View Full Version : [5e] Homefront: Part 1 (The Back-up Plan)

2014-07-09, 10:30 PM
Homefront: The Back-Up Plan

To the West, a great evil is rising. The wizard Theostorus, once of the Council of Four, has turned from the ways of the Light by slaying his companions and now commands an army of monsters and magic the world has never seen. The people of the Free Realms have come together. Champions have been named. Armies have been drafted. War is nigh.
But that isn't our story.
No, ours is the story of those who where left behind.
Welcome to the Homefront.

Concept: After the chosen heroes have left to confront the big bad, it's up to the low-level pups to defend the land and gather allies against the coming storm.

System: Basic D&D (5e) [free pdf found here: http://wizards.com/dnd/Article.aspx?x=dnd/basicrules ]
Levels: Starting at lvl 1, Planning on going to Lvl 10-11
# Players needed: 4-6 (can do more if that many are interested)
Posting regularity: At least once a day (more so if needed)
Character creation: For now, Concepts only. Will create characters with round-robin stat rolling in forum when all players are confirmed and past history will be created.
Concepts should include:
-Basic personality and description.
-Favored equipment/style.
-Intended Class/Alignment (cleric must be within one step from patron god's alignment)
-A few paragraphs on why you didn't go with the defending army/follow the Champions.
-Evil alignments(you better have an AMAZING reason why you are, if you try)
-Loner Concepts (you're going to have to work in a group. It's way of the game)
-Jerk players (See above)
Everything else is free game

The world at large: There are many nations in the Free Realms, ranging from the massive Empire of Turin (famed for their fire mages) to little merchant city-states like Mercy Fort (a town sacked so many times by pirates that they just settled down and started running the place better then the original council). The practical upshot of this is that you can, if you so wish, create your own place for your character to be from. I will incorporate it into the world. If this isn't your cup of tea, there are some already filled-in nations on the map (a short list of such places are below along with a short description of the area and general alignment of it's people and government).
Geographically, the Free Realms are mostly high plains and forests with the occasional swamp or random desert. To the east are the Barrier Mountains, beyond which lies little but dust. To the North, the Howling Sea laps up against rocky beaches of it's many islands. To the south stretches the Demon Wastes, which aren't as bad as the name sounds. And to the west... to the west lies the Monster lands, where few of the civilized races venture. Rumors speak of everything from a paradise guarded by horrible monsters to a deadly wasteland where only the ruthless survive. Only the Champions know the truth, and they're a little busy to sight-see.

On the Gods: Once there was one god, the Oberking. He created the world, the civilized races and many of the goodly monsters of the world. But he was an over-protective father and progress, both magical and technological, was slow. The many people cried out to be let free, to be given the chance to advance on their own. Hurt by their demands, he was banished by their collective wishes. With his departure went the protective shell he had set around the world. First singly, then in droves came the monsters, the creatures of the Dark. But also with them came the first of the Chorus, those who the Free Realms worship today. There are uncountable voices in the Chorus, but 7 of which are widely known and worshiped. The rest are regional cults; Some good, some evil, most neutral. Some have only one priest to their name, but even the roughest voice may find a large following if the time is right.

A note on Alignment: I use the semi-classic 9-part alignment system. Why? It's easy. But it isn't set in stone, nor is an alignment easy to change. Good people sometimes do bad things, lawful people break the law and visa-verse. Think of them as more guidelines then rules.
A secondary note on Alignment: This is for the civilized races. Monster races tend to be MUCH less flexible in their alignment (everything from the NG Silver Dragons to the CE Orcs). It's part of their semi-magical nature.

Empire of Turin – A wonderous kingdom of crystal spires and massive farms. Has settlements on other worlds and in other demensions. Famed for their fire mages. Elves, Humans. LG Government/People.

Mercy Fort – Once a small trading town, now a major walled city on the up and up. Famed for their rogues and hookers with a heart of gold. All races. CN Government/CG People.

Forest Nation of Dhagors – A collection of rough and tumble woodsmen and Fey Elves. Famed for their Archers. Elves, Halflings, Humans. CG (Elf-Dominated) Government/People.

The Rock Holds – 9 Holds of mixed Dwarven miners and human loggers. Monthly brewing competitions are very common. Famed for their toughness. Dwarves, Humans. LN Government/N people.

Hammelshire – A collection of walled towns and farming comunities with a strong tradition of self-protection. Famed for their Luck. Very close to the Monster Lands. Humans, Halflings. NG Government/CG people.

Chorus Gods:
Palor – A distant voice from the Sun. Claims to be from another world. Asks only that his follows bring light to the dark places, and that truth is king. NG

Grom – The first voice. Gave the dwarves the riddle-of-steel. Told the elves the secret of the bow. Demanded laughter from the halfings. Watches the Humans with interest. CG

Messigarius – A hurried voice. Forced from his original home, he has come here to act as a messenger to the gods. Still working out the kinks in the system, or so he says. CN

Modius – A booming voice. Claims to be an angel of the Oberking. Demands Obedience and Respect. Returns the same. LN

Orcus – A whispering voice. He who courts the dead. His is the path of power and corruption. CE

Raven Queen – A voice of the Winter Wind. The guardian of the dead. All will come to her, eventually. Hates Orcus. N (two sects, one good, one evil)

AO – The last voice in Infinity. The seeker of knowledge for its own sake. His is the way of the tower and the word. Priests also throw great parties. N

2014-07-10, 01:33 AM

1.)Hystoriwr/Merla Underburrow, Halfing Cleric of Nestophia, Folk Hero, Late of Hammelshire
2.)Propagandist/Ann Voss, Human Fighter, Soldier, Late of Mercy Fort
3.)Gandalf/Arannis Amastacia, High Elf Wizard (Envoker), Sage, Late of Dhagor and the Free Realms

(still Waiting on character sheets)
4.)Moochi/Raymund Barris, Halfling Rogue, Guide, Late of Hammelshire (not finalized)
5.)Joseph Silver/Dale Keter, Human Fighter, Upperclass (Noble), Late of the Empire (not finalized)
6.)TheFallenSon/Wethun (Bloodletter), Human Fighter, Soldier, (Pending) (not finalized)

PC World Creation
[Minor Voice] Nestophia - Voice of a Mother's Coo. She asks, politely, to be heard if you have time dear. And you know her birthday is coming, do YOU have those jewels she asked for? NG

At the Tavern (Alternate list)

2014-07-10, 05:05 AM
Player Posting Codes:
[[Denotes OOC statement. Either a short one or two sentence comment/snorts/lols or a link a post on the OOC thread]]
((Denotes questions asked about environment I.E. "whats behind the bookcase?"))
Open text denotes actions or links to rolls.
"Denotes Character talking"

DM Post Headings:
Main Posts are bolded like this. Examples include: Environmental descriptions, sounds or the beginning of a turn in combat
This is used for Side posts and calls of the current count in initiative to take their turn in combat
Description of damage done to monsters or the effects of a dice roll. I.E. flavor text
Speech is set in parenthesizes with this format: "(NPC Name) to (PC Name/s) then what they say/ask/shout/beg"
Open text still denotes actions or link to rolls with the same format as Speech.

2014-07-10, 05:28 AM
A carriage came an hour after sunrise for each of you, the wheels squeaking in the crisp autumn air. Gilded in brass and heavily armored, it's panel-hidden horses' metal clad hooves clopping on whatever passes for a road near your home. Slowly it rolls to a stop and a short elf, dressed in Empire finery and wearing a badge of office from the Eastrun Provence, hops out of the armored cabin and bows deeply.

“Hello and greetings from the Sub-King of Eastrun, my liege, King Von Cors. He humbly demands your attendance at his palace.”

