View Full Version : How to get wings [3.5]

Teapot Salty
2014-07-03, 12:30 AM
Hey guys. I'm wondering, how I can get wings, without a magic item, as a muggle, (although prestige classes can be magic) thanks, and as always, go nuts.

2014-07-03, 12:40 AM
Devote oneself to Bahamut the Platinum Dragon. (aka become a Dragonborn)

2014-07-03, 01:09 AM

One makes you go crazy if you aren't evil though.

2014-07-03, 01:22 AM
Hey guys. I'm wondering, how I can get wings, without a magic item, as a muggle, (although prestige classes can be magic) thanks, and as always, go nuts.

can you justify taking a template for them?
if so then be a winger X (savage species 137) its only LA+2 .

buy mechanical ones from an artificer and go full steam punk.

i can remember seeing a feat that dose it but i dont know what it is sorry.

and there are also classes that give you wings in fact there's a ton of them tho most of them have some kind of special power so there not strictly muggles.

tho if your DM will let you and you happen to know a friendly wizard get them to get a wing spell then permanency on you, i know that's not strictly how permanency works RAW but in all games i ruin you can permanency any spell so long as its active on the person you cast permanency on and yes i have had players permanently blinding NPC's by magic, make flying horses, and giving a serpent familiar everlasting mage hands (yes hands as in plural).

2014-07-03, 01:35 AM
Do the wings need to be attached to you, or can they be on a mount that you ride? Because that opens up a ton of special mount, animal companion, and wild cohort options.

2014-07-03, 01:41 AM

One makes you go crazy if you aren't evil though.

You can just buy an eternal wand of lesser restoration. The feathered wings graft is still well worth the price.

2014-07-03, 01:55 AM
The Dragon Wings feat from RotD does it. It's first level only and requires the dragonblood subtype (which can be acquired through the Dragontouched feat.) The wings only allow gliding and give bonus to Jump, but you can take Improved Dragon wings to gain flying for a limited number of rounds, and Reinforced Wings/Heavyweight Wings for actual flight with a heavy load.

There's also an Abyssal Heritor feat that gives wings, but they only give gliding and a scaling Jump bonus and can't be upgraded.

2014-07-03, 01:58 AM
Dragon disciple gives you wings at the 9th level, if you care THAT much.

2014-07-03, 02:53 AM
If you're starting at level 1, choose a raptoran as race. You won't be able to fly off the bat, however...

Flight (Ex): When a raptoran reaches 5 Hit Dice, she becomes able to fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). A raptoran can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Raptorans can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. Raptorans are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because raptorans can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, they can remain aloft for extended periods (even if they can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued).

When they reach 10 Hit Dice, raptorans have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. They can fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running. A raptoran with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the raptoran must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A raptoran can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it deals double damage. A raptoran with flight can use the run action while flying, provided she flies in a straight line.

I never understood why they didn't give this race regular flight like the Avariel, but I don't see a level adjustment, so that should give you natural flight for free- no spells or costly grafts.

Alternatively, the Winged Template and Half fey Temlplate, at +2 LA each will grant you wings (and in the latter's case, a plethora of scaling SLA).

Silva Stormrage
2014-07-03, 03:15 AM
The unseelie fey template is a + 0 LA one and has a chance of giving wings.

2014-07-03, 05:47 AM
This is when a different player takes Air Heritage and can fly with out wing a lot better than most options listed so far.

2014-07-03, 06:06 AM
The unseelie fey template is a + 0 LA one and has a chance of giving wings.

Actually it allows you to choose wings or not, and provides a table to randomly select just in case you wanna go that route.

Speed: Many fey have wings. Some of them are mere vestiges unable to support the weight of the unseelie fey, but most are usable, enabling the creature to fly at twice the base creature's normal speed (average maneuverability). A base creature that normally has wings might have wings unusual for its kind. Wings can be of any type listed on the table below. Select the wings or roll randomly (see the table below).

That right, flight on an LA 0. Granted iron vulnerability sucks, as does a con hit, but still. Damn.

2014-07-03, 06:07 AM
This is when a different player takes Air Heritage and can fly with out wing a lot better than most options listed so far.

Hmm? Air Heritage only gives +30 ft to your fly speed.

2014-07-03, 06:40 AM
Hmm? Air Heritage only gives +30 ft to your fly speed.

Oh woop i do apologies silly me its some of the other air elemental stuff that gives you flying well i guess if you want to be a fast flyer you may as well take Air Heritage as well as what ever you use to gain flying as well then.

2014-07-03, 06:54 AM
Lords of Madness has abberant feats open to anyone. Youd have to burn 3 feats (Aberation Blood, any other abberant feat, Starspawn), But you'd have non magical wings.

2014-07-03, 07:11 AM
That right, flight on an LA 0. Granted iron vulnerability sucks, as does a con hit, but still. Damn.

