View Full Version : CotCT: Edge of Anarchy [IC]

2014-07-04, 05:09 PM
Korvosa, the Jewel of Varisia, has long sparkled on Varisia’s southern shore. Established 300 years ago by Cheliax at the height of that empire’s expansion, the city now commands its own destiny. A line of Korvosan kings and queens emerged to rule the city, establishing an infamous seat power—the Crimson Throne. Rulers have sat upon the Crimson Throne for more than a century, and the city has flourished. Yet the monarchy always seems on the brink of disaster. The Crimson Throne is not a prize to be won—it is a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling. Even though King Eodred II controls Korvosa more fully than any previous monarch, that control remains tenuous, and many secretly count the days until their latest king falls to what they call the Curse of the Crimson Throne...

You've been prowling the city, day and night, hunting for any sign of the man who framed your brother. It should have been easy enough; you knew his name after-all, and had even managed to get a half-way decent description of him from some former associates. You went to the Korvosan Guard with what you knew, but they couldn't help you.

“We know he’s trouble, and we’re doing the best we can to find him—that’s all we can do for you now."

You've spent days, weeks, months, even, in your quest to find him. The stakes are high, and your brother's reputation is on the line, but Gaedran Lamm is like a ghost. Everyone's heard of him, but no one can say where they've seen him.

Now, you sit in your apartment alone. By blending in with the people around you, you've unfortunately not had much opportunity to make friends. Your last lead, a member of the Cerulean Society who'd had a bit too much to drink, just washed up in Old Korvosa with a knife in his back an hour before you were to meet with him. Completely at a loss of what to do, you open up the drawer of the tiny desk in your room and take out a quill and some ink, intent on taking note of your latest findings. In place of the parchment in your drawer, however, you find a strange card. Taking it out, you see that it is a Varisian Harrow card, labeled plainly as "The Queen Mother" and depicting a large red insect dressed regally and wearing a crown while several larvae surround her. On the back of the card, written in bold ink, is a message.

"I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedran must face his fate, and justice must be done."

Curious, you ask around and find that the address given to you is the home and fortune-telling shop of a Varisian woman named Zellara...

You almost had him. Damn it all, you almost had him! You found one of "Lamm's Little Lambs" picking the pocket of a traveling Taldan merchant. You followed the child, knowing that eventually, she'd lead you right to Gaedran Lamm, the man who'd single-handedly destroyed your entire life. So much time, so many years, all sacrificed so that that old gangster could make a few more pinches. Well he had his pinches, and now you had your prey.

You followed the girl as she lifted from a few more unsuspecting citizens. When she had acquired her quota for the day, you pursued her up, up the walls of the nearest buildings, into the Shingles. You knew this place; you'd practically lived here the past two years as you studied the arts of the shinobi, the assassin of the Dragon Empires, the Ninja. It was so easy for you now, to creep like a spider over obstacles, along clothes lines, even through windows. It was, perhaps, a little too easy. That's why you slipped up.

The girl was doubtless almost to her destination, and you to your quarry, when it grabbed you. A choker, lurking in the shadows of the roof you now stood on. It caught you off guard and for several seconds, you wrestled with it as it tried to get its slender fingers around your neck. By the time you got your weapon in hand and ended the threat, the child was gone. You searched for hours after that, but she was gone. You had gotten sloppy, and now this precious chance had slipped through your fingers. You sheathed your weapon but, as you began to descend from the Shingles, you saw a something small and colored slip out of your gi, fluttering slightly as it fell to the ground.

You picked it up, interested despite yourself, and saw that it was a Varisian Harrow card. It was labeled as the Rabbit Prince, and depicted a rabbit standing upright and dressed in the pomp and garb of a noble. On the back was a message, written in bold ink, clearly intended for you:

"I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedran must face his fate, and justice must be done."

Already, the sun was going down. You didn't have much time, but you knew the place, and you knew of several shortcuts. A few alleys, a risky jump between two rooftops, a couple shadowy corners, and you were there; a small house and fortune-telling shop, by the look of it, and if the sign out front was any indication, it was owned by a woman named Zellara...

The reputation of the Three Rings Tavern for having delicious breakfast is well earned, you decide. Of course, free breakfast always tastes good. You had to make some promises to the cook in the back, of course, as you've had to with so many other men, in order to get the food, but that's part of life. You take another bite of the Varisian sweet roll and can't help but give thanks to the first half of the Savored Sting. This is, indeed, savory.

Life hasn't been too bad since you've come here. The people are decent enough, and far more importantly, they are needy in all the ways you are most proficient with providing for. You've got a room upstairs which is, to all effects, yours, and you have a life now beyond the hedonism and flayleaf that defined your past years. Things have improved... but all good things come with a price, and the Savored Sting will not allow you to enjoy these pleasures forever while the one who so wronged you is still out there. And he is still out there. You can feel it. Gaedran Lamm, the gangster who so upset your life, is still free and happy. All ill deeds deserve another, you've learned... but as yet, you've not found a way to get to him.

Before you can even begin to think of a way to find the sleazy crime lord, something on the table catches your eye. A Harrow card, left sitting face up on the table. You look around, but there's no sign of any Varisian who might have owned it, and there are no other cards that lead you to believe it came from another deck. Looking closer, you see that the card is labeled as "The Publican" and depicts an old cyclops pouring ale from one mug into another. Curious, you flip it over and see a message has been scrawled on the back in bold ink.

"I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedran must face his fate, and justice must be done."

Suddenly very much interested, you do a few favors and make a few suggestions. A few hours later, you stand outside of a Varisian fortune-telling shop in Midland. You now know that it belongs to a woman named Zellara, who lives in the shop. Answers, you're sure, await you inside...

It was going to be a long day. You felt it in your gut. On some days, when the bakery was slow, you could find time to slip off and read some of your favorite books, tomes detailing the history and lore of times long past, or books of lost and forgotten magic, or just bestiaries, fascinating in their depictions of monsters that may or may not even exist in Varisia. Today wouldn't be one of those days, though. Ever since the king had gotten sick, business was booming. Your parents were pleased, of course, but the business didn't excite you like it did them. You had other things on your mind. Other places. Other people. Other deeds.

You were never a baker. Sighing regretfully, you leaf through your spellbook longingly, incomplete and new as it is. To your surprise, a small card flits out as the pages turn. You pause and pick up the card, curious at what could have gotten mixed in with your tome. To your surprise, it is a Harrow card. A label at the top says "The Wanderer", and the picture on the card is of a centaur, garbed in a tunic and straw hat, and wearing an assortment of odds and ends ranging from swords, staffs, bows, and bottles all the way to badges, scrolls, a gauntlet, and wind chimes. Flipping the card over, you see that there is a message scrawled in bold colored ink.

"I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedran must face his fate, and justice must be done."

The words on the card haunt your mind all through the work day until, at last, you can contain yourself no longer. You excuse yourself from the kitchen, though no one really notices as you leave. You ask for directions, and find that the address is to a Varisian woman named Zellara's house and fortune-telling shop in Midland...

When you learned that Gaedran Lamm was responsible for Arla's death, you were hardly happy, but you had felt a cold satisfaction that vengeance and retribution would be yours. Days later, you're tapped out. You've used every trick in the book, but the man is a ghost. You've found no sign of him, though everyone seems to have heard of him. The best you can get is from a Cerulean Society member, who tells you that Lamm is a monster of a man who uses children to collect his dues, and that the Society isn't interested in Lamm's fate.

There is no one who can help you, and indeed all of your training and magic aren't enough. You've almost given up as you sit alone in the tavern, drinking. So fallen, so pitiable do you look that the bartender brings you a free drink, on the house. You go to take a large gulp of the burning liquid, but something hits your lips. Looking into the cup, you see a card floating in your drink. You remove the card, but find that it is not at all blurred by the sogginess or alcohol. In fact, you find that the card is a Varisian Harrow card labeled as "The Big Sky". It depicts a prisoner or slave who's shackles have been broken as he looks up to the sun above. Written in bold ink on the back of the card is a message.

"I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedran must face his fate, and justice must be done."

The bartender is as surprised as you are about the card, and swears that he had nothing to do with it. You ask around and find that the address mentioned is to a small home and fortune-telling shop in Midland, owned by a Varisian woman named Zellara. You go there at sunset, hoping, perhaps, to find some answers...

The cozy chamber within this small home is filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice. The haze comes from several sticks of incense smoldering in wall-mounted burners that look like butterfly-winged elves. The smoke itself seems to soften edges and gives the room a dream-like feel. The walls are draped with brocaded tapestries, one showing a black-skulled beast juggling men’s hearts, another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-blasted mountain. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall hooded figure shrouded in mist, a flaming sword held in a skeletal hand. Several brightly-colored rugs cover the floor, but the room’s only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throwcloth and several elegant tall-backed chairs. A basket covered by blue cloth sits under the table. Sitting atop the table, weighted down by a stone statuette depicting a swallowtail butterfly, is a note written in the same ink and handwriting as the card you found earlier.

"Thank you for coming. I had to step out for a bit, but shall return shortly. Please, have a seat while you wait. The basket under the table contains bread and drink for you."

Looking into the basket, you can see that it does indeed contain several loafs of bread and a bottle of wine.

Alright, the order in which you post is the order in which you arrive at Zellara's house. Go ahead and post accordingly, and take this opportunity to introduce yourselves to one another.

2014-07-04, 07:59 PM

Arriving early Tsalith enters the empty room, his right hand resting lightly on his scimitar. His green eyes scan the room taking in all the details as he was trained to do. Nobody. His eyes catch the note and he reads it carefully.
It seems there is no trap or ambush.
Tsalith relaxes and moves like a cat as he sits on the sofa and looks at the wine and then pours himself a glass and leans into the chair.

2014-07-04, 08:16 PM
Basil Blackwood

Only a few minutes after Tsalith entered, another man walks cautiously into the room. He had been waiting in the street outside to see if one of these supposed other guests arrived before he entered himself. Arms crossed when he walks in, he conceals the hand in his coat, gripping the handle of his wooden stake. While a somewhat unconventional weapon to be sure, vampires were one of the creatures his family trained to hunt. It never hurt to be prepared.

The man wears a long coat with armor plating inside, over a simple, pragmatic outfit. It was reminiscent of a military uniform, but unmarked the sort a freelance mercenary might wear. slung over his shoulder was a bow and quiver, and a plain silver mace rests at his belt. After a moment observing the man in the chair, he decides that this is not an ambush. Stepping forward he examines the note, comparing it to the writing on the back of the 'Queen Mother'. "Another guest, I take it?" Basil asks as he pours himself a glass and takes a seat across from the man already there. Though Basil lifts the glass to his mouth for a moment, he does not take a drink, just makes it seem like he does. Never trust wine from a stranger. He'd see how it affected the man across from him first.

Grim ranger
2014-07-05, 04:29 PM
Bel'on Eshedor

Arriving from shadows of the street without much preamble, the smoky-haired ninja narrows his eyes somewhat as he enters the home of this Zellara person, wary of possible trap but still hopeful that this meeting might allow him to get back on the trail of Gaedran Lamm. A black scarf wrapped over his nose and mouth to at least somewhat conceal his identity along with black hood, he remains silent as he notices two more people present inside. Well, it seems that the one contacting him has also called upon others to further improve the chances of successful hunt.

Well, although all help is welcome with getting closer to the elusive bastard, the tiefling is set on his goal: it will be his blade that will claim the life of the wretched bastard, and anyone getting in the way of that particular objective will feel his boots treading right over themselves. His vendetta is what has given his life purpose for longest time now, and he will never compromise on it.

Keeping a wary eye on the two others already present, Bel'on goes on to lean against wall in the corner of the room, his electric blue eyes narrowed in thought as he waits. By the looks of it, things will get interesting very soon.

2014-07-05, 05:36 PM

Tsailith watches Basil enter, still relaxing, his long blond hair hanging over his mail shirt.

"Another guest, I take it?"

"It appears that way. I wonder home many more are coming?"

As Bel'on enters Tsalith's eyes follow the silent figure.

"It seems Gaedran had made a habit of ****ing people over." His face darkens.

2014-07-06, 10:17 AM

The nondescript man enters warily into the room as Tsalith spoke, his loose scholarly robes marking him as one of the learned. Yet, strangely, this one is also worn and somewhat stained, as if he had spent his hours working in the fields, instead of poring over books. Tomas wasn't surprised that he wasn't the only one invited. He was surprised at the exotic mix of guests present. Nor at the fact that they were bristling with weaponry. It'd seem whatever this Zellara wants, she appears to mean business. Suddenly, Tomas was glad he brought his dagger and crossbow along, hidden as it was under his robes.

"Well, quite a party we're having here, aren't we?" Tomas said with an affable smile, as he walked in and leaned back on the door frame. "May I hazard that you're also here for our mutual friend?"

EDIT: minor typo

2014-07-06, 12:45 PM
"Hm," Basil gives a curt nod in the newest guest's direction. "You know what they say about the enemy of my enemy. And it seems our quarry has no shortage of enemies."

2014-07-06, 03:02 PM

"Hmmmm, seems like we have ourselves a little party going on here, well it does suit me to be fashionably late, ho hum~" A blonde woman playfully said as she entered the establishment, lazily leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over her chest. She was a somewhat tall lady of pleasant curves, whose silken dress seemed to capitalize on her assets much too deliberately. She playfully winked in the direction of Tsalith and Tomas and strutted over to the stone statuette depicting the swallowtail butterfly.

Pouring herself a drink she sat down at the table and cradled the glass with one hand, in her other hand, she held the card of the Publican and found herself smirking, well the cyclops had the right idea. She took a small drink and properly observed her surroundings. So, apparently whoever this Zellara had called for them...or who knows, maybe it was some other who was simply using the fortune telling shop for their own ends.

"So what do you gentlemen know about these, aside from it being a Harrow card?" She held up her card and eyed the others.

2014-07-06, 04:32 PM
Not sure which is appropriate for knowing about Harrow cards, so I'll make the ones that seem most relevant.

Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]

2014-07-06, 04:43 PM

Tsalith nods, his eyes locked on Evelyn. "I know little other than I got one as well." He pulls his card out and tosses it on the table: The Big Sky. "I never thought about it much." He looks at the cards.

Knowledge(Arcana) [roll0]

2014-07-07, 03:02 AM

Like Tsalith, Tomas' gaze was drawn towards Evelyn the moment she walked in. Seeing the two drawing their cards, Tomas produces his own: The Wanderer, emblazoned with the picture of a centaur with assorted odds and ends. "That whoever called us here has quite the skill to get these to the right places. And has a vested interest in our friend."

(Rolling just to see what I get.)

Knowledge(Local): [roll0]
Knowledge(Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge(Religion): [roll2]

2014-07-07, 03:44 AM
Meanwhile as checks were made..

"Ahem, pardon my rudeness though gentlemen, I believe a proper introduction is in order," She said as she brought the rim of the glass to her lips, with her other hand still handling the card. "But my name is Evelyn, you may call me Evie. I hazard a guess that we are all here for the same reason, Gaedran Lamm." She kept on her playful smile and eyed the boys and gauged their reaction and body language.

Grim ranger
2014-07-07, 04:06 AM

Pulling the harrow card he had been supplied with earlier out of his pocket with the aid of his flexible tail, Bel'on shows it to the rest. The card is the Rabbit Prince, depicting a rabbit standing upright whilst wearing the garb of a nobleman. "Why else would gathering like this take place? The wretched bastard needs to die" Bel'on says bluntly, remaining leaning against the corner with his arms folded over his chest. "As for introductions, I am known as Bel'on, and I am the one who will end Gaedran's life. Anyone who assists me in that goal is an ally. Anyone who gets in the way of that goal will be a casualty. Anyone" he says meaningfully, his electric blue eyes looking at the each of the other attendees in turn.

2014-07-07, 04:56 AM

Tsalith's eye move towards Bel'on as he speaks and his eyes narrow as he threatens anyone who gets in his way.

"My name name is Tsalith, previous member of the Hydra." A pained look crosses his face. "And Yes I am here for Gaedran Lamm."

2014-07-07, 01:15 PM
Tomas couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Bel'on zealous tone. This one would be someone to watch out for. Still affecting an affable tone, he said, "Tomas Kystal, at your service." He gave a short bow. "And yes, Lamm managed to derail what was supposed to be a promising career. There're quite a few choice words I'd like to have with him."

2014-07-07, 02:38 PM
"Basil," the nobleman states from where he is reclined in the chair, glancing at Evelyn and then at Bel'on. "My family requires proof that Lamm framed my brother, I don't much care what happens to the man himself; but if you ask me everyone's better off with him dead."

2014-07-08, 10:48 PM
The harrow deck is a deck of special cards used primarily by Varisian seers and scam artists to foretell the future (or lure unwary travelers away from their money).

The Big Sky shows an epic moment as the slaves of a nation are freed. The slaves' freedom specifies momentous and powerful change, as old shackles are cast off in the light of day.

The Publican represents fellowship and camaraderie, and a place of refuge for those in need.

The Queen Mother is knowledge personified. The formian on the card knows all but does not reveal anything to anyone who does not show her proper worship. She is fond of the powerless and the under classes, for they serve her when the more powerful refuse. She represents the need to become part of a society, or to bow before those who know more than you.

The Rabbit Prince is a quirky fellow who represents the vagaries of hand-to-hand combat. The Prince is battle personified and nothing if not capricious. As his broken sword symbolizes, any combatant can fall in battle, no matter how brave or skilled.

The Wanderer is a collector. This centaur appreciates that which others regard as junk or trash. The Wanderer appears to those clever enough to find the true worth in something others ignore or treat as worthless.

While there is meaning in every harrow card, and indeed, there are those seers out there who truly can foretell the future with them, the cards themselves are not inherently magical.

Uncovering the basket, you find several loafs of bread. Those of you who partake of the bread find it to be a little stale, but otherwise more than filling. It has a very slight, subtle sweetness to it that only a true blooded Varisian baker could have achieved. The wine is similarly tasty, in an inexpensive sort of way. It is by no means fine, but not unpleasant. For some of you, it is a refreshingly wholesome meal, despite the grim conversation passing overtop of it.

After several minutes of conversing together, you get a glimpse of an attractive middle-aged woman with long dark hair passing by the front window. There is a bit of fumbling at the door before she (http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120216163823/bswupathfinder/images/f/f5/Zellara.png) pushes it open and steps inside with an awkward smile. She closes the door behind her with a sigh and a "Whew!" before turning to face you. Her dirty, ratty clothes are earth-toned and almost colorless when compared to the typical Varisian garb, and she wears a drab kapenia with a simple design in her hair like a bandanna.