His voice is high and slightly reedy, his eyes sharp and missing very little. He opens a side door after a minutes fiddling with the heavy locks, then beckons you in to the dark interior. The cool smell of incense wafts out, filling the air with a touch of spring flowers.

2014-07-25, 07:39 PM

Anna Voss lived in a little hovel a few blocks from the guardhouse, near the edge of the tradesman's quarter. A tactful sort might have called it cozy. An honest sort would have called it a hole in the wall. Most of the rank-and-file guard had similar accommodations. Anna didn't mind. It was hers, it was quiet (by Mercy Fort's standards, anyway), and the rats were respectful and unobtrusive.

Halfway through breakfast when she was alerted by the clatter of carriage wheels on the uneven cobbles outside, Anna fumbled with the lock, then stood open-mouthed in the door as the elf announced himself.

"There must be some mistake, sirrah. I, uh, I'm not sort of person who gets summoned by kings. I-I'm lucky to have the Captain of the Guard remember my name. I know the neighborhood well, though! If you can tell me the name of the person you are searching for, I'll do my level best to find them for y- Oh. That... That's me. Well! One moment, please. Just put a kettle on, let me put out the fire. No need to come back to a pile of cinders."

She laughed nervously, a response the elf did not share, then scrambled back inside. Hastily donning her armor and tossing everything that looked useful into her pack, she readied herself in record time, rushing back out to the carriage and managing to hit her head on the doorjam as she got in.

"This should be exciting! I've never been in a proper palace before!"

[[Yay, game! Should we pick text colors?]]

2014-07-25, 11:06 PM
Merla Underburrow

A small, plump woman standing merely four feet tall leaned over the edge of a blackened, crusted cauldron, a dirty rag in one hand rubbing the insides vigorously while she supported herself with the other. The already-cleaned bowls piled next it in the otherwise-bare room in her quiet little hobbit-hole, and she muttered to herself as she worked, having a conversation into the cauldron many would label as less than sane.
"...oh, dear, already? No, that can't be right; it's barely presentable! Well, I have to offer them something, dear, for walking all that way. Would be rude to answer the door in an apron, don't you think? Really, dear? Well, I suppose I could offer something from the pantry. Have the biscuits from second breakfast gone stale? Oh my, I suppose they'll have to do, won't they? Give me a moment to change, deary; I only have two hands!"
Merla pulled herself out of the cauldron that could conceivably fit her inside, hands blackened with burnt grease, and sped through her home with all of the energy her small legs could muster.
"Yes, I've packed! It's by the door; where else would I put it, dear? The armor? Do you really think I'll need it now?"
Merla unfastened her apron and wiped her hands clean on it, throwing it over a nearby stool as she walked past on her way to the kitchen.
"The darn thing takes ages to get on; I'm not going to war, deary. I've packed it. Yes, in the bag. Oh dear, now?!" Merla worriedly answered, moments before a resounding knock suddenly came from the rounded door behind her.
"In a minute, dear!" she called back, quickly reaching towards one of the top shelves and shoveling a few of the biscuits from earlier that day into her arms, before moving them to a proper bowl and carrying that instead. She sped to the door, grabbing her shillelagh leaning on the wall on the way, and slung the over-burdened backpack over her shoulder as she went. Just before she got to the door, Merla recoiled her hand, talking to the air once more in an exasperated tone.
"What? Why would I need it? Dear, it's hardly an ornament for travel. That's not a reason either! Yes, I kno- Yes, it's quite pretty, but I don't think- Yes, dear, you made a fine choice when you picked it, I just don't-"
Realizing she was wasting more time arguing with the air than she should be, Merla threw her hands in the air, aback-faced, and retrieved the object from her living room -a diamond brooch, cleverly detailed in the shape of a leaf- and pinned the ornament to her shirt as she walked back.
"Oh, alright! Let me answer the door, now!"
Finally, after rustling the bag over her back containing her valuables, grabbing at her belt to reassure that the pouch was still there, and grasping at the bowl of biscuits from the ground, she reached out and opened the door, throwing on a smile as she stared up at the much-larger figure outside, and listened to his speech.

"...oh, what a surprise, to have a visitor! Bigg'un, too. Would you care for a biscuit?" she asked, already walking towards the carriage as she eagerly pushed the bowl into his hands, "I baked them m'self. You can share them with your friends, if you like, like that Von Cors fellow."

2014-07-26, 10:32 AM
This is unusual - Arannis muses to himself upon exiting his former master's cottage - the situation must be rather desperate for the sub-king to summon me. And why the heavy armor and exterior locks on the carriage? Suddenly suspicious, he goes over the workings of Fire Bolt in case it is needed in a hurry. Probably nothing - but you never can tell with these human empires and royalty - it wise to be careful.

"Very well, I will be back in a moment" he says. He returns with his gear quickly - he always keeps it together and ready to go - after ensuring the his sword and bow are close at hand and his dagger is concealed but easily accessable. Staff in hand, he prepares to see what has brought this unusual summons to him. "Now we may go."

2014-07-26, 11:41 AM
The moment each one of you touches the darkness of the interior you feel a pulling sensation and your ears pop lightly as you are sucked in. The inside of the Carriage is much bigger then the outside, with three doors similar to the one you where just pulled through on each side and the back. The walls have no windows, instead are a well polished oak. The bench seating is worn and warm leather, dyed royal purple and just plush enough to be comfortable. A small table with a silver tea set is installed in the center of the cabin.

First Ann tumbles in from the left side door, the smack on the head more from the pulling then anything else. Then comes Merla from the right side door, arms full of biscuits and seemingly bickering with the air. Arranis steps in from the back.

One other figure besides the PCs is in the cabin, tucked away into a corner. It's a massively armored figure, covered in head to toe in steel and iron wood. The figures head is leaned back against the wall, and a strange sound like the light grinding of gears is issuing from the stylized faceplate. After a moment you realize that the grinding sounds a lot like snoring. The air of the cabin is a bit still, but a small censor hanging from the ceiling gives off the smell of spring flowers. The entire area is lit, though no discernible light source besides the censor can be seen.

(Go ahead and pick out color for your speaking bits if you so wish. I would prefer darker colors if you could, however. The lighter ones are harder for me to pick out on this clunker laptop of mine)

(Also: Yay! didn't have to wait 24 hours. The clock restarts)

2014-07-26, 04:13 PM
Anna Voss

Anna manages a triple take, looking askance at the far-too-spacious carriage interior, the people who come in from the other doors who certainly hadn't been standing outside a few seconds ago, and the huge figure in the corner in turn.

After a long moment, during which one can practically hear the gears turning in Anna's head, she finally pipes up with "So, magic carriage, then. That's a new one on me!"

Assuming Merla and Arannis were the sorts of very important people a sub-king would normally be summoning (conversing with someone who isn't there is a bit irregular, but one must respect the eccentricities of the nobility), Anna carefully sets her halberd in the corner, then bows as best she can. "By the Chorus, where are my manners? Corporal Voss, Mercy Fort Watch, but if it would please milord and lady, call me Anna. I'm not much for formalities, honestly." She waits awkwardly for those she's taken to be her social superiors to sit down before she dares take a place on the bench, stomach rumbling as the aroma of Merla's bowl of biscuits reaches her nose.

2014-07-27, 11:25 AM
"Me a lord of Eastrun? I highly doubt that for the forseeable future." Arranis says while taking a seat and leting his staff lean against the bench while still having a hand on it. "I am Arannis Amastacia, scholar, traveler, and wizard. Does anyone know who the armored individual is?" he asks and gestures to the sleeping figure.

2014-07-27, 12:07 PM
The figures only response is a slight, crystalin, snort. There is a sudden airy wistle from the silver tea pot in the center of the cabin, signaling its readiness.

