View Full Version : DM Help Ideas for discussing ideas

2014-07-06, 06:08 AM
Alright, so what I aim for more than anything in my campaigns is detailed settings and as much realism as I can manage. I create short newspapers (usually just the first two pages, listing the news without going too much into detail), bulletin boards, NPCs with real stories and histories, and plenty of knowledge centers. I occasionally throw intrigue puzzles which can most easily be solved by using the knowledge of the world.

I've read that during the 17th and 18th century, pubs used to be places for discussing ideas. Basically, people would go grab a drink and discuss their latest observations of the movement of stars, their scientific research and philosophical ideas. Obviously, this was uncommon, but such places did exist, and I wish to create a few NPCs (possibly some astronomers, biologists and so on) which will increase the immersion by creating such a discussion, should the PCs be willing to take part in it.

Since it's my world, I know it best, but I wanted to ask you guys if you had any "generic" ideas for such debates. So far, I have the idea of forming discussions with a few of my more interesting deities, as well as using the monster manual to find a beast native to the current location and see if I can forge an interesting story behind it's evolution or creation. Other than that, the stars are always an option.