"Hi," she greets you all breathlessly, doing a small curtsy as she moves over to sit in one of the six chairs around her table, "Thank you all so much for coming! I'm sorry for all of the theatrics and parlor tricks I had to use to get you to come, but... Well, I'll explain that in a moment. Please, my friends, be seated. You don't know it yet, but we are all of us friends, fellows in arms."

The woman smiles warmly at each of you, silently encouraging you through her expression to take a seat and be at ease.

"My name is Zellara," she tells you, removing from her dress a deck of worn-looking Harrow cards, "I'm sorry, but... What should I call each of you?"

As you introduce yourselves to her, she begins shuffling the Harrow deck, laying the cards out in a line along the table and then sweeping them back up, then laying them out in a swirled pattern before once more returning them to her hand. Without breaking eye contact with each of you during the introductions, she goes on to weave an elaborate design with the cards. Beneath her hands, the cards float as if on a sea of wood, dancing around and among each and every other cards before being returned to a proper place in the reassembled deck. Whatever her skill with the cards in her hands, she doesn't even seem to notice them, so focused on each of you is she.

You notice with a start that the Harrow cards used to guide you to this shop are no longer in your possession, but have somehow gotten mixed in with Zellara's own Harrow deck.

You catch the briefest glimpse of your own card as she shuffles through the deck, and notice that the writing that was previously written so boldly on the front is no longer there. The cards, while dirty and worn, are otherwise clean of any markings.
Once you have all introduced yourselves to her, Zellara nods sagely.

"Friends to a friend, I thank you again for answering my call, and for showing such patience with my, um... unconventional way of contacting you. It wasn't meant to make mockery of you, or to offer you false hope, or to show off my own skills, or... well, anything like that, really. You see, I've been in hiding. A terrible man out there would see to that I was... harmed... if he knew I was reaching out for help. This man, this fiend, this... this devil in the night... is a man each of you knows well, for he has done each of you great harm as well. The man I speak of, my friends, is Gaedren Lamm," she says.

Her face is grimy and unwashed, her hair brittle and greasy beneath the kapenia, but the fire in her spirit smolders through her eyes, so that you can almost feel her quiet, barely-tamed wrath. She looks to each of you with a mixture of desperation and hope, hands wringing the Harrow deck piteously between them.

2014-07-09, 11:08 AM
It felt a little a different when it was someone else bringing up that wretched name. Evie's smile briefly twitched though she kept up her air of refined composure. "Yes, twas gathered, Madam Zellara. That foul man who seemed to have wronged us all, and so many more."

Prior to this, she had watched in curiosity as Zellara shuffled a Harrow deck with such finesse, it had brought an amused smile to her face.

Her expression then softened in sympathy as she worked her jaw. "So I suppose you have further information on him, such as his location? Despite my own efforts, no one I ever spoke to seemed to know where he could be found."

2014-07-09, 06:55 PM

"My name is Tsalith. Gaedren Lamm took the life of my love, my reputation, my career and framed me for her death. While my innocence has been established, my life will never be the same. I have no idea why this man has done this to me and why he has harmed all of you," he gestures to the group assembled, "but he must pay."

2014-07-09, 08:59 PM
"Basil, though your skills have no doubt revealed my name already," he examines the cards as she manipulates them on the table, noting that his own has been returned. She is either an extraordinary pickpocket and spy - which would explain how she'd evaded Lamm - or a true diviner and magician - which would also explain how she'd evaded Lamm. He nods along with Evie's question, "If you have information I am certain we would all be interested to hear it."

2014-07-09, 09:25 PM
Zellara nods sympathetically at your stories, her jaw tightening.

"About a year ago, a thief in the street stole this, my Harrow deck, from me. It is really important to me, an heirloom passed down through a dozen generations, and my only means of supporting myself..." Zellara explains, laying a hand gently on her reformed Harrow deck.

Her eyes are glazed over as she speaks, as she remembers.

My son, Eran... He was such a beautiful boy. He was only thirteen, but he was so brave... So clever, too. And handsome. He looked a lot like you," she says, smiling sadly at Tsalith.

Zellara swallows, but you can see she has a lump in her throat.

"Eran tracked down the thief who pickpocketed me. It was just a boy, I understand, but one in his employ. Gaedren Lamm," she says, almost spitting the name, "Murdered my son, as a 'reward' for finding him. He never came home to me, and the next morning, I found a box outside my door with h-his h-head and his h-h-hands and..."

Zellara turns away, wiping at her eyes with her arm. She only takes a moment to compose herself before turning back to you. The dirt on her cheeks is still smudged by her tears, but her face is as cold as iron, her eyes deadened by wrath.

"As you all know, the Guard is no help, and Lamm is too small for the Hellknights to care about. I did the only thing I could... I paid a few bribes, consulted my Harrow deck, and recently, I did it. I found him."

Zellara smiles grimly at you.

"I need your help, now. I cannot hope to face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that if I were to go to them, the monster would know of their coming before they'd even decided to move after him.. Even if they did arrest him, what guarantee would I have that he would be punished? You know what he's done! You know what the right thing is. You know that that mossback deserves to die, for what he did to each of you, and to Eran, and to me."

Another tear falls from Zellara's eye, but she doesn't bother to wipe it away. Her lip trembles with barely contained anger.

"I'm so tired of knowing that he's still out there, still preying on innocent, good people. Gaedren Lamm has evaded the law for decades... but you can end this! End him! Please, I'm begging you... Help me make him pay," pleads the Varisian woman, looking one by one at each of you.

She waits, letting the silence hang for a moment. If you couldn't see the tears on her cheeks, hear the emotion in her voice, feel the venom in her words, you might almost think her speech was rehearsed, like some Chelaxian opera, but you know that it is not. You, too, have felt the sting of Gaedren Lamm's crimes.

Zellara sniffs and wipes at her nose, then clears her throat.

Gaedren's been operating out of an old fishery north of here at Westpier 17. He's using the place to train his abducted children to be pickpockets while he lives tax-free counting his stolen treasure. I happen to know that he's there right now. So... Please. Will you help me?"

2014-07-09, 10:32 PM
Listening to the emotionally charged speech, Basil finally takes a sip of the wine. The woman's sincerity is evident. His own eyes are closed as he processes everything and does his best to stem his own disgust at their quarry. He opens his eyes a few moments later and taking a small piece of the sweet bread he soaks it in the wine, then places it in his mouth. Once finished with the piece he speaks, "Sounds like as good a place as any to look for proof to clear my family's name. I'll leave Lamm himself to our zealous associate here..." he indicates Bel'on, "...but will provide what aid I can otherwise."

2014-07-10, 05:54 AM

Tsalith nods in silence as Zellara speaks, tears welling up and a single one falling. The pain in his face is almost palatable. As Zellara compares himself to her his son, his eyes close momentarily. Pain washing over his face and then his eyes open with a fire that was not there before. "I am ready to confront this beast. I am ready to seek him and out and end him. I have sought for him for some time and ... almost nothing would please me more than confronting him."

Grim ranger
2014-07-10, 07:51 AM

Having listened in silence for a good while now, Bel'on finally speaks, tugging down his hood and scarf to show his smoky hair and sharp ears, his tail swaying from side to side behind him. "That scum truly has done you great injustice then...All of you. Not that I ever expected anything different, but this does give me more confidence that putting him down will mean something" he mutters. "I am Bel'on, but you must have known it, given you have managed to call me here so discreetly. And I congratulate you for managing to do what I could not: finding that crooked bastard."

His had tightening around the handle of the blade on his belt, he continues through gritted teeth. "And I should know everything about his operations... One could say I am intimately familiar with them. Your grievances are justified, every single one of them, but as selfish as it is I would kill anyone in this room in heartbeat if you'd rob me or my revenge. For while you have lost things to him, such as reputation, loved ones and more, I have never had anything due to him. I have had my life stolen away by that...degenerate, and all I care about is killing him. Literally nothing else holds weight for me in the entire world, even though I do dislike wronging people whom I'd rather ally with for common goal."

Breathing deeply after his intense rant, his eyes having narrowed to slits, the ninja shudders somewhat as he calms himself with effort. "What does Gaedren have in way of protection?" he asks, turning to glance at Zellara again. "Just because I have devoted my entire existence to painfully murdering him does not matter I'd rush in without a plan or consideration."

2014-07-10, 09:07 AM

And while the rest speaks, Tomas carefully keeps a very neutral expression. Though he was definitely moved by the collective stories that the group has presented so far, he remained quite interested on Zellera herself. He had noticed the absence of the card earlier, and it was quite evident, at least to this man, that Zellera was no ordinary fortune-teller. Plus, he was quite sure she choose the Harrow cards for each of them carefully.

"Tomas Kystal, and pleased to make your acquaintance," he said by way of greeting. "You may just address me by Tomas. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Still, he choose to keep this piece of information to himself for the moment. When she finishes her little speech, he deigns to speak up. "M'lady, I think I speak for all of us when I say we want to see Lamm to justice. But I hope you can indulge my curiosity. Just how sure are you that Lamm is where you say he is? A fool's run will not do any of us good, and I'm sure you understand my caution, if you will."

2014-07-10, 10:53 AM
Having listened in silence for a good while now, Bel'on finally speaks, tugging down his hood and scarf to show his smoky hair and sharp ears, his tail swaying from side to side behind him.

At the revelation of the ninja's fiendish features, the hand Basil had been resting at his side creeps unconsciously towards his silver mace. Upon becoming aware of the action, he stops himself from grabbing it and rests the hand near the handle instead. Silently, the nobleman takes another sip of wine and listens to the others confirm their allegiance to the cause. If this Bel'on was truly a creature of Hell it was unlikely Gaedren would have survived wronging him, so he must have had some unpleasant ancestry. And even if it was a fiend in their midst it would be foolish to provoke it now.

2014-07-10, 11:54 AM
Even Evie found herself getting a little misty eyed against her wishes, in which she casually wiped her eyes with her sleeve. She sympathetically smiled as she worked her jaw. A knot formed in her stomach, her fists clenching til her knuckles went white. She tried to distract herself with a long sip of the wine sitting in front of her.

"I am sorry to hear that Miss Zellara, my condolences," Her voice sincere, the embers of her anger stirred. She glanced up from her drink as Bel'on revealed himself, her brows furrowed in thought in which she silenced them with another distracted wine sip. She awaited to hear the fortune teller's response to one, Tomas Kystal.

2014-07-10, 06:23 PM
"Thank you... Thank you all so much," Zellara sniffs, smiling gratefully at each of you.

When Bel'on lowers his hood, Zellara doesn't flinch, or show any sign of surprise at his fiendish features.

"He will have his 'Little Lambs' with him," she tells Bel'on, "And a few of his cronies. I saw a one-eyed half-orc with him once, and his partner, the old assassin from Kaer Maga. I don't know who else he keeps with him."

She turns sharply to glare at Tomas. She snaps at him, irritably, "Of course I'm certain! I saw him there with my own eyes... but..."

Zellara's eyes widen slightly as she is stricken by an idea. Her hand closes over her Harrow deck and she pulls it in closer to her, holding it almost subconsciously against her chest as she stares at the table, thinking. Her prior attitude towards Tomas is seemingly forgotten.

"I... It might not help you any, but... I could... If you'd be interested... Do a Harrow reading for you? Perhaps I can glean some final piece of information about Lamm's operation, or learn how many men he has, or..." she trails off, her cheeks reddening slightly, "I know, it's a stupid idea, but... Do you want me to perform a reading?

2014-07-10, 08:07 PM

Tsalith does not blink when Bel'on reveals his features, but his face grows grim when he mention killing others, his hand moving to and resting on his scimitar. Tsalith lips parts, but he stops himself from speaking.

If this Bel'on tried to kill anyone here, he will need to deal with Tsalith. Tsalith examines this creature and decides that he will not trust him any more than is absolutely necessary. This creature is self centered and selfish.


"If you have a talent for the cards then please do. We can use all the help we can get."

2014-07-10, 08:12 PM
Basil gives a nod to affirm Tsalith's request, "Your skills are clearly not those of a charlatan. Let's see what the cards say."

2014-07-11, 02:27 AM

"You know, I think I would like to see that, on the curious side of what the cards have to say about me," She crookedly smirked and watched Zellara.

2014-07-11, 04:39 AM
(Ops, I just realised grim ranger post is before mine. :smalltongue: )

Tomas raised an eyebrow at the unceremonious unveiling of the tiefling, suppressing an instinctive flinch at the demonic appearance. Still, he hasn't cut anyone down yet, and Tomas took that as a good sign. So long he... and the others can keep this one's fury on Lamm, this should go well.

He nods at Zallera's request. "By all means. Do not let me stop you."

Grim ranger
2014-07-11, 09:19 AM

"I don't know how much the cards can tell us, but there should not be any harm in it" the tiefling mutters, nodding to Zellara. "I am sure that whatever they will say about my odds of survival will be less than pleasant, though."

2014-07-11, 07:50 PM
"Very well."

Zellara nods solemnly but determinedly. She stands and moves to her windows, closing each of them and the curtains after, ensuring some privacy and dimming the light in the room. Once all of the windows were blocked, the woman moved to a small cabinet and took out a flint and steel, then set to lighting a few candles and placing them on the table. The effect was a somewhat more haunted room, with ghostly shadows playing across Zellara's face.

She rifles through her deck, faster than your eyes can follow, so fast that at first you aren't sure that she's actually seeing any of the cards passing through her fingers, but at periodic times, she plucks a single card out of the deck and sets it face down on the table in front of her, until at last there are nine cards, face down, in a line. The Varisian woman's face is stiff with concentration.

"Bel'on, choose a card," she says.

Reaching down, Bel'on takes a card and looks at it.


"Tomas, choose a card," she says.

Tomas steps forward, past Bel'on, and takes another of the cards. Zellara keeps her eyes closed and doesn't look at what is in his hand.


"Evelyn, choose a card," she intones.

Evie takes the third card.


"Basil; please take a card," Zellara says.

Basil leans in to collect his own card.


Zellara smiles slightly.

"Good. And Tsalith, take your card."

Taking the fifth of the nine cards, Tsalith looks at what he drew.


Zellara takes each of the five cards from you and lays them face up in front of her, studying them for several moments. The candlelight forces you to strain your eyes a bit, but the aroma from the burning wax is somehow soothing in the dim light.

"Bel'on, you drew the Demon's Lantern. You have great sleight of hand, and sleight of mind, but you have been put into an impossible situation, one from which there is no escape. Tomas, you drew the Cricket. This card is associated with travel, and a treasure worth having at the end. Evelyn, you drew the Juggler. This represents the gods, and especially those who meddle in the lives of others. Hm..." Zellara pauses, her eyes looking to the markings of Callistria worn by Evie, and especially the holy symbol.

"Basil, you drew the Avalanche. This is an evil card. It represents unyielding disaster, the likes of which cannot be reasoned with or begged for mercy. Tsalith, you drew the Rabbit Prince. This card is the spirit of battle, especially hand-to-hand combat. It marks you as a royal man, and a fierce warrior."

Zellara takes all of the cards and shuffles them back into the main deck. As she does so, she smiles meekly at you.

"Don't worry. The Choosing can be kind of grim. It's always like that... The Spread is often a little more clear. Those cards are just to set your place in the Spread, and to set a baseline for interpretation. Are you ready?" she asks, then lays out nine more cards in a three-by-three grid, all face down. She flips over the three left-most cards.


"Everything was at harmony. There were rules, and there was order. The universe was held aloft by the harmony of the dance. I see there was mischief, and... And there was disaster. It was-" Zellara stops sharply, staring hard at Basil.

For a moment, she says nothing, then she closes her eyes and continues, "There was disaster. It fell upon all of you, hard and unstoppable, and the balance was destroyed. Somehow, Basil, this disaster is connected to you or, perhaps, to your brother. I'm sorry."

Her hand moves over to the middle column and, one by one, she flips the cards over, revealing them.


Zellara smiles triumphantly as she flips the middle card, The Bear. She still studies all three before speaking, though.

"This represents the Present," she finally explains to you, "You have great strength and ferocity. It cannot be tamed; it is unbridled fury, the likes of which cannot be stopped. This strength and rage is all aimed at the foolishness and greed of Gaedren Lamm. Your fury is overpowering, but the consequences of your actions cannot be foreseen, even by those with arcane wisdom."


Zellara continues, a little more hesitantly, "Your efforts will give birth to a new life. You will find new knowledge, which will yield a new purpose for you. You must beware losing your identity, though, because they will attempt to brush you aside. Your actions are a part of a greater scheme, one which will bring about a dark future for us all..."

The Varisian woman takes a shaky breath and then lets it all out before making eye contact with you once more.

"I'm sorry... I thought that'd be more helpful. Perhaps its because there are too many of you?" she suggests, rising again to open her windows once more.

The sky outside is just starting to turn pink with the first stages of evening. Several children run past the window, kicking a ball along the ground from one to another and giggling. Zellara smiles distantly at them before returning to the table. For a long time, she sits quietly, reshuffling her cards and putting them away. Only when she's finished does she finally speak.

"I don't know what to say... I don't know what else I can do. Will you still go?" she asks you.

I have updated the original post in the OOC thread with details about your brand new Harrow Points. Enjoy!

2014-07-11, 09:07 PM
Looking skeptically at the cards, Basil wards off a brief cloud worry with a wave of the hand. "It seems your cards are not feeling very optimistic. Nonetheless, I've already agreed to help, and you said yourself that the consequences of our actions aren't clear." His calm, confident demeanor returning he sits with better posture in his chair. "Supposing everyone else is still willing to go, the only question left is: when do we start?"

2014-07-11, 09:31 PM

Tsalith nods. "It makes no difference what the cards say. When I set out I knew my life might be forfeit. This is not something I can not merely walk away from and it seems to me we are much stronger together than we were as individuals and now we know more as well." Tsalith looks around at the group.

2014-07-12, 12:59 PM

Tomas furrowed his brow, as he contemplated this new information. Then he straightens up and nods. "I believe you. I'll go to this place you mention, if the others will permit me to follow. If Lamm is indeed there... well, he has much to answer for." He offers Zallera a wan smile. In response to Basil, he says, "I'll say we start now, before the trail gets cold. For all we know, this is one of his many hiding spots, and he could be gone by the morrow. After all, he has evaded the law for so long."