2014-07-27, 08:39 PM
Merla Underburrow

Merla snaps from her mumbled conversation as she notices the new collection of figures, and she perks up with a smile.
"Oh! My, what a surprise! Please, take a biscuit!"
She approaches the twiggiest of the bunch; a scarecrow-esque woman standing much taller than Merla herself, and pushes the bowl into her hands as she speaks.
"You look famished, dear; eat up! Ah, where are my manners?" the plump halfling shakes her head, realizing she hadn't introduced herself, "I'm Merla; pleasure to meet'cha! If I knew there would be more than just me, I would have brought more, sorry. Is that a kettle I hear?"

2014-07-28, 10:14 AM
Arannis conjures a Mage Hand which takes the pot off the stove and pours three cups. "Would anyone care to conjecture as to what we are doing here?"

2014-07-28, 04:33 PM
Anna grabs a pair of biscuits and a cup of tea like she's been offered handfuls of treasure, and finally sits down. "Fank you so mush, I didn'd get bwekfast." Is the garbled but grateful reply from around a mouthful of biscuit.

Her response to Arannis's question has slightly more dignity. "I've no idea, to be honest. I'm still grappling with being called by a king, even a sub-king. Are... are you members of the home guard, by chance? I left the watch to join up recently, and that's the only thing I can think of that would bring people from all over together like this."

Overcome by curiosity, Anna reaches over and very carefully pokes the armored figure in the corner. "Hello? Do you want some tea?"

2014-07-28, 06:42 PM
The figure shifts slightly, then gently catches the poking hand in it's own three-fingered one. The head comes up to look at Anna, twin pinpricks of glowing yellow crystal staring her down with it's unblinking gaze. The figure "clears it's throat", which sounds like a tuning fork winding down.

"(??? to Anna)No thank you. Kind of you to ask."

It's voice has a definite feminine cast, and hums like crystal goblets being struck. The figure lets the hand go.

"(??? to Anna & Group) And you are correct. This is a Homeguard retrieval mission. I am your contact, Brevet Superintendent Wallshatter of the Royal Shield."

Wallshatter sits up, causing that bench to creek under it's weight. The jaw of the full face helm moves with the words, twisting lightly in a way you've not seen metal move before. The unblinking crystal eyes snap to each one of the PC's, lingering there for a moment before moving on.

"(Wallshatter to Group) Please, everyone, sit down. We have a little less than one hour before we arrive at the palace, and there is some decorum that must be observed."

((Normally I wouldn't prompt this, but seeing as you all have not played with me before, I might as well. If you ever want to make a check to confirm a suspicion or find out more about something, don't hesitate to ask))

2014-07-29, 10:18 AM
"Greetings. I am willing to give whatever help I can to the Homeguard. This must be an unusual circumstance to warrant such a summons."
[[check to figure out what he is in dice thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?363062-Dice-Homefront&p=17847483#post17847483]]

2014-07-29, 10:56 AM

2014-07-29, 12:01 PM
Despite Wallshatter's gentle movements and polite words, Anna still yelps in surprise when the warforged catches her finger. She sits back down as requested, still staring at the construct with poorly disguised fascination, offering a salute when Wallshatter gives her rank.

"Um, yes. So, we're on a mission already? That was quick! Uh, I'm all ears. You mentioned retrieval. Would that be retrieval of an object, or intelligence, or perhaps a person?"

2014-07-29, 12:40 PM
Merla watches the figure speak with the curious eyes of someone who'd lived in a hole all her life; the halfling mumbled something merrily under her breath, chortled as if hearing a joke, clapped her hands together and spoke up.
"Isn't this just precious! I'd been told it'd be something important, but a palace? Please, tell us what's on your mind, dear! An hour's plenty for a story."
She shuffled backwards into the much-too-large chair that had been offered, taking her steaming drink with her and getting cozy.

2014-07-29, 04:42 PM
"(Wallshatter to Group) I am sure my liege will be pleased at the willingness to help us in our time of need. He has the specifics of the mission, and will be personally going over them with you once we arrive. In general, how ever, you will be retrieving an ally of the Empire from retirement on his isle in the Howling Sea. He has secluded himself there to research a question that was posed and we have since lost contact. We fear for his safety."

Wallshatter reaches behind her and pulls out a leather satchel covered in Imperial markings. She reaches in and after a short moment, pulls out three necklaces of Electrum with a single polished agate stone setting.

"These are your badges of office. Each one has been attuned to a specific individual, and when warmed by your hand, will display your credentials. Fear not, as if they are lost they are no use to anyone else. It would be in your best interest, however, to find it again.

She hands one out to each of you in turn after a moments gazing into each ones depths.

2014-07-30, 09:03 AM
Arannis takes his and holds it in his palm to test it. "Do you know this individual's name or the question he was researching?"

2014-07-30, 09:34 AM
After a moment the stone glows and light pours out from between the Mage's fingers. Like glowing green fireflies, they swirl about his hand then come together into a likeness of Arannis, along with a seal of the imperial crest itself.

"(Shatterwall to Arannis) That information has been compartmentalized. My leige has the specifics. I do know that the question conserned the passage of the sun."

2014-07-30, 01:35 PM
Merla eyes the collection of necklaces with an impressed nod, before flinching slightly at something unknown. She shakes her head with a smile and scootches out of her chair to take one, setting aside her tea for a moment.
"Oh-ho-ho, someone is making friends today, aren't they? Where did you get these beauties?"
She turns over the necklace in her hand and pulls it over her head, tucking the chain underneath her shirt but leaving the crest outside.
"They're very pretty."

2014-07-31, 10:37 AM
So, find an astronomer of some sort and bring him back - that is probably all I am going to learn until we get to the Sub-King, Arranis thinks.
[[I suggest we move to the palace.]]

2014-07-31, 12:17 PM
[twas the next step]
Wallshatter hums the crystals her as a polite clearing of throat.

"(Wallshatter to group) Yes. Now a lesson in court manors."

The next hour is filled with policy, niceties and other P's and Q's of talking to the Sub-King. The practical upshot of this is thus:
-refer to him my his full name and title or just "My Lord"
-Questions are okay, Don't interupt though.
-This is a great privilage, remember that
-Don't mention the hair.

That last bit was added in an almost conspiritorial air. Then, with a nod, she stands and reaches for a door behind her that wasn't there a moment before. She opens it and a blast of bright sunlight. She steps through, blocking the light and allowing a glimpse of a castle made of red marble and green, opaque crystal, flags snapping in the wind.

2014-07-31, 12:42 PM
Keeping Wallshatter's hour of etiquette and instruction straight was a lost cause from the start for Anna, a jumble of rituals and rules she had already given up trying to remember and mentally replaced with "Be polite. Say My Lord a lot."

"Oh goodness, I'm in a fable." Anna giggles disbelievingly at the sight of the castle, unable to do much more than step out of the carriage and stare open-mouthed at the marvel in front of her. "Look at that!"

2014-07-31, 01:04 PM
The mid-sized castle is a bustle of activity, with hundreds of people unloading wagons of food and supplies and taking it inside the crystal gates. Most of the workers are young boys and girls, just into teenagehood, being supervised by the old and those missing limbs. Mixed in is several Warforged of various makes and models. Each is doing the work of three and each one occasionally glancing up at the main manor house of the castle nervously. Wallshatter is no where to be seen and, for the moment, you three are left alone amidst the chaos. What do you do?

2014-07-31, 04:13 PM
Merla strode behind the group, eyes feasting on everything laid before her. Being used to a much simpler life, it was a bit too much to take in at once, and she spent a good few seconds slowing her steps to drink in the sights of people and places before quickening her pace to catch up again before she became lost in the crowd.
"Oh, it is a sight to see, isn't it? Goodness me, it must take a very pretty copper piece to keep! Where do you think this Von Cors fellow is, hmm?"

