View Full Version : Girlfriend requests a character build! (Rawr The Adorable)

2014-07-07, 06:27 PM
My girlfriend and I have an injoke about how a dinosaur says I love you (Rawr!). Then she found out there is an entire race of tiny dinosaurs in DnD.

Now I request the aid of the GitP forums in building it.

What I have (thus far) is that since Kobolds have a racial penalty to Cha, I plan on forced reincarnating into one from a Cha positive race (preferably without LA).

Runs Domination, flavored as being so cute you just need to follow his orders- maxing Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive, and probably Know: Nobility.

Classes are mostly caster classes, but caster/melee gishes are still good.

Current class build (no levels set, but remains within character)
Flux Adept

2014-07-07, 07:16 PM
Kobold Bard would probably work just fine - enough skill points for all the social skills + a few extra, and all the various Charm/Dominate spells.

Is this character going to be part of a team, or a solo character? If solo, consider the Archaeologist archetype.

2014-07-07, 07:17 PM
Kobolds don't have a cha penalty... they have a constitution penalty.

2014-07-07, 07:33 PM
Probably a team character, but I'll make a solo build as well for kicks and giggles.
I expect her to play a bow ranger, and I know at least one person who would play a heal druid or cleric....

And then there's gonna be a paladin. There's always a freaking paladin.

2014-07-07, 07:52 PM
Venerable Dragonborn Desert Kobolds, IIRC, are the go to Charisma build for... well... pretty much anything.

What level were you wanting? Wilder's are kind of bad, but they have displays of power (rainbows and fairy dust), are Cha based, and have access to Dominate, and Wild Surge, which allows them to add free augmentation to their powers.

Wilder 12 is the earliest you can get it, unless you are able to sweet talk your DM into allowing Ardent's Substitute Mantles to apply to Mantled Wilder, when you can pick it up at 8th.

As an 8th level Wilder, you effectively have Dominate Monster with a duration of concentration. Pick up a psicrystal and use Solicit Psicrystal to have that concentrate on it for you). Alternatively, you can affect up to 3 humanoids, or 2 Fey/Giant/Animal/Monstrous Humanoids/Magical Beasts, OR have one of the above be dominated by you for a day at a time (or a humanoid for your Manifester level).

As a 12th level Wilder, it is all of the above, but you have up to 16PP to spend on the power. Pick up an Orange Prism Ioun Stone, and you have 17pp - which gives you the ability to Dominate Monster 2 targets at a time for 2 and a half weeks from one casting, with a +5 to the DC, on top of your probably already high Charisma (at 12th level, with a +4 item, 18 Cha from point buy, +3 from leveling, and being a Venerable Dragonwrought, the DC for this power should be around 28 - an Elite Human Cleric 12 at that stage, to represent a typical "boss" creature has only around +13 to the check, or in otherwords 75% chance of failure.

2014-07-07, 07:53 PM
Is this Pathfinder or 3.5e?

Shining Wrath
2014-07-07, 07:57 PM
Spellscale if you don't want Kobold.

2014-07-07, 08:15 PM
3.5, apologies for the lack of clarification.
And, unfortunately, spellscale is right out. It must explicitly be a Kobold.

Hadn't considered psionics, but having a portable bishie sparkle sounds great. The main issue then would be skills. Which can be worked around with a level or 3 of rogue ... Haven't told her that Rawr will be LE, because it will be so much more satisfying to play the manipulating Face rather than the fun/wacky Face I've been playing lately.

2014-07-07, 08:23 PM
There's a LOT of interesting things to do with kobolds... Dragonwrought Desert Kobold is only the beginning!

Actually, lemme find a quote...

Desert Kobold (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertKobolds) doesn't get a Con penalty.

The Greater Draconic Rite of Passage (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a) gives you +1 level of Sorcerer spellcasting ability.

Dragonwrought makes your type Dragon and you use age categories, thus you meet all the criteria to be considered a true dragon. You don't take physical ability score penalties for aging, so you can start out venerable and get +3 Int, Wis, and Cha for no drawback.

The Loredrake archtype detailed in Dragons of Eberron gives you another +2 levels of Sorcerer spellcasting ability. It has drawbacks, such as reducing your racial hit die size which you have none of anyway, and you lose any ability to learn cleric spells as sorcerer spells which you never had to begin with. These drawbacks will typically be a cost to most creatures which qualify for it, but for a dragonwrought kobold it happens to have no cost at all.

The Spellhoarding disorder and accompanying template in Dragon issue 313 trades any Sorcerer spellcasting ability for Wizard spellcasting of equal level. It gives Int +2, Wis -4, and +5 Spellcraft, with Scribe Scroll and Eschew Materials as bonus feats for no level adjustment. Instead of writing your spells in a book they're written on your scales, referred to as a spellhoard, so there's no risk of losing a spellbook. You can expend spells from your spellhoard to substitute the costly material components or xp costs of your spells. You can also expend spells from your spellhoard to cast them as though from a scroll. Any spell you counterspell can be placed directly into your spellhoard. You can scribe the same spells onto your scales multiple times to fuel these abilities, so time is the only limit to these resources.

If you're going to use Spellhoarding, use the Battle Sorcerer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#sorcererVariantBattleS orcerer) variant along with the Stalwart Sorcerer variant in Complete Mage. These reduce your Sorcerer spells known and spells/day, but that gets traded out for Wizard spellcasting of equal level so there's no drawback.

That's a Venerable Spellhoarding Dragonwrought Desert Kobold Loredrake, Stalwart Battle Sorcerer, with the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage. It gets Wizard spellcasting equal to its Sorcerer level +3, Str -4, Dex +2, Int +5, Wis -3, Cha +3, +1 natural armor, and no level adjustment. Be sure to include one level of Wizard if you want to specialize, and use the Martial Wizard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizard) variant to get something like Improved Initiative or Improved Toughness, or one of the Specialist ACFs (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizardVariantDomainWiz ard) that replaces Scribe Scroll, since Spellhoarding already grants it as a bonus feat. With two flaws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm) you can go Stalwart Battle Sorcerer 4/ Swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) 9/ Abjurant Champion 5, then maybe finish Dragonslayer 1/ Spellsword 1, and have 20th level spellcasting and +19 BAB at level 20.