View Full Version : half dragon wife

2014-07-05, 07:14 AM
Forum I come to you today asking for your help.
I am dming a game and I wanted to make some flavor based npcs with the pcs stats, they have a 37 point buy, and are level 7. My challenge is finding a class I could give a red halfdragon. whom wishes to marry one of the party members, offer high appraisal skills, and be as cute of stay at home wife as you can. Any and all books will work so long as she doesnt enter combat.

2014-07-05, 08:30 AM
Expert. Done.

2014-07-05, 08:58 AM
Half-dragons are bad spellcasters, and having spells seems bad in this case. How about a dragon-flavored warlock with no combat emphasis? Invocations are pretty easy to select (small number known), feats are pretty easy (Extra Invocation once she qualifies, the one from Races of the Dragon that allows half-dragon to breath every d4 rounds, etc), and invocations can be used at will, meaning no keeping track of spells memorized or spell slots used (should she ever use them).

I'm picturing a scaley woman with flaming-red, spikey hair with an apron. With a wand of unseen servant and an item of continual mage hand to hold utensils and crack eggs, she makes her husband breakfast. With EB she kills the rat that's been getting into the garbage. With her dragon breath, she flame broils the steak of her significant other. With her Str-rating, she never needs help opening pickle jars.

2014-07-05, 09:05 AM
I'm picturing a scaley woman with flaming-red, spikey hair with an apron. With a wand of unseen servant and an item of continual mage hand to hold utensils and crack eggs, she makes her husband breakfast. With EB she kills the rat that's been getting into the garbage. With her dragon breath, she flame broils the steak of her significant other. With her Str-rating, she never needs help opening pickle jars.

First time I'm doing this, can I sig this? Is just too funny.

2014-07-05, 09:34 AM
Dragonfire Adept

2014-07-05, 11:11 AM
First time I'm doing this, can I sig this? Is just too funny.

You certainly may. I'm always glad when people think I said something clever in between all my other drooling rambling.

Also, it might be cool for her to eventually invest in Obtain Familiar and Extra Familiar. Familiars-as-housepets/domestic help would be pretty awesome. Toy poodle butler. Parrot chef. Hermit crab nanny/conductor.

2014-07-09, 12:02 AM
Half-dragons are bad spellcasters, and having spells seems bad in this case. How about a dragon-flavored warlock with no combat emphasis? Invocations are pretty easy to select (small number known), feats are pretty easy (Extra Invocation once she qualifies, the one from Races of the Dragon that allows half-dragon to breath every d4 rounds, etc), and invocations can be used at will, meaning no keeping track of spells memorized or spell slots used (should she ever use them).

I'm picturing a scaley woman with flaming-red, spikey hair with an apron. With a wand of unseen servant and an item of continual mage hand to hold utensils and crack eggs, she makes her husband breakfast. With EB she kills the rat that's been getting into the garbage. With her dragon breath, she flame broils the steak of her significant other. With her Str-rating, she never needs help opening pickle jars.

Love it, thank you

2014-07-09, 01:52 PM
Taking a different tack on things,I'd head for a Half dragon Succubus wife with maybe Factotum as her class if you ever need one. To avoid combat, just make her good aligned with a Vow of Peace. As a bonus, it would make for a fairly blissful family life.

2014-07-09, 01:56 PM
Nah, she'd just be uber-passive-aggressive and naggy.

2014-07-09, 01:57 PM
More incentive to go adventuring?

2014-07-09, 02:25 PM
Hmm ... I'd go with a Half-Dragon Changeling Bard. Tons of skill points for Crafting household needs, Diplomacy for keeping good household relations (and potentially getting good prices with merchants), Perform for entertainment (of varying varieties, depending on which third-party sourcebooks are allowed), and Changeling gives the ability to look however she wants at any given time. Bardic Knowledge makes her a great teacher for the kids. The spell list can help out as well: Lullaby and Sleep spells for when the kids absolutely won't settle down for the night, Locate Object for when you can't find the keys to your horse, Repel Vermin to keep the house nice and clean, Major Image can help if there's a complete kitchen disaster (smell strongly influences taste), Prestidigitation for other random needs.