2014-08-01, 09:40 AM
"From my vast knowledge of royalty, I would venture to guess that the King is probably in the palace. Let's go." He says, gesturing to the manor house of the castle before starting towards it and thinking that a long range mission with people who have done so little traveling in their lives will certainly be challenging. Then compared to me, he reminds himself, plenty of nomads haven't seen much of the world. Meeting the king on the other hand - that was something they were all fairly new at.

2014-08-01, 11:14 AM
Anna chuckles at Arannis's prediction. "It must be nice to have vast knowledge of things. I should get me some." She picks up the supply load of a particularly weary looking young boy with a wink. "Shall we?"

2014-08-01, 11:16 AM
Merla notices something (PM sent).

What seems to be a simple action turns into an ordeal as you attempt to move down the path filled with people. The sheer volume of them slows your pace to a crawl.

to push through the crowd requires a strength(athletics) check or something similar if you try something else.

2014-08-01, 09:11 PM
Anna drops her supplies inside the gate with the rest and starts trying to make her way up the path towards the castle, a feat which quickly proves more difficult than one might think. After getting next to nowhere with countless "sorry"s and "excuse me"s and "beg pardon"s, she sighs and unholsters her halberd, using the long haft of the weapon to (gently!) move people to the side. "Come on now, stay close. I don't want to lose you two in the crowd!"

Strength rolled in the dice thread. Got a 21.

2014-08-02, 06:51 AM
"Oh, sorry dear- Ah, my mistake- Excuse me! If you could just- I didn't mean to-"
Merla attempted to very politely worm her way into the crowd surrounding them and follow towards the castle, and succeeded in accomplishing that 'very politely' portion, but not so much the 'worming into the crowd' part, despite the scarecrow-esque girl making her best effort to move the crowd aside for them. Her small size wasn't doing her any favors either, and she put her hands on her hips and eyed the crowd as if it was a frustrating puzzle she had been wrestling with for hours.
"Well I never! Why, I have half a mind to-"
She stopped, eyeing something in the distance, and glanced upwards for a moment before furrowing her brow.
"Well they certainly didn't look friendly, but it would be rude to just assume- Important? How?"
She gave a momentary confused shrug before tugging at Anna's pant leg to get her attention.
"Deary? There's a bit 'o worry to get there quick, on account 'o the not-too-friendly-looking fellows-" she points in the direction of where she saw the cloaked group pushing people aside in the crowd, "That-a-way. You've got longer legs; you can see 'em, yeah?"

2014-08-02, 04:41 PM
'Who am I looking for, then?" Anna peers over the crowd in the direction Merla pointed, now on alert, and using a bit more force to try and clear a path. Her knowledge wasn't going to fill libraries, but looking for trouble on crowded streets, that's something Mercy Fort teaches very well. "Well, they look like trouble. All right, everybody MOVE!" The shout of a guard who has had to clear out more traffic jams than she can count rings out over the courtyard.

[[I'm assuming Anna can see what Merla's pointing at, but just in case I rolled Perception for her as well. Result was 13. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17872352&postcount=13)]]

2014-08-02, 05:53 PM
[[alrighty then!

Here is the current scene: a large crowd of people are milling in front of the castle gates, with a large amount of traphic going through said gates. Near the front of the crowd is a group of hooded men with dangerous intent. Near the back is your group.
On movement: If you simply go with the flow or fail all your movement related checks it will take five turns to force yourself to the front of the crowd. A sucessful check shortens that time by two. After two turns or one sucess to get within short range of spells and ranged weapons. Other creative checks can change the difficulty of the movement checks.

That said I need a few rolls from everybody.
EVERYONE: Initiative time! No suprise round thanks to quick thinking.
Arannis: first strength(athletics) or other check
Anna: gonna give you a free charisma (intimidation) check to see if you can thin the crowd some.]]

2014-08-02, 07:08 PM
Arannis tries to nimbly dodge, duck, and weave his way through the crowd, and pulls out his sword while holding it under his cloak when the discussion of the cloaked figures begins. He uses his staff in his left hand to try to prod people out of the way, thinking about the deficiencies in human urban design that led to this difficulty, and briefly debating fireing a Bolt of Fire into the air before deciding against it.

2014-08-04, 01:36 PM
[[YAY! alright, here is the Initiative list:

Subrobe 18
Anna 16
Mainrobe 10
Merla 8
Arranis 3

Here is the current distances from gate/fight:
Anna: 3 turns (Successful Push through the crowd, within bow/spell range)
Arranis: 3 turns (Successful Dodge through the crowd, within bow/spell range)
Merla: 5 Turns (got caught up in the crowd) ]]

At Init 18:
The non-chanting, robe wearing individuals converge and swarm over a large open wagon coming out of the castle, pulling out Reaper Scythes and waved daggers. The driver doesn't have a chance as his throat is cut in an almost ritualistic manner and tossed into the mostly empty wagon.

At Init 16:
While you push ahead through the crowd quiet easily, you accidentally thwack a tall figure in the head. Curled red hair sprays out as she rounds on you, a knot already forming on her skull. She's dressed in leathers that have seen use and is covered in daggers. Her jet black, white-less eyes glare at you.
"(??? to Anna) What the HELL do you think you are DOING?!"

[[She is impeding your progress. What do you do?]]

2014-08-04, 06:48 PM
"Ahh! I'm very sorry! I'm just trying to get to them! Look!" Anna stumbles back from the black-eyed woman and points at the robed figures. "I mean you no harm, honest! You look like you can handle yourself, help deal with these madmen! I uh, I'll pay you!"

[[Persuasion attempt. Result of 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17883320&postcount=20).]]

2014-08-04, 07:14 PM
The woman watches Anna with thinly disguised annoyance, rubbing her head where she got hit.
"(??? to Anna)How dare you sully my dignity with your gold. I'll have you know that the Sub-King HIMSELF called me in and I will not have some Stick-Ent of a woman..."

Anna Cannot move from this point yet and will still be considered 3 turns away from the wagon.

It looks like the check wasn't high enough and now Anna is being fully confronted by the Elven woman

At Init 15
On the other side of wall there is an explosion, kicking dirt into the air and causing a ripple of fear from the crowd

At Init 10
The chanting robed man steps up onto the wagon, withdrawing a short spike of oily black metal from a sleeve. He gives a shout:
He then drives the spike into the body of the dead driver. There is a moment's hesitation, then a spray of gore-powered magic shoots twenty feet into the air. At the apex of the spray the goat-headed symbol of Orcus appears. A line of red energy appears in a 20' radius around the spike. The people within the radius seem frozen in place, each with a horrified look on their face. Even as you see it, a voice whispers to you "All that die under the sign will live again..." and a cruel laugh fills your head.

At Init 8
Merla has been seperated from the other two as there's another gasp from the crowd.
[[What do you do?]]

2014-08-04, 08:19 PM
"O-oh dear." Merla whispers as the crowd's pushes become jostles, and their chatter rise from shouts to screams. She nods hurriedly as if in answer to something, and attempts to push her way through the crowd in more of a panicked state, frustrated at her inability to see any of her new companions due to the crowd and her height.
She hesitates as an alien voice forces its words into her head, and shudders, finding a newer urgency in her pushing.
"Oh dear, oh dear..." Merla repeats to herself as she pushes blindly forward, "Nestophia, I can't see them, but please...please make sure they're alright."
There is a pause, and the brooch on her shirt glimmers in approval. She whispers a short but sincere word of gratitude, and continues pushing forward.

[[Continuing to push through, and casting Bless on the three allies present in the crowd...wherever they are. The roll for pushing (assuming she still has Advantage on the check for the racial ability) is 19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17883797&postcount=21).]]

2014-08-04, 10:26 PM
A feeling of warmth and fresh baked cookies descends onto Anna, Arranis and Merla. Mechanically it means that every time you make an attack or make a save, roll an additional 1d4 and add it to your total. This lasts until Merla casts another concentration spell or something breaks her concentration (or she drops it on her own).

