View Full Version : Optimization Pathfinder Paladin Optimization help??

2014-07-04, 11:16 PM
I'm currently in a campaign set in Hell, and as I'm rather worried of my current character dying, especially as the GM has stated a couple times that he wants to kill her, I'm currently working on a backup. While it might seem a bit...cruel to put a Paladin into Hell, both for the GM and the Paladin, everyone in the group knows the BBEG is Lucifer (Either he is way too cocky...or an idiot). This Lucifer is the one he is using: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/devil/devils-unique/devil-lucifer-prince-of-darkness-tohc

While I don't enjoy the fact I'd be meta gaming this, the Paladin is to be an act of revenge from a former member of the group and myself, my character is singled out. For some explanation on the situation, the former member happens to be a power gamer, and "cheated" according to other players because he knew the rules better, and applied templates to his characters. Another reason for him being called a "cheater" is that he asked the Gm if a character he was creating could have Demon Prince Armor on a character that's fluff would make some sense in owning it. (The item: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/artifacts/major-artifacts/demon-prince-armor ) The Gm, not being bothered to look up the item, approved it. A few sessions later, he complains that the character is way to OP due to the armor. The former member sent me the idea of using a Paladin if my character ever dies, and I've worked on it with some of his suggestions since then.

Now back to the main topic, I am unsure how to make said Paladin able to work against Lucifer. I know Lucifer can fly with a speed of 80ft. The only solutions I've come up with are fly that fast as well, or use a bow. I'm currently working with a mounted Paladin, both mount and Paladin are Celestial Blessed. The sheets are Paladin: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947184 and Mount: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=947617

Any advice on how to work on this is appreciated, as well as leveling suggestions. The campaign is likely to go to level 20 mythic tier 10. Thanks in advance.

2014-07-04, 11:57 PM
I'm currently in a campaign set in Hell, and as I'm rather worried of my current character dying, especially as the GM has stated a couple times that he wants to kill her, I'm currently working on a backup. While it might seem a bit...cruel to put a Paladin into Hell, both for the GM and the Paladin, everyone in the group knows the BBEG is Lucifer (Either he is way too cocky...or an idiot). This Lucifer is the one he is using: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/devil/devils-unique/devil-lucifer-prince-of-darkness-tohc

Any advice on making a paladin is moot. You have a more important metagame problem to deal with. When a DM wants to kill your character, that's the time to get a new DM.

2014-07-05, 12:28 AM
Any advice on making a paladin is moot. You have a more important metagame problem to deal with. When a DM wants to kill your character, that's the time to get a new DM.

That is the end goal, but this is on roll20 and not IRL, and I am interested in how the campaign will end, as it will affect the story a bit of the one I want to run in the future. Thankfully I rarely ever use my mythic surges and can cast Heal on myself for 150 health as a swift action each turn.

2014-07-05, 09:25 AM
Not sure I want to know how you got Heal as a swift action, but anyways legendary weapon foe biting, champion perfect strike, power attack, mythic power attack, (or deadly aim/mythic deadly aim if ranged) improved crit/mythic, either two handing or ranged.

If Ranged try and get the following: Splitting (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/magweapdesc.pl?power=Splitting&src=mweapontype) Doubles your arrows and all properties applied to them. I don't know if 3.5 sources will be allowed, but if so, that's a really good one.

2014-07-05, 04:33 PM
Not sure I want to know how you got Heal as a swift action *snip*

Archmage Mythic Hero with Arcane Surge...Unless I read that wrong...That is always possible with me. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/mythic/mythic-heroes/archmage

2014-07-05, 05:00 PM
Yeah, this seems like an OOC meta-gaming war between yourself, the DM, and this former player. I'd say try to talk things out, even if it is over Roll20. I get that you want to see through to the end of the campaign, but maybe ask the DM why they want to see your character dead and work from there.

2014-07-05, 06:20 PM
I actually know part of the reasoning behind it. During a recent game, I was attempting to get the hair of another PC for my witch's hexing doll. My pc has had many bad experiences with members of the party harming people she loves, and will use the hex Slumber on them to get them to stop. Or, in the case of a barbarian, use it so they don't have to suffer while learning a spell to help them. The hair ended up being taken somewhat by force. Because of that, the GM enjoys putting my PC in situations that I have no way of avoiding and have to spend a few minutes thinking of a way of getting out barely alive, even when my normal suggestions should work just fine (using flight to avoid stomach acid after being eaten SHOULD work).

As for the former player, no one else in the group is willing to talk to him just because he builds strong characters. No one else has been willing to ask him how his characters have the stats they have, or try to figure it out on their own, and just accuse him of cheating.

