View Full Version : Sogra IC

2014-07-05, 09:16 PM
You were on a ship. The Wallflower Waftage. Coming out of a storm, the mast was struck by lightning. The fire it caused spread to the hull, leaving her badly damaged. Nobody on the ship knew just how long she would last, and the nearest port was three days away in the best conditons.

After only a few hours, a Godsend. A small town that wasn't marked on any of the Helmsman's maps. As the Waftage pulls into dock, you can see a sign welcoming travelers to Sogra. The town looks to have seen better days, with a nearby house collapsed in on itself.

Captain Burd tells you that repairs should only take a day or two, assuming you haven't just docked in a ghost town. Since the four of you are the most combat-trained, he "asks" you to be the ones to find out.

2014-07-05, 09:48 PM
Ryth flies happily off the ship. Fair enough then. He hadn't felt particularly welcome aboard anyhow. This no doubt was due to the unfriendly sailors, and certainly not the fact that he carries a magic item that produces an endless volume of fine dwarven ale and did not share. No-siree-bob.

He was equally happy to have firm, unmoving, non-rolling land beneath his feet again (granted, about two meters beneath his feet, but the sentiment stands!) Ryth was a firm believer that sailing was an entirely unnatural form of transportation, likely conjured into existence by fell mages with dark magic and a searing hatred for dwarves. He didn't get seasick or anything, mind (he was far too used to the world around him constantly rocking for that to be a hassle). But he had seemed utterly unable to keep both feet firmly planted on the deck for more than five minutes at a time (a full two-thirds worse than his solid-ground average!)

No matter! They had hit land! And found a town! And the captain had requested for them to clear out everyone who lived there so they could make repairs! Or something like that! It was possible he hadn't been paying complete attention...

2014-07-07, 02:45 AM
Tereus stepped off of the boat with his new companions and smiled, looking in the direction of the town. Tereus wasn't a fan of daylight, not since he was transformed by the devils, so being on the open sea had not been great for him. He was excited to spend a bit more time indoors. Checking that everything was in his bag, the strange bird-man looks at the raven sitting on his shoulder. "Ready to head out Itys?"
The raven nods back.

Vestiges bound (both signs suppressed):

Naberius: DC 15 binding check: [roll0]
-Granted abilities: Disguise self, Faster Ability Healing, Naberius' Skills (Tumble and Sleight of Hand), Persuasive Words, Silver Tongue

Buer: DC 20 binding check: [roll1]
-Buer's Knowledge, Buer's Purity, Delay Disease and Poisons, Fast Healing 1, Healing Gift, Track

Beguiling Influence invocation active.

Pact augmentation: +2 initiative

2014-07-07, 07:21 AM
A small giggle emanated from the bow, as a younger girl no more than twenty skipped out. Burning, yellow eyes peered out of her as she found her way down onto the docks. She looked around, expecting to see people, to see wildlife, or life in general. A malicious grin crossed her face. The sunlight was uncomfortable, but it would not last. She turns to the others after standing safely at the marina. "What do you think we are to expect here?" As she speaks, it is somewhat evident that she is... different. Smoke, or gas, or something black and misty leaked with every word from her lips. Her smile seemed to stretch further than it should for her skin to handle. Her last word drained, stretching onward for a moment after she had finished speaking, almost like an echo in everyone's ears. The captain aboard the ship shuddered. Her smile only grew.

2014-07-07, 07:56 AM
Burd does not in fact shudder unless you're actually using a fear effect or something. Even then, he'd still get a save. For now, he doesn't react. Unless you've been doing this for the entire trip so far, in which case he may roll his eyes.

2014-07-07, 10:11 AM
"I have no idea. Though hopefully there are some accommodations that aren't so... turbulent."

2014-07-07, 10:48 AM
"I'm thinkin'...minotaurs. Ayup, this 'ere definitely looks like minotaur country ta me," Ryth said, giving a sage nod and taking a glugging swig from the large flask that hung at his side.

2014-07-07, 08:18 PM
Tereus looks at the dwarf, at his flask, and rolled his eyes. This bit of knowledge was likely incorrect. Tereus began walking towards the town deciding not to waste any more time.

2014-07-08, 01:37 AM
Still bobbing his head confidently, Ryth floats along after, a sort of swaying, uneven flight path, but it takes him in the direction he's facing and that's good enough for him.

2014-07-09, 07:30 AM
The little girl followed the group, enjoying the different personalities who already emerged in the five minutes off the boat more than they had in the time on the boat. This would be fun. As they approach the town she hungrily keeps an eye out for anyone who may be in the streets.

