View Full Version : A Note on the Storm

Tiktik Ironclaw
2014-07-05, 09:35 PM
If anybody else said this, I apologize, but I wanted to say that there was a literary reference in that storm. I'm currently reading Dracula for school, and as the ship carrying the titular count arrives off of the coast of London, a torrential storm erupts, and said schooner crashes onto the beach. Reading that, all I could think of was the storm about Durkula's ride into his homelands. Just thought it was an interesting thing.

Ron Miel
2014-07-06, 12:59 PM
London has a coast now? When did they change it? Why does nobody tell me these things?

2014-07-06, 01:16 PM
London has a coast now? When did they change it? Why does nobody tell me these things?

Once the Globe burned down the one Shakespeare had borrowed for Bohemia was returned.

Though really calling anywhere a short enough distance upstream that it has tides a "coast" isn't especially ridiculous. And the Thames Barrier substantially post-dates Dracula.

2014-07-06, 04:47 PM
London has a coast now? When did they change it? Why does nobody tell me these things?

Geographical nitpicking aside (hint: Whitby, where the ship arrives, is nowhere near London), I'm actually grateful to the OP for noticing that. I hadn't made the connection.