Merla dodges quickly through the legs of the crowd, coming about level with Anna (and within sight of her and the red-head elf as well). You are now at 3 rounds til the wagon.

At Init 3
Arranis is ahead of the group and can see, first hand, the effects of the Magic in play.

[[What do you do?]]

2014-08-05, 09:33 AM
Arannis continues to dodge his way through the crowd with an increased urgency. If they are going to be returned as something-or-other inside the circle - which is probably what constitutes "under the sign", then we should get them out of the circle. "GET THE CULTISTS OUT OF THE CIRCLE!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. Easier said than done - unless . . . He switches out his sword for his bow, and makes no effort to hide it.

2014-08-05, 09:23 PM
[[sorry, pesky real life got the better of me]]

Arranis's shouts can barely be heard over the crowd noises as he gracefully glides the press of mostly human bodies

on init 1
the crowd finally reacts as one, screaming at the voice in their head. A few leap into the circle to try and pull someone out only to freeze in fear like the rest

-New Round-

on init 18
the robed cultists move among the fear frozen citizens, picking the largest in size, slitting their throats and dragging the corpses into the pilfered wagon.

on init 16
Anna is still being bawled out by the red head, still oblivious to the cultist activities and the change in the crowd

[[what do you do?]]

2014-08-05, 10:11 PM
"Oh, by every god in the Chorus, I wasn't sullying anything, I was just trying to be nice! I was invited here too!" Anna fumbles around and finally holds up her necklace of office, hoping the glowing portrait might get the elf off her case. "Come to your senses and help us fight, or get out of my way so I can do it myself!" Anna's voice becomes increasingly desperate, finally cracking a bit as she watches the cultists start to kill those caught in their trap.

[[I'm not sure what roll this would be, if any. Persuasion again? Rules were kinda confusing about re-checking skills like this. Anna is not willing to resort to violence with the elven woman unless directly attacked.]]

2014-08-06, 01:05 PM
The Elf blinks, opening her mouth to argue, then actually looks around.

"(??? to Anna) Oh... OH!"

She spins on a heel and is lost in the crowd like a shadow, heading for the wagon.

Anna can move now, and I'm assuming she does so. She will be 2 rounds away next turn.

On Init 10
The Robed Leader nods at his followers, then climbs down and starts binding smaller framed woman and men, tossing them in among the bodies of the slit-throated.

On Init 8
Merla, flush from the spell, is three rounds away from the wagon.

2014-08-06, 07:28 PM
"Oh dear, oh dear..." Merla continues repeating, the worry of the others in danger taking up most of her thoughts as she blindly pushes forward. Finally the crowd parts into a small clearing, and the halfling stumbles forward, not expecting the lack of resistance.
"Oh! Oh dear..." once again, still not spying any sign of what could be evoking all of this violent noise (though she has her theories). She notices Anna just as a woman that was the center of her attention darts back into the crowd, though Merla pays the redhead no mind.
"Oh! Dear!" she calls, though this time referring to Anna as 'dear' as she notices that she doesn't have any obvious injuries.
Finding some room around her, Merla takes the opportunity to unstrap the shield lying across her backpack, already regretting her refusal of a certain someone's advice to wear her armor to the meeting.
"Are you alright? Where are the others, dear?" she asks hurriedly and worriedly, "Are they hurt?"

[[Taking an action to equip the shield and boost that measly 10 AC to 12. Merla will be using her movement to follow Anna's direction, pushing through the crowd again if need be. If that's the case, her Athletics roll is 9 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17895589&postcount=27).]]

2014-08-06, 11:33 PM
Despite being bounced around by the crowd, Merla pulls up even with Anna. They are both now 2 rounds away from the Wagon.

At Init 3
Bow in hand, 2 rounds away before moving, Arranis counts 6 Robed men total.

[[Do, what will you?]]

2014-08-07, 10:09 AM
If I live to regret this, I will have beaten the odds, Arranis thinks as he continues to put all his effort to moving, but it is a necessary risk. "DOWN WITH ORCUS AND ALL HIS COWARDLY FOLLOWERS!" Arranis shouts as he closes on the cultists.

2014-08-07, 03:02 PM
Arranis is now 1 round away from the wagon.

His shout seemed to have gained notice as the Mainrobe turns to look at him with green slitted, reptilian eyes. A snout, scaled in green and bronze, is barely seen underneath the heavy cloth.

On Init 1
The panic starts hitting the outer edge of the crowd and movement towards the castle gate has become increasingly harder (The DC for double movement is now 17)

-Round 3, FIGHT!-

On Init 18
The Subrobes continue their grizzly work, picking out large framed individuals for the slaughter. One looks at the Leader, nods, then looks directly at Arranis. He steps forward to the edge of the field in place and brandishes his large Scythe, waiting with a smug look on his scarred face.

On Init 16
Anna is finally unblocked by the red-headed elf and moving forward, A shield baring Merla at her side. She is about 2 rounds away (and if you make a successful check, can hit the field of magical effect this turn)

[[To speed things up a bit, I'm gonna start posting DC's for things. If you want to do something other than what I've stated, go ahead!]]

2014-08-08, 03:24 PM
Arranis continues foward, stops - Hopefully this will get him to come to me. It will certainly gather more attention - and launches a Bolt of Fire at the approaching cultist.

[[Taking single move, then casting. Stoping for I get within 15ft of the cultist.]]

2014-08-09, 12:31 PM
[[Sorry about the wait, ya'll. I, too, was at the hospital but for my wife. Getting back to the game!]]

[[Arranis probably hit, but it wasn't his turn. I'll take the rolls and apply them when his turn comes up]]

Anna moves forward, determined to get to the wagon.

On Init 10
The Mainrobe continues to collect smaller framed individuals from the crowd, seemingly unconcerned with the rushing Elf

On Init 8
Just behind the determined Anna is Merla, legs pumping furiously to keep up with her companion. She is 2 rounds away.

[[What do you do?]]

2014-08-09, 08:05 PM
Merla runs behind Anna as fast as her little stubby legs can take her! Which...is actually a bit slower than everyone else but it looks really fast because halflings are really small.
"Dear! Dear! What do you see? I can't tell a thing from down here!" Merla calls, hobbling behind to the best of her ability with a shield in one hand and a top-heavy walking stick in the other.

2014-08-10, 09:02 PM
Merla and Anna can run into combat next turn.

On Init 3
Arranis's spell leaps out from his finger tip, streaking unerringly for the Robed Cultist's shoulder. With a cry the figure drops, clutching the effected shoulder and alerting the rest to the danger in the crowd. Meddling Adventurer's are on the loose again.

-Round 4-

On Init 18
Two robed figures run over to the one with the smoldering shoulder wound, shouting garbled prayers to Orcus. The other two redouble their efforts at picking out victims.

On Init 16
Anna dives into the edge of the crowd, pushing them back with expertise born from experience handling massed humanoids

On Init 10
The Main robe hops back up on the wagon and starts waving his hands about while holding an amulet of Orcus. Three streaks of light jump out, trailing green skulls behind them (Casting Magic Missile). Two lights head for Anna, the third returning fire at Arranis.

Anna takes 8 damage and Arranis takes 5 unless either of you has an ability to stop it. (rolls are in the roll thread)

On Init 8
Merla breaks the crowd with a push, just in time to see the spell strike her companions.