Grim ranger
2014-07-12, 06:13 PM

His eyes following the children running past the window for a split second with somewhat pained look, the tiefling sighs and turns his attention back to the business at hand. "Of course I will still go. Nothing matters to me but this. Maybe after it something else is in order, but before..." he shakes his head somewhat. "I can scout ahead and make sure we know about the routes he can take to flee...Not to mention eliminate the outer sentries without raising a ruckus. I have become quite good at that sort of thing by now, really."

2014-07-13, 12:00 PM
"Of course I will still go, I would not have come here if I had no desire to take action against that foul person," Evelyn said as she paused and glanced down at the array if cards. She rested on The Juggler for a second longer and then looked over at the others. "I am ready now, tis as Mister Kystal said, who knows where he may be by the morrow."

"You may scout on ahead if you so please," She eyed Bel'on. "But by no means am I going to stay here myself, no offense Miss Zellara."

2014-07-15, 08:18 PM
Zellara smiles weakly at Evelyn.

"Oh, I'm not offended. You hardly know me, and here I am asking you to kill somebody after luring you here with Harrow cards... In this city, I wouldn't trust me either," she says, then her smile warms, "As it is, I don't have the words to voice my appreciation for what you're doing. Good luck, my friends! I pray that you find success."

It is a short walk north along the river to the address Zellara mentioned. The road takes you past a fair number of warehouses, but for every warehouse packed with merchandise or filled with stock kept in storage, just as many appear to be in degrees of abandonment. A few are obviously shut down, though you see signs that they are by no means empty. Most have dockworkers loading or unloading cargo from river barges or, in a few cases, hovering near the doors, watching you pass by suspiciously.

You know the old fishery when you see it. The reek of brine and the stink of week-dead fish hang thickly in the air here. The old double-doors in the side of the weathered old building are tightly closed, with a drooping signpost hanging above. The sign it once displayed is long gone, leaving behind only a single short length of rusted chain.

Under Korvosan law, a building abandoned due to the owner's death (and no heirs) immediately reverts to the city and is held in escrow for 2 years, during which time any rightful owner who can prove a claim can regain control of the building. After the 2 years, the city claims the building, yet even then, the government is slow to handle its eventual fate. By choosing the right building in the right location, one can effectively live for free for years at a time.

The previous owner of this building died when a devilfish attacked his boat.

The fishery is a place where desperate fishermen can sell off their less fetching catches (fish caught 3 days dead in the nets, or freakish specimens unfit for sale) and where fishmongers dump their old sun-tainted wares, fish reeking with the first hints of decay. Workers toil among the guts and slime, creating a foul-smelling slurry that can then be resold as bait, fertilizer, or the main ingredient for what are known as “dock-dumplings,” a local favorite among poorer dock workers who can’t afford a fresh fillet of fish.

For those of you take a precursory walk/look around the building:
Along the north side, you find that a fifteen-foot-wide loading dock abuts the building's wall. A few carts sit nearby, partially loaded with large tar-caked barrels marked with a fish-shaped splotch of red paint on the side. Double doors to the immediate south of the loading dock's ramp provide access to the building's interior, while a rickety flight of stairs descends nearly to the river's surface to the east, where a second door provides a secondary entrance.

To the south, a slippery boardwalk clings to the side of the fisher, held together by barnacle-thick pilings that have been worn halfway through their thickness at the waterline. A rotted out barge floats perilously in the water beside the building.


Those are the front double doors directly ahead of your tokens. The loading dock is off to the left. There are many windows around the exterior of the building, which have been noted on the map. I'm not sure why it's like this, but the map is rotated for some reason; the top of the image is East, not North. Keep that in mind.

2014-07-15, 08:39 PM
Upon arriving at the fishery, Basil wrinkles his nose in disgust at the stench of the place. He was not unfamiliar with the smell of poverty, of course, but he rarely ventured to places such as this. In a hushed tone he addresses his companions, "I could side entrance at the loading dock with my bow. I'd have a clear view of the front doors if anyone made a run for it that way, and could flank them when you all breach the fishery. Alternatively I could take up position at one of the windows. What do you think?"

2014-07-15, 09:35 PM

"Well unless he is part fish or there is a tunnel, there is a very limited ability to escape." He seems completely at ease.

2014-07-16, 03:30 AM

He recognised the building as soon as it comes into view, whistling as the group examines the exterior. "Well, well. Isn't Lamm a clever bastard? You could hide in here for years and no one would notice," he says to no one in particular. He deigns to walk about the front of the building, and peers around for signs of life, before returning to the group.

"I think, before we make any detailed plans, we should at least have someone to get a good look inside. Preferably someone with the appropriate skills."

2014-07-16, 03:45 AM
Evelyn initially gagged inside from the stench, now she had bed mates who could have bathed more, but the smell of this fishery was just crossing the line. She took a few seconds to compose herself and tried to breath through her mouth instead. Oh good gods, give me the strength...

"Mmmmm heh...using the faulty city laws eh?" She smirked at Tomas' comment about how Gaedran basically went unnoticed. She then studied the building before adding to Tomas' other comment.

"He obviously means you Mister Bel'on," She glanced at their tiefling companion.

Grim ranger
2014-07-16, 06:49 AM

"So it seems" the tiefling replies evenly, studying the building that is supposed to hold the quarry they are all after. Could it be that he is finally about to catch the bastard with his pants down after all these years? Although it does seem too good to be true, he is not one to allow an opportunity to put a shiv through Gaedren's neck pass him by. "And perhaps I will go and do that then. But before I do, where do the rest of you plan to hide while I do so? Standing on the street in front of the place would be somewhat conspicious."

2014-07-16, 11:59 AM
"I believe I will take up position at the corner there," Basil gestures at the section of wall next to the loading door. "I ought to be in a good position to provide covering fire should you be spotted."

2014-07-16, 09:44 PM

"Any suggestion or where to wait? We need to be close."

2014-07-17, 03:54 AM
"I feel like there is much over-thinking being done and that it will just lead to slow progress, ho-hum~" Evelyn smirked as she casually started to the side of the building south of them. "I would not mind playing the role of a prostitute being casually propositioned by two gentlemen." She wickedly grinned and winked. "That way we can axe looking conspicuous by standing around here." Right. That is definitely the reason why.

2014-07-17, 04:13 AM

Tomas coughed discreetly. "I believe Miss Evelyn here has a... good seed of an idea, in her outrageous proposal. You're perhaps too well-dressed to be a proper prostitute." He gestured at her fine outfit that didn't quite reek of poverty enough. "And we don't fit in here anyway, regardless of what we do. But perhaps we can act the part of say... wayward outsiders who had gotten lost in the city while the Mr Bel'on and Mr Basil go on ahead to check out the building. Simple and requires nothing much other than gawking at the surroundings. Should you run into any trouble, we'll just be a shout away."

2014-07-17, 06:23 AM

Tsalith looks Evelyn up and down. "I think Evelyn's plan is better, it seems more obvious and as such more quickly dismissed. An alternative would be an argument or fight of some sort. Even more obvious."

Grim ranger
2014-07-19, 08:25 AM

Giving the building a sharp change, Bel'on suddenly shakes his head. "On second thought, I do believe that scouting expedition would end up in failure. There is just no entry point that would not be obviously guarded: windows are boarded up and doors are just for someone who is asking to be discovered. Perhaps direct assault would be better choice" he notes, thinking about possible opposition they might face. Knowing Gaedren, the job of cannon fodder likely falls to Little Lamms... And he does not exactly want to injure the kids who have had no choice regarding their present venue of employment.

However, if it will come to it, he will cross that line. Nothing will stop his revenge.

2014-07-21, 11:09 AM
"See? Even dear Tsalith agrees," She grinned and smirked. She then shrugged and lightly shook her head. "Really, it doesn't matter what it is but.." She leaned against a wall anyway in a way that her leg showed due to the slit in her dress as she went through the motions of propositioning the two.

2014-07-21, 01:09 PM

The wizard looks at Bel'on. "Well, I dislike going in without knowing who... or what is waiting for us inside, but if you think we should go ahead with swords drawn..." He glanced at the rest. "Either we go though the front door now, or we start finding an alternative route in."

2014-07-21, 04:05 PM
"If we're going for a direct assault, we should split up among the various entrances to decrease the chances of anyone escaping," Basil suggests from his position on the loading dock.

2014-07-21, 06:50 PM

Tsalith runs his nails up Evelyn exposed thigh, focusing his attention on her eyes. "You guys need to get your own. I don't share or play nicely."

He whispers "Scout the ****ing building if you feel it is safe to do so, if not tell us and we will burst in and have Basil cover the doors if anyone runs."

2014-07-22, 10:58 AM
Evelyn put on a come hither smile, looking Tsalith's way as he did his thing. She glanced around at the others still around in indecisive-ness and placed her hand on Tsalith's own as a gesture to stop, there was no point anymore if the plan was being changed.

She then rolled her eyes in annoyance and slightly huffed. "If there is no set in stone decision in the next three seconds, I shall go myself. I have a dagger that is rather thirsty for revenge." Wow...that was a cheesy line...

2014-07-22, 08:48 PM

Tsalith stopped and nodded at Evelyn. In a low voice "I'm with you."

2014-07-23, 12:39 AM

"Fine. Let's not dally any longer then. Mr. Basil's right, and we should split up if we want to prevent any chance of escape." Tomas purses his lips then looks at each of his companion. "I say three of us go through the main door, while the rest await at the second entrance. We'll try to time our attack to happen at the same time, to make sure we surprise them fully. Agreed?"

2014-07-23, 05:25 AM

"Fine, I'll take the front door." Tsalith begins to walk towards the building. "And for the record, I think splitting up is a bad idea."

2014-07-23, 12:07 PM
"If we try to crowd into one door we'll end up bunched up and the other exits will be unprotected," is Basil's rebuttal to Tsalith's doubts.

2014-07-23, 12:08 PM
"Oh goodness, about time," Evelyn shook her head, sporting a wan smile and dropped her whole previously annoyed expression. She too began to make for the building, her hand hovering over where her dagger was sheathed.

2014-07-23, 09:18 PM
Tomas starts towards the riverside entrance. "Right, I'll take the other entrance then. Preferably, someone adept with pointy things could accompany me."

Grim ranger
2014-07-25, 01:46 AM

Listening to the discussion with noncommittal expression, the tiefling looks at Tomas and follows along with him. "I suppose I'll go for the slightly less detectable entrance as well. Please do try to make a lot of racket when you enter: distraction would be nice" he notes to the rest: it is about time for all of them to get to it. "It might provide enough of a cover for me to slink in and take the old man by surprise."

2014-07-25, 01:43 PM
Evelyn will do her best in trying to raise so much attention in her initial approach towards the doors straight ahead.

She aint a sneaky person physically, so here is to some finger, toe and eye crossing xD
Stealth [roll0]

A 1, amazing.

2014-07-25, 02:05 PM

The wizard just nods at Bel'on, and leads, cautiously opening the door and checking to see if there was anyone or anything of interest to be seen.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2014-07-25, 02:08 PM
Edit: Thought this was the OOC thread for some reason.

2014-07-25, 06:31 PM

Tsalith continues to walk towards the buildings front door. He makes some attempt to make less noise.

Stealth [roll0]

2014-07-26, 12:33 PM
As the sun sinks down behind the walls of Korvosa, it leaves a brilliant red glow in the sky, which blends into pink, lavender, and eventually a darker violet overhead. The working day is over, and up and down the street, merchants are wrapping up the last of their business, sailors unloading the last of the day's cargo, and the men and women of Korvosa are returning home. A few of the men begin locking up the warehouses and shops with keys and padlocks. There is no sound of the fishery locking up just yet, however.

Evie and Tsalith

Through the front door, as you approach, you can suddenly hear a low rumble, the growling of what must be a large dog or some kind of beast. Almost immediately after, you can hear a gruff voice call out from further away, "Whart is't, Bloo? Whart'cha smell?"

The voice is followed by the sound of creaking wood, as of someone rising out of an old spindly chair, followed by approaching footsteps.

You waste no more time as you move toward the front door of the Fishery, Bel'on, Basil, and Tomas disappearing around the corner to the north. You give them a couple of seconds to get into position, and then together, pull on the handles of the front doors, only to discover far too late that these doors are locked.

"Arrrooooarooooarooo!" comes a loud, deafening bark from inside, followed by cursing, and then a voice.

"Jes' hold on'r second," the voice hollers through the door.

There is a sound of a key in the latch, and a healthy dose more of cursing before the doors are pulled open. A single desk sits back in the middle of the room, a moldy chair pushed up against the far side. A small pile of ratty furs and straw is heaped under the table. A large, spindly-looking mastiff lies curled up on the nest, its head up and ears perked as it stares at you, fangs bared. Standing in the doorway, barring you access to the room, is a tall, sour-faced man with short blonde hair, laced up, poofy black dress pants, a fine linen tunic, and a dragon-decorated red and black jacket overtop of everything. You get the impression that these clothes were fine once, but they are now marred and encrusted with dirt and sweat, and the smell of unwashed body coming from the clothes is overpowered only by the sickly stench of the man himself.

He looks over each of you, taking far more note of Evie than Tsalith. In fact, he makes no effort to hide where his eyes go, his mouth twisting hideously into a half-smile, half grimace as he eyes her cleavage.

"Serry, darlin', we're jes'about closed fer th'night. Come back t'morra," he says, his voice greasy but firm, "Unless yer here offrin' som'n. Y'know... som'n som'n, mhmhmhm..."

This must be Yargin Balko, Gaedren Lamm's right-hand man. He is a perpetually sour alchemist with a specialty for making acids. He considers himself something of a "fine man" and has a reputation for dressing in poorly chosen fine garments. His brutality and cruelty are second only to Gaedren's own, which speaks nothing of his cleverness.


Bel'on and Tomas

The musty loading dock reeks of fish and slurry. As you descend down the creaking stairs, the smell grows stronger, though joined with it is the tangy scent of the Jeggare River. Slight waves in the river lap up against the supports for the rickety floor you stand on as you face the door.

Loud barking erupts from the west side of the building.

You can hear the voices of several children talking beyond the door, followed by a loud, "Shut up! Keep working, curs! Hee hee hee, curs, because you're all Gaedren's dogs. You should... You should be, heh heh, Lamm's Curs. Hee hee, I'm gonna tell Gaedren that one..."

Moving carefully, quietly, you push the door open. It swings forward silently, leaving you to see into the room ahead. The floor here is slick with seawater, bits of seaweed, and fish blood; the air is thick with the accompanying odor. Wooden catwalks to the north and south allow access to the western part of the fishery. An open bay to the south allows direct access to the sloppy, muddy water below, while to the northwest stands an immense ten-foot-tall wooden vat, its sides caked and waterproofed with tar. Inside is a foul-looking mixture of chum, seawater, and who knows what else, stirred by a dirty, dull-looking child from each catwalk. To the east are stacked many barrels and crates, each marked in pain with a fish. Nearly two dozen small hammocks hang from under the catwalks, each with its own ratty blanket and pillow.

Standing back near the barrels is a large, hulk of a half-orc. One of his eyes is missing, covered by a simple black eyepatch. He has a rusted steel flail in one hand, which he is spinning around in the air as he grins at a group of children who are scooping up buckets of water under his scrutiny from the bay in the floor. He turns your way, his face split wide in a horrific, broken-toothed grin. His one eye widens as he sees Bel'on.

"You! Ha, ha ha he hee hee hee! I haven't seen you in a while, little kitty-tail," he crows, picking up a shoddy steel shield off of one barrel, "Hee hee hee hee! I'm gonna... Hey kitty-tail, you know what I'm gonna do? Hee hee, I'm gonna have the little kiddies kill the kitty kid! Hee hee hee he he heh!"

The orphans all look at the half-orc in trepidation and terror. Most of their eyes lie on his flail, a detail he notices.

"You heard me, little curs! Hee hee... Go kill the kitty and his rat or you'll get a beating from Giggles!"

This is Giggles, one of the grunts Gaedren pays to keep his "Little Lambs" in line. The half-orc lost his eye to a Devilfish many years ago, and carries the scars from that encounter with great pride. He is not an intelligent man, but his cruelty is limitless, as his loyalty to Gaedren Lamm.

Intimidate to cow the Little Lambs into obeying



You can hear a burst of loud barking from somewhere in the building nearby. Just on the other side of the large double doors, you hear voices as well.

"What's going on, there, do you think?" asks a strange, nasally, pinched voice.

"I don't know, Mister Gruller Sir," replies a child's voice.

"No! No no no no NO!!!" screams the first voice suddenly, and there is the sound of something solid smacking against flesh, followed by a child whimpering, "You don't talk, see? I talk. I do the talking, little one, and you do the important work for Master Gaedren! Keep working!"

Bel'on and Tomas open their door at the base of the stairs, and you are sure Evie and Tsalith have had enough time to get in by now. You breach your own doors, forcing the large doors open to reveal the room beyond.

The stink in this room, a mixture of fish and sweat, is enough to make your eys water. To the east, a large wooden trough holds a hideous mound of half-rancid fish, seaweed, and brine. Filthy seawater and fish blood stain the floor around this trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this trough through holes in the northern wall into a larger room to the east. To the west, a desk and chair sit in one corner while a tall cabinet sits in the other.

Three children, two boys and a girl, hold pitchforks as they stand beside the trough, scooping large portions of the mix into the chutes. A fourth child, a young boy who looks to almost be in his teens, sits at the desk, his eyes wide with alarm at your intrusion.

The "child" sitting in the chair is not a child at all, but rather, an adult gnome concealing studded leather armor and a wicked looking knife, as well as a sap which lies partially tucked away on the desk.

All of the children look at you in fear. The oldest of them, the boy sitting at the desk, says in a tremoring voice, "Who are you?"



Roll initiative everyone! We're gonna do this proper-like, even if you aren't really in combat (yet).


No surprise round for anyone, I'm afraid. The stealth checks just weren't quite there...

2014-07-26, 02:01 PM
Taking a step back, but keeping the disguised gnome in his line of sight, Basil trains his bow on the target. "I will be doing the talking, Mister Gruller. So you will set down your hidden weapons on the desk and lie down on the floor, or I will shoot you dead." Lines of black run up through the veins in Basil's neck and flow into his eyes, which become spheres of black.

Taking a 5-foot step diagonally up and left on the map. Using a swift action to declare a Justice Judgement, gaining a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2014-07-28, 11:59 AM
Well by Bessie's breasts, this was unexpected.

Evelyn held back the desire to contort her face from the awful stench coming from the tackily dressed fellow in the door way. She continued to fake a pleasant smile and even let out an airy playful chuckle and then 'composed' herself which mostly involved adjusting her cleavage for extra pomf.

