 5, for 19 auto-hits. The SIDE agents cannot beat the Toughness DC of 34 even with a natural 20, and since their Minions, the natural 20 = minimum result just feeds their any result = worst result, so they can't resist either. He initially fires at the most distant agent from the group, and as each one drops, uses Takedown to fire upon the next. Barring an Interpose or other timely intervention from our heroes, all eight of the SIDE agents go down. Four wind up Incapacitated as normal. By GM Fiat, four others become Dying, and will expire if not treated soon. Mandragora, this was intended to influence your actions. If you choose to focus your efforts on helping the SIDE agents (assuming no one prevents him from taking them down, of course), you will receive a Hero Point.

The most distant agent is about a hundred feet from the party. The closest is about twenty feet away. Future Simon attacks the most distant agents first.

If you guys do manage to protect the SIDE agents I'll post their turns next. Otherwise, they're out before they can take them.

Current Status:
Mandragora: Normal.
Gestalt: Normal.
Simon: EQ Nullified, Bruised, Fatigued.
Annabelle: Normal.

SIDE Agents: 0/8 (Probably).

Future Simon: Normal.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-11-08, 08:07 PM
Quick footsteps approach as the rookie hero and his mentor make their way to SIDE headquarters. Desmonds attention is drawn to a side street, where he sees a young couple flee pursuit from two would be attackers, and without thinking or hesitation changes direction. Reynold had prepared him for this, told him to be ready for anything, and Desmond was ready. He called out to his mentor "Reynold! over here!" He wanted to be a hero, and here was his chance! He took off in a full sprint toward his foes.

"Come on you two! Keep running!" Adrenaline rushed through his veins, he could feel his limbs tremble as he summoned all his strength. He wanted this moment to happen. Anticipated it before they even left. This moment he would prove his strength, and gain respect from his mentor. He focused, drew both his arms back and thrust them forward as a blast of crushing telekinetic force hurled down the street at the charging knight and witch.

Move: move between the fleeing couple and the two attacking monsters.
Attack: Telekinetic Smash- ranged, area (burst) [roll0]

2014-11-08, 08:36 PM
Desmond's blast stopped the two in their tracks, denting the knight's armor and knocking the witch back a pace despite the aura of protection that flared up around her.

Reynold didn't feel the need to nod, just turned and flew after the young telekinetic. He assessed the situation. He could turn his powers to the defense of the civilians, but either he could only shield one or he'd have to conjure a large barrier, which would make it hard for him to defend himself. The wiser course would be to present a great enough threat that the enemy focused on them, which Desmond was already doing an excellent job of. Reynold didn't like his chances of causing much harm through the knight's armor, though. He went for the witch, hurling a bolt of telekinetic force at her, catching her in the chest amidst another flare of overwhelmed protective magic.

The witch responded with her own area blast, hurling one hand out for them in a sweeping gesture as she invoked, "Viento Gélido!" Arctic winds far, far worse than even the coldest Adaros winter sprang up from her outstretched hand to fall over the two telekinetics. Reynold managed to dodge the brunt of it, but even the trailing edge was enough to cover him in a layer of snow and leave him huddling in a ball, shivering and unable to move.

As soon as it had faded, the knight charged in, drawing forth a zweihander sword longer than Desmond was tall and swinging it for him in a hewing strike that threatened not only injury, but to potentially sheer through even his telekinetic armor.

The two civilians...kept running, yeah.

Move Action: Move side by side with Desmond.
Standard Action: Attack the witch with Force Bolt at [roll0], Crit 15+. On a hit, Toughness ([roll1]) vs. DC 21 26 Damage. Crit. Bruised.

Icy Witch:
Move Action: She's good.
Standard Action: Viento Gélido. Desmond and Reynold must both roll a DC 18 Dodge check for half effect, and then a DC 18/14 Fortitude save vs. an Impaired/Stunned/Incapacitated Affliction. Reynold rolls Dodge: [roll2] with Evasion 2, Fortitude: [roll3]. Reynold is Stunned until he can make a DC 18 Fortitude save to throw off the Affliction.