[[I would like to apologize for the slow posts. RL is a jerk sometimes]]

2014-08-11, 12:55 AM
Upon finally breaking through the crowd's wall-like stature and stumbling forward, Merla looked up just in time to see the scarecrow-ish woman Anna be struck by two flying, glowing projectiles, eliciting a gasp of worry from the halfling.
Seeing where the spell had come from, a black-robed figure brandishing an intimidating-looking object in his hands, Merla is taken aback, rather looking like he had said something inappropriately rude than tried to take the lives of these people. Her frustration quickly turns to worry as she realizes the damage two of her allies have sustained, and with a quick judgement she places the furthest damage to be attributed to Anna.
She mumbles something under her breath, a quick plead to a higher power, though she doesn't finish the first few words before she's interrupted by another glimmer from the brooch on her shirt, upon which she nods quickly and moves to touch the girl's leg.
"Deary, stand still- This'll only take a sec." she reassures as a radiant glow shifts from the broach, to her arm, and finally to Anna's leg, spreading upwards to ease pain and close open wounds from the malicious spell.

(Healed exactly 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17919061&postcount=31) HP, thanks to the Life domain.)

2014-08-11, 04:06 AM
Merla heals Anna's wounds moments after they opened.

On Init 3
Arranis starts the turn having taken a magic missile to the chest.

2014-08-11, 10:06 AM
"I don't think I could take another hit like that." Arranis whispers to his companions, wincing. And the hobbit is a healer, how about that. Seeing the cultists rushing foward to help the man he blasted, Arranis wonders at his luck. Then casts burning hands. A fan of fire wooshes out into the three cultists grouped together. He then steps back behind his companions.

2014-08-11, 12:00 PM
Twin cries of almost unnatural intensity come from the throats of two of the robed ones. The injured one and one of his helpers fall, dead from the flame. The third manage to dodge partially out of the way.

-Round 5-

On Init 18
The surviving cultist from those effected by the burning hands spell grabs whats left of the robes of his dead companions and starts pulling them towards the pilfered cart. The other two sub-robes kill two more civilians and drags them towards the cart as well.

On Init 16
Anna takes the magic missiles then is healed, now stands before the red field that hangs below the symbol of Orcus.

((I'm gonna leave this open for a while, see if Anna's Player wants to jump back in.))

2014-08-11, 08:28 PM
"Thank you, Merla." The halfling's spell seems to bring Anna out of something of a trance. She turns towards the cultists with a not yet seen glint in her eye. "So, this is the only answer. Very well. Don't say you weren't warned, you maniacs!" Seeing the scorched cultist struggling back to the wagon, she runs forward and slashes low with her polearm, aiming to cut his legs out from under him - quite literally.

[[Assuming she can reach her target. Halberd does have reach, letting her strike an extra 5 feet away. Attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17924060&postcount=34) rolled in the dice thread. Attack result was 17, damage was 12 slashing.]]

2014-08-12, 12:52 AM
The moment Anna hits the red magical field around the cultist she ...

[[Gonna need you to make a Wisdom Save for fear vs. DC 14!]]

2014-08-12, 01:32 AM
Anna's form is perfect, her shout powerful, her swing arcing in the morning sun. And then she screams.

The ground changes as Anna crosses the threshhold. It's blackened and twisted. Sticking out of it, from every where, is the bones of every living creature that has ever died at this place. Thousands of soldiers have thrown their lives away against this wall. Peasants where left to starve. Suicides, murders, accidents. Farther back there are countless animals who have lost their lives to other, stronger beasts. Eons upon Eons of death. And every rotting skeleton from every death seems to be around you. Staring at you. Waiting for you to join them.

[[Failed save of 8, I'm afraid. Every round you are in the effect you need to roll a Wisdom save vs. Fear DC:14. If you make it, you can act that round. If you make it x3 in a row, you become immune to the effect. If you fail, you cannot act this round. If you fail x3 in a row, you cannot act while in the field. ]]

On Init 10
The Main robed guy throws his head back in laughter at Anna's scream, then climbs over the pile of bodies to the driver's seat. his body disapears for a moment as he reaches down to grab the reigns of the horse.

On Init 8
Alright, Champion of Nestophia. Action calls!

2014-08-12, 01:57 AM
Merla nodded at Anna's response, only willing to help, and watched her charge forward...and scream. At first she could only think that something had gone wrong with the healing, but after a moment she realized that it wasn't only Anna who was affected, but everyone crossing the threshold. Seeing the robed man laugh only spurred the halfling to anger, and though she was unarmored and only wielding a walking stick and a shield too big for her, Merla strode forward to teach the man a much-deserved lesson.
"HEY!" she called, just before passing the edge of the circle and pointing the stick at him in a threat, "You stay away from Nesty's children!"
At the words, another ferocity boils from the jewelry on her in agreement, and from the sky above descends a small bolt of holy fire, illuminating the area around it as it flashes downward.

[[Merla is stepping into the circle, next to Anna, and casting the Sacred Flame cantrip to get the man's attention. The Dexterity save DC is 13, and it ignores any bonuses he might have for taking cover.]]

2014-08-12, 02:45 AM
Merla steps unflinchingly into the field and calls down her god's wraith. The Main Robe cries out as the flame is delivered as a scolding smack to his butt.


[I] On Init 3
From within outer edge of the crowd, Arranis takes his turn

2014-08-12, 09:50 AM
So much for killing them outside the field. Hopefully they don't have the necromacy to back-up the statement about those in the field coming back - I'd hate to fight their zombies too. He thinks as they retreat.
"They weren't warned." Arranis says in response to Anna's battlecry. He cringes inwardly as she crosses into the field, thinking she was not in a unique position to resist its effects - and if it could take so many . . .
Oh no, I am not going to let them get away and finish whatever plot they started. He thinks as they get to the wagon.
If they hadn't loaded with people it I could set it ablaze. He thinks as he noks an arrow and fires at the one evidently the leader.

2014-08-12, 11:16 AM
The Arrow twangs into the seat next to the leader, quivering as he looks down at it

-Round 6, Fight!-

On Init 18
The Sub-Robes all scramble up onto the wagon back, pulling the last of the bodies up with them.

On Init 16
Will Anna break free from the effect?

2014-08-12, 02:25 PM
Hyperventilating, Anna stumbles for a moment, staring in abject horror, scrunching up her body to avoid the grasping hands of the dead that only she can see. Then the head cultist laughs, high and cruel. The laugh doesn't remove the fear coursing through her veins, but it focuses it, turns it into something resembling rage for the moment. This madman had butchered innocents, hurt her friends. A million more skeletons in her way wouldn't stop her from making him pay for that. She charges the wagon and takes a high, wild swing with her halberd, trying to knock the man from atop the wagon.

[[I get to act! Link to rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17928130&postcount=41). Attack 9, Damage 12.]]

2014-08-13, 12:54 PM
[[You remembered to roll the blessing bonus for your save but not for your attack, so I did it for you this time. Rolled a three for a total of 12]]

With aim guided by a gentle hand and fury born of fear, Anna's Halberd finds purchase in the flesh of the Robed Leader. Crimson specks fly as it cuts into his side and he cries out in pain.


[I]On Init 10
Holding his side, he flicks a wrist and some spell-components fly out into his waiting palm. With a grunt and a whispered shout, he lets the magic fly at the woman with the Halberd

[[He's casting Charm Person. It's a will save against magic, and you get an advantage as you are in combat. so roll 2d20 and keep the highest!]]

2014-08-13, 01:48 PM
And Anna freezes again, only her eyes flickering and moving. Then, with a command from the Main Robe, she sheaths her halberd. The injured man hands her a sealed note, then tells her to simply walk away. Hurt that her "Friend" wants her to leave, she turns to go.

[[Failed the save and even though you didn't remember to roll bless, your roll wasn't high enough anyhow. You are currently Charmed. His last command was to simply walk away]]

On Init 8
Worried whispers of "No-goodniks" having a bad influence on her friends in her ear, Merla steps up.

