View Full Version : 3rd Ed Wild shape/shifting/etc to qualify for feats

2014-07-05, 12:42 PM
Can you use wild shape and similar features with a long duration to qualifty for feats?

For instance, a druid with str 8 changing into something with str 13 to qualify for Power Attack; or a shape that gives multiple natural weapons to qualify for multiattack?

I am asking because one of my players is planning to play a changling warshaper, can he qualify for multiattack or improved natural attack with the morphic weapons ability?

2014-07-05, 01:07 PM
You can qualify for feats that way, but you lose the benefit of any feat you don't qualify for. For example, you cannot use your Power Attack feat when not in a form with 13+ Str.

2014-07-05, 05:04 PM
RAW you must qualify for the feat when you take it, and when you use it.

This means you'd have to be wild shaped at the time when you level up, and wild shaped when power attacking.

Realistically the first one is just dumb and should be dropped in circumstances like this (why in-world does it matter to the hour when you leveled?). As such, let the druid power attack whenever the from meets the prerequisites.

2014-07-18, 04:19 AM
It's alive, ALIVE!

Related question (same character - a changling ranger 1/barbarian 3/warshaper 4/bear warrior X):

Because I have two main rules for character creation (not unbalanced (compared to the rest of the party) and no 'stupid' characters (ie. Frenzied Berserker)) I have limited the use of morphic weapons to one 'set' of natural weapons per level of Warshaper (the 'sets' are: 2 claws; bite; horns; tail; 6 tentacles) when using minor change shape. The question is, what happens to those natural weapons when the character uses Bear Shape? Do they remain, or does he have to grow them anew?