Iron Knight:
Move Action: Close with Desmond.
Standard Action: Attack with Zweihander at [roll4], Crit 15+. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage, and if the Toughness check is lower than 18, it also applies a Weaken Toughness. Hit.

Current Status:
Desmond: Normal.
Reynold: Stunned (DC 18).

Icy Witch: 2 Bruises.
Iron Knight: Bruised.

(So, go ahead and roll a Dodge check, a Fortitude check, and a Toughness check in the OOC).

Desmond is on turn.

2014-11-11, 07:59 AM
Eric would not accept all of Simon's answers as fact. Even though he probably knew a lot more about the threat future Leviath posed, Eric could not accept that Leviath absolutely had to become some sort of time-spanning criminal. Skepticism quickly gave way to rage as future Simon took down the SIDE agents one-by-one. Why would he do such a thing? From the looks of it, they didn't even pose a real threat to him. Eric knew he had to act fast to save them, but with Simon still attacking, he couldn't afford to linger on them too long.

Mandragora decided he had to do something he hadn't done before. Splitting the healing would make mending each agent less than a guarantee, but on the whole it would be quicker than healing them individually. He focused once again on the Promise of Life and stretched out his vines toward four of the injured agents. Trying to pick out the ones in the worst condition as best he could, Mandragora left behind a seed of hope for each agent to recover even if the initial blessing failed.

Move: Pretty sure Mandragora is still in range of everyone.
Standard: Use Extra Effort to use the following alternate healing effect.

Embrace of Life (alternate in the Might of the Wild array): Healing (Limited: others only, split 3, secondary 7) 10

Splitting Healing 2/2/3/3 on four (hopefully the four in the worst condition, if Mandragora can distinguish them). Split the secondary effect 2/2/2/1.

Healing rolls: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

2014-11-12, 01:49 AM
Simon had to acknowledge his future self's choice of tactic. Thanks to his superb shooting and Mandragora's presence, none of the agents were in danger but it would still accomplish the goal of keeping Mandragora out of the fight for a few seconds.

He grabbed Leviath by the arm, pulling the younger hero along as he ran for the SIDE building. "Come on, he can't teleport once we're inside"

Hero Point to remove Simon's fatigue.
Delay to Move with Leviath into SIDE building.
Ready Action: If Future Simon closes to melee, Grab belt buckle as he lands his strike. Unarmed Strike (PA 5) [roll0], DC 21 + multi-attack Dodge vs Grab

2014-11-12, 10:17 PM
Leviath follows after Simon, step by step, recalling the Rainbow Bird, that now perches at his shoulder. The bird is look at his back, and Leviath turns and runs with Simon

That thought that Future!Simon could fire at them wasn't unreasonable. Thus, he commands Raptor Attack to generate several magnetic fields pushing away from them. Hopefully, that should keep the bullets away

Extra Effort for Protection 10 effect that only works against magnetic metals. Unless it's not necessary, that is, fluff ends up being enough
Also, Move along with Simon

2014-11-14, 04:28 AM
Mandragora's healing powers stabilized the three agents. Two of them even regained consciousness, though they were still in no condition to do much further fighting. Annabelle went to tend the last one, performing enough first aid to stabilize her until she could get to an actual hospital at least.

Simon and Leviath, meanwhile, got back into the SIDE building. The door led into the public lobby. The room itself was currently empty (normally there would be at least a few agents in here to attend to people coming in to report crimes and Hostile power uses, drop off evidence, give interviews, and so on; currently they were presumably all out fighting summoned monsters). The public areas of the building probably wouldn't have many agents currently. There might be some in the secured areas (offices, armory, evidence, holding, etc) and there would be some in the prison, but they'd have to pass through security checkpoints to get access to those, which their guest badges wouldn't be enough to pass.

Daimon and Annabelle's IDs would provide them with access to the secured areas, but not to the prison, at least not without bureaucracy. With access to a computer, of which there are several in the lobby, they could also activate some of the internal defenses. Good news is, they're quite robust. Bad news is, their targeting software probably couldn't tell the difference between Simon and his future self (unless one of them were to shapeshift, of course, but that would not only reveal his powers, but due to the infiltration power suppressors, would strongly indicate that his shapeshifting is a non-Dreamer power).