"Forgive me, where are my manners, ahem, my name Lucille and this is my associate Alexite, and we just wanted to ask you handsome, if you've accepted Calistria into your heart as your goddess and savored savior?"

2014-07-28, 07:32 PM

Tsalith smiles and bows slightly. He was sure Evelyn would come up with something.

Grim ranger
2014-08-01, 12:58 AM

Stepping past Tomas with his eyes fixed on the half-orc, Bel'on responds to the taunts with one-finger salute, drawing his blade from it's sheath with a rasp of steel. He has wanted to kill this man almost as badly as Gaedren for a good while now, and it seems that fate it kind to him when it comes to that... But he will not underestimate the simpleton, given he has considerable strength and it puts his own skillset at disadvantage, especially considering his weapon of choice.

First order of business: making sure that the Little Lamms will not be a problem.

Looking at the startled children, the tiefling speaks. "Flee, my friends. I will make sure this buffoon will harm no one ever again... And Gaedren will be getting his as well. I was like you, and I will take vengeance for all of us"

Bel'on moves to J5 and draws his Wakizashi. Curses that drawing a weapon while moving needs base attack bonus of 1 or more to count as single Move action: otherwise I'd already be in combat. :smallannoyed:

Also making Diplomacy check to convince the Little Lamms to just flee from the scene without fighting. Being former member himself, would Bel'on get circumstance bonus for the roll?

[roll0] (Diplomacy)

Edit: Spectacular. Well, let's hope that their attacks won't be too much of a problem.

2014-08-02, 10:12 AM

Well. Tomas certainly wasn't expecting to blunder into this particular half-orc. No matter, as Bel'on steps past him and tries to reason with the little younglings that had so regrettably caught up with this criminal.

He stares at the half-orc, and then grins as he raises a hand, to reveal a small spider perched on the back of the hand. "Raef esuac," he intoned, striking primal fear into the mind of the bully himself.

As soon as the spell is done, he scrambles to draw his crossbow to fend off any other attacks that might come his way.

Cast Cause Fear on the half-orc
Draw crossbow.

Hopefully, the sight of the half-orc shaking in his boots would aid in convincing the Little Lamb to flee. :smalltongue:

2014-08-06, 04:18 PM
Evie and Tsalith

Yargin's eyes move from Evie's chest up to her eyes, and as they do, the lewd smile drops off of his face.

"Yar, I kna' the goddess. I dern't kna' yer, though. Are yer outta yer min', lady? Git outta here, r'I'm gonna get... rough," he scowls threateningly, then glares at Tsalith, "An' who the hell'r yer serposed t'be, eh? We dun git no missionries' 'roun here."

The man's eyes narrow suspiciously, and his hand drops to a wand holstered at his belt as he eyes you. Behind him, the dog continues to yowl and bark.

"Get yerselves outta 'ere a'fore I gut yeh all up."



The tiefling ninja takes several quick steps up the first few wooden stairs, all the better to see the children and Giggles. At his proclamation, most of the children look at each other uncertainly.

The children are obviously terrified, but their fear of you is nothing compared to their fear of Giggles.

"I don't think so, kitty kid, hee hee! You can't do that. Nope, nuh uh. No talking to Giggles's boys and girls. Get him, kiddies! Bring me his tail, so I can use it like a rope! Hah, ah ha, ha hee hee... Ah me, I love it!" the half-orc crows gleefully.

There is a ring of steel as Bel'on draws his sword, but it is not enough to deter the children's advance.


Lamb's Group 1

The children slowly begin inching toward Bel'on and Tomas, eyes on his sword. They seem uncertain as to what to do at first, until one of them gets a bright idea. He takes up the broom he'd been using, all covered in fish guts and muck, and swings at under the railing, aiming for Bel'on's legs. From up on the catwalks, another child gets the same idea and attacks from above. Both of the children keep their distance, not wanting to get cut down by the deadly blade. The others, catching on to the idea, begin hunting around for long implements of their own.

Child 1 and Child 3 attempt to trip Bel'on using improvised reach weapons (this is vs. CMD):


The half-orc's grin droops as he sees the spider, and suddenly, as the magic affects him, his eyes widen. He takes a half a step backwards, trembling, and looks as though he's about to bolt up the stairs behind him.

"Urk... Hur hur hur... Er... No... Ugh... No! Hee hee hee!" he starts giggling, still wide eyed.

Several of the kids look at him as though he's mad, but Giggles doesn't seem to notice.

"No! I'm not s-scared of nothin! Hee hee, I'll scare you!" he yells at Tomas, but even the distraction was enough, as the wizard has had time to draw a crossbow, and now Giggles seems somehow more off-balance.

Giggles is Shaken for 1 round.



"Erk... G-get him, brats! Bring me the kitty tail, and, and... hee heh, uh, kill his friend! Kill him I say! KILL HIM!" the half-orc bellows, spittle flying from his mouth as he shrieks the last words.

The half-orc raises a large flail in his hands and sets the spiked ball spinning in rings over his head. He begins whirling the entire weapon vertically while keeping the head spinning horizontally, spinning it first on his left side, then on his right, as he begins advancing on Tomas and Bel'on.

"Yeah, ya like that? I like that. I like it a lot. Tee hee hee hee! C'mere now, I got somethin' I wanna... I wanna show yeh," he says, walking carefully around the children with his flail.

Giggles attacks Tomas with his flail, taking penalties for being Shaken and provoking from Bel'on if he is still standing after the trip attempts:


"What? I don't know what you-" he starts to reply, but then the crossbow is trained on him, and the "boy" closes his mouth.

His face loses the boyish softness and innocent expression, taking on a far more mature and resigned appearance.

"Well then. Ahem. I suppose that's not an entirely pig-headed request. As you wish..." the gnome sniffs, then sweeps the weapons on the desk onto the floor dismissively, "There, see? No more weapons. Are you happy with that, big guy? I can be reasonable. So, why don't you come in and we can talk, hm?'

The gnome holds his hands up high, keeping them where you can see them.

"You've got me at a disadvantage. Should I know you?" he asks in an air of tense casualness, his voice a little shrill and loud.



Tsalith - 23
Yargin - 14
Bloo - 11
Evie - 4

Bel'on - 21
Lambs Group 1 - 13
Tomas - 12
Giggles - 9

Basil - 11.5
Gnome - 10
Lambs Group 2 - 7

2014-08-06, 04:51 PM
The drawn longbow remains trained on the gnome, "I think I prefer to remain here for the moment, thank you." Basil replies to the gnome's invitation inside in a tone of false politeness. "Lamm attempted to frame my brother, Nathaniel Blackwood, during an investigation. While the charges were dropped, my family does not appreciate the dishonor of this event, nor your organization's interference in our affairs. I am here to seek out proof of the true culprit behind the murder my brother was accused of."

Basil pulls the bowstring back a little further, noting the children in his peripheral vision. "You three, there. Please step out where I can see you." His tone is softer, but still stern, when addressing the Little Lamms.

Readying an action to shoot the Gnome if he tries to grab a weapon.

2014-08-06, 08:27 PM

Tsalith's face grows dark. He draws his sword and says "Your worst nightmare."

Intimidate [roll0]

Grim ranger
2014-08-07, 03:54 AM

Looking at the children attempting to attack him almost pityingly, the tiefling has absolutely no trouble evading the clumsy blows, nimbly pirouetting out of the way of the inexperienced attempts to trip him. He has trained himself to fight, after all, and these press-ganged pickpockets hardly pose a threat to him. Still, it is likely best to wrap things up quickly...

As Giggles closes in to attack the spellcaster, the tiefling acts without hesitation or mercy, his short blade slashing out in attempt to spill the half-orc's guts all over the floor.

[roll0] (To hit)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Critical confirmation (if necessary))

As his blade leaves only a relatively shallow cut on the half-orc instead of properly gutting him, Bel'on narrows his eyes and curses silently to himself as the wizard next to him is smashed to the floor by the flail of the demented bastard. Far from giving up, he swings his blade again, the steel glinting evilly as it cuts gouge across the ugly bastard's face. "What's the matter? You are much slower than I remember. Maybe Lamm should have put your green ass to pasture a long time ago" he taunts the half-orc, spinning his curving blade in his hand and sending splatters of blood spraying to the floor. Ah, it feels GOOD to finally hit one of his old tormentors.

Attacking Giggles, and despite low damage scoring another crit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17900395&postcount=98).

2014-08-08, 11:53 AM

"Sigh....it seems we have an unwilling recipient....and I had so many wonders that I believe someone of your clear pedigree would have enjoyed.....seemed you also made my colleague upset...oh goodness...boys I swear," She feigned a frown and stepped behind Tsalith and placed her hands on him and leaned in close for a little whisper. "You may need a little bit of luck..." He'd tingle for a moment.

She moved behind Tsalith and just used Bit of Luck on him, next time he has to roll a d20, roll twice, take the more favorable result

2014-08-09, 04:52 PM

Yargin's features freeze in place as he makes eye contact with you, his focus steadying on your sword.

Yargin is shaken for 2 rounds.

"Tek 'r easy! I'm jes'... Jes the der guy," he explains, smiling greasily at you, his eyes flicking briefly to Evie.


"I'm beckin' off, see? Jes... GIT EM BLOO!!!" the tacky dressed scoundrel bellows, leaping backwards away from the door.

He inadvertently stumbles over the dog, though, as he does, wobbling on his feet and teetering dangerously close falling backwards before regaining his balance and yanking the wand he'd been holding out of its holster.

In a single fluid motion, he flicks the wand at Tsalith, heedless of the raging dog as he does so. A large ball of acid splashes onto Tsalith's right elbow, eating through his sleeve and burning at the skin beneath.

Use Magic Device check vs. DC 20:

Attack vs. Tsalith's touch AC:
Wand Attack - (1d20+3)[14]
Acid Damage:
Damage - (1d3)[2]
(copied from OOC)

The spell the wand just cast was Acid Splash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/acid-splash).

"WE GOT ER PROBERM HERE!" he hollars.


The dog needs no further prompting from Yargin; as soon as he has given the word, the dog bounds past him, nearly knocking him over backwards as it bounds, snarling and barking, at Tsalith. Large globs of drool spill all over the floor, and a lot of it ends up on Tsalith's boots and clothes. The large beast hops up on its hind legs, pressing its front paws against Tsalith as it snarls and bites at him, snapping repeatedly at his stomach and arms before dropping down to bite at his legs.



Tsalith is nearly knocked back into your hand by the on-rushing dog. The dog, Bloo, is ferociously attacking and biting at him, while Yargin is training his wand on him. No one seems to be paying you any mind. It would seem Yargin isn't convinced that a woman would be any threat to him.

Tsalith is affected by Bit of Luck.



You swipe at the giggling half-orc, but only manage to nick him as he brings the head of his heavy flail crashing down on Tomas's skull. The wizard doesn't even have time to groan. There is a splash of blood from his skull, some of which sticks to the flail, and the man is on the floor, unconscious. Blood immediately begins to pool around his head, while Giggles turns on you.

Your blade catches him in the cheek this time, and tears, cutting easily through the soft flesh and sinew of the left side of his face. The half-orc shouts in pain and rage, taking half a step back and pressing on hand up against his face. When he pulls it away, it is covered in sticky red blood. Giggles grins strangely as he looks at, then looks back up at you.

"Put ME to pasture? Me? I'll show you a green pasture! I'll send you to, hee hee. I'll send you down to your hell-spawned pasture, little kitty tail, hee hee," Giggles threatens, setting the flail to spinning again despite the wound on his face.

Lambs Group 1

The two children with brooms continue desperately trying to bring Bel'on down, while a third starts climbing up on the boxes and barrels, inching her way toward the door. When she is as close as she can get, she takes a handful of fish from one of the barrels and hurls it the ninja. The fourth boy, the youngest of the Lambs, sees what the girl is doing and rushes over to a barrel, intending to do likewise.

Child 1:
Child 2:
Child 3:
Child 4:
roll=Dirty Trick Blinding attempt]1d20-4


You need to make a constitution check every round, DC 10+1 per hit point below 0 (In this case DC 11). I'll roll it this time around; please post your roll accordingly in future rounds. If you should ever succeed in this DC, even once, you are stabilized and no longer need to make the die rolls. Should you fail, you lose 1 hit point.


Tomas is stabilized!


"Groooaah!" Giggles bellows as he swings the flail.

He brings it around again, then a third time in his effort to smash Bel'on into a bloody pulp.

"Stop dancing around, little kitty tail! Come face your PUNISHMENT!" he shouts, blood splashing off of his face as he swings his flail again.

Attack Bel'on with Light Flail:



"Yessir," a sandy-haired boy says quickly, looking at the other two.

There is a lot of unspoken communication that passes between them in that look. The gnome glares at them reproachfully as the children step into your line of sight. They all look nervous, but the sandy-haired boy alone makes eye contact with you.

The boy is clearly terrified, and almost seems like he's looking to you for help. His eyes flick to the gnome, then back to you. He's afraid of the gnome? Or perhaps, he's being coerced into something? Or could he be warning you? He is certainly trying to tell you something.

You get +4 to all sense motive checks made against this gnome.

"Erm... No need for that, Mister Blackwood. We're no danger to you! Lamm's an awful, horrible man, who's beaten all of us our fair share," the gnome explains, trying his best to sound a little more casual, despite his nervous expression.

There is a tirade of furious snarling and barking that erupts through the door behind the children. The gnome looks at the door, then back at Basil.

"I guess that'll be the friends you brought with ya, eh? Your brother, maybe? I hope he kills that damn dog. Bloo's a real terror to us all. If you let me, I can help you! I can show you where Lamm is, and then we can all have our revenge and be free of him, right? Please, Mister Blackwood, just don't hurt us.." the gnome says pitifully, his large eyes getting watery.

This gnome is definitely lying. His story is a little too pitiful, a little too convenient.



Tsalith - 23
Yargin - 14
Bloo - 11
Evie - 4

Bel'on - 21
Lambs Group 1 - 13
Tomas - 12
Giggles - 9

Basil - 11.5
Gnome - 10
Lambs Group 2 - 7

Grim ranger
2014-08-09, 05:17 PM

Almost cherishing the impotent rage on the maimed face of the half-orc, the tiefling never stops moving, his steps looking more and more like dance patterns as he mocks his assailants with his movements alone. None of the children come even close to catching him with any of their attempts, the thrown fish never making it close and the clumsy attempts to poke him with brooms being pathetically easy to dodge.

It is about time for him to deal with Giggles for once and for all.

His eyes full of murderous intent, Bel'on darts forward swiftly as a viper, his blade lashing out once again and attempting to find purchase on Giggles' throat.

Attacking Giggles again, since anything else would likely just provoke AoO's.

[roll0] (To hit)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Critical confirmation)

2014-08-09, 06:39 PM

The burning acid and dogs teeth, rather than deterring Tsalith drive him forward. Taking his sword in two hands he slashes at the snarling dog. This man and his bitch were going down.

Arcane strike
Damage [roll]1d6_+6]

2014-08-09, 08:09 PM
Barely sparing the urchins a glance, Basil's attention is focused on the gnome. His pathetic attempt to play the victim was disgusting; was he too stupid to realize Basil knew he wasn't one of these children? A derisive sneer spreads across the noble's face. "I happen to despise liars." He lets loose the arrow at the gnome.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (PBS accounted for)

2014-08-11, 02:48 AM
Evelyn let out a false shriek as the fighting began as Tsalith was somewhat shoved into her.

"Boys please..!..." She maneuvered herself from behind Tsalith and hurriedly moved herself behind Yargin and gently grabbed at his arm. "We didn't come here to fight, call off your hound please!"

However, while she said all that, her hands began to once again glow a yellowy color.

Trying to move to Q-11
She is attempting to use Dazing Touch, basically they are dazed for 1 round

Melee Touch Attack [roll0]

2014-08-14, 05:01 PM

The dog's snapping teeth tear into you, but with a sudden move, you bring the pommel of your scimitar down on the animal's skull, The dog yelps as it drops back down onto all fours, but the cry turns shrill and piercing as you follow through, slicing you sword down through the back of its neck and deep into its squat body. The dog shudders once, and then goes limp, falling easily off of your sword.

"Bloo!" Yargin howls, wide-eyed, "Yer basterd!"

Bloo is dead.


Before the man can reply to Evie's plea, Bloo shrieks out a death scream and falls to the floor in a growing puddle of blood. Yargin's eyes widen and pays Evie no more mind.

"Yer killed meh dog! I gonna burn yer!" Yargin shouts, pointing the wand at Tsalith and squeezing the trigger once again.

Use Magic Device check vs. DC 20:

Attack vs. Tsalith's touch AC:
Acid Damage:

The spell the wand just cast was Acid Splash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/acid-splash).


With Yargin completely focused on the loss of his dog and the use of his wand to murder Tsalith, you are able to slip right behind him. You reach out a hand to touch him, as though with compassion or, perhaps, just friendliness, but the man is beyond such comforts or desire. With one hand, he shoves you away from him.

"Ge'er the frak off'r me, yer 'ho," he snarls at you, "I tol' yer ta get outta here!"

Yargin is not affected by your touch.

No map. I'm on the wrong computer for the next day or two. Sorry!


You back away from the stair rail as Giggles's flail smashes right through wooden support, bouncing off the stair near your toes. You bring your boot up right into the half-orc's chin, knocking him backward as you thrust the tip of your blade down at him, slicing a furrow along the top of his chest.

"Arggh har har har! You got me!" the half-orc snarls, giggling with adrenaline.

You hit Giggles for 6 more damage.

Lambs Group 1

"You lot had better get me some kitty-tail, or you're not getting no treats for a good long while, heh hee!" Giggles threatens.

The children redouble their efforts, throwing fish and swinging brooms in a desperate attempt to avoid retribution from the terrifying half-orc.

Child 1:
Child 2 (throwing into melee):
Child 3:
Child 4 (throwing into melee):


Your robes rustle and move as a small red spider pokes its head out to observe what has happened...

Don't forget, you still have your familiar. You don't have to use it, of course, but it's there if you want to.


"Try that again! Once or twice! Then I'll kill you!" Giggles snarls at Bel'on, ceasing his grating giggle.

The half-orc keeps the head of his flail spinning, then suddenly ducks under the rail and reach up with the weapon, trying to catch the tiefling in the hip with the head of the weapon. The half-orc obviously thinks this is the end of the fight as his face lights up with triumph.

Attack Bel'on with Light Flail:



The gnome doesn't even have time to yelp as you squeeze the trigger. He tries to leap aside, but only manages to twist his body so that your crossbow bolt catches him in the back part of his right thigh.