2014-07-09, 02:34 PM
Perform for entertainment (of varying varieties, depending on which third-party sourcebooks are allowed)

Perform for entertainment (of varying varieties, depending on which third-party sourcebooks are allowed)

Perform for entertainment (of varying varieties, depending on which third-party sourcebooks are allowed)

Oh you naughty dog you.

2014-07-09, 03:18 PM
or you could, you know, just make her someone who doesn't like fighting, like most NORMAL people.

2014-07-09, 03:41 PM
I think the above postings are offensive. As a red half dragon, this woman is a strong, intelligent, self-assured woman, with a driven ambition for what she wants. The suggestion that she be a trick pony housewife is disgusting.

Also, probably extremely possessive, manipulative and cunning. Don't you know redheads have a 50/50 chance of being crazy?

2014-07-09, 03:48 PM
or you could, you know, just make her someone who doesn't like fighting, like most NORMAL people.

Because Half-RED Dragons are so well know for their even tempers and lack of inclination to fight things.

2014-07-09, 05:01 PM
I think the above postings are offensive. As a red half dragon, this woman is a strong, intelligent, self-assured woman, with a driven ambition for what she wants. The suggestion that she be a trick pony housewife is disgusting.

Also, probably extremely possessive, manipulative and cunning. Don't you know redheads have a 50/50 chance of being crazy?

The OP wanted one that was supposed to stay at home, so ofc most of the responses will present such. Now, whether the half-red dragon warlock will stay in Stepford-mode, that's an entirely different matter.


(Go for it, DM-san! Gambatte!):smallbiggrin:

Red Fel
2014-07-09, 05:11 PM
... This is going to turn into Mink's mother from Dragon Half, isn't it? :smalleek:

2014-07-09, 05:28 PM
... This is going to turn into Mink's mother from Dragon Half, isn't it? :smalleek:Her mother, Mana, was a full (kaiser) dragon who simply shapechanged into a human form.

2014-07-09, 05:29 PM
Half-dragons are bad spellcasters

Why? I see a charisma boost, a constitution boost and no penalties. A breath weapon, too, I guess. And natural attacks.

2014-07-09, 05:35 PM
I think the above postings are offensive. As a red half dragon, this woman is a strong, intelligent, self-assured woman, with a driven ambition for what she wants. The suggestion that she be a trick pony housewife is disgusting.

Also, probably extremely possessive, manipulative and cunning. Don't you know redheads have a 50/50 chance of being crazy?

You are trying to tell me that a descendant of a red dragon would want to leave her "lair" (I mean home), especially when all the treasure and wealth belongs in her lair.

A red dragon would be a narcissistic personality, very possessive, very egoistical. She would have a very talented husband for she will only take the best. That said her husband while awesome also shows off how awesome she is, and thus sometimes the husband is a trophy husband. She would see other families and other wifes and husbands as beneath her. Anything that is even close to a rival she will kill, eviscerate, or diminish.

In other words she is a social queen bee in high school, with a serious mean streak.

2014-07-09, 05:41 PM
Why? I see a charisma boost, a constitution boost and no penalties. A breath weapon, too, I guess. And natural attacks.+3 Level adjustment is a grave penalty... for player characters.

For an NPC (who will stay at home anyway), it's irrelevant, since she could have over 9000 sorcerer levels if the DM wants.

2014-07-09, 05:44 PM
Oh a half red dragon would also be vivacious and lascivious, but she would also be bossy on how she wants it.

A half dragon and true dragons always know what they desire, and they must always add nice trinkets to their opulent assortment of treasures.

2014-07-09, 06:25 PM
+3 Level adjustment is a grave penalty... for player characters.

For an NPC (who will stay at home anyway), it's irrelevant, since she could have over 9000 sorcerer levels if the DM wants.

...but it is an NPC...

2014-07-09, 06:28 PM
...but it is an NPC...Exactly. That's why it's not really a penalty.

2014-07-09, 06:37 PM
Anyway, now I'm imagining you having to hunt down the father to ask him for his daughter's hand in marriage. That is, assuming the dragon is the father. But either way, love is love. I feel like this relationship holds as much validity as any in a roleplaying game, provided that this is treated as such.