Future Simon followed after the two. He tapped a couple commands into his belt, and lifted into the air, flying after them at speed.

The energy necessary for a high-speed flight system in tandem with the sort of rapid teleportation seems excessive for so small a device. Aranth energy management technology is already very good; it seems implausible that the future could have improved on it that much. You'd bet that Future Simon can't teleport while flying (although of course, since he's entering the SIDE building, he couldn't anyway, but still, good to know).

When he got in, though, he didn't press immediate attack. "Smart play. With the time warp going on in here...yeah, I think I can actually spare a minute or two. So, let's make this easy. You tell me what questions I would need to answer for you to hand Leviath over. I can only say so much about the future, but I'll let you know if I can give you the answers you need and if so, good. Sound fair?"

And if not, well, they've upped the ante, that's for sure. He couldn't teleport in here, and they might be able to acquire some allies or assets. Actual defeat becomes a possibility under these circumstances.

Flip side, his time limit was extended significantly inside the warp. Leviath and Eric's attack powers will be curtailed by the suppressors. Eric's healing will still be a factor, but since his regeneration won't work without sunlight, he'll be easier to bring down and if he drops he should stay down. It would turn the thing into a straight-up fight, simplify the tactical difficulties on both sides, pitting his greater experience and advanced tech directly against their superior numbers and access to Dreamer powers.

High risk, high reward. He'd play that game.

One SIDE agent changes status from Dying to Incapacitated. Two change from Dying to Staggered, but since their Minions, I'm figuring they won't be really combat-worthy unless healed to full.

Note: The SIDE building is Immune to Projections, so any powers that pass through obstacles or don't require line of effect simply fail within. It has a powerful Power Suppressor as well. Any attempt to use an "infiltration" or "offensive" class Dreamer Power (basically, any form of stealth, deception, mental tampering, or attack power) requires both a Will and Fortitude save, DC 25. If the Will save fails, that power is Nullified for as long as you remain within. If the Fortitude save fails, you lose one PP worth of the power per point you fail by, max 15, and you suffer an Impaired/Disabled/Incapacitated Affliction limited to your use of that power. You don't begin recovering from these effects until you leave the building. Defense, recovery, mobility, utility, and similar powers are unaffected, as are non-Dreamer powers.

Daimon or Annabelle could key ally powers to the system (although of course, Simon wouldn't be able to) at one of the computers. By default, this takes five rounds for a single person. With a DC 20 Technology check, you can reduce the time by one round per degree of success, minimum one round (although doing so involves bypassing certain security measures, which could cause you some trouble).

Another fairly important defense that you two would know about. Any sort of Nullify Technology power that attempts to affect the building's electronics or security, unless it succeeds to do so (the building resists at +15), will trigger the automated defenses and target them at the person responsible. Might be good for Gestalt to know...

This sort of power may not be keyed into the system period.

Move: Move to the other Dying agent.
Standard: Stabilize. Even with improvised tools she auto-passes the Treatment check and improves the agent's status to Incapacitated.

Future Simon:
Move: Follow Simon and Leviath into the building.
Free: Swap to Reaction Enhancement.
Standard: Defend at [roll0] (including +2 from Improved Defense).
Free: Talk.

Current Status:
Mandragora: Fatigued.
Gestalt: +10 Toughness.
Simon: EQ Nullified, Bruised, Fatigued.
Annabelle: Normal.

Future Simon: Defend.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-11-16, 03:44 AM
Simon stepped forward, planting himself in front of Leviath. Although he didn't take his eyes off his future self, his words were directed at Leviath with no room for dissent. "Gestalt, be careful with your summons. If you damage the building's electronics the automated defenses will kick in."

His stance became ever so slightly softer as he studied his future self again. With the building's defenses and power supressors, if they fought here it would be for real. It wasn't too late to try to reach an agreement. "I have just a few lines of questioning. First, if Leviath goes with you, what becomes of him and will he be returned? Second, is Leviath the culprit, accomplice, mechanism, or vulnerability in the event you're trying to prevent? Third, I believe the organization responsible for the Disappearance and today's attack are related and that they are a previously unknown organization. Are my assumptions correct?"