"Yeeeeeeeeaaaaagh!!!" he screams, falling hard on the floor and landing on his chin.

"Yeah!" the sandy-haired boy whoops.


At first, you take the gnome to be down for the count, but suddenly he gets up on one knee and leaps for the desk, stretching one hand out to grab the wickedly curved, inverted knife off the top before landing once again on the floor. He somersaults, screaming in pain as his injured thigh stretches, but the maneuver is fast and puts him right next to Basil. Before Mister Blackwood can fire again, the gnome is slashing at him aggressively, screaming loudly with every strike.

Attacking Basil with Kukri:

Basil tries to parry the weapon with his crossbow, but the inverted blade finds an opening and slices painfully along the man's wrists, forming deep red lines as blood begins to seep through.

Lambs Group 2

The boy from before looks uncertain for a moment, but a moment only. Then, his face hardens. He looks at the tip of his pitchfork, dripping with rotten fish guts and some strange, stinking liquid.

"Here's for my brother, you dwarf-sized git!" the boy shouts, then he hurls his pitchfork with remarkable accuracy at the gnome.

Blinding Strike with Pitchfork:
On a hit: Gnome is blinded for:

All of the other children stare at the sandy-haired boy in bewilderment and shock.

"Kester, you can't..." the youngest protests.

"I have! Are you going to tell Gaedren?!" the boy, Kester, retorts defiantly.


No map. I'm on the wrong computer for the next day or two. Sorry! The gnome is now on R5.


Tsalith - 23
Yargin - 14
Bloo - 11
Evie - 4

Bel'on - 21
Lambs Group 1 - 13
Tomas - 12
Giggles - 9

Basil - 11.5
Gnome - 10
Lambs Group 2 - 7

2014-08-14, 06:44 PM

Tsalith moves toward Yargin, "Don't call a woman names, especially when she is being so nice!" He empowers his sword and swings his scimitar in two hands at the uncouth pig.

Arcane strike
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-08-14, 07:05 PM
Basil actually has a Composite Longbow, rather than a Crossbow.

The kukri slashes across the back of Basil's wrist, grinding against the bone just below the surface. Gritting his teeth, he takes a quick step back and nocks another arrow with a snarl. "You're going to pay for that, you grimy little bastard." The description 'grimy' soon becomes even more accurate as the boy (apparently named Kester) flings a pitchfork covered in fish guts into the gnome's face. Taking advantage of the distraction, Basil forces his injured hand to steady and draws back his bow, firing again.

HP: 6/9

Attack roll: [roll0] (Judgement and PBS bonus accounted for, gnome takes -2 AC and loses Dex bonus from blindness)
Damage roll: [roll1] (PBS bonus accounted for)

Edit: Forgot to note he's taking a 5-foot step backwards to Q3.

2014-08-16, 11:53 PM
"Ho?...Well I'd prefer professional flesh peddler but not everyone can have a big vocabulary~" She woefully sighed and shrugged her shoulders. A glance at Tsalith and it looked as if though he had things handled considering how quickly he put that dog down. She figured he had this covered.

She looked towards the two doors in the move and withheld her action, preparing to strike should an enemy come through one of them.


Effectively she is moving to P-9 and readying an action with her dagger in case anyone comes through by chance.

Grim ranger
2014-08-20, 01:11 PM

Biting his lips to not let out a pained groan as the half-orc's flail strikes his side before he is able to move out of the way. Even if his constant pirouetting manages to disperse most of the impact and the strike had lost much of it's momentum, the smack of metal against him still smarts. It seems that the attacks of the children, laughable as they are, have managed to distract him... Or perhaps he has just been getting too cocky.

Either way, it is time to stop playing around, and he knows exactly how to do so. He has not painstakingly figured out ninja techniques for years merely to amuse himself, after all.

Darting towards Giggles, Bel'on attempts to grab the half-orc's shoulder at the last moment and flip himself over and past his adversary to reach his blind spot, followed by hopefully accurate strike backwards with his blade that should send it through the brute's back.

So yes, using the Acrobatics trick discussed in OOC thread to move Bel'on to I7 and attack Giggles with Sneak Attack (hopefully!)

[roll0] (To Hit)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Sneak Attack Extra Damage)
[roll3] (Critical Confirmation)

2014-08-20, 07:21 PM

"I'll call'r whare'r I wa-aiiygh!" Yargin yelps, barely dodging in time to avoid having his head taken off by the ferocious swing of your sword.

As it is, you carve a bloody swath right along his collar bone, immediately staining his tacky clothes crimson.

Yargin is hit for 9 damage.


The alchemist, recently cocky as he was, clutches at his throat in a panic, looking with trembling hands at his own blood.

"Yer killed me! My throat! Yer cut my throat out!" he howls.

Seeming to realize that he is obviously still alive for the time being, however, Yargin ducks away from Tsalith, trying to shove aggressively past Evie to get to the door in the corner of the room.

"Halp!!!" he shrieks in a panic.

Acrobatics check to tumble through Evie's spot (DC is CMD (13)+5+2(due to Tsalith) and then rush through the door at P9
(1d20+1)[7] (rolled in OOC)

Before he can get past Evie, though, Tsalith grabs him and shoves him back against the wall.

Same attack as previously:


With Yargin seemingly dealt with, you move to a position beside the door the alchemist had been making for. You can hear the sounds of combat coming through the door; someone is fighting in there!

Crash... Crunch!

Aside from the sounds of smashed wood and children shouting encouragement to each other, you can just make out a rough voice, grunting in pain. It doesn't sound like anyone is right by this particular door, however.

No map. I'm on the wrong computer for the next day or two. Sorry!


Predictably, Giggles takes another wild swing at you. This time, though, you don't just dodge; you catch hold of his weapon arm and use it for leverage to vault right over him, landing lightly behind him as his weapon finishes off the railing of the stairs. He turns as you raise your weapon, pulling away and almost falling onto the stairs as he struggles to avoid your deadly blade. Even so, your weapon bites through the muscle and tendons of his right arm, eliciting a loud raucous howl of pain.

Giggles opens his mouth the laugh as he takes another hazardous swing at you, but you don't give him the chance, spinning around him once again and slicing along the back of his thick, green neck.

"STOP DOING THAT!!!" he bellows, enraged and (finally) no longer laughing.

You hit Giggles for 11 damage.

Lambs Group 1

Suddenly aware that their tormentor might be on his last leg, the children are too preoccupied with watching the confrontation to even think of using the improvised weapons they have in hand. One and all, they stare at the fight, wide-eyed, but Giggles is too focused on his blood fury to even notice anymore.


"Time to die, kitty-cat! Heee hee hee!" Giggles half laughs, half screams at Bel'on.

He seems to have overcome his nerves at the hand of Tomas's magic by now, and is focused solely on ending the terrible threat before him.

Attack Bel'on with Light Flail:


Stepping back away from the gnome, you let loose another boltarrow. This one catches the gnome high in his chest, knocking him nearly over backwards just from the force of the impact. The gnome curses and falls to one knee, then, still wiping at his grimy eyes, struggles back to his feet, panting heavily. He coughs, and a large wad of thick dark blood bursts from his mouth, splattering on the floor.

SOMEHOW you manage to hit him... barely... for 4 more damage.


Unsure of Basil's location, the gnome takes a stab in the dark and swings wildly to his right. Basil, of course, is no where near that location. Several of the children scurry out of the way as the gnome overcompensates, expecting to hit something, and falls roughly to the ground. Slowly, painfully, he picks himself up once again.

"Curse you! Gaaaaah!!! Curse you, you lunkard! You think I'm scared of you just because you're bigger than me?! I'm not!" the gnome shrieks.

He takes another wipe at his face, smearing blood on his cheek but also finally clearing his eyes of the gunk Kester threw in them.

"There you are, you filthy, stinking, grubbing, mother-whoring son of a troglodyte! Erk... *hack* I'm gonna... I'm gonna show you!"

Attacking Basil with Kukri:
Irrelevant because he attacked an empty square.

Lambs Group 2

The children all stand back, pressing themselves against the far wall to avoid the gnome's wild swings with his curved kukri. Through the door and wall behind them comes the loud, terrified shrieking of another man, as well as the lower tones of Tsalith's threatening voice.

No map. I'm on the wrong computer for the next day or two. Sorry! The gnome is now on R5.


Tsalith - 23
Yargin - 14
Bloo - 11
Evie - 4

Bel'on - 21
Lambs Group 1 - 13
Tomas - 12
Giggles - 9

Basil - 11.5
Gnome - 10
Lambs Group 2 - 7

2014-08-20, 07:52 PM
"Credit where credit is due: I'm surprised you're still standing," nocking another arrow and taking aim, Basil hopes this will finish the job. From the crashing sounds down the stairs to his left, Bel'on and Tomas may have need of intervention.

It didn't sound like the gnome stepped forward, but if he did Basil will take another 5-foot step out of the threatened zone (to Q2). If not he'll just stand his ground while firing.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-08-20, 08:02 PM

Tsalith grins. "You will ..." He swings the scimitar in two hands again. "...Die."

Tsalith's scimitar passes cleanly through the man's neck, his head bouncing off the wall as his body simply collapses. A crescent of blood painting the wall.

Attack [roll0]
Attack [roll1]

2014-08-22, 12:29 PM
"MmmMmm, there is something awfully sexy about a man who knows how to wield his sword," Evie with an amused playful smirk could not help but remark and innuendo it up.


With those obstacles dealt with she gestured him over to the door she was hovering over as she carefully opened it and found herself in an empty hallway. She then made her way across to the other door, opened it, found herself on a catwalk in a view of a certain spectacle."Oh my." Her expression crinkled. From the corner of her eye she spied what was the crumpled body of Tomas by the entrance. "Ah well...uhm....that is bad."


I suppose her whole action for this round would have been making her way to this area.

2014-08-23, 08:02 AM

Tsalith grins and follows Evie, sword held loosely in his hand.

Grim ranger
2014-08-23, 01:34 PM

Having already been clipped by the weapon of the half-orc and having no desire to be caught by it's strike again, the tiefling is already in motion when he hears the rattling of the chain... And although it seems impossible for him to dodge it, with the spiked ball swinging squarely towards his face, the ninja somehow moves with truly prenatural speed and limboes under the swinging ball and chain, close enough for the air current to rustle his hair. That was much too close for his comfort, but finally he has a shot at ending the fight decisively.

Leaping at Giggles with murder in his eyes, Bel'on aims the tip of his blade right into the eye of the half-orc. It will be fitting that the last thing going through the scum's mind will be his blade.

Bel'on uses another Harrow point to avoid getting hit, and attacks Giggles.

[roll0] (To Hit)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Critical Confirmation)

2014-08-23, 02:09 PM
Tsalith and Evie

Yargin's still-warm body hits the floor with a thud, his head landing more softly on the desk before rolling off to land next to the rest of the corpse. Just ahead of Tsalith, Evie opens the door to reveal a short, ten foot long hallway. At the other end is another door, this one somewhat rotted. It looks like it could fall apart at any moment as Evie pushes it open to reveal a narrow wooden catwalk with a rickety handrail overlooking a wet wooden floor that must be only a few feet above the river itself. An open bay in the floor allows direct access to the sloppy, muddy water, while just to your left is a ten-foot-tall wooden vat, its sides caked and waterproofed with tar. Inside is a foul-looking mixture of chum, seawater, and who knows what else. Barrels and creates marked in paint with fish are lined along the far wall.

Surrounding Bel'on and Tomas (who lies in a pool of blood on the floor), are a group of children with brooms and a massive, angry-looking green half-orc with a spinning flail.



"Harf... Horf.... Huff.... You... You just hold still now, Kitty-cat... Huff... I'm just hee hee getting started with you!" Giggles insists, wobbling a bit on his feet, murder gleaming in his eyes.

He comes at you hard, swinging his flail for the kill, but you nimbly sidestep it, batting his weapon arm down with your free hand and planting your wakizashi up to the hilt through his one remaining eye. Giggles stumbles back, smashing heavily into the crates and barrels and knocking several of them to the floor (eliciting a squeak from the girl hiding atop them). The half-orc climbs unsteadily to his feet, looking blindly at Bel'on, the knife still sticking from his head.

"Hee hee... That's... a pretty good one... Actually..."

He falls, finally, to the floor and doesn't move. His body twitches slightly as you remove your knife from his skull, recently dead nerves still triggering as the blade moves through his brain.

Oh my god! You killed Giggles!

Lambs Group 1

The children haven't yet noticed Evie and Tsalith up on the catwalk; all of their eyes are on Bel'on, Giggles, and the wakizashi. The closest of the children back away, eyes wider than a doe's, as Bel'on moves to withdraw his weapon from the half-orc's corpse. No one says anything, no one makes any sound; they all just watch, uncertainly.



"Erk!" the gnome squeals as yet another arrow pierces him, this time closer to his heart.

The gnome's eyes, finally clear of fish-grime, lose what little light they had in them and the gnome falls lightly to the floor, pushing the arrows in him further into his body and out through the back, making several of the children cry out, though Kester keeps his wide eyes firmly on the dying gnome's body. The little man's body quivers every now and then, as though he is trying to breath, though he doesn't move again.

I hope you're happy. That gnome was going to be my ace in the hole, later...

Lambs Group 2

Kester looks up at Basil. He makes a brave effort at looking fearless, but his terror is too great to be hidden by a strong face. His hands are visibly shaking, his knuckles on the pitchfork as white as bone.

"Are you going to kill us?" the boy asks.



I'd say initiative is about over, for the time being, at least...

You guys get 400 xp each.

2014-08-23, 02:32 PM
Stepping purposefully forward, Basil removes the ornate silver flask from his belt and takes a sip as he stands over the dead gnome's body. Kneeling down beside the body, he places a hand on the dying creature's head. He speaks a few words in Infernal, "I deny the darkness of the roots set in your spirit. May what good is left in you find rest."

Performing a rushed Sin Eating ritual, healing Basil for half of [roll0]

The ritual mends the nobleman's wounded wrist rapidly, smokey strands pulling the flesh together and sealing it without so much as a scar. Returning the flask to his belt, Basil looks to the children with a softer expression, the blackness of his Judgement fading from his eyes. He speaks again in common, "Kester, is it? Fear not, I am here only for evidence. Is Lamm here? Are his documents? Journals, notes, records, anything of that sort? An office I can search?" While waiting for an answer he searches the gnome's body for anything of value. He will not have need of it any longer.

Grim ranger
2014-08-23, 03:22 PM

Withdrawing his blade from the still warm corpse of the half-orc with small spray of blood, Bel'on proceeds to wipe the bloodied blade on his adversary's clothing, feeling something approaching euphoria from the sheer satisfaction alone. "Meow, you bastard" he says dryly to the dead Giggles before looking at the children still around them and sheathing his weapon. "I am not going to harm any of you. You, the wronged and downtrodden, are my kin: we share the same scars. And I will end the misery you have been living in tonight. Can you trust me to do that much, and cease attempting to strike me and my companions?" he asks the young criminals in surprisingly soft tone. "I promise that all of us will get justice and vengeance for what has been done to us. After that, I will help to find actual home for you."

Yes, he is indeed sounding quite emotional over the matter, not to mention genuine. It is hardly a surprise, though: the motley collection of thieves and cutthroats known as Little Lamms are as close as he will ever have to a family.

2014-08-24, 12:31 PM
"Ahem," Evelyn loudly cleared her throat as she walked the length of the catwalk towards the stairs. "I really do hate interrupting this emotional addled moment, really I do, no sarcasm, but I must attend to certain tasks." She tried to sound relaxed and cool though she was a little worried on getting to Tomas in time.

She nodded her head acknowledging the wee ones as she bent over Tomas and quickly attended him.

Actions: Healing Check to Stabilize Tomas [roll0]

Following that regardless of pass or fail, she will now use channel energy to heal both Tomas and the nearby Bel'on in a way of what amounts to as....sexual healing. Snerk. Cuz you know...the Calistrian-flavored positive energy. Ha-ha-ha all the immature jokes. [roll1]

2014-08-24, 02:38 PM

Tsalith's body writhes in pleasure as the positive energy flows through him, healing him completely.

2014-08-24, 11:00 PM

(Feels like forever since I posted :smalltongue: )

I believe Evie's heal has raised Tomas hp from -1 to 1. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, that was an unpleasant shock. Tomas's body twitches slightly from the healing surge, before the wizard groans slightly as he was roused from its comatose state. "... this is the worst hangover," he murmurs, still keeping his eyes closed. Eventually though, he pushes himself into a sitting position, and rubs his head, wincing a little as he finds his hand caked with blood. His own blood. "Thanks. I should probably stay away from angry orcs in the future," he says to Evie, looking just a mite flushed for some reason

2014-08-27, 06:40 PM

Kester doesn't seem entirely convinced. He takes a step forward from the other children, swallowing hard as he does so. The other children, conversely, take a step back, leaving Kester to speak to you for them and putting him as the first in your line of fire. One of the boys seems unable to take his eyes off of the gnome, who is already becoming the resting place for several flies.

"Evidence of what? What'd Lamm do to you?" he asks, then quickly adds, his eyes widening, "I mean... I mean that is to say that he makes us do whatever we do, and if we don't, he shows us to Bloo or worse, ties us on a rope and lowers us down through Giggles' pit! We don't do nothing to nobody that Gaedren doesn't make us do, I promise!"

While Kester stammers away at you, you wave away several of the flies and begin to pat down the gnome. You immediately find that he was hiding a studded leather cuirass under his clothes, as well as a weighted sock stuffed with rocks and that wicked inverted dagger. He also has on his person a small satchel containing some mundane tools, some make-up and pins, and a small brass key.

-Studded Leather Armor
-artisan's tools
-disguise kit
-Small brass key

Everyone Else

The children stare blankly at Bel'on as he speaks to them. It is difficult to discern what they're thinking, but more than one of them look fearfully at the opening in the floor. They all seem to have some unspoken understanding, though, because they all toss their brooms away from them, the wooden poles clattering one after another to the damp floor.

There is an awkward, terse moment. The only sounds are the river below and Evie and Tsalith's footsteps on the catwalk above as they descend the stairs.

"Are you gonna kill Gaedren?" the girl who'd been perched up on the barrels earlier asks timidly.