The following pointers should prove useful:

She isn't just a regular cohort. She should act like a person with their own interests, but the PCs should respect those interests moreso than a normal cohort.
She won't just follow the PCs blindly: As above, she is not a cohort. She's a wife. She should be treated like a PC in her behaviors and the real likelihood that she will want to do her own thing.
She isn't just there to work for you: She is a sentient, living being. Don't treat her like a dog that knows a few tricks, have her maybe even play a role in the plot.
She shouldn't be killed off for cheap drama: This pretty much speaks for itself.

2014-07-09, 07:45 PM
On another note I am shocked no one has suggested totemist yet.

You have two claws and a bite. Bind the draconic tail and the roc wings (reflavor as dragon wings) and you have the attack routine of a large sized dragon.

2014-07-09, 07:48 PM
Anyway, now I'm imagining you having to hunt down the father to ask him for his daughter's hand in marriage. That is, assuming the dragon is the father.

This is now the best bit of role playing that I have imagined lately. Ever since one of my friend's Exalted doctor-martial artist willingly put himself in the middle of a Fair Folk love triangle. This could be some solid gold role play for a DM to be involved in.

2014-07-09, 07:52 PM
This is now the best bit of role playing that I have imagined lately. Ever since one of my friend's Exalted doctor-martial artist willingly put himself in the middle of a Fair Folk love triangle. This could be some solid gold role play for a DM to be involved in.

Thanks, I appreciate that. If he's a red dragon, why not track him to the hillside? Also, I'm curious how that love triangle turned out. How exactly did he get himself involved?

2014-07-09, 08:07 PM
Thanks, I appreciate that. If he's a red dragon, why not track him to the hillside? Also, I'm curious how that love triangle turned out. How exactly did he get himself involved?

The party had previously fought off an attack by several Deathknights on the Blessed Isle. This one Fair Folk girl, Frost Lily (one of the Seven Stormwinds), was obsessed with Deathknights, though she actually knew almost nothing about them. She just always talked about how cool they were, like it was obvious.

So, my friend's character told her a bunch of stories about Deathknights. Frost Lily instantly worshiped him. Then he said he might be able to get her face time with an actual Deathknight. She practically proposed marriage on the spot.

Then, there was this other Fair Folk girl hanging around, Melelone. She liked big flashy stuff (like every Fair Folk ever); I described her as a redneck Peter Pan. She had suggested that she take a ride with the Solar character on one of her wooly mammoth Wyld critters. His character suggested, instead, that they take a ride on his Thunderbird (custom behemoth giant bird the size of a football field). She took him up on the offer (after he had already gotten Frost Lily's attention), and they went for a ride in his awesome sports car on his awesome bird.

By the time the Solar and Melelone returned, Frost Lily was foaming at the mouth, insanely jealous, to the extent that she had laid waste to several of the longhouses that the Fair Folk lived in (much to the sorrow of the Fair Folk architect that had crafted them lovingly in the midst of their Freehold).

Anyway, the player and character both did this knowing the consequences, which was like Christmas to me as a storyteller. What's better than one Fair Folk romance? Two Fair Folk romances with the same person!


2014-07-09, 08:14 PM
The party had previously fought off an attack by several Deathknights on the Blessed Isle. This one Fair Folk girl, Frost Lily (one of the Seven Stormwinds), was obsessed with Deathknights, though she actually knew almost nothing about them. She just always talked about how cool they were, like it was obvious.

So, my friend's character told her a bunch of stories about Deathknights. Frost Lily instantly worshiped him. Then he said he might be able to get her face time with an actual Deathknight. She practically proposed marriage on the spot.

Then, there was this other Fair Folk girl hanging around, Melelone. She liked big flashy stuff (like every Fair Folk ever); I described her as a redneck Peter Pan. She had suggested that she take a ride with the Solar character on one of her wooly mammoth Wyld critters. His character suggested, instead, that they take a ride on his Thunderbird (custom behemoth giant bird the size of a football field). She took him up on the offer (after he had already gotten Frost Lily's attention), and they went for a ride in his awesome sports car on his awesome bird.