"Oh, and how's Adam," he added as an afterthought. In truth it was anything but. He hadn't talked about his friend Aaron Burke in front of Leviath before. By bringing up Aaron, he hoped to offer himself a way of passing information only to himself in the guise of discussing his old friend.

Insight [roll0] on future simon's answers.
Deception 30 (routine) to pretend his comment about Adam wasn't important. Mainly for Leviath or any observers.

2014-11-16, 02:16 PM
Future Simon considered the questions for a few seconds - which Simon, of course, knew meant he was giving them some serious thought. "If Leviath comes with me, he'll be tried for his crimes against the past. He will, in my opinion, almost certainly be convicted. He will, again in my opinion, almost certainly be executed." He glanced at Leviath with a somewhat apologetic look in his eyes, "Which I imagine sounds terribly unfair from where you're standing, but Leviath I truly believe that as you are today, if I could tell you what I have seen you become...you would consider becoming that person a fate worse than death."

"In answer to your second question, culprit."

"As for the third...no, I'm sorry but I can't answer that one. To do so might influence your decisions as to how you investigate and respond to these events, which could change my time in ways I cannot foresee. The risk is too great. I am unable to answer any questions regarding Aaron's future."

He's answering the questions calmly and conversationally. You can't be sure if he's trying to deceive you or hide anything.

The way he replied to your question about Aaron, though, strikes you as slightly odd. Coming off his answer to your third question, it would have fit better to say something like, "same with your question about Aaron", or otherwise tie it back to his non-answer there. His choice of wording had to be a deliberate attempt to convey a distinct meaning. He's unable to answer questions about Aaron's future...because he doesn't know the answer. If Aaron were still missing, or something else had happened to him, he could have conveyed that. The only reason he literally could not know about Aaron's future in at least vague terms is because it is currently uncertain, because what happens now could change what is going to happen then.

And really, there's only one reason why it would be beneficial to him to make you aware of that.

The secret message is as clear as if he had said it aloud: "If you want to save Aaron, give me Leviath. Please!"

2014-11-17, 09:17 PM
Mandragora was somewhat bewildered that the future Simon would follow today's Simon into the SIDE building. Could he use his teleportation device even inside of the building's area of security? Eric didn't know much about the technology they would use, and he had been forgetting more and more about it as he developed his powers....

But before he would pursue the Simons into the SIDE building, Mandragora would finish the job he started. Best to alleviate as much suffering as possible in the face of this latest mess. Reaching out to the four other incapacitated SIDE agents nearby, Mandragora focused once again on repairing the damage done by future Simon's attacks.

Move: Get as close to the SIDE building as possible while being within vine's reach of the remaining four unconscious SIDE agents.
Standard: Embrace of Life on those four.

Healing rolls for this round's action: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
Secondary Healing rolls for last round's agents: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]

2014-11-18, 01:42 AM
Simon's face was an impassive mask.

Telling him that surrendering Leviath would result in Leviath's execution complicated matters. It was probably the worst thing he could have said to gain his cooperation, but that made it even more likely to be true. That meant that even he wanted to, he couldn't hand over Leviath. Doing so not only would he have to deal with SIDE and Annabelle, but he'd deprive the Hero Corps of yet another capable hero at a time when they didn't have any hands to spare. Doing so would kill any hope of promotion and dead-end his investigation of the Circle.

Although, with his only confirmed member having vanished in the Disappearances, he might have bigger issues to worry about with whomever was moving around in the shadows now.

That didn't mean he couldn't hand Leviath over. He could make a show of defending the young hero and throw the fight. Heck, even if he didn't throw the fight he might not be able to handle himself. His older self was at least his equal in combat and his gadgetry was clearly superior. But did he want to give up Leviath?

Every agent accumulated a list of mistakes they'd made and Simon was no exception. Black had been a phenomenal agent before he'd turned traitor and killed 4 of his comrades. Intelligence had marked Randal Dahlstrom as potentially unstable long before he broke down and became the threat level 9 super-villian Half-life. And here his future self was warning that Leviath would become something even more terrible. For the good of Illesia, he'd removed plenty of threats before they could grow. If what his future self said was true, handing over Leviath would save a huge number of lives. Among them Aaron's.

Unbidden, perfect memories of the times he'd shared with Aaron came to mind. Their rivalry in training camp, guarding each other's backs in on mission, the years they'd stuck together after leaving the force. Daimon ignored them. Or tried to. A good agent didn't let emotion cloud his judgement, but knowing that didn't lessen their pull. He'd heard his secret message loud and clear. Turning over Leviath might save Aaron. And if Aaron's life hung in the balance, the rest of targets of the Disappearance might also be saved.

"Last question. When a past event is changed, does the future change to reflect the new outcome or is a new future created?"

Essentially asking if many-worlds theory is in effect

2014-11-18, 02:51 AM
One of the agents came to his feet, not so much as a blister remaining from his injury. Another was still unconscious. The rest were awake, but still injured to varying degrees. The fully healed one - who had been one of the ones shot in the lungs - looked to Mandragora and gave him a shaky nod of thanks.


Future Simon gave a soft smile at the question. "Man, I remember when I used to care about stuff like that," he said, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. Honestly? I don't know the true, hard-coded-into-the-universe answer, but for our purposes, it doesn't matter. I'll leave that for the philosophers to debate. What I know, is that when I go back to my time, it's going to be different than when I left it based on my actions here. When I leave your time, the things I did while I was here will contribute to your future experiences. I don't know if that's because history is rewriting itself, or because I'm spawning an all-new universe with every word I say, or because I'm hopping over to a new branch on some infinite tree. But as far as the three of us are concerned, the actions we're about to take will influence the future that we experience, and that every person we will ever interact with again experiences."

"Time may not be as constant as it was supposed to, but consequences are as real as ever. And I can promise you this: the choices you make here are the ones you're going to have to live with for the rest of your lives."

2014-11-22, 11:18 PM
Simon inhaled deeply. It bought him only a few seconds, but that was plenty of time to think over his options.

He wasn't sure when he'd gotten so sentimental. Every decision carried a consequence.

The consequences of stopping himself... If future Simon didn't arrest Leviath, Annabelle would. Despite her assurances that he'd be released in short order, once she made the arrest the prosecution would be out of her hands and the fact remained Leviath had a very unique power. Those were certainly his creatures attacking the city, a fact all but confirmed when he'd taken control of that dragon. Politics wouldn't help either. This was the second crisis the country had faced in as many days. There would be enormous pressure on SIDE to find a culprit and get a conviction. Arresting Leviath would practically set him up for that role. Even if Leviath had no intention of becoming a criminal, being railroaded into prison might change his mind. Avoiding prison didn't end the danger since his future warning hadn't shared why Leviath would turn.

But that was beside the point. There was no way to predict exactly what circumstances would drive Leviath's change. His warning gave him a choice. If his future self was to be believed, prevent a major crisis before it happened, neutralize a threat to Illesia and potentially save the millions lives lost in the Disappearance. Aaron, Vanguard IV, and Arcanis included. If he refused, he gambled all those lives against being able to keep Leviath from turning on them.

Millions of lives, or just one. Sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the good of Illesia.

Simon blew out the breath he'd been holding. His gaze on the time traveller hardened. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you take him. Leviath's future isn't written and your warning is already enough. If you want him, you'll have to go through me. Leviath," he called over his shoulder, "run. I'll block the hallway and buy time."

Moving to block future Simon's path to Leviath and taking a Defend action. New defense: [roll0]

Deception 30. "I can't let you take him" doesn't mean "I won't let you take him." Trying to covertly signal intent to throw the fight.

2014-11-24, 07:55 AM
Leviath wanted to fight. He thought he and Simon together could take the time traveler now that they were in the building...

