View Full Version : Elan could save azure city!

Professor Tanhauser
2007-02-28, 02:21 AM
Ok, SILLY apoiler here:

I think elan could save Azure city pretty easily, in just 3 steps:

Step 1. Get his banjo doll.
Step 2. Convert everyone in AC to Banjo worshippers.
Step 3. Have Banjo smite Xykon.

Remembe rthat with just one worshipper, I.E. elan, banjo was able to summon a small cloud and send a tiny lightning bolt at roy, so if he could get everyone in AC to worship banjo he ought to be able to smite xykon.

He might need some expresso machines, though....

2007-02-28, 02:26 AM
But then, as a god of that power level, Banjo wouldn't be able to directly interefere with mortal affairs. BTW. This should have a spoiler tag.

Professor Tanhauser
2007-02-28, 02:37 AM
But then, as a god of that power level, Banjo wouldn't be able to directly interefere with mortal affairs. BTW. This should have a spoiler tag.
Uh, I don't think it's gonna happen, so no spoiler is required.

I was just looking thru some old OOTS stuff and caught the bit about elan having banjo zap roy, then gettin g belkar to help with a hearty "ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY BANJO!"

Of course that was old, silly, dimwit elan, he seems to be changing now.

(Maybe stealing some treasure type O off halley has improved him a little?)

2007-02-28, 03:33 AM
If you see it that way, then probably Durkon could rescue Azure City, too, if he praid to Thor to cause such a heavy storm as when they fought the LG in this city (don't know the name).

Professor Tanhauser
2007-02-28, 04:18 AM
Well, as for durkon, if he could pull a repeat performance of his lightning strike that took out the treemen, he could likely do in xykon's army almost by himself. I mean, think about it. At 4 miles that lightning prodiced a thundercrack that splintered trees.

Now if that bolt hit smack in the middle of xykon's horde, a lot of hobs would be history, and the remainder would be deafened. Seriously, they've be stone deaf from a blast like that, unable to hear orders unable to be controlled effectively, etc.

A deaf army would largley be a crippled one. Think about it.

2007-02-28, 04:19 PM
Right, so it is way easier for :durkon: to pray to Thor again than for :elan: to find enough worshippers of Banjo or Banjulhu. But my guess is that Durkon won't be able to concentrate and will be all busy curing wounds and truning undead than to get a chance to pray.

2007-02-28, 04:27 PM
Oh yeah and mabue the chimera they killed in #93 will come back as a paladin and kill Xykon! Face it AC already has a ton of paladins sand a fully devolped religion. It ani't gonna happen

2007-02-28, 05:38 PM
It's not gonna happen for one reason:

There's no way Elan could find that many "Espresto" boxes in that short a time.


2007-02-28, 07:44 PM
Point # 1, the "OP" already knows it ain't gonna happen. Point # 2, Durkon summoned 2 lightning bolts: one missed by miles, the other hit the trees dead center! Point # 3, Xykon doesn't control the hobo's. Redcloak does!

2007-02-28, 08:31 PM
Point # 2, Durkon summoned 2 lightning bolts: one missed by miles, the other hit the trees dead center! Point

Uh, somehow I don't think that is right......

2007-03-01, 11:25 AM
And while that's going on, how many bolts of lightning from the sky are the 12 Gods of the South going to send down, hrrrrm? :smallwink:

2007-03-01, 12:24 PM
Point # 1, the "OP" already knows it ain't gonna happen. Point # 2, Durkon summoned 2 lightning bolts: one missed by miles, the other hit the trees dead center! Point # 3, Xykon doesn't control the hobo's. Redcloak does!

Not quite; Durkon summoned one bolt, and the roll of thunder was so powerful that it burst the trees apart, as well as knocking Vaarsuvius unconscious! Leeky the Druid had thought to protect his trees against fire, lightning and the rest, but had neglected to protect them against sonic energy.

Of course, one of the celestials serving Thor tried to point out that Control Weather can't be used that way, but Thor was having none of it.

2007-03-01, 04:28 PM
It's obvious that's not gonna happen, that's cause Haley is gonna shoot Roy out of her bow and he's gonna mow down the entire army.

2007-03-01, 04:35 PM
Can you set yourself up as a god? Since he's paying people to worship anyways it shouldn't matter, right? : )

2007-03-01, 04:37 PM
I think someone has to allow him to enter the Pantheon of gods, if so, he shall have the might a god has, because the whole "prayer-sharing" Elan mentioned once would give him the abilities even without having true worshippers.