View Full Version : "Everything should seem familiar and safe to him."

2007-02-27, 08:38 AM
I was just re-reading the past Erfworlds and something caught my eye on page 17, the panel 6 were Stanley is piling up details of the summoning, maybe Erfworld is something radically different than Parson and we the readers see it as.:smallsmile:

2007-02-27, 11:20 AM
Not likely. Stanley was just making the request that the to-be-summoned warlord not find Erfworld too drastically different than his own world -- and Parson doesn't.

But, if you summoned a telepathic dolphin that fought centuries long battles via the grown of coral, despite him being the best warlord in all creation, he would be of little use.

Fo Shizzle
2007-02-27, 05:00 PM
*heehee* telepathic dolphin.

I'm going, to split. I don't think it's radically different from what we see, but I do think that it might not be the exact scenario that Parson planned, either because the characters do something unexpected that differs from his plans or it's just different.

2007-02-28, 01:33 AM
I think that particular qualification is a plot device for explaining all of the parallels. It's also why no matter how many coincidental parallels there are, they won't ever add up to evidence that Parson is in his own game world. Even if it were all exactly the same -- we know that it's not because he's nonplussed by the names -- it could've just meant that the spell worked as intended.

2007-02-28, 02:05 AM
I think that particular qualification is a plot device for explaining all of the parallels. It's also why no matter how many coincidental parallels there are, they won't ever add up to evidence that Parson is in his own game world. Even if it were all exactly the same -- we know that it's not because he's nonplussed by the names -- it could've just meant that the spell worked as intended.

Could be, it's certainly interesting to see how the Erfworld developes.

2007-03-01, 07:31 PM
"I want a big guy..." Check.
"Big, powerful, dashing, handsome, heroic..." Two out of five ain't bad, right?
"... a guy who'll shock and awe them, just standing on the city walls, commanding them to fight." Shock and awe? Well, the first will do.
"Now think. I want a guy who's commanded all different types of battle." Check.
"I want him to be obsessed with war." Check.
"Somebody who plans wars and kills his foes for fun." Check and check!
"I want a guy who snacks on gwiffins and eats marbits for BREAKFAST!" Check x 2! More or less.
"Get me somebody who actually wants to be summoned." Check.
"He's gotta speak language." Check.
"Breath the air and things." Check.
"Everything should seem familiar and safe to him." Check.

Not a bad track record for a lowly croakamancer.