Her mouth opens suddenly in a gasp. All of the other children react similarly, though none of them seem to fully understand what just happened, or that Evie is to blame.
-Studded Leather Armor
-Light Steel Shield
-Light Flail

2014-08-27, 11:01 PM
Coldly removing everything of value from the dead gnome, Basil packs it into his backpack to sell or use later. The weapons and armor are a tad small, but if he's lucky they'll pay for a month's rent. Less out of his own pocket. Turning his attention back to the orphans, he holds up his bow and puts it away. "I'm not a Hellknight, I'm not a fanatic, and I don't care what you've done. Lamm framed by brother for murder. Charges were dropped, but family name and all that; need to prove beyond a doubt that we had nothing to do with it. Now, does he have an office here?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Grim ranger
2014-08-28, 08:04 AM

Paying no attention to the interruption and merely stepping somewhat out of the way of Evelyn as she goes about her business, the tiefling nods to the girl. "Yes. It is why I am here. He tried to kill me when I grew up. Now I am here to kill him right back" he explains calmly. "I am on your side. Can you tell me where he is?"

Straight after his question, he is forced to pull up his scarf again to hide his blush and slight shiver from Evelyn's healing. Damn Calistrians... While he cannot complain about the healing, the side effects are somewhat irritating during social interaction.

Trying Diplomacy to get the kids to help us locate Gaedren.

[roll0] (Diplomacy)

2014-08-28, 12:41 PM
Evelyn smirked at Tomas and glanced over at Bel'on, she opted to not interfere, this was clearly his thing, a rather personal thing. Instead she just offered a hand to help Tomas up. "And dying, you should probably avoid that too."

2014-08-29, 10:29 PM

"Yes, avoiding dying is probably a good idea as well." Tomas grasped Evie's hand and pulled himself up, still looking a little wobbly. "So, what happened while I was busy not dying?" He glanced at the body of the fallen half-orc. "Aside from that guy apparently failing at not dying."

2014-08-30, 12:42 AM
"Eh, to be honest, not a whole lot, I reckon tis only been around five minutes," She smirked and gave an aside glance. "Any whom, oh!...Actually, Tsalith here proved himself quite able with his sword." She winked Tsalith's way. "Slew a most nauseating gross foul man I have met so far." She nodded her head. Yep.

2014-08-30, 08:33 AM

Tsalith nods in reply to Evie's wink. "So I take it there is no sign of him?"

2014-08-30, 02:57 PM

The children don't seem convinced. They keep their backs to the wall, until Kester takes a deep breath and exhales loudly.

"Then... you won't stop us from leaving, will you? If I tell you everything I know... we can leave?" he asks as bravely as he can.

As soon as you make eye contact with him, he flinches and lowers his eyes for a moment, before seeming to remember his earlier fire and raising them, shyly avoiding making eye contact again all the same.

"Gaedren's here. H-he has to have an office somewhere, but I don't know where it is. It's probably down below somewhere. He has a way of getting down there, but it's... it's not the hole in the floor. That's just how he lowers the r-rest of us down when there's a punishment to be had. No one comes back from that... Mister Yargin has an office though! It's through that door behind me, and back in the corner," Kester says quickly.

"But... Bloo!" one of the others gulps.

"Oh, right... Bloo is Yargin's dog. He's really mean. He'll try to bite your throat out... And then there's Mr. Giggles. He's the one who does most of the beating for Gaedren. He'll be downstairs... I-I don't know any more than that!" Kester stammers nervously, his eyes flicking to the open air behind you.

Everyone Else

"I don't know where Gaedren is..." one of the boys says quickly, backing away from Bel'on.

The girl, still breathing heavily, seems too distracted to disagree. The other boys are all looking around uncomfortably. The boy who spoke blanches when you look at him.

"B-but he goes down below sometimes! He has a hidden place below the floor! M-maybe that's where he is?"

2014-08-30, 03:16 PM
"I will not stop you from leaving, but I'm certain you know by now that this city is not kind to homeless orphans," is Basil's reply as he looks down towards the lower door. The sounds of combat are gone, and he can hear people talking, though not what they're saying. It certainly doesn't sound like the backwater scum of this place though. The problem must be resolved, then. He moves across the room to the door on the other side and opens it cautiously as he continues speaking to Kester and the others, "My family has some connections, and I know people around the city myself. I may be able to help arrange apprenticeships or adoptions with more reputable individuals. Anyone interested can wait for me here, the rest are free to go their own way."

Opening the door to the front office.

2014-08-30, 04:01 PM

Grim ranger
2014-09-01, 12:45 PM

Raising his hands in non-threatening gesture, the tiefling nods somewhat. "Calm down, you all. We are not going to harm you, as said. Can you show where this...hidden place is? I would really appreciate the chance to meet Gaedren. I have been looking forward to it."

2014-09-01, 01:26 PM
"Good, I'd hate to miss all the fun on account of my abysmal performance in combat," Tomas says, grimacing as he wipes off some blood off his forehead. He walks over towards the tiefling, though makes no attempt to join the conversation just yet.

2014-09-01, 01:48 PM
"Oh, don't fret, I am sure you'll perform well in other regards," She said with a fake straight faced expression.

She turned to look towards the children. "It would be beneficial of you lot to help my comrade here, Gaedren is not a man you want to protect anyway, so don't."

2014-09-04, 05:18 PM

You don't waste any time in moving through the door, which opens into a front room. A single desk sits in the middle of the room, a moldy chair pushed up against the back side. A small pile of ratty furs and straw is heaped under the table. Lying on the floor on the opposite side of the desk is a bloody headless corpse, the head lying nearby. To your right is an open set of doors, a dead dog in a bloody heap just outside of them. A pair of bloody footprints and a vaguely pleasing smell lead from the front doors past where you stand to another open door immediately to your left. Yet another open door is in the wall ahead of you and to the left, leading into what looks like some private quarters or an office.

Through that door, you can see a short corridor, and beyond you can hear conversation.

Everyone Else

One or two of the children looks more curious than frightened, but all of them show degrees of nervousness. It is the girl who finally speaks again, "Gaedren doesn't say where he goes, but I've heard his voice through the floor, honest! He talks to bad Lambs down there sometimes. They get lowered down through... Through.... there."

She points to the opening in the floor behind you, biting her lip fearfully as she looks at it.

"That's not how Gaedren does it, though, or how Giggles or Yargin or Hookshanks went and talked to him. They have their own special way. I heard that's just where he keeps his giant monster shark," one of the boys cuts in eagerly, "And anyone who doesn't meet steal enough or do what they're told gets eaten!"

The girl looks stricken at this and looks almost pleadingly at Bel'on.

"Gaedren's not here. He went away..."

"Now you're just being a scaredy cat! You just said he's under the floor! Why don't you go look for him through the hole, Anna Maria?" the boy suggested grinning, then, on noting your faces, lowered his eyes, "Er... I'm just joking..."

None of the other children speak up or say anything.

2014-09-05, 12:05 PM
"Anna Marie is it?" Evelyn asked as she moved and knelt down on one knee to be at eye level with the kids. She gently tucked a tendril of hair behind the young girl's ear and warmly smiled. "You know how to get to where Gaedren hangs out right? It would be really helpful if you can show us, you and your friends here don't have to be scared anymore, 'cuz we're going to make Gaedren go away forever and he won't be able to hurt you lot anymore, but we're just going to need your help first okay?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2014-09-06, 12:25 AM
Readying another arrow just in case, Basil stalks through the next hallway towards the conversation. Upon arriving and seeing the others conversing with more orphans, he returns the arrow to the quiver and lowers the bow. "There was a gnomish knave disguised as an orphan. He's been taken care of, and the orphans there are liberated from his clutches. I was told Lamm had an office somewhere in this building, did you discover where it is?"

Grim ranger
2014-09-08, 11:27 AM

Glancing at Basil walks in, Bel'on shakes his head. "Sadly not. We found the entrance his victims go down... But not the route he himself uses. I would rather not take my chances with a trap, but the fact is we don't have much else in way of information at the present moment..."

Looking thoughtful, the tiefling glances at the rest of the makeshift raiding party. "Perhaps we should try and search the waterline of the building? Apart from hidden trapdoors somewhere around here, it is only thing I can think of that would make for good discrete entrance."

2014-09-08, 12:04 PM

Tomas nods thoughtfully with Bel'on. "Searching the building seems prudent. But I think we should at least see if we can glean some more information from these orphans before going ourselves. Lamm is anything but stupid, and he probably still has tricks up his sleeves."

Then Tomas knelt down with Evie and smiles gently at Anna Marie. "I know it seems rough at the moment, but we can help you. You can trust the nice lady here."

Hopefully this applies. If not, disregard. [roll0]

2014-09-08, 12:55 PM
"Hm, unfortunate. I will begin to secure the perimeter in case he tries to make a run for it. I believe I recall a lower path around back, near the water, and a rickety old boat. Those may be suitable places to search," with that Basil passes through the room and up the stairs back to the loading area. He looks around for anything suspicious, or signs of someone fleeing.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-09-11, 06:07 PM
The girl's eyes get watery as she looks from Evie to Tomas.

"But... But I told you what I know! I don't know how to get to Gaedren's room! I don't know how! Why won't anyone listen to me?!" she protests as tears start to rain down her puffy, pale cheeks.

The boys nearby all stare for a second, blankly, then look away uncomfortably as Anna Marie starts to cry.

"I don't... I don't know where he is...! And I don't want to help, I want to go to sleep..." the child wails.

You don't see or hear anyone fleeing, or anything particularly suspicious, for that matter.

2014-09-11, 06:14 PM
Outside, Basil searches for a good vantage point from which to keep watch on the building.

More Perception: [roll0]

2014-09-13, 03:10 PM
Evie's eye twitched as the girl started to cry. 'Uggh...this is why I will never have children...' She stood up and rubbed her palm against her chin and sighed. "Fine...though crying is not befitting of a young lady."

She turned to the others and spoke in a low voice. "I don't think we'll be getting any help from them. I think Basil had a better idea. There was that wooden walkway on the other side of the building, or we could do a room by room check though there may not be enough time for that."

2014-09-13, 04:45 PM

Tsalith knelt beside the child, stroking her hair. "It's ok. No one is angry at you here and no one is going to punish you. Not us and not Gaedren. If you don't know where he is then you don't."

2014-09-16, 01:50 AM

He stood up, and nods at Evie's plan. "It looks to be that way, unfortunately. Maybe we can start here, in this room. If we split up we might be able to cover more ground. Assuming the slimy fellow doesn't have any more men hidden in here." He'd just take a look around the room, to see if there was anything anyone missed.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-09-16, 02:34 AM
"Sweetie..." Evie chuckled as she placed her hand on Tomas' shoulder and brushed her hand down the length of his arm. "Splitting up did not work so well for you, I am going to say 'no' to that particular part." She winked.

Grim ranger
2014-09-19, 11:31 AM

"If I did not want to make absolutely damn sure that weasel gets what he deserves, I'd advocate just burning this place to the ground" Bel'on remarks in disgusted tone. "As things are, I suppose we will have to come up with something bit more innovative. Did any of the fellows you fought survive?"

2014-09-22, 05:04 PM
"Mister Tsalith made sure they were quite dead with that blade of his, so I would say 'no' to any surviving," She winked at Basil. "Anyways, I am going to look around on the outside, where the pier wrapped around this building." She said as she started towards the entrance Basil and Tomas had entered from.

2014-09-22, 06:31 PM

Tsalith continues to talk to the children in calm, quiet voice, "Can anyone tell me where Gaedren come from when he come to ... visit. We want to be sure he never visits again."

2014-09-23, 01:05 AM
Oh these cursed Calistrian clerics. Tomas could only suppress a shiver as Evie ran her hand down his arm. "Well, are you proposing we pair up instead?" he said, half-jokingly. Since he really didn't have any coherent plan to begin with, he'd just follow Evie and see what might be outside.

Grim ranger
2014-09-24, 03:31 PM

"A shame then. Well, let's get to it: we don't have too long, I believe" Bel'on grumbles before beginning to look for secret hatches or other stealthy entrances, first from inside the place but planning to check the outside as well if the search will not pan out.

Doing what we all know needs to be done!

[roll0] (Perception)

2014-09-27, 09:33 AM

As soon as she senses the attention is off of her, Anna Maria slinks away, doing her best to disappear from everyone's attention. All of the children are starting to look a little jittery at the mention of pending violence. No one makes a run for it, though. If nothing else, these children seem to understand who is in charge right now.

"I dunno where Gaedren comes from. He's always coming and going from different places," the boy answers Tsalith.

"I bet he comes from the boat out back!" another of the boys, this one a little rounder and fatter than the others, suggests suddenly.

All of the other boys groan at this suggestion.

"I'm serious, guys! I seen him! I seen him on the dock and that's where the dock leads!" the boy insists earnestly.

"Was he with a woman?" the first boy asks petulantly.

"Yeah, but"

"Don't you know why he was going to the boat, then?!" the first child exclaims.

All of the other children stare at him blankly. He suddenly looks sheepishly at Tsalith.

"Um... I don't... We don't know where he comes from," he finishes meekly.

By the time you give up on getting any solid leads from the children, almost five minutes have passed.

Outside, Basil has seen no activity in the vicinity of the old fishery. In fact, there hasn't been a single Korvosan Guard anywhere near here. It's like the fishery is a blind spot for the Guard, or like they've been paid to stay away. The only break from the monotony of his watch, in fact, is when several children dart out of the side entrance where you killed the gnome. All of the ones who were working the slurry are among them save Kester, who there is no sign of. He, at least, must have stayed.

Scarcely a minute later, Evie and Tomas are walking out the front doors. They move around to the south side of the building, where Evie tentatively steps onto the slick, slippery wooden boardwalk clinging to the side of the fishery. Even from your position across the street, you can see that the boardwalk is held together by barnacle-thick pilings.

What Basil can't see but Evie and Tomas can is that the pilings have been worn halfway through their thickness at the waterline.

As Evie takes her first step onto the rickety-looking boardwalk, there is a loud creak of groaning wood, but it seems to hold her weight just fine.

The boardwalk is rickety, but it can still hold some weight. Some, in this case, being about 250 lbs in a single given area. As long as everyone keeps spread out, the boardwalk should hold (no significantly weaker spots being assumed). If too much weight is put in one area for too long, however, the risk will increase that the planks might give out.

Evie takes a second step, and a third, but the boardwalk continues to hold her weight. Tomas follows after her, and together the two begin to follow the slippery boardwalk east, towards the boat at the back of the building, one treacherous step after another.

You see a jagged looking fin protruding from the water five feet below the boardwalk. It belongs to a larger, seven-foot-long form swimming just beneath the surface.
This is a Jigsaw Shark, an aggressive breed of shark common to the waters of southern Varisia. They've been known to attack people in boats or just swimming nearby, but anything that's more or less clear of the water should be safe.

Back inside, Bel'on and Tsalith take a little time to check around for hidden panels or secret rooms, but find no sign of such. There are some documents in the office that obviously belonged to Yargin, however. Under close scrutiny, it seems that they're years outdated, and have had some minor scrawlings marked in them to give the fishery the appearance of legitimacy. Otherwise, there is no sign of anything out of the ordinary (unless you consider the wretched stink of the fish slurry). Some of the orphan children disappear while one or two others yawn and take a seat on the stairs in the main room, content to watch and wait.

It doesn't take long to come to the conclusion that there is nothing to be found here, and Bel'on and Tsalith soon follow after Evie and Tomas. As they step outside, they can see Basil on the roof of an old supply shed across the street, keeping watch. To the south, they see Evie and Tomas midway along the boardwalk, slowed dramatically by the slickness of the wet wood.


Notes: Basil is across the street and so not on the map. Assume that, as a full round action, he can arrive at T14. For all points and purposes, Basil can see everything visible on the map at the moment.

2014-09-27, 10:46 AM
Basil gives the others a silent salute of acknowledgement as they file out of the building. Afterwards, he resumes his position with bow ready to fire. The orphan children he lets run; if they do not want his help, he is under no obligation to give it. Those who remain will receive all the more benefit for focused attention. For now he keeps watch for anyone leaving the building while the others are distracted; or anyone making their way towards the building from elsewhere, for that matter.

Basil will Take 10 on Perception for a result of 16.

If he cannot Take 10 at the moment: [roll0]

2014-09-28, 02:30 AM
"Do tread lightly my dear Tomas it seems we have unwanted company..." She quietly said though loud enough for him to hear as she gestured to the jagged looking fin. "I doubt it is something friendly, we would not be that lucky~"

"Oh right, before I forget love..."

Evie is going to channel energy and heal up Tomas a bit more. 30 ft range.


2014-09-28, 09:13 AM

Tsalith annoyed at finding nothing walks at an angry pace to catch up to Evie and Tomas, feeling the two are at risk if they stumble into any trouble.

2014-09-29, 04:25 AM

Tomas, having somewhat less keen senses, could only nod imperceptibly at Evie's warning. "I guess we'll just need to go in with our eyes wide open..." he murmurs, as they continue to slowly make their way across. Of course, the darned flush in his cheeks just wouldn't go away either.

2014-09-29, 12:00 PM
(I moved Evie six spaces up on the roll20 map)

"I think I see something...the boat?" Evelyn said as she waited by the corner, back pressed against the wall, trying to peek over. She was not referring to the small dingy rowboat of course.

Perception got a 21 when I made my post in the wrong thread like the dork I am. She is trying to see if she hears anything around the corner.

2014-09-29, 12:13 PM

Tsalith hustles to catch up to Evie to ensure her safety and to see what was there.

Tsalith did a double move to catch up.

2014-10-02, 06:46 PM
The sun is setting behind Basil; there is little light left in the sky now, and all you can see of his form is a black silhouette. The back alley boardwalk looks just as dark, though this is a combination of the wet wood, filth-covered-planks, and poor lighting. The shadow beneath the waves follows after Evie as she boldly treads along the slick boardwalk, following it to the back of the fishery. From her vantage point, Evie can see the river and, faintly, East Shore on the far side.

Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Creeeeeeeeak!

As Tsalith approaches Evie from behind, the old, rotting wood planks begin to groan and creak beneath his boots. In fact, the spot both of you now stand feels as though its starting to bow a little beneath your combined weight. There is a splash and ripples down below; whatever swims beneath the surface just poked its head up for a moment in anticipation, but it was back underwater again before it could really be seen.

Just ahead, the docked ship is dark and silent, save for the sound of its large girth rocking slightly in the current. The rotten deck of the ancient barge seems to be barely intact, its hull worn and thick with seaweed and barnacles. The barge looks to be held together primarily by the layers of old rope that lash it securely to the pilings that support the fishery and the boardwalk on which you stand. There are no windows into the inside of the ship, however, so you are unable to determine if anyone is presently aboard. If they are, they certainly aren't on the top deck. A rusted bronze plaque adorns the rear hull of the barge, with large ruined letters labeling it "Kraken's Folly".

