View Full Version : Pathfinder Hex Issues

2014-07-09, 10:29 AM
I thought I would be clever and save myself some work. I got some Hex Crawl Chronicles modules and Rappan Athuk. I figured my players could explore, do some questing/rampaging, and when they were rich and powerful they might be interested in carving out the wilderness with the Kingdom Building rules. Then I saw that the Chronicles use 6-mile hexes and the kingdom building rules use 12-mile hexes. Should I halve the hex related stuff (travel and exploration time, etc.) in the Ultimate Campaign rules, finagle the modules and say the 6-mile hexes are actually 12-miles, crib off of Adventurer Conqueror King (and use 24-mile and 6-mile hexes)? Do you have any other ideas or suggestions on how to make this work without too much fuss?

2014-07-09, 10:54 AM
I don't think the kingdom rules will break down if your hexes are 6-square instead of 12-square. If you tweak the travel times you should be fine. This will make already established kingdoms more powerful since they will have more hexes but the same area, but since all kingdoms get the same hex bump the relationship between them should remain unchanged.

2014-07-13, 07:55 PM
I ultimately decided not to sweat it, and just changed the hexes to 12 miles with no other conversion work. Thank you for your response Kudaku.