2014-08-13, 02:25 PM
Merla watches with a mixture of confusion and dismay as, after a few whispered words, Anna simply takes an envelope and walks away as if the last minute of battle hadn't happened, passing by the halfling without a word.
Her gaze returned to the robed figure, a new fire kindled as she could only think that more of his magic was to blame. Seeing him taking the horse's reigns, she resolved herself not to let him get away with this, and she only knew one way to carry out this resolve.
As Anna passed by her to nonchalantly leave, the plump halfling was running forward, clambering up to the coach's seat over ladder and body alike to get there and looking quite the frightening avatar of comeuppance...if she weren't three feet tall and wielding a walking stick. She really wished she had the forethought to dress herself in that armor this morning.

[[Moving...coach-wards! And, if she has the action to do so, giving him a good walloping once she gets up there, for a total attack roll of 18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17934751&postcount=44) and damage of 5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17934751&postcount=44)!]]

2014-08-13, 05:21 PM
The walking stick of Doom(tm) swings down and strikes at the Cultist leader's knee. He howls in pain, crying out:
"(Leader to Merla and world) I AM JUST TRYING TO LEAVE NOW! GET OFF ME!"

On Init 3
Strike the head and the body will fall. The leader is quite hurt, even with Anna charmed

2014-08-14, 10:41 AM
Two consecutive magical effects to her mind, that has to be rough. Arranis thinks. Then has an idea. "Anna, your friend won't want all of those corpses and captives in the back of his wagon while he is trying to escape. Why don't you help him by unloading the wagon." He suggests quickly.

Arranis then moves along the edge of the field toward the path of the wagon (hopefully out of the view of the mainrobe's new friend), and fires another shot at the mainrobe.

2014-08-15, 12:24 AM
The arrow flies true and jabs strait into the cloaked man's neck as he rears back to kick Merla off the Wagon. There's a wave of shock and surprise across his face, then his eyes catch on to grey fire and blood gushes from the wound in a torrent, soaking the seat and Merla. The grey fire burns well into the back of the man's head, goes out with a puff and he drops strait down like a puppet with cut strings. With his death, all his spell effects end. That includes the field of fear around the wagon and Anna's Charm.

-Last Round-
On Init 18
The subrobes, seeing their master fall, scatter. They jump out of the wagon and dive into the crowd, cloaks flapping empty in the wind

[[End of Combat]]

The area finally starts to clear of civilians. All that's left in front of the wall is the wagon with the bloodsoaked Merla standing over a pile of bodies, not all of which are dead, Anna standing slightly dazed and Arranis holding the killing bow. From the pile of bodies, a voice calls out.

"(??? to World) Don't suppose someone can help me OUT OF HERE!!!"

((75 exp each plus a 25 exp bonus for saving the wagon. 100 exp total each))

2014-08-15, 02:26 AM
Merla raises her walking stick once again, seething with holy rage and determined not to let the man escape.
And is absolutely drenched in blood halfway through her sentence as he keels over and coats the poor halfling in a thick layer of sanguine paint, none of it sparing the effort to keep clear of her mouth.
The plump, now-red halfling had to spend a few moments considering what had just happened, in the form of nauseous gagging as she desperately tried to spit the coppery taste from her mouth, and clear her eyes of the stuff.
Once she had finally cleared her face with a rag, Merla set on the new voice...coming from the pile of bodies, many of which weren't dead. Oh dear.
Though the voice is definitely buried, it is still alive enough to shout and fidget, which was more than she could say for many of the still-alive victims of this attack. She quickly gets to work stabilizing anyone still alive and in need of medical assistance, ignoring her macabre paint-job for the moment.

2014-08-15, 11:56 AM
Remembering something he heard during the battle, Arranis runs to get a look at the other side of the wall.

2014-08-15, 03:55 PM
There are 5 unharmed individuals bound in the wagon, including a familiar to Anna Elf. The woman from before is spitting mad and kicks the fallen leader in the head after she is free. Merla is able to save a few others from bleeding out with her divine magic but over 20 people lie dead in the wagon.

On the other side of the wall Arranis can see several dead bodies and pit marks in the grass and cobblestone road from explosions. It looks like a group similar to your own is finishing up whatever happened over there .

[[Twas my RL group operating on the other side. You'll hear about their exploits threw rumor just like they will hear of your guy's stuff as well.]]

The letter in Anna's hand is surprisingly heavy. In the envelope there are three long objects of some weight.

2014-08-15, 05:04 PM
Anna shakes herself free from the spell, looking around with a confused and crestfallen expression. "Oh, I wasn't much help at all, was I? Are you all right?!" Her voice goes shrill as she sees the blood-covered Merla and runs over to help free the survivors, looking quite pleased to see the elf woman alive despite their rocky introduction. It takes several moments before the heft of the envelope in her hand sinks in. Cautiously, she opens the letter.

2014-08-16, 03:04 PM
Seeing that the situation on the other side of the wall is in hand, Arranis returns and tries to think what someone would hand a charmed enemy in the middle of a battle. He is about to advise caution when Anna opens the letter.

2014-08-18, 02:05 PM
In the envelope is four objects. The first is a card of calligraphy with a bruise purple wax seal of a stylized goat's head on thick hardened paper. The other three are what give the envelope it's weight. They are as long as your hand, two finger wide and as thick as a coin platinum bars with the Empire's stamp. Trade coins, or Talons. These are worth 100 gp each and are usually used for Tax purposes or bulk trading between some of the larger companies in the Empire.

The card in a flowing hand:

My dear Sub-King,
Long have we quible over things like religious and graveyard rights using proxies and champions, but it is time to put such childish things away. The rising threat to the west brings with it a sobering reality check. To which, this card. You see, to fight this menance we both need armies. You have your trained knights and your fire mages, but we need bodies. Now, I know there is a war on and that Taxes are always a problem, to which I send the Talens. It should cover any lost taxes from the 20 or so bodies we need.
I hope this finds you in a good health,
Lord Necromancer Orric
High Priest of Orcus, 10th Star

The guards finally make their way to the wagon, interviewing the group and the survivors that can talk before sending them into the castle.

2014-08-19, 12:07 AM
Anna reads over the letter slowly, becoming angrier and angrier as she goes along. She passes the envelope's contents to her companions in turn. "Madman asks for 'bodies', but does he go to a graveyard or a crypt somewhere? No, living people! Innocent people! Disgusting! The king needs to be shown this." To calm herself, Anna assists the guards, falling easily into familiar roles before it dawns on her that this isn't something that just gets passed up the chain of command anymore.

"I suppose we should go inside then, right? I mean, we were expected, I suppose?" Anna repeats herself, looking to the others for guidance with an expression a bit like a lost puppy. While happy to take charge of some guards, dealing with royalty was another thing entirely.

2014-08-19, 10:17 AM
"Agreed." Arranis says and starts slowly toward the castle. "There is one thing that puzzles me. The workers seemed to be glancing nervously at the castle, as if they knew something was about to happen. If they did, why did no one act to stop it, and if they didn't, what was it that troubled them?"

2014-08-20, 12:37 AM
"One thing's for sure," Merla added, still furiously wiping herself clean of any blood remaining from the event, "We need to have a talking to with that fellow, the king! I mean, making deals with necromancers!? What's gotten into his head?! And to think those hoodlums think a bit'o coin is going to clear the whole thing up!" she ranted, handing back the letter and stomping in the direction of the castle, hoisting the shield back over her pack as she went and putting more weight on her walking stick.
"A couple'o coins, treating people like livestock! My word!"

