View Full Version : Optimization All the Auras

2014-07-07, 09:38 AM
Okay, so I was joking around with a GM, and I got an idea.

How many auras can you cram into 20 levels? It doesn't matter how useful they are, but I want as many as possible. So far, I'm thinking Dragon Shaman 1/Marshal 2/Paladin 3/Divine Mind 1, with 13 levels open. This gets you a Draconic Aura, Major Aura, Minor Aura, Aura of Good (not a real aura, but still), Aura of Courage, and a Psychic Aura. You could take another 9 levels in Divine Mind for another psychic aura, but IIRC, friends don't let friends take levels in Divine Mind.

2014-07-07, 10:01 AM
I have actually been wanting to figure out a bard buffomancer build based on auras for a while now, tell me how it goes

2014-07-07, 10:59 AM
Double Draconic Aura
Aura of Bravery DR#323
Warblade 1 + Ironheart Aura
Commander Aura's DR#348

Radiant Servor of Pelor 3
Storm Disciple 1
Enlightened Spirit 1
Dreadmaster 1

Unseelie Fey (Magic Circle Against non-Nature)

2014-07-07, 11:04 AM
Radiant Servant can't be taken with Paladin (requires NG), but if Pelor has another domain that gives an aura, Cleric 1 can be substituted for Paladin 3.

Storm Disciple cannot be taken with Radiant Servant (must be chaotic), but could be taken with Paladin of Freedom.

Enlightened Spirit is nice, but it costs you 6 levels (5 Warlock, 1 Enlightened Spirit). Can work with Paladin of Freedom

Dreadmaster definitely doesn't fit in, requiring LE Cleric of Bane.

2014-07-07, 11:09 AM
Radiant Servant can't be taken with Paladin (requires NG), but if Pelor has another domain that gives an aura, Cleric 1 can be substituted for Paladin 3.

Storm Disciple cannot be taken with Radiant Servant (must be chaotic), but could be taken with Paladin of Freedom.

Enlightened Spirit is nice, but it costs you 6 levels (5 Warlock, 1 Enlightened Spirit). Can work with Paladin of Freedom

Dreadmaster definitely doesn't fit in, requiring LE Cleric of Bane.

tbh, I didnt look at requirements for the classes :P I just looked up auras on classes, there were a bunch of classes with an aura that lasted for x rounds or minutes, but you want permanent auras right?

2014-07-07, 11:11 AM
Yep. I'm looking for a character who walks into town and the first level commoners become bosses. If I ever ran him, it would be in gestalt with the other side being a Word of Creation Bard. Give everyone 4 free HD.

2014-07-07, 11:18 AM
Theres Frightful Presense, Aura of Good/Evil, Horrific Aura from Dread Witch, Aura of Fear, Demonwreck Weapon Aura from DemonWreecker, and I am sure theres more out there.

I can imagine a Occult Slayer with Aura vision on being blinded by this guy.

2014-07-07, 11:22 AM
Well, let's get a list started.

Abolisher - nonchaotic - 7th level gets one aura
Akodo Champion - LG - 3rd level gets one aura
Argent Fist - LG - 10th level gets an aura for turn attempts
Battle Dancer - Any - 2nd level gets an aura for a move action
Blackguard - Any evil - 1st level gets an aura, as does 3rd
Bone Knight - any - 3rd level gets an aura (of sorts)
Celestial Mystic - LG - 1st level gets an aura
Death Delver - Any - 5th level gets an aura
Death's Chosen - Any nongood - 3rd level gets an aura

Not sure if I should really go on

2014-07-07, 01:52 PM
Heroes of Battle (pg 75) adds commander auras to characters with a commander rating.

2014-07-07, 01:58 PM
Heroes of Battle (pg 75) adds commander auras to characters with a commander rating.

And a short prestige class that gives you the ability to have another one.

2014-07-07, 02:44 PM
Instead of regular paladin, going for pally of tyranny or destruction (UA) allows you to get their aura as well as the Blackguard one

2014-07-07, 03:21 PM
And a short prestige class that gives you the ability to have another one.

Yeah, the Legendary Leader...

(Heroes of Battle variant, p. 107)
Legendary leaders are the stufffards' tales come to life.
Feats: Iron Will , Leadership
Special: Base Leadership score of 7 or higher.

Hit die
Skill points
4 + Int
Class Features
Fearless (Ex): Because of their supreme confidence in their own abilities, legendary leaders are not subject to effects that would shake others' resolve. When you enter this class, you become immune to fear effects.
Hero's Luck (Ex): Upon becoming a legendary leader, you gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This bonus improves to +2 at 3rd level and to +3 at 5th level.
Natural Commander (Ex): As a legendary leader, your commander rating equals your class level (unless your rank would normally grant you a higher commander rating). See page 75 for information on commander ratings.
Legendary Reputation (Ex): As you advance in the prestige class, tales of your exploits begin to circulate. When people match your face with your reputation, they are more likely to be friendly toward you. You add your class level to any Diplomacy check you make to influence the attitude of any NPC who is not already unfriendly or hostile.
Greater Command (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, you can focus your powers of persuasion to use greater command (as the spell) once per day (save DC 16 + Cha modifier). At 4th level and higher, you can use this ability twice per day.
Quick Rally (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you can perform a rally check (see page 73) as a free action once per round.
Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, you gain a bonus feat from among the feats with the leader type (see page 96). You must meet the normal prerequisites for the feat.
Heroic Success (Ex): When you reach 4th level, your deeds become truly legendary, and you demonstrate your ability to beat the odds even when the situation looks bleak. Once per day, you can choose to automatically succeed on a single saving throw instead of rolling the dice.
Additional Commander Aura (Ex): At 5th level, you can select a secondary commander aura, which can be any commander aura for which you qualify (see page 75 for more information on commander auras). Your followers benefit from both commander aura effects, though any bonuses granted follow the normal rules for stacking. If you further increase your commander rating at another time and choose to gain a new commander aura, you can replace either of your existing commander auras.
To Hell and Back (Ex): Your followers will accompany you to the ends of the world, and beyond. When you reach 5th level, any followers or cohorts gained from your Leadership feat are immune to fear effects (including morale checks) when they have line of sight to you.

