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View Full Version : Roleplaying How can my char be more aggressive?

2014-07-08, 04:09 AM
Hi Guys,

I searched for my question in this forum, but only found players who are aggressive.

So here is my story. A few sessions ago our group earned to be "Chosen Ones" by an Element. Now my mage is the Chosen of the Lightning Element. But this doesnt bring cool things like spell-like abilities, but also a change in looks and behaviour. My Hair is now yellow and stands up and I am more aggressive now and I think i have a little bit problems with that.

I already tried to do it by killing the a goblin leader who gave us a little information about their real leader and real goal after a few minutes of lightning and then flying to the camp and killing the real king in one turn with my new once-in-a-month-special-super-lightning-attack.

But how can i be more aggressiv with out rushing through the campaign killing everything? I still want to enjoy the content and i want to know the background.

2014-07-08, 05:01 AM
Remember that aggression doesn't necessarily mean killing. Aggression can be going after problems in a direct fashion - saying "I know the murderer came through here and that you're lying to us. Tell us who it was" rather than "We have reason to believe that the murderer passed through here. Do you remember anyone like that?" is aggression in a nonviolent format, for example.

2014-07-08, 05:52 AM
Hi Guys,

I searched for my question in this forum, but only found players who are aggressive.

So here is my story. A few sessions ago our group earned to be "Chosen Ones" by an Element. Now my mage is the Chosen of the Lightning Element. But this doesnt bring cool things like spell-like abilities, but also a change in looks and behaviour. My Hair is now yellow and stands up and I am more aggressive now and I think i have a little bit problems with that.

I already tried to do it by killing the a goblin leader who gave us a little information about their real leader and real goal after a few minutes of lightning and then flying to the camp and killing the real king in one turn with my new once-in-a-month-special-super-lightning-attack.

But how can i be more aggressiv with out rushing through the campaign killing everything? I still want to enjoy the content and i want to know the background.

Being "aggressive" can mean things like "doesn't sit back and watch the world go by", but instead "takes bold, decisive action". So, to be more aggressive, don't think overlong about what you're going to do to solve a problem; come up with a plan that attacks it head on, then ACT. Do note, being aggressive can also mean "doesn't think about a plan enough". An aggressive person's actions can sometimes be rash, and poorly thought-through.

2014-07-08, 06:27 AM
Thank you very much for your fast replies. They gave much to think about. I want him to be aggressive, but he is a mage so maybe there is way where i can still think about lot of things. Maybe my char could make plans which might be the fastest, but doesnt care much about collateral damage (he`s neutral by the way). Or when my char doesnt get what he wants (even with minor things like his beloved honey-roasted duck brust) he gets fast angry and rude.

2014-07-08, 07:00 AM
In a word, you have to be direct about things and let everyone know you are.

Outside of battle, you could simply play your character as having a short temper. At first, you'd address people without threatening them with violence, giving them a chance to co-operate. Still being rather direct, perhaps unpolitely or even politely but not violently. At the first sign of defiance, you insult them and/or demand obedience. That might lead to battle... or not. My experience is that GM's VIP-NPCs extract themselves from the site after aggressive words... unless they are looking to start a fight anyway. You could also refuse to speak to some people and storm off in the middle of the conversation. "I have no time for fools! Goodbye!".

Once the battle is joined. Prioritize offense to defense and support. You want to smite the fools who defy you. That's the direct way to fight. You can still attack smart but when given the choice, you use your actions to attack. Defense and especially support are only used if they don't fall to your magical might. You can still buff before a battle if you expect one. Summoning is totally ok: "Go forth my minions! Shred them to pieces!"

Either way, roleplaying should not be a straight jacket. That leads to Lawful Stupid and Chaotic Stupid.

2014-07-08, 08:03 AM
I have a an idea. How about a character model? Find someone in movies or television who possess a quick wit, an alpha personality, and a confident zeal that makes them take first action and never backs down from a challenge.

When I think of intelligent, yet aggressive characters, I think of:
Dr. Gregory House from House, M.D
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock
Constance from American Horror Story S1: Murder House

I could build a longer list, but I figure you could build from these three just fine. Honestly, almost any main character or villain who is an alpha type will be aggressive.

2014-07-08, 12:19 PM
Yes exactly i dont want to be Lawful Stupid that could happen if i make my char always aggressive.

And not stupidly using only damage-spells but knowing what spells would be most effectivein disabeling/hurting the enemy. And storming off a conversation will be funny that will totally surprise my master because my char normally liked to partake in discussions.

And Sherlock is a very good example, he thinks fast but intelligent knows exactly what to do but is mostly strict and isnt scared to use violence if needed. Effective, aggressive but still high functional and without clinging to be hateful all the time.

