View Full Version : Ideas for a Evil Druid

2014-07-03, 02:00 PM
Hi playground!!
The next week muy current parte will start a evil campaign and i'm looking for ideas for my PC.
I'm planning to use a druid or a cleric(focused on combat), do you have some ideas can i use.
The campaign will be high demand.

2014-07-03, 02:07 PM
I actually made a post on this topic pretty recently hereabouts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17685357&postcount=5). Most of the stuff didn't work perfectly for that particular character, but it'd probably add up fine for a more standard evil druid. You should disregard the thing about dragonborn though, as it doesn't work on evil characters.

2014-07-03, 02:12 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "high demand," nor am I sure if you're looking for mechanics or fluff.

I will suggest fluff, since mechanics don't really depend on alignment too much with druids.

I'd look at the more extreme "environmentalist" movements for inspiration. Nature first, everything else second. And of course, anything that doesn't do what he thinks is natural is violating nature, defiling it and in need of correction or destruction. Growing crops? You're despoiling the land and driving out animals and plants that SHOULD be there. Cutting down trees? Unwarranted violence against innocent, harmless trees. Living in a city? Not only have you ripped the materials to build it out of nature through violence and desecration, but you're denying your rightful place in nature by living separate from it. At best, you should be reduced back to hunter/gatherer; at worst, you should be executed for your crimes.

He's perfectly comfortable, of course, living the savage life, and may even have trappings of culture and dignity that he would deny to others. His are okay, you see, because he gets them through his communal relationship with nature. His magic provides him food and comfort, and his grooming is a natural preening that the most worthy of possible beings do to show their worth as apex predators. But if you're not doing it his way and in ways he approves, you must be penalized.

He makes exception for his party-mates, as long as they pay lip service to his cause, because they do more good than harm and they, like him, have earned their place in the dog-eat-dog natural world.

2014-07-03, 05:57 PM
Druids are all about revering and defending nature. Let's list some things which are natural and occur regularly in nature:

Murder (not only out of necessity, defense, or eating the victim, but also for amusement and to impress others)
Neglecting children
Stinky Armpits
Long, shaggy hair
Unshaven legs

Taking into consideration that a Druid is expected not merely to tolerate, but to revere natural things. it's not hard at all to see how a Druid can be unsavory, or even downright savage in disposition..