2014-07-05, 06:48 PM
Archmage Mythic Hero with Arcane Surge...Unless I read that wrong...That is always possible with me. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/mythic/mythic-heroes/archmage

I forgot Paladin GETS Heal at high levels. XD. Cool. As to the rest: Seriously, if the DM is actually trying to kill your character, that's a problem, and mayhaps should be addressed. Are we talking Dickish DM, DM pushed too far, jerk DM, generally unfriendly DM, DM acting out of character (i mean that HE isn't acting normal), DM on a revenge kick? Are revenge kicks normal? And why exactly is the DM out to get you over the witch forcibly taking someone else's hair, unless I read that wrong?

2014-07-05, 07:25 PM
That is the end goal, but this is on roll20 and not IRL

This might surprise you, but even though you're playing online your DM is a real person. Talking to them just might be a good way to work out your issues.

2014-07-06, 01:35 AM
I haven't talked to him about this, but when not in game, he is decent. He's even offered to pay for a years subscription to Storium for me. As for the hair, I have no clue why that set him off. If it was for rping when he didn't want us to...well that is part of why we would have the problem we have (in a city with no clue what to do). If it's due to him thinking I would actually harm said person, all it does is make the DC +2. Worse thing I could do is put him to sleep and leave him somewhere. And I highly doubt anyone in the party would appreciate me leaving our beatstick behind. If it's due to me surviving when by all rights I should be dead (hitting a little close to double my Con score at Tier 3 Mythic). I don't think that my witch will die outside of him saying "Poof, you're dead," but I am just making sure.

2014-07-06, 07:15 AM
First step: Just talk to your GM like a reasonable adult on what's going on. Really, the proper goal here is just to communicate, not to try and make a ridiculous paladin.

That being said, here is a general outline of what I've done with my Mythic Pally, and how it can help if you decide to roll one anyway:

Step 1: Have you seen Beyond Morality? Because you are going to need Beyond Morality. Aside from allowing you to loosen up your restrictions as a paladin, it's going to be pretty damn well indispensable to you in hell: that Aura of Goodess and Light that you emit is going to be an Aura of Free Lunch in the abyssal planes.

Step 2: Having Beyond Morality means that you can take another generalist mythic power, Divine Source, without any worries about the idiotic alignment-based requirements for your domain choices. Choose Luck and Glory, and you are likely going to have a pretty good time. (and get to have Gate and Miracle as SLAs 1/day, which is pretty great.)

Step 3: You are going to likely want to be a Champion, or Champion/Guardian. Champion gives you tons of wonderful damage options, and the ability to expend a mythic power point to get another use of Smite Evil (or, in Hell, Smite EVERYTHING THERE), and Guardian offers plenty of ways to increase your overall tanktitude.

Step 4: You are going to want only the very best in weaponry. Normally, that often just means a Holy Avenger for a paladin. Mythic allows you to wield the hilariously overstatted Sacred Avenger, and it also allows you to make said Sacred Avenger into a Legendary Weapon. How would you feel about having a sword that lets you expend legendary/mythic points to make melee touch attacks, or double your damage per hit?

Step 5:Normally, Vital Strike is a trap. In a Mythic game, however, you can take Mythic Vital Strike, which changes the normally useless feat into a giant dose of damage-chunking goodness. Remember that legendary weapon? When you combine Mythic Vital Strike, a Smite attack, and Foe-Biting from a legendary weapon, you end up causing the kind of ridiculous one-hit damage potential normally reserved for the Onepunch Man manga, generally nuking anything with a single standard action attack. And if whatever you just smacked is still up, your Tier 2 Mythic Initiative power allows you to just do it again.

Again, I'd thoroughly advise just talking to your DM first. But if you're going to play the paladin anyway, might as well become a tactical nuke of justice.

2014-07-06, 08:14 AM
And at tier 6, if you get Perfect Strike... you can double your dmg. Your already stupidly insane dmg. Mythic is hilarious.

2014-07-06, 08:34 AM
And at tier 6, if you get Perfect Strike... you can double your dmg. Your already stupidly insane dmg. Mythic is hilarious.

Not as awesome as it sounds, as Perfect Strike isn't compatible with Vital Strikes. Different attack types, sadly.

As it stands, with Mythic Improved Critical, the paladin I run with this has been able to explode things to the tune of 1200 or so damage.

2014-07-06, 08:42 AM
point. Now I remember why nobody Uses Vital Strike normally. Bit of a wasted feat without its mythic counterpart. Can't use it with anything, even single attacks that aren't "attack actions."

2014-07-06, 10:16 PM
Yeah... Normally, it's awful, with the Mythic version, it's pretty damn nice, and the most efficient way to use up mythic points on your legendary weapon.