By the time the Solar and Melelone returned, Frost Lily was foaming at the mouth, insanely jealous, to the extent that she had laid waste to several of the longhouses that the Fair Folk lived in (much to the sorrow of the Fair Folk architect that had crafted them lovingly in the midst of their Freehold).

Anyway, the player and character both did this knowing the consequences, which was like Christmas to me as a storyteller. What's better than one Fair Folk romance? Two Fair Folk romances with the same person!


This is a romance thread, after all. Reminds me of a character I DMed for who managed to get himself in a love affair between two goddesses of love (Diplomacy rules tend to be annoying for half-elf diplomancers).

2014-07-09, 08:26 PM
No no, if you want a half-dragon wife, it should be one of four varieties of dragon:


THOSE are the social dragons, you know, the ones that can vaguely function in societies of humanoids? So that's kinda what you want to stick with.

2014-07-09, 08:36 PM
No no, if you want a half-dragon wife, it should be one of four varieties of dragon:


THOSE are the social dragons, you know, the ones that can vaguely function in societies of humanoids? So that's kinda what you want to stick with.

But any half-anything can inherit one trait or another from either of its parents. There is nothing saying that every half-dragon acts like their dragon parent acts. And if there is, that's pretty silly. Role play choices should be left to players, books be damned.

2014-07-09, 08:41 PM
I think the above postings are offensive. As a red half dragon, this woman is a strong, intelligent, self-assured woman, with a driven ambition for what she wants. The suggestion that she be a trick pony housewife is disgusting.

Also, probably extremely possessive, manipulative and cunning. Don't you know redheads have a 50/50 chance of being crazy?

Eh, I'm practically a house-husband as it is; I just picked the class that would let me do what actually needs to be done around the house, aided by magic (believe me, I've wished that I could cast some of that stuff...), and be the ideal mate at the same time. (FWIW, my wife majored in voice, so that may have influenced the Bard pick).

2014-07-09, 08:42 PM
Well, yea, but it is those races that will tend to be able to be socially most well adjusted around humanoids in general.

Red Fel
2014-07-09, 08:44 PM
Her mother, Mana, was a full (kaiser) dragon who simply shapechanged into a human form.

More accurately, a Red dragon. The biggest, meanest, and strongest in that series. Her husband was a dragon slayer, Ruth the Red Lightning, who fell in love with her instead of killing her. (And vice versa.) Theirs is a healthy, romantic relationship, when he's not being a skirt-chasing lech and she's not attempting to murder him for being a skirt-chasing lech.

Seriously. A Red Dragon is not a "waifu." A Red Dragon is a being of near-inscrutable cunning, power, and experience. Assuming it actually loves, and is not merely manipulating, it is likely to substantially outlive its spouse.

And let's not forget that love, to a Dragon, may not be like love to a human - or, indeed, to most humanoid races. Perhaps Dragons show their love through acts of violence or carnage. ("I flay you because I want you to be strong!") Perhaps they offer trophies in the form of shredded carcasses or the plundered wealth of nations. ("I brought you the crown jewels of the former King of Primera. What did you bring me?") Perhaps they believe that a spouse must constantly prove its worth through feats of conquest or tests of strength. ("If you loved me, you would kill that Ogre with this bread knife.")

And perhaps they legitimately threaten to eat a spouse when in a bad mood.

Now, a half-dragon is not a dragon in the traditional sense. However, its nature is more dragonlike than most humans'; further, depending on who raised it, it may be even more dragonlike than that. If she was raised by her draconic parent, expect her to be much like a dragon, save for her less-prominent size and natural weapons. And that means adhering to draconic cultural traditions and customs. Such as eviscerating an unworthy spouse.

If you expect her to be a domestic, expect her to demand the finest. She's a dragon; they're used to the best. That means servants, wealth, fine foods and comfortable quarters. That means others do the work for her. That means, in short, that you'd better be ready to devote a substantial portion of your adventuring income to providing for her.