2014-10-02, 09:56 PM
With the encroaching darkness of evening, Basil knows he won't be able to see much from afar soon, vantage point or no. With the others circling one side of the building he resolves to check on Kester and any other orphans that remain, then look for any hidden paths around the opposite side of the building.

Full Round Action to get down and approach the loading deck door.

2014-10-03, 02:31 AM
Evie turned to Tsalith with a grumpy look. "Too close, not that in any other situation I would mind....but...right now..." The creak of the wood beneath their feet was worrisome, not to mention the shark she saw that awaited them. She shook her head and then started to walk some more and stood in front of the barge.

"Well I am not going in first."

2014-10-03, 07:02 AM

Tsalith nods to Evie and then begins to carefully climb into the barge.

2014-10-04, 01:50 PM

In the meantime, Tomas isn't quite ready to trust his luck so soon, and is just going to make his way slowly towards Evie and Tsalith.

Grim ranger
2014-10-04, 01:52 PM

Following along with the others, Bel'on gives the danger lurking in the waters a dismissive look, moving deftly along the wet, creaking planks without slightest apparent problem. He is quite used to keeping his balance, so this is nothing all that hard to deal with. He could likely walk to the other end of the pier with his hands instead of feet and still make it just fine if he'd have to.

"Whoever goes first, I care not, but cutting Lamm's throat is a task reserved for my blade" Bel'on comments, speaking quietly and yet with frightening intensity. "After that you can sodomize his entire extended family for all that it matters to me."

2014-10-04, 03:06 PM
"We know Bel'on, we couldn't know anymore if you carve your message into our flesh, we know, believe us, we know," Evelyn said with a soft sigh. She shook her head and then reached her hand and placed it on Tsalith as he began to climb and whispered a quick prayer.

"Just a little guidance in case you need it," She said to him.

Actions: Casting Guidance, +1 to grant a competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, lasts a minute until used.

2014-10-08, 05:10 PM

After Evie's quick prayer, you find climbing up to the barge an easy enough task. You climb from handhold to handhold up the back of the barge until at last, you place a hand on the rail at the top of the after-castle. The wood is rickety, and no sooner have you pulled yourself up than the railing to which you previously clung snaps completely off and plummets into the water below. You find that the top of the aftercastle is humble at best. By the look of things, no one has set foot up here in years.

A narrow ladder descends down from the after-castle to the main deck. As you move towards it, there is a loud crack of wood splintering, and then your footing is gone as the entire after-castle floor gives way beneath your weight. You land hard on your back in a cloud of dust. For a moment, you find it hard to breath, both because the wind was knocked out of you and because the air in this new room is thick and musty. Thick sheets of cobwebs hang from the walls of the room you now find yourself in, while mounds of blankets, cushions, and straw clutter the floor. A narrow flight of stairs leads down to the north, into the dark hold of the ship. In the northeast corner of the room, a closed oak door leads out to what must be the main deck of the barge.

Something is moving at the corners of your vision. You aren't sure what, but you're sure it came from the dark southwestern corner of the room, near the floor.

You probably can't see much of the map anymore. That's because you're in an area that is almost pitch dark and you have no light source. Rest assured, as soon as that door is opened or as soon as you start up some kind of light, better vision will return to you.

Bel'on, Evie, and Tomas

As you all move along the boardwalk towards the Kraken's Folly, Tsalith begins to scale its after-castle. In just a few seconds, he pulls himself up to the top and swings over the railing, not even losing his balance when said railing dislodges from the back of the barge and splashes into the water. The sun is so low, now, that you can barely see Tsalith as he begins to move away from the edge, but you can all hear the loud crash as the floor beneath his feet collapses and he disappears from sight altogether. The barge doesn't so much as rock, even with the sudden change in weight placement; it's a testament to how the ship has nearly become another room of the fishery, so firmly connected to the dock is it now.

Given pause, you almost miss the loud creaking and groaning in protest beneath Tomas and Bel'on's feet. The boardwalk begins to bow beneath the pair, coming dangerously close to breaking.


You find that the interior of the fishery has gotten much darker since you last looked in. The loading dock is dim and shadowy to your eye. There is no sign of the children who you left here not long ago; they have either left the building, or else retired to some place deeper inside.

2014-10-08, 05:58 PM

First to figure out where I am and what is here. It seems unlikely this place has any useful information. Tsalith draws his sword and chants a short invocation moving his hand over the blade and it begins to radiate a white light.

"I'm ok."

2014-10-08, 11:16 PM
"Kester, was it?" Basil entered the building and inquired, though not too loudly, after the one Lamb whose name he knew. He performed a few gestures over his bow to allow it to project light in the darkness. "The hour grows late and time grows short. Anyone interested in my offer ought to present themselves now. I can help secure apprenticeships with more reputable tradesmen."

Casting Light on his longbow.

2014-10-09, 03:13 AM

"Well no one had better expect me to go in next after that, " Evelyn stepped to the side and called over to Bel'on and Tomas. While that happened, she called over to Tsalith.

"Do you see anything down there hun'?"

(On the map, just moved Evelyn one square to the right)

2014-10-09, 12:49 PM

Well, that was an omnious sign. The wizard waste no time picking up the pace. With the shark lingering in the water, he isn't really keen on becoming shark bait just yet.

Walked ahead towards Evie, about 5 squares. My token should indicate his new position.

Grim ranger
2014-10-09, 06:44 PM

Making his way towards the ship along with the rest, the tiefling quietly facepalms himself as Tsalith crashes straight through the planks of the ship. Well, it seems that subtle approach is right out of the window now, so he may as well go in himself as well: if there are anyone on the ship, they are rather likely aware of intruders by now.

Easily avoiding the danger of the pier possibly giving way underneath him, he nimbly leaps onto the deck and draws his blade, ready to fight if needs must. After making sure nobody is about to jump them at that very second, he nods to Tomas and Evelyn.

Bel'on runs and enters the ship.

2014-10-09, 07:07 PM

Several flies already buzz around the dead gnome, even as his blood begins to dry on the grime-spattered floor. Your voice sounds dulled by the thick, dusty wooden walls of the old fishery. For a moment, you can hear nothing but the sounds of the river to the east and the flies ahead of you, until suddenly there are footsteps thudding on wood through the door to your left. You turn to look just as the single door opens. Kester stands in the doorway, slightly out of breath.

"Mister Blackwood?" he asks, then catches sight of your face, illuminated by the glowing bow.

Immediately, Kester smiles in relief; then he quickly straightens up.

"Um... Everyone else is gone. Kyo said he could start a new gang, and he promised everyone snacks and a couple pinches each, so they all followed him," Kester explains quickly, "Is Gaedren... is he...?"

Bel'on, Evie, and Tomas

Somewhere to the east, on the river, a river barge sounds off a loud bell chime, and several men's voices can be heard as they navigate the night. You hear Tsalith's voice, muffled through the walls of the barge, as he announces his condition. A moment later, Bel'on darts past Evie and vaults over the edge of the barge, landing lightly on the main deck. Though everything is dim and shadowy to Evie and Tomas, the tiefling's nightvision is far superior to that of a normal person. he can see easily through the shadows, and finds the deck to be little more than a dusty, barnacle-encrusted plain of barren wood planks. Light shines under a crack in the door of the cabin to Bel'on's south, but there is no sign of anything else out of the ordinary.

While the deck near the cabin seems fine, the rest of the wooden deck seems unstable and would probably give out if anyone sets foot there.


As light bursts from your sword, the interior of the cabin seems much less imposing. The stairs down, on the other hand, are perhaps more menacing, now that the lit room so nicely contrasts the darkness of the stairs. Before you can think about opening the cabin door or, alternatively, moving down the stairs, something darts out of the corner.

This small critter is a Drain Spider. They're infamous for bursting out of sewer drains in big cities, hence their name. A little larger than the size of a fist, these spiders usually keep to their webs unless disturbed by a bright light, intruder, or some kind of prey.

Drain Spiders aren't particularly dangerous, unless you account for their venom, which can cause muscle degeneration if left untreated.

The mottled brown spider, about the size of a rat, clambers right up your leg, coming to rest on your calf just long enough to sink tiny fangs into you.

Bite, vs. Flat-footed AC:
Tsalith, if this hits, needs to make a Fortitude save.

Everyone, please roll initiative, even if you aren't in combat!

2014-10-09, 07:27 PM
"I'm afraid not; not yet at least. The others went to investigate the barge out back while I kept watch - just in case he tried to make a run for it. Too dark for that now," the nobleman explained to the orphan boy, looking about cautiously in the illuminated circle formed by his shining bow. "Stay close, and don't be a hero if trouble shows itself. But I'd keep that pitchfork of yours' handy just in case you need it." Drawing an arrow from his quiver and holding it ready near his bow Basil exits the loading area to have a look around that side of the building.

Initiative: [roll0]
Perception for anything that stands out: [roll1]
New position update in Roll20.

2014-10-10, 02:11 AM
"Tomas...Bel'on...be careful where you step, most of the wooden deck here is quite unstable though we should be relatively fine near the cabin..." Evelyn cautioned as she herself maneuvered onto the boat, the relatively safe way. "...Ack...can't see a a thing...Tomas...you are a mage are you not? Do you have any illumination spells?"

Moved her on roll20 near Bel'on

2014-10-10, 05:14 PM

The spider scurries around Tsalith's leg, climbing up onto his torso as it looks for a way through his armor and clothing to get at his bare skin. It finds a little bit of tunic burned away from one of Yargin's earlier attacks and takes the opportunity, biting in.

Bite vs. Flat-footed:
If that attack hits, Tsalith must make a Fortitude save.
EDIT: Looks like it did hit. Please roll a fortitude save.

It is now Tsalith's turn, though you may post out of order if you want (like Evie and Basil). I will organize everything into the proper turn order myself each time I update... Just keep in mind that the initiative order will still determine the actual order of events. The turn order should be visible to everyone on the left side of the screen on Roll20.

2014-10-10, 08:00 PM

"Only a simple burst of light, unfortunately. Nothing that's permanent." Tomas shook his head regretfully, as he finally caught up with Evie and carefully manoeuvred to avoid the unsafe deck.. "More than likely to blind our friend down below."

Moved him to next to Evie.

2014-10-11, 12:12 AM

Tsalith attacks the spider with his scimitar.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Grim ranger
2014-10-11, 02:43 PM

"Just keep close to the cabin and you should be fine. I'll range ahead since I see around here just fine" the tiefling mutters, stepping past Evelyn and pushing open the door. Greeted by a sight of Tsalith attempting to hit an elusive arachnid, Bel'on steps closer to the man before swinging his blade, aiming to kill the annoying bug so that they can carry on with the search.

Bel'on moves next to Tsalith and attacks the Spider.

[roll0] (Attack)(add necessary bonus if Bel'on counts as flanking the spider)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Critical confirmation if necessary)

2014-10-12, 10:16 AM

You swipe at the spider as it scurries around your waste, even going so far as to swing your sword at it in an effort to dislodge it, but the creature is to fast, and too small, to be brushed off like that. Momentarily, you are unable to anything but spin and swipe, constantly feeling its eight tiny legs skittering across you.

You missed.

Shadowy Form

Swims menacingly around the boardwalk...


"Yessir," Kester replies, grabbing a pitchfork from a rack on one wall before following after you.

He hangs back several feet, watching you warily as you creep around the corner. Your light illuminates the immediate area, and what you see is about what you'd expect: a grassy alley between the fishery and an old, run-down apartment building. Beyond, to the east, you see and hear the river. Lit up trade boats continue their business farther out, but nothing is close enough to the west bank to be of any real interest. Not far away, you can make out the sounds of your companions voices, and a few moments ago you're sure you heard a loud crash, but there don't seem to be the sounds of fighting, nor of yelling, nor distress.


The rotted deck creaks under your feet, but you're confident that it'll hold, provided no one tries jumping up and down on it too hard, at least. Beside you, you can see a small door leading into the cabin. Light comes from the crack under the door, and from the rapid movement of the shadows within, someone inside is in a frenzy.to the


You follow Evie along the boardwalk and are just in time to see her hop daintily over the rail so that she is standing on the deck of the barge itself. You move to stand beside her, though are unable to get on the boat yourself for fear of setting foot on the weaker section of floor. Behind you, in the water, the shadow from earlier continues to haunt you, as though waiting for you to slip up and drop into the river. How patient is this thing, anyway?


As you push through the door, you see that Tsalith is struggling furiously with a hairy brown spider the size of a rat, which is crawling around on his torso, working its way closer and closer to his exposed neck. You react with the speed of a cat, drawing your sword, lunging forward, and slicing the spider in half, all in a single fluid movement. Its body falls to the floor in two pieces, neither of which moves.

It is Tsalith's turn. You may continue posting in any order, of course.

2014-10-12, 11:32 AM

Basil moves towards the shore in the hopes of getting a better view, but is unable to make out much more than the bow of the barge. Turning to face Kester, he decides to speak with the boy while circling back towards the boardwalk. If there is an escape route on this side of the building it has evaded him thus far. "So, what can you tell me about Lamm's operations? Does he keep any other hideouts in the city? If we cannot find him here, there will be cause to search elsewhere. And if Bel'on does manage to render Gaedren no longer among the living, are there more associates to take care of? Orphans to liberate?"

Basil moves 4 spaces up, then 4 spaces down back to where he was.

2014-10-12, 01:25 PM

Tsalith begins to move down the stairs. "Thanks."

2014-10-12, 01:37 PM
Evelyn eventually enters through the door, the light looking an answer to her question, squeezing a little past Bel'on and finally behind Tsalith. She glanced down at the sliced in half spider and made a face. "Gross.....anyways....you two alright down here?" She glanced around, her nose twitching a little at the briny smell.

Moved her behind Tsalith on the map

2014-10-12, 02:44 PM

"I think so, it bit me, but not too bad."

Grim ranger
2014-10-13, 04:28 PM

Giving the spider a disgusted look, the tiefling goes on to follow Tsalith as well. "Better keep your guard up. I doubt the next opponents we will face will settle for just biting you" he remarks dryly. "The floor of this thing also does not seem to be very stable, so fighting here offers great deal of risks by itself."

2014-10-13, 06:58 PM

Another glance at the shadow. This thing is certainly quite tenacious. Now that Evie had moved on, Tomas jumped into the boat proper, and followed her in.

"Looks like I missed the show," he comments. "We better hurry. No telling how long this thing will hold up."

2014-10-14, 05:19 PM

As you walk away from the river, Kester falls into step beside you, consciously or unconsciously matching your footfalls perfectly with his own.

"I don't know, Mister Blackwood, honestly. As long as I've been one of 'Lamm's Lambs", we've been here at the fishery. He has most of us out in the city through the day, picking pockets and lifting off of vendor stalls. We bring back everything we find here for Giggles and Hookshanks to go through. I've seen Mister Yargin leave sometimes, but I don't know where he went... No one ever talked about any other hideouts, though. My brother said... My brother said Gaedren liked to keep things small and local, so no one would ever notice him," Kester explains as you walk, frowning as he thinks of more things to say, "I don't think he has anyone else working for him. They'd have to come here to see him eventually, and someone would have seen them by now, right Mister Blackwood?"

The boy is trying his best to sound intelligent and to present himself in a useful manner. He looks up to you frequently as he speaks, checking that you are listening to him and that he isn't offending you.

Everyone Else

The steps lead down into a dark and dank hold. The Kraken's Folly hold smells of mildew; several barrels, crates, and other containers lie stacked here and there, and a shallow layer of river water has collected in puddles. A soft scratching sound comes from behind a few of the crates near the bow of the barge.

You recognize the sound to be that of large spiders... There must be a nest somewhere down here.

Looking towards the crates where you heard the sound, you see one of the spiders in the darkness, peering at you with eight blinking red eyes. This one is massive, though; it is the size of a large cat! Otherwise, it appears the same as the brown monster that attacked Tsalith.

You can see dust coating every inch of the walls of this hold... with the exception of a thin rectangle along the port-side hull, near some crates just beside Tsalith. The rectangle of missing dust is in the shape of a doorframe, though there is no sign of any door.

2014-10-14, 05:36 PM

Tsalith, slowly explores the hold, holding his glowing sword in front of him as he goes.

Perception [roll0]
Separate Perception [roll1]

Stealth to walk quiet [roll2]

2014-10-14, 10:17 PM

Though Basil keeps his eyes peeled watching the area around him, the man is listening carefully to Kester's explanation. After a moment of silent through he inquires, "I hesitate to ask, but your brother, is he... still around? If he is I can extend the same offer I gave the rest of you. If not then... you have my condolences." Stopping at the door to the front room, he opens it carefully, bow at the ready. It seemed like a good idea to give the building one last once-over before rejoining the others. Maybe there were clues regarding where this Yargin went.

Moving 8 spaces to the right on the map, and opening the door.

2014-10-18, 04:54 PM
"Oi...I don't like this area very much...something about it is creepy...webs everywhere?...That hardly screams good sign," She said as she surveyed her area.

2014-10-18, 04:58 PM

"I doubt we are going to find anything welcoming on this task. Webs are likely the least of our troubles. Stay close and we will stay safe."

Grim ranger
2014-10-18, 05:19 PM

Following the two, the tiefling shakes his head. "Can't either of you hear anything out of ordinary? I for one hear spiders, and a lot of them. I'd suppose they have a hive somewhere down here... I'd suggest you prepare yourselves" he notes, his keen eyes gazing into the darkness as he holds his sword at the ready.

2014-10-20, 12:29 AM

The wizard enters the room the last, and winces a little at the sight of the dead giant spider. "I see you guys have been busy." He looks around the room. "Yes, I hear the spiders as well," Tomas says in response to Bel'on. "Best be wary. Speaking of which..." Tomas inches past Tsalith and towards the crates behind him. "I think there's a door here. A secret one." He taps square on the middle of the "door".

2014-10-20, 05:00 PM

Kester looks down at his feet at your question.

"No... He was talking about saving up a few pinches and getting out of here, so Gaedren lowered him down the pit..." the boy explains, as though that tells you everything you need to know.

When you push the door open, you can see that the front room of the fishery is a mess. Blood spatter from an earlier fight still flecks the southern wall, and a headless corpse lies on the ground opposite a large desk. A dead dog lies in the doorway, which is still partially open.

Everyone Else

As all of you spread out to look around the hold, you can feel the start of claustrophobia setting in as the stifling darkness and thick dust and cobwebs close in on you. The sound of wood creaking and water lapping against the exterior of the hull adds a certain creepiness to the hold, and is not helped by the occasional clicks and wisps of movement you catch from the bow. Suddenly, to your horror, several large brown shapes come bursting from the cluster of crates, each the size of a cat. They come skittering towards you...