But he was right. The important thing here wasn't to defeat him. It was to stall. Once enough time had passed he'd return to the future or something similar

With his new defenses still raised, Leviath turns and runs searching for stairs. Holding to the claws of his summon they both lift a bit off the air, but pick up speed

Free action to keep that Nullify ongoing.
Sacrificing my Standard action for another Movement one
Using both to move far away, towards some stairs

2014-11-24, 01:12 PM
Leviath's flight lets him cover pretty much the entirety of the building that he has access to. The stairs are all behind sealed doors, leading into more secure locations in the building. The locations that Leviath finds accessible are:

-The lobby, a large open room containing several desks and computers, currently occupied by the Simons and not containing any agents.
-Three small offices directly adjacent to the lobby, none of them occupied.
-Two hallways that extend off from the lobby heading further back into the building (each one has one of the sealed stair access doors near the center on the inward-facing side of the hall, and a restroom near the center on the outward-facing side).
-A waiting area/cafeteria on the far side of both halls. Within are about half a dozen scared-looking civilians. They're being guarded by two SIDE agents.
-The left hall has several interview/interrogation rooms. All of them are empty save the one Brace is still being held in. There are two SIDE agents in that room, and from what Gestalt can see on his quick pass, they're guarding and continuing to interrogate Brace. One of them is now suited up in powered armor, however.
-The left hall also contains an infirmary. Three injured SIDE agents are within, along with two medics. A single agent in powered armor is on guard.
-The right hall has some more offices, and two unmarked and windowless doors (possibly supply closets).
-The right hall also has a lounge/break room. There are two shining examples of SIDE inside, providing valuable contributions to their team's goals in this time of crisis by watching tv.

Future Simon regards his past self for a moment and gives a soft sigh. "Very well," he says.

Then without another word he rushes forward, striking in a rapid blur with a series of crippling blows at Simon's joints. But Simon is no stranger to the martial arts and reacts with augmented speed; he's able to fend the attacks.

Gestalt, you can end up in any of the locations. You can cover a little more than half the accessible area of the building with a move action at Flight 4.

Future Simon:
Move: Close with Simon.
Standard: Attack with Pressure Point Strike (Fighting). Accurate Attack for 2. [roll0]. Crit 16+. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage and Fortitude DC 18 vs. Weaken Fighting. Miss

Current Status:
Mandragora: Fatigued.
Gestalt: +10 Toughness.
Simon: EQ Nullified, Bruised, Fatigued.
Annabelle: Normal.

Future Simon: Normal.

All PCs are on turn.

2014-11-24, 07:35 PM
Leviath chooses to make his first stop in the lounge room. Now that he had in a way the entire SIDE building to play with he could try to improve their chances at holding Future Simon back. Starting with these two

Now, he was pretty sure he had no authority over SIDE. But maybe he could rouse them to fight or something

"Hey! You two? We have a bit of a crisis going on and I need your help. I'm Gestalt, with the Hero Corps. Here's the situation, there's a time traveler fighting against a fellow member of the Corps in the lobby, and he injured 8 of your agents outside the building. They might be dying.

What would the next step be? Find a backdoor out and try to go help the wounded outside? No wait, he could break one of the higher floor windows and just fly them in instead...

Except posibly not. There was a time warp of some sorts around wasn't there? Maybe he should try to enlist Brace's help? Seemed like a relatively good idea. He really hoped noone mistook his bird from one of the hostile ones

I'm rolling Persuade to try to get those two to help me
(Possible +5 if they find Leviath's looks appealing. Truth be told I'm not counting on this bonus)

2014-11-24, 11:22 PM
From within the storm of strikes and counters that was his fight with himself, Simon had to admit that he was enjoying himself. Watching fights unfold in slow motion had long ago turned fighting into a game of chess. A game that his future self was very, very good at. While part of him wanted to keep fighting and learning from his opponent's movements, he couldn't afford to give Leviath too much time to escape.

When the next strike came, Simon deflected the strike and struck. Hard. He over-committed himself to the strike. Not by much. To a lesser martial artist it might not even have been a mistake. But it was enough to give his opponent an opportunity to grab his arm and counter with a throw.

Leviath might only need to escape, but Simon only had to let himself through.

Attack: Nerve Strike (FTG) (power attack 3)[roll0]. Critical miss? Intentionally missing, but want to make the attack look real.
Deception 30 to sell the attack.