Correction: Unseelie fey is not LA +0, it is LA - (no LA mentioned)

I'll second the demonic wings graft.

2014-07-03, 08:11 AM
Hengeyokai Sparrow/Crane (Oriental Adventures) can fly in animal or hybrid form. It's LA +0 with the 3.5 update, but unfortunately the update was in Dragon #318, which some groups don't allow.

Animal Devotion (Complete Champion) lets anyone fly for 10 rounds per day. This is one of the less contentious methods for a 1st level character to gain a fly speed, although some groups are wary of everything in Complete Champion. Take it multiple times or use Turn Undead to get additional uses.

2014-07-03, 08:48 AM
Correction: Unseelie fey is not LA +0, it is LA - (no LA mentioned)

The LA for Unseelie fey is listed as +0 in the Dragon Compendium in the stat block of the example creature.

Also of note: The template specifies 'Always Evil' alignment.

They're expensive, but I've always liked the zelekhut wing graft for flight.

2014-07-03, 09:15 AM
Have a caster persit/permanence a fly spell on you.
Be a Kobold through RoTD and get the wings.

Ernir put together a nice list that covers this too. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items)
Couple Shapesand with these item and presto! Cheap fly items!

EDIT: Whoops! I brain farted on the "no magic item" part... do you cound shapesand as a magic item?

2014-07-03, 09:36 AM
Warlock and DragonFire Adept both get 24hr flight with Lesser Invocations. Fluff them to be wings or whatever you want.

2014-07-03, 10:21 AM
Actually it allows you to choose wings or not, and provides a table to randomly select just in case you wanna go that route.

That right, flight on an LA 0. Granted iron vulnerability sucks, as does a con hit, but still. Damn.

Yeah, but since it's an LA 0 race, I definitely made the one player I have who took it, roll. Granted, he got wings, so it worked out for him.

Also note, Unseelie Fey, I believe, have to be evil, as per the race.

2014-07-03, 10:46 AM
Dragon shaman level 19 grants dragon wings and flight speed. All you have to do is suck for 18 levels!

Hell, if your GM is willing to listen, you could argue for moving that particular class feature up 10 levels or so to make it even with the point at which spellcasting classes get flight (and it would still be 6 levels behind in some cases (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/alterSelf.htm)).

2014-07-03, 11:18 AM
Is Avariel a thing in 3.5?
And if so, do they still count as Humanoide?
Cuz in that case, you could Alter Self into one.

2014-07-03, 12:07 PM
I believe there's a feat for tieflings and aasimars to get wings too, but I think it's 3.0...

Teapot Salty
2014-07-03, 12:23 PM
Raptoran is cool. Is the flight and other stuff worth losing the extra feat?

2014-07-03, 12:32 PM
2 Levels of Totemist allows you to shape Pegasus Cloak soulmeld and bind it to your totem, allowing you to form birdlike wings and fly up to 10 feet per point of essentia invested.
9 levels of it allows to bind it to shoulders, giving fly speed of 10 feet per point of essentia invested.

2014-07-03, 09:05 PM
The Half-Fiend & half-Celestial template also give wings.

2014-07-04, 12:35 AM
My Sig. Go to the EVD. Get the handbook titled Augmentation. Look up grafts and I think there is a mutating disease as well that can give you wings for free. Or dissolve all your bones. Maybe both.

2014-07-04, 12:49 AM
The Half-Fiend & half-Celestial template also give wings.

Probably one of the least efficient ways to pick up wings, especially if wings are your only real requirement.

Winged is nice because it gives you good odds of picking up perfect flight if dex wasn't a dump stat for you, though at a +2 some might consider it a little high.

Half fey for a +2 gives you a lot more goodies along with your wings making the price far more worth it.

Unseelie fey is the cheapest option by far, though it has some serious drawbacks (iron vulnerability, and a hit to con).

Half Celeistial/Fiend are expensive LA wise, but do come with a pile of stats, SR, SLA's, and DR, among other things.

Half Dragon is a solid choice if your looking to add flight to a beatstick. Big bonuses to STR and CON go a long way to making up the LA, and if you want to spend the feats on it you can get that breath weapon down to a real short cooldown.

Jeff the Green
2014-07-04, 01:28 AM
The LA for Unseelie fey is listed as +0 in the Dragon Compendium in the stat block of the example creature.

Also of note: The template specifies 'Always Evil' alignment.

They're expensive, but I've always liked the zelekhut wing graft for flight.

More to the point, if a template doesn't mention a characteristic, it doesn't change it. You don't need to specify LA +0 on a template because that's the default.

Also, "always evil" doesn't mean always evil. It means with very rare exceptions. If there can be a succubus paladin there can be a good underlie fey.

2014-07-04, 08:54 AM
the race Feytouched grants wings and is only LA+1

2014-07-04, 08:59 AM
the race Feytouched grants wings and is only LA+1
The Half-Fey template (which is LA +2) grants winged flight, but Feytouched have no such ability.