Could I get all of you to roll initiative for me? Basil is excluded, for the time being. Random, you may post as opportunity arises.

This is a surprise round, in which the people who succeeded in the earlier perception check may participate. If you are acting in the surprise round, post for both the first round of combat AND the surprise round, meaning post an EXTRA action. Otherwise, just post normally. Thanks!

2014-10-20, 10:34 PM
"My condolences, then," Basil states quietly and sincerely, looking down at Kester to let the boy know he's still listening. Basil then turns to the desk, rifling through it for any evidence of his own brother being framed. Afterwards he looks through the dead man's belongings as well.

"What was his name?"

Perception check to search the desk for hidden compartments: [roll0]

New position noted on the map.

2014-10-21, 04:14 AM
Surprise Round
Tomas quickly pushed past Bel'on to put the significantly sturdier tiefling between himself and the ghastly spiders. "Sorry, little guy. Looks like your murderous cousins are out to get us," he says affectionately to his little pet hidden under his cloak, as he brings out his crossbow. "But first, we need light." He raises his hand to conjure a burst of light in front of the nearest brown shapes.

Hopefully, it'll reveal just how many foe they were facing.

Tomas moves behind Bel'on and casts Flare in front of the nearest spider.

Saving Throw: Fortitude negates;
Spell Resistance: yes

First Round
Tomas would then conjure up a glob of acid to splash the nearest spider with it.

Tomas cast Acid Splash on the nearest spider.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

(Sincerely hope I'm doing this correctly)

2014-10-24, 12:50 PM
"Oh yay....more spiders..." Evelyn winced and then pulled out her sling and a bullet from her pouch to shoot at one of the spiders.

att [roll0]

dam [roll1]

Grim ranger
2014-10-24, 03:39 PM

Looking rather disgusted, the tiefling grips his blade and focuses on the nearest spider, ready to start hacking his way through the creatures.

If Bel'on is within melee range of a spider, he just attacks. If he needs to move to reach the nearest spider, he will do that and attack after. Since he is quite low on Initiative ladder (one of the last I recon), let's hope the spiders won't manage to deprive him of his turn somehow. :P

[roll0] (To hit)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Critical confirmation)

2014-10-24, 11:37 PM

Tsalith moves forward towards the spiders ibuing his sword with a fraction of his power and striking at the spider before him.

Arcane strike and two handed swing.
To hit. [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-10-28, 10:26 PM
Surprise Round - Drain Spiders

The spiders crawl right over the boxes in their path, darting impossibly fast towards Tsalith. Three of them surround him, while the fourth perches on a box nearby, watching and clicking its legs on the box.

Surprise Round - Tomas

There is a brilliant burst from your hand, briefly revealing four spiders scampering over boxes toward Tsalith. One of the spiders flinches away from the blinding flash.

DS 3 makes a save:

Drain Spiders

The spiders around Tsalith leap at him with dripping fangs as they attempt to latch on like horribly eight-legged parasites,

No attacks of opportunity, because Tsalith is flat-footed until his initiative round comes around.
DS 1 (vs. Flat-footed):

DS 2 (vs. Flat-footed):

DS 3 (vs. Flat-footed):


As the spiders swarm you, your sword glows with a blue eldritch light. You swipe at the first of the spiders to close on you, smiting it out of the air mid-leap as it attacks you. Half of it falls at your feet, while the other half splatters across the floor, leaving a trail of bug guts all the way back to the stairs.

DS 2 is dead!


Leaning around the corner, you give your sling a spin to build momentum, then let fly with a projectile! Your shot hits the spider just recently blinded by Tomas's flare, making the critter flinch further away. It continues to back away from Tsalith, suddenly aware that it has overstepped the bounds of safety.

You do 2 damage to DS 3.


You rush forward, past the stairs, and slash at the cat-sized spider perching on the box. It darts backwards, faster than your eyes can follow, and manages to simultaneously turn so that it is now facing you as it dodges your swing. Eight horribly, beady black eyes stare intensely at you, alien thoughts impossible to determine.



Even as the spider subject to your flare back away, you follow through with another of your basic spells. You chant and a ball of green acid forms in your hand, until with a wave you hurl it. The spider backs away once more and the acid hits the floor with a splash; the wood immediately begins to smoke and sizzle as the acid burns away at it.



"Lowrie. His name was Lowrie..." Kester replies to you as he follows you into the next room.

You begin rifling through the papers on the desk, but it doesn't take long for you to realize that there's nothing of real value here. The documents are all obviously forgeries, which would fool only the most ignorant or careless of inspectors. Moving over to the headless corpse on the ground, you pat him down in search of possessions. You have significantly more success here as you find a narrow, rusted metal wand, several pouches of a strange powdery material, three jars of a nasty, thick green liquid, a plain gray stone, some jewelery, a key, and several weapons.

You find an unidentified wand, two tanglefoot bags, three flasks of acid, a thunderstone, 10 bolts, a light crossbow, a dagger, a set of leather armor, an amulet set with a garnet, and a small brass key.

2014-10-29, 12:16 PM
"I will remember it," Basil replies solemnly as he unceremoniously loots the body. He compares the size of the leather armor, and the studded leather armor from the gnome, to Kester. In a less solemn tone and more serious he asks, "Wonder if either of these would fit you... and I don't suppose you recognize the key? Or know where the hole leads?"

2014-11-02, 12:29 PM

The wizard sighed a little at his poor aim, and readied another globule of acid to launch against these dreadful spiders. This time, targeting the spider Evie just hit.

Tomas uses another Acid Splash against DS3.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-11-02, 01:09 PM

Tsalith enpowers his is sword again and slashes at another of the foul beasts.

Two handed swing to hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Confirm [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2014-11-04, 01:18 AM
Evelyn worked in conjunction with Tomas and once again attacked the one she had attacked before. She placed a small bullet in her sling and swung her arm before releasing it from her sling again.


Grim ranger
2014-11-04, 01:06 PM

Hissing in irritation, the tiefling swings his blade once again, trying to reach the diminutive and agile pest with his blade... a trick harder than it would seem.

Bel'on attacks the spider next to himself again.

[roll0] (To hit)
[roll1] (Damage)
[roll2] (Crit confirmation)

2014-11-08, 09:56 AM
Drain Spiders

One of the spiders, the one already flashed fried and injured, darts away from all of the larger forms that have suddenly surrounded it, fleeing down the back passage towards Tomas. At some point along the way, it loses itself in the shadows and the webs. Another of the spiders, the one on Tsalith's other side, is apparently unaware of its peril as it jumps onto the man's chest and begins crawling around, looking for a way inside his armor. At one of the joints, it sinks its fangs into him, hoping its venomous fangs will subdue the large prey.

The third remaining spider, the one that had remained on the box beside Bel'on, flies backwards at an incredible speed. One burst of movement, and it's on the far end of the box. Another little spurt of speed, and it's on the wall. Another, and it's out of sight entirely.

It will require a DC 16 perception check to attack DS 3 (the one by Tomas) and a DC 32 perception check to attack DS 4 (the one near Bel'on). You may target random squares, of course, but there's no telling how that'll work out for you...

DS 1:
DS 1 attacks Tsalith.

DS 3:
DS 3 withdraws and runs past the stairs, provoking an attack of opportunity from Tsalith.
Stealth check to hide (-10 applied to roll):

DS 4:
DS 4 Takes a "5" foot step away from Bel'on and onto the wall, taking advantage of webs.


You swing and swipe at the spider on your armor, but it is just as nimble as the smaller one upstairs. It races around to perch on the square of your back. You squirm and swing at it, dancing around somewhat in the dark hold, but no matter how you move, the tiny creature seems adept at avoiding your reach.

You miss DS 1.


Since the spider you attacked earlier is out of sight, I redirected your attack to target the one on Tsalith.

You set another bullet, intent on the wounded spider, but before you have a chance to fire, it is out of sight, having darted past the stairs in the other direction. You shift targets to the spider clambering over Tsalith's torso. For one instant, you have a clear shot as the warrior is in mid-turn, the spider visible on his back. You launch the bullet, but the turn is too quick. Your bullet bounces off the rotted wood wall of the hold, clattering to the ground somewhere.

You miss DS 1.


Since you were in melee and your target is now gone, I don't imagine redirecting the attack would be of much value. Not to fear, though, because you would have missed anyway.

You swipe once more at the strangely cognitive spider, but even your expertly honed reflexes are not fast enough to catch the vermin before it disappears into the next of webs and dust and shadows along the bow of the ship.

If you hadn't already guessed... you missed DS 4. Thank you for playing. Please insert tokens to continue. 9... 8... 7...


You see the large spider running toward you, and instinctively repeat the arcane words from before, launching a globe of acid at it. The spider zigzags to the right, partially up the wall, and your acid misses it by a hair, burning and sizzling. In the fraction of a second your eyes left the spider to see the acid, unfortunately, you lost sight of the spider. It has disappeared into the mess of webs behind you somewhere.

The patch of floor where the first blob of acid struck is starting to leak water...

Technically, you'd need to succeed on a perception check to target the spider, but since you missed (barely) anyway, I figured there was no harm in reordering things a bit. You get the idea, right?


As you begin holding up the armor to Kester (the gnome's armor a bit better, but neither are perfect fits) to check his size, the boy realizes what you're doing. He looks down awkwardly, unsure what he should do with himself for the moment, until you're finished.

"The key? Er... No, I don't know that one. I don't recognize it... but I'm not very good with keys, Sir," Kester says sheepishly, appreciative of the conversation, "I guess I can try this one on... It's a little bloody, though..."

The lad uses Yargin's clothes to wipe some of the blood on the inside clean before he starts trying it on. As he does so, he tells you, "I think there's water down the hole, and sharks. Maddo says that Gaedren's pet alligator's down there, but I've never seen it... It's the space between the floor of the fishery and the river, though. Anyone who goes down there doesn't come back... except for Mister Yargin, I guess. Giggles lowered him down once, and a couple hours later he got hauled back up."

2014-11-08, 12:29 PM
"Don't worry, I'm not expecting you to fight. I just like to be prepared for the worst possible scenario," Basil explains when he notes Kester's nervous expression. He helps the boy get the gnome's suit of brigandine on. Standing back up, he examines the key and pockets it. "Well I've no interest in wrestling crocodiles at the moment. Particularly in enclosed spaces. Enclosed spaces are not really my forte." There are two doors behind the desk. Opening and passing through one of them, Basil enters a room featuring another desk. He continues to converse with Kester while sifting through the desk and scanning the room for anything useful.

"On a more pleasant topic, I'm going to need to know what skills and interests you have, if I'm going to help find you a legitimate apprenticeship."

Perception to search the room, the desk in particular: [roll0]
New position noted in the roll20 room.

2014-11-13, 12:36 PM
Evelyn uttered a small curse about how these damn spiders were too fast.
Gonna try again on the one on Tsalith!

ATT: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

2014-11-19, 01:08 AM
Moving on it seems.

"So...Tomas...what was this again you said about a secret door?" Evelyn eyed the wizard curiously.

2014-11-19, 11:07 PM
Moving on it seems.

"So...Tomas...what was this again you said about a secret door?" Evelyn eyed the wizard curiously.


He gestured at the suspicious section of wall and the apparently lack of dust. "There's something off about that bit of the wall. Like someone just recently wiped off a section of dust that happened to look like a door."

2014-11-20, 01:55 AM

Tsalith examines the part of the wall indicated by Tomas.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-20, 08:01 AM
Evelyn just helps out Tsalith and by help she just start randomly touching the area indicated and applying pressure.

"Come on baby, show me your secrets," She whispers to this particular area, pointed out by Tomas.

2014-12-15, 05:49 PM
"P.S, someone should help Tsalith with that spider issue, just sayin, I will take care of this," Evie said casually, not even looking over her shoulder, her focus on the mystery door.

Grim ranger
2014-12-19, 04:04 PM

Seeing that the spider he had been trying to cut in two had skittered out of his reach, the tiefling went on to attempt to bisect the spider still on Tsalith. Even if their footing was apparently getting dangerously unstable, having a venomous arachnid climbing on one's head was generally not good for their survival prospects.

Let's see if we can get this back on track. Attacking the spider on Tsalith (and moving 5 feet to do so I guess).

[roll0] (To Hit)

[roll1] (Damage)

[roll2] (Critical confirmation)

2014-12-20, 02:37 PM
For the moment, most of the spiders have gone out of sight and out of mind. Only the one clinging desperately to Tsalith remains visible, if immobile. Evie lines up a shot with her sling, waiting for Tsalith's squirming to bring it properly into her line of fire. He turns slowly, letting her take the shot, but just before she looses the bullet, the spider sinks its fangs into the warrior yet again, eliciting a yelp of pain and a sharp jerk. The bullet flies past him, narrowly missing Tsalith's left elbow as it bounces off the hull. Unlike the past times, however, this time there's a strange sound. Instead of the thunk you'd expect from a bullet hitting solid wood, it's more of a thwak, like the wall is thinner.

Tsalith echoes the sound as he slams the spider against the wall, throwing himself against it in an effort to crush the eight-legged monster. The spider drops off of his back and hits the floor, splashing slightly in the puddle of water forming from the hole Tomas just made in the floor. For a moment, the spider doesn't move, but before you can so much as sigh in relief, it is back up and skittering up the wall. Bounding across the floor in two wide steps, Bel'on slips past Tsalith and slices his sword in a horizontal arc right through the drain spider's midsection, cutting it neatly and perfectly in half. The pieces of its body plummet back to the floor as white and green ichor seeps out of it onto the wet wood planks.

You all listen, straining your ears for some indication of the position of the other spiders, but all you can hear is the lapping of the waves outside as the river flows on its way and the creaking of old, straining wooden timber rotted long past a reasonable lifespan. Taking the quiet for safety, Tomas walks calmly toward the spot where Evie's bullet struck, examining it curiously.

"There's something off about that bit of the wall. Like someone just recently wiped off a section of dust that happened to look like a door."

Working together, Evie and Tsalith press their hands against the wood planks, feeling around. Sure enough, there is a loose piece of wood that doubles as a lever. When Tsalith pulls it downward so that it is perpendicular to the wall, the entire hull gives a strange shudder, as though coughing, and a rectangular cloud of dust is ejected from the a door-shaped crevice in front of Evie. Pushing on it, the entire "door" falls out, clattering loudly on an old underpier.

Peering through the starlit opening, you can all see a narrow space exists under the fishery, with about four feet of room between the floor of the building above and the languid foamy river water below. Wooden pilings support the building, and moss and cobwebs hang thick from ropes and rusted chains between them. A wooden walkway floats on the river surface, winding along the inner wall of pilings that supports the building's frame above, leading from the sodden barge all the way west (remember, the map is rotated incorrectly) to a wooden door that leads into an understructure below the fishery's landbound half.

A shark fin extends out of the water between two pilings, swimming in lazy circles near the floating underpier, waiting for someone to fall in and become its dinner. Looking to the door beyond the treacherous walkway, you all realize that in order to reach it, you'll have to hunch over or crawl on the underpier; the ceiling is just too low.

DS1 Bites Tsalith: 18(from Roll20) vs. Tsalith's Touch AC;
Tsalith takes no damage from the bite.
Tsalith's fortitude save: 22(from Roll20) vs. DC 12

Bel'on magically hits the spider and kills it, simultaneously putting the narrative back on the rails and getting things moving again. I trust no one wants to stop and look too closely at the numbers...? :smallwink:


The wooden desk sits in one corner of this room, its side preventing the door from opening all the way. Kester has no trouble, but you are forced to squeeze through the door to get into the office. The table, you see, is heaped with dozens of slate boards covered with chalk scrawls, while to the east a cabinet slouches against the wall. To the south, a few moldy boards have been nailed over a door.

A cursory glance over the slates on the table confirms that these are covered with transaction records, addresses of customers, and other accounting notes. Moving on to the cabinet, you find it unlocked and filled to the brim with bound up scrolls. Opening one, you see that it appears to be a ledger which a past month's slates had been copied onto. Unrolling the other scrolls, you find them to be the same thing. This cabinet must be where all the legal and business paperwork is kept, in the event of a Guard raid.

"Skills? Um..." Kester falls silent, legitimately surprised and puzzled by the question.

He's obviously unaccustomed to being asked anything about himself, especially where talents are concerned.

"Well, Gaedren always said I was light on my feet and with my fingers... And... I don't know... There were things some of us did, skills that some of the older boys had, or the girls I guess, but... I don't really wanna do those things, but I don't know how to do anything! I can't sing or dance, or... or... I can't even fix my own clothes! Lowrie used to help me with that!" the boy exclaims, starting to panic as he realizes he can't think of anything, "I thought... I mean... I thought I was going to be a tough mercenary like you, Mister Blackwood... Can't you... Teach me?"

2014-12-21, 12:40 AM

Sifting through the legal documents and transaction records, Basil determines that they are to make the place appear legitimate. If records of illegal transactions existed they would not be in the open. To see where it leads, he plants his foot on the moldy boarded door in a set of kicks, to try and break it open. In between kicks he continues to converse with Kester.

"There are younger conscripts in some armies, I suppose. And it would give the 'questionable' skills that Gaedren... provided (for lack of a better term) a more legitimate channel. If you are skilled with your hands, I could instruct you in archery. Could also show you how to handle armor properly without restricting your movements so much."

Strength check vs Break DC of door: [roll0]

Grim ranger
2014-12-23, 11:11 AM

"Well, let's get going. Little use in dallying further in here" the tiefling remarks, moving fluidly and dropping gracefully onto the walkway, carefully beginning to advance towards the hidden entrance to the building. "Don't rush it nevertheless: I doubt any of us has any desire to become shark chow."

2014-12-26, 12:34 PM
Evelyn coughed a bit when the dust farted out onto her face and grimaced. Anyways she dropped down and slowly maneuvered herself. She was definitely going to engage in a bath after this, all this crawling around in stank ass places like this, unfitting of a lady such as herself. She nodded her head at Bel'on and bit back the want of being sarcastic about being a Captain Obvious. She faintly smiled and then proceeded with navigating this stank hole while trying not to glance at the ominous shark fin.

2014-12-26, 12:52 PM

Tsalith waits a few seconds and follows Evelyn, leaving space between them and moving carefully. "I wonder how they keep that shark here?"

2014-12-27, 11:46 AM

The wizard took up the rear, and like Tsalith, allowed a few paces of space between him and the companion ahead of him before proceeding. "They probably fed it every day. The creature might just be waiting for its daily meal."