View Full Version : How Do I Do This?

2014-07-03, 12:44 PM
So, I recently stumbled upon the Drow Fighter ACF which says I get Dex to Dmg (as well as some other things) against flat footed targets. I want to combine this with Weapon Finess and the Invisibility spell so I can stab people with all the Dexterity. The thing is, aside from the fighter dip, I don't know what other classes would allow me to do this in an efficient manner.

Halp D:

2014-07-03, 12:46 PM
Any class that gives Sneak Attack dice.

2014-07-03, 12:55 PM
Well DUH, but like, what classes would be most optimal to gaining the Invisibility Spell and being able to use it often? Should I just go into that Drow Rogue Cleric PrC (Eye of Lolth) as an optimal build path? I mean, I know I'm going to be a Drow, getting Weapon Finesse, taking that one level of Fighter and the rest of it in Rogue and some kind of spell casting class, but I don't know which one, or if I should consider one thing over the other, etc.

2014-07-03, 12:57 PM
If you're not going to explain things clearly, don't get snippy with people who try to give advice.

Jeff the Green
2014-07-03, 01:00 PM
First, you don't need to be a Drow to take the Drow ACFs. Second, I recommend Swordsage. They have a number of ways to render enemies flat-footed.

2014-07-03, 01:16 PM
SA dice? and invi at will? pfffff... PLAY A NINJA! :smallbiggrin: (complete adventurer)

John Longarrow
2014-07-03, 01:21 PM
First, you don't need to be a Drow to take the Drow ACFs. Second, I recommend Swordsage. They have a number of ways to render enemies flat-footed.
Sword Sage can take a feat that lets them add dex to damage when in a shadowhand stance and using a shadownhand weapon. This doesn't need invisibility or other tricks to use.

2014-07-03, 01:31 PM
The invisibility spell isn't actually that useful for the Drow Fighter ACF. That is to say, Drow Fighter doesn't benefit anymore then a character without the feat. Attacking someone when invisible isn't the same as attacking someone who is flat-footed.

2014-07-03, 02:04 PM
Attacking someone when invisible isn't the same as attacking someone who is flat-footed

This is correct. Being invisible, by itself, only denies your target its dex. You need to be hidden in addition to being invisible to get them flat-footed, and doing things other than just hiding while hidden gives you fat minuses to your hide.