2014-07-07, 03:30 PM
Not sure if 5 levels is worth it for an aura. Especially since, IIRC, the commander auras are generally VERY limited/bad.

2014-07-07, 03:36 PM
Aura of perfect order or Aura of Chaos are stances from Devoted Spirit. Do they count?

2014-07-07, 03:45 PM
IIRC, those don't actually apply to your allies. Also, I don't think there's a way to get that high of an IL without sacrificing other auras.

2014-07-07, 04:02 PM
Bolstering Voice is a 1st-level stance that's basically an aura, albeit one that doesn't stack with the paladin's Aura of Courage.

2014-07-07, 05:02 PM
It's quite late in the progression, but 8 levels of Talon of Tiamat and dipping Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis gives you a Frightful Presence of 30ft/Cha mod, which is changed by Dispassionate Watcher to a Calming Aura of equal size (instead of 5ft/2HD). As you're likely stacking Cha as a Talon anyway, a PB with 18 Cha, +6 Item, +5 Leveling and +5 Tome gives you 34 Cha, or a +360ft Fear or Inspiring Presence.

Loredrake Steel Dragon Sorcerer 1 (with LA buy off)/Talon of Tiamat 10/Ur-Priest 2/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1/X2 to play around with.

Gives you 9th level spells and 2 levels to play with for aura's.

2014-07-08, 09:28 AM
It's quite late in the progression, but 8 levels of Talon of Tiamat and dipping Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis gives you a Frightful Presence of 30ft/Cha mod, which is changed by Dispassionate Watcher to a Calming Aura of equal size (instead of 5ft/2HD). As you're likely stacking Cha as a Talon anyway, a PB with 18 Cha, +6 Item, +5 Leveling and +5 Tome gives you 34 Cha, or a +360ft Fear or Inspiring Presence.

Loredrake Steel Dragon Sorcerer 1 (with LA buy off)/Talon of Tiamat 10/Ur-Priest 2/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1/X2 to play around with.

Gives you 9th level spells and 2 levels to play with for aura's.Divine Conversion PrCs only convert spellcasting from your age and draconic variety, sadly. And there's a line in the SRD which states that creatures with innate spellcasting don't count as members of that class by default, so you can't even make the argument that a dragon with only PrCs advancing its casting has all its sorcerer levels ultimately coming from racial casting unless you take a very permissive view of the phrase "effective sorcerer level" in Loredrake and say that makes you effectively a member of the sorcerer class while still letting you treat all your casting as racial.

It annoys the hell out of me too, but the rules don't seem to support divine conversion PC builds.

2014-07-08, 09:30 AM
It's quite late in the progression, but 8 levels of Talon of Tiamat and dipping Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis gives you a Frightful Presence of 30ft/Cha mod, which is changed by Dispassionate Watcher to a Calming Aura of equal size (instead of 5ft/2HD). As you're likely stacking Cha as a Talon anyway, a PB with 18 Cha, +6 Item, +5 Leveling and +5 Tome gives you 34 Cha, or a +360ft Fear or Inspiring Presence.

Loredrake Steel Dragon Sorcerer 1 (with LA buy off)/Talon of Tiamat 10/Ur-Priest 2/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1/X2 to play around with.

Gives you 9th level spells and 2 levels to play with for aura's.

You seem, this isn't the point. I don't care about 9s, or the size of the auras. I just want a lot of auras.

2014-07-08, 09:37 AM
You seem, this isn't the point. I don't care about 9s, or the size of the auras. I just want a lot of auras.Frightful Presence is actually pretty easy to get. I think one of the draconic grafts in RotD gives it to you for just money, though those are crazy expensive. You can also just be a lesser aasimar and take Dreadful Wrath.

2014-07-08, 10:15 AM
Though you seem to like auras that grant positives to your allies, how about some auras that debuff opponents?

Going into Binder gives you some choices for this. Bind Focolar (a 3rd level vestige) for its aura of sadness. Bind Chupoclops (a 6th level vestige) for its aura of despair. You would need 10 levels and the Improved Binding feat to get both though.

2014-07-08, 01:07 PM
You seem, this isn't the point. I don't care about 9s, or the size of the auras. I just want a lot of auras.

Cleric spells centred on self (http://dndtools.eu/spells/?name=&range=&spell_resistance=&area=center&duration=&saving_throw=&casting_time=&school__slug=&sub_school__slug=&descriptors__slug=&verbal_component=1&somatic_component=1&material_component=1&arcane_focus_component=1&divine_focus_component=1&xp_component=1&rulebook__slug=&description=&class_levels__slug=cleric&domain_levels__slug=&_filter=Filter).

In other words. Aura's.

2014-07-08, 01:14 PM
A lot of those aren't auras, and I'm looking for passive, 100% uptime auras (such as marshal, draconic, psychic, etc)