2014-07-09, 09:47 PM
It doesn't take long. Where the boards of the dock meet dry land; you all see a lone Goblin, longbow in hand, standing over what appears to be a dead Human. At first glance, you aren't sure how the man died (or even if he's dead), but he doesn't have any arrows sticking out of him. The Goblin sees you, then takes half a step back, slightly pale.

2014-07-09, 10:09 PM
Ryth narrowed his eyes. Dwarven wisdom was quite clear: there's never only one goblin. Ever. This one here was clearly plotting something. Some diabolical trick. Some...evil plan! Immediate action was necessary! It was up to him, and him alone, to protect the party - nay, the entire ship! - from the goblin menace! Only through peerless cunning and uncanny forethought would he be able to uncover and disrupt the foul little creature's no-doubt-brilliant strategy!


Oh yeah. Crisis: Averted.

2014-07-09, 10:40 PM
For a few seconds, the Goblin doesn't react. Then: "Um... hello." He briefly glances down at what, now that you're closer, is clearly a corpse at his feet. You can only imagine what the Goblin is thinking.

2014-07-10, 03:02 PM
"Did you kill that human?" Tereus says, looking down at the corpse. The raven on his shoulder suddenly disappears.

So Itys uses his invisibility spell-like ability. And makes a loop to fly around to the other side of the goblin.

2014-07-10, 11:19 PM

Glaring at the Captain in annoyance at the man's incompetence and the indignity of the delay, Dornick makes his way ashore with all the noble grace he can muster. His loyal hound, Durivar, follows behind his master, eager to leave behind the confines of the ship.

He examines the dead man from a distance, and he can feel Durivar's hunger as he scents the fresh death. In fact, tiny ice shards fall from Durivar's mouth as he looks from the dead human to the goblin and back again. "Down Durivar... You can eat soon enough." Says Dornick as he listens for the Goblin's response to his shipmates question.

2014-07-11, 06:25 AM
Fearmonger sits behind the others, watching and waiting. The goblin was already scared, so this would be a piece of cake. She leaned up on her tiptoes, watching the others interact with him. Deciding to play with him, and also preparing for an onslaught of more goblins to pour out of the woodwork, she waits for him to survey the group. As soon as they make eye contact, she suddenly shimmers and separates into two beings who seem even more twisted by shadow than the original girl had. Each form smiles devilishly at the goblin before stepping out around towards the edges of the group.SLA Mirror Image [roll0]
Hat of Disguise if need be to cause our appearances to change and warp.
Edit: Sorry for double post... my code went screwy for some reason.

2014-07-11, 08:47 AM
The goblin doesn't react to the vanishing bird, but the (apparently hungry) wolf seems to unsettle him.

"No, that Ribba. Ribba kill!" You aren't quite sure if fear or proficiency issues are behind his broken speech.

When he sees the young girl- er, girls now... He seems more confused than scared.

2014-07-11, 11:38 AM
"What's a Ribba?"

2014-07-11, 01:29 PM
The Goblin in front of you starts to calm down. "Ribba other Goblin. He good. He friend. This Goblin town. But Humans come, they try to take home." He nudges the corpse at his feet with a foot. "Why... why you come here?"

2014-07-11, 03:09 PM
Tereus smiles, looking back towards the direction they came from. "We came aboard a ship. One that needs repairs. We were looking for aid in this matter." He looks around at his companions, then down at himself, then back to the goblin. "As you can tell, none of us are human. We are simply travelers in need of a shipwright."

2014-07-11, 03:34 PM
The Goblin looks over your heads, toward the Waftage, then smiles. "We can fix! We can fix, but you help us kill Humans first. Yes?"

2014-07-11, 03:44 PM
Ryth frowned and looked to the others. "Well I'll tell ye what, if wipin' out a buncha squatter humans'll get our canoe 'ere afloat again, I can't say as I'm against it. That said, I'm not exactly fond o' the idea o' teamin' up wit' a buncha goblins. Offends me dwarven sensibilities, if I'm frank."

He stopped for a beat, then added, "So clearly, best play would be ta take the humans out ourselves an' have the goblins stay at home, am I right?" He bobbed his head with a contented smile, confident in the brilliance of his plan.

2014-07-11, 03:54 PM
"Backup would be nice, but I suppose we can go on our own."
Tereus sighs and looks up to the sky. "Okay... so, can you tell us a bit more about the humans? Where are they? Are they fighters or magic users? Do they worship a specific god? Why do they want the town?"