On the other hand, for the right character type, it could be brilliant. For example, a Cleric who lives a life of humility (not VoP, why would you do that I don't even) might be appealing, from a perspective of curiosity, to a creature whose nature is desirous and greedy. Upon becoming enamored of his virtues, she might decide that a simple, humble life will be the way to win his heart. Alternatively, for a Barbarian willing to fight (or the-other-f-word) anything that moves, a passionate and temperamental half-Red might relish having a lover and partner who shares her bloodthirst. When he returns from adventuring, she assaults him with a broadsword; when they're done demolishing half the house, they can proceed to demolish the... Yeah. It takes all kinds, is the point; I think matching the personalities is important in that regard. Just saying "You marry a half-Red, and she lives in a house waiting for you," causes the character to cease to be a character; she becomes a piece of furniture, less developed than the NPC Mayor who hands out quests. And that's a shame.

I agree that Sorcerer is a likely choice, given a Dragon's predispositions; further, a caster can be very productive around the home. As stated, not every spell needs to be combat-oriented. A Sorcerer can easily protect the home, manage the household, earn an income, educate the mutant offspring, exert absolute dominance over the hapless townsfolk, secure a grant of title from the Crown by sheer terrifying force, and pick up the groceries, all without leaving the house. Wizard is also a good option, as is Adept if you want to go with an NPC class.

2014-07-09, 08:53 PM
Do you want your wife to have a pet like a familar or cohort?

2014-07-09, 08:57 PM
With enough psychological acrobatics, we can justify almost anything.

Premise: Demure half-red dragon.

Proposal: She was raised by her sadistic red dragon father, who wasn't a total bastard, generally, but he couldn't stand his daughter because she reminded him of his failed relationship with her now-deceased mother. Father overcompensates, and decides to beat and oppress his daughter at every opportunity. But he won't kill her; he considers her (and her mother) to be his possessions, and he doesn't part with what he owns lightly.

So the half-red had a dark childhood. She spent long years dodging her father's unstable moods, trying not to be noticed, but whenever she failed, she wished she'd never been born.

Enter the future husband, the first light of outside culture/humanity that the half-red has known. She manages to get away from her father, and credits the future husband. She serves him timidly, but fiercely devoted if pressed. One day she may emerge from her protective cocoon, and develop more fully, but, for now, she is content to pass her time in the peace and tranquility of her new home, thoughtfully doting on her husband.

Now, we can tweak this either to more moderated/developed or more yandere/dysfunctional, if desired. Likewise, we can assume an entirely opposite premise, and back it or this up with any of a hundred different setups. Just like in the real world, the number of factors and variables that go into forming a person are huge, beyond reckoning. In fact, D&D is worse than the real world, as incredible and outrageous things are possible in D&D (like half-dragons :smallwink: ).

2014-07-10, 12:39 AM
My goodness

2014-07-10, 01:43 AM
Because Half-RED Dragons are so well know for their even tempers and lack of inclination to fight things.

Robbers and traveling salesman beware.:smallamused:

You are trying to tell me that a descendant of a red dragon would want to leave her "lair" (I mean home), especially when all the treasure and wealth belongs in her lair.

A red dragon would be a narcissistic personality, very possessive, very egoistical. She would have a very talented husband for she will only take the best. That said her husband while awesome also shows off how awesome she is, and thus sometimes the husband is a trophy husband. She would see other families and other wifes and husbands as beneath her. Anything that is even close to a rival she will kill, eviscerate, or diminish.

Yeah, half-dragons actually make incredibly much sense as homemakers, they just view the job a little bit differently than most people.:smallwink:

My goodness

Just think of if you'd asked this same question on Tumblr. (Not sure if :smalltongue:, :smalleek:, or both.)

2014-07-10, 03:08 AM
The entire scenario sounds adorable, and having her be a warlock would be a refreshing way to go about the whole thing. It would also, at later levels, allow for another option for the party in regards to creating magic items, which is also lovely.

2014-07-10, 06:00 AM
I'd say make her an artificer who crochets magic ugly christmas sweaters for the party... sure it gives you +5 to saving throws, but is it really worth it?

2014-07-10, 08:40 AM
This is a romance thread, after all. Reminds me of a character I DMed for who managed to get himself in a love affair between two goddesses of love (Diplomacy rules tend to be annoying for half-elf diplomancers).