2014-08-20, 03:37 AM
They are ushered into the massive red marble and crystal castle and led through halls of art and history. Everything has a small plaque attached to it, explaining the significance of the painting or artifact. Long tapestries illustrating massive battles or major events hang from bars of mythril. One inner hall is lit entirely by a fire elemental in the shape of a dancer moving inside a clear cage hanging from the domed ceiling. The Inner Empire would call this place quaint. They finally stop at a set of oaken double doors, twice as high as a man and carved with depictions of past kings. A distinguished human man with a powdered wig checks each of you off a check list, then opens the doors with a plume and announces you like nobility. Then you are gently pushed inside and the doors shut. On the other side is a large hall lined with sturdy looking chairs and tables. Small groups of people cluster around in groups of 3 to 6, some armed to the teeth and others in outlandish outfits. Adventurers, poring over maps and sheets of official looking papers. Few look up from their tables.

You only get a few moments to take this all in before your names are called again and you are ushered into a small room with a rectangular table and a small clerk of a man sitting in a large chair at one end. His bald head shines with sweat, the horse shoe of hair around his head thin, his brown and grey-streaked goatee in need of a bit of a trim. He looks up with tired eyes and stands, returning the golden circlet to his brow.

"(??? to Group) Greetings, friends. Please, sit. We have much to discuss."

2014-08-20, 06:58 AM
"Greetings, King Von Cors." Arranis says, thinking that few would be offended at being mistaken for the king, while the king would likely be offended at being mistaken for someone else.

2014-08-20, 08:18 PM
Merla, having calmed down (and cleaned up) in the time of her walk, took it upon herself to immediately break the P's and Q's that the party had been coached on for the better part of an hour from Wallshatter. She takes a step next to Arranis, holding her hands to her chest and pursing her lips.
"My word, you look fit to drop any moment, dear! When was the last time you've gotten a decent rest? Nesty's worried sick, and I can see why!"
She also had something to say earlier about necromancers and coins and poor life decisions, but it was somewhat overwhelmed with the urge to put this tired man in a proper bed.

2014-08-21, 06:55 PM
Arranis simply sighs and wonders how easily this man is offended.

2014-08-22, 02:51 AM
The man looks on with a mix of amusement and incredulity, then raises his hands to lightly ward the halfling off.
"(King Von Cors) I assure you, my dear Mother (Said as a title), that I am all right. It's said that I was born tired looking."

He gives an easy laugh and gestures to the chairs around him, which stretch like cats and slink outwards. They offer themselves to sit in.

"I'm afraid we have little time for sleep as it is. I must thank you for your help outside. For those you saved outside, I thank you. And I'm sure you mourn their loss as much as I.

2014-08-22, 06:23 PM
Arranis takes his seat. "I'm afraid the events that transpired were only a hint at a larger problem, my lord. Anna, could you show the king what you got from their leader?"

2014-08-24, 05:48 PM
It takes an offer from the chair itself for Anna to finally take a seat. She fidgets, trying her best not to seem uncomfortable in front of the King, which involves a lot of shifting about uncomfortably. At Arranis's urging, she snaps out of it, passing the envelope and all its contents to Von Cors. "Ah, yes, your majesty. The man who seemed to be in charge of the cultists outside, he... gave me this. I opened it, but it, um, it seems it was meant for you, my King."

[[Weekends are supposed to be relaxing, right? :smallsigh: So sorry for the delay, guys! :smallredface:]]

2014-08-24, 06:00 PM
As Merla clambered into her own chair and eyed the letter being handed from Anna, she huffed.
"They think they can make up for slaughter with a couple'o coins! What's the world come to, treatin' people like cattle?"
As she shuffled into a more comfortable position, a whispered word raised another question, in more of a curious tone than a frustrated one.
"Just who is this Orric fellow, dear? He acts like you've got history."

2014-08-24, 09:54 PM
Sub-King Von Cors reads the letter with a touch of sadness about his eyes and anger in the set of his jaw. He puts the coins on the table before him and places the letter down next to it with a sigh.

"(Von Cors to Merla) He was an... associate of mine when we were both younger. He has much changed in the intervening years. But yes, Mother, at one time I considered him a friend. That was a long time ago. We must speak of now and think to the future, and so the task at hand.
(Von Cors to Group) I have need of you to travel north, deep into the Howling Sea to get into contact with the Wizard Asleen, once adviser to my father's throne. He has built a wizards keep on an island and has secluded himself to study the passage of the Sun. His seclusion must come to an end. You three, plus another, will travel by Portgate to a small isle near by that once held a resupply depot for Imperial ships. I have sent an advanced team to the island and they should have base camp set up. From there you must find a way into his Sanctum and convince him to come back to us. You have my full authority to offer whatever he wants, as long as it is on this plane of existence. You should be prepared for anything... A Wizards sanctum is not a place for the idle handed."

2014-08-25, 07:52 PM
"So I take it that we should expect an unfriendly reception from this wizard, my lord?" Arranis asks.

2014-08-26, 12:13 PM
"(Von Cors to Arranis) Truthfully, I don't know. He was a little eccentric when I was a child and I'm not sure 30 years of isolation has done to his mind. You might find him long dead and his tower looted, though I highly doubt that. Several messages have been sent threw the normal channels but no reply has yet been sent. But no matter the state of his mind, it is needed here."

2014-08-26, 02:38 PM
Anna listens to the King's instructions with great care, looking a bit out of sorts at being granted things like "full authority" over anything, much less payment to powerful wizards. "If it isn't too bold to ask, your majesty, who is the person who will be traveling with us?"

2014-08-26, 05:27 PM
"(Von Cors to Anna) His name is Sir Harold Von Cors, 10th in line for the throne of Eastmarch. He's an odd duck, but a promising artificer and locksmith. He's also my aunt's youngest son. He will be joining you in the PortGate room where he waits with Wallshatter. I expect him to be very useful in the days to come.

2014-08-26, 09:46 PM
"It all seems fairly straightforward to me." Arranis says as he wonders what the catch is. "Is there anything else we should know before we start?"

2014-08-27, 02:48 AM
Merla's eyes lit up at the prospect of the newest addition to the party; evidently the youngest son of a family. She just wanted to pinch his cheeks already.
"Why, I think it's nearly time for elevensies. We couldn't begin a trek without a proper meal in our bellies, could we dear?" she inquired, the frustration from earlier washing down with the thoughts of new friends, and a good day's work. "I think a good dish would do us all good."

2014-08-28, 12:03 PM
The King laughs, smiling at the little Halfling.
"(Von Cors to Merla) As soon as I meet with the next group, I will. You don't have to wait however. Out in the hall there is a small menu set up if you wish to discuss your mission further. However, if you want to get on with it, I suggest grabbing some fruit and heading down to the PortGate room. My cousin will meet you there.
He stands again, pulling himself out of the chair with a bit of effort and smoothing his tunic. He then bows slightly to you.
"(Von Cors to the Group) Eastmarch and indeed all of the Empire and beyond thanks you for this effort. May Modius guide your swords."
The door behind you opens back into the Great Hall.

2014-08-28, 03:16 PM
"I suggest we meet Sir Harold Von Cors first, then we can consider halfling culinary customs." He says, fondly remembering a hobbit village he had stayed in once.

2014-08-29, 12:07 PM
Anna bows to the king in return. "And yours, your majesty." Turning to the others, she shrugs. "I think that's best. If we're to be traveling with him, it seems impolite to keep Sir Harold waiting while we fill our stomachs. Not that I'd say no to some food, mind you."

2014-08-31, 01:27 AM
"Oh, what better way to meet the lad but over a meal? It's where the best of friends are made." Merla suggested at , hopping off of her chair and grabbing her walking stick, "I'm sure he'll be pleased as peach to greet us from over a plate!"
Making a last few wipes to comfort herself from the grueling scene only a small time prior, she looked back up over the table to the reigning King, jabbing the stick playfully-but-sternly in his direction with a smile.
"No need for a thanks, dearie; just take better care of yourself! Nestophia's worried sick about your health, y'know."

2014-09-03, 11:12 AM
Arranis rolls his eyes, gets up, bows, and leaves to meet Sir Harold.