2014-07-11, 10:27 PM
"Don't know all. All around town, many Humans. They..." He pauses, perhaps thinking for the right word, then switches to his native tongue. "I'm sorry, but do any of you happen to speak Goblin?"

2014-07-13, 07:10 PM
"What did you just call me?" Ryth demanded angrily.

2014-07-16, 02:14 AM
"Calm down, I think he's just speaking another language. Is that Goblin?" Tereus looks to the goblin, then to his companions.

Tereus can speak goblin, but he'd rather not let that be known. With Naberius he can take a ten on it, so if it's needed he rolls a 16 on his bluff check.

2014-07-16, 07:16 AM
The girl stands quietly, still smiling at the goblin. She turns to Tereus. "It sounds like Goblin... a variation of Orcish, but more chittery. I can't really understand it, we should just kill him." She took a small step forward, curious if he understood what she had said.

2014-07-16, 09:43 PM
He quite clearly understands, as he immediately runs off screaming bloody murder. He manages to get around the corner of the nearest building, and therefore out of sight, before anyone can react; but you can clearly hear that he hasn't gotten far yet.

He appears to have dropped something.

2014-07-18, 02:08 AM
Ryth raised one eyebrow, shrugged, and floated over to examine whatever it was the goblin had dropped.

2014-07-18, 08:11 AM
The little girl considered giving chase. She really loved when they fled. Almost everyone ran. It was more fun that way! The chase, the hunt... that's the thrill. She didn't really need the kill. Just the hunt itself. However, when she noticed the goblin had dropped something, she instead went to examine it with the floating man.

2014-07-18, 11:56 AM
It's a masterwork dagger. There are no special markings, aside from the odd nick in the blade from use.

2014-07-18, 12:02 PM
Ryth eyed the dagger, looked at the girl, and shrugged. "Ayup," he said, and paying neither it nor the goblin any more mind, he started floating further into town, looking around for a tavern out of sheer force of habit. Although some small, deep, much-ignored, competent portion of his brain did keep alert to any place that looked like it serviced ships.

He did not appear to have any memory of agreeing to attack the humans living in this village not two minutes ago.

2014-07-18, 04:51 PM
As the goblin takes off, Itys, still invisible follows close behind, making sure not to loose sight of the little creature.

"Children! Let's please not issue death threats to the people we need to fix the boat. I've begun understand that you are mostly psychopaths, but please, focus your psychopathy so we can get to the issue at hand." He begins walking to the corner the goblin stopped around, picking up the dagger on his way over.
"Sir, you dropped your knife!"

2014-07-21, 07:19 AM
The girl smiles. "Maybe the men can fix the boat. Maybe we'll meet someone else who can fix the boat. I'm not a fan of goblins. Squeamish little bunch." Then, she follows the group into the town.

2014-07-21, 03:19 PM
A few moments after Tereus calls out, the Goblin pokes his head back around the corner, the confusion obvious on his face. "But... But she said you kill me?"

2014-07-22, 04:11 AM
"And I don't get along well with most humans. We will see what happens as we progress, but until then it is most opportunistic to stay peaceful with both sides."
He turns his attention to the goblin, handing over the dagger.
"I apologize my friend, she is a terrible tease. Seems to love scaring the daylights out of anyone she can. Fortunately, she needs your help as much as you need ours, and as she and I are in the same boat both literally and metaphorically, she can be kept in line until we further understand the situation. Now, they all seem to be heading on their way, but before I go, I did not catch your name. You mentioned your companion Ribba, but not your own name. I am Tereus Thrace former King of Sunskor, pleased to make your acquaintance."
He extends a hand tentatively, as though he will not be offended if it is not taken.

2014-07-23, 09:53 PM
At this, the Goblin seems to relax considerably. He takes your offered hand. "Zivar. Zivar the Swift.

Where... Where do they go?"

2014-07-26, 02:44 AM
"Pleasure to meet you Zivar. I believe they are heading into town to find humans, whether to befriend them or kill them I am unsure. You say they are all around the town, do you mean they are currently attacking, or do they typically live among your people?"

2014-07-26, 05:39 AM
"We don't live together, but I don't know any fights right now. Udu would know." He looks over, seeing that everyone's more or less going southwest. "He that way anyway." He follows along with the group.