Diplomance the two into liking each other. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Pinkie Pyro
2014-07-10, 10:51 AM
I'd say make her an artificer who crochets magic ugly christmas sweaters for the party... sure it gives you +5 to saving throws, but is it really worth it?

Give players object of great power. Object is really ugly sweater. Constantly make them roll will saves or waste a round scratching.

Having had a three-quarters dragon wife in a game before, I 100% support this idea.

The class should really depend on her upbringing though.
Abusive dragon parent? better go barbarian for the hit die.
quiet, calm, secluded life, as her human mother was to embarrassed to let her be known? probably had a lot of time with that spellbook.

2014-07-10, 01:08 PM
Nah, she'd just be uber-passive-aggressive and naggy.

This is a wife we're talking about... No offence meant to anyone.

2014-07-10, 01:58 PM
can't help but think you guys are all overthinking this...

she's a half-dragon, so it means she inherits some temper and the ability to back those threats up. Done. Her class? Doesn't matter, she's not going to adventuring. Her level? Doesn't matter, she's not going to be adventuring. Her enhancement bonuses... DOESN'T MATTER!

2014-07-10, 02:01 PM
can't help but think you guys are all overthinking this...

she's a half-dragon, so it means she inherits some temper and the ability to back those threats up. Done. Her class? Doesn't matter, she's not going to adventuring. Her level? Doesn't matter, she's not going to be adventuring. Her enhancement bonuses... DOESN'T MATTER!

But you forget the first rule of the playground. There's no kill like overkill.

2014-07-10, 02:08 PM
In that case, we must begin an immediate work up of her full character sheet progression, statted all the way to level 20, followed by a schematic drawing of OP's dwelling, lined with tactical information in case the need to defend their home arises.

We should also immediately begin research rules on procreation and how to best maximize the benefits from both of their heritage.

But wait, before we get ahead of ourselves, someone needs to go and draft up some prenup agreements. Adventuring can be very lucrative and we need to make sure the player protects his assets properly from any would be serial divorcees. (Especially of the half-dragon variety since I'm not sure if they just eat their spouses in a spat)

2014-07-10, 04:13 PM
In that case, we must begin an immediate work up of her full character sheet progression, statted all the way to level 20, followed by a schematic drawing of OP's dwelling, lined with tactical information in case the need to defend their home arises.

We should also immediately begin research rules on procreation and how to best maximize the benefits from both of their heritage.

But wait, before we get ahead of ourselves, someone needs to go and draft up some prenup agreements. Adventuring can be very lucrative and we need to make sure the player protects his assets properly from any would be serial divorcees. (Especially of the half-dragon variety since I'm not sure if they just eat their spouses in a spat)

Since you forgot the blue text....

I proposed familiar-focused warlock. So prioritize stats around whatever, maybe with Cha being good. Half-dragon ensures that, even with just elite array, she will be pretty impressive.

Feats: Extra Invocations when not choosing Obtain Familiar, Extra Familiar, and maybe one iteration of Improved Familiar.

Invocations: Focus on non-blasty utility stuff.

Level progression: Consider moving from Warlock to something else after getting Deceive Item or whatever it is around ECL 14, off the top of my head (afb, sorry). Had a crazy idea about Ardent Dilettante. But that was crazy. Probably better off with some half-castery thing to add flavor, as appropriate to her evolution and the direction of the campaign.

I'll leave the other stuff to other ambitious people.:smalltongue:

2014-07-10, 04:33 PM
remember people, we're not just making a run of the mill housewife here, we're making the most HOUSEWIFEIEST HOUSEWIFE THERE EVER WAS! We must maximize her utility as a housewife by having her be able to do manage households up to thousands!

In fact, WHY DOESN'T SHE ALREADY HAVE THE LEADERSHIP FEAT? She will need an army... of servants, to take care of the princely estate that the player will not doubt have.

And where are the INSTA-Clean magic traps I ordered yesterday? C'mon people, we're already behind!