That are some very good points thank you :)

2014-07-08, 12:25 PM
Make him more super-saiyan!

2014-07-08, 12:30 PM
Lightning is "aggressive"? Usually it's linked to randomness and sudden destructiveness, like the calm guy who suddenly flips out and does one thing, then acts mellow.
Anyways, for aggression, just decide that you want certain things to happen, and realize that because you are right, that by extension, everyone else has to be wrong.

2014-07-08, 12:39 PM
Play your wizard like an over-the-top CoD player.

"420 BLAZE IT" etc.

Alternatively: Aggression. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJI9sA5RJWs)

Some aggressive traits that Vegeta displays there, that would carry over well to a wizard:
-Smug elitism; a tendency to belittle others on the basis of their ignorance and bring one's own knowledge up as a means of establishing dominance
-Boastfulness(likely accompanied by gratuitous displays of "godly eldritch might")
-Irritability and pettiness
-Hatred of weakness, in this case stupidity
-Unwillingness to admit defeat, possibly extending to outright denial

2014-07-08, 12:49 PM
Make him more super-saiyan!

Yes, you got it, sadly my master forbid me to shout KAME-HAME-HAAA when i make an ray or elemental attack. ;)

The air chosen one got more random now because wind is changing. Electricity is most effective when its controlled and if its powerful. If I only play like i want have it my way than i would be a total ******** to my party. We have a very democratic system. But i could argue louder and angrier and be more stubborn.

2014-07-08, 12:59 PM
It's not just straight up stubborn. It's about knowing that if you are right, everyone else is wrong, and that you are right. If everyone else wants to do things the WRONG way, you can deal with that, but they're still all wrong and you'd rather help them do things right.

2014-07-08, 01:01 PM
It's not just straight up stubborn. It's about knowing that if you are right, everyone else is wrong, and that you are right. If everyone else wants to do things the WRONG way, you can deal with that, but they're still all wrong and you'd rather help them do things right.

Two words: Walter Sobchak. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dky_V_3izXI)

Great template if the wizard in question is Lawful.

EDIT: I just reread the OP and noticed what appeared to be concerns about your desire to learn about the campaign setting and backstory, and incompatibility with your character's aggression. The traits of curiosity and aggression aren't incompatible at all, however; you're just more likely to gain information by interrogating than by quietly doing research in a library. This could actually be more interesting, since it gives you an opportunity to roleplay while you gather information. I recommend putting some ranks into Intimidate if you have the skill points to spare.

2014-07-08, 08:24 PM
Two words: Walter Sobchak. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dky_V_3izXI)

Great template if the wizard in question is Lawful.

EDIT: I just reread the OP and noticed what appeared to be concerns about your desire to learn about the campaign setting and backstory, and incompatibility with your character's aggression. The traits of curiosity and aggression aren't incompatible at all, however; you're just more likely to gain information by interrogating than by quietly doing research in a library. This could actually be more interesting, since it gives you an opportunity to roleplay while you gather information. I recommend putting some ranks into Intimidate if you have the skill points to spare.

Yeah more rude questioning will be in. But we already have a paldin and a cleric/inquisitor who have ofter 15 ranks in there but i could supervise them and trying to convince them to be harder etc. And Walter Sobchak is a great template for every aggressive char. "Am i the only one around here that is making real damage to the enemy" while casting a destructive lightning bolt could be a nice joke.

And hatred to stupidness sounds cool, too. Something he just cant seriously. And pettiness while "asking a person politly" will be cool.

2014-07-09, 10:55 PM
I have a an idea. How about a character model? Find someone in movies or television who possess a quick wit, an alpha personality, and a confident zeal that makes them take first action and never backs down from a challenge.

When I think of intelligent, yet aggressive characters, I think of:
Dr. Gregory House from House, M.D
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock
Constance from American Horror Story S1: Murder House

I could build a longer list, but I figure you could build from these three just fine. Honestly, almost any main character or villain who is an alpha type will be aggressive.

Thomas Marshal from Ironclad, Arn from Arn the Templar (albeit, these are examples of quieter guys who take bold action when action is called for). "Aggressive" doesn't necessarily mean "loud and confrontational or impatient".

The Punisher's pretty aggressive. :smallbiggrin: Or, Captain America for those who want an aggressive paladin to look up to. :smallwink:

For aggression outside of combat, look to Tom Cruise's character in A Few Good Men; he's quite aggressive in his courtroom tactics. If you watch Supernatural, look to Dean Winchester.

Parn from Record of Lodoss War (at least early on) is a good example of Chaotic Stupid + aggression. Don't do what Parn doesŪ.