2014-07-26, 05:53 AM
Following Zivar, and keeping an eye on his less scrupulous companions, Tereus continues the conversation.
"And who is this Udu fellow? A town leader of some sort?"
At this point Itys, still in raven form, reappears on Tereus' shoulder.

2014-08-07, 09:27 AM
Zivar leads you to what appears to be a makeshift wall. Several more Goblins are grouped around it. You can hear shouting on the other side of the wall. Their initial reactions to your arrival are a mix of fear and readying weapons. When they see a fellow Goblin leading you, it is all replaced by confusion. Zivar asks you to stay back for a moment and runs to the group.

2014-08-07, 11:53 AM
Ryth waits patiently for their...guide or whatever they're calling him. A process helped immensely by the ready availability of his favorite handheld pastime. *Glug glug glug*

2014-08-07, 12:51 PM
More goblins, wonderful. Tereus wonders when he will get more information on these humans. It will be interesting to find what humans on a remote island think of Pelor.

2014-08-15, 08:43 AM
You don't need to wait long (well, in-character at least. Sorry about that. Again.). Zivar gestures for you to come over. He introduces you to another Goblin, who thankfully has a better grasp of Common.

"Hello. I'm Ribba. Zivar said you were having some trouble with your ship, and might be willing to help us in exchange for repairs."

2014-08-19, 01:18 AM
"Wait a second...Ribba...You're the one that killed that human!"



"So yep, that's pretty much the plan. We beat up some squatters for yerselves, and ye fix up our boat. Ye can fix the boat, right? It ain't much o' a plan if ye can't fix the boat."

2014-08-21, 01:47 AM
"Er, well probably. I've killed a few humans today. Which one?" Then Zivar chimes in, mentioning the corpse at the docks. "Oh, yes. I killed that one. Anyway, we have people who can do repairs for you, but I can't give the order. We can take you to Udu, the man in charge here. He'll probably be willing to accept your help."

He hesitates then, looking distracted by something. "Actually, could you come with me first? And please try to be quiet. We don't want this guy to know we're here." He then heads back to the group of Goblins, huddled around a few overturned boats that seem to be serving as a makeshift wall.

2014-08-24, 12:58 PM
Ryth shrugged and followed after the goblin.

2014-08-26, 02:19 PM
Tereus follows the goblin, he does not appreciate being paraded around from official to official. He keeps his mouth shut while they move past whatever ambush the goblins are setting up, but once past asks. "And will this Udu be giving us a more fleshed out tale of what exactly is happening in this town?"

2014-09-06, 02:25 PM
As you approach the group, Ribba whispers back. "Fleshed out how? What do you want to know? I'll tell you what I can on the way to Udu, but we could use your help right here first. Here, look." He gestures toward the boat-wall. Any of you who look will see a male Dwarf wearing heavy armor. He sits a few yards away, surrounded by Goblin corpses, eating something. You can't tell what, as his back is turned to your group.

2014-09-06, 02:39 PM
"Ah! Yes! I see!" Ryth declared with a sage nod. "Fear not, my tiny, ugly friend! I will handle this!" he declared boldly, then flying out from behind cover to land in front of the other dwarf...except he touched down with one foot on a goblin arm, promptly overbalanced, tried to compensate with his flight, but with his body currently somewhat confused regarding the current direction of "up" only managed to plant himself even harder face-first into the ground with his legs kinda arcing up behind him into the air. He promptly pushed off the ground with his hands, his not-properly-accounted-for flight causing him to actually bounce about ten feet back, whereupon he quickly stopped focusing on it and dropped back to the ground, now flat on his back. Finally, he stopped moving, floated himself into an upright position about a foot off the ground, and floated back over to the dwarf.

"{Greetings!}" he said enthusiastically in the dwarven tongue, as if nothing had happened.

2014-09-06, 10:23 PM
The Dwarf just stares, mouth hanging open for another bite of what you can now see is a sandwich of some sort... smells like ham, but you aren't positive. It doesn't take very long for him to compose himself, and he stands to greet you in turn, using a warhammer with an oddly-shaped blue head to help lift himself up.

"Uh... Hello there. Is there something I can help you with?"

2014-09-06, 10:32 PM
"{Aye. Name's Ryth. My companions and I have had a bit of trouble with our boat. We are hoping to get it repaired. Is there anyone in this town who you could recommend who can perform such services?}" he asked, still speaking in dwarven. It was simple, by his mind: given the choice between a bunch of goblins, and a shipwright who was either a dwarf or recommended by a dwarf, you choose the latter every time and don't ask questions.