2014-07-10, 08:30 PM
remember people, we're not just making a run of the mill housewife here, we're making the most HOUSEWIFEIEST HOUSEWIFE THERE EVER WAS! We must maximize her utility as a housewife by having her be able to do manage households up to thousands!

In fact, WHY DOESN'T SHE ALREADY HAVE THE LEADERSHIP FEAT? She will need an army... of servants, to take care of the princely estate that the player will not doubt have.

And where are the INSTA-Clean magic traps I ordered yesterday? C'mon people, we're already behind!

We need to optimize her Craft(Culinary), Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, and Perform(Sexual Acts) modifiers through the roof, get her Prestidigitation items to clean the house (and make her cooking magically delicious), Ghost Sounds at-will to wake everyone up with the most delightful sounds, minions to give bonuses to Profession(Maid) and Craft(Culinary). Mindbender dip for telepathy (plus Mindsight for 100ft lifesense to keep track of every living creature in her house) could help, as could Detect Thoughts.

Masterwork tools of the skills mentioned are a must, with magical skill bonuses optional.

Craft Wondrous Item (or even Artificer levels, now that I think of it) could help her Craft care packages for her hubby.

Sending as an at-will item (or a pair of those mirrors from MiC which are basically continuous.video-chat) to keep in touch during adventures and demand constant updates, and affirm his safety. Some way to send him things could be a reach-goal for later levels.

Handy Haversack purse is also a must-have. Larger extra-dimensional spaces like Rope Tricks and Magnificent mansions are a good reach-goal.

Healing effects are also important (my first thought is a Healing Belt and/or CLW wand). No husband of hers is going to walk around with any less than his maximum hit point total! Removing negative status effects will also be something to aspire for. Bringing her husband back from the dead to scold him could be a nice touch too.

Some way of making money herself could help prove improve her housewifery capabilities, fix up the house (use Stronghold builder's guide wondrous architecture rules for cheaper items, plus that Everfull Larder for infinite food), and prove that she's a strong, independent woman.

I recall there was a thread about optimized child-rearing a while back, actually. That may be of assistance.

2014-07-11, 08:46 AM
I'd say make her an artificer who crochets magic ugly christmas sweaters for the party... sure it gives you +5 to saving throws, but is it really worth it?


We need to optimize her Craft(Culinary), Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, and Perform(Sexual Acts) modifiers through the roof

Did someone say "Marshal Auras?"

2014-07-11, 10:25 AM
We need to optimize her Craft(Culinary), Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, and Perform(Sexual Acts) modifiers through the roof, get her Prestidigitation items to clean the house (and make her cooking magically delicious), Ghost Sounds at-will to wake everyone up with the most delightful sounds, minions to give bonuses to Profession(Maid) and Craft(Culinary). Mindbender dip for telepathy (plus Mindsight for 100ft lifesense to keep track of every living creature in her house) could help, as could Detect Thoughts.

Masterwork tools of the skills mentioned are a must, with magical skill bonuses optional.

Craft Wondrous Item (or even Artificer levels, now that I think of it) could help her Craft care packages for her hubby.

Sending as an at-will item (or a pair of those mirrors from MiC which are basically continuous.video-chat) to keep in touch during adventures and demand constant updates, and affirm his safety. Some way to send him things could be a reach-goal for later levels.

Handy Haversack purse is also a must-have. Larger extra-dimensional spaces like Rope Tricks and Magnificent mansions are a good reach-goal.

Healing effects are also important (my first thought is a Healing Belt and/or CLW wand). No husband of hers is going to walk around with any less than his maximum hit point total! Removing negative status effects will also be something to aspire for. Bringing her husband back from the dead to scold him could be a nice touch too.

Some way of making money herself could help prove improve her housewifery capabilities, fix up the house (use Stronghold builder's guide wondrous architecture rules for cheaper items, plus that Everfull Larder for infinite food), and prove that she's a strong, independent woman.

I recall there was a thread about optimized child-rearing a while back, actually. That may be of assistance.

This is what I'm talking about people! I need feat selection, skill point attributions, wealth table generations and so on!

We'll need at least a 5th level build, a 10th level build, and 15th level build to reflect her progress at different points in her "adventure" career!