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View Full Version : [3.5/P] Flat Cost Weapon/Armor Enhancements and "Sheathed" Enhancements

Lonely Tylenol
2014-07-10, 01:26 AM
Hi, Giant! Long time no see.

I am currently playing in a campaign that is currently at level 7, and progressing at very fast speeds (the DM expects this to get to epic levels, and with player/DM interest and level progression being what they are, that might happen by next summer). In this campaign, I am a samurai-who-is-not-a-Samurai who fights with a lone katana and an unparalleled mastery of Iaido. I have a good general idea of what I want the weapon enhancements of the katana to be. Of course, being a former warlord with a prestigious retainer, I have a wakizashi that is receiving comparatively little love. With this in mind, I would like to pimp my wakizashi.

The problem I am facing is thus:

I have no intention of really using my wakizashi for all that much. I am not a two-weapon fighter, so the wakizashi mostly serves the traditional purposes: a ceremonial weapon which is used as a contingency when disarmed or when ritual uses of the weapon (such as seppuku) are required. In the rare instance that the weapon is drawn in the off-hand, I intend for it to be more or less as Musashi did in Yoshikawa's series: purely on instinct, and basically to strike an opponent he did not foresee attacking his flank. So it needs to have *some* combat ability, if not much. Mostly, as a ceremonial sidearm, I'm looking for it to serve me in combat without ever having to be drawn.

For this, I am looking for two things:
1) Weapon enhancements with a flat cost increase. I'd like a comprehensive list of these to look through, really, but mostly these are for me to be able to add enhancements cheaply where I don't plan on investing a huge amount; and
2) Weapon enhancements which benefit the wielder when the weapon is sheathed. Oriental Adventures has a few good examples of these, with Balancing, Focus, and (can't remember the name, but bonus to Move Silently). I am also aware of Eager and Warning from Magic Item Compendium, but no more. I would like very much to expand on this list!

All first-party books from 3.0, 3.5, and Pathfinder are allowed, as is Dragon Magazine. The DM is pretty lenient, and has told us that this is basically our chance to play our "dream" characters.

Thanks in advance!

Lonely Tylenol
2014-07-10, 12:54 PM
Bump for a new day!

I am also interested in enhancements that have out-of-combat utility (such as the weapon creating light when held, etc).

2014-07-10, 01:41 PM
I am also interested in enhancements that have out-of-combat utility (such as the weapon creating light when held, etc).

Well, that particular one can be true of any magic weapon.

Fully 30% of magic weapons shed light equivalent to a light spell (bright light in a 20-foot radius, shadowy light in a 40-foot radius). These glowing weapons are quite obviously magical. Such a weapon can’t be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off. Some of the specific weapons detailed below always or never glow, as defined in their descriptions.

2014-07-10, 01:52 PM
Make it a worn item of enhancement bonus to iaijutsu focus
Make it ornate for intimidate bonus
Tagarth so it grants a bonus vs disease
Bane fiercebane something your character detests (see if dishonorable or tainted would pass)
Or have it grant a mountain hammer maneuver (honor can cut through anything)
Or see about making it a set item...
Or radiant energy (bypasses armor)
Or warning...

2014-07-10, 02:10 PM
Here is a list of flat cost enhancements that can either be built into the original weapon or added magically later:

agility: adds reflex bonus: +2 for 2000g, +4 for 8000g, +6 for 18000g

balance: +8 competence bonus to balance checks, 1280g

blindsighted: susurrus of whispered notes (listen DC 10) gives wielder blindsight to 30’ for 30000g

blood groove: reduces weight of weapon, increase hardness by 2, 100g (nonmagical, at creation)

blurring: makes weilder fuzzy as blur spell for 50000g

dispelling: 1/day, dispel magic creature hit, CL5th, for 6000g

dispelling, greater: 3/day, creature hit effected by a greater dispel magic, CL11th, for 79200g

displacement: as displacement spell, always on when held, for 100000g

doomwarding: 7 charges, each charge can, w/ free action, make an extra attack, or reroll any die, but only once per round, for 38500g

finder: via silent warnings and hunches, grants wielder +4 insight bonus to search, spot and survival checks made undergrond for 4800g

Flying: fly as fly spell for 50 minutes for 16200g

folded metal: +4 to hardness for 200g (nonmagical, at creation)

hideaway: weapon folds up and is +2 easier to hide with slight of hand for 7500g

initiative: +2 luck bonus to initiative, for 20000g

jumping: acts as ring of feather falling, plus, every other round, get +30 to jump, not limited to characters height, for 13710g

long range: range increment increased by +20’, 100g (nonmagical, at creation)

ornate: +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy or intimidate checks (400-600g) (nonmagical, at creation)

passage: slice open portal to spirit world, like plane shift, but portal only open for 1d4 minutes for 32400g

power leech: psionic characters steal one power point from target when hit, add to their total, for 8000g

razor sharp: deals +1 damage, only for slashing weapons, for 1000g (nonmagical, at creation)

resilient: weapon has 5 extra hp for 200g (nonmagical, at creation)

serrated: weapon deals 1 extra point of damage each round for 1d4 rounds following hit, for piercing and slashing weapons only, for 600g (nonmagical, at creation)

shiftsilver: silvered weapon, plus does +2 damage to creatures with DR/silver, those who make their own (only if they are lycanthropes) gain a permanent +1 to attack with it. 1500g (nonmagical, at creation)

silent moves: +10 circumstance bonus to Move Silently for 4000g

spellblade: immune to single spell chosen at time of weapon creation (or when turned into spellblade?), must be a targeted spell, when hit, can dissipate it harmlessly or direct it at a new target as a free action, 6000g

taint resistant: doesn’t disintegrate in taint, gives user +4 fort bonus to resist taint for 8000g

sizing: resizes to whichever size category is needed for 5000g

sudden stunning: swift scales with level? DMGII p261 Swift Action to force them to make a Will DC 10 + 1/2 Character level + Charisma modifier or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds - works cha mod per day times (ref save?) for 20000g

everbright (2000gp) weapon immune to rust and acid, 2/day blind all in 20ft radius (DC14)

Illuminating (+500gp) glows like a torch 20ft

prismatic burst (+30000gp) on crit, prismatic spray effect DC20)

stinging (1000gp) weapon normally blocked by armor (like a whip) has thorns/spines and deals normal damage

vanishing (8000gp) after successful melee hit, dissappear and reappear 60ft away

self loading (reloading for crossbows): 10000gp (extrapolated from +2 self loading crossbow from A&EG)

many of these can be found here: